#the idea of ICEFIRE ending in found family is SO.
mummer · 3 years
ppl who unconditionally think tyrion and dany and even jon are gonna have unexamined pure heroic arcs ending in happiness family and self love, and that for them NOT to have this would be some sort of unexpected insult to the characters...... guys..... like......... im so sorry...........
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If you saw the prievous part on the girl's story, she had no idea that it's about to get worse.
Thank @sampoststuff for making another piece of her work for this chapter, and this conculdes Chapter 20, sucked what happened to Brad though.
Stay safe, enjoy reading and I will talk to you all latro!
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[Drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
What was even better, they said that they are going on a camping trip!
She jumped at the chance that this trip will make her family get to know her fully now as they drove far, and far away from the town she lived in and into a remote forest, they stopped at a cave and she was told to wait there.
They had stated that they forgot to bring their camping equipment with them so the clueless girl agreed to wait while her new mother, father and older brother returned to the car and drove away.
Leaving her at the cave.
She waited... Waiting.... Waiting....
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[Drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
She continued to wait when a whole week had passed by, waiting for them to come back.
They didn't forget about her, did they?
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[Drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
Eventually, it was two months since they left, a necklace her new friend had given her had started to turn black as she began to believe that they had accidently forgotten about her and must be worried sick.
With no options left, she made her walk back home.
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[Drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
She walked miles upon miles to town as her necklace had become darker still, she pressed onward as she recognized the street names as she knew her way around town.
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[Drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
Eventually, she had found her new family, she wanted to run up to scream that she was back until...
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[Drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
Her heart was violently snapped in half when she noticed another girl with her family, seeing them laughing and having fun, not once mentioned or even missed the girl they adopted a few months ago.
She finally opened her eyes to see that her so-called "New family" had abandoned her so they could have a daughter that lives in their nation and is much better than the girl in every way shape and form.
“Oh damn…” Frank said under his breath.
She was in a sea of tears when her parents and older sibling had said that they loved the new and better daughter with all their hearts.
They were utterly and horribly selfish and cruel that they had done such a deed to an orphan.
Heartbroken, angry and disillusioned, she left the town and back to the forest with the thoughts of no one wants someone different like her as her necklace had nearly turned pitch black.
The last paper had gave off an unsettling feeling, it was nearly pitch black except the girl who now has hair covered her eyes as she’s crying and her heart-shape gem had turned black and white cracks are forming, ready to break a while the pair of white-outline hands ready to grab her and eyes crimson red.
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[Drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
It was the last time she was seen though people had said that the cries of a child were heard in the cave she was waiting in…
“This poor girl…” Freddy muttered as slightly raised his hand as if he was going to cover his mouth to not let any words slip out of it. Anna’s gaze dropped a little at the end of the horrible story, Engineer sighed heavily as he thought about his own flesh and blood and the trouble with the wife on the divorce.
Frank snarled at the family’s actions in that story, “Some family she had.” as he turned around and folded his arms as he glared at the distance while Nikolai had spoken up.
“I wonder why no one had suspected that her family had left her like this, Frank, why did anyone not help her before-” Nikolai felt a hand urged his shoulder, making him turn around to Frank that did it.
“Frank, what is it?”
“Someone is here.” Frank whispered and pointed at the dark figure in the distance as the fog had covered where they came entirely. He felt a bit disturbed by this as he raised an eyebrow at this.
The person was wearing clothing that came from the 80’s but the clothes never seemed to age as well with their shoes and a round hat covering their face as it was looking down at the ground.
“Hello?” Engineer had found the courage to speak up, “We’re lost, we are looking for a way out of here and we are wondering if you know where…?” he hesitated to speak more as the figure was approaching them as leaves under their feet had crushed on their way.
They watched the figure going close so they noticed something on the chest, it was a hole, it seem like someone had to a cookie cutter and cut through it, taking away the heart in the progress but lungs are still breathing in and out as the disgusting noise of a accordion after it was rid of its musical splendor and working like a ventilator as the heart valves was leaking black substance a little.
If things didn’t get more severely spine-chilling enough, thanks to Glamrock Freddy’s eyes had been providing light and they shined on the seemingly walking zombie that was not groaning and moaning as with the being lifted its head up to face them. It had no face, a mirror on it’s head had been given as a face and Nikolai’s face was reflecting on it.
Visibly disturbed by this, Primis Nikolai, Frank West, Engineer, and Huntress had their weapons in their hands and stood ready with them close to them, whatever it was going to do. The mirror-faced being stood still, nothing else but standing still as it continued to look at them.
The Huntress knew fully well that this is not an animal or a human, did the Entity find another killer to do its bidding? As she looked closer onto the strange object it was holding not too tightly but lightly as if it was fragile and then it clicked that it was holding rope and a yard of it going into the fog.
Anna had used her ax to block the three men and the animatronic bear from advancing forward as they looked at her with startled confusion. “Anna, what the hell?” Frank whispered to her as she kept her eye on the being as well as the rope as Nikolai had noticed it as well.
“What is… Rope?” Engineer muttered as he raised an eyebrow because Anna’s intensity had increased when she heard a sound from the woods consumed in the fog.
It started in low but then it started to grow into loud thumping from the forest, there a shadow of a creature, much larger than the mirror-face and the group combined had come into view as the giant beast had emerged from the fog on four legs.
It’s face was covered in hair black as ebony, skin blue but rockin and hard saved from a several slashs and scars on its sides and legs, the trees and moss had grown out on the back of the monster along with a house that was a size of a dollhouse with boarded up windows including a entrance to it as well as the other two trees acted as antlers. Vines on its hair, trees and back had grown out nearly past its fore front legs as it was letting out a soft growl but strangely, it sounded like a demonic child had stifled in tears as if it was hurt.
Something around the beast’s neck was a bit alarming to them, the rope acted as a leash for the monster behind the mirror-wearing being, but the “collar” it was wearing was a noose acting as one.
The mirror-clad being’s hand then lets the rope slip from its fingers slowly and it fell onto the ground while the beast that had now walked beside it. It then slowly raised its hand and pointed a finger at them. The monster whined but the mirror-faced being just violently punched it on the snout, making it bleed, making it whine in agony despite it being bigger than their owner but as it was their master with the mirror, they had made it clear: It wasn’t a question, it was an order.
