#the heroic spirit food chronicles
lunarlagomorph · 2 years
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nero-draco · 11 months
I'm a fan of these manga of making Mash trying the local dress of ancient era
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typemoonconfessions · 11 months
A spinoff of dinner at the Emiya household but Grand order
answering to say this exists! first of all there is fgo: heroic spirit food chronicles (not by the same mangaka but it's pretty cute in its own way)
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and second, emiya gohan has actually had a couple bonus chapters taking place in fgo
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starvrses · 3 months
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BLANCHE — intro post.
The famed adventurer known as the ‘Frosted Swan’. The rumours of her escapades are greatly exaggerated.
- full name: blanche - other names: frosted swan - age: 19 - pronouns: she/her - species: human(?) - weapon: sword - vision: cryo - nation: fontaine - affiliation: the adventurer's guild - constellation: cygnus albus (white swan) - likes: adventure, birds, sweet foods - dislikes: herself, attention
“and so, the frosted swan’s blade cleaved a path through the monsters, echoing a warning to those who dared to lay a hand on the innocent.” – ‘the tales of the frosted swan’, final chapter: ‘the swan’s vengeance’ fontaine’s adored ‘frosted swan’, and a local legend among the adventurers of the nation. blanche is well regarded amongst the public, with the daring tales of her adventures being turned into a bestselling novel. ever since the publishing, all anyone could talk about was how confident and fearless of an adventurer she must be, gushing over her accomplishments and feats. the book paints the picture of a brave young woman, who leaps into danger with her sword swinging. but behind the rumours lies a shy girl hiding in the corner of the guild, listening to the gossip float around the tables of adventurers. with every tale—each more grandiose than the last—she shrinks further into her seat. “did you see the frosted swan defeated a hoard of lawachurls all by herself?” “i heard she saved an entire village the other month, without breaking a sweat.” “she saved me once, from a nasty hilichurl camp. i thought i was going to die, but she swooped in and rescued me like a hero from a fairy-tale!” the extent of blanche’s reputation was far more than she was happy to have, so she tried to avoid drawing any further attention to herself when she could. excited questions about her adventures were met with a squeaked reply of “oh, i'm really not that special!” this attempt to lay low proved to be a failure upon the publication of the sequel to the chronicles of her adventures. it was as the author explained in their foreword: “the frosted swan is the embodiment of the modern adventurer’s spirit, and such greatness cannot be overlooked.”
blanche uses the tall female model. she is a young woman with slightly tanned skin, pointed ears, a small mole beneath her left eye, and a square-shaped bandage on her right cheek. her eyes are a light shade of grey and have dark circles underneath them. her hair is cut into a short, messy bob, coloured in a gradient from light blue to dark blue at the tips, and her bangs are long and side-swept. (outfit to be added.)
despite a grand reputation that describes her as a bold hero without any fear, blanche is a very shy individual. she suffers from social anxiety, choosing to avoid interacting with others more than necessary. this introversion often clashes with the attention she receives as the adventurers’ guild’s beloved ‘frosted swan.’ the illustrious tales about blanche’s adventures are mostly embellished, but all are rooted in truth. she is a very brave young woman, often adventuring in places that many flinch at the thought of, which quickly earned her a high status within the adventurers’ guild. in dangerous situations, she shows an impressive amount of level-headedness, and has very good problem-solving skills that allow her to navigate through danger with ease. her moral compass is very strong, to the point that she will sacrifice her own well-being to protect someone at risk. even so, she struggles to accept being known as a hero, as she doesn’t see herself as someone heroic, or even noteworthy at all.
- voicelines (to be added.) - character details & stories (to be added.)
- blanche has gone through many name changes before i settled on her final name and title. she was first 'leonie' and her title was 'the lion's blade'... but i felt like the lion motif didn't fit her (and it was a little close to 'lion's roar' a.k.a a sword in genshin. - i thought about using a name that meant snow, but i couldn't find any french names used commonly that had meanings related to snow or winter. thus, blanche. her name means white, which is representative of both snow, a reference to her cryo vision, and her swan motif.
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notringwinner · 3 years
[ ... ] — ACCOLADE.
— Any award, honor, or laudatory notice — re:   Fanmail
[ ... ] — AESTHETIC.
— Having a sense of the beautiful; characterized by a love of beauty. — re:   Aesthetic Posts
[ ... ] — BILBO BAGGINS.
