#the issue being i have a handful of chars id love to have done
heysye · 8 months
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froggy buddy (plush edition)
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Ladybug is actually awful
Throughout the show of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir or whatever the full title is we see both main characters act kinda... not so great, but I maintain that the worst of the two, by far, is Marinette/Ladybug herself. Specifically in regards to being a partner to Char Noir.
Yes Chat has his own issues, mostly in terms of constant flirting and asking for a date despite being told no, but he is not nearly as bad as some people say he is.
Now ignoring things like not going to the date which was justified, the NY special thing and the trashcan incident which while not excusable were done in the heat of intense and stressful moments, there are still a LOT of things that Ladybug has done that could qualify as gaslighting, abuse of trust, and just straight up disrespect.
First up is the Grimoire, she never even tells Chat Noir it exists, and even if we say that only Guardians are allowed to read it she still doesn’t bother to tell Chat anything she learns from it that could affect him. I’ll put that as a minor infraction but it plays into some other things.
Second is how even when she learns-- via Alya’s outside perspective-- that the power of a Miraculous can be evolved, altered, and enhanced via imagination and doesn’t have to strictly follow it’s default she again never tells Chat Noir anything about it. Don’t say its a right of passage, she didn’t learn it herself either.
Third, Alya herself. Marinette tells her her secret ID and makes her a permanent holder in Gang of Secrets, but Chat isn’t told for twelve episodes-- a timeframe that is at least two weeks and is likely closer to two (one episode every three in universe days as a lowball still means five weeks) months-- and then only in the form of Ladybug being a no show for a fight and Scarabella taking her place. Now, even if you say there was ‘no way to tell Chat about Scarabella before Marinette had to leave to go to her aunt’s and she tried to get out of it!’ that one doesn’t track because she had time to call Alya, for Alya to go to the bakery, and for the hand off to happen but apparently not enough time to transform and leave a fifteen second voicemail, and two Chat should have been told about Rena being a permanent holder LONG before that because news flash, she is a BIG security risk seeing as Shadowmoth-- or Monarch-- knows her secret ID. Not telling Chat Noir was nothing but disrespect and showcasing distrust in her partner. Then she just gives a placating ‘I won’t abandon you’ to him and everything is all okay because Chat loves her and wants to believe her.
The last thing I’m going to bring up-- though its not the last instance to be found-- is her plan in Ephemeral. There is absolutely NO way to excuse that plan. She emotionally manipulates him and abuses his trust with the express intention of betraying any and all feelings he has for her. She literally uses the line that Chat would only ever give up his ID to her because he loves her. And the only reason she ‘doesn’t go through with it’ is either A) she finds out its Adrien and her simp mode activates so hard she can’t bring herself to react or give up his ID, or B) Time goes crazy and she loses her chance. So really she does go through with it, she did go through with it, and it should not be given a pass.
Ladybug is in fact a toxic partner to Chat Noir who does not respect him, only trusts him as far as using him as a meat shield or a distraction, and actively pushes him aside for practically an entire season before she is forced to start using him again because all the other heroes are no longer available.
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Honey roll cake
Warnings: None just so-much-fluff.
Ages 3 and 9
Charlie couldn’t fully walk or fly yet, but Selena, 9 at this time, still held him while she walked or flew. He needed to get used to it and their parents certainly weren’t gonna help.
So that’s what she’d done-and how she’s set him on the counter.
“Charlie, stop-“ Gently Selena slapped his hand away from the honey jar and took it down from the counter being too short to properly reach.
She carried it with both arms and even if it took all her strength sh lugged it to the kitchen island, where the rest of her ingredients were.
As frail as her wings were at this point she could still fly shorter distances so lifting herald fonto the kitchen stool wasn’t much of an issue.
So with left over flower stamped to her face and everywhere on the floor as well as honey and several burns on her little fingers.
She inched the cake out of the oven, trying not to gain more burns then she already had.
“Yes!” She celebrated even if she still had ample bandages on her hands.
Her little tongue stuck out of her mouth in concentration as she carefully put the baking pan on the island. “Char- oh.”
Said baby was fast asleep on the counter, pretty much his whole body covered in spare flour. Selena gathered him up into her arms- luckily Charlie was a heavy sleeper when he did eventually sleep.
Charlie’s blank eyes opened slowly-squinting at the light pouring into his play pen/bed. He took his little head out of his tiny arms.
