#the kristen withdrawals are bad tonight
sammykiszkamyass · 1 year
crying because it's been a whole two weeks since i've seen kristen and i miss her so bad
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laurenceslife · 2 years
Chapter 33
            Next day, they also spent the day with Martin, Emilio, Dennis, Kristen's friends and cousins, and Jason's new girlfriend. On the weekdays, he was mostly with Kristen, and after those actors' filming who happened to be filming, he had a cigar together with them, or went to enjoy themselves with Kristen, her friends and cousins and Lacey. They felt so good that they hardly felt the withdrawal symptoms.
- My cousins are gonna leave tomorrow - Kristen said in a little bad mood in Larry's room, sitting on the bed. The boy was sitting next to her.
- Will we accompany them to the airport? – he asked.
- Yeah.
- OK - Larry fondled her leg – When are they gonna go?
- Early in the morning - the girl said bitterly - While the detoxification is lasting, we won't meet, and then I’ll hardly meet with you till the end of the filming - she continued brokenly.
- Then I'll ask Francis to shoot my scenes every weekday again, and I'll be ready earlier than the others, and I’ll be able to go home. I hardly have any scenes left, anyway, and the filming already has been lasting for one and a half year, it's surely gonna come to an end soon.
- I hope you succeed in persuading him of that - Kristen leaned her head on the boy's shoulder.
- Will we be watching TV?
- Yeah.
- What to watch?
- I don't know. What's on - the girl said in a little bored voice.
Larry turned on the TV, and embraced his girlfriend with either of his arms, watching the machine.
- Superman! - he bent forward a minute later with wide a mouth enthusiastically.
- An action movie. That's superb. It's the same, at least I'll get to know what you love so much about superhero-things - Kristen nestled to him, and gave a kiss on his face.
The boy was enthusiastically explaining till the end of the movie who was who in the movie.
- We will do what you wanna do now - he said after it, fondling the girl's hair, and kissed her after they had stood up from the bed.
- I'm hungry. Let's have dinner together with my cousins! - Kristen said cheerfully.
- OK - Larry said, and kissed her again.
During the dinner, it came out that Jason's girlfriend was from New York, too, so it was already even less probable that distance would be a difficulty between them. Till then, it hadn’t even come into their head to ask where she lived inside America; they had been even on the other side of the Earth for so long that if someone was American, it even counted a lot for them.
- Superman was on tonight! - Jason said enthusiastically - Was anybody watching it?!
- Yeah! - the other boy said in the same mood - Kristen was watching it with me, too.
- Don't talk about man movies now! - Alyssa whined a bit sullenly - A guy tried to pick Sophie up on the beach! - she grinned excitedly, looking at them, one after the other. In the end, they invited them too, because they would stay next to Kristen during the detoxification.
Sophie laughed, turning her head away.
- And what did she do? - Bree asked a bit shyly.
- I think she likes him! Look at her! Then she was still shy and shook him off, but tomorrow I'm gonna drag her to the boy if it's necessary, if only I can't persuade the guy that she likes him too! - she said with a smile and roughly.
The others laughed. Alyssa laughed with them, and her sister looked aside shyly with a suppressed smile.
- And what is the guy like? - Kristen asked.
- And what way did he give it a try? - Bree grinned a bit shyly.
- He can be eighteen to twenty years old, so our parents shouldn't get to know about it. He's a tall, brown haired, white, thin guy. He walked beside us several times, and smiled at Sophie, and later, asked her where she was from ‘cause he hasn’t seen many such nice, naturally brown skinned girls here - Alyssa said, being amused at it.
- And what did Sophie do? - Kristen asked.
- She said "I'm from pretty far so let me alone" - Alyssa's voice was disappointed.
- And he thought she said that ‘cause she didn't like him so he left her alone. You don't even have to tell it to me; dudes are like that. They don't notice emotions in girls but it's not their fault - Bree said in a reflecting and low voice.
- Why? Is there any problem with your partner? - Sophie asked shyly to divert the conversation from herself.
- Well, sometimes there are some - the girl said in a low key, watching her feet.
- Why don't you tell him when you’ve got some problem? - Jason asked loosely.
- Who said I don't tell him? - Bree's voice was a bit offended and rough.
- Then what's the problem? - Larry asked, uncomprehending.
- For example, that yesterday's thing. Sophie was simply just shy so she passed up a chance with a guy, while both of them liked each other.
-  But there will be a lot of chances like that - Jason said - And anyway, this present one's not supposed to be forced. The dude's too old to her, and who knows how far he lives.
- And anyway, how much chance is there of him being on the beach punctually at the same time and you’re even finding him? - Larry spoke, looking at Alyssa - What's up with your beau?
- He’s nothing to write home about that much. I might look for another one – the girl answered in a bored manner – Or another one comes from himself – she shrugged gracefully, and continued eating.
- But who knows till when our detoxification lasts – Kristen said seriously – We’re so well already now! We may completely give up using the drugs soon and go home – she continued worryingly – I think you should leave that local dude and start a new relationship in America.
- It reminds me of maybe Laurence should speed up the detoxification! Anyway, you two bear it so well nowadays; he would at most feel the way like before but you two would be over it sooner – Alyssa said cheerfully.
            After dinner, all of them went to the cinema, and then went to sleep.
- Maybe it really would be better to be over the detoxification sooner. Drugs are very unhealthy, you can be ill if you extend it. As an addition, you’re so well nowadays; you would surely bear it if you reduced the dose faster – Kristen looked up at Larry in the bed, lying on his naked chest, in the morning, before getting up – You’ve said that the filming’s gonna come to an end soon, anyway. And you may succeed in persuading the director to shoot your scenes a lot more often than till now – she said with a convincing look.
- I don’t know.
- You could talk with my mom about how fast to reduce the dose so there’s no trouble from it. She’s a doctor, anyway.
- OK – the boy said, and they were laying on without a word.
- Oh my God, what’s the time?! – the girl was scared to death some minutes later.
- It just came into my head too; we should accompany your cousins to the airport – the boy was surprised at it – It’s half past seven – he looked up at the clock that was in front of them – But cool it, they’ll surely wait for us! – he said during Kristen ran to the other side of the room to change clothes – And if they won’t, then it’s not so important that we should be there so they’re surely not angry with you – he said in a lazy voice, still lying in the bed while his girlfriend was flinging her orange T-shirt and red shorts on.
- But get up now, too, let’s check if they’re still here, if they’re gonna go by the next plane because of us! – Kristen said almost hysterically – Let’s not let them miss the next plane too because of you! Or don’t you wanna come?!
