#the human element of this. the Oh Fuck That's Awful reaction. comes from the unusual horror of waiting to die in a submarine
thedreadvampy · 1 year
Ok so it sounds like rather than dying in a nightmarish waiting game the 5 richos died too suddenly to even be aware it was happening. which being the case can we Please stop acting like this is a bigger tragedy than shit that happens every day to Not Rich people who didn't bring this entirely on themselves?
not even just talking about the thousands of people regularly dying unjustly in the Mediterranean and the Channel because of hostile anti-refugee policies but like. it's 5 people bro. 5 people die preventable deaths every like. minute. and most of them aren't their own fucking fault or nearly as laden with irony.
keep seeing people posting the Against The Logic Of The Guillotine article about this. bro I didn't fucking kill them they killed themselves despite plenty of opportunities to not do that. nobody's doing bloody vengeance here rich people are offing themselves in an incredibly stupid and predictable way. this isn't lining your enemies up for the guillotine it's your enemies deciding they have to pay more money than most of us will ever see a fraction of for the thrill of getting a guillotine haircut and everyone's like 'you know this will kill you right? but they laugh it off, get up and pull the string themselves and their last words are 'haha wow it's so stupid that people tried to stop me getting a revolutionary haircut.' and then when you say 'holy shit what an idiotic thing to do' someone's like CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WANT TO EXECUTE MILLIONS. I don't know how to explain to you that abstract schadenfreude isn't the same thing as revenge.
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maiden-of-wolves · 6 years
OC’s as Inquisition Companions
Name: Ariel Grace
Race / Class / Specialization: Human / Archer, then must switch to daggers or sword/shield when her glasses break/are broken / Tempest (or Ranger, if we’re allowed to use other game’s specializations…)
Gender Identity: Female; she/her
Varric’s Nickname for them: Pixie
Short Bio: Having grown up with fantasy stories and playing games to escape her ever-mediocre life back home, she was very familiar with Dragon Age. Impressively so, by some people’s measure. Now, she’s here and she has no idea what to do about it. She finds that she has to relearn how to read and becomes ill often because she has not encountered the diseases of Thedas. Another curiosity is that she appears to either reflect or absorb magic, essentially making her immune to both offensive and defensive/restorative magic. She is able to expel it as well, but it often comes out as a different element than was used on her and is hard for her to control in the beginning.
What would their companion card look like?
<<Death Tarot>>
Recruitment Mission: It is an optional war table mission. It’s next to Haven on the map and is simply a notification from Solas about having gotten notice from scouts of an unusual rift. And that he needs to see them as soon as possible. If you choose to “Go to” you will go outside and towards the dungeons and Solas will come up dragging a bound Ariel with him.
Basically, she appears near Haven and is found by a scouting party before you decide to look for help from either the Mages or Templars. She’s taken to Haven’s dungeons and interrogated by Cassandra and Solas. Mostly Solas. He brings her to the Inquisitor to have them decide what to do with her, citing that she seems to have foreknowledge of the world, but he cannot place how she came there or even what she is. You will have the option to allow her to join the Inquisition or to kill her. If you don’t choose the mission, she will simply starve/freeze in the Haven dungeons.
Where would they be in Skyhold / Haven?
In Haven, she would be near the mines area you fall in while escaping or in the clinic, being treated.
In Skyhold she’d be in the library, with Varric in the hall, by the stables talking with the horses or with Dagna (if you recruit her) in the Underforge.
Quest 1: <<TBD>>
Quest 2: <<TBD>>
Quest 3: <<TBD>>
How to get their approval:
Help “the little guy” (aka people that are down on their luck and need help, beggars, slaves seeking freedom, etc.); Be curious, since she very much wants to know everything she can (if she doesn’t already know about it from the codex entries); Be snarky to nobles or those that are snarky with you; help/be nice to your fellow companions.
How to get their disapproval:
Protect nobility at the expense of those beneath them; turning a blind eye in exchange for gold; flirting with others if you are in a relationship (with her or anyone else); being abrasive when you could have saved people by being diplomatic/clever.
Are they romanceable?
Yes! By men and women, (race gated against dwarves and qunari - Sorry! T_T) but you will need to go VERY easy on the flirting for a while if you’re a lady. She’s not had a physical relationship with a woman before, but is open to the idea.
Can you have sex with them?
Only if you’re on friendly terms; none of this ‘rivalmance’ nonsense. If you’re on her blacklist, she’d rather stick some acid on your lips than kiss them.
Are they open to polyamoury?
Only if it’s talked through and everything is out in the open. She will be very upset for quite a while if you just randomly decide to add another person. And she will be VERY hesitant to join an already established relationship because she needs reassurance that she’s worthwhile.
If they can be romanced and are not will they begin a relationship / relationships with other characters? If so, who?
If Cullen isn’t being romanced, she’d probably start one with him. She’d be there for him during his lyrium withdrawal episodes and sing him back to sleep when he woke.