There’s a plate and a golden brown, circular piece of cake in front of him. Glittering in the light.
Ages 8 and 14
“Hey lil’bug I promise they’re just being mean, you’re not a freak.” Selena swiped her thumbs across Charlie’s cheeks, whiping the tears off.
“Bu-but-“ “No buts. You’re not a freak.”
“I’m not a cloth eater?” Selena shook her head
“Or an flower eater?” She repeated the action
“Wanna know what proves you’re not a flower or cloth eater?”
He looked up at her with teary eyes and sniffles a shaking “w-what?”
“I made one today” Selena said in a sing-song voice
“Can I-“ “Yes you can have a piece.”
Selena took his hand gently and lead him into the kitchen, picked him up and set him down on the island.
She pulled open the freezer and pulled out a plate with small roll of what he had learned was a honey roll cake on it.
Charlie smiles through his sniffling, “w-what’s in this one?”
“Buttercream froasting and strawberry’s this time.” She took a knife and two more small plates then sliced the roll up into 10 peices each-5 each.
The younger boy took one slice and shoved it into his mouth. “You’re sweets are the best.”
“Thank you, now here-your face will stain” Charlie took the tissue from his chuckling sister whiping his eyes and blowing his nose.
Ages 10 and 16
“Are you sure you’re okay sis?” Selena nodded once more even though her head was pounding at the moment. Yes she was lying but only for her little brothers sanity.
“Okay...but get some sleep okay? You look sick.” With a small nod as confirmation Charlie got up and left their room.
The apartment they had was tiny-made for one person alone. They had two mattresses crammed into one bedroom with a bathroom across the hallway and the outer room as the kitchen and living room.
The kitchen area was tiny too, but of course they still always kept one thing in the house. Honey.
It took about three tries, a ruined pan, honey, flour and sugar all over the kitchen and his clothes and without his knowledge in his hair but Charlie did it and he regretted nothing.
Well.....almost nothing.
But still. He set everything up then went to get everything cleaned up kitchen-which was a whole mess.
Selena’s eyes fluttered open-she was still wearing her work clothes and even her shoes. She didn’t dare get up yet-wanting to drift like a feather in the wind-right back to dreamland.
Where this wasn’t real. Where she’s not living in a tiny apartment having to raise her brother alone, Where she doesn’t have to try and find work at 16 because their parents didnt give enough shits not to disown them.
Her dull eyes re-opened facing her own reality. Like she’d promised herself. She turned over in bed and felt her nose almost burn
On her night stand sat two glasses of water, a bottle of pills, a note, and five slices of Honey Roll cake on a plate. There was even honey and powdered sugar on top.
Ages 15 and 21
Selena closed the door behind her. She sighed pulling her shoes off. Lots had changed over 5 years huh?
The apartment had changed-bigger now, they’ve been here for a while-couple years.
Selena’s job had changed- she made more money with a legally adult ID. Which was expected honestly. She hadn’t expected that money to come from working in a bakery though.
Charlie has changed- a lot. Almost too much for Selena to really keep track of. He was at UA highschool in the support course and honestly Selena couldn’t be prouder.
But she also couldn’t be more tired at the moment. Due to the UA dormitory system Charlie didn’t really live with her anymore. It was even a little lonely.
Selena sighed, carefully shifting her wings out of her jacket. Stretching she pulled the her pony tail out and walked into their-her kitchen.
She went for one of the frozen meals from the convient store down the street- I’d you bake all day and then cook for yourself at home- but as she opens the freezer she froze.
In their sat a golden brown roll of cake, covered in cling wrap.
She took it-and one of the frozen dinners- out and placed it on the counter. When she turned to her sliverwear out of a nearby drawer, she was met with a bottle of honey. With a note taped to the face of....some animal they bottle was shaped like.
“I know life’s been rough for you lately and I’m sorry for not being around as much, just call me if you need okay? Hope you enjoy the cake and remember: I love you- Charlie
“P.s Theres Star berry’s and marshmello fondant in the fridge- Charlie”
Finally-finally Selena melted into a smile, even laughing as tears pricked at her black eyes she laughed. Her little brother really was her heart and it felt full to bursting right now.
Selena. Regrets. Nothing.
She ate the frozen meal frist and then the cake like a normal human-which seeing as shes half moth shes not but whatever.
The one consistent thing in Selna’s rollercoaster of a life have just been Charlie and Honey Roll Cake.