- Well, OK, I’m going – Larry got up slowly and lazily. He went up to the girl, kissed her, and dressed – You’re so pretty! – he said after it; he was kissing her, and snuggled up to her body, holding her arms – Do you feel better now? – he asked after it.
- Yeah. Thanks – his girlfriend said, softly sighing and became mellowed.
- Can we be going? – the boy asked, looking seriously.
- Yeah – the girl heaved a sigh with relief, and they started towards the way out.
The living room was empty; Hattie had still been sleeping. They simply went through the living room, left the suite, then hurried straight to the reception where they asked if Jason and Bree had checked out already.
- Yes, they have already left, early in the morning – the woman with long and red hair said with sympathy.
The girl restlessly heaved a sigh, and was standing rooted to the spot before the reception, staring ahead.
- Come on, let’s go – Larry said in a low voice, taking her arm and leading his paralyzed girlfriend off.
They couldn’t say anything for some seconds, and then the girl began to speak:
- I should call them to say sorry. I should tell them that it was by chance, and I very much regret missing accompanying them - she began crying.
- They surely know it. You shouldn’t play up saying goodbye, and they haven’t arrived home yet, anyway – the boy said.
- They surely think that I’m offended that they didn’t stay on, too; they surely think that’s why I didn’t accompany them to the airport – Kristen said in a low and bitter voice after some further seconds of silence.
- They would have noticed it by your behavior – the boy tried to reassure her.
- They came here because of me, to be next to me, and I didn’t even accompany them to the airport when they left! – his girlfriend said, crying and almost shouting – They think I’m ungrateful in spite of what they did for me – she continued it in a lower voice but her tears were still flowing – I feel unwell! – she sat down on the edge of the fountain of the huge hall.
The boy sat next to her, embraced her, and gave a kiss on her forehead.
- You’ll call them when they arrive home, and will return tanks to them for being here, and will tell them how much you regret not being able to go to the airport – he said.
- OK – Kristen said, sighing by calming down and by the nausea, holding on to Larry. The boy kissed her, they were kissing, rummaging about in each other’s hair to compensate for the girl’s nausea, and then they were continuing it, embracing each other.
The receptionist gently rebuked them that it was a luxury hotel, and they fell into the fountain, laughing, and were also only kissing there. The girl was already completely well, and Larry came out of the fountain with her, guffawing, too.
The receptionist and the security guard laughed, watching the scene so they didn’t throw them out.
When the couple had gone back to the quarters, stripped while laughing, hung their clothes out to the dryer, and then were making love in the bed.
While Kristen’s clothes hadn’t been dry so she couldn’t put them on and get displaced out of the room, they were watching TV in the bed, and then were having lunch together with their parents.
- How has your day been? – Lauren asked her daughter – We haven’t even met today yet.
- I missed accompanying Jason and Bree to the airport – Kristen said a bit disappointedly.
- How come? – her father was surprised at it.
- I forgot to ask for a wake-up call – Larry said, watching the food.
It was visible that the man was angry with him, but didn’t say anything. Hattie and Laurence looked a bit angrily at their son, too.
- And what other things have happened? – Lauren asked, smiling tensely.
- We were watching TV in bed all day – the girl said, pretending to be bored, but she and Larry almost guffawed the prior events off.
- It seems that nowadays, you two can do very well during the detoxification – Lauren said tensely after a sigh – I’ve been thinking about we could make Laurence’s quit speed up a bit – she continued slowly and carefully – For him, it’s especially important because heroin very early starts to harm, and causes very serious damages in the health – she changed over into sympathizing voice, looking at the boy’s parents - Calm down, I’m a doctor, I know that we cause a lot more damage if we drag giving using drug up long than what withdrawal’s actions causes.
- Actually I’ve been already worried about the detoxification lasting too long – Hattie said.
- We also thought exactly of this ‘cause Alyssa gave it as an advice that he could speed the detoxification up, and then he would be healthier when he finishes the detoxification – Kristen said cheerfully – But is it sure that Laurence can give using drug up still in time, before he would be very ill?
Lauren sighed again.
- It’s not sure but I think it’s probable because you two are already about at the end of the detoxification, anyway, and also, we even speed the process up – she said in an encouraging voice – But it’s not enough to only speed it up a little bit so that it’s sure.
- Well, Francis surely won’t be happy about I’ll just muddle in filming again – Larry began to speak angrily.
- You don’t only muddle! You know that he shoots your scenes until they’re good – the girl said emphatically and a bit angrily – It’s necessary to speed the process up more ‘cause you can be very ill! – she continued it very anxiously.
- But I hate when I’m almost only muddling! – the boy continued irritably – I wanna offer quality, artistic performance during all the filming, like those huge actors who I’m filming with! And Francis will totally break down by I’ll even more drag the filming! – he continued, also almost brokenly out of pitying the man in advance who he almost considered as his father.
- Your health is much more important than to enjoy that you’re a so good actor like them – Hattie said emphatically and a little angrily – When you reach a stage when you’re like them, you can enjoy your status, but you can’t be very ill because you see that it’s very difficult to work that way.
- What he enjoys, isn’t that he can be filming as such a big star like them – Laurence said – These actors made him feel that simply doing the work well, art gives pleasure – and then he looked at his son – Put your suffering into your scenes. Anyway, the movie even communicates a very negative message to people – he said with joy because this good idea came into his head.
- Some of my fellow actors have already said it, but when I’m very nauseated, most of the time I can’t even work! – Larry said in an angry and grumbling voice.
- So you’ll die instead? ’Cause if you’ll be very ill, you may die, and that’s the least that you won’t be able to live complete life, even nearly, and you’ll suffer – the man changed over into a strict voice.
- And I don’t let my daughter date an irresponsible wreck whose death she could mourn in the future! – Jacob burst into raging furiously, and looked at the boy with googled eyes and stiffly.
- OK, I would speed the detoxification up, anyway! – Larry said angrily – It’s just freaking irritating that I’ll only muddle during the filming, but I’ll still do it!
- So that’s OK – the man said still angrily.
After having lunch, the boy already talked it over with Francis to shoot his scenes every weekday again, so he could go home to Kristen earlier after the detoxification, but the man didn’t agree to it.
- I can’t always change the filming the way you wanna! – he said furiously – Especially now when it’s necessary again to shoot your scenes so many times! – and then he continued a lot less angrily but still restlessly – We’re better to shoot a lot of your scenes when you’re already over the detoxification.
Larry already began being nauseated, and his head began aching by the thought of he would have lot more powerful withdrawal symptoms, and he would feel them much more often, and he started to be even more nauseated, and started to have an even worse headache by he couldn’t go home to Kristen much earlier but much later.