— ❝ I come from under the hill, and under hills and over hills my path has led. And through the air, I am he that walks unseen... ❞ — re:   Bilbo's Thoughts
[ ... ] — BERSERKER.
— Violently or destructively frenzied; wild; crazed; deranged. — A warrior who fights with frenzied rage in battle. — re:   Bifur
[ ... ] — CHRONICLE.
— A chronological record of events. — re:   Admin's Life
[ ... ] — CLANDESTINE.
— Characterized by, done in, or executed with secrecy or concealment; private or surreptitious. — re:   Anonymous Messages
[ ... ] — CUTTHROAT.
— A person who cuts throats; murderer. — Ruthless. — re:   Dwalin, son of Fundin
[ ... ] — DISTRACTION.
— That which amuses, entertains, or diverts; amusement; entertainment. — re:   Memes
[ ... ] — ENDORSEMENT.
— Approval or sanction. — The signature, instructions, etc., placed on the reverse of a commercial document, for the purpose of assigning the interest therein to another. — re:   Promotions
[ ... ] — FEAST.
— Any rich or abundant meal. — re:   Recipes & Food
[ ... ] — FESTIVITY.
— Festive character or quality; gaiety; merriment. — re:   Christmas, 2015
[ ... ] — FINANCIER.
— A person skilled or engaged in managing large financial operations. — re:   Gloin, son of Groin
[ ... ] — FRIPPERY.
— Finery in dress, especially when showy, gaudy, or the like. — re:   Wardrobe
[ ... ] — GAME.
— An amusement or pastime. — A competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance — re:   Wardrobe
[ ... ] — GLOSSARY.
— A list of terms in a special subject, field, or area of usage, with accompanying definitions. — re:   Dictionary
[ ... ] — GOURMAND.
— A person who is fond of good eating, often to excess. — re:   Bombur
[ ... ] — HAWKEYE.
— One who bears keen eyesight. — re:   Bofur
[ ... ] — HEALER.
— A person or thing that heals; a medical practitioner. — re:   Oin, son of Groin
[ ... ] — HEDONIST.
— A person whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification. — re:   Bilbo Baggins
[ ... ] — IMPULSE.
— The influence of a particular feeling, mental state, etc. — re:   Sexual Urges
[ ... ] — INDOMITABLE.
— One who cannot be subdued or overcome, as persons, will, or courage; unconquerable. — re:   Thorin II Oakenshield
[ ... ] — INGENUITY.
— The quality of being cleverly inventive or resourceful; inventiveness. — An ingenious contrivance or device. — re:   Admin's Creations
[ ... ] — INSTIGATOR.
— One who urges, provokes, or incites to some action or course. — re:   Gandalf Greyhame
[ ... ] — JUDICIOUS.
— Using or showing judgment as to action or practical expediency; discreet, prudent, or politic — re:   Elrond Earendilion
[ ... ] — KIN.
— Someone or something of the same or similar kind. — Of the same kind or nature; having affinity. — re:   The Company of Thorin Oakenshield
[ ... ] — LARCENIST.
— A person who commits larceny, i.e., the wrongful taking and carrying away of the personal goods of another from his or her possession with intent to convert them to the taker's own use. — re:   Nori
[ ... ] — LORD.
— A person who has authority, control, or power over others; a master, chief, or ruler. — re:   Sauron ( filed under 'The Lord of the Rings' )
[ ... ] — MARTINET.
— A strict disciplinarian. — Someone who stubbornly adheres to methods or rules. — re:   Bungo Baggins
[ ... ] — MELODY.
— Musical sounds in agreeable succession or arrangement. — re:   Music
[ ... ] — MEMORABLE.
— Worth remembering; notable. — re:   Good Times
[ ... ] — MINUTIAE.
— Precise details; small or trifling matters. — re:   Small Headcanons
[ ... ] — PATRICIAN.
— Befitting or characteristic of persons of very good background, education, and refinement: — re:   Dori
[ ... ] — PERSIFLAGE.
— Light, bantering talk or writing. — re:   Skype / Friend conversations
[ ... ] — PORTRAIT.
— A likeness of a person, especially of the face, as a painting, drawing, or photograph — re:   Admin Photos
[ ... ] — PRECIOUS.
