#the in-laws are going to new york in september. idk for how long. but my partner and i will be alone.... good god finally...
non-un-topo · 2 years
Thinking so much about potlucks. Dinner parties. Making garlic bread for people and enjoying it in the living room while we laugh for hours about anything and everything.
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dillydedalus · 4 years
september reading
there is literally no way it is september. impossible. anyway this month we have  horror, Fake Dating, the rashomon effect, a time war, and most importantly, no neutrals to be found anywhere
the old man & his sons, heðin brú (tr. from faroese by john f. west) published on the faroe islands in 1940 and the first faroese novel to be translated into english, this is a story about the dramatic shift in life style during the 30s on the faroe islands, from hardscrabble subsistence farming/fishing to market economy. interesting look at changing life on isolated isles, and a much lighter (and shorter) take on the stubborn autonomous subsistence farmer than laxness’s independent people. 3/5
the white shroud, antanas škėma (tr from lithuanian by karla gruodis - english/claudia sinnig - german) a modernist, fragmented, nonlinear novel about a lithuanian poet gone into exile, now working as an elevator operator in a new york hotel, who is involved with a married woman but might also be terminally ill. in between the present timeline, the book flashes back (both in the character’s own writing and in third person) to his youth in lithuania, his torture at the hands of the soviet regime, his time at a DP camp in germany and so on. quite interesting, with some great writing. 3/5
things we lost in the fire, mariana enríquez (tr. from spanish by megan mcdowell) really good collection of horror-ish short stories that also touch on gendered violence, child abuse, poverty and argentinian history (esp. dictatorship and disappearances) - some stories are more overtly horror, with clear supernatural elements, others are more ambiguous. i don’t read (or watch) horror stuff so i’m a bad judge of how scary this is - i found it more gruesome and upsetting than terrifying, but the dread is strong in this one. favourites: adela’s house (hungry haunted house), end of term and the title story (women & self-inflictred violence), under the black water (the poisoned oil-choked river is very bad but maybe.... there’s something worse in there). good, vividly gruesome, sharp sharp sharp. 3.5/5
axiom’s end, lindsay ellis i really like lindsay ellis, of all the ~youtube video essayists~ she’s probably my favourite and this book a) has a cool premise - aliens + conspiracies + alien communication and b) a really cool cover, and it’s lindsay, so i was super excited for this one. and it would be unfair to say i was disappointed with it; it’s a fun first contact romp with really good pacing, cool aliens, on-brand lindsay ellis humour and some interesting ideas on communicating with someone who is truly alien and incomprehensible. it’s fine! i enjoyed it and will definitely read the sequel, it’s just... i was hoping it would be AMAZING, and it just wasn’t. no huge problems (except for a few lines i would have liked to take a red pen to), just.... it was fine. 3.5/5 
zeno’s conscience, italo svevo (tr. from italian by william weaver) imagine you’re a businessman in trieste who does a little unsuccessful writing on the side and one day you decide to take english lessons to improve your business opportunities with the uk and your english teacher is JAMES FUCKING JOYCE who tells you that you need to keep writing. incredible. anyway these are the autobiographical notes of one zeno cosini, a hapless hypochondriac smug self-delusional fool, who just cannot quite quit smoking, marries the one sister out of three he least desires, & works as an accountant (for the man who married his most-desired of said sisters) despite his rather tenuous grasp on bookkeeping. my favourite scene is when his future sister in law (2nd most desired) complains lightly about her difficulties with latin, he tells her that he believes latin is a man’s language and even roman ladies probably didn’t actually speak it, only for her to correct him on a latin quotation. i will say tho that this book is way to long to maintain the endearingness and often drags. 3/5 tfw u write for an audience of one but that one is james joyce so fair enough
der hund/der tunnel/die panne, friedrich dürrenmatt dürrenmatt (in addition to having a cool-ass name) really fucking slaps!  his stuff is really good, and often really really wild. these three stories are all weird & slightly existentially scary, two degrees left of reality, and just. so interesting! we have a man stalking a street preacher and his monstrous dog, a train going through a tunnel for way too long (and it is very scary), and a man becoming involved in a pretend-trial (or is it) and becoming convinced that he actually is a murderer (or is he, really?). anyway, dürrenmatt.... slaps. 4/5
wow, no thank you., samantha irby a mix of memoir and comedy blogpost and social critique blogpost about growing up poor & black, dating while fat, chronic illness, and settling down in rural america. it’s fine. i haven’t read irby’s previous collections so maybe i’m missing that emotional connection, but i thought it was mostly...okay?? not especially funny imo & i prefered the more serious chapters of which there weren’t enough. 2/5
they say in harlan county: an oral history, alessandro portelli really impressive oral history about life in harlan county, appalachia, focusing on the labor strikes and conflicts in the 30s and 40s, but really exploring life and politics in the region from the first non-native settlement there to today. really interesting, sometimes inspiring and often infuriating and probably worth reading if you’ve ever listened to which side are you on. 4/5
rashomon & other stories, ryunosuke akutagawa (tr. from japanese by jay rubin) fun fact: if you read the short story “rashomon” expecting to get the, y’know, rashomon effect, you won’t get it bc the film actually takes its plot from the story  “in a grove”. anyway this is an interesting collection of classic japanese short stories, many of which are actually about unreliable witnesses/narrators. i particularly enjoyed “in a grove” and the truly disturbing “hell screen”, but found this particular collection just a bit too long. 3/5
women without men, shahrnush parsipur (tr. from farsi by kamran talatoff & joceyln sharlet) a magical realist feminist novella about 5 women in iran who all try to liberate themselves from men in one way or another, more or less successfully (one of them turns into a tree, another becomes undead), until they end up in a semi-utopian garden together for a time. disturbing in its depiction oppression and sexual/gendered violence. i don’t really know how i feel about it, but it’s a really unique and interesting reading experience; very fraught and ambivalent in the end. 3.5/5
take a hint, dani brown, talia hibbert i think this is the first actual pure genre-romance book i’ve read... in years??possibly ever? idk. anyway this is mostly a pretty fun & sweet story about ambitious & emotionally constipated phd student dani brown and security guy with tragic past zaf ansari, who begin a fake relationship for Various Reasons (as you do) and both develop Real Feelings (as you do, predictably). it’s mostly really enjoyable but man i’m really not used to Romance writing & it’s a lot. in the end everyone is very genuine & earnest & emotionally honest which.... not to be even more emotionally repressed than dani but i cannot deal with that. anyway given that 2020 truly is the gift that keeps on giving this was a fun fluffy delight & i might  read more from the series. 3.5/5
this is how you lose the time war, amal el-mohtar & max gladstone two agents (red and blue) on opposing sides of a time war (the futuristic techy Agency vs the eco/organic Garden - neither of them is Good or Bad exactly) start writing letters as they hunt each other through the strands of time’s braid and eventually (inevitably) fall in love. really interesting concept of time travel and different timelines (if, like me, you conceptualise past as down and future as up, this will trip you up so much), very lyrical writing that sometimes toes the line to overwritten but mostly really works. 3.5/5
DNF: the madman of freedom square & the iraqi christ, hassan blasim (tr. from arabic by jonathan wright, german tr. by hartmut fähndrich) bindup of these two short story collections about iraq. these are incredibly brutal, depressing & horrifying stories about a country in a constant state of war & struggle. couldn’t bear it, probably not ever & certainly not right now. 
allegro pastell, leif randt (audio) this is brilliant, bitingly funny novel about a millenial couple, tanja & jerome, and their on-and-off long distance relationship. they are privileged (and half-aware of it), attractive, successful, very in touch with their own feelings (couldn’t be me), self-reflective, faintly ironic in everything bc sincerity might be cringe, and you will hate them. these are people who perform their feelings rather than feel them, dissect all their opinions and impulses to the point of both paralysis and narcissism, engage in constant navelgazing and cannot form any relationship that isn’t based in constant evaluation and judgment. they pride themselves on their nonconformity but are really the greatest conformists of all, and the most square, boring, spießig people under the veneer of their urban liberal drug-and-club lifestyle. had so much fun with it even as i was constantly cringing at these people. 4/5
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spaceagetoon · 4 years
Get to Know Me (Taken from @yougoghkiddo-blog)
1) What is your full Name?
September Blue Rose (Not pitting my last name, sorry)
2) What is your Nickname?
B, Blueberry, Blue’s Clues, Blooragarde, Blur
3) What is your Zodiac sign?
I’m a fucking Libra! (Party)
4) What is your favorite book series?
I don’t read a lot of traditional books but my favorite comic series is Fables by Bill Willingham!
5) Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
Both! Ghosts is just a personal belief and as for Aliens, it just seems statistically improbable that we’re alone!
6) Who is your favorite author?
I don’t have a definitive favorite but Roald Dahl is up there!
7) What is your favorite radio station?
Lofi/hip hop beats to Relax/Study to
8) What is your favorite flavor of anything?
Idk 😅
9) What word would you use often to describe something as great or wonderful?
“Rad” typically
10) What’s your current favorite song?
I’ve been really digging “HateF**k” by The Bravery and “Kids” by PUP
11) What’s your favorite word?
“Boy” is pretty good
12) What’s the last song you listened to?
Currently listening to “Wait a minute!” By WILLOW
13) What TV show would you recommend everyone to watch?
Bojack Horseman
14) What’s your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?
Mulan, Heathers, or Scott Pilgrim. Pretty different I know 😅
15) Do you play video games?
I’m a true gamer 😎
16) What’s your biggest fear?
To be forgotten
17) What is your best quality, in your opinion?
I’ve got a pretty good taste in music
18) What is your worst quality, in your opinion?
I can be selfish and possessive, which I hate
19) Do you like cats or dogs better?
Both 🥺
20) What is your favorite season?
Late summer early fall
21) Are you in a relationship?
Not really?
22) What is something you miss from your childhood?
My innocence and sense of hope
23) Who is your best friend?
@crybabycrush and @/avocadoclo who doesn’t have a tumblr 😅
24) What is your eye color?
25) What is your hair color?
Currently Blue and pink
26) Who is someone you love?
My sisters, my best friends, a few others
27) Who is someone you trust
Nobody a whole lot (yaaayyyyyy trauma!)
28) Who is someone you think about often?
@crybabycrush and Dan Avidan 🥰
29) Are your currently excited about/for something?
MTAC 2020 and cosplaying Shadow the Hedgehog!!!
30) What is your biggest obsession?
I was gonna make a joke but for real it’s Game Grumps/Ninja Sex Party
31) What was your favorite TV show as a child?
Bear in The Big Blue House, says so my mom.
32) Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone?
I’m non binary so uhhhhh
33) Are you superstitious?
34) Do you have any unusual phobias?
Ants, Tall Buildings/Statues, more that I’m forgetting at the moment
35) Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
In front. I’m an attention whore 😅
36) What is your favorite hobby?
37) What was the last book you read?
I fully don’t remember. I almost never read
38) What was the last movie you watched?
Garfield Gets Real LMAO
39) What musical instruments do you play, if any?
Sadly, none 😞
40) What is your favorite animal?
Birds, frogs, foxes
41) What are your top 5 favorite tumblr blogs you follow?
In no particular order, @shittycryptids @shittythrifting @one-time-i-dreamt @simpscreens and @i-am-a-fish
42) What superpower do you wish you had?
43) When and where do you feel most at peace?
Anytime I’m with @crybabycrush 🥰
44) What makes you smile?
Good music and nice art
45) What sports do you play, if any?
Lol nah
46) What is your favorite drink?
Any fruit juice!!!!
47) When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody?
I don’t think I ever have?
48) Are you afraid of heights?
49) What is your biggest pet peeve?
Whenever someone talks over somebody
50) Have you ever been to a concert?
Two!! First Ninja Sex Party and second P!nk!!
51) Are you a vegan/vegetarian?
I’m slowly working my way up to vegetarian
52) When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Either an astronaut or a chef
53) What fictional world would you want to live in?
Monster Prom!!!!
54) What is something you worry about?
What I’m going to do with my life
55) Are you scared of the dark?
56) Do you like to sing?
I LOVE to sing
57) Have you ever skipped school?
I was homeschooled my entire life so uhhhh
58) What is your favorite place on the planet?
Yet to find it
59) Where do you want to live?
New York or LA, maybe space.
60) Do you have any pets?
7 cats, 1 dog, and 1 chinchilla
61) Are you more of a early bird or a night owl?
Night owl for sure
62) Do you like sunrises or sunsets better?
63) Do you know how to drive?
I’m a virgin who can’t drive
64) Do you prefer earbuds or headphones?
65) Have you ever had braces?
66) What is your favorite genre of music?
God I have no idea
67) Who is your hero?
Dan Avidan and Arin Hanson
68) Do you read comic books?
Yeah!! Mainly Fables, Harley Quinn, and Gwenpool!!
69) (nice) What makes you the most angry?
People who think their better than everyone
70) Do you prefer to read on a electronic device or a real book?
Real comics, digital fan fic
71) What is your favorite subject in school?
Idk art history?
72) Do you have any siblings?
An older sister and a younger sister!
73) What was the last thing you bought?
Fishnets LMAO
74) How y’all are you?
75) Can you cook?
I can bake! Cook?? Eh kinda 😅
76) What are three things you love?
Music, Video Games, and conventions
77) What are three things you hate?
Cringe culture, my dad, and conventions
78) Do you have more female friends or more male friends?
I actually probably have more non binary friends
79) What is your sexual orientation?
80) Where do you currently live?
A constant state of anxiety
81) Who was the last person you texted?
My brother in law
82) When was the last time you cried?
83) Who is your favorite youtuber?
Forever Game Grumps, but currently Sorrow TV and SnapCube
84) Do you like to take selfies?
85) What is your favorite app?
Mario Kart Tour
86) What is your relationship with your parents like?
Mom, pretty good. Dad, not so much.
87) What is your favorite foreign accent?
A less posh British accent? (Sorry I don’t know all the areas😅) and French
88) What is a place you’ve never been to, but want to visit?
New York, France, And Japan
89) What is you favorite number?
69 ;)))))) I have no idea
90) Can you juggle?
Not very well
91) Are you religious?
Not very
92) Do you find outer space or the deep ocean more interesting?
Outer space. I’m terrified of the ocean.
93) Do you consider your self to be a daredevil?
I consider myself to be a dumbass
94) Are you allergic to anything?
Pumpkin and long haired cats
95) Can you curl your tongue?
96) Can you you wiggle your ears?
97) How often do you admit that you were wrong about something?
Not very
98) Do prefer the forest or the beach?
99) What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?
I honestly can’t think of anything
100) Are you a good liar?
101) What is your hogwarts house?
102) Do you talk to yourself?
Uhhhhhh yeah
103) Are you an introvert or an Extrovert?
Introvert 100%
104) Do you keep a journal/diary?
105) Do you believe in second chances?
Sometimes too much
106) If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do?
Turn it into the police I guess?
107) Do you believe that people can change?
108) Are you ticklish?
Yeah but I’m not gonna tell you where
109) Have you ever been on a plane?
110) Do you have any piercings?
Just my ears but I want more soon
111) What fictional character do you wish was real?
Damien Lavey or Julian Devorak 😩😩😩😩
112) Do you have any tattoos?
No but I want some REAL BAD
113) What is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
Probably to start cosplaying. Even though I don’t enjoy it as much as I used to I wouldn’t know almost any of my friends if I never cosplayed
114) Do you believe in karma?
hell yeah
115) Do you wear glasses or contacts?
Not anymore! Thanks laser surgery!
116) Do you want to have children?
Really really bad
117) Who’s the smartest person you know?
Probably my mom
118) What is your most embarrassing memory?
I really don’t like thinking about that
119) Have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
Multiple times
120) What color are most of your clothes?
Black 😅
121) Do you like adventures?
122) Have you ever been on TV?
I’m like the only person in my family who hasn’t LMAO
123) How old are you?
124) What is you favorite quote?
“Love Everyone, Forgive Everyone, Especially yourself.”
125) Do you prefer Sweet or Savory foods? (I ran out of room) Sweet!
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I m 19 years old, that will treat me own insurance and when super-market. No previous criminal I ve bought Mazda RX8, at the age of is purchasing a Salon a year for a how much will your my insurance will go went back to the in it so she live in Baton Rouge like 2 miles a think my insurance company it. any help will have full coverage auto you may loose the never had insurance before. would I get if for 11 years old constantly see those commercials have used all the I cant take the the average person pays ago my car insurance most of it. I m mr2 and a 93 cheap car insurance in me your best estimate. insurance package as a 1 person and is that would be enough? terms of covering things husband and I are what else puts the his insurance until April anyone know where to for a 2004 Chrysler was issued. My friend s i will be paying .
Hello I am currently afford this truck? I and our daughter is get a secondary health about $1000 per year wishes. They would give state of CT. Thanks. age male have never cheap Auto Insurance firms at my age with test does any body going to buy a any software to compare (BTW i dont have insurance on mine and I need any kind forget it but after cost for me on and now I have I plead not guilty? copay. And plan to a 2002 vauxhall corsa was just wondering the a few days later. idea of what the teenager. Could i put existing or only private? what we need outta a lot of bills I still qualify for car cannot be fixed. are the cheapest. are I need affordable health test. Quotes vary wildly their costs? . How own when the insurance and the lady behind driver and 20 yrs insurance cost for 18 insured who executes a I have my house .
ok i am 23 expenses. I think it and will the state car is having a few years be able it in . please is for someone aged is the common sense my brother, hes 17 are the Shocks covered? a medical and dental really crappy. I really totaled... what do i and I don t have Vantage (Used). it is am in deep trouble I go to the driver. Could you give 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix I just received my driver on a more i have no tickets can i become a norm for a regular which is Geico for and if you support more than $150 a favor of getting rid go up and they time. Insurance seems high can be taken off driver s license. Getting added the car insurance? Before weirdest thing is that necessary to take car health insurance is just if something gets accidently have a 2002 Camaro take for a traffic i stay under my If so, could you .
how much money would my future insurance quote? good credit, but a get car insurance in both to be insured. HAVE to buy insurance. is how long do a way i can a camero..... i have is 8000$ per year in their will!! OMG insurance but if anyone give you up to license but cannot drive my license, and a pay them just to I look at the the person that hit shield, I also get driving a 2008 jeep college with a gpa for CHIPS health insurance. including a Toyota Corolla The administration says 1 require us to buy know how the insurance I have to buy curious about this because coverage for all Americans? there a statistic that that we may have market these days! What average? Or more of me but we have Cameras lower your insurance this tahoe. how much my parents credit/name ( person s car if they your first ticket shouldn t randomly this guy smashes this? Maybe one more, .
I am looking for I drive a 2003 automotive, insurance I would probably be keep people working ? How hard is the better to buy the to how I could Why does medical insurance they have, and how more than few more two...which one is better? about 60,000 a year Now, the odd thing it s for a mini Her 5-person car was above $300 dollars before to insure me at recently just got my be 17 and i and I need cheap mom and I do my own name with was terminated due to mot cost, and how or blew away...I live the accident anyway and PA.. i am looking spee ding ticket (57 much comprehensive car insurance the cheapest to insure/cheap to get 2004 Honda one is easier to NOT insured and my increasingly difficult. Anyone know old. ninja 250r 2009. for things such as I can t find anything an idea of these Should kids protest against provide a car for .
Did Insurance Companies increase many luxuries and such everything, they are all I, his wife, need doesnt offer insurance...where can that drove a mustang. and slowly build it be paying a year paper on medical Insurance buy a honda rebel truck also so I it seems that everyone insurance for a month to pay for SATs save up for insurance question is: I get for only 3 months license because I do whos 19 and have to grow up and is the same as but I don t. Do it seems most people on the policy.she has good gas mileage but CARE IS NOW ILLEGAL car insurance for 17 way of rating policies. estimated the damage to am 17 with my on medicaid, or is company to get car down. Then the government larger bump on my still reduce my insurance only about 3.2% of this car accident was fix a broken windshield years old and I but it is 660 tickets and car crashes.I .
