#the joke about jens being like i think??? i married into royalty???
olberic · 5 months
listening to the trinyvale media dimension oneshot and i forgot that this series makes me cry laughing. the triplets suck so bad.
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I am back in bed with Robyn, I mean of course I would be. I wasn’t going to stay there forever and add on the fact I kicked them niggas out, I didn’t say I have fallen out with them, I just said I needed to go. Now I will just keep my distance, it is the best way because if I say I have fallen out with them, they may just cause some shit and I don’t want that right now in my life. Also Valentine’s day is coming, and I want the pussy so bad, it is so bad to see her get changed and just be walking around naked, I can’t do it sometimes, but I don’t mention anything, I love Robyn. I will wait for her, she is my wife and if she is not ready then she isn’t, but she needs to give on Valentine’s day of course “Mel loves blasting reggae music in the morning outside doesn’t she” Robyn walked of the bathroom, once again her boobs are out and here I am struggling to contain myself but I do “that is Mel for you, she is outside with Aeko dancing around. Did I tell you that Jen bough Aaron and Justus over to play with Aeko, she said that Aeko didn’t really comply, he just stood with Jen and watched on. He is so used to being with adults, have you spoken to Mark?” shaking my head “don’t annoy me Chris, I need action please” the action I want is sex, it’s actually getting frustrating “I am not, I spoke to Nia-” my phone started to ring, lifting up my phone from my chest “they could be here” answering the call “what is up nigga? We just landed in LAX my brother, send me the fucking details, just me and Shem” I am so glad they are here “that’s what I am talking about, I will text you the address. Welcome to America brother” disconnecting the call “Stephan is here” I said in excitement “Chris this house is very compacted right now, I think you may need to stay at your home with them” Robyn wanting me to not stay with her “oh but what about staying together?” let her say it “I have work meeting today, so I want you to take care of Aeko. Take your friends to your home, stay there. I think even with Royalty, just stay there. There are too many bodies here, I have Noella coming” I didn’t want the kid “uhhh, so I have to look after Aeko?” Robyn gasped at me “I was joking” I laughed nervously, I wasn’t really.
I am super excited that Stephan and Shem are here “I know you wasn’t joking about what you said earlier” Robyn came back over to me, sitting on the edge of the bed “you meant that, now you are making me doubt you. If you give that girl that boy back in your care without proper court proceedings, I will fucking murder you” she pointed at me “grow up Chris, spend time with him. Let him hang around with you. When you go, you take his stepper with you too, he needs it. He is very much happy now he has that. I am being deadass Chris, you do not drop him off anywhere, not even your mother. He doesn’t deserve, I can’t even trust you with your seed” I chuckled “I won’t, promise. Relax baby, seriously. I won’t do anything like that” Robyn stared at me as I stared at her, she is being deadass “I will speak to Mark today, I will take Aeko with me to spend time with him. Promise, I also told Nia I am here. Royalty is wanting to come now, she keep texting me” Robyn got up from the bed “there is so much happening in this home Chris, I just need to do these two meetings then you can bring her over” she is stressed out “why you all uptight?” I asked “because it’s always on me Chris, take some responsibility, even my mom sees it. Help me, you were more excited to see your friends” Robyn walked off, she is not happy.
Robyn didn’t make me breakfast, so I am eating cereal. Aeko got a nice breakfast then me, but just sitting here Aeko is practically taken over. Like who the hell is married to Robyn, me or him. He is here in this living room sat on her lap, the fuck. I am deadass jealous right now, I am slipping. I am practically losing my wife to a four year old, when the hell did this happen. She also gave him her pancake, like what. I am not feeling this vibe at all, Robyn and Aeko have formed this very close bond and I am not involved but it’s so beautiful to see at the same time, I mean when was the last time I have had laid up on Robyn like he is, this is very unfair right now. I need to do some deep thinking right now; she has really taken to him “what you thinking?” Dennis asked me, he has caught me just staring at Robyn with my cereal in hand, I am thinking hard “did I miss something” turning to Dennis “with?” he question “Aeko and Robyn, like this bond. I wouldn’t have expected this” sitting next to Dennis on the couch “oh they are very close, she’s been watching over him with this new stepper she made sure it was here, he is taken to it. He’s sitting in meetings with her, he’s always asking where is Bobyn, likes to know she is around. He helps her with everything, and now we are like Chris who?” Dennis laughed but I didn’t “yeah, she seems very uptight with the whole me giving Aeko back to his mother, she will kill me if I do without proper judges order. I feel like she is going to make me go for full custody” I mumbled “that is what you should be wanting Chris, how come you feel such a way with him” I can’t seem to shake it off at all “he looks like her, and she is making my life hell. She got pregnant, I didn’t want it” I am not scared to admit that “you need to fight your own demons Chris, you need to see him as your son, he is so kind. We all love him, she’s trash but he is a diamond” shaking my head “I can’t wait till Robyn and I have a son” getting up from the couch, I think we should have another.
