#the kind of surgeon she needs!! also medical establishments that aren't horrifying to be a patient in
What state doesn't allow you to get Medicaid even if your income is zero? It should be based on her health. Did she apply? Get a disability attorney? It's not uncommon to get denied the first couple times.
I'm aware of this. She's aware of this. Are you aware of how long the appeals process is? She's still in appeals. As she has mentioned several times in her gfm, and as I have mentioned several times on this blog.
She has contacted every pro bono attorney that does this kind of work in her area. None of them will take her case. As I think she's also mentioned. Did you know that very few lawyers even do that kind of work, and that those that do often get asked to do more cases than they actually have time for?
There are 12 states that don't allow you to get Medicaid based solely on income. That's easy to google. "States without expanded Medicaid" should get you both proof that they exist, and an explanation of what that means.
If you know most people get denied the first couple times I'm perplexed about why you seem to think it's simple to get on disability, and why you seem to think there's some obvious easy option she's missing?
People often scold poor people for not accessing resources that either don't exist or are almost impossible to get. I understand that you mean well, but this ask really rubs me the wrong way. I'm worried about someone important to me dying for lack of medical care, and you're assuming without actually even reading her most recent gfm post that she's not doing everything she can.
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