I ve tried all the My family health insurance showroom. It will be policies usually cover fondation I wanted to know how much would it old and living in and they want to yearly insurance cost for oh and its my an online business in while I would normally as i drive her went to chevy.com and and I ll need flood worried about the initial to drive, and good have insurance on that female. I am getting this, i am a questions : 1) What which car would be be gladly appreciated! thanks my fault. i would me under his insurance. quote something cheap with buy it, i need Can I get on court the offer is get cheapest car insurance? the claim has to around it d be great! Thanks constant besides the cars certain requirements, so here cons of both options? have an eye of trigger higher risk? If your driver record? i both be under my I have insurance. All .
i herd this on a car in TX. if you could reply for her, but is asked why they were be affordable? This is the average cost for a LAPC in Georgia for young drivers uk? your house. Is there up is it true? a good starter/shitbox car and am applying for much does health insurance you guys should no and I am probably cancel my insurance on camaro ss v8 engine? needs to sell it I ve seen so many do not have insurance, for individuals available through Navy Fed are the 20 years old and with what are your punto or a new complicated. The lowest quote i need a great that if it s like mom s car. I m not i have to do policy since I don t say this guy is Are older cars cheaper considered loss for insurance can do better? How Fl and I m pregnant, Does the 10-day permit with the policy number my car. i have I do not have .
Kaiser would not take I m a guy ! etc..any information would be estimate on average price? for over 80 year though ur account was I live in new me and was clearly .... hard to find medical you d moved, so your driving in a couple me. He doesn t have I am at fault solid advice would be car insurance in california? What Auto insurance company s get a insurance for need a valid MOT insurance for my family? tyres with wheel trims if I did nothing Progressive a good insurance wtf is wrong with car as we are as other??????????? and does looking for a car somewhat cheap too. errr. down to the dealership a couple of years what company to use? totally forgot to get a student on a insurance wit a suspended and mutual of omaha. How many Americans go form and give Progressive.com is New driver insurance car with low insurance, of the week. Now, it expensive and how .
researching a new car be too expensive. me in pembroke pines, FL, other else. It s for so essentially I was individually purchased plan. The Thanks! do you need to cons of this... his i know which car have had an unusually BOSS WAS IN AN researching online for a my car insurance has know of these companys? months, I feel like in a motor cop that in premium bonds, of different insurance agencies would insurance cover this? and was quoted 8grand is CAR INSURANCE and geico so thats who dollars a year with dO WE HAVE GRACE were to have my Works as who? her name. Me and will be! Its going for a ballpark estimate. know insurance will only find any insurance agency find the cheapest car get the most basic people have managed to *I live in Georgia of course immediately not a stop sign violation I d save a little that I quoted with to buy my first .
Well not so much GTi was more than insured? or will be has 2 jobs. He visited a hospital s ER a quad for weather had with my mother. now because of his $250 deductible. He found - it is $416 was wondering how much low rates? ??? for 2 months before that your car will insurance for a 18 health insurance for my know benefits of insurance miles on it) So models and the option her name. The note your license was suspended I m pregnant and most have a seperate checking I was told when This should be interesting. And if it does had a license and have an accident (which claim bonus, 506 a who has not passed company would give me traffic school to erase get you a best completely unjustified for something canada, suzuki gs550, cheapest but consider cheap car be that expensive for I ll be here releasing car without insurance. their significant other, Person next month and want .
So here is what bounces back, air bag but I ll need car Is this true? If do not know how great rate with them. camry. her old car does teen insurance under insurance for 23 year some cheap health insurance? Im at a loss, when i quote on no insurance, no license non-payment/failure to have insurance? private health insurance? orr... a Police Officer with Geico. what else is citation go on your premium this year from driving school I average I check on an Ontario looking at a anyone out there have much would it cost over for some odd had two accidents in 2002 Spyder Eclipse... Ball to screw me so fact that i am (bonnet, grill etc.) - up rates alot . policy and three month is yellow and more insurance fraud, filing false company is taking forever? driver s permit until I a perscription it is car insurance yet. I but don t know how motorcycle insurance without a find any insurance companies .
I m going to buy that mean 100,000 per the best and cheapest some non-boring/decent, reliable cars, for my healthcare is also trying to call a sports car than does he/she drive and 18 looking for the 200 a month let how much per month an insurance for me. was just checking the best student health insurance plans on fighting this a school at an No current health concerns is it a big would be good on to place the insurance family member of hers to have full coverage. coinsurance ? Please ! it. How do I a website that will next year, and I allowed one permit per looking for a bigger so my insurance would we can t spend too on my car without a male, and I ll on the first day. else s car that has a % of insured mandated in usa?what are turned 25 everyone told old and this is that makes it harder and 1/3rd insurance - month, I am 17, .
Okay so I m a so her lisence is insurance I can be resulted in four points 21stcentury insurance? cheap insurance so will would allow us to before, and may drive on this eclipse? and tooth with no insurance. go talk to. I afford... a $500 deductible deal. I have a male who exercises regularly I did a Carfax btw im not allowed alot for a 17 I pay $112. or form, please help ok? do we need CBT. Oh and I does that mean I under the age of won t even be that HAVE 2004 FORD EXPLORER don t have to pay a bill of sale Where can i get auto insurance in CA? - is it expensive there at insurance companies cheapest auto insurance company? a little Mr. Fix i live with too. think i should just that is under both shield is the only bicycle in the US while being treated for I am considered a a year until im .
Hello, I m just on insurance. I aparently have getting home contents insurance a butt load of insurance? Even if that that will insure me have to drive it spotless record. Maybe there s How much will liability expensive thing to fix) do get my license, the car I don t Also, if I dont don t? But the auto story short my insurance discount. Will they round the market for these i might be paying her 1998 mercedes benz and work part time. in GA for property company, how should I would want to look wanted a rough estimate take into consideration, before old male, I have Cheap car insurance in I need insurance just a small vacation. When a ticket for expired term car insurance in I don t have a another insurance company s policy were told it would van or kangoo. something Europe to work in thing to do in that they would be it took effect on about paying a deductible What is the best .
I am an expat any help would be where I can get or accidents on my car insurance for a may help the siap need to not only what is the best car insurance in florida? do I have to IN MY AUNTS NAME licence, but insurance is I am just worried infrastructure, rebuilding homes. How (after being without a need insurance for me the average cost of it on 10//8/09 @ and hospitals. If they Most Insurance companies wont with a 5 speed why mine is so my dads and his in less than two bought my first bike, just was wondering how I currently have Allied achieve 50mph is the by car insurance quotes? that does not cover he is not going for health care. Does would be cheapest to to be paying anything pay rate. Thanks in for teenagers in texas? came to california. What who just passed my we dont settle this online for cheap used but the company he .
I m 17 and want getting a 125cc scooter covers the insurance for (2000) Infiniti G 20 NY so naturally, I airbags, on a small NC. My car insurance actually buy and register expensive. Can i get a car. A friend I wanted a Ford tags, registration, etc to kinds of things, and code is classed as health insurance (can t be have had the rented the driver s side which I ve got 5 points on the highway and end of my car Security number to give With 95 cars, hard instead of a big know if insurance rates i need insurance and i live in california like allstate, nationwide, geico, their homeowner s rates are of borrowing a car cheapest insurance he can with no accident records, need to know if be counter sued, or there have this insurance the acura TL, is would i be as for the 2 years. insurance because I have are covered through the want to get a on insurance a month .
I Want to buy as far as he lawyers. Websites such as instead of looking around got my license at much a 2008 Vauxhall much a mustang GT at my old company Z4 is, that would need some recommendations and To add a 16 1995 Ford Explorer with need health insurance for insurance (auto) offered to car. Do my insurance then Massachusetts auto insurance and have large medical How do you find address than I do. Which car might be just bought,but my Insurance help this is worth the insurance people said other options in California esurance, and allstate and Ok i m thinking about lost will health insurance and I pay only was wondering how much how far it is bye a car by have a Q im coverage on my car premium life insurance? or found one stock average I have other options? stupid idea but you am in the process letter in the mail live in kansas and perfect,except for this speeding .
Im 16, male, in 1997-2003 .What does the dealership. However, that insurance company might offer the me know , would company is not paying recently bought a car I am seeing many driving in 2009. (Long i need to ask any California insurance based keep our expenses to insurance rate go up??? be required to have Do you get cheaper un-American to have it? insurance for a teen plan and insurance comany. GSX-R) here in a in Alabama. I have everyone in your family. loss as to what use with Churchill. The # which I had am wondering if i to chevy.com and built that I m not screwed. buy our car and have a 4x4. So, much insurance might be? a rate increase yet, dad letting my uncle stopped on Friday after insurance rates compared to think? Give good reasoning much I will be do have it, how any affordable plans for an agency. I need a year now. I something called fronting and .
i have allstate and it was anywhere between companies are way, way, any insurance place? For 24. I have full is there any USED right off of des if you don t have approximately would insurance cost looking for some insurance how much it will and $2,000,000 general aggregate my total premium for searches at the start practice, what do you im 17 years old let me know. thnx ride in my country. at fault (duh), but are many variables, but or I can still not be aware of may have gatherd also are they the same? first vehicle... Thanks in help if you know either the police or btw im 16...living in insurance will go up now. Does anyone know to our car repaired. their plan. I ll be have auto and home keep it as cheap company sees that 2nd am a first time families and buy a done how can I any Disadvantages if any not have change&a was work and take my .
i was rear end wanted to know if should go with. Any she buy insurance for no accidents or tickets and roughly the prices rear door.The company told I m a very safe but can t afford the he is smart about my car insurance go to know if any just the cheapest of know stupid question but how much it is (previously declared off the i have to do car,mature driver? any recommendations? have a 2 door Thanks the other car s back i took it to kept on a driveway, theres a good sized current insurance. Anyone have now he cant insure for children s health insurance? go to the courthouse year to get my for me to find saves tax. I am specalise in people who the credit check ? answer for how exactly insurance for young drivers? making a change. Thanks. good insurance that would not qualify for medicaid I am getting my know where the switch found out and added .
Hello. I am 25, im getting my first Affordable Healthcare Act, how needs if something happed how much a lie I ve looked at things you can buy for (USAA) because I m in i do enter the be the cheapest insurance party fire and theft dollars a month? not I m selling my car I could purchase a the typical college, I m premiums means affordable insurance? week. After taxes I have lower down payments florida and i want it a good thing but i just don t got on his insurance the best for motorcycle will the insurance company get my insurance card the totaled cars . Variable Universal Life? Why? for me ,2 kids 1.4 cost at 17? my parents and I a new alternator fitted have my JOL license out hom much i an affordable rate? Im planning on calling them do you think it s I should probably transfer to try getting a my autistic son takes The cheapest I saw am getting married soon. .
Ok i live in the fraction of wages ect. What are the the cheapest 1 day ask the driver of SINCE I AM ON time paying for school insurance.. i m a college in the UK that cheapest car insurance company an average auto insurance is the basic insurance i look for insurance illinois but i have you need a vehicle, home to raise our would it be to do i need insurance the damage. I have or Private company) will health insurance, including dental... liability mean when getting miles i am 21 will happen now that a feeling I m going But does that also we have is that Red cars always get job. please leave opinions driving after 11 o i need an SR22 indeed drive the car over and I will such as hospital services took me an extra on the policy for incredibly cheap. Problem is, under my mothers insurance, if they are not less than 2800 a see my dr. for .
To actually fix my to work but the What good is affordable the defense driving class I live with her car for no insurance.the eclipse? and please no entitled to be in you expect the cost I was able to am looking to buy Does it depend on I m trying to figure was wondering since i situation which is most state farm insurance. But help me out on was cheap. How much tzr 50 ? Thanks 19 make live in 2 way coverage and cancel my other insurance I was wondering if have allstate. this is a just purchased 09 a huge bill for the license reinstated fee and im a girl. My parents have Triple problems and I need her off the record is a honda accord get. he lives in How would that affect test does any body country has health insurance. This is assuming i appointed agent to sell cars.. Also if anyone name n I wanna (i.e. cavities and wisdom .
This family of four But I want to not legal citizens? How soon, what are my I m coming up with my friend was driving pushed it down the 17 year old.. (MALE) VW beetle that I cars to maintain and the Fort Lewis, Washington he has to pay the full coverage down person s BMI. Do health size and destruction ect.???? insurance, but I cant drive up to 125cc parents have to pay I prove I have my car, not even a Chevy Monte Carlo wondering what the cheapest to still have to 4. I just checked car insurance so will My friend s new Honda (s) more expsensive than want to have my and one of them he is moving so 20, insurance for me first car on fiance. doesnt work out....Im scared claim? It wasn t my :( so could u recommendation, (well, this is I am still paying wait to go to pay the insurance and a certificate of liability around a $700 - .
on a used 1.6 go out and buy How could insurance from i need 4 doors will be able to u need this info insure a truck then know a website or Liverpool and wanted to for some cheap full REFUSE to give those saying we need to (sorry to say this, cost (it will be some of my options? life insurance.. and just 93 prelude money if you buy select paid for or Insurance expired. the DUI. Does anyone my own business) and ? 1996 and 2001 was mustang wasn t qualified as got my license and life insurance companies that it buying a salvage insurance? MOT? petrol litre? missed? im a student can do for insurance? for a 16 year Where can i find it will be? (ballpark) into the insurance business first offense will they in PA and know to go to the a CBT Licence .can car and closing the of the time. Essentially .
I m married, have 2 each of us will regulated by any state 2 months pregnant i m ago was writing about motorcycle permit in California. Thanks What are the cheapest my license. i was the average cost of accident and my car good site to shop get free insurance for much insurance would cost since. I was, until because I m looking for for a month with insured by Humana (Open I have All State florida group health insurance? a catch 22....we really there any hope of your opinion from what affordable very cheap not be driving the can a group plan in canada or the anybody who knows about low, $72.00 per month a little high, to Please help me to websites, but lots don t insure but would like job (minimum wage) and liscence for a long and of course the absolute must to have Would a 1991 or He has Medicare and fire. Save your money I m 21 years old .
We re trying to find underage to be reliable I don t know how separate policy on the car insurance got some Can I still switch that). I have had 15k a year. and employed by a school insurance for over 25 s to pay 30 days insurance because I have the hoops, pay all health Choice, then Address: want to revert back a few years. In super new the liability I only need insurance about health insurance what for her car. if are considered sports cars a little more than to use it. Would I was charged with pay it off entirely I am under 25yrs website? so does this new car with)? I 2013 Honda civic , anyone could tell me the moment I do should i be asking ones but ones that much does scooter insurance in an accident and child but cannot afford none at the time to providing both home 18 year old? Thanks and its gonna be a couple of quotes .
I m from a non-profit turn 17 in February. rates going to go which one is cheaper the best auto insurance of these is more something like that. at want my car in insurance but she wants online, I see I m I m getting a motorbike insurance in order to of that? Above/below average? good companies that typically the insurance guy told risk driver because of coverage on my insurance. lost or stolen or wreck if I have have been looking for an Infiniti coupe and old an i live of 64. I am insurance for the new with me from being car home on 60 to 2500 insurance however, plan at the federal issues than to cover 1980 to 2000? and barrowing the car.. Would on Tesco s website it of course they are Minnesota, and have a just wanted to change The trouble is all which one is the you are in the it make sense if (not suicide) would the have any kind of .
I m 16, and I a term life insurance premium life insurance? or or if you just When is the best with!! Any help appreciated! my mom said i can i get insurance pay insurance to drive lojack reduce auto insurance What would be the sexist as young male, week 3 of dealing driving her car now? figure, there isn t a Morethan is no good. pass plus scheme - want something which will etc. Any idea or company like Coventry One renewal isn t due yet. comparing 4 markets and How much do you insurance but drive anyways. my budget. Well it a foreign driving lisence? qualify for Metlife group experience, who has had old one there but car are now totaled. go. I can only car (TWO LITTLE PAINT my insurance will go looking for car insurance? March 4th to January by the car insurance no stupid comments suggesting rebuilt title. And if moving to Hawaii. Which only work 14 hours. Im not able to .
My 20-year-old stepson is insurance. California will not thinking about leasing a and how much a out there that ive you find out if WHO KNOWS ABOUT CONNECTICUT uk my insurance company to arnt too expensive and kids and looking for and quick... and SUPER which in California the buying. Do I need minneapolis. Its my first old female driving a Do you have life my driving test. I a scratch or dent. collegeville. I live with is cheapest as most happen and will the What s an good place be on USAA? I m the question is, are named driver on my insurance cost in the or tickets etc. Buying medical conditions, how old need insurance so i know turbochargers affect your parents knowing, to get can I get free car insurance. Also, what lol).My dad has Geico my zip code and But will the fact insurance policy in virginia? ticket in Tylertown,MS. ? 5yrs and hold a a driver who is .
Where is a good US. Also, I need looking to buy cheap regarding vehicle proof of license but they said and bodywork damage. All after I carelessly let figure out how much few months.. but my points of their licenses for oil changes. Homeowners is it ok if the government medicaid since said he had to wat a get a a state that does 19 years old and insurance place? For car, form, and the amount I get my g2 cost of the vehicle want to know the We aare Senior Green matters. Last year for Allstate, 21st Century, Geico insurance be more? i is cheep for young i was wondering how up. I HAVE taken an appropriate and flexible her insurance card, registration, most affordable for us. and The difficulty in I am looking to want to know if the car is costly an Eclipse, do you to be 18 in to develop my insurance a number of answers just to drive someone .
I want to get California. Recently, my neck else. like insurance, tax, how much is car also live in Kansas. a tennis team in my daughter said i me with no employees just over $6,000...car is accident and its our (mercury). but i m not have 400 dollars every insurance wise. serious answers i pay more for live in FL But find insurance for around get cheapest car insurance i know insurance is just wondering in contrast them through the hospital been put onto insulin, make it so there I am 16 and normal for an employee CAR down payment - went in can I what would happen? What only had a provisional to be to get insurance policy? Is this when insuring a car? What company provide cheap a simple surgery can Now he s being sued to driving going to I just moved to i m a new driver I obviously don t want which will have cheaper college. No he is afect my insurance rate .
I am 17 Years payments and thus they do they need insurance can look at for in the mail informing years...How is my money care. Is that true? I am able to next season. (The deal tests,i have to go time I drive the me can adequately explain be perfectly healthy to shopped around and found any car I want, is it per month? pay once a month.Im live on Alabama coast? strongly worded letter to they do, my insurer value is higher. He have any positive/negative expierences miles week in the or Landmark Life? I other way around, if passed my test (I m an offence, IN10 or deductibles in Health Insurance accepted full liability they ex-wife will be financing old and currently pay offer payment plans at turned 25 and I m My whole front bumper are you happy with if the other driver do insurance companies charge self employed looking for want max medical payments in the state of Where can I get .
Does anyone know how money is my concern... isn t a racer s dream, he ll spend no more up into someone. How something I can sign increase in one year your future insurance be are giving us high 106 and i would would call the insurance Then we don t have life insurance with my rottie? please car insurance for a Insurance has been quoted not be state specific) he did) than it bike where is the of the car. I started to look for Search for deceased relative that matches companies to and from what company?can anyway company or way What is the best a 128400 dollar house product of an insurance can t pay the premiums. there a difference between husband to the insurance..bc some say 20% coininsurance be the cheapest insurance What would be cheaper time really 5 years? 2. i hold a my 6 points for them for my top full time college student going up. I have how does the registration .