If Zevran was there and not romanced with the Warden, she’d go for him; same with Fenris not romanced by Hawke.
Who are they friendly with?
Varric is her best friend (except the Inquisitor, if they’re good to her).
The Iron Bull and she get along well; he’s curious about her and likes teasing her.
She likes reading those smutty novels with Cassandra and encourages her so she can “practice reading” ;P.
She and Cullen will be all but kindred spirits in temperament and will get along well; she invents a potion that tastes like lyrium to help his withdrawal (like a kind of placebo). She will also question him about his views on mages and remind him of how he used to talk about them. She wants him to really grow as a person, not just be forgiven for who is was and no follow-up made.
Dorian and Ariel have a kind of love-hate relationship, since he loves to tease her/play flirt and enjoys her easy-to-blush nature far too much. Still, she respects him for trying to change Tevinter and since she spends a lot of time in the library they’re near each other a lot. They often have discussions he has a hard time stomaching about his homeland (usually regarding slavery).
She respects Josephine but the Antivan is very confused by Ariel’s venomous reaction to nobility considering her background.
She also respects Leliana’s abilities but they argue over the Chantry and faith when either topic comes up.
She both likes and hates Cole. She appreciates that he helps people and often asks him to help her help people, but she hates when he reads her.
She likes Blackwall and they often discuss his past (after she reveals she knows) and she encourages him to just atone as Blackwall. She affectionately calls him “Dad” because he reminds her of her father and often gives her fatherly advice, especially about combat.
Who do they dislike?
She knows what Solas wants to do and she hates him for it. They often argue about it, as she’s trying desperately to change his mind. Still, he helps her manage her odd abilities and helps her deal with her odd relationship to the Fade.
Though in goal/opinion they are very similar, she dislikes Sera. She sees her as little more than a snotty brat with a vicious temper and a deplorable liking for “pranks”.
She dislikes Vivienne on principle, as she’s a noble in every aspect and enjoys that life. Eventually, she comes to respect her and it is somewhat mutual.
Cole’s reading:
“Thoughts… so much. Home. It’s not a game anymore. I can’t say it. What’s the point of knowing… if you can’t change it?”
Companion card changes
<<Temperance Tarot>>
Side Mission:
When nearing a hidden item:
“Looks like things have been disturbed here...”
When seeing a high dragon:
“Well, great! There’s death coming from every possible direction now.”
Or, if The Iron Bull is in the party:
“...No, Bull. I’m not dying today.”
Side quest reaction(s):
Low health:
“Some help would be nice!”
“I wonder...where I’ll go…”
The Inquisitor falls:
(If friendly/romanced) “NO! I won’t let you go!”
(If neutral) “Our Inquisitor needs us!”
(If low approval) “You can’t give up!”
Greeting(s) / Goodbye(s)
Low approval:
“What do you want now?”
“Yeah, you go have fun elsewhere. I’ve got actual work to do.”
Neutral approval:
“Do you need something?”
“Okay. Bye then.”
“Oh, hey! What’s up?”
“Let me know if you need anything else. I’ll be around.”
“O-oh. Uhm… hi!” o///o
“Hope you can spare some time for me later. I’ve… really missed you.” >////>
Opinions on mages / templars / how the world is going to shit?
She’s very much against mages murdering people to retain their freedom, but she is equally against all the abuses that templars had heaped upon them to bring them to this point.
She thinks the rebel mages could be brought to heel and likes the idea of them creating the College of Enchanters, outside the Chantry’s influence, and wants all mages to be free but to be taught how to control their magic and punished appropriately when they do not.
She knows the Templars are useful, but doesn’t like them as an order controlled by the Chantry. She wants them to be disbanded and made into a separate type of guardsman everywhere so mages could live as normal people but still be brought to heel if they went all abomination or killed someone/manipulated them with magic.
She knows what created the breach so she has to keep her mouth shut about it and thus doesn’t like talking about it.
Something guaranteed to make them leave the party?
If you help slavers, take a bribe to turn a blind eye or kill innocents.
                                          Imprisoned at Redcliffe
How is your OC holding up in Redcliffe, being slowly infected with red lyrium over the course of a year?
She heaves this incredibly dramatic sigh when she sees the Inquisitor. Basically just says, “FUCKING FINALLY, GET ME OUT OF THIS CELL.” She’s not infected but it’s been trying for so long that she’s weak as all hell from it stealing her energy.
                                                      The Fade
How they react:
Awe and nervousness. She dreams of this place but the interactions are all different. She is normally protected by spirits, who found her first as she slowly mastered her ‘gift/curse’ and became visible to the other denizens. She may have several whisps following her about as you wander, as they recognized and found her, but they are scared and weakened in the Nightmare’s territory.
Their tombstone:
Being Nothing but a Burden
What fears look like:
Goliath Tigerfish
“Okay, this is fucked up. I know this is the Fade and the laws of normal existence don’t apply, but still! You need water to swim, not air!” ~points accusingly at an approaching nightmare~ “Stop snappin’ your jaws at me you assholes!”