— Of high price or great value; very valuable or costly — Highly esteemed for some spiritual, nonmaterial, or moral quality. — re:   The One Ring
[ ... ] — PROPOSAL.
— The suggestion of something for acceptance, adoption, or performance. — A plan or scheme proposed. — re:   Wishlist
[ ... ] — PROSE.
— The ordinary form of spoken or written language, without metrical structure, as distinguished from poetry or verse. — re:   Saved Writing
[ ... ] — RECOGNITION.
— The acknowledgment of achievement, service, merit, etc; the expression of this in the form of some token of appreciation. — re:   Bias Lists
[ ... ] — RENOVATE.
— To restore to good condition; make new or as if new again. — To reimagine; refresh. — re:   Blog Work
[ ... ] — RIDDLER.
— One who speaks in riddles. — re:   Gollum
[ ... ] — RIDDLING.
— Any enigmatic saying or speech. — re:   Admin's OOC Posts
[ ... ] — SAVANT.
— A person of profound or extensive learning; learned scholar. — re:   Ori
[ ... ] — SANCTUARY.
— A sacred place. Any place of refuge; asylum. — re:   honorwinning
[ ... ] — SCION.
— A descendant. — re:   Frodo Baggins
[ ... ] — sempiternal.
— Everlasting; eternal. — re:   Thorin II Oakenshield & Bilbo Baggins
[ ... ] — sentiment.
— An attitude toward something; regard; opinion. — re:   PSAs
[ ... ] — SLANDER.
— A malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report. — re:   Hate Mail
[ ... ] — tête à tête.
— A private conversation or interview, usually between two people. — re:   Messages
[ ... ] — usurper.
— One who seizes and holds (a position, office, power, etc.) by force or without legal right — One who uses without authority or right — re:   Smaug the Golden
[ ... ] — valorous.
— Courageous; valiant; brave. — re:   Fili, son of Vili
[ ... ] — venturous.
— Having or showing a disposition to undertake risky or dangerous activities; daring. — re:   Kili, son of Vili
[ ... ] — verdure.
— Greenness, especially of fresh, flourishing vegetation. — re:   Nature
[ ... ] — vindictive.
— Disposed or inclined to revenge; vengeful. — re:   Thranduil Oropherion
[ ... ] — wanderlust.
— A Merriweather, innate desire to rove or travel about. — re:   Places
[ ... ] — wayfarer.
— A traveler, especially on foot. — re:   Belladonna Baggins
[ ... ] — wise.
— Having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right; possessing discernment, judgment, or discretion. — Possessed of or characterized by scholarly knowledge or learning; learned; erudite. — re:   Balin, son of Fundin
ALIAS: Bilbo Baggins AGE: 51 LOCATION: Erebor
An open-ended verse in which Bilbo returns to the Shire after his journey. Whether he stays or goes is up to the thread's discretion.
ALIAS: Bilbo Baggins AGE: From 1-33 LOCATION: The Shire
The lost years, in which Bilbo serves as the local black sheep of Hobbiton. Curious, naive, and somewhat invasive, he wishes to learn all he can about the land beyond his homestead's borders.
ALIAS: Bilbo Baggins AGE: From 33-50 LOCATION: The Shire
Properly tamed, Bilbo Baggins lauds the title of one of the most respectable Hobbits in the Shire. He has little to no interest in associating himself with anything to do with adventures, thank you, and would especially rather not deal with troublesome wizards or barbarous Dwarves.
ALIAS: Bilbo Baggins AGE: 50 LOCATION: Variable
Baggins or Took? Bilbo struggles with compensating his two warring mindsets as he acquaints himself with the world outside of the Shire -- and the Dwarves who have led him straight into it.
ALIAS: BARNABAS Beckett Baggins AGE: 33 LOCATION: London // Variable
Beck is a boarding school baby and is set to inherit his father's investments. He's savvy and bears formidable intelligence -- but lacks direction in his life. He fills the void by seeking thrills and letting his imagination run wild, and co-heads Durin Corporation, a security conglomerate, with his partner Thorin Oakes.
ALIAS: Bilbo, God of Renewal AGE: Variable LOCATION: Variable
Charming, spirited and not the least bit cunning, the God of Renewal spends half the year tending to the livelihood of fields and forests. The other half, however, sees his life spiral into welcome darkness, where Bilbo is known as Consort and formidable lord of the dead.