The beast snarled as it revealed jagged, grained rocked teeth that was sharp with blood covered them from the violent outburst of their master as the hair and vine parted, revealing the eyes that shined with the moon before it lets out a broken roar that compared to a child wailing in sorrow and anger.
It then charged at the group with the speed of a gorilla, Frank cried out “Get out of the way!”
Everyone jumped to different directions with a thud just as the beast’s claw clashed onto a tree, breaking it out of the ground with a violent swipe as it fell onto the ground, dust rose and covered Freddy and Nikolai as the latter shielded the other.
Nikolai looked at the monster as Freddy looked at the man below him, “Are you alright, Nikolai?” Freddy quickly became anxious, making Nikolai mutter “Yes,” as he grabbed his Back-Pit and put away his ax, it is clear that a melee weapon couldn’t stop it as Fazbear watched him.
“What are you doing?”
“Comrade, can you do me a favor?” Nikolai asked as he got out what he was looking for from his storage, Freddy was a bit confused but nodded and said “Yes, do tell me?”
“Move.” Nikolai orders as he points the weapon at him, making Freddy go out of harm's way just as the monster lounges at them and shooting it in the eye with a bang. The beast howled in pain, falling down onto the floor with its claw covering the injury as it whimpered.
Nikolai got onto his feet in a frenzy with gritted teeth and looked at the beast before him, the way it whimpered had made him feel a bit sorry for it. It sounded like a child he had injured but he then yelled at it.
“Is that all you would do!? I have fought beasts stronger than you!” He was aiming his shotgun at it but he felt a claw pressed onto his chest and he was pinned onto a tree by it. “AGHK-!!?”
Nikolai struggled to pull out his arms free as the beast growled softly before opening its mouth and then going for his head before it felt a spark and it was stunned by electricity, letting go of the Russian.
Nikolai landed on the ground with a grunt before he collected himself to see Glamrock Freddy holding onto its hind leg with electricity coming from his hands as he yelled at Nikolai “Go, run!”
Nikolai did so without question with the gun in hand as the beast back kicked Freddy to get him to let go and he crashed onto a tree ahead of Nikolai. “Freddy!” Nikolai ran for his teammate as smoke filled the air.
The trees on the beast were lit on fire and smoke rising into the air as it roared at the two fighters as they looked at it. Nikolai had struggled to get Freddy Fazbear back on his feet as it was about to charge at them before it felt a buck shot onto its shoulder, making it turn around to see Frank West, Engineer and Anna, all of them armed as it growled.
Frank gripped onto the bat as he shouted at the monster “Why won’t you pick on someone your own size, Beauty-and-The-Beast reject!” as the Huntress is holding three tomahawks in hand before she tossed one each at her newfound prey before them.
Monster roared before rising and then swiping its arm at the flying axes, perfectly defecting back to them.
Frank dodged the first one, Huntress did the same with the second and Engineer ducked the last one as they had lodged onto the ground and/or trees behind them as they heard a thumping footsteps coming towards them.
“Move!” Anna said as she grabbed Frank and then tossed him over her shoulder with a yelp and then ran away but the Engineer wasn’t so lucky. He tried moving out of the way but he yelled when felt two large teeth catching him by the left leg, crushing the bone between them as the sting of pain had rushed in.
He was then tossed around like a ragdoll as the beast swinged its head around before several tomahawks were thrown at its head, it lifted its head to the left as it roared, making Dell send flying towards a boulder then crashed into the rock with the sound of glass breaking filled his ears.
In pain, he could hardly hear what is going on but he knew in agony it was his teammates calling his name and the monster roaring to attack again, “My leg….” the first thought has rushed though his head as he sat upright to see his mangled left leg and bit blood covered his pants leg.
“God damn…!” He hissed as he lightly touched it, he quickly checked his Back-Pit and much to his horror and realization, he had used it on Nikolai earlier and he is regretting not getting extra as he fell back downyard back onto the ground and his eyes turned to the fight ahead of him.
His thought returned to the jar Freddy had given him, using his gloved hand to check what had broken and judging from broken pieces and a cort in his pouch, he is now sure that the jar is broken but the crystal had survived the impact so he grabbed it and then held it to his face a little.
It was glowing softly before his eyes then it shook in his hand as his eyes grew wide in shock.
“What the hell…!?” he muttered before it vibrated violently, making him let it go and then watched the gem fly into and across the starless sky above him like a shooting star before it descended back towards him at a rapid speed. Engineer cursed in shock before he had his arms to shield himself, bracing for impact.
But he didn’t feel it crashing onto him, he moved his arms away before they raised his hand again to block out the light as his eyes adjusted to it before he looked at it. He looked at the gem in shock as it now took the form of a humanoid being of a white galaxy plasma with pitch white eyes looking at him as its whole body was feet up and head down, facing the startled human before it as two gently quills similar to a jester cowl flowed in the air.
It’s head tilted to the left slightly as it exscamed the human, to the mangled leg and then back to facing Engineer who was speechless on what he was seeing before the creature’s hand had lifted slightly before it placed it onto Dell Cougher’s chest, making him jump at this.
“Hey-Hey… Take it easy there…” He said awkwardly as his heart was beating under its hand as its eyes grew wide for a moment before removing its hand from Engineer’s chest as if it was hot.
The Engineer looked at it as it changed color, the galaxy of this being had changed from white to yellow yet it’s eyes remained white as it continued to look at the Engineer.
The creature then shapeshifted into its previous form but it was different from what he remembered as it was now a pentagon-shaped jewel before it shot onto the left side of his chest as he yelled in surprise before feeling it.
It is similar to an Übercharge but something much more than that as he can feel all over his body, he had never felt so alive than ever. He was too busy into this feeling to notice he had elevated off the ground as his uniform had been covered in this strange forien magic consuming him.
I'm American made, apple pie, Chevrolet
My momma taught me wrong from right.
His mangled leg was fitted- Or replaced by a mechanical one that seemed similar to his robotic arm but for a leg as his overalls and shirt had changed to a yellow color and had become one as a jumpsuit of some kind with the kneepads becoming a part of it as if they were sewn into it with a quiver had blueprints in it with a strap across his chest.