He hurried to his girlfriend to still have been having her presence’s swing and to stop his indisposition; he left Francis there in his suite without caring that there could be confrontation between them because of it in the future too.
- What happened? – the girl asked, frightened, as soon as the boy had arrived in her suite brokenly, and embraced and kissed her.
- Don’t ask anything. I just wanna feel you - Larry said, gasping for breath by the indisposition and by being troubled, and still holding his hands on Kristen and kissing her.
- Tell me now what happened! – the girl said in terror.
The boy restlessly went up to the sofa and clonked down to it, and told it to her, leaning against his knees and holding his head.
- But you’ve said the filming’s gonna come to an end soon! – Kristen said brokenly, but it was heard in her voice that she was trying to hang on to this possibility.
- Since so many troubles have happened to the filming, I wouldn’t be surprised at that anymore if some more things cropped up that extended it – the boy watched the floor – And you know Francis how rarely lets us home. More and more rarely. And he hasn’t let us go already for a lot of months – he looked at his girlfriend bitterly.
- We teenagers come off worst! – Kristen said, almost shouting, brokenly and with tears in her eyes – The adults’ spouses can stay here but my parents don’t let me stay here! Although… - she looked at Larry, cherishing the hope – This school year’s lost, anyway! Mom and Dad might let me stay here. Even if they wanna go back to their work at home. Your parents are here instead of them, and maybe they would take their place over! – she grinned joyously.
The boy reflected, watching the floor again.
- Moreover, we don’t have to worry about further troubles, anyway. Since there have been so many, the chance of there being even more, is even less. Even more setbacks just won’t be during one filming! That would be like we staked our stake to the same number in a row a lot of times in a game of chance!
- It's still not completely the same...
- The filming already has been going on for almost two years, anyway! What a guffaw it would be if it dragged on even after these! I mean it would be a guffaw from outside.
- But if one more trouble crops up that even more extends the filming, we’ve got to talk it over with our parents!
- OK, we'll talk it over. But I don't see much chance of it being possible to solve it.
The boy saw that Kristen was bitter by being desperate.
- But I've already said that how little chance there is to it’s necessary! - Larry stood up from the sofa and went up to his girlfriend, and then kissed her, and after it, hugged her - This filming won't part us. And any filming won't last this long and won't be this far either.
- So that's OK - the girl said, and then they immediately kissed each other.
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dystopiandramaqueen · 3 years
i'd love to read a meta on Nick and Beth's relationship in the show 😔
Let's take a look at Nick and Beth.
In "The Art and Making of The Handmaid's Tale", Max Minghella says:
"For example, Nick clearly has some sort of relationship with a Martha at Jezebel's, but it's not really delved into. You don't know exactly what the history of that is there, what the nature of that is, emotionally. I really love that, I love getting to leave some room for the audience to lean in a bit and bring in their own ideas."
Beth isn’t a character in Margaret Atwood's iconic book. She was added for the show.
So all we're left with is Max and Kristen's brief moments together on screen in 1x08, 1x09, and 3x03.
A few things are very clear.
They’re bad kids. Trouble makers. Rebels. Punks.
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Trading illegal goods on the black market.
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(Continued Under The Cut!)
They're friends.
Exchanging jokes. Doing eachother favors. Watching each other's backs. Connecting outside their Gilead roles.
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Beth's confused when Nick uses a formal Gilead farewell (The Eyes thank you for your service). She asks if he's ok- more willing to believe he's joking than withdrawing from her.
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They TRUST eachother.
Nick trusts Beth enough to be vulnerable around her. He lets his guard down enough to smile, joke, and ask questions that would him killed if he asked anyone else. She's his safe haven.
Nick Blaine doesn't trust anyone. This lets me know Beth must be trustworthy. Must have passed his tests. She's a good secret keeper. A good person.
The consequence of all of this honesty? Beth can see right through him. She knows him better than he knows himself. When he starts making stupid reckless decisions bc he's got a crush, she gives him good advice. Tough love. And he knows shes right because her trusts her.
He’s into her.
Nick wants to impress Beth. He listens when she talks. He knows that cooking is her biggest freedom, and how much she misses fresh herbs. He steals to give her a chance to cook with fresh herbs, the way she used to.
He likes the way her face lights up when she's happy.
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He doesn't want to worry her. He eats and compliments her pasta even when his stomach is churning. Like an obedient, !good boi. Because he likes her and wants her to be happy.
I get a feeling this is a glimpse of pre-Gilead Nick. The kind of thoughtful boyfriend he would be in a normal world.
They're lovers.
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Not new lovers, either.
How often? My gut feeling is they've hooked up several times over the past year, maybe once or twice a month. Waterford only takes each Handmaid to Jezebel's once during their year long posting, but you know his corrupt ass goes there at least once a month to blow off steam. Those would be official excuses for Nick to see Beth, but he might have snuck over a few times on his own as well.
Beth can ask him if he wants to fuck without saying a word. Consent is implied, because before tonight- this is all it would take for Beth to get a roll in the sheets with Nick. Showing him she's interested.
Beth isn't afraid of being seen by other Martha's, so their relationship was no secret in that kitchen. One night stands between staff must not be the most shocking behavior at Jezebel's.
Note how automatically his body responds to hers, his eyelids lowering, opening to let her closer, resting his hands on her hips effortlessly because touches like this are familiar and comfortable.
He's not resisting. It feels good. He's into it.
The script says that Beth was offering him a blow job there in the kitchen, which was their usual.
I think it's clear they've done more than oral. I think they go to her room to hook up. Nick doesn't sleep over. He gets dressed right after, smiles, thanks her, and it's over. Nothing more asked, nothing more given.
It's low risk sex, since Beth is infertile. No babies, no consequences.
Just fun. No strings attached.
She wants more than he does
I think Nick's poverty and family addictions forced him to put up walls early. He learned that everyone he loves dies or gets hurt. That's why he prefers to avoid attachments. They only lead to pain. I think he went into his relationship with Beth in that mindset, and he intentionally kept it at a distance.
June may not have been Nick's first lover, but she was his first LOVE.
We said above- Nick is honest with Beth. He doesn't lie to her. He respects her enough to break it off, even though it's a little awkward for both of them.
He breaks off his casual relationship with Beth because he'd met his soulmate. His lovemaking with June was so intimate and spiritual and life changing that he's already in love with June. And Love is sacred to Nick. Being with Beth after meeting the love of his life would feel like cheating on June.
He doesn't lead Beth on, which shows his DEEP RESPECT for her.
