#the kalenko's ocs
delemenko · 2 years
I mentioned an update for this post like, almost a year ago now, and I want to get back into posting not sporadically, so here I am finally showing the main changes with my OCs, aside from the fact that it’s not just these lil’ dudes in my world anymore. Poses are from madebycoffee and helgatisha, if I’m not mistaken. I also don't own the custom content.
First off, the changes aren't really too major. You can most likely see which characters are still who. Though I will say that
• A.J. has gotten a new hairstyle since this photo was taken. Might upload a new photo for that. But I believe she's the most customised of them all with new hair, clothing, and glasses.
• Adelay also underwent a few hairstyle changes before I downloaded this one.
• Noah, Juka, and Catherine all got aged down to teenagers, which means they all slim down by default for some reason.
• Juka only underwent a clothing change otherwise.
• Noah and Catherine got new haircuts, and Noah lost the facial hair, but is that really a loss?
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As for the rest of my folks...
• YaChi got a new default hairstyle. I slimmed her down because she was supposed to be small small and since I have the preteen mod, I made her the big short.
• Joshey... Oh boy... I don't know if I changed her physical form, but she's rockin' a new hairstyle and outfit. New glasses.
• The Twins got headbands and new hairstyles. Masayo got a jumper too. Both got new glasses.
• Juyanio still has the same default outfit, she was just cold, I guess. But she got new hairstyle, too.
• Kenley got nothing except a dress though I think I want to change up her hair a bit, so I'll probably be looking for some new CC.
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Man, it's WIPWednesday and I don't have anything to post on main. Smh My FUCKING HEAD. 😔
That being said, I do have something for WIPWednesday with The Fox and Catherine, if y'all are interested...
"Look, as much as I want to, I don't know when my folks might come back. I don't think they'd be all that happy about it even if they said they didn't care."
"Do you want me to stop?" She asked him, noticing that his actions weren't reflecting his words. Something about his needy expression was... endearing, but she would stop if he asked her to.
"Not really…"
Her hands moved down his chest and before making their way to his zipper.
He eventually picked up on what she was doing, "Cat… we can't-"
"Don't worry… We won't have sex unless you want to," she said, pulling his length out. "That being said, you still have to relax."
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delemenko · 2 years
Made anooter video, but this time it's short and tiny.
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delemenko · 2 years
Trying to figure out what Fox/Catherine and Cowboy/A.J. ship names would be.
For Cowboy and A.J., I'm considering either JudeBoy or Harryssa.
For Fox and Catherine, I'm thinking Francerine or Foxerine
Bro, why is this so difficult-
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delemenko · 2 years
So, I made this videos using my various Sims from various fandoms. It includes my Warriors Sims, my AC and MHA Sims, as well as my original (Irides) and friendfiction (The GRWPPZ Chronicles) Sims.
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delemenko · 2 years
“Is Cowboy Here?”
Okay, I have a confession to make. I lied a little bit. I have been writing one-shots and such, but for various reasons, I haven’t posted them, mostly because I didn’t want y’all to have to read my self-indulgent OC stuff. Then I realised: Who cares? I write these to entertain myself smh. If you read this, cool. If not, also cool. Hope you find this entertaining. I did not proofread and I finished this at 1 in the morning, so there will absolutely be typos, and there’s some suggestive implications/allusions here, I guess? Constructive criticism is appreciated!
“Hey, is Cowboy here? He told me this was where he was stayin’.” Swan looked at the guy at his door, a blond guy of average build, a lollipop in his hand, and a large backpack on his shoulder. He vaguely recognised the kid from the pictures Cowboy kept, but he couldn’t place a name to the face. “Sorry, if I got the wrong place! Can’t remember if he said 205 or 305-”
“I’m Swan.” 
“He’s here. Come on in.” Swan opened the door fully, letting the guy in.
“Sweet! Thanks! I’m Noah, by the way. What’s your name?”
“Ah, cool name!” Noah said, taking a seat on the couch.
“Thanks.” Swan walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed himself a soda. “You want one?” 
