#the invisible comment also made me laugh out loud πŸ˜‚
peaches2217 Β· 2 months
I'm emerging from silently lurking around tumblr to say I am constantly blown away by your writing. The way you are able to convey the emotion of every moment perfectly...I feel like I'm right there in all the environments you create! (Although I have to image I'm invisible for the sexy ones to save everyone serious embarrassment lol) It's such a difficult thing to pull off with words but you make it look easy! You are an artistic master and I bet you worked hard to hone those skills. I saw you've been really hard on yourself lately and I just wanted to come out from probably a completely different part of the world to say that it is truly a better place with you in it. Please keep expressing your wonderful self.
I want you to know that this made me cry. Good tears, good tears! But holy fuck, that last bit… I dunno. I just. I needed to hear that. My brain tells me constantly that my existence is a burden and brings nothing but annoyance for most and outright strain for those closest to me, and it’s told me that for as long as I can remember. β€œThe world is a better place with you in it” is a notion I’ve never had about myself. I perceive my existence as burdensome at worst and morally neutral bordering on irksome but safely ignorable at best.
So I’m currently cycling through multiple different emotions after reading and re-reading this, and while I don’t know what to make of any of them, I know that I want to hold these words close to me. Anon, I really can’t thank you enough. πŸ«‚
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