#the key is a give ‘em hell attitude and a natural curiosity for the world around me and owning a zipper
stellernorth · 2 years
if i had a castiel spn or angel btvs “moment of pure happiness” deal i’d be losing my soul all the time baby i felt perfect happiness last night dancing alone to motionless in white’s “dead as fuck 2” and trying on and pinning some pants i’m sewing
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goth-dean · 4 years
So, here's why I think Rose and Dean are not the same, if you ready to discuss it. Biggest points of difference between them:
Dean's first reaction to the unknown is aggression or defense position, sometimes both. He is ready to fight at any given moment, and that's not only because of how his life is, it's definitely part of his personality, (because Sam, for example, has different reaction). Rose's reaction is always curiosity and kindness, she doesn't have that aggressive part in her, she only fights when it's absolutely necessary, as the last measure, even her season 4 version. She is in general a very peaceful person and it's one of her defining qualities.
One of the biggest parts of Dean's personality is his conflict with his own emotions, he feels too much and doesn't want to, he shuts down his own feelings, his brain literally erased/changed his own memory once because he couldn't deal with trauma. Rose, in my opinion, is one if the most emotionally stable characters in the whole of doctor who. While she feels a lot and is driven by her feelings, she has no conflict with them.
An important quality of both these characters is that they love very strongly, but they do it very differently. Dean's love and devotion to people is unfortunately often controlling in it's nature. For example he loves and protects Sam but he believes that it gives him the right to control his actions, sort of "I love you so I know what's best for you". But he also genuinely cares a lot, and not only about his brother and Cas, but about literally every person they get to know, he sees someone good and immediately assigns them part of his family. Rose's love is more selfless in a way, she is ready to do everything for people she chose to love, and has no desire to control them with her love. But at the same time she can be very careless in relation to other people in her life who love her, remember how she treats Mickey, for example. She is nice to everyone, but she doesn't get attached to a lot of people.
So while they sure have similar traits, as their bravery and confidence in some situations, and devotion and the giant force of their emotional attachment, for example, and they do some things that can be easily paralleled, still some key parts of their personalities are too distinctly different in my opinion to call them similar characters.
that all being said, I also definitely agree with you that the satan two-parter episode is in fact a good parallel to destiel plotlines, and we can also find other parallels because Dean and Rose have things in common, and this is quite interesting
This took me a long time to answer and required a lot of thinking, but here goes:
Ok, reactions to new/unknown. you have to factor in context, Dean's a hunter, Rose is just having a fun time traveling with the Doctor. Rose at times shows confusion/distaste for aliens (the end of the world and the ood in impossible planet) Dean shows distaste/ an urge to fight. obviously their reactions to new things would be different because the context is MASSIVELY different. and even though Dean does often feel the urge to fight/kill "monsters" he (in the later seasons especially) is shown to have some level of empathy for them and Rose is very empathetic. Also, Dean desires a peaceful life, he doesn't want to hunt and fight. I truly believe that if he had the chance to get out of hunting he would.
It's true that Dean represses his emotions and that Rose doesn't. but she is extremely emotional, same as Dean. she's impulsive, so is Dean. she doesn't handle it well when things don't go her way, neither does Dean. while Rose isn't really controlling of people she loves, she can BE controlling and is extremely bossy a lot of the time, particularly in series 2. in tooth and claw she organizes the prisoners to get away from the "werewolf", in the impossible planet/the satan pit she leads the crew. she can also be manipulative to the people she loves, forcing the Doctor to take her to see her dad, twice, even though he told her it was a bad idea, to Micky, making him come to Cardiff in boom town.
As far as Rose not getting attached to many people where Dean does, again consider context, Rose and the Doctor are traveling all of time and space, not much opportunity to have the "found family" that Dean does. Although she does convince the Doctor to let Adam tag along, but that doesn't end well. they also "adopted" Jack. she also does care deeply for the people she comes into contact with, even though she and the Doctor don't bring them along. Dean does this many times as well, think about all the people he’s met that he was shown to care about, but didn’t see again.
There's also a lot to the relationships between Rose and the Doctor and Dean and Cas. Like Rose leaving Jackie and Micky to travel with the doctor, and the way that dean will sometimes ignore Sam to spend time with Cas (the hamburgler conversation while Sam's trying not to drink demon blood, or dean being with cas while Sam's at the church with Crowley). the fact that both pairs have an extremely intense relationship that was most definitely at least somewhat romantic, yet not explicitly stated to be so until the very end.
Also, more similarities, for fun
"I've got a G.E.D. and a give 'em hell attitude" - Dean Sympathy For The Devil
"I've got no A levels, no job, no future, but I'll tell you what I have got, Jericho Street Junior School Under 7’s gymnastics team. I got the bronze" - Rose Rose
Deans reactions to being sexulized/touched/"manhandled" by demons
"Don't think I didn't feel your hands having a quick wonder you dirty old man!" - Rose The Unquiet Dead
Dean talking about women at any given time, but mostly him talking w/ Cas about April at the bar (I don’t remember the ep but hopefully you know what I'm talking about)
Rose talking to Gwen about boys in the Unquiet Dead
Dean not leaving Purgatory/selling his soul to save Sam/risking his life every five seconds to protect the people he loves
Rose going back for the doctor in the series 1 finale/refusing to leave in the Satan Pit
Dean gets stuck in the Bad Place
Rose gets stuck in Petes world (ok these aren't things they did, but they're things that HAPPENED to them so I'm gonna say it counts)
Rose and Dean are two sides of the same coin. of course there are going to be things that they do and react to in different ways. But that doesn't change the fact that they are VERY similar characters.They’re just living very different lives.
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