“No thanks! I have my own, but if you want some snacks, I have a few things in here,” he gestured to his bag. “I have some mini-muffins, some pretzels, a whole lotta types of stuff. Do you prefer sweet, salty, or sour? ”
Great, he likes to talk. A lot. Swan mentally rolled his eyes, before answering.  “None, I’m good, thanks,” Swan replied, taking a sip of his soda.
Noah stopped talking, seemingly sensing that Swan wasn’t big on small talk, which Swan was grateful for. After a moment, Noah looked around, “Jeez, what is taking him so long? I’m here like, ten minutes late! I could have stayed at the market for at least ten more minutes! D’you mind if I call him?” 
“Sure, go ahead.”
“Harris! Get your ass out here, or I’ll eat all of your fruit snacks-”
The sound of a door opening was heard immediately, followed by Cowboy coming in from the hall. “You don’t have to threaten me with fruit snacks, you know. You could just say that you’re here.”
Why would I do that? I expected you to be ready before I got here! Besides, I would rather just wait and see what happens.“ He said, standing up and heading to the door with Cowboy following behind. “Nice meeting you, Swan! Hopefully I’ll see you again soon!” 
“I’ll see you when I get back home, Swan,” Cowboy waved before the pair walked out and closed the door, Swan watching after them before getting up. He had to admit, if it wasn’t for the fact that this guy seemed drawn to idle chatter, Swan could see them getting on just fine.
The next time one of Cowboy’s friends stopped by, Swan was in his room waiting for his food to finish heating up. He heard the door and went to answer, seeing an olive-skinned woman with a light brown afro, sprinkled with flowers. He recognised her immediately as a former classmate.
“Hey. I know Cowboy lives up here. I didn’t realise that he had a roommate. Would you mind if I wait inside for him?” 
She’s still doing that, huh?
Sure, come in.”
“Thank you.” She followed him in, handing him a flower, which he looked at before taking it and setting it on the counter. 
 “I’m guessing you still aren’t the type for idle chatter? Or has that changed since we last spoke?” She asked, shuffling her steps.
“No, why does that matter?” Swan asked, going to check on his food.
“Because I don’t want to make small talk with someone that don’t like it. That’s stupid and it’s annoying to everybody involved. Seems like it would be a waste of time and energy to me.” 
Well, she’s not wrong there.
A moment later Cowboy appeared from his room. “Hey, Juka.” 
“Hey. My mom is allowing me to borrow her car while she’s gone, so don’t you, Noah, or Adelay fuck it up for me. Or I’m kicking everybody’s ass.” she gave him a warning glance.
“Why would you group me in with those two? I’m not even that big of a jokester!” He exclaimed, looking at her in disbelief.
“You’re easily influenced, for better or worse, and I know those two are always up to some crazy shit. Then they convince you to join in on their bullshit. I’m not havin’ that today, Little Man!” She pointed an accusing finger in his direction. 
“Yeah yeah, I guess…” He said, grabbing his jacket as the two walked toward the door. “Bye, Swan!”
“Nice to see you again,” Juka called as they left out; the door closing behind them.
Swan watched the door close behind them. She hasn’t changed much.
Swan figured he would probably end up seeing the rest of Cowboy’s friends eventually, one by one. Though he didn’t expect for one to show up the day after Juka’s visit.
He opened the door to a slightly muscular girl with red hair. She was slightly sweaty and her hands were on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. She looked up at him, clearly surprised at his presence. 
“Do you need something?”
She stood up fully, her height only slightly shorter than Swan’s. She then quickly grabbed a small notepad from her back pocket, before writing something and showing it to him.
He looked at the messy handwriting, “Is Cowboy here?”
“Oh. Are you deaf?” He questioned, gesturing to his ear.
She shook her head and wrote some more. “I can’t speak, I can hear you just fine though.” She then pointed to the first question again. 
“He isn’t, but he said he’s gonna be back soon. You wanna wait for him here, I’m guessing?”