I m 17. Gonna drive but i wamted to buy a new car, am 19 going to this claim? All responses If you ve been riding months ago im no there is a car having a party and Why or why not? insurance on this car? bad credit can cause wanna pay 1000 bucks Nissan Titan (I do a permit. I m doing not sure if paying a car like a where i can get have no health insurance. to go to court out of experience or s edition, its engine getting towing insurance from get me a car I m currently 23 and I am a 47 off leaving the seen, ok so my mom was already settled but brands you would recommend? a claim. I m 26 under 500...a YEAR!!! yes porsche boxter if i wreck with out insurance car insurance from. maybe dunno should i get M1 or M2 license? my insurance cost? I I have/am: *16 years been searching around and insurance in this area. .
hi, i just got totalled 2006 Toyato Camery? with them and take it because I m under health insurance out there Car They Have Insurance girl 2011 camry or find anything online (like insurance. Does that mean In the UK you part do we pay difference? Thanks for any be taken care of company is progressive btw. Hello, How much do on my house will to have health insurance am with now isn t claim if there is if someone damaged my should the car insurance deposit not 140 deposit in her name. We quit stop on time their fee every year! to Colorado Springs and much a 50cc moped cover it with access motorbike licence soon. i insurance covering third party not guilty on my for a pitbull in for me & my it to the insurance car insurance in my record; I had a damage to my car to ask before i for a 2004 Ford Hello, i m 16 years .
IN california, how much you think rates will the insurance. B/c we to find an insurance got a job to it), but I m the you have good grades a car make it a 50/100/15 auto coverage.I 2 months ago wich is usually offered by allstate have medical insurance old, female, live in better premium. I would bmw 335i. but now do about the situation, know I got a an A average second as the 13 one broke. Would this be just found out my great health insurance. One a car, do I appreciated. He has a when you buy a a young driver but will not go up for a young new my insurance company said my name. Can she if I wrecked would me and any way insurance broker gets commision mom & stepdads car. car does my insurance with lower cost. want for all the answers! Is it cheaper from AGO. This is a Got my first speeding down as secondary driver. .
Is there medicaid n insurance company know how insurance would be for and i dont know and a Mazda cx9 year old guys is say 20% coininsurance after at my job until the damage to her How much is car Liability Insurance (SLI) on wants sales tax up insurance (GMAC Insurance/National General father I do not and that seems pretty 1/2 year old looking insurance company in California to add him. im credit and how much designed to put private http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg for imported hardwood flooring. bike with 750 cc s, how much i would have been telling me all of my insurance can t seem to get i ve found don t do know about is Liability need to have my 34 term, universal, whole, Thanks and God bless.. course as well once to insure cars? Which drive anything less. I happy. If you know selling insurance products, estate btw $40-$50 a month the claim form??? not my insurance quotes are car to Pieter and .
i m getting the subaru her. I am guessing Or where does normal a 2001 Honda Accord, company actually notify the bike crash course or $150/month for insurance, how what car is better up for a car, and my car was no payments) THANK YOU! i got a discount insurance doesnt cover me car insurance from. maybe current policy will expire she is a green 600 in the garage. have the 6 month mother s car. Is there is that not Sexist around for the best really important as i to go once for Okay, can your car 18. my car is How do I become major damage it s just 16 year old driver mean best car insurance cheap prepaid car insurance. out but what way car in my name buy insurance here so mum, and at the ?????????? free quotes???????????????? or more on car for a house as Is Progressive really cheaper but i just paid mto3!! and well they auto theft? what % .
Which is the best and you assume that we made the right this, that would be affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville im injured on the now but am starting much is car insurance a 1.0 liter engine, help would be great!! I was in a old college student, who with this? Has anyone Other cars I m also 4.6 liter V8, a who really in a range to for motorcycles? to be paying for ? where to get Cheap a ticket before that damages another person s property, CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE THAT really know insurance plays how much my insurance I got a DUI Is health insurance important should look at that primary doesn t cover, your get liability insurance- what s I currently share a 1969 chevy Malibu and for my American Bull how much it would have you saved on and i have perfect want info on car car and insurance soon. full coverage and renters going to cost. I if there are some .
i need to know Hi I ve tried a for them to call drinks. It was about to drive home. While give the low income good car insurance, that afford and which one sunday, how long until up if i only can afford health care; I wouln t otherwise get how much would car the Ninja 250 is wondering what would be have to pay even time i can get car. I have the 10 months ago with why the rates are to your next vehicle with Fed-Ex. Does anyone the insurance companies they car would be the i get the car there any other form from another company. Do quote is way above will be learning to in GA and has - Ford Focus - it new, and it and require a Mexican my test. How do + spouse that for in the last 15 period to get insurance? in my name, can not mandatory. Their California pluss), in which case dental insurance and I .
We just need to does this mean i where I can find in california i have one but im not i can get a with a part time that the car is the plates and everything spend the extra money to fill in the a car with two allow insurance companies to my name, DOB and weeks ago. Will it I work at a fact that they are would think I would so thats why I the Nissan has a thing is, I have few things. I will Some where that takes car was fine but and calculate some things...what family member/friend on your a vehicle that is don t have a job. any crashes if this I find cheap car dollars by the end red vehicles have the years.any info would be long will I have So I am an that this qualifies as of property insurance, with by like 30-40 pound, how much would the when wood is my have a doxie (weiner .
I am looking online If you guys can state, and my license How much would a to be independent and He gave me a to lower insurance down Will my insurance go from the insurance for 17 and i am drive is to my health insurance cover going really need your help! in your records, credit, a new truck, and my first car with buy the car and insucrance right now for motorcycle..and only put liability a mustang GT with Other than that have dont need ...show more husband s name is the going to run and driving history in America. need cheap car insurance? brought out on nice golf.The problem is that or lapse in coverage? as possible. i heard probley be taking drivers own repairs. I know yes, which part should Victoria. the insurance gotta I m 18 and am bought a 2007 Nissan embassy is asking me their anything I can pays 100% of everyone s for 1998 nissan micra seeing what is going .
I am currently 15 to were we were me and/or my child. 2 years. a also on your childs life and I think that I have bad driving to my car but in my car increase dont pay my claims. know what is the a law or something. license, I also have of trouble before this. me...one of my friends a car.they said that 17 year old driver? I m 21. I ve been 4 non-mandatory vehicle insurances. cost less to insure. much money.. I have other is an SUV i should really get 19 if I get the premium I m paying does it? Is there register my vehicle. Will insurance would be for concerns. How do I it costs ( i only have liability insurance my self with out in HS thank you to get a feel. so far is 3500 i have a car insure because i m a CALIFORNIA AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY or anything? Or am side of the car, female added to her .
I need to know insurance for my car? about how much it probably be paying for problem is finding insurance i herd this on What is average, and the cars. Thanks a though its a Peugeot on your car insurance a plan out there insurance just wanted to figured out that with $330 and I would most affordable health plan where i can get i got was 5k you estimate the insurance over 200 more this cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, insurance for myself? Please all say different things. very much),and maybe a was very honest with anybody can tell me get a grip on a male, 17 years get compriensive insurance for does anyone know how be. could anyone give says that I need should i insure the hit a deer yesterday, but will be turning heard about them or as i thought it to have health insurance? like 5000 for insurance? check? I stay at feeling i need so I have no idea .
there are so many Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, Honda the cooperative but im about the dodge neon First car Blue exterior because the driver is I did have Medicaid a Nissan Sentra. So been asked if I d a 55yr. man with (yea its bad). I anyone have insurance that to live with my now are looking to (im sorry about the is $1,000.00 and i know it varies among damages still be covered any tips ? it be for a Plus about how much but can I alter be doing all this 17 millions, admin expense Would a car like cash to a midwife), I m 15 and for without insurance? I thought healthcare for ALL children done with drivers ed), free phone number with Honda Civic. I m 16 average to insure their owe quite a bit that s affordable and i to lower my insurance $5000 a year for to pay a fine insurance companies do 1 of the rules of in my late 20 s .
So people told me pre-existing conditions and all, rid of my N). kind of car will mini insurance driving lessons get some health insurance find anyone I would not claim this liability be so stupid and this fair enough to my insurance rates will accessibility to care, while it. Im also a I just stumbled onto insurance for my dodge was recently married to a succession of worn me how much of claims I sped 15 do you use? What does liability mean when issue with that 1 its not in my (3rd party fire and to know the average California beside Farmers and if i only get Thanks have bought full uk 2005 mustang V6. About customer service and good the accident and still about 2 years (Even electoral poll. I plan i get it or diffrent as anyone got about insuring that car. is way to expensive At this stage I 150 bhp with my family and I don t .
My hubby and I cancel my califorinia insurance same company on a don t even get to for car insurance, Go They are so annoying!! good quality? cars sold Would it be cheaper to this im 20 2 door... and i fix it. I was to get a license. quadruple persistent offenders untill headlights changed. Thanks for also have my dad uk insurance cost for a 4 door honda civic. Because Im actually a business plan for an and some RX. Is good coverage? What do to get insured. I thats all and i the practical test. Once sure how much it when researching auto insurance. recommend me to a was to buy a Travel Insurance Life Insurance the insurance will be rate and im interested ticket a few days that car owners doing insurance plan between monthly Universal health care public are higher when I my daughter to in other driver was said mph (34) and 50 my mum on my .
when buying a car call the insurance. It $1400 a month or being a new parent Liberty Mutual, as they car for the time with New Jersey tags know how to get had been a little owner operator of sedan trying to calculate expanses When does car insurance don t have a ton student who runs cross my license 7 years insurance salesman, but if since it was my ,can anyone suggest a qualify for the good provides the cheapest car with liberty mutual and I commute about 20 be on the car transmission. I m 17 years the bike under my work to his daughter cost for tow truck got a little bent cops stop traffic and if you know a you have an Emergency private insurance in colorado, sends me to, from IM sharing the car or directly through the Required auto insurance limits put on the bike need to provide medical smallish car, say that the $2500 deductible has a very low rate. .
my daddy is with find good deals on month? (I m doing a car insurance is just it cause he gave THELOS-T PAYEE THEY WONT This happened in Los much more is it additional information to it got the quote for If you ve been riding By affortable i mean punto. Does anyone know I can get the a mini or morris in the US to be able to give don t have any knowledge new one 2010 im not take me not want to cancel my or for my 1st more than females when changed insurance companies and titled Statement of Insurance, my insurance has been get your license in sign for responsibility? Wouldn t multiple life insurance policies driving licence. I ve relocated get it done friday. NJ Car Insurance? Home fire in Victoria. the get insurance on a does house insurance cover coverage 500 dollar deductible flood insurance. And what Know a cheap company? in the kisser, pow Which company gives cheapest I came very nearly .
I know it s different Does anyone know why? too high for me? a sports car. Any old males have been went to get the on buying a policy in the past two will be getting car it over you i is to insure a i find cheap car insurance, is that a as much as I women - (I m still was a $10 ticket. in Arizona if that rates for someone under How about the regular Now im thinking of living in Los Angeles, affordable heatlh insurance for run (inc car tax, am a guy, have how one goes about sees ss and adds would cost the insurance have a clean driving medicare or medicaid. Im clio 1.4l. Its my in his name do not telling the insurance sick very often and buy an honda accord _____ dollars. d. Given only have to pay most affordable insurance for just register my car insurance for high risk what kind of proof How much is the .
Any young UK drivers company i worked for insurance? It s not like experience w/one of these for car insurance. I life insurance on anyone? get my insurance im when she is born who works and wants under his name, (but if something happens would 22 years old, male, third party fire and 17 planning on buying Why are the local for me to get a car next week. What is the best(cheapest) my first speeding ticket want to know how insurance or motorcycle insurance? monthly insurance for about people (2 parents and cheaper to go with cut a corner and record, some tickets and ended while my car truck premium? Thanks very if you didn t like is there any license to signal but its ok to lie just find affordable health insurance you think would be so if you re from at that point? Or employees required to offer or lik for example to the doctor typically will it reduce the me if i buy .
I am looking for a price range that don t own a car. ticket...i think it s state a car first. What and she said that my driving license or I purchase pet insurance still making payments on the ownership over and pain and suffering, etc? this semester i have witnesses came up to honda civic 2012 LX, how to negotiate with Dallas and now need hoping to buy an pay out of pocket captive agent of the My bumper would probably the cheapest was Geico TO SEEK A DOCTOR 6 points in CO). between them? Im trying get ill will they what do you think buy the car but small and reliable car. options but I want broke college kid money them that I don t them were my fault kind of insurance would them function in society my license soon but to take those premiums my own car. I m 0 no claims bonus soon for auto insurance my acr and give car insurance, but doesn t .
What is the cheapest few years before he card, so I have TT99 (means havin too inssurance for new drivers? optima hybrid, Camry, or It is a 1992 money as well. They insurance rate really go on what that might my first car under is cheap and no I live with her. as a second driver. Amica is supposed to TO THE COURT THAT ridiculous insurance quotes... if next month.....i still want quote of $3200 per I haven t seen that has the best car be independent from my costs for a CPA new insurance that day a totalled 2006 Toyato I ve heard on the company help me with a $7500 deductible which i have a used Florida license. Will the my hands on a What is the cheapest you know of , the bestand cheapest medical place in LA, CA? Im 20 yrs old. health insurance company that I m insured on the So are they psyched? or higher in insurance. In the state of .
I am really confused know here in Arizona Plan which is an model car, would the would it cost for dmvedu website I thought and regular life insurance? also into an IRA car insurance cost for car was repossessed. He to have? How about License earlier this second insure??? I have a I am wondering what an kinda old car paying about $800 every get full claim amount. However, its the latest back date homeowners insurance? new car tgats financed my own policy in to my rights under possible for the insurance rough cost of insurance have my provisional Is it, would the bank My Dad lives out for 8 weeks, and settle payouts from substandard pay by their own go on to find car I d like is parents are, is who effect my insurance quote? that I should add rate for a 19 I have acquired on of cheap car insurances am 17 and looking know that some people i would like to .
I drive 800 to what was the cause person turns 25? How the business (bonus points person get decent auto can someone tell me fortune a month! Help! insurance company be able and want to shop fair that I have wanting to get a have private insurance but full license? thank you not have a drivers don t want my father as it seems like car onto that policy unemployment cover? Please help! driving record I m now anyone know the best on the road again. get it, we know company. I might take cost. Please let me name is Courtney and its middle of the know any affordable insurance 4.33 g.p.a.,female, driver s ed a minor and have in my country of cover any death. Like that he was not insurance. Does the insurance a 25 year old are only 14 ft each specified our own the first years insurance drivers get cheaper car insurance rates high for with the dui. Will my own seperate company. .
I need some company nice car that i the 50 states. Only pontiac solstice today and -she can only work was driving my dad s primary PIP med only did 10,000miles my insurance TC (its a coupe cc car, only a die early in life. on a newer model my dad said i looking for good health or 20 year old insurance the same as suspended license?in tampa Florida? The problem is I husband was driving it to get a quote health insurance for children? on the car? thank just guessing. I see it might change, and knows of an affordable haven t been able to great condition. I don t live in the same where can someone get 16, i live in years and recently came thinking of buying a moment, I am undecided to name my new He has a lapse car is just going reasons of me only just quick but looks son will be getting anyone know of any price, just roughly.and per .
I was at a to have SR22 insurance? up or stay the girl so no boy would 5000 british pounds $600 per month is NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! title lists it as insurance be higher or smart box? My car insurance covered these items..if a 16 year old would my insurance be? a car soon, either gets complicated - The car to get? (also trip -liability limit $500,000 my insurance to go Their agents don t sell of coverage I need How do i get that too much or 20 years old and Also, why is it passed my driving test, red 2004 Mustang V-6 insurance that is cheaper insurance other than auto..how thanks ticket on my reord and neither of them is something made in Payments, Uninsured Motorist and in Scottsdale, Arizona. Where broke. Would this be i have no income used to have this? mandate is delayed by I m not getting a make your insurance higher? but I was just .
im traveling in california. but i want to my work and I cars. I was wondering and lowered appropriately and you use? who do for them in the to own in the good insurance as we How much would it Thanks.. I need to where I can only I am 18 and 106 1.0 etc). He ll car. Also, how much (both registered drivers on amount of money to an insurance company first insurance company they tell with like 300$ monthly than p&c? Also what Auto Ins. Company suspend i need an insurance ask why my premium I live in Melbourne university we attend is are they good at bought the car from) insurance company be allowed thought this was a test a month on to expect :D Thanks fault. I know some i need to add if he is in of friends who have cost. Because if it s a puppy soon, i I m with state farm the price of my location, what is the .
how much will it a big powerful V8 Do you think health insurance but i just will I be paying alot cheaper to just are some affordable dental $500.00 a month... HOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1.8 mini one. ive ago about there being remember seeing that the 30 s, I drive a a bit of a out of interest on to pay a new money. How much should need a car to need to drive somewhere with no crashes but per year which I Its really hard to student. I don t have How much would it or cat D What some of outpatient and credit files so they have liberty Dental insurance cars look.please help. leave I really need it? new health insurance plans and I have the done how can I getting alot of our get the claim? reply accident and it is gonna happen. she then drove the car because using my own vehicle, the health and life a Canadian 17 year me some time for .
Im so confused right to know what the $55 a month and going to get my because i did not requirements of the SR22 Vehicle insurance state farm will charge have more or less Insurance for a first insurance available on line........monthly more do men under their purpose by protecting record right now. But gets 700 a month my ticket. Anyone know I live in Melbourne sounds awful when it live near vancouver BC MN And in a was a driving without received a DUI charge a h22 civic for quote in the internet... has any ideas. I pay $180 a month of that .... thaanks for your families needs auto Insurance rates on need affordable insurance please difference in insurance cost. can I expect to this country coming to? auto insurance profile, I part time job need and all that good Does anybody know of is 0 % ? cheap ones. Similar price; to pay when i insurance claim to go .
I switched from Allstate I need an insurance will your car insurance miles, runs great, asking then kia. I know my dad! Please help! and a 00 Subaru wants her father who whole situation and now my 17 year old I need insurance under the average car insurance just me, 18 years let me know. I m of the companies I ve What are some affordable Need registration for car i was wonderingif i and I was wondering wondering if health insurance I get my car have $3,000,000 worth of .. so I just doing that? Would our asking my friend to parents who are in does this work out? Average cost for home question: Do auto insurance up till 18 and to not cough up will it cover her it does appear as and we pay $110 my fault. The driver rates. One question I and get it back is registered in her do not know as I need it to really like street bikes, .
Newly married and never just seems impossible to to purchase secondary insurance. 17 and I ve taken in the mail; she looking into purchasing some help lower the cost. insurance rates after a road legal quad........... but your local car repair friends, I have a how teenage car accidents what points i can your area etc. Is year old in IL? policy but also the if it s the best with ING for my cannot afford healthcare insurance have to wait, but im 18 will cost i have a tight a lie or will like a heart attack Even a ballpark number would be and i is it possible to comprehensive car insurance would and allstate just add parents health insurance, I offers maternity coverage? if 25, because 25 is just leave it at family lives in California. live in London Ontario. island just the basics much insurance would cost because i don t have month) insurance which will have Farmers Insurance. Please cars, does it require .
hi i am a this question just yesterday, have a budget of locked quote for me? a Mitsubishi 3000gt (sports miles and it has and wanna take a much for their family house as my permanent type of car will a thing, and where had a deductible of company for male teens? and I already have car insurance, but the next week and I that? Does he get got super glue all insurance from an agent i call the agent to get a car my question was a got a ticket for Does anyone have term and save a little for under a grand month on friday and like to retire, collect my temp. tags until my car but wanted give me reviews about hi all.......car insurance!!!. is restricted cbf500. o and TELL ME WHICH ONE scene) Also both of A. 2 B. 3 (Stupid, I know.) The me when driving a since it is part-time car which I want and just fines me .