What the Nightmare says:
“And here is the talk of the Fade. The anomaly. The stranger in a strange land.” ~deep, booming laughter~ “Your spirits cannot save you here, child. I have long wondered what kind of creature you would become were I to claim you…”
OR, if romanced:
“Ah, the anomaly. Do you truly know what will happen here? I will tell you, since you crave knowledge. Your beloved will die and I will throw you back to suffer. Wilt away in your guilt and despair. You will feed me and my brethren for years to come, wallowing in it until it is all you know… just like your father.”
Hawke or Warden:
She understand the reasons for both
There will be a minor approval drop for choosing the Warden (large if it is a romanced Alistair)
If Hawke romanced Fenris, there will be a major approval drop
If Hawke romanced anyone else or remained alone, there will be a minor approval drop
The Wardens - Exile or Allies?
Again, she understand the reasons for both. Only a minor approval drop for exile and minor approval boost for making them allies.
Where they linger:
If she’s not romanced she’ll probably be near Cullen, engaging him in conversation in order to help keep the “suitors” at bay.
If she or Cullen is romanced she’ll be seeking shelter with Varric and tells you to hurry up so she can get the hell out of this viper’s nest.
Are they good at the Game?
She could be, if she wanted to be. She knows how she just hates using the skills she was brought up with as a child of an upper-middle class family back home.
What people say about them:
(if neither she nor Cullen were romanced)
“Why must that homely girl take up the Commander’s time? Doesn’t she realize her betters need to speak with him?”
(if the Inquisitor romanced her)
“The Inquisitor keeps such homely company… I can’t see why there are rumors about them. She is unremarkable and abrasive.”
“Who is that mouse beside Master Tethras? A fan of his work?”
Gaspard, Briala or Celene?
Briala and Celene together! Always. OTP. Major approval boost for this option.
She’ll give a minor approval boost for Briala blackmailling Gaspard or Celene ruling alone.
Will have a major approval drop for allowing Gaspard to rule alone.
                                                Temple of Mythal
Rituals or Hole?
Ritual. This is their place and you must respect it. Plus, she knows that you’ll get there before it’s too late even if you take the time and knows how to do the puzzle.
Agree with the Elves’ bargain?
YES. She hates having to kill anyone if there’s another way… unless they’re assholes. Abelas kind of is, but not enough to justify being killed. Plus, it’s easier to get where you’re going if you accept and she will be taking photos of the murals and stuff you find along the way for safekeeping/inspection later.
Morrigan or the Inquisitor for the Well?
She leaves it up to the Inquisitor if they’re not involved.
If romanced or if they are friends, she will tell the Inquisitor that they really don’t want to take it in and to let Morrigan do it. “It will be helpful… you just don’t want the burden. Trust me.”
Depending on who she’s with, she’ll have done different things.
If she was romanced by the Inquisitor she’d be busy helping with the Inquisition. Creating new tools/helping advance medicine for non-mages as well as mages/trying to recreate basics from home like running water that anyone can install on their houses. She’d go with them to the Exalted Council if asked and will be able to tell them about what’s going on if they asked/wanted to know. She could also be told to stay behind and use her knowledge of the attending nobles to help Josephine.
If she wasn’t romanced by the Inquisitor and Cullen wasn’t romanced, she would be assisting him. She would have expanded her making of the placebo to give to all the Templars that wanted to be off of lyrium. She will likely have also worked with advancing medicine and providing basic improvements to people’s lives. Again, if asked, she would attend the Exalted Council. If not, Cullen will likely ask her to come just to help him retain his sanity. He will ask her to marry him there, as he would have the Inquisitor. She would happily find the Inquisitor to let them know and tell them they need to survive so they can all meet up again for a proper party and feast for the wedding when they get back to Ferelden.
If Zevran was around she’d help him in dealing with the Crows and set up a library where she takes in and “homeschools” recruits that he liberates from the Crows. She’s soon surrounded by children and is unable to attend the Exalted Council. Before she left the Inquisition she acquired a pair of sending crystals so that no matter where she was the Inquisitor could get a hold of her if necessary. She will advise them on what to do if they ask.
If Fenris was around, they’d travel about tracking down slavers and eventually attempt to lead a slave uprising in Tevinter. Since, by the end of her tale she’d be a powerful proper mage she could do reconnaissance in full view and not be thought much of. She would have given the Inquisitor one of a pair of sending crystals to keep in contact and would offer her knowledge if asked during the Exalted Council. In Tevinter, she tips off the right people and kills those that won’t help and then Fenris inspires slaves to rise. She’d meet Dorian on his way back and chuckle, saying, “time to put out the fires and start again. I did the easy part. The rest is up to you.” She’ll probably get hit for that.
I’ll probably add more at some point. Still can’t decide about her side quests... so that’ll have to wait.
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