#the human in this isnt going to be having a magical moment of discovering faeries are real
thebuginyourwalls · 2 years
Character for a story I'm writing inspired by the worldbuilding from @not-a-space-alien's wonderful "Watch your step" series ✨️
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So far I've not decided on an official name for her yet, but I do have her personality figured out (Full of Spite, Feral, etc). The little green guy is a younger sibling she's been teaching to hunt now that he's old enough to venture out beyond the hive, and I'm sure that will go perfectly well with no issues at all :)
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the-jade-cross · 4 years
Fairy of Hogwarts - Chapter 2
Year one passed quickly for Arya. She remained closed friends with Luna and even made friends with Cho and the Patil twins. She hung out a lot with Fred and George, through whom she met the golden trio who also became close friends of hers. Out of all of them, Luna, Fred, George and Ginny were her closest friends.
of course, she soon discovered that Draco was a bully and she stopped considering him a friend. he still wrote her letters every few days but she would never answer them, except telling him when and where she read the notes. Whenever he tried to talk to her, she would make an excuse to talk to Fred and George.
"THERE YOU ARE ARYA!" luna cried.
Arya looked up from where she was walking down the hallway and smiled. she hugged her best friend and Luna looked her up and down.
"love the outfit. So screams girl and your hair.... always looks gorgeous!"
Arya chuckled. Luna was never this talkative unless she was around her. Everyone found Luna strange but Arya adored her.
"Well look who it is!" a voice remarked.
the two girls turned to see David Kieth, a Slytherin standing there. David was what girls called a Lady Killer but most of the time he liked to just attempt at flirting with girls.
"Looking good Gerasimov," the boy remarked, sauntering over to the second year. "Totally love the skirt. Shows off your legs."
"Back off," Luna said, pulling Arya behind her.
David rolled his eyes, "You're just jealous because you're not as pretty Lovegood."
Arya glared and pulled Luna next to her, "Don't talk to her like that! You're lucky she's even talking to you! Only someone with as thick a scull and as thin a brain as you would bother talking to you!"
"GERASIMOV!" Macgonagal called, approaching, "Might I have a word with you?"
Arya nodded, noting that Minerva's voice wasn't one of anger or annoyance.
"Lovegood, you may go on your way to class. As for you Keith. A detention for three days with Professor Snape. I shall inform him."
Keith rolled his eyes and stormed off, leaving Minerva and Arya alone.
"Sorry professor," Arya said, hanging her head.
"Not at all," Minerva assured her, "That was very good and brave of you to stand up for your friend like that. Besides that, I wouldn't expect anything less from you. However, that isnt why I wanted to talk with you. Madam Pomfrey needs some help in the medical bay because there have been many more incidents since you know who has returned. You are gifted in the healing arts Arya. Would you be willing to offer your free time to helping Madam Pomfrey? she specifically asked for you and agreed to let you have the weekends off. it will not interfere with your studies. Besides that, you excel in everything."
Arya's face lit up and she nodded her head in excitement. Minerva smiled, "Also, Mr. Weasley and Mr. Potter crashed into the whomping willow with a flying car. It will not calm down and I was wondering if you would mind trying to comfort it."
The girl nodded and soon she was rushing off to her new duties. She found the whomping willow with no trouble and saw that it shook whenever someone walked past. Several students were looking at it, making sort of a crowd for it kept howling.
Arya pushed through and approached the tree. Looking up, she smiled.
"Hey there," she called in her sweet voice. "I know you're scared but I'm here to help.'
The other students watched in surprise as the girl approached the tree and it seemed to stop howling and shivering. Instead, it seemed to relax. Gently reaching up, she touched one of the high leaves and the tree seemed to come alive. It's leaves turned greener and it relaxed, letting out and gentle breezy sound.
"It's witch craft!" Pansy Parkinson muttered.
Arya looked at her with raised eyebrow. She saw all the Slytherin's standing there, watching her in skepticism.