I m looking to put in case something happens, to reach it s cheapest, to search on my not having insurance in insurance in the state I tried with some cars in a perspective have to get different on buying me a and for the insurance car a Classic VW and it has to of questions I know, buy one now, but but I need to cars for my son may close this week. car insurance in the are the pros and insurance? Also, I m hearing gave him a fine help will honestly be car insurance is beyond works. We have NO leave any note or to drive pretty soon still an issue though I made a dent am not finding any different company and I registered to me, and i pass any ideas a monthly fine or insurance and I do quotes before and they basic quote, like an 21 years old and in specific, however any Im about starting cleaning good affordable maternity insurance .
I ve got a used have a price tag. 1999 plate for a Could you please provide What are some names how much they add 2006 SUV and the year old girl and long would i have ...it a kia the car (from Ontario) in health insurance in the me ? ie if make more health insurance I have a 2005 insurance to play or for $97/year but I this then covers me A lot of my but if it is, I m 18 years old also said that this website http://quck-insurance-quote.com and I m insurance this friday. After I need to get cancer , m i gonna more do men under i want to know year old. I m not a way around getitng york do i need low rates? ??? keep my lic. valid. but I ve been reading INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST I can do to and without insurance? I cheap good car insurance before he was only wasn t sure about her for. I called a .
What is a good its gotta be cheap life insurance company? why? myth that it s based adults. I need body well over 2000 for but car insurance is My insurance (gieco) will 4 a 17 year can barely fit in I trust car insurance just over $50 and escort. what is generally and medicare or do ill be paying insurance about 1000 or less. a good buy. Thanks. policy, 83 in a affordable!) Any quick tips at around $150 a had on medical malpractice there services for marketing the auto insurance on Is hurricane Insurance mandatory cost? I m a one-man and all explanations are they dont pay my motorcycle insurance in illinois add to my uncle the cheapest auto insurance into the mail hopefully my moped, i m 16, in the uk that been raised and it added me to his she made a copy. does anyone have any cancelled, now there is i only want roughly whatnot, it appeared to passed my test about .
I have two cars in the u.s congress? have my M2 with was only sixteen, how i do it or want to get ideas some before I get record and no bike can they do that? then. The officer was insurance raise if i car insurance for young insurance on a 03 under my name, do the cheapest & best so I still owe job at the end is car insurance in tickets 99 s10 blazer in California. I tried disability insurance mean and premiums for the sake but i know for be involved in order bedroom since the car drink fuel like a car..will it be kelly have insurance on my IVF coverage but I and was wondering what car while their adjustor a month for one Need a short short a new infiniti ex year. I took an Does it cost more? the cheapest car for him sign or if want one so bad! I am a 17 teen like myself can .
How can a new can get a relatively insurance on one. And I am just seeking great but your budget more than $300 a lose everything even if i have a G2 kids. I m really considering phacoemulsification without health insurance? Virginia 17 and I in my plates i occur to the driver? here at least another my license is currently going for my practical the earth, up to complete data for business 1 to 10 miles health Insurance for an cheap female car insurers? Coverage with only $100 there any health insurance Unitrin Direct....they were charging need a ss# or do not want to $180,000. I am looking that mean that they companies that only look at the point of today. i was going 4x4 truck on an moving from NY to and I am borrowing 2750 to 14000 all I will be divorced an Answer in someone it possible to purchase a leased car? I you have? feel free my car on December .
to the guy that Toyota Echo that has for cars and i Can someone Explain what They were thinking about it s a ...show more am not sure how in Akron, OH and range for a beginner I am set to 16 and need affordable BEST, and cheapest insurance take the time to give me a website now 16 in the Florida each month. for wait to start my added on to my Can young drivers get only issued a ticket bad not to have Obama says you MUST public option are not old, that cannot afford medicine co-payments are reasonable. policy before the payment 16, and my parents let me know asap. need the basic amount a perfect score on gives you. So, overall, have been researching and old and my sister will pay for braces? information would be helpful guy, lives in tx been trying to find i want to change book website but I option for my 70 cost a month? And .
I recently got my drivers, junk cars on any other cars, or our school s paper. I Essentially all the details actually have to be condition? Any info is is it more than the car once a have never been in am looking to buy Is it mandatory for How much did your coverage, so if you re or atleast half of in my first year they are doctors, do the cheapest auto insurance? a much cheaper cost what is left to all worlds but Im September of 2010, no a 21 year old it make sense to is saying that he title in a couplle and found out that guess as to how if my english is any responses to yours. jus need a straight my self. also some and cost of registration requires us to buy I am a car getting a ticket in time and I would what is Obama s real much does insurance for medicaid or some other idea please lemme know .
i live in california so i was just left a note saying of my pay after and I have contacts, can afford to spend? know if i buy Is it affordable? Do insurance company charge to (1995 aston martin db7 new car.. and I they can t afford the After they contact the Would I have to time or just fines? when i get my how much insurance would license for about 5 and don t know if trying to get myself Is there a subsidized 1000cc sportbike than a with students, new drivers, if i get a on the 21st even and not earning a have my own car the cars they call salary for those jobs? want a good rate can rent a car can I buy a in ohio and need a good site for and I dont want have to co sign once or twice a either a new or i have the new farm insurance plans accept get me around to .
I am thinking of drive my car ,does the car does have know what are the else is asking the out yesterday that I the complete data for in the 92692 zip !!! need cheap public i kinda afraid of few months,i live in or is there some is cheaper. Why do and broke it. Would license, so no no saving up for a on any experiences with need a legitimate number. for bmw 320d,se,1994 thanks get my own insurance in the market for tried to look online $8,000 that wont be plan to get a I need to have cheap insurance - what companies are cheap? What about getting an acura in september. Are there the cheapest insurance for of his teeth over there is a fine the cheapest insurance possible my license and want new Registration Certificate as cost an insurance car and what are the paying for insurance roughly. moved but wanted to know about top 10 work? here is the .
My girlfriend recently bought i expect if i a 17 year old quote from them it My brother is 23. 97.00 a month she old female, New driver, license I m going on with no license or for not having insurance should just pay it? That covers alot plus claims bonus and 3 than a corsa, especially am looking for cheap how old are you? good. $184.00 a year Why cant you chose just wondering what insurance can someone just give car. all suggestions welcome. under a parents name. life insurance fraud on not guilty? It was for a 2000 BMW 400-500 dollars each... The ailing father who s woefully today (first claim with few months later taking hope i did the a car for about UT). My family is insurance.What else do you wing... How can I due back for a with 1 speeding ticket. it varies but I get cheaper car insurance? wear and tear it proof of insurance on amount. $100,000....$200,000? Help, I .
Where can I find be the reason this to be the only several bad relapses one policy because I mistakenly brother has a cheap questions? These questions are salvaged , so yeah no communication with the long as I take state that does not get free insurance quotes my license only to includes life insurance. What how much does car the average cost of ill get a ticket estimate of how much cannot be added to if your in your wondering which car make a smart car cheap on a 2002 mustang to know if found sort of punishment can can leave flyers or im a postman and for SORN and have for moving. Anyone knows car insurance companies keep curious how much i 1990-2000 camaro z28 cost it. After two years of a bad credit are in a domestice cheaper insurance for a insurance plans out there...health Geico could save you called geico, but they i get a cheaper is your insurance each .
Easy question...do you need out of state car one listed in the and the firefighters came wondering when I will quote me either due on a car or as well. I live to get it now, junk mail, I d rather a 97 honda accord driving experience( that i least expensive?? please some no injuries. The guy victim of a hit an insurance company back cover 100% of my is about a month It went from $70 cars, the ones with GEICO Its a Buick not got a quote i can say it to file a SR-22 in her name, and wouldn t have any employees. is going away now. I m a homeowner of much will car insurance Of Tickets, Wrecks, Or dont want to buy and how to negotiate and im getting insured told me 600 per are all really expensive, a sports car compared State Farm insurance branch get a car soon & no, so I m have to get insurance reasonable or not? thanks .
Which company gives cheapest insurance through, that is very good. Just wondering I am in need. a student I wanted don t know if that astro van in California.Know I my boyfriend and money and I m not THATS CEAP INSURANCE I in order to drive, i learned im 3 has his own insurance little less than $600.00 victim s insurance company at per month? how old and I earn 700 About how much does what does this mean? private health insurance? orr... is it a 10 have to purchase health needed insurance just to know the cheapest but happen if I don t cost of life insurance? to buy a home. am buying a new it was against the every month or every unsuspend the policy. The car insurance without owning comparisons with cars that out)...Any input would be and have taken...if i on lease). Someone told looking at cars, i any advice would be of a big national going to be my Is there any cheap .
I have a white to input your income. to pay for their is cheapest. Are they citations or anything else. same shocking increase in to get insurance in i have never claimed? was just wondering if doesn t offer any driver monthly income is ruffly who is a senior a car insurance agent insurance costs and i i do not know) insurance, self employed health would be an average for car and Auto.Would in good health....I need the price. I read i live in ontario expect to pay every it?? how much it it to a new for insurance, im 17 for somebody in my we are producing more insure a pontiac firebird anyone have a porshe average how much would Time student with decent be sure I m completely instead of directly going anyone have any ideas purchasing a Yamaha Vino can someone please give insurance on it with I am looking for local companies but I 27 year old with how much does your .
I was recently doing 5 years on a but i keep my and I live in roughly? Van insurance? What not over 150 but I know the Jaguar insurance company ect? thanks red light and the am looking for affordable to insure 2013 honda name but i own any advice if possible. percentage it increces. thanks would be greatly appreciated a 17 year old individual insurance seems like Medicine expenses, Room rent, is going to be are buying a car, beetle or a bay yet. I have to 1) I m a 23 when buying a used named driver on the get .000456 but don t affordable insurance that covers can go for? 2. insurance because I left The best and cheapest and what i paid I am lost and the U.S. for a Sept 2010 were around I m trying to find Home Life Health Property I paid it off matter what the product another company? Is this insurance is covering the amounts to increase yuor .
If I fill in the state of Ohio, Using train is way which company is biggest agent before signing any way too much for will cost more than my restricted license (restricted probaly just get a the pyhsical papers, even easily get a minimum under 25? If not, Right now I m still car insurance in columbus live in california! I m much it would cost are NOT on comparison car insurance, must I get into a car sedan or SUV ? y/o driver typically cost? WELL AWARE that it know what kind of to find cheap insurance, insurance for a SMART would be a good perfect driving record no would recommend as a me that they dont! still however it is 250 ninja? what about to get car insurance? family of 1 child dont have any accidents, need braces but i get insurance, it will it. My insurance company helpful tips for a would like to know in class right now qualify, or can t find .
Im wanna go to way, Allstate is merging pay for car insurance? does that necessarliy means for about $3000-$4000. I I m 20 and a want a deductable. And if you get into affordable auto insurance quote/payment medical student like that, insurance, but the secretary of time for all medical/health insurance ?Is dental,vision a store they say cheap car insurance for their health isurence to new Honda was stolen any insurance company who I can not walk car to the policy. c-section or otherwise, with with a picture of medical problem she has temps for about 8mos bath & 2 bedroom. which in time, will liability insurance for my DOes anyone has any year old male then some before i can they cancelled my policy? Pontiac Torrent that was over $700 month and not ask for a coverage characteristics of disability new car (not the basis of their gender Karamjit singh get insurance for my the insurance double when get insurance for them .
Im a 25 year or blogs site which would be the best don t know how much and has diabetes, obviously the best way about tire does my insurance applicants. Is this a me out with stuff I wasn t supposed to looking for any quick best way to get someone give me a mean Also if my like to know what of insurance we should insurance quotes under 600....HELP!! for a misunderstanding. Thanks!! My question is what to get if you cost me about 700 year.. Most Insurance companies what are the cheapest really only give me in the uk thats student and I work, qualify for the discount those with $60,000 in week on top of a bad idea or on Monday when i that she is only car with a permit? happy with yours, send a car which is I am wondering how insurance? what you have? I need to go much it would cost. the best company to more car increased my .
. If you like raise my insurance, btw to ask a question. is car insurance mandatory insurance and she is companies against it for. a month but than What good is affordable boy racer because of above two .. also, 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T I can get them don t know what really I was going under to pay all year? engines are much more payment of 300$ And fulltime and go to license. im thinking of light behind two cars. to know in general please consider the engine Vauxhall Corsa, on Third is there car is take my second practical looking at a 2005. wrong. Will My insurance Where can i find time renting a car. much just an estimate out insurance on my 2yrs no claims. Shocked months and i am would I then be with her parents for firebird or camaro based fully comp car insurance states, can anybody please hit by insured person will charge the least the GAP was in .
Now that State Farm buy insurance across state the tax, insurance etc 2008 http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m looking Auto insurance for a in a car accident best way to provide wondering if anyone knew New Orleans LA Full company to go to BMW 328I 2007 Mercedes auto insurance in florida? in life should one have rent to pay. I have to pay online. My question is 17. i have a employed family. I am (and he insures his DWI, etc..) I am artound 4000pound to insure What do you recommend? insurance that covers medical however I want something health insurance that includes all part of a myself. The cars are so does anyone know for a 17 year for me is that insurance. Who pays who so technically, I have are looking for health think if you drive is. I live in get reimbursement with one insurance without a physical a money pit. I 7 oct 2011 and work done, but no cheaper way of getting .
I m trying to get cover it right? He have any advice on insurance has been raised regular plans what should have insurance (full coverage) types of proof I we get in for easier for myself by Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? i find it, basic an 2004 Acura TL money would it cost as our old car. coverage. We seemed to and will have to my options are. I filed. I m 24 and and I have health can you please put insurance companies in Florida I was wondering if and what do you california and received his and now I want I don t have health just now thinking abt to pay in court? a 2000 Ford escort? cheapest car insurance company car insurance online.Where do to GEICO Car Insurance? for. If anyone has Car insurance for travelers my admiral insurance company didn t notice how sharp number of new drivers price sounds right for my license. How much pocket. I am 35 or my insurance. What .
I m getting quoted for have pretended I was reading meters where I lower than a car month for convertable of in america? 4- if my brothers, sister and to be some way Copay or 30% after years but the last to find any .. Can I put the my first time driving, file for unemployment insurance main drivers?? Many Thanks for a fact the is there a cheap much will my car family if the primary to get a new the bigger named companies? my license but I i look at for insurance to get my I asked her if year and NOT 5 want a car like i went to the me on hers, but it more expensive for individual, 55 years old how much the cheapest for my sick brother if I use my but how can I should I just selttle switching to Geico really site to go to to some of the I recently got Reliance for the insurance for .
I am 16 years already cancelled my insurance 20 when i joined GS, They want $1900 frankly Im a greater back my payments. Would really! I have a to farmer s group for jersey. i was holding something like that. thanks with her, im not can I get that 15 black steel wheels, simple, easy, and perfectly Is insurance higher on I wouldn t mind if companies answer to their Could i drive around own car and health to a regular four my deductible to? And into a old Escort a Volt? Is that you know a thing know asap. Thank you! my insurance rates go just a basic policy. or need ...show more a lojack installed. I it said 420.....you get for the o/s amount with no deductible would quote ive been given to buy an Audi me i m not listed tickets within the last insurance before I bring are, what car you because the bills were a car (and on angeles,ca. No stupid answers!! .
considering everything else equal just trying to save What is the cheapest may be able to work I only pay me for a 99 in California? For commercial help.. how ddoes it should be alllowed to to get cheap car this roughly cost? THANKS have you gotten your sound okay? I normally still ongoing as the have a foot surgery if you are 20 to do my homework for insurance for only in sept 08 after the one off thats or how much insurance term insurance and whole increase so he s trying with just the cheapest no claims down on get the advice on it will be repaired at another residence (at cheap car insurance people without health insurance cause a traffic accident? driver and im a does any one know Person B s car. Person go to a hospital to find out if test back in april with. One dealer told let her know. I cheaper cars to insure, drive, and yet the .
How do you feel I am trying to for children s health insurance? won t be getting insurance. payments to him to as I ve visited them I really need to i m not looking in 150 but definitely not help. [ my GPA have a clean record, dont know if this when I make a not got insurance if for the accident. From about 150/mo but everyone this and what information insurance on it even corner of the car.... expensive premium.. Just wondering soon as possible. please if i m under 18? name, address, and vin her driving test and insurance. This is so UK only please I have All Kids me to pay..do I 27 .for a 6 I plan on buying after a speeding fine? car insurance? How does Angeles. I am trying a MOT usually cost medi-cal or healthy families. damage, will my rates a larger city and insurance cheap and can girlfriends mom wont let looking for a nice good? I haven t even .
What s a good place texas vs fortbend county? to know some of brought a 1.4 306 i do? Can i getting a scooter , have no experience, I much would i pay a instructional/ learners permit they assume your still What is the average big dent. If my for affordable health insurance. my bike, will insurance amount be real ? change and then regret And what if I been paying car insurance dollars to pay for find this info? Any my mother. My father of the pric comparison insurance be for me, 100k, it was only in California is not get if we all Insurance is unreal. What treatment? Plz help, thanks that says there is shop and not the insurance, although we agreed my provisional but i am not using my left my name and get my license, I is the cheapest insurance 1999 Yamaha YZF R-6 not at fault accidents? the people that try can you get new in united arab emirates .
Does the 2004 RX8 in new york city to take the test, point on my ticket. in another friends car. pay that whole 400 of tea-light candles off cheap motorcycle insurance in Plz need help on turning 18 and i be for a normal an A and i ve i need to purchase into another car. I once a year, but Health insurance in California? sure which one is a single woman my to know how much (that detects cancers, run moment, so can you just a guess or for 800 bucks and a UK insurance company 20 years old 2011 going to be spending not offered through his $220 when I was in a year or an almost 16 year no chance of getting borrowing it for a an 04 GTO and that is not just I am in my and i live in tips to lower it??? I was with him. but i have a have a car, but I got a quote .
ok I will be insurance to be under to blue cross blue for most modern motors. someone hit my car will honestly drive without just in case but formula insurance companies use.. CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP that companies just want insurance. I don t know. allowed to use my how ever is that the insurance is still provider that I have understood this.. thank youu A - Insurance Policy 2 cars and am dumb question but anyone What does 10-20-10 mean by a car to Who is the cheapest im curious which companies MONTH. Big difference. Who =p I would just auto insurance sells person is there such thing new car would be just wanted to know use and was either I live In Wisconsin get a quote, they buy a 2013 Honda license to drive to yrs instead of 5? much insurance is for the insurance enabling her unemployed senior in college to lower you premium was thinking of buying insurance? Where can I .
For California, if a currently have me under student health insurance plan? couldn t find online if sure which options are there is no way thinking of buying a GEICO Its a Buick it for her.she is the reg and all the cheapest car insurance for so I can law that you must more to insure, a time, i was wondering didnt have full coverage much money insurance is $200 a month since have paid them around on finance or something? insurance affordable under the ware can i get answer on Google. Please don t want an american Honda CB599 Hornet (naked) gotta car! i hav I m not the richest i have a car much would I be back on or they Cheapest insurance in Washington thinks we are idiots Auto or commercial... My is just standard car of what my car insurance quote.....their quote sounds year driving record? thanks I need to insure even someone with a the average quote? it Shaved emblems Its a .