I was born in the South
Sometimes I have a big mouth
When I see something that I don't like
He was then fitted with a button-up vest that is for a local sheriff as his arm was fitted with one of those cosmetics Mann. Co had given to him and his teammates, a voodoo doll resembling Pyro in his pouch, and a wrist-mounted computer device with a glowing monochrome screen, and several buttons and knob but the screen itself, instead of green but yellow as its base color.
I gotta say it.
Goggles and helmet he has remained the same but his glove had changed as well, the palm part of the glove now is colored yellow and light yellow shaded on the fingers as the orange and gray colors stayed.
Well, we've been driving this road for a mighty long time
Paying no mind to the signs
Engineer had reveled this newfound power as the gem is now pinned to his vest, a smile curled on his lips before getting out his Frontier Justice and watched it change as well by the gem’s magic. The barrel of the gun is now fitted with a wrench-esque blade as the cylindrical capacitor has changed its color as well.
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[Digitally traced and drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
Well, this neighborhood's changed
It's all been rearranged
Others, The monster and the Mirror Face, as he dubbed it mentally, had watched this go down as he landed on his knee down and another one out and then lifted his head at the beast, he still hasn’t forgotten about what it did to him as he pumped the shotgun with his one hand before grabbing it by the handle and pointed at the monster, not caring about what had happened to him without a second thought.
We left that dream somewhere behind.
He had his finger on the trigger as he growled, “Ya’ll have incurred my wrath, son!” before pulling it.
A kickback was one heck of a punch but Engineer had planted his feet firmly from the blast from the golden yellow buckshot launching out of the barrel and hitting the beast directly on the side, sending falling onto the ground in front of them as Nikolai had muttered “God damn….!”
Engineer had found himself amazed by this change of a weapons’ damage on its intended target, “Not bad…” Engineer commented, “Not bad at all.” with wonder and curiosity. He turned his rifle in a twirl and then rested it on his shoulder.
Slow down, you're gonna crash,
Baby you're a-screaming it's a blast, blast, blast
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[Drawn by SamPostStuff]
Plucking a wheat from the ground and putting it in his mouth as the pendant on his vest lets out a small trail of mist that goes around to his back and then recharged the weapon he had as he glared at the beast.
“Ya’ll are about to have a REAL bad night, boy.” he said as the wheat swayed slightly on his lips, as the beast growled at him with the Mirror Face walked over to it’s side and stood there with it’s arms on their sides.
Look out babe, you've got your blinders on
Everybody's looking for a way to get real gone
Engineer looked at the Mirror Face and he felt a slight shock in his chest as he saw a different vision before his eyes. The Mirror Face and the beast were pitch black silhouettes but his attention was grabbed when he noticed the Mirror Face.
Real gone.
Real gone.
A black sphere surrounded by a white line as its inside was swirling into it, like a black hole, Engineer then heard a voice saying “It was the one you want, destroy the Dark Hole!”
Engineer had no idea why but he knew it was an order as he took the Frontier Justice in his two hands before he ran towards the Mirror-faced enemy.
Real gone.
Glamrock Freddy had to get everyone behind him from the fight that will not be pleasant as they witnessed the Mirror Face punch the beast out of instinct and point the finger at the Engineer, the beast runs towards the Texan with a wail.
Real gone.
The beast jumped upward and came towards Engineer who then had to run backwards for a little bit as it landed with a mighty slam onto the ground. He tucked and rolled across the battleground before standing on one knee and firing a couple of more rounds towards the monster.
Couple missed but several had managed to hit their target as it roared, before it charged at Dell, Engineer had got on his feet again in shock before two yellow lights flashed, he had to held his hand in front of his face once again before the lights died down, revealing two of his recreations: Santries.
Engineer then noticed the Frontier Justice turned into a rather golden wrench, a smile formed on his face, he knew exactly what to do next as he said “Santries, going up!”
He smacked the first one first until it turned into a flying machine of turret and rocket launcher before his eyes as he yelled out “Yeeyaaw!” and then watching it open fire on the monster as it was trying to use its arm to shield the attack while the Engineer got to work on the second one.
After the second santry was upgraded, Engie then flicked the wrench into the way and with a flash of golden yellow light, it formed back into a shotgun rifle as it spun downwards and he caught it by the handle as he said to his flying turrets “Go on, hit it! Pow!”
Rockets were fired right away on command towards the creature, it let out a wail of agony as it took on several impacts of the rockets shot at it while fast-paced footsteps were coming its direction.
Engineer had jumped and then grabbed onto the turret flying as its repealers spins rapidly before he landed on it’s back, the monster shook under him as he grabbed onto one of the trees on its back with a yell.
“Hold on!” Voice said it again, “Hold on tight before letting go!” Engineer looked a bit bewildered on that last sentence, “Ah am gonna let go!?” he said as he looked at the sky, hoping to find where the voice was coming from.
“Just trust me!”
Engineer grabbed on tightly as he took a deep breath as the monster brought its body down to get him off as he let go before running towards the end of the creature’s back before he jumped off of it as others watched on as Frank took pictures.
“Frank!” Nikolai said as he looked at him, “Don’t you think that right now is not the best time?!”
“What? And miss out on the biggest scoop ever?” Frank asked as he took another picture of the Engineer landing on the ground, “Fat chance!” he said.
Dell is 5 inches away from the Mirror Face as a scowl forms on his face, “Ah think that’s your days of hurting the poor fella are finished, partner.” as his face is reflecting on the mirror while the figure had got its hand into its pocket before it pulled out a whip, whip with thorns as Engineer looked at it before he dashed towards him.
Mirror Face twirls the whip around before whipping it at Engineer, hitting him on the shoulder with a painful smack, it had gone through the clothing and he felt blood coming out of it.
Engineer groaned in pain before stopping to press his hand on the cut but felt the whip coiled itself around his good leg like a fast snake and he was lifted up from the ground with a scream as he had dropped his shotgun.
Monster looked up at the Engineer with a growl as it was lowered towards it before its mouth had opened up to swallow him whole.
Engineer tried to untie the whip but the thorns on it were sharp to the point that his fingers were cut from grabbing them.
Mirror Face seemed a bit joyful but a few axes were thrown at the arm and the hip, making it drop Dell onto the ground as the monster strangely yowled in pain.
Mirror Face turned to look where the throwing tomahawks came from and saw the Huntress holding a few more axes as she said “You are supposed to kill the game before eating it.”
Mirror Face cracked the whip once more as the monster roared at the group and then it charged towards them as Frank had yelled “Oh shit!”
