#the irresistible urge to magpie everything
caffeinecortisol · 2 years
Tumblr is taping up postcards and ticket stubs to the wall of my room. It's a collection of things that connected synapses for me only, and no context. Maybe some relics are a little dusty. It doesn't mean anything it just works in entirety.
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adenei · 3 years
Ch. 3 - How to Win a Witch in 10 Days
Thursday - Pt. 3
Just when she thinks her life can’t get any stranger, James Potter walks back into it. How was she just sitting at the bar, scouting out potential men to dupe, when a blast from the past shows up at her side and asks her to dinner? Of all the nights and all the bars, they run into each other tonight.
Lily’s completely shaken on the inside but forces herself to remain calm, cool and collected. James Potter is the one that got away. The one who fancied her at Hogwarts, had asked her on countless dates—which she turned down—and by the time Lily finally realized she had feelings for him, he’d moved on. It hurt more than she expected it to, so when he walked up to her just minutes ago, Lily wasn’t sure how to react.
She intends to say no when he asks her to dinner, but something stops her. It takes a lot to admit to herself that she’s missed him over the past few years. After all, they were friends before he started dating Bridgette, and they had to work together as Head Boy and Head Girl. The lack of James’s presence left a gaping hole in her post-Hogwarts life that she never expected, and it’s only now that he’s here with her that she realizes just how badly she misses him.
“C’mon, Evans, it’s just dinner. Catching up can’t hurt, can it? I’ve missed you.”
Missed me? Seriously? Does he even realize that he was the one who changed everything? Years of incessant invitations to go on dates, and he finally wears her down only to yank the rug from underneath her by choosing someone else.
Part of her wants to slap him for being such an arsehole, but not if he doesn’t know he played with her heart three years ago. Not to mention that a physical altercation would certainly ruin her chances of picking up another guy. The more sensible thing is to tell him it was nice seeing him, but she’s meeting someone else, but what happens if he stays and realizes that it’s a lie? No, that wouldn’t do, either. Then, an idea pops into her mind. It’s certifiably insane, but if she plays her cards right, it could be the perfect opportunity for revenge.
There’s something so devilishly captivating about James Potter, and Lily decides she does want to get dinner with him. In fact, her mind is set on spending the next ten days with him. This could be Lily’s chance to prove to herself—and James—that they were never meant to be.
She glances up at him to see that he’s waiting for an answer, although he’s not pushy. He knows better than to press for a response. It’s funny how easy a single moment can bring her right back to the Great Hall or the Gryffindor common room. Her traitorous heart begins to beat in her chest as she tries to avoid the piercing hazel eyes that are begging her to let him in.
Well, you know what, Potter? Maybe I will let you in. I’ll let you in long enough to play with your heart like you played with mine, and we’ll see how you like it.
The plan continues to build in her mind, and then some. Luring James Potter into a relationship only to drive him away seems easy enough. After the debacle in school, Lily knows they’re better off apart, and maybe she’ll even gain the closure she didn’t think she needed. Plus, she supposed a snog or two in the process wouldn’t hurt anything if it came to that.
Lily visualizes the checklist sitting on her desk at work and mentally adjusts some of her ideas to make the game she’s playing more believable. Once all is said and done, James will realize it was a mistake to ever have approached her tonight, and Lily can have a bit of fun toying with James in the process. So, the hardened look she forced herself to give earlier now softens, and Lily even chances a smile. She sets her almost empty glass on the bar and glances around to see if she can find Alice and Marlene. They’re mingling on the other side of the room.
Well, they know I’m out to snag a man, so if they see I’m gone, they’ll know why. Lily shrugs as she turns back to James.
“Well, Potter, how can I resist when you put it like that? Lead the way.”
He holds out his arm, and Lily takes it. A smirk plays at her lips as she looks back in the direction of her friends one more time. She catches Alice’s eye and gives her a wink before turning back toward the door.
Let the games begin.
“I have to say, I’m impressed,” Lily admits as she tucks into her basket of fish and chips.
James has taken her into muggle London to grab a bite to eat, and Lily’s quite shocked by his choice. It’s a small hole in the wall shop that serves the greasiest food, but it’s delicious. The walls are laden with modern art murals and the wooden tables are covered in carved names. It’s a place Lily is sure University students go for a late-night snack or on their way home from a pub crawl. Aside from Lily and James’s semi-formal attire, they fit in well with the crowd.
“Why? Am I still as irresistible as I was at Hogwarts?” James still possesses the same air of confidence as Lily rolls her eyes.
Still as cocky as ever, it seems.
“No, I meant that I’m impressed that you know your way around muggle London.”
“Sirius and I discovered this place on one of our nights out a while back. I come here at least once a week.”
Lily smiles at the mention of another old friend. “How are Sirius and Remus anyway?’
“Brilliant! We were all living together until recently. Finally decided it was time to get our own places.”
“The Marauders have finally split?” Lily feigns shock.
“Nah, not entirely. We still work together.”
“Now, why doesn’t that surprise me?”
James laughs. “We work for Alastor’s Ads. I work mostly with clients from magical games and food, but I’m looking to branch out a bit more.”
“Fascinating. I always did think you could talk your way out of a paper bag,” Lily recalls.
“Come again?” James’s eyebrows crease and one side of his face scrunches in confusion.
“It’s a muggle saying.”
“Ah. What are you up to these days?”
“I write for Witch Weekly,” Lily keeps her explanation short. If he doesn’t know, then there’s no harm in keeping the How To column from him completely.
“Lily Evans, Head Girl, so much promise to do some good in the world, writes for Witch Weekly?” James says.
“It was a job. Now that I’ve got my foot in the door with a company and I’m gaining some credibility, I’ll be able to branch out and actually write what I want to write soon.”