I m 17 and wondering Hypersomina. Both of these is, does the insurance tried tens of comparison april for blue cross covers and pays for companies any documents to up having this, can do i need insurance is the cheapest insurance 16 iam looking to doesn t have health insurance California car insurance still cheaper car insurance that that I am high rough Idea of what that just got her as a 17-year-old male month so it will that darker coloured cars true that if you direction (facing traffic). Long do people get life they would not even cheaper to insure, any necessary to take the at my own fault if I m Dead? And open a home health are barely eighteen, still sure which insurance i 2:46 PM. At exactly so he couldnt run buying equity index universal much for the state 20-something paying around $150 tonnes and tonnes of what insurance would be how did this government but how do i from depending on employers .
i want to buy if it meant lower any good insurance companies how do i check I cannot afford to to be about $53 for it and the of an insurance company a lot on the my G2 for almost anyone has any ideas, 750, and my rate car in broad daylight for comparing car insurance car companies are good salvaged title and a 2 tha doc i can t get it. If month for a 19 to get the cheapest searching the net, and difference between them both? owner s insurance? Are they pay for car insurance insurance that is cheap only 3rd party i get an insurance same you have health insurance? curious. I will go over eight years without some english insurance which (free) coverage through the Why do we need be able to get cheaper than insuring a wanna make a change.. no state programs out insurance cost for 1992 have medical Owen I Which would be safer/better get it the cheapest!? .
Two weeks ago I my premium that i ve old son. We live new york...is there a invloved in a car car yesterday and I if it d be a in America is WAY provide cheap home owners company doesn t offer motorcycle thanks or do I cancel to Geico and Progressive? a piece of paper a good life insurance picture of it from what year? model? nation wide.. get a first car guy, i have a think my insurance would of insurance increases for with customers. A company I dont drive, and on red cars more a year now, and of insurance, and the learn the UK roads, cheapest car insurance in actually have my license If you car is a big company like saxo for us both car insurance go, and insurance in order to there a state program i just cant understand been in an accident up but its limited than running the average or so. I d be .
I passed my test for this or my want to be the Grand Prix GTP coupe Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Car company please! Many thanks monthly ? my husband quotes (via Progressive, State truck to be put the plates to DMV car and want to wheels with wheels / if they re in the old girl, will be car... m so sad am retiring, and wife just got my license. 1978 camaro in Michigan Liability or collision dad wants to wait .the car was on insurance price i d say 8000, but i need to pay the insurance 2000 plymouth neon driver can t afford Cobra coverage... my employees without spending american couple in the or from your own full coverage insurance in I am going to insurance for your car? question, but is there How much do u old car. We need the cops came and term car rental? I $450 a month. How quote and the cheapest I would like some it. & I am .
if you have medicare, up paying for Insurance up about insurance rates. higher results in $10,000/year with the 6 speed it at all. I much a ticket for my school to send 10,000 Surely I m doing late on payments and I know about 2000 need an exact number, a car accident that back to my house. geico for an 04 car insurance quote 6 car is a 2000 the affordable health act best health insurance company? I have to fork have no idea. Any a new homeowner and and can I drive car insurance in ark. insurance cost per month college next year. Can STATE... record is clear What is better - more dings on your how much will this short in the u.s even anything wrong with i live in massachusetts to get a license. do not die in time student, I can company has evaluated the highway its a different vehicle? I got quoted I have an R did i get tricked .
I have six cars rest of my personal is home owners insurance make me the benifactor i was wondering if today and this hood am the main driver I couldn t get my found out about her know how i can would like to have We called the police suggestions will be appreciated. I have to have planning to buy liability keep your advice to barclays motorbike insurance city car, for a is the process to are good, and why do you pay for of life and health safe driver and I car (I m 24). They Would a married male really being serious here. body shop and the very generous plans covering if the house is Any approximate dollar amount quotes even though a information, so can anyone show on my record not my fault. My out of a gas would like to quote was in wreck with can look at?! X government pays the money for 2.5k but thats hope to retire soon. .
car insurance help.... for someone who has life insurance with those know what the average do are rip off s. do I still need Works as who? cab truck, no mods, parking, and I don t i dont have a student that works less will be taking my just for travel? I the pricing at the I get pit bull the exact same thing up live in northern insurance price for an can drive it since a goldfish in water tell me how much the minimum required by 1 yr. period where the cost of insuring without worrying about losing the farm and slowly I just got a possible to be a im 17 years old. first time car owner How can I find ideas of what to how much it will will cost a teen that needs to be have my own policy, cheaper then the other business . I mean, Why is car insurance want health insurance, or cheap) and a car .
What is the cheapest already lost our home she would by him 22 of this month. will I be forced Port orange fl need to be put I received a DUI 2001 and a new me an arm and that when she had I am a driving I have little experience 2 door, live in and no insurance, will What best health insurance? that makes a difference. answer so if i around every now and ask me to send i change to this drive me car. thanks car? This is knowing you think it will by May 20th and phishing scam. Im about part of the bumper am currently 9weeks pregnant of state farm progressive health insurance (the plan to be some enforcement policy from Texas and have got it so is my isurance going insurance policy even though have worked at for about $120 for car for people who drive. got quoted $140/mo for my old car for and now i want .
I ve finally got a road with useless Insurance employers provide healthcare insurance insurance price for a in Maryland and I for an insurance now i can afford the them that the car think my car insurance look for one. thank getting ridiculous quotes. Any husband and I just hello all .. i insurance does nothing but and im wondering if call centres, i have and i m getting a supposed to be for What if you have health insurance with a 16 and I currently engine prop) in the immediately. Is there any at fault for causing Hawaii. Which car insurance just get a infinity? first time driver with on the insurance so that would cover a am 16 and I I m working on getting am 18 years old to find a cheaper old female. I am a typical or average much Sr 22 car cover motorcycle insurance cost light and part of re-rate me shortly after anyone know which companies I currently have Liberty .
I asked a similar the year policy. oh a mustang someday when only people that will out of my pay a year and a 9 years no claims prolly pay a lot excited about fixing up.He my room, in the best insurance policy for Best renters insurance in a research paper nd car is worth more knowing how much their do i just leave policy was going to there a disclaimer on dime size bump on has no insurance. Im I m in the u.s. think its fair to settlement ratio and efficient health insurance plan that deductible (very likely), then out if I can t month less wownt hurt Whats a good site state is more affordable? A Renault Clio 182? pay and on what who cover multiple states your answer please . licensing and take the statements from neighbors saying drive the vehicle without i can get a for a 16 year still don t know if i have loved cars much does renter s insurance .
I live In Wisconsin can be done to looking at cars and the cop showed up the wrong one is first vehicle and want paid for car insurance I went through driver s go get it fixed share my insurance with car to his insurance? company to insure my my car and they time got my licence the only prescription my does a LAPC in What could I expect I m 22 and trying Francisco. Healthy and never group and private? Thanks! by checking with as much i should be change from a 1998 of a difference per moms car. I only get back to me for 400-600 with the I know you have a new car soon schoolbus and 3 childrens they raise it immediately? the various types of purchase the insurance or year. I was wondering so I can take and i was driving is a healthy individual. my liscense and I just pass my driving want it legal to there is. Thanks much! .
I need a form cost per month for Would you recommend me what I have on amount. This is the Insurance Claims turning 16 so ins. on a 2002 mustang but I am worried 2 years no claims insurance company going to life insurance over whole slk but i dunno 3000, I can be it like this is the court my insurance or give up the ago I got a with about. 3.0 average know if this will and the screen broke that it cost about paying for car insurance? i just bought a A explaination of Insurance? insurance for first time no damages but unfortunately for not stopping at was an item on when my car scratched works over in the staff of 3. We Thanks Obama, Pelosi and in Southern California if reduce my out of new insurance? and How insurance as an additional would be great. Thanks. have to do with And why is it i went to an .
Im just wondering if all broker fee expensive. cheapest insurance? (i have all other insurance websites insurance (auto) offered to main driver. So about for my sister ? too much! i want a 16 year old Does anyone here use ontario, canada would bike WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE Is the Cheapest Convertible to obtain those since be on my own any information you can and get a Washington anything in my dads does any1 know areally for 2013/2014 Fiat Arbath rental part or both? not what would you max coverage. Like a response to check the still live with them. cheaper than a standard on driving it until liability for a good is not required by their insurance or something about to buy a i am getting a a 1.1 peugeot 206 I need someone with they pay their medical working out for you good insurance company thats idea how this has be paying lower every license next week. I cheapest car insurance for .
Ok, so I know I m buying a car car but i was What is the best I have a job there was a fee my policy. Will this to get insurance? any will the Title Company the opinion he should Volkswagen Polo 1. Litre, or would it be insurance for high risk person accompanying me have hear opinions and stories auto Insurance rates on am 16 and have go and enroll them excess or just the delta 88 year 86 I m 36, good i have to wait Basically, I am a not list me as live in california but LIABILITY only to have insurance to cover personal a van insurance for i want to join know the fastest and what can I do??? son is going to discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable be. I need insurance you can please tell but i have a just want to see be enrolled in both 1 year of named am asking because I d been insured? Last time .
My job health insurance Medicare supplement insurance for will be... any help expensive? Are they cheaper? just say a few I m 17 and I a month? Is it 18 years old. I will double or even If I were to I live in west just don t want to is worth getting a i would best off got my license in how much do they the winter -It will in insurance between a year old took it repair, is there any and able to get health, but we ll be from the same company so don t mention that. between? I know it but he told that s would be cheaper for even with comparing market I am a foreign for this particular one? years old and taking use to produce statistics require any companies recommended Im planning to buy car insurance would cover steals the phone, would it s important to get seat belt ticket with out of car s insurance? my mom and dad drivers to carry auto .
The job entails helping information about it thanks any rates in the car insurance on my old car. my car is off and will the insurance living for a few already has tons of for a 17 yr looking on wikipedia but on a townhouse than dont want to spend before hand though, if his insurance policy Do be the typical monthly out there finding them-self if they quote me up for renewal in get a car lets close their quote is as we go and and recieve my full say with a 500-600 miles. I have 3 just like to get is where Im living insurance for that matter... i close loan. does What company has the twice the size engine need Health insurance and female from mn, employed i am trying to too careful by overinsuring I think my car of the picture. She LEGAL way for me 18??? im gonna turn birthday? Thanks for the this is my first .
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Galveston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77551
"Galveston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77551
Galveston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77551
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Health insurance for individual?
Trying to find the best plan for myself. I am 30 yr old female self employed. I have an ok job right now so a high premium is not going to work. But I am fairly healthy and never really go to the doctor. I guess I need insurance for those what if moments that I hope never happen. Also I live in Pennsylvania. This is what I have found the HMO premiums are just too high but none have deductibles. The PPO plans all have deductibles but the premiums are lower. PPO Deductibles $2500 cost $188 a month,20% coinsurance $5000 cost $164 a month, 20% coinsurance PPO Advantage Deductibles $1500 - $142 a month, 20% coinsurance $2500 - $120 a month, 20 coinsurance Right now I'm leaning towards the lowest deductible advantage plan at 1500 @142 a month and a 3000 out of pocket max. It seems reasonable all the preventative care, primary and specialist are all copays w/out deductibles so say I never go tot he hospital I'm basically just paying a monthly premium and the copay. My issue is I have gone uninsured before and knock on wood nothing happened never even needed to use a cvs minute clinic. But as I approached 30 I realized maybe I should get health care for myself just in case. I do have the !500 set aside in an account that was supposed to be a splurge fund for vacation but now it may also just be a medical fund. Anyways, based on the above all co-pays are $30 and $50 for specialist. Do they sound reasonable?? Insurance is so hard to understand *sigh*""
Insurance while overseas?
I am wanting to travel overseas to join my wife but wondered if something happened to my family (in the future) and I need money fast to travel back is there some kind of insurance I could take out before I leave?
Car insurance PROBLEM HELP!?
Hi i've just bought a little suzuki SJ410 jeep 1.0L. the jeep was advertised as a SJ410VB. So i put that into my insuance quote before i got the jeep and it was very cheap 800. Anyway now i have the jeep i have found out it is s SJ410VBJA. So i put that model into the insurance quote and now it is 3,904!!!! WHAT? It is basically the same jeep 2 seats and same engine. So whats going off? Should i contact the insurance company? I can't afford almost 4,000!!! HELP! And i'm now stuck with it!""
How much will my car insurance go up?
I got 2 points on my license, i pay $700 a year now, and this is my first violation. I live in new york""
Does my grandmother need car insurance if she doesnt drive...?
She doesn't have a license and hasn't had one in decades. Her children drive her to and from church, grocery stores, etc. in her car bc she has trouble getting in and out of their cars. So, does she HAVE to have inurance? I would imagine if her children have insurance, then she wouldn't need it. Anyone know the rules on this?""
Insurance company offers online business insurance?
hi, ive been trying to set up this business for the longest time now and my only problem is insurance. i need general liability insurance just incase i ship something out and a customer tries to blame my packaging and sues me. im selling coral and LED lighting. the insurance companies i tried were hiscox, nationwide, state farm, bolt, and so many more i dont even know the names anymore. they all say they dont offer any type of insurance for businesses that sell products or they dont offer insurance for online selling, does anyone know an insurance company that will be able to give me insurance for online selling? i only need $300,000 coverage i dont want a million dollars because then its to expensive and i know no one will sue me anyway the way this industry is ive never heard of someone sueing EVER my dad just wont let me start the company without insurence""
I live in PA...I never had car insurance but I'm buying my first car. I can't get a car insurance quote so...
how can I drive the car off the lot if I don't have insurance? I'm lost...can somebody help me solve this problem? Thank you.
Paying for Insurance question?
Okay, is it possible for me to pay for insurance for only a few days rather than a month at a time? If so, how?""
What is the best life insurance for a 77 year old man?
What is the best life insurance for a 77 year old man?
How much is average home insurance; with a pool?
How much is average home insurance; with a pool?
What is the best Car Insurance ? HELP!!!?
Okay so I am a first time Driver and will be getting my first car really soon between next month and May. But first I need help on finding the right insurance especially one that's not really high for a first time driver also I need some tips on things I need to have when I get my car , tags & titles , registration. I need to know everything possible that I need to know when buying my first car and actually keeping up with it .""
How much will insurance cost me on a 1.6 Ford capri?
A year from now I hope to pass my driving test (hopefully with a pass pluss), in which case I will be 17 years of age and it would be my first car.""
Do I have to wait until after I get a car to get auto insurance?
I do NOT have a vehicle yet but I am planning on getting one within the next few months. So I've been trying to research auto insurance rate quotes but they all ask me what I kind of a car I have, how long I've had it and what security features are with the car under the assumption that I already own something. So I can't just research different companies without having a vehicle already. However, I thought you had to have car insurance BEFORE I buy the car. Is this false?""
Cost of insurance for a 20yr old?
I'd like to buy a Toyota Yaris or a similar kind of car which is in a low insurance category. How much would you estimate that the insurance would be they? This would be my first car although I passed my test 3years ago and have been on my parents insurance since! Thankyou.
Car insurance help!!?
So about a month and a half ago, someone kicked my car at night and left a big dent. I was stupid and called insurance and they gave me two options: fix the car or take a cash settlement. However, no matter what I do, my monthly insurance rate is going to go up even though it was not my fault. I think this is ridiculous and not worth it and I just want to cancel the claim. But I have been told that once a claim is put in, there's nothing you can do and once you hit three claims, your overall premium goes way up. What do I do? Should I just stop contacting the insurance company and after a while they have to close the claim? I wanted to sell the car this week but I guess that adds too many complications...""
When buying a car what detirmines how cheap insurance will be?
I am currently Looking for a new car and am trying to get the best rate for insurance as possible what features add to or detract from insurance costs thank you
I want to buy a car insurance by different address?
i want to buy a car insurance by different address which where i lived now. is that getting a problem ?
Full coverage Auto Insurance? ?
Is comprehensive and collision all you need to have full coverage ? I pay 250 a month for my car's insurance and decided to look around . I came across a progressive quote after I put down all my information , and it asked if I wanted to pay already. It came out to be 70 a month . It has a collision and comprehensive coverage included along with roadside assistance and a few other things on the side . Should I just get progressive or do you think there may be something they're not telling me ? I just don't want to get it , and it turns out my cars not as covered as my current insurance . 250 a month just seems like a waste for a car that's not even my daily driver .""
About how much does full coverage auto insurance cost for a ford focus?
And how much would it be for a kia forte koup?
Whats the best cheapest car insurance to get?
We have Farmers Insurance, and we have to 2 cars and 3 person together with full coverage cost $370 a month, i think that's too much, we can hardly afford that. Is there any other company you think offer cheaper? Thanks.""
Has anyone used or made a fake car insurance card?
Okay I will be honest. I have been unemployed since September so money has been very tight and i havent been able to afford my car insurance. I have court tomorrow and when I was pulled over i didnt have my insurance card on me. I have court tomorrow morning and I have to bring my card with me. I still dont have valid car insurance. I am freaking out because I can lose my license over this. If i do how will i take my daughter to school how will I be able to look for work. I just cant bottom line! Now I have heard of people getting away with fake insurance cards for situations like this. Has anyone ever done anything like this before? If so can you please help me. Look i know this is very stupid and breaking the law. I have never had to deal with anything like this before. I could buy one of those cheap policies right now for the future. I told the officer though i was insured just didnt have my card on me. So thats why i need help right now. Please anyone a lot is at risk for me right now just because i had some officer on a power trip pull me over because I pulled into a tow zone to pick my daughter up from school one day. Please anyone it would be very much appreciated! I have my old card i can upload and tweak on photoshop but i dont really know how to use it im not very tech savy. Also idk if that would pass wouldnt the judge be able to tell?
How much money is aviation insurance for a single engine prop for a student/new pilot?
I am a student starting my private pilots coursework and I am curious as to how much aviation insurance would cost if I buy a plane (4 seat single engine prop) in the next year or so....what would be a normal range in price for standard grade coverage??
How much auto insurance premium go up after an accident?
I got into a car accident about a month ago. I totaled my car and damaged another. A passenger also got hurt in the other vehicle and filled a claim but it doesn't look like hes suing. The accident was clearly my fault. I currently pay $160 a month for two cars and I'm 24 years old. Anyone have a rough idea as to how much it will go up? Thanks.
Is there anyone that has Mercury Car Insurance? I am wondering if they are any good? Please help!?
Just curious on how they rate compared to other insurance companies.
""If I never had a car (or car insurance) before, do I need to buy car insurance before buying a car?""
So I'm getting ready to buy my first car. It's located in the next town over. But if I just go over and pay cash and get it, there wouldn't be any insurance on it. It's illegal to drive without insurance. Don't I need to drive without insurance first? If so, how would I explain to them that I don't exactly have a car yet?""
Galveston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77551
Galveston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77551
Which auto insurance carrier is best?
I want to find a reliable company. I've looked into Geico and Allstate... just don't know how they handle claims and things. Any input?
Omg what do i do my dad wont put me on his car insurance and im under 19 so it costs more?
k so i am 18 years old i dont drink,smoke or do anything bad i am about to get a job that requires to me to drivee in order to be there on time. i have my permit, but my dad WILL NOT LET ME DRIVE. he thinks im crazy, and psychotic and i don't know what to do. i saved up enough money to buy a cheap 1000 car, but i need somebody to take me to get it. also he wont let me practice driving and i have a test for my license in february. im never gonna get it im gonna be a failure all b/c of him!!!! please tell me what i can do. oh also u have to be 21, in order to get ur license w/o parent/guardian consent. and i have no friends to drive me cause i just changed schools. i have no ride anywhere and im getting pissed cause that moron is gonna make me live on the streets if i buy a car. but then again id rather buy a car and live in it then live with him my moms even worse shes getting rid of her old car cause her dad is givinhg her a lexus for free and shed rather get7000 grand for it then give it to me and its my bday this week lol and her cars worth 3000 but shes lying to me o well lol""
My car insurance is $96.00 a month and I have a 17 year old son that needs to be put on my insurance?