A #fuckboi would have let her blow him in the kitchen. Nick isn’t a #fuckboi. He's not into girls just for the sex. He only sleeps with people he can deeply connect with and yaknow, anyone Gilead forces him to fuck against his will my poor son it aint right.
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When Nick goes to Lawrence's house in S3, Beth expresses disappointment that hes not there for her, clearly still carrying a torch for him. Nick doesn’t know what to say, so he says nothing.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In conclusion:
I find it fascinating that Nick wasn’t able to find what he was looking for with Beth.
I find their arrangement very erotic. Friends with benefits, casual lovers with no strings. What does that look like?
What does it look like to surrender your body to someone but not your heart?
I love that fucking was no big deal for them, but commitment was over the line.
I will explore these dynamics in Indulgences- my vampire au prequel to @nickblaine's Nightshade that ill start posting once Nightshade is complete.
I'm also working on some cannonverse Nick x Beth scenes showing what I think their encounters at Jezebel's looked like.
Fic Recs: (click for links to A03)
Lemons by @volaremos has... *perfect* Nick x Beth platonic content. Gilead never existed AU with Beth written exactly as I see her in my head. Fucking love the characterization and content.
@benofie did a great fic called Nick's Bliss- discussing Nick with his previous girlfriends, and how he got so attuned to his lover’s bodies.
In my fic Six Feet Deep- Chapter 3 shows a brief encounter between Nick and Beth when he thinks June is gone forever.
Protection is my fic where Nick lets the Eyes interrogate him instead of Beth. No smut, just whump.
Mayday by @chappedlipsfingertips on A03 - I haven't read this one yet, I can't wait to.
Ghosts is my 10 year post Gilead AU fic with Beth the worried best friend helping Nick find love again.
Beth got done dirty in the show. I was so sorry to see her character die in cannon, but you will live on in fic.
RIP Rebel Queen.
Thank you @nickblaine for the lovely #kapblaine gifs and the ask that you knew I was born to answer.
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waywardodysseys · 5 years
Convince Me - Oneshot
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Pairing: Pedro Pascal x female reader
Warnings: SMUT, female oral receiving, unprotected sex (wrap it up), cussing, pregnancy kink, breeding kink
Requested?: Yes from this ask - Fic Request: Reader finds out shes pregnant and decides to surprise Pedro on the set of The Mandalorian. Pedro, who is so damn happy, runs around telling everyone he can that his wife is pregnant. He is very excited and handsy with his wife during the whole pregnancy, he says as much in an interview, hes happier about the pregnancy than she is. However a few months in, Pedro walks in on his wife rubbing lotion on her growing belly and he discovers he has a breeding kink and he acts on it.
Author’s note: none
~   ~   ~
Two pinks lines fill the screen of the pregnancy test you are holding in your hand. You place it down on the sink counter, then pick up the next one. The word pregnant is displayed on the screen. You reach for the third one, one pink positive sign appears on its screen.
“Third times the charm,” you mumble to yourself as you rub your stomach.
You look at yourself in the mirror. You take in your Y/H/C hair and your Y/E/C eyes. You imagine a growing belly and the life inside of you. The life you and Pedro created.
Pedro, you think. He’s on set for The Mandalorian.
You smile as you walk out of the bathroom. You couldn’t wait to tell your husband the news.      
You’re happy. You have a smile on your face and a skip in your step as you weave your way through trailers on the studio lot. You find Pedro’s trailer and pull on the door, it’s unlocked.
Inside you hear light music and the smell of leather, which is oddly strange, but you push it aside.
“Are they ready?” Pedro asks from somewhere out of view.
“Are you ready?” You ask, wondering if he is ready to be a father.
You two have talked about starting a family for the last few weeks, and now everything was coming together like a puzzle. You had been only married for six months now but it didn’t matter. You have Pedro, and now you have a life growing inside of you.
Pedro pops his head out. “Y/N! What are you doing here?”
You watch as he walks towards you in full costume. “I need, uh, I need to tell you something.”
Pedro wraps you in his arms, “you sure it isn’t to have me in costume? Again?”
Well, maybe, you think but your mind remembers the pregnancy tests.
You smile, “not today. I have something to tell you.”
He strokes your cheek, “tell me mi amor.”
You swallow, “we’ve been talking about starting a family. And well, I’m late and I went to the store this morning and bought three, oh god, three pregnancies tests.”
Pedro hums a “mmhmm.”
“All positive Pedro. All three tests are positive.”
Pedro brushes his mouth against yours lightly then deeply. He pulls you up against him as his hands travel up and down your back. He pulls away breathlessly.
“Me and you are going to be parents?”
You smile as you try to regain your normal breathing pattern, “yes. You and I are going to be a mom and dad.”
“Means I’m able to tell the world?”
“May I tell everyone here? I’m too excited for this! I’m pumped to be a dad and start a family with you!”
You grin, “yes, you may tell everyone here.”
Pedro kisses you soundly then begins to walk away.
The door is still open to where you hear him exclaim, “I’m going to be a father!”
You laugh as you hear applause and cheers coming from the cast and crew. You know he’s ready to be a father.
Six months later
Pedro sits with Nichelle Turner from Entertainment Tonight. He’s in the middle of doing press for Wonder Woman 1984.
“Thank you for taking the time Pedro,” Nichelle remarks.
“You’re welcome!”
“Enjoy playing the bad guy for once?”
Pedro laughs, “I’ve played a bad guy before. But this time it’s in the D.C. universe. I’m happy to be a part of it, glad to have worked with Patty, Gal, Kristen, and Chris.”
“You have a little one on the way, know what you and Y/N are having?”
“We want it to be a surprise,” Pedro replies, “I want to know, need to know! I can’t wait till she, or he, is here! I think I’m happier about the pregnancy than Y/N is!”
“Sounds like you are wanting a daughter,” Nichelle retorts with a laugh.
Pedro shrugs, “I’ll be happy either way. Daughter or son.”
“Any late night runs? Or coffee runs for Y/N? Weird cravings you might find interesting?”
Pedro laughs, “she might have me get In-N-Out at weird times or ask for certain combinations of food when we go out for dinner. She’s ready for the baby to be here. So am I, but, uh, just watching the life inside of her grow is amazing. She’s beautiful, glowing. I can’t get enough of her.”
“I know you’ll love being a father, especially since you play a single dad on The Mandalorian,” Nichelle jokes.
Pedro raises his eyebrows and laughs, “well it’s not a puppet this go around. And yes, I’m going to love being a father.”
“Alright Pedro, thanks again!” Nichelle smiles.