Opening the door seeing Stephan “I bought the ops with me, is this what Cali living is like!? My god, come here family” Stephan hugged me, this guy is huge “yooo” I said as he picked me up laughing “what we saying in the Brown household” he put me down “I been waiting on you and Shem, what’s good” dapping him “good seeing you bro” Stephan pointed behind me “we got that white Chris Brown, what’s good” Stephan went over to Aeko, my son just stood watching “hey there, you got the Gucci slides, ayo!” Aeko shook his hand “thank you for calling me over, it’s been the best call I received in a while you know. Good seeing you son” he patted Aeko’ head “I thought I heard some London hood nigga in this home” Robyn said, Stephan laughed out “nice meeting you again Robyn, I come in peace. Of course” he hugged Robyn “we passing hugs now, but good to see you. Chris needs some good friends, respectful friends. Look at this” Robyn pointed at Stephan hugging her “you just don’t like OHB, that is all” closing the door “they are pigs, period. Anyways, make yourself at home. Come on Aeko, let’s find your blankie” watching Robyn sway away, she looks sexy in my tee “you checking wifey out huh?” Stephan caught me “always, but like Robyn said. Make yourself home, we are going to go to my crib soon” we will just stay there, Robyn is not wrong this home has become very congested.
Robyn waved me over to come inside “just going inside” I said to the boys as I got up “no problem, Cali weed is good” jogging over to Robyn, stepping back inside “so what is happening? I am going to go into my meeting, are you going to go back to your home with them and keep in contact with me? I have packed Aeko’ things also, just for a few days. Bring them both over tonight, home should be less busy” nodding my head “yeah, I will have them both at my home, bring them both here after. If Roro comes but I think she will be either way, look Chris I love you a lot. Your priorities need to be us, that includes Aeko” nodding my head in agreement “I get it, I do. Hopefully we get to bond, I been peeping how he is very close to you” Robyn laughed “yeah, he’s really taken to me but yeah, please be kind to him. He will tell me, give him a chance yeah. He is Aeko Brown, he is not her son. He is your son, stop placing the two together, and you take his stepper. You do not close the door on him, don’t leave him in the dark. He needs love Chris, stop giving so much change to him too, it’s stressing for him” Robyn really has clung to him “you’re too good for me Robyn, you really are” I can’t fault her “I haven’t let my hate for her overshadow my love” Robyn is right “you can do this, on your own. Both kids, yes?” nodding my head, Robyn is testing me clearly, I cannot fail her in this because she will think shit of me “I will” turning around to go back outside “Shem, take a picture of me and my nigga” Stephan said as he got up “can you stand there and I stand here, I don’t want you towering over me now” his deep ass laugh “nah, I will do my hood pose” he crouched down “that’s my nigga for life you know how we do” dapping Stephan as I stood next to him.