ALIAS: BARNABAS Beckett Baggins AGE: Variable LOCATION: Often, Hogwarts
A clever Ravenclaw who tends toward Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures, but has a strange affinity for the Dark Arts in later years. He's also got a knack for Charms.
ALIAS: Beckett Baggins AGE: 33 LOCATION: Variable
Wherein Beckett holds a career in Starfleet as second in command under his captain, Thorin.
ALIAS: Beckett Baggins AGE: 33 LOCATION: Variable
Beckett seeks his cousin, Dominick Baggins, formerly under the employ of the King's Navy and now missing for several months. He will do anything, include stow away on pirate ships, in order to find him. Swords and bar fights haven't stopped him yet.
He is cunning, shrewd, and greatly enjoys his ability to run people in circles. His loyalties are hard to pinpoint and his services come at a high price. If one wants information from him, they've got to intrigue him first -- be it a solved riddle or an exceedingly lavish gift. secrets are his trade, and he is not willing to part with them easily. Often he can be found working as an informant for the highest bidder -- unless they win him over completely, that is.
ALIAS: Percival AGE: 33 LOCATION: London / Variable
❝ After the death of his father, Percival's mother takes him to the forests where she raises him ignorant to the ways of men until the age of fifteen. Eventually, however, a group of knights passes through his wood, and Percival is struck by their heroic bearing. Wanting to be a knight himself, the boy leaves home to travel to King Arthur's court. After proving his worthiness as a warrior, he is knighted and invited to join the Knights of the Round Table." ----LE CONTE DU GRAAL
In which Beckett Baggins takes up the mantle of Sir Percival, rectifying the wrongs of the world with panache and aplomb.
ALIAS: Beckett Baggins AGE: 33 LOCATION: Variable
He used to co-own the most profitable business in the world, but it's all gone to shit and they operate on a new kind of currency. Separated from the man he loves, Beck's ongoing mission is to locate Thorin Oakes. His weapon of choice? One reliable dagger and all the cunning a multi-millionaire can still afford.
ALIAS: Beckett Baggins AGE: 33 LOCATION: London
Detective Inspector Beckett Baggins isn't really surprised to be thrown off of the Eyrie Building on an investigation. What does surprise him is the winged, beclawed creature who snatches him right out of the sky -- and proceeds to offer him a story his inner novelist could never resist.
ALIAS: BARNABAS Beckett Baggins AGE: 33 LOCATION: Variable
Beckett is The Ghostwriter, who can bring ideas to life with the flourish of a pen and turn invisible at will. He uses his powers as he sees fit and tends not to be persuaded into teamwork, preferring to set forth his own sense of justice.
ALIAS: John H. Watson AGE: early 30s LOCATION: London
In which Bilbo Baggins is John Watson, and John Watson is Bilbo Baggins. ...Wait. That can't be right, can it?
Too bad he can't remember.
( Based on this plot. )
ALIAS: Bilbo Baggins AGE: Variable LOCATION: The Shire
One Bilbo Baggins is quite more than enough for Middle Earth to handle. Four is just overkill.
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tackypies · 5 years
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andersen's buffs are chance-based not bc he has to write the perfect version of ur servant in 10 seconds but bc he is, at all times, sleep deprived cuz he stayed up for 10 nights straight debating w/ shakespeare the literary relevance of wattpad y/n fics 
(read the new chaldea ace series “the heroic spirit food chronicles” here, IT’S RLLY WHOLESOME!!!)
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina – 03 – A Flower’s Fangs and the Cruelty of Kindness
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This week chronicles two separate stories of Elaina’s travels, neither of which end remotely happily, indicating Wandering Witch won’t be content to ply us with bromides about the beauty of the world. It’s going to show us the good and the bad, and how the bad often wears a good cloak.
On the lighter side: This is the second straight ep that starts with Elaina asking the audience some version of “Who is that elegant stunning girl?…Why, it’s ME!!!” Later in the episode, a character praises her, and replies “You can praise me more if you like!” Our wandering witch is brimming with confidence, and I am here for it!
On to the meat of the story: Elaina first comes across a young woman in vast and gorgeous flower field. When asked if she tends the field, the woman says “no one can tend it”, which in hindsight was the first sign something was off. She asks Elaina to give a bouquet of flowers to someone in the next town—doesn’t matter who.