Pedro smiles in return, “you’re welcome!”
Pedro walks into the house you and he live in on the outskirts of Hollywood. He has an In-N-Out bag in his hand because of the text you had sent to him. He replied telling you it wasn’t a problem and he’ll grab your favorite burger on the way home.
Pedro begins humming his favorite song by Fleetwood Mac as he places the bag on the kitchen counter. He then walks further into the house towards the bedroom.
“Will you calm down?” You sigh frustratedly. “Your dad is bringing home the food.”
Pedro smiles as he opens the bedroom door wider. He stops as he watches you apply lotion to your swollen baby. He hardens as he thinks about having more than one kid, maybe a basketball team worth. He’s enjoyed watching your body during the pregnancy.
The swelling belly, your breasts getting larger. You are beautiful, glowing, amazing. He wasn’t lying in the interview. And he couldn’t keep his hands off you.
Pedro moans loudly as his cock aches to be inside of you.
You look towards the door, “where’s the food?”
Pedro smiles, “in the kitchen.”
You sigh as you continue rubbing lotion on your belly, “seriously?”
Pedro walks into the room and kneels on the bed. He begins rubbing your stomach, helping you rub in the lotion.
“Well, I thought you’d be waiting in the kitchen, but here I find you in our bed. Rubbing lotion on your belly, turning me on. Wanting more kids, wanting to get you pregnant again and again.”
“One is enough,” you moan as you Pedro’s hands rub your belly.
“Two?” Pedro asks as he dips his head and nuzzles your neck.
“One,” you sigh contently as you run your fingers through his hair.
“Three?” Pedro runs his hands down your belly then palms your core. He grins against your skin as he finds you hot and wet.
Pedro moves his mouth down over your belly, kissing your skin softly.
“Pedro,” you moan as you feel his mouth move over the curve of your swollen belly and further south.
Pedro pushes your legs part and dips his head, “maybe I could persuade you mi amor?”
You bite your lip and moan loudly as you feel Pedro’s tongue lick up your folds. You feel his fingers opening them then his tongue against your clit.
“Fu—oh—Pedro,” you moan as you arch your back.
Pedro moves his tongue against your clit. He moans as he hears you suck in a breath. He knows you’re biting your lip and grasping at the sheets as your orgasm builds inside of you.
“Oh—Ped—Pedro,” you moan loudly as your orgasm crests inside of you quickly.
Your orgasm makes your body tremble as you grasp the sheets under your body. You moan loudly as your toes curl and feel Pedro kiss your inner thighs.
Pedro moves his mouth slowly over your swollen belly as he inserts two fingers inside of you.
“Pedro,” you moan lowly.
“Y/N,” Pedro whispers as he withdraws his fingers and uses your juices to lather his hard cock.
He steps away from the bed and strips naked. His eyes roam over your body as he strokes himself slowly. He enjoys your belly swollen and larger breasts.
“I want more kids mi amor,” he moans lustfully. “I need to see you again like this.”
You look at him through hooded eyelids and lick your lips at seeing him stroking his cock. “Continue to persuade me Pedro.”
Pedro kneels on the bed between your open legs. He strokes his cock along your folds and enters you slowly inch by inch.
“Yes,” Pedro moans, “fuck yes.”
Your slick canal is tight, wet, and hot against his hard thick cock.
Pedro finds your hands and interlaces yours fingers with his as begins to thrust in and out of you slowly.
“Keep going Pedro,” you moan lowly as you feel his cock thrust in and out of you.
“Always mi amor,” Pedro arches his back as he continues thrusting in and out of you. His pace increasing as he feels his own orgasm build inside of him.
You arch your back and keep your fingers interlaced with Pedro’s. Your hormones are off the walls as you feel another orgasm inside of you rise.
Pedro’s thrusts become more rapid as he aches for release. Pedro looks down at you, he sees your Y/E/C eyes looking at him then sees you grin wickedly.
He smiles in return knowing he’s convinced you to have another kid.
Pedro moans lowly as he thrusts into you and explodes. He thrusts again as he empties all of himself inside of your slick canal.
Your own orgasm causes you to grasp Pedro’s fingers as your body trembles.
Pedro’s mouth is against yours as he pulls you on your side up against him. His fingers run through your hair then down your body.
He pulls away breathlessly, “did I convince you mi amor?”
You smile, “you’re always able to convince me Pedro. One more kid. We stop at two.”
Pedro grins as he holds you close.
We’ll see about that, he thinks as you both drift off to sleep.
Tags: @pascalisthepunkest, @kaelyn-lobrutto24, @ezraslittlebirdie, @knight-of-heart44, @jokersdoll, @cosmo-bear, @caitlincat-95, @random066, @readsalot73, @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead, @longitud-de-onda, @arrowswithwifi, @stardust-and-starlight, @bonkybaaarnes, @halefirewarrior, @earl-01​, @x-wingwarriorbbpoe8
393 notes · View notes
fardell24b · 4 years
Quinn’s Code - The Lab Mouse, the Geek and the Convention
Instalment 6: The Lab Mouse - the Geek and the Convention
Monday, November 21, 2005
Lawndale High School
The sophomore Biology class was in session, with Lawndale High's head Science teacher, Janet Barch, teaching.
“And like a husband going home to his noble and self-sacrificing wife, the rat keeps returning to the food box. That is, the positive reinforcement.” She then turned to her misandry. “Huh, if only men could be more like rats. Oh, sure, they come home at first. You feed them, you wait on them, and then, after twenty-two thankless years, they just up and leave. No note, no phone call, no nothing!” She slammed the ruler on the desk. “Just... like... that!”
 “I wonder why he left,” Daria Morgendorffer said to her friend, Jennifer Burns.
 “Now, before I divide the class into teams of two, who can give me another example of reinforcement?” Ms. Barch paused. “Fine, class. Ignore me... just like he did! Kevin?”
 “Uh?” Kevin Thompson drew out.
 “Shut up, Kevin,” Ms. Barch said, her misandry at full intensity. She turned to Daria. “Daria? Reinforcement?”
 “Hmm...” Daria began. “To make a child stop crying, a mother might say, ‘That's it! I'm sending you to El Paso to live with your real father.’ Whenever the child gets upset, the mother might wave an airline ticket in her face, or maybe even frame it on the wall by the clown picture. The ticket stops the girl from crying, or showing any emotion... ever.”
 Jennifer looked at Daria. 'Is that right?'
 “I like the way you think. Kevin... Daria will be your lab partner.”
 'Uh, oh!' Jennifer thought.
 “What!” Kevin's girlfriend, Brittany Taylor, shrieked.