“Soon? How long might that be?”
How does James always see right through her? It’s been three years, but he’s still as frustrating as ever.
“As long as it takes to find an opening in a position I want. I’m not looking to make a lateral move just to keep writing pieces I’m not passionate about.”
“And what are you passionate about?”
Lily fights the urge to answer him right away. She needs to keep the mystery there if she’s going to succeed in her endeavors.
“I could ask you the same question. Do you really want to be selling pitches to restaurateurs or quidditch teams for the rest of your career?”
“That’s a fair question.”
“And your answer is?”
“It depends. I’m working on branching out to different companies right now. I’ve submitted a proposal for Zabini’s Jewels and am hopeful I’ll get the pitch. Should know within the next week or so.”
“Interesting,” Lily responds.
“So, are you going to answer my question now?”
Of course, James doesn’t forget that she dodged his question, but that doesn’t stop her from feigning forgetfulness.
“What question?”
“What you’re passionate about,” James smirks at her, indicating he sees right through this act.
Lily sighs and figures she should answer him. “I want to write articles that can truly make a difference in someone’s life. I’m over the superficial bullshit.”
James leans back in his chair and smiles at Lily.
“What?” she asks.
“Nothing. It’s just been nice spending time with you again.”
She returns his smile. “You know, as much as I might regret saying this later, you’re right. I got so wrapped up in finding a job and navigating life in the magical world that I wasn’t very good about keeping in touch with my friends.”
“I suppose I can forgive you for that.”
“Ah, I can die happy now, knowing you’ve forgiven me,” Lily winks at him.
“I aim to please,” James finishes their banter as they gather their things and get up from the table to head for the door.
They walk in silence for a while, and Lily basks in the enjoyment of James's company again. She wonders what he’s thinking about and whether their night should continue or if she should wait until tomorrow. Their feet lead them down a deserted alleyway in preparation to apparate out of muggle view. James pauses behind a dumpster and Lily follows suit.
“Do you want to come over?” James blurts, taking Lily by surprise.
Internally, she’s screaming yes, but it’s late on a Thursday and she still has to work tomorrow. She bites her bottom lip as James ruffles his hair with his hand.
“I’d like that, but I’m not sure if it's a good idea with work tomorrow.”
James lets out a gruff laugh. “Right, yeah, sorry—I just thought—”
“I had a good time tonight,” Lily reassures him. “Enough that I’d like to see you again if you’re interested?” She knows it’s ballsy to make the first move like that, but time is of the essence.
James’s eyes widen at her boldness. “Really?”
“I know, shocking, right?” she keeps her voice light and airy, while adrenaline is shooting through her body.
“Well, I’ve got tickets to the quidditch playoffs tomorrow—Arrows versus Magpies at seven. Perks of signing Appleby as a client,” James shrugs, trying to play it cool. “Just as friends, you know? I don’t want you to think it’s anything—”
“I’d love to!” Lily cuts him off.
She’s surprised that he’s backpedaling so much. He was never like that in Hogwarts. Then again, he probably figured he’d have a million more chances to wear her down. If he only knew….
“Really? Brilliant!” James’s tone sounds pleased, and Lily can sense a hint of relief in his voice. “There’s a Portkey leaving from the Leaky at six if you want to meet me there?”
“Sounds great.”
They both stand there awkwardly. Lily’s wondering if maybe she should have accepted his invitation to join him at his flat. She doesn’t want to kiss him on the first night, but after his invitation to the quidditch playoffs as friends, she knows she needs to do something to show him she’s interested in something more than that.
“So, I guess I’ll see you to—”
Lily realizes she’s out of time, and needs to do something so James is aware of her intentions. This is an act, and she has to play the clingy woman that moves before the time is right. Before she can talk herself out of it, Lily’s lunging toward James, throwing her arms around his neck and pressing her lips to his with purpose. Her eyes close, so she doesn’t have to be disappointed if his reaction is anything less than eager.
She always imagined that the first kiss she’d share with James Potter would be soft and slow and sweet, with him instigating, and this is anything but. Thankfully it’s not forced, but it is awkward as she feels James freeze at the contact.
Shit. Maybe he really is over me. I must have read the signs wrong.
Lily pulls away and turns her head to the side in an attempt to avoid his gaze as mortification begins to set in. She’s about to berate herself more for making a terrible decision and losing a whole day for her article when she sees a flash of black hair out of the corner of her eye as he leans in to regain the previous closeness.
His lips are on hers again, and his hands are splayed against her back. Lily’s hands find their way back to their previous position as the kiss takes her breath away.
James Potter is kissing her back, and it’s everything Lily’s dreamt about since her seventh year of Hogwarts. His breath is hot against her as his tongue grazes her lip before tentatively slipping into her mouth. She parts her lips enough to invite him in as her tongue meets his. Lily presses herself against his body as James groans in response.
Suddenly, it’s as if a switch flips in Lily’s mind, and she remembers why she kissed him in the first place. Reluctantly, she pulls away. James looks just as awestruck as Lily feels, his chest heaving up and down much like her own. Lily forces the thoughts of being back in his arms from her mind despite how much she misses the contact. Once she’s gained enough composure, she chances a glance toward James. He looks as windswept as she feels.
“So, I’ll, er, see you tomorrow?” James’s tone is more cautious than she remembers from their time at Hogwarts.
He looks completely thrown off balance. Good, Lily thinks, knowing she needs to keep him on his toes.
She shoots him a coy smile. “Absolutely. As more than friends, I hope?”
It can’t hurt to solidify her intentions.
“Y-yeah,” James stutters.
Lily doesn’t think she’s ever seen him rendered speechless before and feels rather smug that she can accomplish the feat.
“Brilliant. See you tomorrow,” she winks at him before focusing on her flat and apparating away.
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