A pump action of the shotgun was heard, making the person turn around and before it could see what it was; its head was blown off in a shotgun blast of the Frontier Justice upon Engineer pulling the trigger.
Shards of glass and chunks of bone flew everywhere after the head had exploded like a watermelon before something inside of it had bursted into a ray of light as Engineer shielded himself from.
The Monster had roared in agony before it lost its footing and falling down and sliding towards the group, Freddy had yelled “Look out!” Before he, Nikolai, Anna and Frank had run to get out of the way of the monster that crashed into a boulder, trees on its back had snapped, the small house in pieces and the body looked like it was severely cracked.
The beast growled softly as it was trying to get back up but struggled to get on its feet so it fell down onto the boulder.
Engineer panted after breath upon seeing this happened before him, then they all saw the creature being consumed by purple wisps of light as its body turned into a selekical remains as vines had pierced the ground and then spouts spewed north from the soil and then bloomed into flowers, the type of flowers are forget-me-nots.
Around them the forest had begun to transform, dead trees were brought back to life, wildlife were coming out of the holes as if winter had finally come to an end as the moon shined brightly before it was accompanied by several stars fading in.
“Woah...” Frank commented, “Now I have seen everything.” as they looked around their surroundings as Engineer noticed something coming out of the skeleton as they flowed into the opening as wisps of light formed around it.
The light cleared the way and revealed a few items. The Engineer felt like he- no, everyone had gotten a reward. He walked over to the floating items in question.
You’ve won:
HP Increase, revolver, light polygon crystal, and 150 gold.
LOVE LV Increased!
“Don’t Ah be all..” He muttered as he reached out to take the three physical items when his pendent glowed all of sudden and a same being came out of it as it returned to form its body but differently. It had a yellow hardhat like his but facing frontwards, a gray blue working janitorial jumpsuit that has grease on parts of it with a pair of wielder goggles around its neck and a same pendant hanging around it as well, the pants legs are tucked into the boots, gloves that are quite like Engineer’s only original, light blue eyes are its color as it is now white and blue skin pattern.
As others had held their weapons out, Dell noticed that there’s something on its cheeks, a gray spot in the shape of a wrench on each cheek as it looked at the Engineer who was standing there in shock.
“Not bad on your first killing of a Grief, huh?” The being talked for the first time, southern male tone in its voice as others looked on. “Hold on there, partner, a Grief?”
“Yes, a Grief.” Being replied, “A being born from the darkness of humanity due the corrupted side of my race, Grieves such as the one you, Frank, Nikolai, Anna, and Freddy had fought, Dell.”
Others are surprised at what the being of light has said, how did he know their names, they didn’t even say it out loud.
“How did you know who we are?” Frank West clamored, “We didn’t even introduce ourselves to you, weirdo.”
“We had known everything about you, and everyone else in each dimension whenever we had gone into.” Being answered, “I know a lot of you, Frank West, a photojournalist who has covered wars, looking for a scoop and finding the biggest one of your career: A zombie outback and what is happening behind it.”
Frank was speechless to say.
“You could say that.” he said that, that’s what he could have thought of to say.
“Now, onto the Grief thing…” Frank said his thought out, “You said they were born from the darkness of mankind? Exactly how they were born from that?”
“Grieves themselves, were once human like you before they found the Corrupted Crystallines.”
“They were human?” Freddy looked at the being, shocked to hear that.
“Of course, and sadly…” He turned to the Engineer, “Do you still have the pages with you?”
Engineer looked puzzled but then remembered the drawings, he got them out of his Back-Pit for the being to look at as he said “You mean these?”
“Victims of such things had ways of telling their story, in hopes of warning future victims. The Grief you killed was that victim.”
“Ya mean Ah killed a child?!” Engineer said with horror, Being looked a bit guilty about it and solemnly nodded.
“Yes indeed but it had to be done, she needed to be free from such a horrible fate she endured.”
“...All thanks to her foster family.” Frank muttered, looked at the ground and then at the creature. “Were the corrupted things like to do?”
“They liked to feed off something negative from humans, they thrived on that but they will do anything they can to make you sell your souls to them. A deal with a bunch of devils, so to speak.”
Anna, as of now, placed her hand on her chest as she realized how close she had gotten to becoming one of the victims herself, tricked into being the creature’s pawn.
“And the worst part, once the victim has given up their essence of life, they are considered a juvenile form of a Grief that will soon hatch into an adult one once their souls are too long gone into darkness. But before that, their bodies are nothing more than meat puppets for Corrupted Crystallines to use whenever they are asleep ”
Engineer was still shocked but then looked at the being of light, “But what will happen to the soul once you kill it?”
Being looked at the Engineer with a bit of hope in his eyes, “Dark Hole you destroyed will changed back into a normal soul and it should show right about-”
They heard a quiet sob from ahead of them, turning to see a rather surprising sight before them; a ghost of a little girl, crying on a bed of flowers.Everyone was cautious but Engineer halts everyone before they could raise their firearms as he walked towards the spirit as he puts his Frontier Justice away.
“Howdy there, little gal?” He spoke in a gentle voice, the ghost gasped as she turned around and ran to hide behind a boulder making him stop in his tracks as he realized this. Kneeling down on one kneel as his eyes are trained on her.
“Listen here, kiddo,” Engineer said as the ghost picked her head to see him, and got her attention. “We’d know what your… folks did and…” He started to say something, it’s awkward for a soft mannered man to be talking to a ghost but he had seen the worse before all of this.
“It is quite a yellowbellying thing they ever done.” He continued as the ghost had started to walk from behind the walk, she is what the pictures had looked like, an over big sweater with long sleeves that covered her whole body but her head.
“Wish like yours could use another change, ya would have wished to have a better family instead of that.” Engineer continued as he took his hard hat off and set it on the ground. “In all honesty, Ah’m just sorry that all of that happened to you. But Ah am sure where you are going now, ya’ll be happy if a new family accepts you, for what and who ya are.”
Ghost said nothing as she rubbed her eyes and a yawn left her mouth, She sat down as she stretched, something in her, chest especially, has sparked and a small light has form as he and his allies watched with worry and curiosity before ghost herself had been consumed by the light as she gently closed her eyes as she disappears.
The light itself then launched into the nighttime sky as they watched.