 “You two will design a maze, and condition Kevin,” Ms. Barch said, then she quickly recovered from her almost faux pas. “I mean, condition a mouse using positive or negative reinforcement.”
 “But babe, we've never been separated on a lab project before! What'll we do?” Kevin wondered.
 “Pass? “ Daria asked.
 Jennifer chuckled in amusement.
 “Brittany, Charles will be your partner.”
 “But Ms. Barch, I'm a cheerleader!” Brittany squeaked in protest.
 “Give me an 'R.'” Charles Ruttheimer III, aka Upchuck, said suggestively.
 “I really like doing mazes. Those ones on the back of cereal boxes are cool,” Kevin said.
 “Well, now I am excited,” Daria said.
 “Shut up, Mack!” Ms. Barch said.
 Michael 'Mack' Mackenzie raised his eyebrows in surprise.
 “Ms. Burns will be your partner,” Ms. Barch said.
 'Cool, I can deal with that.' he thought.
 “Cool,” Jennifer said.
  “So, now Kevin's my lab partner,” Daria said at lunch.
 “Next best thing to working alone,” Jane said.
 “Oh, no. He likes mazes,” Daria said.
 “I'd swap if Ms. Barch would let us,” Jennifer said.
 “Mack's not that bad,” Jane said.
 “I'm not complaining. I've worked with him before, although that was years ago,” Jennifer said as she started to reminisce.
4 years earlier
Younger Jennifer and Mack working on a project in Jennifer's living room...
 They were collaborating on a design for a future city.
“So we put the hospital here?” Mack asked.
 Jennifer merely nodded.
 “Cool,” Mack said. He drew the hospital, slightly embellished.
 Jennifer gave a thumbs up.
 “So, should there be a park near the hospital?”
 They continued their work.
“Good times,” Jennifer said quietly.
 “Cool,” Jane said. She turned back to Daria. “Maybe you could get a wind up toy to distract him,” she said.
 “His wind-up toy is working with Upchuck,” Daria said.
 “That is definitely unfair for her,” Jennifer murmured.
 “Certainly,” Jane said.
 Kevin came up to the trio. “Hey, Daria. Mind if we do the maze thing at your house? My cable's broken.”
 Daria began to get a calculating look on her face.
 'She's up to something,' Jennifer thought.
 “Sure,” Daria said.
 “Cool!” Kevin said.
 Jane looked at Daria. “You have a plan, don't you?”
 Daria shrugged.
 “Of course you do,” Jane said.
  Helen Morgendorffer clicked off the TV. “Daria, I heard you're working with Kevin Thompson on a science project. He's quarterback of the football team, isn't he?”
 Daria remained silent and looked at Quinn.
 “Brittany was crying in the girl’s room,” Quinn said.
 “Isn't he?” Helen asked.
 “Yes,” Daria said.
 “Science is fascinating. Tell me all about it, honey.”
 “I can't. I signed a confidentiality paper. The other scientists would be mad,” Daria said.
 Helen sighed. She turned to Quinn. “Oh, forget it. Quinn, how was your weekend?”
 “It was awesome! Cindy and I totally pwnd all the guys in Halo and Age of Empires, and then the rest of the games were pretty even...”
 Helen interrupted. “Daria, please tell me about the project.”
 Daria sighed. “It's about how behavior is affected by positive or negative reinforcement.”
 “Sounds super,” Helen said.
 “Like... say, you have a friend who responds to everything you say with, "‘That's great!’ This insincere reply is the same whether you saved a life or killed a bug, and thus becomes ‘negative reinforcement,’ causing you to withdraw from that person or persons,” Daria said.
 “Wow. That's fantastic!”
 Daria rolled her eyes.
 “Maybe if you and Kevin work well together, he'll associate you with feeling good and want to include you in his circle of friends,” Helen said.
 'I don't think so, Mom,' Quinn thought.
 Daria just ignored Helen.
 “Maybe I'll help with the project. I'm into science,” Quinn said.
 “Quinn, that's great!”
 “Quinn, I don't need your nerdiness in doing my project,” Daria said.
 “Dar-i-a! I've told you many times. I'm not a nerd! I'm a geek! There's like a rather large difference,” Quinn said with annoyance.
 “Not from where I sit,” Daria said.
 Helen sighed, recognising the start of one of her daughters' many arguments.
 However the doorbell rang interrupting the belligerence.
 “Door!” Quinn said as she went towards it.
 The phone rang.
 “Phone!” Helen said.
  Quinn opened the door. “Hey, Kevin,” she said.
 “Hi, Quinn. Hey, Daria, I'm ready to start this maze thing,” Kevin said.
 “I'll be helping, Let's go,” Quinn said.
 “Sure,” Kevin said.
 However, Daria had a distraction in mind. She turned on the TV. “Look, Kevin: the Pigskin Channel. Great big guys slamming into other great big guys. Fun.”
 “Cool!” Kevin said.
 “The Pigskin Channel! Classic football games 24 hours a day -- every day, all this month.”
 “I guess it's just you and me. Got your saw and sandpaper?”
 “Sure,” Quinn said. She looked at Kevin totally engrossed in the Pigskin Channel. 'There's no way I can get his attention away from that without turning off the TV, or changing the channel.'
 “Good play!” Kevin said.
  Daria and Quinn entered the garage from the dining room. “So you have a plan for the maze?” Quinn asked.
 “Of course,” Daria said.
 “Good,” Quinn said.
 Daria went over to where she had placed the pieces of wood.
  Mack pulled his white Valiant up in front of a small two story house, with a ramshackle yard. He got out, walked to the door and knocked on it. Jennifer soon came to the door. “Hi, come in,” she said quietly.
 “Hi, Jen, could we start on the project tonight?” he asked.
 “Sure,” Jennifer said. She led him towards the garage...
   Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Once again, Kevin Thompson arrived at the Morgendorffer's house. “Hi, Kev, my man,” Jake Morgendorffer said as he met Kevin at the door.
 “Hi, Mr. Morgendorffer, is Daria home?”
 “She's here; she's up in her room. Daria! Your friend is here!”
  Daria was up in her room, and on the phone. “So you and Mack, have been friends a long time then?”
 “Since early grade school,” Jennifer said.
 “That's a long time,” she said.
 “I guess so,” Jennifer said.
 Daria then heard her father call out that Kevin was there. “Daria! Your friend is here!”
 “Sorry, I have to go, Kevin is here,” she said.
 “Good luck.”
 “Thanks, bye.” Daria hung up and then went downstairs.
 “Hi, Kevin,” Daria said as she came down the stairs.