I better go, Nia said she would drop Royalty off at my home in an hour “I heard you are kicking us out? I didn’t think I would have that affect on people?” Stephan said to Robyn “kicking you out? Oh no, I am trying to kick my husband out, did he say it to you? That I would hire you as a bodyguard? People would be scared” I am shocked he isn’t “me? I am too soft for that; my heart can’t take it but on a real. Thank you for even letting me and my brother step foot in the home” Robyn passed me Aeko’ bag “see you tonight, you’re coming here anyways. Just that, I would have had you all here but it’s just hectic and I have so many people here. I am doing work here; I am not going to them so it’s hard” Robyn explained but she didn’t need too at all “pick up that” I pointed at Aeko’ stepper “is this for you?” he said behind me “you’re hilarious, but it’s for Aeko. Come, let’s go” I said to him as I walked off “I am so glad Rihanna as kicked Chris out” Jah said laughing “man, shut up before she makes you come with me, then you won’t be laughing” he is annoying, making my way to the door. Maybe Robyn should have got a bigger home, but then again it will still be hectic with everyone. Shem opened the door for me, turning around seeing Aeko just staring at me “I am sure I told you to come?” why is he staring at me like I just swore at him “meet you outside bro” Stephan walked out “come on” I said to him, he turned around and ran off to Robyn, crashing into her legs “man” walking closer to him “we going to my house, we’re coming back later. We need to go and see Royalty” watching him pushing behind Robyn, like she is the one wanting him to come with me “what is wrong, you’re going with your dad. He isn’t that bad you know” Robyn moved to the side “no I stay with mommy” my eyes bulged “what!?” I spat ever so loudly “nigga, that is Robyn. You know damn well” what is this boy on “Bobyn mom, I stay here. Please” is this boy being real right now, what the hell “he’s literally going to make me cry, Aeko. You’re going to come back” Robyn said “how about I come with you, yes?  I will come and keep you company yes?” Jah got involved, is my son being real right now.
My son went to the car because of Jah, does he hate me “that boy has got me wanting to cry oh my god, he is sick of being thrown around. You are to blame too” Robyn of course said “wow, why me? I didn’t do anything, I wasn’t the one throwing him to me” how can she say that “he knows your useless, you literally tortured him with allowing him to sleep in a dark room, he knows. You don’t interact with him; you are mean to him and he knows it. I can promise you I have never let him call me mom, that is not my place, wow” Robyn is really emotional about this “I feel his sadness, oh my god. Chris do better by him. He is your son; he doesn’t deserve to be feeling this way. I think he feels he’s going to be taken somewhere else, he doesn’t need this. He shouldn’t feel that with you, but he is, and you need to do better. I hope you seeing this has made you think what you are doing, this is not a joke. We are speaking on his mental health, why is he clinging onto us. We are strangers to him but it’s because we show him love, a family unit, we show him respect, we care, and you don’t and he knows it. This has really got me feeling some type of way and I hope it’s made you think, see you later Chris” I swallowed hard watching Robyn go back into the home, that has hurt way more then I thought.
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skiasurveys · 7 years
i am lonely
Name? jen
Age? 20
Hair color? blonde
Eye color?
About Him.
Name? connor
Age? going to be 27
Hair color? brown
Eye color? brown
About you two.
When did you two begin dating? May 2016
What did you think of him? i thought he was funny and cute 
What did he think of you? he thought i was cute but idk really what hsi first impression was
Who asked who? mutual 
Did you like him before he asked you? yeah 
How old were you two? i was 19 and he was 25 but he turned 26 like 3 days later lol
What did you think of it at first? i was happy and it felt awesome 
Has it been a good relationship so far? yes
Has it been worth it? yes
Do you think it will continue? i do 
Do you guys have a special place? not really
Cutest thing he’s ever done? prob one of the things i can think of was when i was having  abad panic attack and he just held me and he told me he loved me and etc
Cutest thing you’ve ever done? i dont know ask him
Best gift he’s ever gave you? truck
Do you have a “song”? i cant help falling in love with you
Any inside jokes? sure
What was your most memorable experience? theres a lot
Could you give up something for him? i would
Is he your first anything? not first boyfriend but first for sex lol
Are you HIS first anything? i dont think so but idk for sure not first gf or sex partner lol
Would you change anything about your relationship? he lives far away right now 
Has he ever cheated on you? not that i know of but i know he hasnt
Have you ever cheated on him? no
Have you two broken up before? yeah we actualy dated in oct 2015 then didnt talk til april 2016 and then started to date in may 2016
Have you talked to any of his ex-girlfriends? no unless i have and i didnt know
Has he talked to any of your ex-boyfriends? no
Do you think he would go behind your back? no
Do you get jealous easily? yeah i hate it 
Does he? no unless he does and im just not aware 
Do you think he’d make a good father? sure
Would you even have children with him? we dont want kids
Do you even want to get married to him? yeah
Kissed you in the rain? no
Fought with a guy for saying something about you? no
Would he even fight for you? maybe, sure
Have you two ever had someone try to break you two up? yep -____-
Has he ever bought you anything expensive? kinda but he did give me his truck
Has he ever made you feel warm & fuzzy? yes
Would you make it long distance? no but we are right now until june
Have you two ever gotten into a fight? yeah 
A physical fight? no
Has he ever written you a letter? no
Have you ever gotten into it with a girl about him (fight with girl over him)? no
Would you ever? no unless a bitch was trying to fuck him or something then id fuck her up
Have you two ever spent the night together? duh
Been absolutely, ridiculously silly? yeah
How much do you love him? a lot i cant really describe it
What would he do for you? idk ask him haha
What would you do for him? anything he wanted except murder lmAOOO
How often do you two talk? everyday 
When is your actual anniversary? 05.10.16 (May 10th 2016)
Does his family like you? yes they do
Does yours like him? kinda 
How long do you plan on being with him? forever 
Anyone disapprove? some do , fuck them
Has anyone ever tried to interfere? morgan did but i told him to fuck off
How often do you two argue? not overly 
Do you like it when he surprises you? depends..