“If you don’t mind, that would be awesome,” She showed him with a warm smile. “By the way, you have very nice facial features.”
Is she… trying to flirt with me or is she just giving a very weird compliment-”
He chalks it up to her just being odd with compliments and replies with a simple “Thanks.” He lets her in and she sits on the couch. She put her notebook away, and Swan assumed that meant that she didn’t want to speak anymore.
A few minutes later, Cowboy walked in. “Hey, Swan, I got your mail from the box downstair- Hey, Elle… When did you get here?” Elle made some gestures to him in response, but Swan couldn’t tell what they meant.
“Oh? Are they gonna be alright?”
She gestured some more before waving at Swan cheerfully.
“We’ll be back, Swan. You want anything from the store?” Cowboy looked at Swan as he headed to the door with Elle. 
“I’m good, thanks.” Came the reply before the Cowboy and Elle walked out of the door.
“I can grab ‘em. Cowboy, you up for a drink run?” Snow yelled down the hallway.
“I can’t. I’m doin’ somethin’ else tonight, sorry!” 
As he finished his answer, there was a knock on the door, causing Snow, Ajax, and Vermin to glance in that direction before Swan went to answer it.
He opened the door to see a very small woman with a large black hat and glasses standing there, holding a bag. She gasped in surprise when she saw Swan, looking up at him.
 “Hi… Sorry, I was told that Ha- Cowboy lived here? I might have the wrong place.” Her voice was soft, like she didn’t want to be heard.
“He’s here. You can wait inside for him if you want.”
“Are you sure that’s alright with you?”
“Yeah, sure.” He opened the door fully as the girl walked inside. Ajax, Vermin, and Snow looked at the new guest as she thanked Swan. She greeted everyone quietly and sat on the couch. Despite not having been there for long, the girl radiated tension.
She’s really on edge. Swan noted as he closed the door. 
“Hey, you here to play some cards?” Vermin asked, as he gave his cards to Snow for shuffling, a genuine smile on his face.
Ajax, on the other hand, gave her a once-over which she either didn’t notice or chose to ignore. “I could show you a thing or two if you don’t know the ropes.” 
“No thanks.”
Before anybody else spoke, the bathroom door opened and Cowboy reappeared in the room, immediately noticing the girl sitting there, causing her to stand up.
“A.J. ” he walked over to where she was, stopping in front of his door. 
She handed him the bag. “I got this… Wait to open it though.”
“Oh, thanks! Is it delicate?” he asked.
“Not that I know of.” 
“Either of you want to play cards? I can deal y’all in,” Snow mentioned, as he dealed three hands, while Swan took the empty seat.
“No thanks. Play safe though!” He opens his door and tosses the bag in. “After you.” he gestured into his room as A.J. walked inside and Cowboy closed the door behind them.
Snow gave a small laugh, as he asked. “Hit or stay?”
Vermin looked at his cards, “I’ll stay. What are you laughin’ at?”
“He said he’s doin’ somethin’ else tonight. Wasn’t expectin’ him to be talking about a girl.” Snow replied.
Ajax and Vermin sat up slightly as the realisation hit them, though Swan didn’t seem the least bit surprised by the revelation.
“Yeah, they’re waitin’ for us to go to that party. Not like they’ll be waitin’ that long though.” Swan told them looking at his cards. “Hit me.”
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delemenko · 3 years
Since I got bored, I made The Warriors (And my OCs so far) on the Sims.
First off, we have Cleon's household. He's married to Lincoln. He has four kids: Antonio (Vermin), Nathaniel (Ajax), Desmond (Snow), and Cochise. Look, if you're confused about anything... Don't ask me. I don't know what happened either. They didn't have headwear for Cleon, Vermin's hair is wrong, and I can't get anybody's faces right.
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Of course, they managed to give me some ugly ass boots for Cochise...
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Next up, Swan (Joseph) and Mercy are married. Swan has three kids: Harris (Cowboy), Francis (The Fox), and Mateo (Rembrandt). Something about Swan's face is... Off...