“What in the world..?” Frank West muttered, he hardly believed what he was seeing besides the walking dead and the “Grief” monster as he looked up.
The being floated over to the Engineer and rested his feet beside as he looked up at the sky, Being looked at the Engineer and said “She is at peace now,” as the Engineer looked at the creature, “She is resting, along with this place.”
Everything glitched as everyone began to notice, forest distorts and glitching as if it was bad game programming before it was developed. Everything around them had dissipated and the world that replaced it was maintenance tunnels and the door that led them into that dimension in the first place.
They looked at the area in surprise and noticed the Engineer had changed as well, he is back in his original clothing and the being had disappeared but something else did stay, a same pendent he had but now a small necklace and a brace for his right leg kinda like Shaw’s but it was made in the late 60’s.
“Engie,” Frank started to say, “Don’t get angry, but look at yourself.” he finished as Engineer finally noticed himself, he is kinda relieved that he is back to his original getup but noticed the same pendent he had, he hold onto it before hiding it into his undershirt.
Frank looked around the area for the wolf statues with a bat raised as others did as Anna had noticed that they were disracted as she backed up from the group and then heading the opposite direction, running quickly but quietly away as others turned to look at each other.
“Hey,” Freddy said upon noticing someone was absent in their group. “The woman in the rabbit mask, she’s gone.” he said they realized as Frank looked around. “She got away.” Frank West said as he raised his hand on his forehead, “She must’ve ran off while we’re not looking.”
“She will pop out again.” Nikolai said as he let the shotgun fall to his side, “She always will.” as he looked at Frank.
Frank West looked like he was going to say something then he remembered what Jessie had told him, the look he had was surprised and then in utter worry as he said “Oh shit…!” before he looked at the others, “Jessie said that she has something worth checking out, we need to find Brad!”
“Brad?” Freddy Fazbear asked, “Where is he then?” as Frank walked over to the door and was a bit more careful this time, turning to see who was going to bump into him and then opening the door.
Frank is relieved to see that the way to the void below was replaced with a darkened storage area as he wiped the sweat off his head in relief, “Do you need light?” Freddy walked up beside Frank who nodded, Glamrock Freddy blinked and light shined from his eyes like a flashlight.
They walked inside the area with Freddy looking around as if his eyes are spotlights, a groan echoed through the area, even though they had lifted up their weapons upward, they knew it was human and it sounded hurt.
Familiar voice that groaned, they knew who it was and feared that he was injured, they headed over to where he was.
“Brad?” Nikolai calls out his name as he is trying to get a good look of the area drowning in shadows, “Brad, where are you?!” Frank called out into the darkness, a familiar voice responded in a cry.
They turned to where the voice had come from, Freddy had looked at the floor and noticed something red staining the concrete floor; blood from what his programing is saying, he feared, is hurt.
“Brad, where are you?!” Nikolai called out, “If you are injured, we will treat your wounds!”
Freddy got a glimpse of a pair of feet and a bloodstained yellow dress shirt piece as Frank had realized the blood trail was leading towards a person on the ground, back against the wall and looking very injured.
“Brad, are you-” Frank was about to head over but Brad hissed at him. “Don’t come any closer!”
Freddy had steadied his light onto Brad and what happened to him was very clear; Brad was gutted open in the stomach as it was ripped open and testines laying by his side, scratches and bite marks on the chest and neck and veins visible yet nearly.
Programming in Fazbear was quick to declare the state: Injuries Fatal. Customer death is imminent.
Frank had placed his hands on the side of his head in disbelief before he slowly got onto his knees as he broke silently upon the scene before them, Nikolai held his mouth with his hand, unsure what to say. Engineer looked like he was going to help but Freddy had placed his paw on his shoulder.
Engineer looked on as he wanted to help but he does remember what Medic had said: Medicine can heal the wounds of a man but not the sickness he has. He shook his head in sorrow as Brad was able to mutter out the words he had left.
“I’m screwed…”
Nikolai stared at Brad and analyzed his expression. He knew what that face was when he got to the dig site to retrieve Richtofen and the same state as the Germans; the face of a man who knew that he would turn at any moment.
“I am not even going to argue about the robot…” Brad groaned in pain, seeming to acknowledge that there is an Animatronic with them. “But… I know that….” He looked at the group now, “We were close… But when they got me…” he groaned in pain a little as he stood still to ease the pain.
“It didn’t hurt…” He said as if someone had asked him a question about what the feeling of pain was, “Not even a little… I am already dead.”
Nikolai helped Frank get back on his feet but then they heard Brad speaking again, “Guys…”
They looked at Brad once more, Brad looked at them and said “Don’t… Tell Jesse about any of this…” before he slid the pistol towards Frank as he gasped painfully.
Frank kneeled down and took the gun from the ground, he didn't want to do it but he knew that he needed to kill him, so he didn't have to suffer.
With the decision quietly made, the barrel of the gun was pointed at him and then opened fire, a lonely gun fire echoed in the darkness.
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doritopaw101 · 3 years
Arc1, book 2: Chapter 15
Icefire circled the apprentice, their shoulder bleeding slightly. He did his best not to take out all of his anger on his apprentice.
Mousefur's patrol had been attacked by Brokentail's followers, Sunnypaw had been attacked and was still knocked out.
To say Icefire was pissed was an understatement of the season. Chestnutclaw wasn't any better, the tom had to be held down from trying to hunt down the rouges. He wanted blood but he knew he had to be there for his kits.
What chilled him the most was that from Cranewing's own words "Brokentail was among them". He kept a closer grip on Cloudpaw and Bearpaw and did everything he could to make sure Violetpaw and Flamepaw were safe, he didn't care much for Marshstar's threats as he crossed the border each time.
They had stayed with their sister for so long and only moved when Thymeroot pushed them out. Sunnypaw was nearly killed and only survived because Mousefur had lead the rouges away. They had sent search parties to search for Mousefur, dead or alive but hadn't been able to find her for five days.
Icefire went alone to the city found Snake and Luna and managed to find Mousefur in a trash can. It was clear she had been beaten and raped, Luna said it was shocking that she managed to drag herself into the can.
All of the patrol was dealing with injures to some degree. Ebonyshade was dealing with a bad belly wound, Brackenfur was dealing with some bad cuts and bruises, Ebonyshade was dealing with a broken paw, Frostbite was the only who didn't have such serious injures aside from a few light wounds.