"This is the school of witchcraft and wizardry Parkinson! What do you expect?"
Blaise snorted, fully enjoying that joke but Pansy tossed her hair over her shoulders and marched off.
"You will have your own 'beds' in the bay," Madam Pomfrey explained. "Every other bed will be your assignment. If none of your beds are full and there are other beds that are, you can help with those."
Arya nodded and considered the hospital bay.
"I'm so glad you will be helping dear," Madam Pomfrey said, hugging the girl.
Arya smiled, "I'm glad to be of a help."
"Better run along now dearie," the woman remarked, "Don't want you to be late for greenhouse lessons."
Arya couldn't stop zoning out. Professor Sprout was talking about Mandrakes but Arya was busy considering her pot. She knew enough about mandrakes to know that they were harmless if your ears were covered.
"Arya," Harry whispered, snapping her out of her daze, "you okay?"
Arya nodded and listened as Sprout told them where to grab the mandrakes. Arya grabbed her mandrake and pulled it out just after Sprout cried.
"Your ear muffs Arya!"
All eyes turned to her, expecting her to faint.... but she didn't. Arya looked at her mandrake who was screeching and all the others.... but it wasn't affecting her.
"Arya?" Ron inquired. "How did you do that?"
Arya shook her head, "I don't know."
The moment the girl spoke, the mandrakes stopped screeching. all the students and Professor Sprout froze, not knowing what happened. The mandrakes were all looking at Arya, their eyes wide and no longer screeching.
Feeling uncomfortable with all eyes on her, Arya set her mandrake in her pot and covered him up. the other students did the same but they were all watching her nonstop.
After about three mandrakes not screaming at her and not affecting her ears, Arya slipped out of class and headed off. She removed her gardening robe, hung it up and headed out.
"Arya!" Luna and Harry called.
The two rushed over to her with the rest of the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor's with them.
"That was amazing!" Luna cried. "I forgot you could do that!"
"You mean not being affected by mandrakes screams when the rest of us pass out? Oh and the fact that they practically adore her and then the willow tree?" Draco snapped, glaring. "What evil magic is this Gerasimov."
Arya smirked. this wasn't the first time Draco spoke trash to her but now she had a good retort, "No magic. It's called being a faerie."
Almost everyone knew that Arya was a faerie but no one knew what that meant. Reaching out with her hands, Arya moved her fingers and suddenly.... the whole place was covered in snow!
Arya twirled around, her red hair waving with her and suddenly, the snow stopped and turned to water in the air! The water all came towards her and began to form shapes around her as if she was controlling it.
The water split up into groups and began to form shapes. A shape that looked like a mermaid moved towards Luna and the girl giggled at it. One that looked like a deer bounded around the golden trio.
Then, a group of water that looked like a human danced towards Draco and looked at him thoughtfully. with a swirl, it was gone and everything was back to normal. Arya glanced over her shoulder, smirked and walked off.
"See you later Malfoy!"
the Weasley twins chuckled in wonder and rushed after the girl with Luna, Austen and Aiden who were all grinning.
Pansy poked Draco for the boy looked like he was frozen, his eyes wide with wonder and his mouth slightly open.
"Hey, you okay?"
Draco nodded, glad that Pansy couldn't read minds. For at that moment, he was stunned....
"I hope everyone else is okay," Luna remarked.
The Ravenclaws were all sitting in their common room. All the houses had been sent to their common rooms for safety and the doors were locked. Occasionally a professor would come check on them.
Arya nodded, "Knowing Ron, Hermione and Harry, they probably snuck out."
Luna nodded. Just then, the door opened and Minerva stepped in.
"Is everyone alright in here?"
"Yes professor," all the voices chirped.
Minerva nodded, "Very well. Arya, I'll need you to come with me."
Arya scurried from her perch and followed the professor, "What's wrong?"
"I need your help comforting some students. Dumbledore is taking care of the Hufflepuffs but the slytherin first years are scared out of their minds and no one can calm them down."