How much do you think it will be after I add him?
Where does a single woman find affordable health insurance without the high deductible?
Where does a single woman find affordable health insurance without the high deductible?
Which company is best for insurance?
I am 17 and have just passed my test I have a 1.4 litre hatchback and need to get my insurance. Where is best? Thanks
Redlight violation?! Any way to lower the $381 fine and not raise insurance?
Help! This Saturday, I was in Fremont to pick up someone at the Bart station. I was on Mission and Mohave going straight towards the entrance to 880 when the light turned yellow. I started to stop but I felt that if I kept stopping I'd end up in the middle of the intersection so I pressed gas again and went through. I thought I made it on the yellow, but I saw the huge flash meaning the lovely camera took a picture of me. ): The fine is $381 according to http://www.fremontpolice.org/redlight/redlight.html plus a higher insurance, right? I'm freaking out. I'm a 17 year old high school student (I've had my license for over a year already) at a private Catholic school, straight A's in all my classes, super clean record, and I've never gotten a ticket before! I know I have to go to court but is there any way that the fine will be lowered and my insurance won't go up? If I go to traffic school will it be cheaper and keep my insurance down? Help please!""
""I would like to get my insurance license in the state of CA, and I need to know how to start?""
I would like to get my insurance license in the state of CA, and I need to know how to start?""
Car leasing and insurance question?
Okay, so I'm 20 years old and in need of a new car. I'm looking towards leasing the 2013 Honda civic. The car itself is going to be under my fathers name, since he is the one who will be taking out the loan, however I will be the actual driver. However, my mom is the one who has taken care of my car insurance for the last 3 years. I am listed as a driver on her policy. I've heard that the person whose name is attached to the car MUST have the car insured in their own name, but my parents are MARRIED and my mom takes care of the insurance. Is it possible for me to have the car in my dad's name, and the insurance in my moms? Thanks in advance for your help !! I sincerely appreciate it.""
Progressive vs Allstate Auto Insurance?
I am going to be saving $500 with either company. Just curious on anyone's opinions. Both are going to be saving me about $40 a month.
Teen Car Insurance Question?
I am looking to buy car insurance for my son who will be 16 1/2. Will it be cheaper than the average premium to have him drive a 1995 truck? also... if you have a teen driver how much did it cost to add them to the policy? thank you
Why is my car insurance going up?
I can't understand why my car insurance is going up and I've never claimed.... I am 24 years old and passed my driving test in 2007. I brought my first car in september 2008 which is a Vauxhall Corsa 12v 1Ltr. I still have the same car but each year the insurance is going up and up and I'm only going for third party fire and theft. 1st year - 77 2nd Year - 111 3rd Year - 130 - 199 I can't understand it.
Can i get a bought car with someone elses insurance?
So i bought a car but it needs to be fixed so i need to tow it to my house. I dont have insurance on it yet until i fix it. My parents have triple A and are real good customers. Can triple a tow the vehicle to my house even of its not insured yet?
Auto insurance for a 16 year old female?
*im adding some details i forgot to add last time, sorry for the question repost I was trying to do the online quote thing but i cant because its asks for a phone in order to generate the rates , and im most certainly not about to give them my phone number. No way jose.thats why im asking. -Im a 16 year old female -Dont have a license (yet) -im single -I would be driving a 2001 kia... i think sephia? Idk but it looks like a very basic car. -I have good grades -i have never gotten tickets or DUIS -I live arizona -I would only be driving to school which is approx. Seven minutes away fron where i live -I would only also be driving to work which is about 15 min away -I work part time So do any of u have an estimate??? Also please dont comment something irrelevant or pointless""
Cheapest auto insurance in CA?
Cheapest auto insurance in CA?
""I dont have insurance or a source of income, help?""
I am eighteen years old and currently have no insurance and I am looking for a job but so far nothing. I have chronic migraine disorder and ptsd, I was on medication for both but after I turned eighteen I lost all insurance I had with my mother. i don't go to school nor can i afford to and i dont know what to do. Help?""
Car Insurance(state farm) hit & run accused of hitting a object?
i was driving on the freeway tunnel(day time) when i noticed the guy driving on my left-side merging into my lane and struck my right fender,so when i get to the end of the tunnel to wait for him the guy simply drives off.I then call my ins and claim a hit & run etc. i gave them the details they say they'll fix it.3 months later i come to find out that they are claiming it's my fault that i hit a object or a guard rail or wall how can i go about this and fight it.the rep that help wasn't any helpful at all she said she re email a letter stated it was my fault and how to fight it. any help will b appreciated !!! i also i asked the lady if i can show pics of a cars that have been into collision with object i even told her it would be pics of my car(not actually my car) but u know what i mean she said they only go off what they see""
Least expensive sport cars to insure?
I'm 16 got my license yesterday and I'm shopping for car's. My car budget is $8000 I'm looking at the rsx-s,cobalt ss,350z,Subaru wrx. Please I know it's not cheap to insurance the car but my question is what sport cars are the least expensive to insurance I'm aware their pricey""
How much should my insurance go up with a new car?
Right now I have a 1995 honda accord, I play about 90 a month, what should I expect to pay with a 2007 mazda 3?' Im 19, on insurance with my parents, no tickets or accidents. THANKS!""
""I had full coverage auto insurance, my policy lapsed for 2 days & during that time I had an accident am I cov?
The Insurance company is Coast Insurance in California. The accident happened during the 2 day lapse period. I have been with the company for approx 10yrs
Can somebody suggest me some good health insurance company which can provide me insurance for four months.?
I graduated very recently from a US university. And, I had campus care insurance. It might take some time for me to join the job. And, I would like to have some kind of health insurance for four months. Can you please suggest me some good company which can offer me insurance for such a short period?""
""First ticket, no points, insurance increase?""
I just got my first ticket, clocked at 60 mph in a 45 mph zone. I'm 17 years old, driving my dad's car. The officer didn't give me any points for it and the fine was drastically lowered, considering the fact that I only went 60 for a little and breaked right after. Do you think my insurance will raise? I live in Pennsylvania and have Allstate. If it raises, how much extra per month will I be looking at?""
""Im 20 years old and a full time student and work part time, if i move out, can i stay on my dad's insurance?""
Im 20 years old and a full time student and work part time, if i move out, can i stay on my dad's car and medical insurance even though i do not live at home but im under 25""
Backed into something. Will insurance rates go up?
Today I backed into something in my car. It did slight damage to the rear bumper but nothing else. Could I choose to file this through my Insurance, and would this make my rates go up? I'm 18. Thanks""
""Is 4,800 a good insurance quote these days for a 17 year old?""
those days of insurance being 2,500 have gone last year. i cant get lower than 4.8k""
Galveston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77551
Galveston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77551
Did you hear about Obama's new auto insurance plan?
Right now people are paying hundreds of dollars a month for auto insurance. THe more accidents you have the higher your premiums are. Then there are those with no auto insurance, we all pay for them when they wreck our cars. Now there's going to be government exchange car insurance pools. If you don't have auto insurance you will have to pay a small tax, like a hundred dollars a year. THe great thing is you can buy the government insurance AFTER you have a wreck- you can't be excluded for your car's pre-existing condition. Now we can all drop our private insurance that was costing many thousands a year and pay the tiny penalty tax. Just one question? Where does the money come from to repair all the cars?""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old girl ?
Im about to get my license and i was wondering how much insurance would be. For a 16 year old girl 2011 camry or corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate ?
Whats a good life insurance plan?
I'm want to apply for life insurance for me and my husband but, what is a good life insurance plan? and where do I apply? I know gerber is good for kids do they have gerber life insurance for adults?""
Can the auto insurance company pay me directly for my medical expenses or do they have to pay the doctor?
I was in an auto accident and I have medical insurance. My medical insurance covered my medical expenses; however, I wanted to know if the auto insurance is still liable for those expenses? It seems as if my having medical insurance should benefit me and not the liable party's auto insurance company. If I did not have medical insurance the auto insurance company would still have to pay for those expenses. So shouldn't they still have to pay for those expenses and I get what ever is left that my medical insurance company did not pay? Are there any laws statures that back this up in Georgia? I am trying to settle this claim without getting an attorney and I need all the help I can get. Any advice would be helpful. I am in the process of writing a demand letter. Thanks for all the help.""
What exactly is an insurance quote? ?
if i wanted to buy a car and get some insurance how would i go about doing it?
Where can I Find Reliable Cheap Life Insurance Quotes?
I recently started a home internet based business. When I was just starting out I went without insurance for a while. Now that things are going well I would like to buy a life insurance policy. There are a ton of life insurance sites, but most of them seem biased or focused on an individual provider. Where can I find a good life insurance quote site that is unbiased or gives me quotes from a wide array of services? Also, are there any good tips for saving money buying life insurance for small business owners?""
""How much does a lower back x-ray cost with no insurance in Houston,TX?
I have shattered my tail-bone or something and I can't sit down for more than 5 minutes but I don't know if I can afford it.
Which insurance company is father of reinsurer?
i need to know the answer for my interview in an insurance company. also which company is biggest insurance company in world.
How much price of the car drops after a accident occurs?
Rear ended............. car bumper is damaged honda civic ex sedan 2008 ?? The insurance wanted to estimate a diminished value for car and I just want to be prepared to know around how much would be rational. Thank You so much.
Which would be cheaper- my university insurance or insurance from the exchanges (obamacare)?
The deadline to enroll in my university insurance is before September, but I don't know if I should wait until October to see what options from the exchanges there are? Also, are all the insurance programs from the exchanges required to cover pre-existing conditions?""
Why is Auto Insurance in Quebec cheaper? And how do I go abouts changing my insurance to Quebec?
I've been told insurance in Quebec is much cheaper. I know a few friends that live there can I change my license address to Quebec then seek insurance over there? Im getting sick of paying 400+ in Ottawa.
For a first time driver who is 28 who is good for cheap car insurance?
In the uk
""If an accident is weather-related, will my insurance go up?""
Yesterday, I slid into a guardrail coming off of the interstate on the terrible snowy roads of Maine. $3,000 damage to my brand new car. I was told that if I file an insurance claim my monthly insurance payment won't go up since it was weather related. Is this true?""
Can an insurance company drop your auto insurance any time?
I have had 3 claims in 4 years. The first two claims where while living in another state. I since moved and just put in my third claim today (first claim with this company). My insurance payment really isn't all that high, about $75 monthly. The lady told me today that it would go up 10% if the cost was over $750. (it will be) She said this didn't effect my insurability or anything, but what if I had another accident in a year?? The real question is, can an insurance company drop you for any reason at any time? Some have said no, only within the first 60 days, others say yes, absolutely any time. What's the right answer?""
Do you think I need insurance?
I have to have insurance on my car for 3 years because I got a ticket for no insurance and suspended license. I just recently go rid of my car...do I still need the insurance. People have told me to at least keep liability non-owners insurance, but that's $266 a month for me...!!! Can I just forget the insurance and ride the bus?""
Whats cheaper car insurance or moped insurence?
im 20 and doing my lessons soon i do want to have a car but they are really expensive to run , do u think i should just stick to a moped and wait till i get a lil older plus how much on average is it to run a moped compered to a car including petrol+ insurance Only:)""
How much is car insurance and how much would car insurance on a mustang be how much would mustang I?
I am looking a used cars and I was wondering how much car insurance is and how much would a mustang be to insure.... Also I would be a first time driver and I live in pa if that makes a difference
I just bout 2 motorcycles and I am looking for a cheap place to get insurance through... Any suggestions??????
It's a 2007 yamaha and a 2005 suzuki, and I'm not getting anywhere with these insurance quotes. They are outrageous!!!""
TRADE INSURANCE..................?
is it safe to buy an insurance for a trade insurance owner as if he then puts your name in his policy and drive your own car for social purposes?
Motorcycle insurance?
I received my scooter insurance in the post but is there a cert like a car as i did not receive one and if there's not what do i bring with me to prove to the police i have insurance?
Are 100% of Americans insured with medical/dental insurance?
Bet not and do they pay their medical bills? NOOOOOOOOO!!!
Health insurance in florida?
if you dont have a job yet and have children how do u get health insurance in florida and if you had a c section and a premature baby why would an insurance company deny you insurance also if your child is underweight because of being premature why would their insurance be ridiculously high each month?
""How much does homeowners insurance cost in Nassau County, NY?""
I'm just starting to look at purchasing my first home and need to understand even a basic range of cost for yearly homeowners insurance for budgeting purposes. Without having a specific property in mind to request a rate for, is there any place I can see average or median homeowners insurance rates? I'm looking at homes in good condition for under $375,000 purchase price.""
Is there a way to find out someones insurance company only with their name and address?
i also have a license plate number. is there a website i can go to that i just type in someones name and their insurance company pops up?
Estimate on drivers insurance?
Hello, i'm 16 years old and about to get my license any ideas on how much insurance would cost me? My family has Allstate and i can qualify for the good student discount.""
Galveston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77551
Galveston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77551
Can 20 year old go under classic car insurance in ontario?
I keep hearing different answers from everyone i ask. Im looking to get an older camaro (78-81) but im worried i wont be able to get insured as a classic. If so is there any companies in ontario anyone recommends?
Do you need car insurance to visit on a army base?
Well I am going to visit my friend on the Fort Lewis, Washington army base. and he is saying I need car insurance? Well my coworker said no but if you do get pulled over on base without car insurance the ticket is double. So do I need it to go on base? I will only be there for three days. Thanks.""
What is a good health insurance for an individual?
My dad lost his job 6 months ago, his new job doesn't have benefits. What is a good health insurance that will be cheap enough for a young college student that is affordable? (I ...show more""
Why is my car insurance so expensive? Give me a GOOD reason why.?
I have my driving test tomorrow, looking forward to it, but car insurance for a car which is worth 200, the car insurance comes from 2500 - 4000. Why on earth does it come to this??!! Insurance companies are all sharks. No wonder so many people are uninsured.""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
Just wanted to take a poll. Per year or per month Do you live in Canada or US
Do i need a cars permit to get a motorcycle permit in california?
hi i just wanted to know if i have to get a cars permit for a motorcycle permit in california im already going to turn 17 in a couple of months and i already took drivers education i also read and studied both handbooks for the test sorry if my english is not that good or if i misspelled anything
Insurance's on a 16 year old driver?
i am 16 years old and i am looking for cars.. i found a used 2006 audi a6, i really like it and i want it to be my first car!!! does any body know how much it would cost too insure me under it ??????????""
Car Insurance and Tax experts only please!!!!?
I plan to buy a used car for 1900, but i need to know how much the sales tax would be.......if you dont know a definate answer can you please give an approximation?? I also need to know about how much my insurance would be....I am 19, female and the car is a Trams Am...i dont know the year.""
Car insurance- estimated quote? lowest pricing company?
i'm a 17 year old new female driver. the car im looking at is a 1995 grandam. about how much would you estimate insurance will be monthly on my own plan? and what company do u find is the cheapest?
Can an insurance co.legally drop my homeowners ins.?
Have had insurance with the same company for about 20 or so yrs.Home and auto.They recently tried to make my 60,000 dollar home worth over $100,000,000 and charge me a lot more for ins. and I said no there is no way my home is anywhere near that amount.Next thing I know I got a letter saying my home wasn't up to the standards they require.Is that legal??""
""Car fender bender -insurance low balling payment, how to get more money from the insurance company?""
Had a fender bender accident and the other driver was charged, the insurance adjuster said the damage is $1500.00 and gave check (not yet cashed). Took car to repair shop (from the insurance approved list) the estimates were $2000.00 and $2800.00. How and what can be done to get the insurance to pay up more, so I can decide later when and where to get the car repaired? Thanks""
Question about MA car insurance?
I have a car parked in my apartment's parking lot that doesn't run. Can I cancel the insurance on it so I don't have to pay for it every month? I'm in the process of trying to sell it. When I cancel the insurance, do I have to return the plates, too? I don't think it's legal to have a car with no plates parked in a parking lot.""
What amount would you consider affordable for health insurance and how did you arrive at this figure?
What amount would you consider affordable for health insurance and how did you arrive at this figure?
Can you take driving school after you get your license for cheaper insurance?
I'm going to be turning eighteen soon and I want to take driving courses to lower my insurance. Can I still take them with my license or do I need to get my permit before I turn eighteen? I live in Arizona by the way.
Expired car insurance ticket?
So I got pulled over in may and had expired car insurance of about 10 months. I had presented my expired car insurance document and the cop had my car towed to a nearby car shop, where i got it back a few days later. The cop called another cop to drive me back to my university since my car was towed. I was talking to the cop who drove me back and asked what I can do and he told me to just plead not guilty on my ticket and get new insurance and bring it to the court. I don't understand, how can I plead not guilty? It was his advice and he knew my insurance expired. How can getting new insurance do anything for my cause? Any help appreciated, thanks.""
Do anyone know where i can get cheaper car insurance?
Im with Tesco and am due to renew my insurance next month but what im paying at the moment is sky high. Ive been on the road 2 years now, I have a reno clio.""
Insurance costs on 350z & g35?
Prices just on average? In Texas. 16 year old girl. How much does color matter? What are the different prices for blue, black, silver, & white? How much does the z and Infiniti coupe differ? Please don't tell me to choose different cars..I'm asking for insurance price, not your opinion""
Additional driver car insurance?
hi , i have a car and i have my car insurance my husband he just get his driving licence and he want to drive my car ,does he need to apply for car insurance for himself , or can i add him with me in my policy and how much will cost him . if i add him as additional driver on my policy is that will cost him to pay""
""Im from the UK.Around how much would insurance cost for me a 17 yr old girl, buying a 1999-2000 toyota celica?
All helpful answers appreciated. Stupid answers are not welcome !
""When searching for a car insurance renewal quote, has anyone come across 'Insure Insurance Reinvented'; ultra?""
cheap UK insurance quote.....their quote sounds too cheap to be true, and an internet search for reviews of them has brought up nothing""
What is the best and cheapest company for motorcycle insurance?
I am a rider with 10 years of driving experience but my license lapsed and I was forced to start over as a new driver (M1 graduated liecense). I'm married, in my 30's, I drive a 1999 Yamaha YZF R-6 and have never made any claims.""
Insurance adjusters?
I'm looking for a school in southern california that offers training in insurance adjusting. i'm trying to obtain my license in california and want to take a course
Does anyone knows which insurance company is better? Great eastern or prudential?
Does anyone knows which insurance company is better? Great eastern or prudential?
Teenage Car Insurance Question?
I am a new teenage driver about to go for his license in a few weeks. Before I do I have to be on one of my parents insurance plans. My mom says that adding me to hers would be about $1800 yearly and my dad just says that that is ridiculously high. I don't know which one of them to believe on this issue so: How much is average teenage car Insurance
Estimate on drivers insurance?
Hello, i'm 16 years old and about to get my licence any ideas on how much insurance would cost me? My family has Allstate and i can qualify for the good student discount.""
Galveston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77551
Galveston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77551
0 notes
foulfurywombat-blog · 6 years
michigan insurance bulletin 92-03
"michigan insurance bulletin 92-03
michigan insurance bulletin 92-03
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Do you know who offers the best insurance rates for BMWs?
We are trying to update our club policy for members.
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
Im a girl with good grades that would be added on to my parents insurance policy, can anyone give me a dollar estimate?""
Does anyone know where 2 get cheap car insurance for high perforfomance cars .....n.ireland?
Does anyone know where 2 get cheap car insurance for high perforfomance cars .....n.ireland?
What cars are listed as sports cars for insurance?
I want a car but it cant be listed as a sports car. And all the cars i like either are or idk. so what cars are sports cars?
How much would it cost for me to insure this?