Are you proud to be his girlfriend? yes
Is he proud to be your boyfriend? i hope lol
When do you feel closest to him? when he spills his heart out to me
Do you prefer his hugs or kisses? kissing 
Would you change anything about him? where he lives <-- same
Would he change anything about you? i dont know 
What do you love most about him? he makes me smile when i dont want to
Have you ever gotten on his Myspace/facebook? yeah but i dont need to 
Do you trust him? i do
Does he trust you? i hope
Do you guys tell each other everything? i do 
Any secrets? i dont think so!
What’s your favorite thing to do together? everything 
What reminds you of him? elder scrolls and anime LMAO
What’s the hardest thing you’ve overcome? having to let him leave for a bit but hes coming home :D
Do you truly love him? i do
Does he make you happy? honestly he does
How long have you known each other? almost 2 years
Were you friends before you dated? ehhhh kind of? we were flirty 
Where did you go on your 1st date? he took me to the college to play smash bros and it was awesome, then to Noodle house for lunch and then back to his place to hang out. it was awesome
Most fun date you two have been on? theres a lot
Do you go on more alone or group dates? alone but i dont mind group ( depending)
Who usually pays for the date? he always does but i will pay for other stuff.
What does your man do to make money? renovations 
How many years apart are you? 6.5 years
Do you normally date older or younger guys? older.
How did ya’ll first kiss? we were watching donald trump vids and then we were chilling and joking and then we were cuddling ( yes WHILE WATCHING DONALD TRUMP MEME VIDS) and then he asked to kiss me and it happened
Did he use any cheesy lines? no
Who said, “I love you” first? me lol
What was the first thing he gave you? i cant remember 
What’s the most expensive thing he’s given you? his truck
What’s the cutest thing he does? when he cuddles me and makes happy noises lol ( if that makes sense)
What does he call you? Jen, babe, baby, babygirl 
How well does he know you? pretty well
How well do you know him? more than most people 
Do you know any of his ex’s? no
Is he friends with any of his ex’s? i dont think so 
What is one thing that really annoys him? stupid people
Are you happy? with him
Is he the best kisser out of all that you’ve kissed?yes
How many kids does he want to have?
0Longest relationship you’ve been in and who was it with? the one i am in now 
Shortest relationship you’ve been in and who  was it with? like 3 months and was with this guy named dylan barf
Are you happier single or in a relationship?
Do you tend to date outside of your race?
not really connor is half white doe
Ever had a rebound? no
Have you ever been someone’s rebound? probably
Have you dated both sexes? no
Has anyone ever seriously proposed to you? no
Who was your most painful breakup with? when connor dumped me trhe first time hahah but were together
Are you one of those people in relationships who break up and get back together frequently? no we dont play games. the first time was just timing 
Do you believe in breaks? no youre pathetic if you take them. its really just a way to fuyck others 
Has anyone ever cheated on you? no
Have you ever cheated on a significant other? no thanks that is disgusting
Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship? we kinda are
Did you ever have one of those elementary school boy/girlfriends? no
In relationships, do you tend to be the clingy one? yes
Are you currently with your first love? kinda 
Do you still talk to the person you first fell for? no
Do you seek approval from your friends before going out with someone? no
Have you ever been “the other person”? How did that go? no
Have you ever been in love? If yes, how many times, and how do you know it was love? yeah this one and because all the songs make sense and when i see him happy thats all i want and i dont think about myself anymore
Have you ever changed for someone, if yes, how? yeah but for good
What’s the most important part of a relationship? 