"But how can I do that then?" Arya inquired.
"Because of your voice," Snape said as he appeared.
He smiled fondly at the girl, "Don't you remember how when you first found out you were a faerie? you sang that song and everyone present was filled with courage and peace? You have the voice of an angel Arya. Use it well."
the girl nodded as Minerva and Snape led her to the Slytherin Common room. She swallowed and shivered when she saw the place. it was slightly creepy and she was glad that the Ravenclaw common room was more bright and welcoming.
A bunch of heads looked up when they entered and Pansy snorted. "What is she doing here?"
Minerva glared at the girl but when Snape put a hand on Arya's shoulder and glared at her, Pansy shrunk back.
"She is here to help," Snape replied. "I suggest you be civil Parkinson."
The man gave Arya a little shove into the room before Minerva left. Snape went to talk to Blaise which left Arya alone in the center of the room, all the Slytherin's looking at her. Swallowing, she spied a group of young first years who were huddled together, some of them crying. Walking over to them, she knelt down beside them.
"What's wrong?" she asked in a kind voice.
Two first year boys glanced in Draco and Pansy's direction before shaking their heads, "nothing."
Arya didn't miss the look and she glared at Draco and Pansy, "Have you no respect for little kids' emotions? What if you were frightened out of your lives and was teased about it?"
Pansy rolled her eyes while Draco crossed his arms, "Why should I have respect for emotions? I was never afraid."
Arya raised an eyebrow, "Really? What about the time you ran screaming in fright from the dark forest?"
Draco's face paled, his eyes widened and he swallowed. he had no idea that Arya heard about that. He quickly looked away and Arya turned back to the kids.
"I promise, everything is going to be alright," she said, sitting down between two young ones, wrapping an arm around each of their shoulders.
"When I'm afraid, my mom always sings to me," a little girl said.
Arya smiled, "I could sing for you... I'm not that good though."
"What songs do you know?" a boy inquired, curious.
Arya ran off a list to them and the kids all picked Arya's favorite. Sitting back, she drew the two youngest students close to her and closed her eyes. Soon, her angelic voice filled the room and all eyes turned to her, surprised at how beautiful it sounded.
(SONG: My heart belongs to you    by Hayley Westenra)
When Arya finished and opened her eyes, she was surprised at what she saw. Snape was standing near the door, a grin on his face. something only Arya ever saw. the first years were all sitting near her, looking at her with smiles on their faces, the tears gone from their eyes and their eyes full of hope and peace.
The older students, especially the older boys were all sitting on the couches, leaning over the backs to watch her, several of them sitting on the sides. Arya looked down, feeling her face heat up. She smiled at the first years and slowly got up.
"I've got to go," She replied.
"Thank you for coming," a first year said, hugging the girl.
Arya smiled and hugged the girl back, "You're welcome."
With that, she got up and headed towards Snape where he stood with Blaise, Pansy and Draco. Pansy had her arms crossed, glaring at him, Blaise was grinning with admiration and Draco was staring, fully shocked.
Arya smiled before giving Snape a high five and headed out back to her common room. She was about to leave when she heard Pansy's high pitched voice whining from inside the room. Leaning against the door, she listened.
"Will you stop gawking for five minutes Draco?" she whined. "The girl's gone. She's not going to come back in through the door."
"Leave him alone," Blaise remarked, "He's love struck."
"Am not," Draco replied. "And I'm not gawking,"
"Uh huh?" Pansy sassed. "Then how come you keep looking at the door every few minutes and when Arya was singing you were staring as if you had just gotten a glimpse of heaven."
"You know, that's a really good description of her singing. It did seem like we got a glimpse of heaven. Don't you think Draco?"
"Shut up Blaise!"
Arya smirked to herself. Blaise was the only Slytherin she got along with and she loved it when he defended her whenever she wasn't around. However, she thought about Draco watching her.... it made her feel kind of weird. She had never had a boy watching her.... at least not the way Pansy and Blaise were describing it.
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