 “So, am I helping with the maze thing, or watching the Pigskin Channel?”
 “Watching the Pigskin Channel.”
 “Are you sure, Daria?” Jake asked.
 “I don't need his help,” Daria said as she turned on the TV.
 “Oh,” Jake said.
 Daria then headed towards the garage, out the front door.
  Quinn entered the living room from the kitchen, carrying snacks for her friends. She saw her father and Kevin watching a football game on the TV. 'Isn't he supposed to be helping Daria?' She had helped Daria with building the maze the previous night but she didn't want to do it again. “Kevin?”
 No response.
 Still no response.
 Again, no response.
 Quinn changed tack. “Daddy?”
 “What is it, Quinn? I'm watching this game.”
 “Why is Kevin watching the TV and not helping Daria?”
 “She asked him to,” Jake said as he scratched his chin.
 “Of course she did,” Quinn realised.
 Jake turned back to the TV. “Wait a minute, I don't remember that!”
 “It happened, Mr. M.”
 Quinn sighed.
  Quinn re-entered her room and placed the platter of snacks on the table next to the computers.
 “Oh, that Daria!” she exclaimed.
 “What's up with her this time?” Kristen Bell asked.
 “She's not allowing Kevin to help her with the lab project!”
 “Did she give a reason?” Cindy Brolsma asked.
 “She says that he would interfere with what she's doing and give her a bad mark!'
 “Maybe you could ask her if she could find him something he can do and still contribute to the project,” Cindy said.
 “I will think about it,” Quinn thought. 'If only I can find a way to ask her that won't lead to an argument...'
 “Anyhow, you're ready for the convention this weekend?” Kristen asked.
 “Yes, my Ichigo costume is almost ready,” Quinn said.
 “Crossplay?” Kirsten asked.
 “No, Kristen, Tokyo Mew Mew, not Bleach!” Quinn said with a nervous laugh.
 “Sorry,” Kristen said as Cindy laughed.
 “So, are you coming?” Quinn asked.
 “Certainly,” Cindy said.
 “I'm coming,” Kristen said.
 “It's going to be great!”
   Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Kevin arrived at Schloss Morgendorffer a third time. “Hi again, Kevin, watching the Pigskin Channel again?” Jake asked.
 “Of course, Mr. M,” Kevin said.
 “Cool,” Jake said.
  Quinn had seen Kevin park his Jeep from her bedroom window. She grabbed her cell phone.
  Jennifer and Mack were in Jennifer's garage, training the mouse. Jennifer's phone rang. Jennifer dropped the mouse in surprise. “Where did it go?” she asked.
 “I'll look for it whilst you talk,” Mack said.
 “Thanks,” Jennifer said. She pressed the answer button. “Hi.”
 “Hi, Jennifer?”
 “It's Quinn.”
 “I know, what are you calling about?”
 “It's about Daria, and Kevin. She's not letting him participate in their lab project!”
 “Have you talked to her about it?” Jennifer asked; she didn't want to broach the subject with Daria.
 “Not yet,” Quinn said.
 “Talk to her about it; see if she could give him something for him to do.”
 “Yeah, Cindy said something similar.”
 “Good. Anyway I have to go, the mouse is being difficult.”
 “How can a mouse be difficult?”
 “You don't want to know, bye.”
 Jennifer put the phone in her pocket. She turned to Mack. “I'll help, don't want it getting into my food...”
  Quinn hung up after her conversation with Jennifer. 'I guess I would have to talk to Daria after all,' she thought as she went to her closet to get out her so-far-incomplete costume for the convention.
  Brittany finished filing Upchuck's disgusting magazines. 'I don't want to touch them ever again!' She went back to the Rutthiemer's garage.
“Ok, I have finished filing your magazines!”
 “There are more chores I have in mind for you, otherwise...”
  Hours later, Jennifer collapsed into bed, exhausted. She and Mack had been unable to find the mouse...
    Friday November 24, 2005
Kevin arrived at Schloss Morgendorffer a fourth time (as Daria didn't want him over on Thanksgiving). “Hey, buddy, let's watch a re-run of Superbowl XXXII!” Jake said.
 “Sure, thing, Mr. M.”
  Quinn entered the garage from the dining room. She saw Daria training the mouse. “Daria, we need to talk.”
 “About what, Quinn?”
 “Could you possibly find something for Kevin to do and still contribute to the project?”
 “What do you mean, 'No'?”
 “Exactly what I said, Quinn. There is no way in which Kevin can contribute in a meaningful way.”
 “You're underestimating him.”
 “I'm not!”
 “Surely, if he can be a quarterback, he can follow simple instructions!”
 “He would mess it up!”
 “Are you sure?”
 “Yes! Damn it! Remember, I'm in some of his classes, and I observe that he's incapable of taking in the simplest of information!”
 “All I'm saying is, give him a chance!”
 Daria and Quinn continued arguing.
  After a few minutes the two sisters stopped their argument. “What is it to you anyway?” Daria asked.
 “Kevin deserves to be treated better than the way you treated that duo back in Highland.”
 “He is being treated better!”
 Daria watched Quinn leave the garage, heading back towards the living room through the dining room. 'Now I have to find a way to include him,' she thought. It wasn't often that Daria conceded that Quinn was right.
  Elsewhere, Brittany was tired of running errands for Upchuck. “Ooh!” She entered the Rutthiemer's garage. “Okay, I shined your spoon collection, filed your disgusting magazines and finished your shopping.” She pushed some of the shopping into Upchuck's arms. 'I wanted to do my own shopping on Black Friday!' “Can I go now?”
 Upchuck put the shopping down on a bench and took out a jar of honey. “I'm sorry, Brittany, but I specifically said I wanted the honey that comes in a bear, not a jar.”
 “Ooh! You, you... weasel!”
 “"And remember, Kevin, it was the week that you two had broken up, so I don't think you should be too angry with... Back-Seat Brittany."”
 “Ooh!” Brittany stalked away. 'This has to stop! Kevie isn't staying at the Morgendorffer Temptresses house any more!'
  Over at the Burns Residence, Mack and Jennifer were still searching for their mouse.
  Brittany approached the Morgendorffer's house as the sun was beginning to set. 'I will sneak in, grab the mouse and then get away,' she thought.
  Brittany came up to the side of the house and looked into the garage. It was empty. The mouse was just waiting in the maze for her to grab it! She tried the side door, next to the window. Locked! She edged along to the sliding door and looked into the kitchen. Perfect! The kitchen was deserted. “Yes!” She said. She then heard a noise above.
 She heard Daria saying “Who's there?”
