#the in-lore implications of the hermits knowing that some guy is always watching and recaping what they did
kelp-my-beloved · 1 year
If you asked any of the hermits to describe Pixlriffs in one world, they would probably struggle for a long while until they settled on "Noticeable".
It's not because they had never thought about it. After all, He had been there almost from the beggining, and mysteriously decided to stick around, not with them, but near enough for His presence to be felt at all times.
Back on that first year they would have told you "Terrifying". They had never heard of something quite like Him, and tried their best to ignore the weight of His eyes following them wherever they were.
Changing worlds didn't stop Him. With time, like most things, the quiet fear turned into a healthy respect, and shortly later mild curiosity.
Anyone who tried to go with "God-ly" would change their mind in a week's time, when they heard His voice reciting their archivents and failures with the outpost devotion. No, because if there was anything godlike in their relationship, Pixlriffs would be the one doing the praying.
The word "Stable" would almost escape their lips, except that it wasn't always Him watching them, narrating. Other eyes would focus on them too, but with a presence similar of that of Him that they would understand them as His friend.
A "Mistery" was for very long the first choice, until a Rift opened in Grian's basement and showed them a whole new world, with Pixlriffs there to welcome them.
He had smiled at them, showed them His world, and even joked with them, as if they were old friends. As if nothing about their relationship was odd or in some way terrifying.
It wasn't until the Hermits tried to go back home that the word "Welcoming" was crossed, when they found him at the other side of a broken bridge and a sword in hand, claiming that they were to stay in his world.
He was almost a "Friend", for a while, when He finally met them on their home. He was a "Guest" until they saw He had no need of their help.
All pretense of godliness or reverence were dropped on those weeks too, the more they got to know him.
He was just Some Guy, after all.
Except that He wasn't. His eyes still followed them even when He wasn't in the room with them.
None of this was brought up, and their questions were never addressed.
And then, when it was finally time for Him to go, as He said His goodbye, they could feel that His words weren't meant only for them. Could feel something, someone else watching.
They blinked away as soon as He was gone, and Pixlriffs's old watch fell over them once again.
Just as it had always been. Noticeable
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