// @the-lavender-creator Get some light in your soul-
And since this is an okay intro to these two @zappy-ghosty-girl
Also sorry for the Kinda crappy ending idk what I’m doing.
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aceyanaheim · 5 years
What are your Kaiba thoughts for the Send Me a Character ask?
I’m guessing you mean Seto Kaiba but..imma do all 3 because i can.
Seto Kaiba
First impression
What a BAMF!
( I was a child and very tiny and kinda fairly very bullied and Seto was...well he broke into his own house and jumped out a window. And he could fight. I was sold. I wanted to be like him.) I also sided with him over Yugi on most things...including friendship and speeches.
Impression now
Maaaaaaaaac freakin dork ass curt ass dramatic af  child with anger issues and trauma someone help him someone help him Now.
I also ( obviously) now side with Yugi over Seto on the whole friendship deal. (But I get Seto’s reaction on an almost instinctive level and still love him a lot.)
( Like..dont get it wrong. I poke fun at him because of how much he reminds of me as a kid but...I adore him and I’ll defend him from near anyone. Okay no I won’t because im a coward who goes into fight-or-flight at the mere thought of char-disc-0urse but like still 
I love the kid.  Him good child. Deserves all the happiness and good fortune. I want to see him grow up healthypng.)
Favorite moment
hmm. I haven’t seen him since the show was new so its foggy but..Imma say any time he either shares screen time with Mokuba or snarks at Joey. ( at Joey specifically because oh lord “Mokuba make sure Wheeler’s late” still sends me into a laughing spell. ( mind you I adore Joey too but  uh..yeah. Snarking Seto is best Seto)
Idea for a story
Right now the one I have is a crossover with xmen where Laura Kinney becomes his and Mokuba’s bodyguard. It has ended up becoming 3 separate verses because i couldn’t decide between comic!book Laura and Logan!Laura and also at what time in both their stories I wanted them because I am the opposite of competent and know no hubris.
It’s eking along kinda slow-like tho. Because writing Seto’s hard for me. I feel like a lot of people have done it better already. So I don’t know that it’ll get done.
Also I don’t know how to keep her from killing Pegasus.
I also had an idea for him and Tea becoming friends in like therapy or something but that never kicked off. Although it’s worth mentioning I’d like to explore the concept of what it would take for them to get along.
Unpopular opinion
He’s a good person I guess? I’ve heard that’s unpopular but haven’t seen it. He deserves a shot at a happy life. He’s a good person? He has never ( to my knowledge) been unkind to Mokuba and even if he was being angry in one moment in your life isn’t some kinda morality indicator especially when it comes to children. Especially traumatized to high heaven children who just keep getting traumatized so no Mokuba didn’t “deserve a better brother” or w/e both Seto and Mokuba deserved better period and can people just enjoy the show which is about forgiveness and friendship anyways good golly. 
I mean..yeah I guess I got a few.
 Another one that I think might be unpopular but I don’t know due to not really publicizing it is that Seto and Yugi....actually aren’t that different at the core? Like if you took Seto away from a lot of the Tragic Backstory stuff he might end up..not exactly like Yugi but not that different either. They’d have a lot in common.
Favorite relationship
Him and Mokuba. Hands down.
Favorite headcanon
Ohshoot do i even have one hm. This ask covers a lot of the headcanons I have for him..but I guess my favorite is him liking children followed by the one that he does math equations and formulas when he’s bored.
I also share a lot of the ones @iced-blood has posted due to most of my exposure to the character coming from his fic after I stopped watching the show so a lot of his headcanons are up there too.
Mokuba Kaiba
First impression
He’s adorable. Protect him.
Impression now
He’s adorable and tiny. Protect him.
Favorite moment
Either him in the beginning of the Noah arc since we get to see him know how to operate the computers in KC or when he’s telling Alistair off in Awaken The Dragons
Basically any time he’s not getting captured again for the plot tho.
Idea for a story
I have a couple drabbles based on @kintatsujo‘s age swap AU...and her In The Back Of My Brain AU, alot of her AUS give me ideas actually ( which of course id ask for permission before pursuing)  but nothing concrete.
Oh and the xmen crossover mentioned above.  Mokuba’s a fair share of that since in one of them Laura’s his bodyguard rather than Seto’s. ( in another Gozaburo gets Laura as protection for Seto while still being abusive and they both shake him off. Like I said it’s..it’s splintered into a lot)
Unpopular opinion
I..don’t think I have any? I don’t really know what opinions are popular tbqh. I guess if anything i saw here is then that.