Elaina doesn’t get past the gate when she’s stopped, first by a hot-headed guard, then his superior, both of whom are wearing masks and demand she hand over the flowers. While they may be harmless to a witch, the blooms are poisonous and drive ordinary folk insane.
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The younger guard recognizes the shawl the flowers were wrapped as belonging to his missing sister. When Elaina returns to the now dark and stormy field, she finds the brother there, covered in vines and being slowly digested beside his sister, who has already fully morphed into a plant.
Elaina wisely peaces the fuck out, but misses the worst of this story. The smoke from the burned bouquet apparently spreads to other townsfolk, who in turn become thralls to the predatory plant and spread the “gift” of lovely flower bouquets throughout the land.
There’s a harsh German children’s tale quality to this segment, warning one to beware of outward beauty, as it could one day enslave and kill you. Life-affirming this is not—but it is surprisingly powerful.
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In the next segment, a young lad flags Elaina down to say hello. His name is Emil, who himself has been traveling about collecting scenes of happiness and converting them to magic he’s keeping in a bottle. He intends to give it as a gift to the girl he likes. First red flag? The girl in question is his servant.
Emil, the village chief’s son, invites Elaina to lunch, after which he’ll present the gift to the shy, gloomy Nino. But from the start it seems quite unlikely his gift will raise Nino’s spirits. During a painfully awkward few minutes with the father, Elaina learns she’s a slave he bought because she could do housework and would grow up to be a beauty.
The lunch is far larger and better than Elaina expected, but the village chief shows his true colors, and the typical dynamic of the household, when Emil surprises Nino and she drops a pitcher of water. The dad verbally abuses Nino and shoves her to the ground, and Nino adopts a desperate contriteness.
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Elaina is able to deescalate the situation by magically repairing the pitcher (a very neat bit of CGI), but it’s long since time she was on her way. When Emil presents Nino with the bottle of happiness and they open it together, images of truly happy people wash over her vision, moving her to tears.
But they’re not tears of joy, and Nino certainly doesn’t cheer up afterwards. It isn’t until Elaina is back in the sky that she remembers the end of a similar story: when a man traveled the world capturing beautiful images to share with his bedridden wife, they only made her more depressed, and compelled her to eventually take her own life.
Neither we nor Elaina know if Nino will turn out that way, but she pointedly remarks that she doesn’t want to know. As with the flower siblings, she saw and heard all she needed to, and it was time to move on. This isn’t The Heroic Crusade of Elaina, it’s The Journey of Elaina.
That means accepting that the world is sometimes ugly and cruel and dark, there’s nothing you can do about it but move on and try to find something brighter over the horizon. While this episode was hardly comfort food, I applaud the show’s guts to “go there”, i.e. not make all of Elaina’s experiences whimsically wonderful…or even remotely pleasant.
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By: magicalchurlsukui
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auskultu · 8 years
On Bein’ at the Be-in
Cal Steimetz, Berkeley Barb, 20 January 1967
I work 40 hours a week but am not stratifyingly ambitious. I dress modestly, sometimes wear a tie, but keep also a beard. I am married, but not to a Caucasian. I drive a 1965 car but of course it’s a VW. I admire the eloquent silence of Buddha’s flower sermon as well as the several-hours speeches of Fidel.
I see that source of unity which is a revelation of inner harmony and not anyone’s putdown, but sympathize with “people’s armed struggle.” I steep in Buddha’s cosmic universalism but belong to a socially conservative Buddhist temple.
Not knowing then what tribe I belong to I went to the great BE-IN gathering. I had heard that the hippies and the activists might lovemagically coalesce and bring forth Buddha (the Great Compassion and the Great Wisdom!)
Majestic Moses and Sweet Jesus were seen many times, soft eyes with revolutionary beards. Angels from the very gates of Hell protected the erstwhile wantonly cut electric power and also suffered little lost children to come unto them. (Electric guitars will never make it in the Sierra Maestras, comrades!) No anger, no reproach for the act of non-love (or was it Divine Mischief!); Allen Ginsberg provided a special mantric spell to divert any likely lingering, lurking evil spirits. In this he was aided by inspired percussionists in front, and by much of flutes, bells and tambourines among the communicants.
