#the honesty thing is very important to me like thats one of the things katma taught john is that gls are supposed to be honest Always
rillette · 2 years
Sometimes I think the Guardians are so full of shit because how dare they try to fit people into specific emotional categories. Then I realise that we do it all the time bc we call so and so person "sad" or "angry" or "happy" "all the time" and suddenly I lessen the Shit Grade of the Guardians.
Currently it's at a 9.5/10.
As much as I love to shit on the guardians, that's not actually how the various lantern corps works! Keep in mind that I haven't read the War of Light and Blackest Night events, so all my knowledge of the other corps comes from wikias.
The Guardians of the Universe harnessed the power of the green light that fuels the central battery on Oa. They have the power to give out Green Lantern rings, but only green lantern rings. They aren't responsible for any of the other lantern corps. Green Lanterns are chosen because they have the ability to overcome great fear. They're also supposed to be honest.
As for the other lantern corps, the Indigo Tribe members in particular aren't chosen because they have great compassion, they're chosen because they lack it. They're a group of villains forced to constantly feel the emotions of every living thing in the universe in attempt to "rehabilitate" them. (The Guardians have nothing to do with this.) As much as i love to hate on Geoff for sucking shit, this does in fact go hard. And the Sinestro Corps members are chosen because they have the ability to inspire great fear in others.
So yeah! The Guardians suck for a wide and ever growing variety of reasons but this reason in particular is not one of them i hate to say it. i would still put them at a solid 10/10 on the shit scale tho
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