Chocolate had recovered after a good rest and meal as did Duskthorn. Chocolate would've left earlier if not for the disaster that happened when Tiger-roar realized they were siblings. Nightshade looked ready to kill Chocolate while Miststrike didn't look pleased but not too hostile like her littermates. Chocolate was a little scared to leave by himself since Nightshade looked like she would kill him and he couldn't really blame him especially since he found out that Chocolate was expecting kits, Bluestar offered him a place in the clan and Chocolate said he'll think about it.
Icefire brought Duskthorn back to Shadowclan the next day, snide comments were shared as they did and a long overdue apology.
Raveneye had approached Bluestar about the rogues and about Tiger-roar and Nightshade. They'd been distinct from the clan lately, even their kin, Icefire had joined in on the concerns but Bluestar shut them down saying they were being ridiculous.
"Icefire" Tiger-roar called
He didn't look up from Sunnypaw as she continued eating her first meal since she woke up "What?"
"We're going on patrol, join me" the two-colored deputy mewed
"It isn't a request, it's a demand" he heard Redtail hissed
Icefire licked Sunnypaw softly "I'll be back later, call Cloudpaw or Raveneye if you need anything"
His daughter nodded
Icefire followed the deputy out of camp, his fur slightly tense. The more they walked they more Icefire felt uneasy. Further and further away from camp, where less cats would be to hear anything.
"Where are we going?" he asked
"You are a special cat you know that Icefire"
"Special isn't the word that's normally used to describe me but go on" Icefire said coolly, curling their tail over their paws
The split tabby turned to face him, they were near the boundary to the houses and the city "Times are changing Icefire, Starclan sets many things for the clans, good or bad" he started "I see it a chance for greatness, not just for me but for others as well"
Icefire hummed
"I have a plan Icefire, for great change for Thunderclan and all the clans. I want to know if you'll be there for me when the time comes"
"What plan?" he asked, his voice harsher than he wanted it to be.
"I wasn't lying when I said you're special cat Icefire, we're both special in that regard, Starclan has spoken that"
'He knows about the prophecy' Icefire stiffened
"I see you caught on fast" Tiger-roar purred "I've known since before you set a paw in camp, Starclan said the white fire: we are both cats who could fit that are we not?"
Icefire couldn't say he was wrong, he fit the prophecy in the name sense while Tiger-roar fit it in his appearance, a perfect clash of ice and fire.
"What's the plan Tiger-roar?" he repeated
"Bluestar needs to go, it's only a matter of time before she ends up with time disease"
"Time disease?"
"Have you every heard of Goosefeather?"
"No" he lied "never heard of him"
"He's Bluestar's uncle, he went mad and caused many awful things for the clan. Some cats cheered when he died in fact"
He saw Goosefeather's expression to know that Tiger-roar was telling the truth. He chilled him slightly to watch the gray speckled tom only nod at the two-colored tabby's words.
"They say time disease passes on through the family line, who knows what Bluestar could do if she has it"
"We don't know that for sure Tiger-roar, Bluestar may be harsh but she's a good and fair leader"
"And yet, she doesn't do much to cats who mock you" the tabby replied "Cats who say you deserved what you got, say you're inferior because of your bloodline"
Icefire dug his claws into the ground and their eyes narrowed.
"Don't you want respect Icefire, don't you want those cats to suffer like they make you?" he placed one of his large paws on Icefire's back, running soft but firm lines down it
"I do" Icefire found himself saying "I really really do" the thought of spilling Seedspots or Lionheart's blood made him curl with delight
"Then join us, me and Nightshade" Tiger-roar said, he pulled Icefire closer "There's going to be an attack in two days, I have Brokentail's followers and a few rouges under my and Nightshade's control"
"What about Brokentail?" Icefire asked "Is he with you all?"
Tiger-roar sighed "Unfortunately, being blind didn't stop him from finding us and Dewflare didn't help matters"
Icefire curled his lip "Dewflare"
Tiger-roar smirked, he placed a paw under Icefire's chin making him meet his gaze "If all goes well Icefire, you can kill them yourself"
-Flashback ends-
"You have a bigger destiny than what he can offer" Redtail hissed, his tail held high "You know this Icefire"
"He does know truths Icefire" Spottedleaf added
Icefire ignored the torties in favor of striking Maplepaw and Shrikepaw was a quick shot. Spottedleaf actually started to talk to him for the first time in moons, not she asked his questions.
They've been training Maplepaw the same way they did Cinderfreeze. Maplepaw was just like Cinderfreeze, eager to learn and took to battle training easily. He brought his kits into the training sessions whenever they were free or at night. Cloudpaw was using Bluestar's teachings well with how quick his blows were. He was most concerned with Bearpaw's progress since she said she didn't have any battle training since she started, not on his watch.
He never wanted to drag Voletail so much and Bluestar to some extent. They would need as much training for the events to come.
They saw Maplepaw limp slightly, panting but her blue gaze looked determined as well as a flash of stubbornness.
A wicked smirk appeared on their face. "Try again Maplepaw"
Whitethroat shook the last of the pine needles from his tail. He drew a paw to get the pine needles out of his ears but he felt a tongue lick his white-tipped ears. He flinched back quickly and his breathing quickened.
He felt paws around him, a soothing voice mewing softly "It's okay love"
"Thank you"
The black molly only nuzzled him.
"Is papa okay?" he heard Twilightkit ask
"He'll be fine" Crowcloud replied
"Darkhollow is in the warriors den, Burdockpaw is on patrol, Garlickit and Sloekit are with Dawncloud, and Dark-kit and Hollylock-kit are with Darkflower"
Whitethroat felt himself relax a little, his breathing slowing down.
"Make sure if you see the rouges, chase them off" Marshstar called to a leaving patrol, her voice sounded proud and confident. It's better than what's its been for a the past three days. She started a fight with Thunderclan at the gathering and started a border fight, got worse when it was found out that Brokentail broke out.
He asked his mother what was wrong at times but she either ignored the question or change the subject.
He would've let it go if not for the conversation he heard her and Palecloud had yesterday:
Whitethroat had been carrying last two of the frogs when he heard Marshstar snap "Watch your tongue"
He dropped his frogs and silently padded over. He saw Palecloud was sitting, head hanging in his usual manner. Marshstar was standing tall, her tail was lashing, the flower necklace she wore around her neck was slightly rocking back and forth.
