#the huntsman guild licensing board
etruatcaelum · 1 year
[ @scareqrowbranwen | qrow // for summer ]
“I picked up dumplings,” Summer announces without preamble as she breezes in through the front door. Is it locked? Could be. She hadn’t bothered to check. Or… knock. “What kind? Don’t know, didn’t ask, they smelled good and I’m starving so–”
Best thing about downtown Vale is the food trucks swarming all over the place; and by ‘best thing’ what she really means is ‘sole redeeming feature of what is otherwise an overcrowded and overpriced urban hive.’ Summer rocks into the kitchenette and slams her hard-earned prize triumphantly down on the counter.
“—you in?” she calls out belatedly. He might not be. He more often isn’t, though with how busy Ozpin’s kept him these last couple weeks she’d wager on Qrow being here if he’s not out chasing shadows in the sticks. Snorting, she tears open the paper sack and starts scooping foil-wrapped dumplings onto the counter. “I’ve had a day. Been at the guildhouse in suspension hearing purgatory since ten. Ten! Had, like, a pastry for lunch. Better be quick if you want to eat any of this before I do.”
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