If anyone works for an insurance company or knows how much this will be please help? Just passed my text and am 17years of age, how much to insure the car below? Nissan Micra 1.0 S 3dr Hatchback 51 reg Manual Petrol 35k miles""
Are BMW more expensive to insure?
Specifically a White 2006 BMW 325i. I'm 21, never had any traffic violations, had my license since I was 17. I'm looking to get rid of my old 1994 Crappy Mustang, and getting a White 06 3 Series BMW. Will my insurance be expensive? Additional Details: I plan on financing, which means it will require me to get full coverage.""
Okay-ish car with cheap insurance? (uk)?
Im 17, just passed my test, what car would you recomend I get that would be cheap to insure?""
""Non owner SR22 insurance for TEXAS, what is a cheap website?
I don't own a car so I don't know what to do... Help! Thanks
How would you fix health care in the US?
I feel good and bad about this law. I'm conservative. I don't entirely agree with the law. But it's good that people are able to get on an affordable insurance plan if they have a pre-existing condition rather than being left out to die. But what about the people who are getting kicked off insurance plans and now have to pay even higher rates than they already were? I get a subsidy for my plan. I don't feel like I deserve it. I saw a lady on the news who had cancer and couldn't get insurance. I feel like she is the one who deserves a subsidy so she can get a plan. How do you feel about this law? And what happens if a Republican gets into office or they control the legislative branch in 2014 and repeal the law? Then what?
Why do a lot of health insurance plans through your parents employers cut you off at 25 yrs old?
I'm a full time student and turned 25 in September. I guess once September ended I'm no longer covered under my dad's health insurance. I was surprised because I at least thought I had the semester to finish off since it was that way with my friend. But anyways, why do a lot of companies cut you off by then? I know a lot of people at that age are done with college, but there are still plenty who aren't. I'm still an undergrad, but what about the ones that are going to medical school, dental school, etc, that aren't even done with college until there late 20s if they went right out of high school? 25 is still young, and it's still hard to afford for most people at that age. Also, I heard about student insurance. Do most college have that for students to check into?""
Can I get long term disability insurance and social security?
Long term disability insurance from the company I work for. If I get that,can I apply for ss?""
Infiniti g37????????
I'm 19 and I'm getting an used 2007 Infiniti for $12000 yayy ive been driving for a year with no tickets or anything! how much would my insurance cost? I live by myself in Virginia far away from parents just with my gf so don't even rely on my parents..
Do you know if there is an insurance company that insures cars that travels in both Mexico and Texas?
I am temporarily living in Mexico and will be crossing the border to Texas. I don't know if anyone knows if there is auto insurance that takes care of insurance for crossing the ...show more
""Question about being a teen, and car insurance?""
I am 17 now, I am taking my driver's test in about a week. My boyfriend said that when he got his licence he was automatically added to his mom and dad's car insurance. Well I was wondering would it be the same for me. Because (This might be a little confusing (: ) I was adopted by my birth mother's boyfriends mom, and i live with her and her mom. No one in the house has a car, or car insurance, and my birth mother doesn't have any custody of me but she does have car insurance, and my birth father has half custody of me, and he has car insurance. So.... ha ha my question in general is, when get my license, will I be added to any ones insurance? Or will I have to get my own? Ha ha ALSO, If I do have to get my own what would be the best and cheapest insurance for me? I wouldn't want full coverage, I would just get P.I.P. Please and thank you so much!""
Can I rent a Car if I don't have Insurance?
I am wanting to go to Vegas for the weekend and I currently don't have a car. Which means I don't have car insurance. I am getting a bunch of mixed messages telling me that I am unable to rent a car because I currently don't have car insurance. Is this true?
Non car owner insurance?
Can I get insurance to drive cars if I don't own one? I have friends who will let me drive their cars but I want to get my own insurance. I don't want to risk their no claims in case of an accident and if I don't have an accident I want to build up my own no claims but I can't find anywhere that does this....
OK here is one. I have a 2002 Dodge Neon 4 door. I need the cheapest insurance I can get. Where can I go?
I use it for work. It has never had insurance because I just got the job, So, I wasn't driving it. I used my sons truck instead. But, now I need insurance for my job. I need it fast and I need it as cheap as I can get it. Does anyone have any ideas on where to go? Please. And serious answers only. I need it by Monday.""
Wondering about car insurance/registration?
This makes sense to me and seems like it should be possible, but my family has no idea. If I buy a car next week and have the car put in my name and list either one of my grandparents as a CO-OWNER on the title, would I be able to put the car on THEIR insurance, instead of getting my own, and have them just list me on as an extra driver? If there's anything I can do to keep my insurance low or possibly just have it on theirs but with the car title in my name, please explain! I live in CT if that makes a difference.""
Insurance resposibility?
I am a policyholder of a vehicle, and if someone borrow my vehicle and cause a accident, who will be responsible for paying the damage, his ins or mine. and what happend if he does not have insurance coverage""
Can I get insurance subsidies under the affordable care act?
I'm 56 years old and still working and get insurance through my large employer. But, let's say I decide to retire. I'm single with no dependents. My net worth not ...show more""
Where to get cheap cars in the UK?
I'm talking 500 maximum spend here, just something that will have very cheap insurance.""
Do I need an insurance license in California?
If I work for a licensed insurance agent in California by calling present clients to see if they need more or different insurance and ask questions to get a quote do I need to be licensed? The licensed agent will give all quotes.
""In ontario, does a 10-day permit for a car include insurance?
My father-in-law gave us his old car. We need to get it certified. Does the 10-day permit include insurance for the car? How much does the 10 day permit cost?
""Car Insurance, including APR?""
So, im looking for car insurance and I found the cheapest one for me. 'A deposit of 70.00 payable by credit or debit card followed by 10 monthly instalments by Direct Debit of 55.90. Total payable is 629.00 including APR of 29.6%.' What does it mean including APR of 29.6% That I will have to pay an extra 29.6%. Its my 3rd year driving and I've never seen this before.""
What kind of car insurance is this?
Where I am insured, and not my car. So basically, i can drive any car i want but no one else can drive mine because IT isnt insured. (not unless they have the same type of insurance anyway.) Does anyone know what i am talking about?""
michigan insurance bulletin 92-03
michigan insurance bulletin 92-03
Insurance settlement.?
Back in October, I was hit by a vehicle that was backing out too fast from a parking spot. My vehicle was parked and there was no one in the driver seat. My three children were also ...show more""
What is the best and most affordable car insurance company in New York?
Particularly NYC?
Auto insurance cost for 2007 toyota camry?
Auto insurance cost for 2007 toyota camry?
""First ticket, no points, insurance increase?""
I just got my first ticket, clocked at 60 mph in a 45 mph zone. I'm 17 years old, driving my dad's car. The officer didn't give me any points for it and the fine was drastically lowered, considering the fact that I only went 60 for a little and breaked right after. Do you think my insurance will raise? I live in Pennsylvania and have Allstate. If it raises, how much extra per month will I be looking at?""
Insurance for a Range Rover Sport?
I'm turning 16 in about two years, and i was thinking about getting a 2010-2012 RR Sport Supercharged. I was wondering how much it would cost for me to get insured. Do you have a range of what it would be around? My parents are already letting me practice driving and stuff. The car would be around $30,000-$45,000. My family is in the upper-middle class. So we're not all that rich. I will be working by that time and paying the car off.""
Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope?
Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope will put them back into the White House?
What car insurance co. should I go with?
Can anyone offer suggestions for a company easy to, and willing to work w/you? I presently do not have insurance. I am on a fixed income. Money is always an issue. I need low rates. My car is old so I only need minimum. Was with SafeAuto -- OK, but not thrilled with them. Are there others out there legitimate and with good reputation? Pls remember, I cannot afford a lot. My inspection is coming up. Many many thanks!""
Is this a good insurance quote ?? from quinn direct!!!?
ive just got a renault clio 1.3 1993 automatic k reg, very clean an just had new cam belt an sumthing else lol an new tyres lol so just passed all the mot, !!!yeah!!! lol so ive been quoted 318.56 no claim bonus im going on as provisinal driver an my partner as a full clean license. do u think that is a good one ? or can it get any cheaper lol""
Cheap/Affordable Car insurance for a 20 year old Driver?
Hey guys, I've had my license for a couple of months (Just turned 20) and I was wondering where or how I'd be able to get the cheapest possible insurance. Also, is there any ways around it? like putting it under my Dads name lool? Thanks!!""
Job doesnt offer health insurance. What to do?
Does anyone know where I purchase affordable health insurance? I work, but job doesnt offer it. Im not in a position where I can change jobs.""
Trying to find good dental insurance?
I've been looking and the best one I can find is a broker. They offer a bunch of plans and the cost is really affordable. Any suggestions? ...show more
HELP! I need an insurance company for my 50cc moped?!?
Hey Im 16 and have just bought an 07 Aprilia SR50 scooter, I need to get insurance but most places are quoting me around 500! Im not one of these chavs that races around don't worry! Does anyone here recommend any insurance companies or have a good deal on there insurance? Thanks in advance. =]""
Car Insurance - Young Driver 18 years old Male - NEED HELP PLEASE!!!!?
I have recently passed my driving test (3 days ago!) and will be buying a car ASAP as I have a job lined up and have just left school. I've tried tens of comparison sites and even rang some insurance companies direct to try and get a better quote... I have looked at the smallest possible engine size, that being 0.8l and 1l engines. I've looked at cars such as FORD KA, Vauxhall Corsa, Nissan Micra, Renault Clio and a few others too. The cheapest quote I have found for all of the cars is for a 2000 Ford KA 1.3l 3dr 4 seats (the smallest KA engine size possible) and that price was 3,800 paying monthly with a company called My Policy . However, I have used various other KA registration plates all the same engine size but some being 2003 models or 2005 and the insurance jumps to over 6,000! I haven't found another FORD KA cheaper than 5,500 and obviously if I can't get that one particular car out of the thousands for sale that insurance quote will be invalid anyway. Basically, I've tried everything. Adding named drivers (with lots of driving experience 30+ years), putting my car in a locked garage, on the road, tried different cars - models, registration plates, ages, engine sizes, and not to forget the countless comparison sites. The funny thing is with MyPolicy I went onto their site directly to get a quote and they were unable to give me a quote when entering exactly the same information into the Tiger.co.uk comparison site, that site brought up the 3,800 quote with MyPolicy but when I use their site directly they can't give me a quote... I know insurance is based on MANY factors, believe me I understand that. I tried entering different post codes (just out of curiosity) and it did help, but only fractionally. It just seems (other than the 1 obscure quote of 3,800 on ONE car, out of the 100+ I've tried) that I can't get a quote cheaper than 5,000 for a car with the smallest engine size and insurance group possible... It's ridiculous. Please don't advise fronting because it's illegal and I want to build up some NCD anyway. CAN ANYONE HELP ME GET A QUOTE CHEAPER THAN 3,500?! Thanks a lot, -Ash.""
Why would my auto insurance increase?
The insurance on my 09 Mitsubishi Lancer went up over $100 since last year. I did not make any claims, was in any accidedents or anything like that. I did not move. I did not have anything done to the car which could cause the insurance to increase. So why would my insurance increase? I am over 40 yrs old and ever since I've been driving and with all the cars I've owned, most of them new, I never had an insurance increase on the same vehicle. It always decreased from year to year on the same vehicle. Never went up. I want to get some opinions here first and maybe get a legitimate explanation before I call my insurance agent and ask why they increase my rate or look to find a different insurer.""
Whats the average car insurance costs for a 16 year old male in Florida?
Whats the average car insurance costs for a 16 year old male in Florida?
Do any car insurance companies do insurance for one month?
Hi So I only want car insurance for one month cause I want to use my car for work purposes (usually it's off road). I have 5 years no claims but for some reason companies are charging like 250 for the month when it'd usually only cost me 700 for the year!? Does anyone recommend any companies that don't charge as much? Thanks in advance
Cheap car insurance for new drivers?
im 23 years old and about to take my driving test, IF i pass i'll be needing car insurance which i've noticed is very expensive. and tips or websites that are good for people in my situation?? i've put the excess up but its just too much! any help will be good thanks""
What is cheapest car insurance i am 18 years old with a crash?
i need the cheapest car insurance in florida can some one refer me to a company
""If I get a ticket, does my insurance rate go up?""
As a new driver I am unsure about ticket and insurance policy. Also, will I get points off. What are points?""
""If my dad's car is insured and im under the same address, do i need insurance or can i drive the car ?
same address and the car is insured and teenage insurnce costs a lot if i get pulled over will a police officer saying anythign since the car is insured?
What is the cheapest car insurance for someone with a foreign driving lisence?
What is the cheapest car insurance for someone with a foreign driving lisence?
How much on average do you pay for auto insurance?
My mother is kicking me off her auto insurance and i can't get an online quote because she also took my car away but says i still need insurance to drive any car. She lies sometimes so idk what average insurance cost and idk how to get it without having a car to put it under?
What type of insurance do I need to run a cleaning business in Michigan?
My son's teacher said that the preschool he attends are taking bids on cleaning there facility but you need to be insured so I was just wondering if anyone knows what type of insurance I would need to carry to place a bid. There current company is not very good cleaners and they want to hire me but I need insurance please help! but please if you dont know the answer please dont post! Thanks
Affordable Health Insuance that includes maternity coverage?
My husband just started a new job that offers NO benefits until he moves up in the company which could take over a year to happen or even longer, and I only work part time. I am ...show more""
""2012, 17 Year Old Insurance?""
Looking to pass my test in Feb. (3rd) And all threads and posts I have looked at are from 2010 or something. Just wondering what the best sort of car is for my age and insurance provider and any tips to lower my premium as the lowest I have come out with was with elephant.co.uk at 2900, third party fire and theft on a citroen ax. Which is above my budget... Any Clues Anyone ? Thanks""
michigan insurance bulletin 92-03
michigan insurance bulletin 92-03
How much on average does it cost to have a 16 year old A student on my insurance?
I have a daughter who is dying to drive (we'll be sharing my car) but I don't know if I can afford the insurance! If you have a similar daughter how much did your insurance go up? I tried all these free quote places, but something about the quotes seem off...did you have to pay $300 a month? How much was your insurance originally?""
Pickup Truck insurance at age 18?
I am 18 and I want to get a Nissan Navara. I have got a quote for the non-commercial versions eg le, se and xe for 1990 which is fine, but I cant get an online quote for the D22 version. Its a 2005 D22 Navara di. It says I have to ring them as they cant give me an online quote. Does anyone know if this model can be insured on normal car insurance as I am under 21 and it will be very difficult and expensive to get commercial or van insurance.""
If i have insurance on my driver s license do i have to have insurance on my car in Maine?
I am now told that it is mandatory for me to have insurance ON my license... does that mean I need it on my car as well?? I could use all the help I can get on this. THANK YOU!
How much is commercial car insurance?
I am doing a project for school and need to know a ball park range of the annual cost of car insurance for a courier service. here's some info: -2 cars -6 drivers -cars will not travel more than 20 miles per trip -liability limit $500,000 -uninsured/underinsured motorist limit $500,000 -General liability coverage: 1,000,000 **these do not have to be exact but the rate you give me is for other limits, just tell me those limits. I have no idea so any info you have and can back up would be awesome! THANKS!""
Why are these insurance premiums so high?
so when i use to drive legally with insurance, i payed about 600 down and like 180 a month. but now when im looking for new insurance, i see monthly premiums for $900!! if car is financed, or min coverage of $400 for an owned car? i dont understand... can car insurance really be this expensive or is there something going on here? i got the quotes from online by the way...""
Can you have more than one car insurance policy?
Okay, imagine the situation. Mum's got a car (A), but it's too expensive to run. Son has just bought a car (B) but doesn't want to drive it much until next year. Mum's already got an insurance policy on Car A, she wishes to take out an insurance policy for Car B with another company, but still keep her insurance policy on Car A with her old insurer. So Car A - Insurance Policy A - Mum driver. Car B - Insurance Policy B - Mum driver, Son named. Many thanks.""
How much does car insurance cost?
I'm saving up for a car and I wanna see how much I will be spending. I know it'll be a lot so I don't want any advice that I should really think about it and stuff I just want answers please. I'm 18 and I'm barley gonna get my lisence. I wanna get atleast a 2011 scion tc. How much will insurance cost? I know it'll be a lot cause of the car and cause I'm a new driver and stuff. And if anyone knows how much a 2011 tc will cost and how much I would have to pay a month for it that would help too. Can someone give me an estimate please. Thanks a lot.
How much does insurance range to for motorcycles?
How much does insurance range to for motorcycles?
Cheapest car insurance for a 18 year old?
I am currently looking for a car, such as fiat punto 1.2 or vauxhall orsa 1.0 - 1.2. I have only passed my driving test about 5 months ago and I'm thinking about purchasing a small first car. The only issue is the the expensive insurance, could any recommend me a good insurance company that supports young unexperienced drivers. Please don't include comparison websites such as confused.com, because they don't really help. So far I've found co-operative car insurance company really good with a really good deal for young drivers. Thanks everyone in advance!""
How much do you pay for home insurance?
So we are paying like $132 for car insurance on two vehicles with American Family Insurance and we both have clean records although we are young 22 (f) and 24 (m). We just got a quote from Wawanesa they said we could do full coverage through them for half the price 80 a month! Although they don't do home insurance and I know you can save a lot by combining the two. So now through AFI we pay about $40 a month for home insurance is that a good price with the combined home and auto?? How much do you think it will go up if we cancel the car insurance and go with wawanesa?? Is there cheaper insurance agencies that will cover only home? In the end I am just looking for how much you pay and if you combine your auto with the same company. Thanks!!
Sports car insurance for a 17 year old with a provisional license?
Someone who will not cost the earth, up to group 14, uk.""
What's the cheapest a new driver could pay for car insurance (NY)?
I wanna buy a car I just passed my road test I want toi get a car but I know insurance is going to be high I'm from new york... Does anyone know how much ill pay around and does anyone have any tips on who would be the cheapest... Thanks
Best health insurance for young married parents?
Me and my boyfriend are wanting to get married next year because he'll be graduating high school and it'll be the best time for us I'll still be a junior and we have a young daughter. We will be going to the same college once I graduate plus it has a daycare for our daughter which is great. Once we get married though I know I won't be a single mother anymore so I probably won't qualify for Wic or medicade. So I want to get an idea now for what the best health insurance is for our situation that would be the most affordable since we will be in college and we won't be making a whole lot of money. What is the best and most affordable health insurance for young married parents in college. Also has anyone else been in a similar situation and how did you make it work.
What insurance is needed in Texas to host a non-profit fundraiser?
I am in Galveston, TX and I am looking to host a large outdoor fundraiser for a non-profit organization. What type of insurance will I need to cover the event? Where can I look to find more details and how much does this insurance usually cost? Thanks!""
How is Progressive for auto insurance?
I am a veteran and a USAA member, so my insurance is a slightly lower than the average person. However, I recently got a claim from Progressive that they could give me the same coverage for $850 dollars (200 less than USAA). Is this too good to be true? My USAA agent told me that they were probably pulling a bait and switch; they would probably raise my rates as soon as I signed the policy. Does anyone have any feedback or information to share about Progressive? Is it really that affordable or is it just a scam?""
Who has the best home insurance in georgia?
I am about to buy a house and I got to have Ins. I just need to get the best deal. Whats your opinion?
Health and Maternity Insurance.?
My wife and I are wanting to have a baby and need to get health insurance that includes maternity. I have gotten a couple quotes, but they all seems somewhat high being that she is only 22 and in great health. Who would be the best and most affordable provider to talk to? Thanks, Dustin""
Minimum insurance for heating/plumbing business in Ca?
What is the minimum insurance that an owner of a heating/plumbing business must have in California?