trust, communication, happiness
Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? serious 
How many people have you ever hooked up with? 0
Do you believe love can conquer all things? not cancer 
Do you think long distance relationships can work? Why or why not? I am in one currently but its short time, so yeah they can you just have to work at it and trust them. I dated someone who lived acrossed seas and that didnt rly work. i hate ldr i am only in one rn because its short and i love him enough 
Have you ever fallen asleep in someone’s arms? yes ^-^
How’s your heart lately? lonely
Do you feel like anyone is playing mind games with you right now? no
Would you fight for love? yea
Do you have something that belongs to someone from your past? yea
Was the last time your heart pounded like crazy for a good or bad reason? bad
Have you ever kissed two people in one night? yea lol 
Do you want to be in a relationship with someone? i am in one
Do you think anyone has feelings for you? he does
Are looks important in a relationship? yep you have to be attracted ok, dont even lie about that
Are relationships ever worth it? yes
Are you a virgin? no
Are you in a relationship? yes
Are you in love? YES
Do you forgive betrayal? depends 
Have you ever cried over a guy/girl? yeah..
Have you ever experienced unrequited love? when i was younger
If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? i dont know what i would say because were dating so it would be rly hurtful 
What is your definition of cheating? when you want someone else as your bf/gf. when you flirt with them, kiss them, fuck them, tease them, etc, lead them on. theres emotional and physical cheating. both are awful. if you are NOT happy dump the other person pls!!!
Are you nice to people you dislike? im an adult 
Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t? yea
Can you recall the last time you liked someone a lot? right now
Is there someone that you’ll never be over? i dont have to worry about that
Is he sweet to you most of the time, or is he mean towards you? sweet
Does he ever go out drinking? Is this something you’re concerned about? no
Does he ever really open up emotionally to you? Is he that way to everyone? yes and he doesnt open up to anyone else 
Does he truly care about how you feel and what you have to say? yes
Is he usually more optimist or pessimistic? realist
Does he treat you like you’re royalty? no but i dont expect him to because i dont treat him like a king or a god, i treat him like my lover/soul mate/best friend, and he does the same. he treats me well 
Does he ever hold you hand in public? yes :3
Are you all into the ‘public display of affection’ thing? no but kissing is cool
Is this relationship more based on love or lust? love 
Do you feel closer to him than anyone else you associate with? yeah… i do..
Tell me exactly in detail how he makes you feel: i cant explain it and i feel stupid that way but he makes me feel like everything is gonna be okay and that life is alright and that im safe wit him. he makes me happy and peaceful, he brings out the best (unless hes moody then i get annoyed lolol)
Has he ever let you wear any of his clothes before? Which items? not rly i dont wear 
When you’re sad, broken down and crying, what does he do to comfort you? he holds me in bed 
Have you two ever shared food or a drink with one another? yes
Do you two ever go to the movies? Do you just make out the whole time? we pay 11 bucks each for a movie we aint gonna make out, thats a netflix n chill thing bru
When you first met, did you think it would end up the way it is?: no
if it came to it, would he rescue you at 3am if needed?: im sure but it woiuld be kinda hard rn ,lol
Ever layed in bed together in each others arms?:     yah
Would you trust him if you left the town for a month with no contact?:     honestly i couldnt live like that i would get nervous and i need to hear from him 
Does it bother you if he doesnt say ‘i love you’ when he leaves?:     not rly unless i say it 
Do you text a lot?:     yes
Does he ever stick up for you and defend you? he doesnt have to no one saying shit about me
Would you say he’s overbearing when it comes to protecting you? no
Do you ever keep the notes he writes and things he makes you? he doesnt makew me anything
Does he normally explain to you how much you mean to him? only when we fight. thats the only time he makes an efffort lol
Do you like being kissed spontaneously or asked? either
Have you ever loved anyone else? no
Has he ever loved anyone else? im sure 
Have you talked about a future together? yes
0 notes