Whitethroat remembered wanting to get flowers but Palecloud told him not to, he would give the flowers. Palecloud got a flower that summed up Marshstar's leadership for Shadowclan, he got a Protea, king. KIng meant transformation and change as well as daring and resourcefulness while Protea meaning courage and diversity.
"I'm just saying Marshstar, just because we smelled them doesn't mean Thunderclan is sheltering them" the white and gray tom looked tired "Bluestar wouldn't want those foxhearts in her territory let alone her camp"
"Bluestar can be unpredictable, I don't know what she wouldn't and would want" Marshstar retorted
"Hissing and attacking isn't the solution Marshstar" Palecloud mewed with a sniff "we have just stopped being at war with Thunderclan when he dethroned Brokentail we don't need to start anything with no good reason"
"Brokentail escaped mind you and we have no idea where he is, he could be in Thunderclan right now" Silverstar hissed and looked away
"Letting an ex leader who the leader knows raped one of her clanmates and had his goons rape the other in her camp, does that sound like something any reasonable leader would do?" Palecloud countered, his healer flowers shaking and his bone necklace rattled "You're paranoid Marshstar and you know it"
Marshstar didn't respond
"It's because you only got five lives instead of nine"
Marshstar snapped her head to look at Palecloud "Shut up, Starclan can go fuck themselves for denying me, 'it was Battle for the Star' they said that's a load of fox-dung if I ever heard it"
"I know Marshstar, I was there"
-Flashback ends-
Whitethroat was pushed out of his thoughts when Badgerfang nudged him.
"How bad you feel?"
"I think I'm good for now" he replied "I'm going for a walk, clear my head"
"Are you sure you want to go alone?" Badgerfang asked
"Are you sure?" Crowcloud added, her tail curled around Twilightkit and the young crow she received earlier this moon. Ravenkit would receive a little raven too when of age.
"No patrols reported the rouges in the area" Whitethroat stated "I won't be out long"
He closed his eyes as he padded through the camp entrance. The breeze of the wind calmed him, his nerves at ease for the moment. He didn't know where he was going but he just needed to walk without others hovering over him.
So he didn't sleep much, he was fine. So he was addicted on catmint at times, he was fine. He has a good relationship with his kits and the clan was free from Brokentail, it was all fine.
At least, that's what he told himself.
Icefire yawned, watching the sun climbing the trees. He had spent the night with Morningflower as well as bonding with Gorsepaw, Brairpaw, and Quailpaw, they often call him dad times. He loved those three so much.
Icefire shook himself from his thoughts "Tiger-roar wants me to send Cloudpaw and Maplepaw on a solo hunting mission today" he mewed to Raveneye
The lean medicine cat looked up in surprise from his herb sorting "That's early isn't it? They've barley been an apprentices, if anything Swiftpaw and Lynxpaw should be getting that"
Icefire shrugged "Tiger-roar thinks they're ready. Bearpaw, Sunnypaw, and Rosepaw are having one too, He told me to follow them and see how they do, anyway. If your free would you like to come and help? I'll need help with watching two apprentices"
Tiger-roar had been busy that morning, sending out one patrol with Leopardstorm leading to renew the scent markings along the Riverclan boundary and another with Sandstorm to hunt around Snakerocks, so he neglected to tell Icefire where Maplepaw should go for her hunting mission. Icefire didn't want to be bothered to remind the deputy, he was planning.
"You both can make for Twolegplace" he mewed to Maplepaw, his tail laying on Cloudpaw's back "Then you won't get in the way of the patrols. You two won't see me or Raveneye but We'll be watching you. We'll meet you by the twoleg fence"
Cloudpaw nudged him "Tommy? Princess? Luna? Scourge? Can I see them?"
"If we see them there you may talk" Icefire mewed. His siblings honestly unless in Bloodclan never stay in the same area for too long. Princess and Luna were in Bloodclan while Tommy was with any group that would take him. Princess was trying to train her remaining kit, Slash into a fierce cat since her siblings either died or were taken by the humans. Scourge wasn't any better, Smoke, Rook, and Leo were killed in a fight with a random group. She was training Quince and Jackel harshly.
"Sweet" Cloudpaw's eyes gleamed, his snowy fur fluffed up in excitement. Maplepaw looked just as excited, her fluffy white tail sticking up with her tail-tip flicking. Icefire remembered doing this with Cinderfreeze, it was a lot of fun and it felt good seeing how far his apprentice had come.
"Off you two go, then" Icefire mewed
"Try to get there by sunhigh" Raveneye added
They watched the apprentices race off toward the tunnel "Pace yourself" he called after them "You've a long way to go!"
Neither apprentice slowed down.
"Apprentices" Raveneye mewed "I'm glad Ashpaw is the calm one"
They were following the apprentices scents, they were strong and mingled with each other.
"How's your kits?" Raveneye asked "Haven't had a chance to talk with them except Cloudpaw"
"Great" Icefire mewed with pride "I've heard that Sunnypaw's tracking skills have improved since she returned to training, Shrikepaw and Rosepaw's fighting skills have improved and Bearpaw has been helping out with the nursery"
"That's great" Raveneye replied "I'm proud to call them my kin"
A flurry of loose feathers told of a caught thrush, and specks of blood on the grass showed that a mouse had fallen to his claws. Not far from Tallpines, Icefire found the spot where Cloudpaw had buried his fresh-kill so he could return for it later. He saw a similar spot where Maplepaw had buried her kill. Impressed that both apprentices were hunting well so early in their training, Raveneye and Icefire put on speed, hoping to catch the two apprentices catching or stalking prey. But before they reached twolegplace he caught sight of Maplepaw racing back along her own scent rail, her fur bristling and a wild light in her eyes.
"Maplepaw!" Icefire raced forward to meet her, his body tingling with fear.
"What happened?" Raveneyes asked
Maplepaw skidded to a halt, her claws scattering pine needles, barley managing avoid a collision with Icefire "Sunnypaw's gone and Fuzzypelt's dead"
Icebelly felt his heart drop and the air grew cold "What?"
"Me and Cloudpaw saw Tiger-roar and Nightshade, and there were some strange cats with him"
"What strange cats?...The rouges" Raveneye said in horror "I knew it!"