A little more than an hour before the commencement of the more formal rites, my wife and I camped by the ends of the streamers from the skyward rocket, phallic multicolored submarine, with a couple of friends who rushed in from Davis. Ginsburg invoked Shiva and the lively kind-faced youths behind us worshipped the grass fragrantly. Gary Snyder intoned the sutra in traditional Japanese inflection.
With joy I saw that Suzuki-roshi was on the platform and wished that at least one of my Buddhist Churches of America ministers was there. Upon leaving we did meet at the crowds fringes one of the lay brethren from my particular religious circle; he wondered what WE were doing THERE. He was taking pictures.
A painted face behind us bent to a squat little stone flute it seemed, but it sounded like an ecstatic meadowlark. In the quietness of the sunlight it soared, and amid the humming of all those golden honeybe-ins; in and out of strands of speech and chanting it was always harmonious: the One and the Many. A nobly beautiful couple rose to dance.
Near us a shy, very young looking pair looked with wide, serious eyes and they blessed us by accepting eagerly our food offerings. (Dana is a twoway street). When the Davis-friends split we found our neighbors to be another pair of tall beautifuls, he black, she blonde and rosy, modest mature types. We had some Japanese style fried chicken which they accepted with a special kind of joy to be long remembered. The man especially felt something wonderful had happened.
But that was only one corner. In the spirit of the Five Thousand, the Diggers began to feed the multitude. Some say as many as four times Five Thousand were present and all seemed filled, contented and giving.
A lad unfurled a poster-sized picture of Ho Chi Minh - just a picture, not a thousand-words. We saw there that Ho was beautiful. (“Well, what do you mean by beauty? - happily none bit THAT apple.) “I found this picture of Ho down there on the road.” So now we know where the Ho Chi Minh trail is!
My heroic wife who tho great with child made the pilgrimage, could sit no longer and from closeup-center we had to make for the periphery. So close packed were the merged communicants that to avoid altogether treading on bare toes was almost impossible. But again, no hostility. The age of miracles has not ended! We departed in a shower of flowers, ribbons, balloons and sugarcubes.
My friend Dr. Allen Cohen, the psychologist and devotee of MEHER BABA, the mahaguru who also as avatar raises his voice against psychedelic chemicals, was not there that I could see. But such a large crowd - but Gleason in the - (there I am again!) - Chronicle, noted Baba-signs “LSD IS MORE ILLUSION, GOD IS THE ONLY REALITY.”
There are so many perspectives. The Buddhist says God too is an illusion, the grandest of them all; but tolerable and sometimes useful if it does not become the “opiate of the people.” Did find one Babalad sitting in the dust with a sign, a forlorn non-communicant sight ( as if self-cast out of the “tabernacle of the congregation”).
I don’t remember the Meher Baba quotation but I do remember the credit at the bottom: “MEYER BABA.” (“His name is Meyer?”) Probably some brotherly Jewish Marxist-Leninist made the sign for him, the same kind of fellow who has a left- handed kind of fondness for Hubert Lindsey the Berkeley campus evangelist-our evangelist. “The lion shall lie down with the lamb...”
Most of the Berkeley lefties I know are not doctrinaire in that inhuman, mean, uptight sort of way - sectarian - (yet steeped in doctrine) and they even find Buddhism a worthy subject of eager inquiry. But after the gathering I met a respected lefty who hit me for a few bills of bail fund at the Med. He asked me how I liked the BE-IN and I saw in his eyes that he wasn’t so sure. “Didn’t the activists speak as planned?—Rubin was there,” etc., I asked, explaining my earlyish departure. “Not so you could notice it” was the tone of his answers.
Well, I can still hear Dan Sorkin crowing on KSFO as I drove home from that Great Gathering, about how wonderful he found it while he could stay; he spoke repeatedly of the spirit, the beauty, the gentleness, the Buddha leading them all down to the sunset service on the beach.
Sometimes I think anything might be possible if the sincerely compassionate revolutionary saints would take up some regular consciousness - expanding meditations. The bodhisattva drops IN not OUT. Out is where we were, in the cold.
When’s the next one? Shall Berkeley host? Maybe not only will the Hell’s Angels be in there but also the Baba-boys and later, the Red Guards. 
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nero-draco · 1 year
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nero-draco · 11 months
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nero-draco · 9 months
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nero-draco · 8 months
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nero-draco · 9 months
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nero-draco · 8 months
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nero-draco · 9 months
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nero-draco · 9 months
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