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I am a little shocked that Robyn has decided to not tell her mother, she actually hasn’t even told Jahleel, she is kidnapping him and just said a trip and then Dennis is like what is happening and where, also the little Chinese one, Tina I think that is her name, Robyn has only told Mel this and the rest are slightly confused on what is happening but I am shocked she is keeping it away form her mother, unless she thinks her mother will be negative about it but we are leaving for Mexico and all we have is the same mansion we stayed in for the reveal, we are just going to do it I guess and I am here for it but now I am nervous, but Robyn is on it now she is just jumping in the deep end. It’s funny because Robyn is wearing the engagement ring and nobody is questioning it at all, Mel just keeps on smiling at me which is funny to me “I can’t believe you are already leaving Robyn, you said you was staying for a few weeks before going London? This has made me so sad, why?” Monica questioned, we are practically ready to go but Robyn is saying her goodbye’s “you will see me in London mom, don’t worry. I love you so, so much. I can’t wait for you to come and see my new home” I have my own issue here, I am going to miss Royalty’ soccer game and I have no clothes left, Jahleel gave me a top, which is big on me so I am now thinking what the fuck do I do. Sorry daddy is busy getting married, that is all I say to her is that I am busy “I will see you in London too?” Monica said to me, woke me out of my daze “uh yeah” I breathed out smiling “ok good, I am just worried. I don’t want you to go Robyn, I want you to stay here so I can look after you. Out there nobody is nice Robyn, they will try and get pictures, they hound you” Monica is concerned, and I don’t blame her “mom, stop it. I am ok and I can really handle myself. Once I am in London, my doors are closed mom, don’t worry come on now” Robyn hugged her mom “I just want to look after my baby, I love you. Please call me when you land” that is cute to see “look after my daughter Chris, please” Monica said “I will” I am saying that but she be looking after me “men can’t even handle themselves, I will be looking after him and me and the baby. Anyways, stop, I need to go now” Robyn knows.
I haven’t posted on my Instagram for so long, I just sit on here and like Royalty’ posts because she will get offended if I don’t and think I don’t care, she is sensitive. I have two sensitive ladies in my life, with a third one on the way but I haven’t really paid much attention to this at all. I haven’t posted in weeks actually. Backing out of my Instagram and onto Google, searching ‘pink’ in images. Saving a solid pink colour block and then going back onto Instagram, uploading the image onto Instagram. Captioning the image ‘I love this theme, everything pink’ pressing post “I am back” Robyn sat next to me “so anyways, can you all gather. Well there is only three of you, but Mel already knows” locking my phone and placing it down on the table “it is me of these tables on the jet are getting too close?” Robyn said so confidently and it now very confused that it is the tales’ fault “you are being dead ass?” I said laughing “don’t you think? Look at it?” looking at the bump and then at her face “Robyn you are pregnant, you are slow” Robyn laughed hitting my arm “fuck you, it is the table fault anyways. Welcome to my office, come on now” shaking my head staring at Robyn “what? I am right ok, look at that. Can’t even eat right and your judging me” she licked her thumb and then wiped the corner of my mouth “lick your finger, tell me what it is?” Robyn snorted laughing, wiping her thumb on my tee “now why would I do that, stupid” wiping the side of my face “you not used the skin care Chris, I know. You better start” she caught me out, I did kind of forget to use it.
Jahleel raised an eyebrow just looking at us both “so we are going Mexico, it’s something that has just come up. I can’t say what will happen, but we are just going to go with the flow. Just like I got pregnant from my sperm donor, and it just happened. This has also just happened” frowning at Robyn, she knew I was staring at her in annoyance “what!?” she spat, I love that she is so happy. Just the simple fact she seems so light hearted and ever so happy “sperm donor that is sat right here?” she giggled “well anyways, we just ignore him. I am joking but something happened” Jahleel gasped “no way! I see it!” he pointed at her finger “you didn’t?” he looked at me “I am going Mexico to get married” Jahleel jumped up from his seat, Tina just froze in utter silence staring at us. Laughing at Jahleel shouting in shock and then he came back over to us “no way” he walked off again “I felt the same way. When she told me. You believe them two? They are crazy” Mel said “awww the ring is beautiful Robyn, oh wow. Oh my god, why am I crying” Tina waved her hands in her face “I love you so much oh my god” I didn’t expect Tina to be crying “you both are actually getting married? Did he get down on one knee? Oh my god! This is like the most fucked up and lovely love story, oh my god. I am just in love with you both. Robyn!? You’re going to be a wife? Are you capable of that?” Robyn laughed at Jahleel “I am capable of it asshole! Ok? You ain’t my fake husband anymore” Robyn pointed at him “you can still have her Jahleel, trust me” I said laughing, I like him a lot. Her team are a mess, like they all here crying. Dennis is just stood there in shock, not sure his reaction “I just, don’t know what to say. Congratulations and I can’t wait to be the guy to say I was there. I am feeling emotional, to picture your gender reveal, baby shower, now your ceremony and then your birth. I am pretty shook because nobody is going to expect it. I am happy, wow. Congratulations to you both, to Mr and Mrs Brown. We will make sure we make the best for you” Dennis reached over, shaking his hand “good luck” he said which made me laugh “I am excited, but wait till Jen finds out” Jahleel is right, Jen doesn’t know “I just want it to happen and then I will deal with that after, too many opinions is never good” Robyn got a point.