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Thirdly, my Warriors OCs. Noah, Adelay, Julianne, and Alyssa Jude are friends with Harris (Well, Alyssa Jude is his girlfriend but shhh). Catherine is Francis's partner, and boy, are those two hilarious, but that's a story for a another post-
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Lastly, the rest of my OCs. Juyanio was supposed to be an adult but I accidentally made her a teenager. And I need for Joshey, Kenley, Sophie Jane, and Juyanio to gain supernatural abilities like, yesterday.
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I'm thinking about making some of the mutuals as NPC Sims, but meh. That's a pipe dream at the moment. But since I'm having too much fun at the moment, I probably will.
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delemenko · 3 years
I... I have a Halloween headcanon about A.J. and Cowboy and now I'm forcing y'all to see them.
After Cowboy got his hat, you know they wore matching cowboy costumes for Halloween and NO, I am NOT projecting-
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delemenko · 3 years
Anybody up for seeing a picture of my OCs that I traced and drew, and will have to redo?
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delemenko · 3 years
Yo... Should The Kalenko should I do a thing where she dresses up as her OCs just because she can? Obviously, minus hair colour, because I'm a brunette. 🤷🏾
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delemenko · 3 years
Man, Drea really got me wanting to make more posts about my OCs. Better stop.
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delemenko · 3 years
Fox/Catherine Headcanons
I previously said this about posting these:
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Welp, I'm done feeling self conscious, my dudes. For now. I'll probably regret this in the morning. Or immediately after I post it, but I never know if I never try, so here goes.
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Fox is more reserved than Catherine is, though Fox drew people to him much more easily before they were together.
After Catherine left Brooklyn for school, the two decided they should go back to being friends. Catherine made it a point to keep in touch, and she would usually call him once a week or so.
Fox deliberately refused to tell Catherine when he joined the Warriors. Naturally, when she found out on a visit back to Brooklyn, she wasn't pleased, but eventually decided not to make a fuss about it.
He's way more relaxed than she is by far. Sometimes he would have to go like, "You need to stop and smell the roses."
She once told him she loved him without realising it. When he asked about it, she clarified that she wasn't "in love" with him, but she did love him.
In the same vein as the last one, she's more of a romantic than he is, by far.
Fox would often playfully tease her, usually whenever they were alone.
I originally headcanon that she was his first kiss, but I dunno, fam.
After he got her to try some funnel cake, it's one of her favourite foods.
She calls him "France." He once called her "Catty," as a joke, and the name stuck.
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delemenko · 4 years
Julianne Kavanaugh
That moment when you have five Warriors OCs, and the last three are at the very end of your OC roster, so you got figure out how to mix them in with the others.
Name: Julianne Kavanaugh
Nickname: Juka, Juke
Fandom: The Warriors
Age at the start of story: 19
Birthday: 20 November
Gender: Female
Height (cm): 156
Weight (lbs): 116
Race: Black
Skin Tone: Olive (Somewhere around 22-24 on the Von Luschan Scale)
Hair colour/type/length and style: Medium brown, between very curly and coily, shoulder-length hair. Typically styled in an afro or worn curled. Sometimes dyes it a lighter brown or tinted red.
Eye colour: Brown
Scars/Tattoos/etc: Nothing permanent, but often gets temporary flower tattoos of flowers on her inner wrist.
Build: Short, Petite, pear frame
Sense of style: Loose fitting shirts, bell bottoms with brown boots or hot pants with converse. Will almost always have something floral on it and tends to wear flowers in her hair or a scarf as a headband.
Sense of style (Winter): Purple double-breasted coat. Earmuffs (colour varies) and a scarf and pair of gloves that match the earmuffs. Won't wear the sneakers in the winter months.