"I think so" Maplepaw replied, her fur standing on end "They were huddled together, just on the edge of the trees. I tried to get closer to hear what they were saying, but I was afraid they would see my white tail. So I came to find you"
Icefire wasn't listening he stopped when he heard about Sunnypaw and Fuzzypelt's fate, did Tiger-roar do this?. "Where did you last smell her scent?" he suddenly snapped "Where's Fuzzypelt?"
Maplepaw was about to move when Cloudpaw came into view with Fuzzypelt's corpse. He set the old tom's body down gently.
"Dad!" Raveneye dashed forward, burying his face in Fuzzypelt's fur. The pelt-maker's had been slashed open. He caught the scent of Nightshade in the air and another he couldn't pinpoint.
"Nightshade" he hissed
Raveneye was seething. "I'll kill her" he snarled
"Well you'll have to wait" Maplepaw replied "I just saw a large group of them and they're heading for camp"
Icefire didn't skip a beat "Run!" he ordered "All of you run like you've never before"
He ran with speed he didn't know he had, not checking to see if Cloudpaw and Maplepaw were keeping up. He saw Raveneye race ahead, fear racing off his white spotted pelt.
'He sent out all those patrols this morning' Icefire thought, fighting back panic. 'and he told me to follow Cloudpaw and Maplepaw. He left the clan with barely a warrior to defend it. This was the plan' he didn't know if he should stop or continue 'Do I actually want this?'
Icefire hurtled through the trees, his muscles bunching and stretching as he drove himself on. But when Raveneye and him reached the ravine, he realized that they had not run fast enough. He saw the lats of the rouges disappear into the gorse tunnel.
Launching himself down the steep side of the ravine, with Cloudpaw and Maplepaw scrabbling down behind him, Icefire let out a yowl "Thunderclan! Enemies! Attack!" He hurled himself into the tunnel and at the same moment he heard another yowl from the camp ahead.
"To me, Thunderclan!"
It was the familiar battle cry, but the voice was Tiger-roar's.
He burst into the clearing just as Tiger-roar whirled on the band of rogues, who scattered, yowling, from his attack. The deputy certainly looked as if he were trying to drive enemies from the camp, but Icefire was close enough to see that his long claws were sheathed in his massive paws. Tiger-roar's brave defense was all a sham. He had brought these enemy cats here, but he was cunning enough to conceal his own treachery.
There was no time for any more thought. However they had come here, the rogue cats were now attacking the camp. Icefire turned swiftly to Cloudpaw and Maplepaw.
"Go and find the patrols and tell them to come back" he ordered "Leopardstorm is somewhere along the Riverclan boundary, and Sandstorm went to Snakerocks"
"Yes Icefire, I got Snakerocks" Maplepaw replied
"Riverclan" Cloudpaw added as they both raced back into the tunnel.
Icefire sprang at the nearest rogue, a dark mottled brown tabby , and he raked his claws down his side. The rogue snarled and twisted toward, paws splayed for attack. He tried to pin Icefire down; Icefire's hindpaws pummeled his belly, and rogue broke away howling.
Icefire's scrambled to his paws and crouched with tail lashing and fur bristling as he looked around for another enemy. Outside the entrance to the nursery, Frostbite was wrestling a rogue with a pale gray coat, the two of the rolling over and over as they tried to get a hold with teeth and claws.
Brindleface and Speckletail were fighting against a black cat twice their size. Near the warrior's den, Mousefur dug her front claws into the shoulder of a huge tabby, while her back claws shredded his flank.
He saw Dustpelt and Raveneye brawling with Mudfoot, Raveneye going for the ribes and Dustpelt going for the eyes.
He tried to run to help but he was bowled over by a rogue cat. His flank stung as claws raked down it. Green eyes glared a mouse-length from his own red ones. Icefire bared his fangs and tried to bite down into the enemy's shoulder, but the rogue cat batted him away. Claws ripped into his ear. His belly was exposed and he couldn't twist free. Suddenly his attacker let out a wail and released him. Icefire caught a glimpse of the older apprentice Swiftpaw with his teeth fastened into the rogue's tail; the rogue dragged him through the dust until Swiftpaw released him and the enemy fled.
Panting, Icefire scrambled to his paws "Thanks" he gasped "Well done"
"Done it a lot with Fogtail" Swiftpaw chuckled before racing off to where Frostbite still battled in front of the nursery along with Nettlemist.
The clearing heaved with struggling cats, but as Icefire poised himself to rejoin the fray he realized something that sent an even colder pang of fear along his spine. Where was Bluestar?
In a heartbeat, Icefire realized that he couldn't see Tiger-roar either or Nightshade either. Every instinct told him the plan was close to completion, even the hissing from Goosefeather.
'Save her you fool' he hissed 'This is not the destiny they follow'
"What are you talking about?" he snapped
'You'll see, now save her'
"Icefire, help!" turned and saw Cranewing pinned by Lizardstripe. The older molly dug her claws in the gray molly's chest and her ear was bleeding.
Icefire moved forward and shoved Lizardstripe away. Lizardstripe hissed and swiped at him and he dodged, he winced when he stepped on his faulty leg in his rush "Cranewing, kill her!"
The gray molly didn't hesitate, she bit into the back of Lizardstripe's neck. The older molly gurgled as Cranewing crushed her windpipe.
'Find Bluestar!' Goosefeather and Redtail hissed
He dodged around Willowpelt, who was clinging to the back of a much bigger rogue, her teeth hastened in his ear, and made for Bluestar's den, Leopardstorm falling beside him. To his relief, as he approached the entrance he heard Bluestar mew from inside, "We can worry about that later, Tiger-roar Nightshade. The Clan needs us now"
For a few heartbeats there was no reply. Leoapardstorm looked ready to bolt but was waiting. Then Icefire heard Bluestar's voice again, surprised "Nightshade? Tiger-roar? What are you doing?"
Tiger-roar's snarl answered "Remember us to Starclan, Mother"
"Tiger-roar Nightshade, what is this?" Bluestar's mew was sharper now, edged with rage, not fear. "I'm the leader of your clan, or have you two forgotten that?"
"Not for much longer" Nightshade growled
"I'm going to kill you, and kill you again, As many times as it takes for you to join Starclan forever. It's time for me to lead this Clan!" Tiger-roar declared
Bluestar's answering hiss was suddenly cut short by the sound of paws thudding against the hard floor of the den, followed by dreadful snarling.
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