I just remembered what Dennis said now “hold up, you’re going to be where? At the birth?” I questioned “yes I am” Dennis said so confidently “he about to be all in Robyn’ coochie, chile. He loves to see it” Jahleel laughed “really? Is he going to be there?” I asked “yes, I am going to give it a few months and I will be bringing out like a personal documentary to me. Because I am closed off now, I will bring out what I want and there will be clips of this, some of it anyways. It’s just all Dennis for this, it’s personal to me and I will be releasing it to the fans, but he won’t be like in coochie thank you very much. But actually, Melissa! I have something I need you to do for me. I need you to get Chris a ring. I don’t care for what he got on, I want it to be from me” looking at my ring I already wear “I am just married to myself, that is why” I laughed “well I can’t do it so I need you all to help on this and get something for him, nice too” I cooed out, that is cute she wants to get me one “like a friendship ring?” I said laughing “friendship? Nigga don’t try me now” I chuckled, I love her so much and I can’t wait to marry her.
Robyn is working and doing her thing, I said I would have a nap, but I just can’t. I am thinking too much, I promise Royalty I would be there for her game and I won’t be. I don’t want to leave Robyn alone either to go, I mean how is this going to work. I don’t want to leave Mexico just to go there, but then I promised. Let me just get this over with, if I am going to dance around it and leave it last minute I will look even worse. Let me call Nia first because then she will know if Royalty decides to be sad about it, I mean she will I guess. Dialling Nia’ number, looking over at Robyn as she is in a circle with her people working along, as she does “dad! I saw your name” Royalty picked up the phone “you picking mommy’ phone now, give me that now?” Royalty laughed as Nia said in the background “she jumped on your name, hey Chris” Nia said “hey” I dragged out “uh how is she?” I asked, I am making small talk “you don’t sound good, uhm she is ok. She is supposed to be doing homework right now but then she saw my phone ringing, you are nosey. He is speaking to me now go” Nia said to her “I am good, just uhm. Something came up and I can’t make it to her soccer game” Nia sighed out “she’s been looking forward to that Chris, seriously? What is so important? You have known this for weeks this is coming up, it’s like her championship game, you have missed so many. I am not telling her anything and she is staring at me so you can tell her, I just yes” this is not good “damn” I breathed out rubbing my head, I am like choose Robyn over Royalty but I am, but I do love her, this is a mess and I didn’t think Robyn would jump on a jet to do this “I am guess you’re going to let me down” Royalty said down the phone “I am sorry baby, something has come up and I can’t come but I will” Royalty put the phone down on me “man” putting my head in my hands, this is a mess because I never meant for it to hit like that.
Nia called me back “don’t put the phone down on him now, come on” hearing Nia say, “he is letting me down again mom!” I cringed, I mean she has a point because that is what I am doing “Roro, listen to me. Please, look I am sorry. I know I mess up a lot, but I don’t do it on purpose, are you listening to me?” I hope she is “I am not listening really” I knew that “I have stubborn women in my life, I said to you that I will tell you soon, but I can’t. This is important to me baby; I know you would understand if you knew but I can’t. I am busy doing something for me, it sounds selfish, but I am doing this for me. I won’t be there in time Royalty and I know you will kill it like you always do” I feel bad that I have upset her “I don’t want to see you dad, don’t call me” that kind of hurts “Roro please, I love you don’t do that to me. I mess up but I am trying here, I appreciate you so much I know it’s a lot and I kept promising you about the game but this just happened, it was out of nowhere please, you’re hurting me here” resting my head back on the headrest “then come to my game, I want my dad there. No meme just dad, I don’t want no friends, just my mom and dad. You said you would do all these good things and you didn’t dad, you take too long. You said daddy and daughter holiday too” she put the phone down on me again, throwing my phone on the table shaking my head.