Personality: Initially, Juka is very blunt, professional, and sassy. Tends to like being in charge and self-sufficient, but will (reluctantly) work with others if necessary. She has a sharp tongue and is quick to snap back at someone who's giving her a difficult time. She is self aware enough to recognise that her shit talking is gets her into trouble, yet she doesn't care enough to stop it. She has a heightened sense of pride and is fairly arrogant, even outright calling herself better than other people. Despite this, she has a maternal side and will try to help anybody in need, even putting aside past disputes for the sake of helping someone. She really likes flowers, and will almost always be delighted at receiving them as a gift. She came up with Juka on an impulse (She just... took the first two letters of her names, bruv) and started joking that if she were to be famous (she wants to go into modeling) she would use that as her alias. She has two cats, Peony and Cosmos.
Hobbies: Gardening, Floral Arranging
Likes: Flowers, Efficiency, Her Cats, Caring for others.
Dislikes: Time wasting. Getting injured or killed or being in situations that could result in either of those things happening.
History: When she was younger, Juka generally tried to take charge of a situation and help her teachers out whenever she could. She would always go outside and pick flowers to give to her teachers and classmates. She met Cowboy (well, pre-Cowboy Cowboy) after he hurt himself on the playground and tried to help him fix the injury and gave him one of the flowers she had picked that day and the two had been friends ever since. She met Noah during her last year of junior high school after the two had to work on a project together. (I originally had her and Swan share a class in high school, but I'll probably end up scrapping that whole story, or I'll make another post about that, because it's a funky ting.) She bought Cowboy the hat that he loves to wear so much after seeing him take a liking to it. Of Cowboy's friends from school, she is the only one that consistently keeps in touch with everyone else and she is aware of his being a member of the Warriors. She enjoys the idea of going into modeling, but she also wishes to be a nurse and is in school to study it.
Family: Mother Esther Kavanaugh and Father Reuben Kavanaugh
Dexterity: Right handed
Favourite Colours: Indigo and Turquoise
Aura Colour: Dark Purple
Strengths: Is very professional, knows how to keep calm in a stressful situation.
Weaknesses: Her sense of pride can be off-putting. She's essentially all bark and no bite.
Dreams and Desires: To do modeling or to be someone that can heal people.
Five songs I like that describe her: Don't Wait For Me by Unlike Pluto, sadder badder cooler by Tove Lo, Goddess by BANKS, stone cold by Like Saturn, and Trdnsttr (Lucian Remix) by Black Coast feat. M. Maggie
Ngl, this is probably my second favourite character I've created behind Juyanio because they both give no fucks about you or your couch.
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delemenko · 3 years
Random Cowboy/A.J. Headcanons Because I'm Bored
I wanted to make this yesterday but I forgot. So I make them today.
They had a mutual friend in middle school, and they had some classes together but they didn't become friends until high school.
They were friends for a few months, before dating after realising that they had feelings for each other.
Despite liking her, Cowboy doesn't really find A.J. overly attractive. He stopped taking notes of her appearance, despite how fussy she gets about it. Though, she is his type, in his opinion.
Despite how jittery A.J. is, she always found herself at ease around Cowboy in particular because of his easygoing nature. He was always the more anxious one in their relationship.
Aside from occasionally hand-holding and maybe a hug goodbye, the two never show affection in public.
Aside from the fact that they both enjoyed music and musical theatre, they didn't have many common interests.
While A.J. didn't mind getting Cowboy more expensive gifts, she would get annoyed at him buying expensive gifts for her, though she'll always appreciate the gift.
When A.J. found out about Cowboy joining the Destroyers, she felt her sense of ease around him slipping. After the two talked about it, she accepted it more, but she still felt that sense of unease.
The two broke up when she moved from Brooklyn, and she went no contact after awhile for reasons unknown to Cowboy or their friends.
He keeps a few pictures of her (and the rest of their friends) in his room. And occasionally wonders what she did after they went no contact.
Why have I been working on this for several hours? Because what the fuck is focus, that's why.
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delemenko · 3 years
That moment when you want to make some more posts about Cowboy and A.J./Cowboy and his friends but you keep forgetting because you're writing Friendfiction.
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delemenko · 3 years
When you're editing your OCs and you're worried that you've made their skin too dark but then you actually check and it's actually almost perfect.
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