Favorite relationship
Him and Seto. 
Favorite headcanon
His hair’s a liability I speak from experience.
I guess I’m a fan of the shared headcanon that Mokuba wears heelys. I like the idea that he’s not a genius like his brother and maybe he doesn’t get HIgh HIGH grades and maybe that’s okay ( as someone who has a complex relationship with academics I guess thats something I wish i saw more often yknow) because he’s smart in different ways.
I like the idea of Mokuba being athletically inclined like skate boarding or parkour or being involved in some sport at school I mean he roped climbed out a window in his intro episode so its not that outlandish.
I actually don’t have that many headcanons for this kid. I should fix that.
Noah Kaiba
First impression
Yikes. What  a freakin loon. ( first episode) Oh no..he’s lonely and abandoned. Oh no oh no oh no. ( later episodes in the arc) Okay but he’s still a mean dude ( when he turns ppl to stone) Oh no...he died...and he turned around at the last minute WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DONT GET TO SEE HIM AGAIN. ( at the end)
( yeah Noah took kid!Me through the freakin wringer)
Impression now
He was a child. And his father left him to rot. 
He deserved so much better. 
I love him. I cry and screech about him needing things monthly and sometimes weekly. 
Favorite moment
When he turned around to fight Gozaburo. Also the scenes where you see Mokuba getting to him.
Idea for a story
I guess-no I know a lot of people have done it better but I like the idea of a canondivergence where he’s spared and/or rescued by Seto.
I also like the idea of crossovers with shows like Digimon or Code Lyoko where you have digital worlds.
I just don’t want to be alone and i want him to have nice things okay. That’s..that’s all i want..from life.
Unpopular opinion
Probs that he was an actual smol child and got a raw deal and Deserved Better. ( tm) ( you’ll find thats..my beat with a lot of characters ^-^:) 
Favorite relationship
He...doesnt have any? In fics where he gets brought back like Paved With Good Intentions ( specifically Blue Eyes Violet Eyes) I like seeing his relationships with the other Kaibas. But as far as Canon goes...yeah there’s none.
Favorite headcanon
He’s very tactile. He liked running his hands through his dog’s fur and it always got to him that digitized it..wasn’t the same.
Following that he used to be very physically affectionate before Gozaburo started discouraging it.
Following that if he was to be brought out of the digital place/rescued I think he’d be pretty clingy. I mean because of the tactile thing and because..he’d need to reassure himself the world around him is real.  
If he had been allowed to live he’d probably think he didn’t deserve it/that he has to Atone for the stuff he’s done.
His whole world was his father and even when he hated him he loved him. He wanted nothing more than to be held by him again. That’s why the abandonment stung so much, there’s nothing like hating and being hurt by someone you love...and still having a part of you love them. A part of him still wonders what he did to get left behind. That’s a big part of what drove him to the deep end.
Character Asks Meme
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misterbitches · 4 years
unpop opinionz abt bl or just my opinions. that may or may not be popular. stream of consci. no one has to care or read. i will  do this whenever i like or when i am drunk and/ or high. like now. i do tharntype + sotus, uwma, lbc, and MODC...and long ass writing and spoilers so if u stumble it aint my problem
some user on here blocked me cos i said rape is bad*. and it is. and it’s stupid. and not done right it has no place in these writers, who really cannot write, or producers hands. it’s easy for people to judge it because it allows itself to be judged. and bl doesn’t fix its own issues. it just keeps perpetuating. when you gain an ounce of respect for women mayhaps that will change and we fuck up all that misogynist shit in our brains (FREE YR MIND)
but anyways i skipped til like ep 6. i barely know what the storyline is and id ont care. it isnt that interesting. they’re not great actors but i like the look of that bigger one. together their chemistry is fun i wouldn’t say like....as deep as i would like but watching them is nice
(this is where the wife/husband thing is relevant. i watched 6 - 13 a lot. so the father saying “as long as you’re not the wife i’m ok with ur HOMOSEXUAL rship then” but it turns out his son was the “wife” and guess what? that’s gross. if you can’t write female characters then leave us out of it.)
anyway i can see why people didn’t watch it. i say skip everything and see how they are together. the skinnier one is not as good w like idk. being seductive? but he’s fun to watch lol. together they are nice. i really enjoyed watching their dynamic.