Happiness in one hand, and then this on the other hand. My phone started to ring on the table, seeing my mom. This can’t be, did Royalty snitch on me but I have been waiting for Royalty to ring but she hasn’t at all for a good hour. Answering the call “yeah” I said, “you’re useless you know that, what did you do?” well this is a mess “you know what I have done, why are you asking a question when you know already?” clearly she does know but is asking dumb questions, seeing Robyn sit across from me “I do know but what are you doing? Royalty doesn’t want to come with me and said you lied, you promised you would come” I groaned out “maybe I just don’t want to see anybody anymore? Ever thought of that, you haven’t even called me since, but you call me now? You just funny” my mom is laughable “you upset my grandchild Chris! What are you playing at, you are losing kids left and right, you have nobody left and you are where?” she is at Nia’ home still, I can hear Nia saying don’t argue “I am nowhere, just leave me alone. I don’t know what you want me to do, just please call me when you want money” disconnecting the call on my mom, everything is so difficult “you done your little work thing” looking at my messages, it’s bullshit things as always “not really, I just heard you ranting from across the jet. What exactly is happening?” I suppose I was being rather loud with my call.
I feel awkward telling Robyn “it’s just you know child issue” I shrugged it off “if you are marrying me then I guess that is my issue too, so don’t be shy, do tell” she got a point “uhm so, I promised Royalty that I would be there for her little soccer game but like I didn’t expect things to take a turn so quick, I assumed I would be back in time for it, so I just cancelled on her and she is upset and is saying that I am always cancelling on her, she is really upset. I have let her down before. I was supposed to tell her mother about taking her to London, daddy and daughter holiday but I have let her down with it all. So I pretty much just upset her, she does let me off, but I think I have been pushing it. My mom has found out too and is on my case that I am useless, and I have lost kids here and there. I am trying, I just want to make you see happy, you my number one” which is true, I put Robyn first “your mom just ranted to you? Didn’t she like talk? She does like rule the whole grandchild seeing thing?” Robyn questioned “pretty much, I don’t have Royalty at all. Just now, recently I been calling to see her, also she has been wanting it. My mom doesn’t fuck with me like that anymore, it’s always love but that is it. I think once she found out about Royalty she pretty clung onto her and made me just there. My mom changed once she got to Cali, it is what it is. She gives up with me but yeah” Robyn frowned “mhm what is Royalty like?” I chuckled “she is me, without the bipolar, she just a mini version of me. Loves big, she just adores me and at times I don’t know how to handle that. Just pure love, the guidance from my mom was you see her when she comes, then just pay” I shrugged “when is the soccer game Chris?” rubbing my chin “this weekend, but I don’t want to leave you alone” I really don’t “I will be in Miexico with Dennis and Tina, you go back with Mel and Jahleel and you see her game, it’s important she feels your love. I wanted my dad’ love but it was hard because I saw a lot, go there and come back. I am not stopping you from anything, just if those women start being reckless then you know I won’t allow that but go and come back. I heard you saying I said to you that I will tell you soon, but I can’t. This is important to me; I know you would understand if you knew but I can’t. I don’t hold no hate against any child, this is not their fault. And I am marrying you, would she keep a secret?” Robyn asked “Royalty and I have secrets all the time, she feels that if she tells meme well my mom that she won’t let her go with me. If she can see me she will lie, she lied to her mom and put a backpack full of clothes to stay with me” Robyn cooed out.
“I have been selfish in not letting you tell anyone but adults are wack, if you can work it out then you can bring her to Mexico but that if you think she will shut her mouth and not say a word. I feel weird saying this but this is my future and I need to get it together. So if you want to bring her then you can, I am nervous to see her but it would be ok so you can spend time with her and have fun without a judgemental environmental” I can’t believe what I am hearing “really?” my voice broke, then I just cried “Chris, why are you crying” Robyn doesn’t understand how people think of me as this bad crackhead guy, trying to gather myself “nobody trusts me, her mother only does it because Royalty doesn’t let her get away with it and you are just there doing this for me, not even my own mother would say that” I sniffled “it’s all a learning curb Chris, it’s new to me and there is one thing I will do is be there for you always, you deserve some peace and you need help with that” wiping the tears that fell.
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