#the idea it could be like alvin...heinous
people keeping replying to my old alden pronunciation post so I'm going to turn it into a poll :)
Note: this is specifically about the AL part of his name. disregard how you pronounce the DEN when selecting your answer unless its vital. elaborate on it in the tags if you'd like, though
if we'd had polls then I would've used them, but I'm making up for it now.
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somacruising · 2 years
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(Part 1) | (Part 3+4)
Hello, and welcome back to the next part of this chapter! This one discusses exactly what the Empire is doing that’s so heinous and introduces us to one of my favorite characters from this game: Mercuria (she doesn’t appear in this part, but she’s mentioned)
Let us begin.
Part 2 (Milenna’s Base)
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Jade: Well, let's resume our meeting.
Karia: Yes, sir... It's a continuation of the story. This is exposition is too difficult for me. It would be nice to be able to poof away or skip.
Kyle: Poof away? Skip?
Klarth: It gets even more serious from here. —Chester, I know this is hard for you, but tell us what you know.
Chester: Oh...You're talking about the Living Doll Project.
Chester: …It was Princess Mercuria, the only survivor of the Bifrost royal family, who initiated the project in the first place.
Mileena: ……….
Leon: Bifrost perished after losing to Selund in the Mirrage War, right?
Mileena: Yes... According to Gefion's memory, the Kaleidoscope helped the Selund win the war and Bifrost was conquered.
Chester: From what I've heard, Mercuria was brought to Selund as a hostage at the end of the war.
Chester: Demetrius was raising her. He became her surrogate parent.
Mileena: …Demetrius did that?
Chester: That’s what Mercuria said. The Salvation Army met Mercuria through Phantom.
Chester: At first they didn't know she was a Bifrost survivor, so they assumed she was the daughter of an anti-Gefionist nobleman.
Chester: Before we knew it, she had taken up with the Salvation Army.
Chester: The reason I was able to infiltrate the castle during the Mirrorshift was because of help from the Mercuria Faction.
Chester: At that stage, Mercuria looked like she was trying to cut off Phantom and join forces with Phillip.
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Raine: Let me get this straight. Mercuria approached the Salvation Army as an associate of Phantom.
Raine: Then, for whatever reason, she decided to cut off Phantom, took control of the Salvation Army, and became involved in the 'Phantom Sealing Project.’
Chester: Yeah. After that, Mercuria and her guardian, Demetrius, started talking about bringing back the Empire and reviving the Bifrost.
Chester: They wanted to take members of the Salvation Army to use as Mercuria’s personal force.
Chester: That's when Philip and Mark fell out with the Empire. I guess after they left the empire, they started hanging out with Zelos and the others.
Chester: Alvin probably knows more about that than I do, but it sounds like he's talking to Senel right now.
Jude: Is it because of the Living Doll Project that Phillip and the others fell out with the Empire?
Chester: I don't know... Maybe so, or maybe for some other reason.
Chester: Either way, what we do know is that the Living Doll is a way for the—
Chester: All we know is that the Living Doll is a terrible thing, putting the soul of one person into the body of another. I have no idea why anyone would want to do such a thing...
Raine: …Thank you, Chester. That must have been difficult. I don't need to hear it anymore. Just be there for Ami.
Chester: …Yeah. I'm sorry I couldn’t be more help.
Jade: Ami is sedated and sleeping. She's stable now, but we haven't found a way to fix her yet.
Julius: To sum it up, we have three major problems.
Julius: One is rescuing of Ix, who is having an Overray Outburst. This is compounded by the problem of the Sandstorm of Death.
Julius: The second is the Living Doll Project. We need to find out why Princess Mercuria is doing this.
Julius: Of course, we'll have to find a cure for Ami as well.
Julius: Third, the Asgard Empire itself. They’re after Mileena and Ludgar, and they’ve captured Luka, Illia, and many others.
Julius: There is no doubt that they are trying to exploit the otherworldly anima of the nexuses.
Jade: So we, too, will try to solve the problem by dispersing our forces. —Guy, explain.
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Guy: Did you ask me to come up here with you just so you could say that...? I guess it can't be helped...
Guy: First of all, we’ve decided to set up a dedicated department for gathering information. I'd like to ask Rose and Karol here to help us out.
Rose: Are you joining too!?
Karol: Eh, me too!?
Guy: I’m not, but Karol is going to take the lead on this. Karol’s going to be the chief of the Karol Investigation Division.
Karol: Chief!? Me!?
Guy: That’s what Professor Raine suggested. We all have to live up to her expectations.
Karol: …Heh…heheh. Well, well, if you say so, I have no choice but to accept it.
Rose: Hmmm, hmmm, that's good, isn't it? Raine decided, right? I think it's a good choice.
Rose: So the members so far are me, Dezel, and the members of Brave Vesperia?
Raine: I'm glad you're so quick to guess. I think you guys would be better suited to a guerilla type of force.
Jade: I'd like Chief Karol to gather all of our most eccentric people there and collect information.
Jade: Please fill in the necessary personnel accordingly. I’ll leave the selection to you.
Karol: That's a lot of responsibility... But leave it to me.
Julius: Keele Labs will gather knowledge from other worlds to build the means and organize the steps necessary to rescue Ix.
Julius: Those who can fight will proceed with the search and rescue of the stray nexuses.
Julius: However, Mileena, Ruca, Illia, Ludger, and Elle—
Klarth: You too, Julius.
Julius: —And me, too. Anyway, these people should avoid acting alone.
Raine: That's all for now. Thanks for your help, you all.
Mileena: Oh, um, do you have a minute?
Raine: Mileena, what's wrong?
Mileena: I need to have a quick word with you later. Also with...Jade. It's about...General Nazar.
Raine: …I see. Come to the strategy meeting room later.
(Part 1) | (Part 3+4)
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