some of the kissing was a lot but not in a bad way. i think if they had a deeper connection i would feel it more. but i saw gifs of them and piqued my interest and i clicked(footnote 2)
 the actors as themselves and whatever their rship is fun to watch..i read some UNSAVORY things about one of the actors with another dude in another show but whatever.
hm what else....yea the show is ok. theyre not great actors. cute together. sometimes when they kiss there was way too much like breathing jesus christ shut up. they totally could have done some inverted tropes but they didnt bc why would they.
a...c? c-? i give it? maybe that. people who had some criticism for it were right (like me :P) idk why i got BLOCKED cos i was JUST SAYING. rape in a story for no reason or as a startoff for lust is ridiculous. disgusting. i wont ever shut up about it. it helps no one and doesn’t help the gay community (can go down a rabbit hole here, too)
C- (this is generous but D+ seemed kinda mean...)
sotus + sequel:
idk why but i’ve seen some things flaoting around about the light guy. idk if they are true or not. i did not like that. i saw this before i read those tho (abt him not being comfortable)
this is what im talking abt...and this is where gmmtv will fail. but most bls. they’re CLEARLY worth something. they make money. the actors are a draw for others. i am not a thai citizen nor a thai teen so but i am assuming many get popular. this is because there’s a formula that is almost always stuck to. i am guessing that the channel is a public broadcast (not an HBO type) so there has to be more censorship
i LOVE seeing what countries with less production $ or a more current industry, (like in SEA tho ppl hav ebeen making revolutionary art foreverrrrrr don tforget there’s more than dramas) create. there’s less money and stuff and maybe the editing isnt good or a certain way the drama is shown is very particular and not always appealing. i am nigerian, i respect that shit. nollywood is that shit too.
and as people ge tmore $ for prods or more public support they get better (i cannot emphasize how MUCH BETTER SOUND HAS GOTTEN FOR THAI SHOWS OMG dramas in general but)
so sotus kind of suffers from lower prod quality. but also the acting is bad. sorry it is. i like the darker guy (sorry im too lazy to google names but...singto? right? hes a good photographer) and he has gotten better or wil get better i think but. yea. terrible acting lol
also like...u can tell that other dude wasn’t totally comfortable or they just didnt know each other enough. i don’t know. it was very much two guys standing next to each other now like kiss once. the reluctance to show like affection even in private settings is BONKERS TO ME. literally it’s like these men have the most sterile rships and that is suchhhh an issue in BLs, particularly the thai i guess. 
tbh if the storyline was better and if they had more chemistry it would be better to me. i know ppl love it, i dont really get it lol...their kisses r ok...idk it’s like a waste of time. i’ve tried watching it like 1000000 times 
thats all i have for now 
*im oversimplfying. i think it was bc ppl were being harsh. but any excucses people want to use the fact is that....rape bad and that’s stupid ok. but it sucks cos i wanna rt their gifs sometimes but nope lMAO
i know im not wrong so...
lbc, uwma, modc: 
I LITERALLY CANNOT WATCH THESE ACTORS. I’M SORRY  I CANNOT. THEIR FACES MAKE ME FURIOUS OR THEIR ACTING. I DONT KNOW WHY. i am shocked i dont totally hate saint bc i abhorred the character in LBC and like. every ounce of it. i dont rly like taht small dude from uwma (the past s/l?) i just cant w his face, and modc...omfg....the guy was so fucking SICK LOOKING
this is where footnote 2 comes in: if i cannot handle ur fucking face i will hate the drama. the secondary char in tharntype like the highschooler? oh my god i wanted to die too but like. shit. i wouulda watched for teamwin but that was barely there. and i could not get through modc. the couple with the age gap is gross, and i lit cannt look at this hot-ass big guy making out with a stick that dies
i cant be the only one. i didn’t like uwma dude’s face in the other drama he was in either. i like him as a person. maybe if i could see him do something else. ...
oh this is also why the first 2 moons....i hated...pha’s....whole.....existence. his face, his attitude, fuck. maybe it’s the playing up the femininity part of someone but then having them being a fuckin doormat. sad cos in lbc and modc the main love interests i like. but they’re also stupid. and just. god. stupid fuckin rships.
too much emphasis is put on love as The Thing but they can’t even exhibit love the way they should. idk what im SAYING IT’S JUST WORDS
had sth else to jot down but i forgot i may update this and remind meself
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