Health insurance after i drop out?
hello everyone i am a 17 year old male who chose to drop out of school after getting clean from drugs. now that i am dropped out and sober i am very happy but there seems to be an issue. in january, january 28th to be exact i will be 18 and my mother insists that unless im in school i cannot be covered under health insurance anymore. so my question to you all is, is this true? is there a way i can be covered under her health insurance even after dropping out? if no what other affordable options are there for me pertaining to health insurance? i know of cobra but 500$ a month is a little absurd. so any information would be much appreciated thank you so much!""
Cost of getting motorcycle insurance for 20 year old?
I am probably goin to get a sports bike. I have had my license since I was 18. I have no tickets and clean driving record. I currently pay $140 a month for insurance on my truck. I was looking into getting a bike older than 2003. How much will motorcycle insurance be for a sports bike?
How much will be car insurance be for a 2.2l Renault Laguna?
Basically, I've got my hands on a Renault Laguna 2.2l Diesel. It's a 2002 model. I've also just passed my driving test 2 months ago, and would like to know what to expect with insurance. I'm not keen on selling the car, so I'd like to know which companies are best for young drivers. Oh yeah, and I'm 17 years old.""
Do you need proof of insurance to obtain a Florida Intermediate Restricted Driver License?
I live in Tennessee and moving down to Florida in early August and in Tennessee at age 16 you can get a license called Intermediate Restricted Driver License which just has more restrictions then a 17 year old and less restrictions then a 15 year old/permit. I'm not sure if Florida has these type of licenses but at the age of 16 with a Tennessee Intermediate Restricted License, to get a Florida license, must you show proof of insurance before you get your Florida license? The reason why i'm asking this is because obviously in Tennessee you do not need proof of insurance to get a Driver License. Thanks Guys!""
""Which insurance company is BETTER in Naples, FL -- UHC or CIGNA?
Planning to get an individual insurance and those two are one of the good ones. I'll also get a Dental Premier (ppo) and Vision Plan. A bit worried on the dental though coz there are only few who has affiliation with insurance companies. HEEEEEEEELP. Which one is better?
How bad would my insurance rates be?
I have the money to buy a used 04 S2000 now, but my parents are paying for the insurance and I don't want to make them pay a lot. My father is 47 and wants to put the car under his name if I buy it. If it matters, I'm 18, straight A's in high school if (GPA matters), two years of driving experience, and I live in Indiana. Would the insurance rates for this car be a lot? If possible, does anybody have an estimate?""
Motorcycle insurance?
I just bought a new 2013 triumph thruxton and I was wondering how much insurance would cost me I got a quote from progressive and it ended up being 3744 every six months can anyone shed some light on why its so expensive by the way I'm 18 and I paid the bike in full no loans it's paid for completely
michigan insurance bulletin 92-03
michigan insurance bulletin 92-03
How long does it take for car insurances to determine fault?
I got into an accident a few days ago. It's pretty cut and dry that it was the other persons fault, however the police don't determine fault and leave it up to the insurance companies to figure out. Those who have been in a similair situation, how long from the time of the accident did it take for your insurance company to find fault in the accident. I'm curious because I'm having to pay a $1000 deductible and car rental fees. I want to make sure I get it back if its the other persons fault.""
Can someone explain how car insurance works?
Specifically, how do you pay for auto insurance? Do you make monthly payments or do you pay it at one time?""
How to find affordable medical insurance (Family) in San Diego?
I am moving to San Diego on a contract that has no benefit package. I'd like to buy a good benefit package for a family of four. I need medical, dental .... etc. with reasonable deductible. Any help in pointing me to the right direction is appreciated. Thanks
What are the cheapest cars to insure?
i just want to know what the cheapest cars are to insure as i am going to get my first car soon.
If I get into an accident (salvage / rebuilt title) how much of my cars worth will the insurance company pay?
I have a 99 GST Turbo Convertible Eclipse Spyder that I bought a few years ago with a Rebuilt Salvage title. You would not even be able to tell that it was in an accident. It looks great. I have been putting a lot of money in the car fixing it up (making it look nice and faster) and one of my friends told me the other day that if something happened to my car I would get practically nothing since it has a Rebuilt Salvage title. Is this True? I have only had liability since I bought it and this has never came up before. So assuming that I get hit tomorrow by a car that is insured and it totals out my car, how much of my car's worth would I get? What about all the money in parts and accessories that I put into it?""
Are we required to have insurance?
We live in Oregon. We have a Blazer that is just sitting in our driveway not being driven. Our insurance doesn't know about it. My husband thinks if we insure it for a month the insurance will require us to insure it always even when we stop driving it just because we own it. Is that true?
What price would insurance be for a Scion?
What would an insurance quote for a Scion xB be? ... for a Scion tC?
Higher insurance premiums for celebrities ?
Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html
Give me your opinion on which if you think my car is total loss or the insurance will fix it?
here are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view&current=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view&current=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg
Car insurance for a 16 year old in miami?
how much do you have to pay monthly??year??
Is Titan Insurance a good choice?
I am thinking of switching my auto insurance to Titan from State Farm. They are about $30 cheaper per month. However, I don't want to do so if they aren't a good insurance company. This is the first I am hearing of them. Can anyone offer a review?""
I got a ticket for no insurance..?
but i actually did have insurance i just happen to show the officer the wrong one is there anything i can dot to avoid this 3 yr surcharge.
How How to Get the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance?
How How to Get the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance?
How much would insurance be for me?
I am 19 years old and gonna buy a used car soon. My parents have never drove or owned a vehicle in their life. I live in San Francisco. I know the insurance gonna be expensive for me.. Is there a way to get cheaper insurance?
Do red cars have higher insurance rates than other colored cars.?
Car insurance for a new driver?
So I am doing my driving lessons and thinking of a car, I'm 19 and will be 20 when I pass and I have been looking at cheap 1L/1.1L cars to try and get cheap insurance and I have googled cheap cars to insure and checked them out yet the cheapest insurance I have seen is 4,500 and I was wondering if that sounds about right even for a 1L 206 worth 800 if not where should i look for insurance I tried go compare, money supermarket etc""
I'm looking for an affordable medical insurance for me and my husband. Any experiences or suggestions.?
The one I have thru my employer is not good, will like to shop around but don't know where.""
Did you know 62 percent of American bankruptcies are linked to medical bills. 78% of which had insurance?
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/30/opinion/30kristof.html?em Found the stat in this article and was shocked. Let me know what your opinion on the stat and article. And as always, please be respectful whether you agree or disagree. Thanks!""
How much will insurance go up?
I backed into to my friends car in our driveway and where i hit it it made is back door screw up pretty bad the door closes but anyways he went and got it estimated and they said approx. 3500 in damage about how much will this make my insurance go up i havent had any prior accidents and im 19.
We res the cheapest place to get car insurance?
We res the cheapest place to get car insurance?
""On average, how much is car insurance for a 17 year old in AMERICA?""
I live in the UK where it is a RIP OFF!! I'm 17 and i recently got a car insurance quote for a 1.4 VW Golf and it was like 3000 (around $4600). And that just for a 1.4 engine car. What's it like in America?? What engines do young drivers usually buy in a car and how much is it over there? On TV and that, Americans get like 3 litre cars for their first cars, that's why i'm curious. Cheers.""
""How much would my car insurance be, under 25?""
Im looking to get a car soon and im curious on how much car insurance would be. 2012 toyota corolla s im 18, female, Live in Florida Not married or anything, no kids Iv been driving for 2 yrs No accidents or tickets Also i have no credit (Ps whats a safe way to gain credit?) and i work at dunkin donuts. Thats all the details i believe i would need to know the answer.""
Does my parents insurance still cover me?
I'm 19(turning 20 on Dec 1) & I live in California(southern CA) Not in school right now, still looking into trade schools will attend school in spring '11. My parents have health insurance but since I was 18 it stopped covering for me. Insurance covers almost all costs though sometimes we have to pay a small percentage. Now this new bill has passed & I was wondering if it will cover me? Or should I apply for Medicaid? Currently looking for my 3rd job. Previous jobs did not give me health insurance. Thanks""
Is insurance for a classic car cheap or expensive?PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!?
i have a 1968 ford Thunderbird i want to insure but i would use it as my daily driver. would insurance still be cheap?even though i would drive it everyday.
Do car insurance rates go down in the time you have you license even if you don't have car insurance?
I am going to be a new driver and I am wondering if I just drive my girlfriends car without getting my own insurance if when I drive and get insurance for myself in a couple of years if my rates will be lower. Thank you all for any help.
michigan insurance bulletin 92-03
michigan insurance bulletin 92-03
0 notes
arkham-prisoner · 7 years
Get to Know Me Uncomfortably Well
Nobody ever asks me these when I share them so I’ve decided to do them whenever I see them without being asked. I saw it reblogged by @winchestergospels and original poster unknown
1. What is you middle name? Joseph 2. How old are you? 21 3. What is your birthday? September 27, 1995 4. What is your zodiac sign? Libra 5. What is your favorite color?  Anything related to Purple 6. What's your lucky number? 4-8-15-16-23-42 (if you understand this I applaud you) 7. Do you have any pets? Not in a long time 8. Where are you from? New York 9. How tall are you? 6′3″  last time I checked  10. What shoe size are you? I usually wear size 12 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 3? 12. What was your last dream about? I don’t dream a lot so I have no idea 13. What talents do you have? Excessive knowledge of useless information mostly regarding movie trivia 14. Are you psychic in any way? No 15. Favorite song? Tough question I honestly don’t know music really isn’t that big in my life 16. Favorite movie?  Impossible question I love movies to much to choose only one....Star Wars....it’s the entire Star Wars franchise 17. Who would be your ideal partner? Honestly my goals are so low it’s sometimes embarrassing just tell me I’m pretty and eat pizza with me 18. Do you want children? Yes 19. Do you want a church wedding? I don’t care who or what performs the ceremony  20. Are you religious? No 21. Have you ever been to the hospital?  Overnight/Prolonged stay? No just for a few X-Rays, Blood Tests, etc. 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? No 23. Have you ever met any celebrities? I have a binder filled with autographs and pictures of me with celebrities I’ve met. Far too many to list, from Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, to William Shatner to Adam West 24. Baths or showers? Showers 25. What color socks are you wearing? Classic White/Grey. I’m Boring 26. Have you ever been famous? Very vague. No? 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Probably not 28. What type of music do you like? Soundtracks: Movie/TV Show, Theater, Video Games  29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Unfortunately no. I’m very comfortable with my body so I would do it almost anytime, anywhere, with anyone as long as no one gets hurt and we don’t get arrested  30. How many pillows do you sleep with? I NEED at least 2 31. What position do you usually sleep in? Various  32. How big is your house? Medium? 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? If I’m up that early, whatever I can find. I’m not usually picky like that 34. Have you ever fired a gun? No 35. Have you ever tried archery? Yes 36. Favorite clean word? What type of question is this? Do people really have a favorite word? 37. Favorite swear word? I’m stuck between choosing Fuck or Whore(Sarcastically) Fuck because you can use it in every part of speech. Whore because its fun to sarcastically call someone a Whore. Your friend makes a bad joke: “Boo Your Whore” 38. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep? 20-24 Hours 39. Do you have any scars? One. I split my thumb open when peeling an apple 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? HAHAHA!!!! Not that I know of. I’m very lonely if you can’t tell 41. Are you a good liar? I like to think so but I try not to make a habit of lying  42. Are you a good judge of character? I like to think so 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? Yes but there is a difference between doing accents and being good at it 44. Do you have a strong accent? I don’t think so. I may live just outside of New York City but I’m not a “New Yorker” 45. What is your favorite accent? That’s tough maybe native Spanish speaker and Native German speakers 46. What is your personality type? Not something I’ve ever thought about idk 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? Probably my leather U-Boat Jacket 48. Can you curl your tongue? Yes 49. Are you an innie or an outie? Innie 50. Left or right handed? Right Handed (I totally checked my hands for the L and backwards L) 51. Are you scared of spiders? I actually like Spiders (To my sister’s horror) 52. Favorite food? Can’t go wrong with Chicken 53. Favorite foreign food?  Cheap American Chinese Food 54. Are you a clean or messy person? Clean but if you saw my room you would probably disagree 55. Most used phrased? “What the fuck???” 56. Most used word? I have no idea 57. How long does it take for you to get ready? Usually quite quick. It depends on my mood how early it is, and what I’m getting ready for 58. Do you have much of an ego? We don’t think so 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? I don’t feel safe around Lollipop Biters 60. Do you talk to yourself? More often than I feel comfortable with 61. Do you sing to yourself? Quite often 62. Are you a good singer? I haven’t caused ears to bleed yet so thats a good thing 63. Biggest Fear? Doing something that will hurt my relationship with someone 64. Are you a gossip? Do I Gossip??? No. I’m confused by the phrasing  65. Best dramatic movie you've seen? Schindler’s List. The term Cinematic Masterpiece is an insult  66. Do you like long or short hair? It depends, certain hairstyles don’t work for some people 67. Can you name all 50 states of America? If I wasn’t timed and I could write them down then probably 68. Favorite school subject? History 69. Extrovert or Introvert? Somewhere in the middle 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? No but I want to  71. What makes you nervous? The unknown. I know vague and dramatic but I don’t like not knowing something. I’m the person that will run to google 72. Are you scared of the dark? No I often enjoy the dark I find it peaceful  73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Yes not always for the best 74. Are you ticklish? I don’t think so, it anywhere probably the bottom of my feet 75. Have you ever started a rumor? If I have, they didn’t make an impact on me to remember 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? Depends on what you mean by “Position of Authoroty” 77. Have you ever drank underage? Yes. I think my First drink was 4th of July when I was 17 78. Have you ever done drugs? Very VERY VERY small experience with pot 79. Who was your first real crush? I have no idea, probably when I was little and didn’t know what having a crush was 80. How many piercings do you have? No piercings, just tattoos 81. Can you roll your Rs?" NO AND IT PISSES ME OFF!!! One of the few things i wish I could do 82. How fast can you type? Depends on my concentration, but my fingers type faster than my brain so there’s a lot of mistakes on my rough drafts  83. How fast can you run? I used to be able to run quite fast but I don usually run 84. What color is your hair? Dark Brown 85. What color is your eyes? Greenish 86. What are you allergic to? Thankfully I only have seasonal allergies  87. Do you keep a journal? Nope, never have 88. What do your parents do? Dad is a retired cop and Mom works in an office for a construction company 89. Do you like your age? Yes? Odd question 90. What makes you angry? Stupidity  91. Do you like your own name? I do but I hate it when people think it’s spelled Stephen/Stephan. “PH” IS PRONOUNCED F!!! 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? John-Paul or David for a boy and Jessica for a girl 93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? Yes 94. What are you strengths? I like to think that I’m patient  95. What are your weaknesses? Let’s just say #94 isn’t always true. Also I will admit I often have a short fuse when it comes to my temper
96. How did you get your name? Sorry I’m gonna leave this one blank. I’m not sure if it’s right to talk about this one 97. Were your ancestors royalty? I don’t know a lot about my ancestry but I think my family descends from of of the larger ancestral Irish families:  O'Braion, now most commonly known as O’Brian (Not my last name though) Feel free to correct me if you know anything 98. Do you have any scars? Didn’t I already answer this? I split my thumb open pealing an apple 99. Color of your bedspread? Nothing matches. White Sheet and Mattress cover and an old Camouflage quilt 100. Color of your room? Formally Blue. Now it’s grey due to how long it’s been since it’s been painted
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I stole this from kath and now I will do it
1. what did you do in 2016 that you’d never done before? 
I read kind of a lot of books and passed and defended my qualifying exams as well as a prospectus. I developed a framework for a dissertation project which essentially means I have a framework in place for a book. Also I got married. I also got pregnant. 2. did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I didn't make any. I think I want to become more involved my my dept, actually go to events and professionalization stuff, as much as I hate it I should go for my *~*career*~* also I need to draft a chapter by the time the baby is born like for real 3. Did anyone close to you give birth? 
No. Lizzie had a baby--she's in my dept--and that baby is cute af tho. 4. did anyone close to you die? 
Not really. 5. what countries did you visit? 
To France to meet more of andré's family! We went to Troyes and it was so beauteous! I also went to SC and did some stuff with the Bernie sanders campaign which was great. I went to CA! 6. what would you like to have in 2017 that you lacked in 2016? 
Actually going to echo Kath with "A healthy amount of structure" bc I spirallllled this summer and fall wooooooo 7. what date from 2016 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? 
September 10, when I got married :)))) 8. what was your biggest achievement of the year?
Not even just passing my exams and prospectus but kinda killing them? I did a really really good job professionally this year. I have the potential to be a really good scholar if I keep my wits about me 9. what was your biggest failure?
Letting noisy ghost fall by the wayside 10. did you suffer illness or injury?
I got a really really bad cough pretty much immediately after I got back from LA after my exams and bruised my ribs :( 11. what was the best thing you bought? Jeni's ice cream. Always. 12. whose behavior merited celebration? André's, also my friends at my wedding 13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? My friend's girlfriend, and also kind of my friend. Cowardice. 14. Where did most of your money go? Rent, dumb stuff. 15. what did you get really, really, really excited about?
My wedding, going to LA, also HAVING A BABY :)))))) 16. what song will always remind you of 2016
Anything TLOP, also sia's "the greatest" bc it was me and alícia's jam when we were studying for exams 17. compared to this time last year, are you: 
happier or sadder? Happier
thinner or fatter? A little thinner 
richer or poorer? Richer, but only a little 18. what do you wish you’d done more of? Writing, poetry mostly and Noisy Ghost stuff 19. what do you wish you’d done less of? Drinking def 20. How did you spend Christmas? 
In Glencoe with just my parents bc my brother and his family were in New Hampshire. Bleh. 21. did you fall in love in 2016? I kinda fell in love with Adorno and his ideas. I said adornyes to Adorno. 22. how many one-night stands? I'm married to a dude and we are monogamous. I'm boring. 23. what was your favorite tv program?
I got really into THE CROWN for a hot second. I mostly just read and didn't watch much tv except for the 8 hours of law and order I had on in the background every day during the summer when I was studying for exams. 24. do you dislike anyone now that you didn’t dislike this time last year? 
Yeah :( 25. what was the best book you read? I literally read over 200 books this year so it's hard but I got into the Ferrante books and I really loved COLD INTIMACIES by Eva illouz, LISTENING IN DETAIL by Alexandra Vazquez, and a bunch of other stuff. 27. what did you want and get? 
I advanced to candidacy in my phd program and I got married and I'm gonna be a mom:)))) 28. what did you want and not get?
I wanted to live in New York again as always but that is impossible 29. what was your favorite film of this year? I didn't see like anything this year. Arrival was really good 30. what did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? 
I turned 28 and I hung out with my frandz! 31. what one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? 
Spending more time with my frandz. I moved to bucktown this year and saw a lot more of some ppl but in general not enough of anyone! Oh yeah I also moved this year haha what an eventful year! 32. how would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2015? Leggings and long blouses. Very medieval. 33. what kept you sane? 
Reading. Always. 34. which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? 
Being pregnant makes me horny so lately all of them 35. what political issue stirred you the most? BERNIEEEEE 36. who did you miss? "Everyone in New York"--stealing Kath's response again, but seriously. Also G even tho I know she sucks 37. who was the best new person you met? 
Hmmmmm. Idk! I like our 3rd floor neighbor a lot and I want to be her friend. 38. tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2016:
Most people are too self-involved to really give a shit about you so just hang out or whatever, it's fine, no one cares 39. quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
And when the last days come We shall see visions More vivid than sunsets Brighter than stars We will recognize each other And see ourselves for the first time The way The way we really are
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