 'Oops!' Brittany thought. She leaned against the kitchen door, so as to not be seen by Daria. 'Of course her room has to be on this side of the house!' She waited a few moments before opening the kitchen door.
She opened it a bit. It made a noise, as the ball bearings did their thing. “Eep!” She stopped. After a few moments she restarted opening the door. Slowly and slightly lifting it so as to not have so many bearings making noise...
 Having opened the door a quarter of the way, she then tried to slip into the house...
 However, there was a problem: Her chest. Or more accurately, the large amount of padding in her bra. “O-ooh!” 'Of course!' She then pushed the door open further, a few bearings rolled. She paused, no noise, other than that of the Pigskin Channel in the living room. 'Right!' she thought. She squeezed through. There was pressure on her chest, but no worse than what she had subjected herself to at the beginning of puberty.
 Brittany; having squeezed through the door, fell sideways into the kitchen. She quickly put her leg out and ended up doing the splits next to the table. She quickly got up and looked around the kitchen. 'Now, which door goes to the garage?' she thought. She tried the first door. Dining Room.
Second door. Downstairs bathroom, and stairs down to the basement. “OK...” She went back to the Dining Room. She then saw an extra pair of doors opposite to the kitchen. Brittany smiled.
  The cheerleader entered the garage. She grabbed a box which lay near the door and approached the maze. “Now don't say a word,” she said. She grabbed the mouse, which bit her hand. “Ouch! You icky, little... animal!” She trapped the mouse in the box. “Now, you Morgendorffer Temptresses. You are going to need a new excuse if you want to drag my Kevin over here now.” She quickly let herself out via the side door...
  Daria came downstairs to investigate the noises that she had heard. She saw the sliding door slightly open. 'Uh, oh!'
 Daria ran into the garage, she saw that the side door was open, that one of the boxes was missing and that the mouse was no longer in the maze. “Oh no!”
  Quinn was playing Guild Wars when Daria slammed open the door to the room. Quinn turned from the computer. “What is it, Daria?”
 “The mouse is missing!”
 “I'm surprised as you are, Daria.”
 “You're saying that you had nothing to do with it?”
 “Exactly,” Quinn said.
 Daria could see that Quinn was telling the truth. “Great! Now I have to ask Kevin.”
 Quinn smirked as she turned back to the online game. She knew that Daria was in for a tough time.
  Daria came downstairs and flicked off the TV in the middle of a play. “Hey! I was watching that!”
 “I have some bad news, Kevin.”
 “What's so bad that you had to turn off the TV?”
 “Listen, our mouse is gone.”
 “Without the mouse, we fail, and we won't have time to train a new one.”
 “Bummer, I wish there was something I could do, but what?”
 “Did you take it?”
 “What? I haven't been in the garage!”
 “I see,” Daria said.
  Brittany arrived home and carried the box with the mouse in it to her brother's bedroom. As always she dreaded entering that place, with its weird smells and weird décor. She opened the door slowly and walked over to where her brother was sitting at his desk. He got up making the chair fall back. “Hi, Britt!” Brian Taylor said.
 “Don't let this mouse out of your sight, okay?” Brittany asked as she handed Brian the box.
 “Sure,” Brian said in an unnerving tone.
 “Look after it!” Brittany said as she turned and left the room. She didn't notice the evil smile on her brothers face...
  At the Burn's house, there was a clattering as Mack dug through bits and pieces of old furniture in the garage.
 Jennifer sighted something running out from behind an old television. She leapt for it and grabbed it. “Yay,” she said.
 “You've got it?”
 Jennifer nodded.
 “Finally,” Mack said in relief.
 Jennifer placed it back in the maze. “But now we only have the remaining three days to train it!” she said.
 “True, but I bet yesterday was tense,” Mack said.
 “We had Thanksgiving at a relatives house,” Jennifer said.
 “That makes sense.”
  Daria re-entered her room. 'I need to find out who took that mouse.' She opened her closet and took out a notebook. 'Time for investigating,' she thought.
 She started writing out a list of suspects.
  Brittany Taylor
Charles Rutthiemer
  Later that night, Quinn put the finishing touches on her convention costume. “Done!” she said.
   Saturday, November 25, 2005
Early in the morning, Cindy and Kristen approached the Morgendorffers house. “This is going to be a great convention,” Cindy said.
 “So you say,” Kristen said. She had heard Cindy and Quinn go on and on about it for the last week, along with Quinn's complaints about Daria's treatment of Kevin.
 “You are going to enjoy it, just wait,” Cindy said as she pressed the Morgendorffer's doorbell.
 “Of course,” Kristen said with a sigh.
  Quinn heard the doorbell as she came down the stairs. She drew the coat around her as reached the bottom and went to the door.
 “Hello, Cindy, Kristen,” she said nervously.
 “Hi Quinn, you're ready?” Cindy asked.
 “Yeah,” Quinn said, running her hand through the chin length wig, and still showing nerves in her voice.
 “Show it,” Kristen said with a smirk.
 “OK, but I'll put the coat back on until we get there,” Quinn said. She dropped the coat to the floor, revealing a Mew Ichigo costume, complete with a replica of Mew Ichigo's weapon, hanging on Quinn's right hip.
 “Cool,” Kristen said.
 “Very cool,” Cindy said as she pulled the door closed behind her.
 “Um, yeah. I'm not used to showing this much skin,” Quinn said.
 “Well, there shouldn't be too much trouble at the convention,” Kristen said.
 “True, but I hope that Upchuck wouldn't be there.”
 “I wouldn't worry about that. Apparently he has been annoying Brittany all week,” Cindy said.
 Quinn picked up her coat and put it back on. “Yeah.” she said. “Let's go.”
  Daria knocked on the door at Jane's house. After a few minutes, Jane answered it. “Daria? Don't you know what time this is?”
 “Time to search for the lab mouse whilst there is plenty of weekend left,” Daria said.
 “Couldn't you have gone to Jen's first?” Jane said with a yawn.
 “You're closer,” Daria said.
 “True,” Jane said as she moved aside to let her friend in.
  Ten minutes later, after Jane had put some caffeine in her system, she pondered the situation that Daria was drawing them into. “So, you want me to help you and Jennifer get the mouse back from Brittany even though you're not entirely sure that it was Brittany who took it?”
 “Yes,” Daria said.
 “Let me get the polaroid and I'll join you,” Jane said.
 “If nothing else, I can stop you from getting too 'rash' with her.”
 Daria grumbled.
  Quinn, Cindy and Kristen arrived at the convention.
 Lawndale County Bi-Annual Anime Convention 2005
 They got out their tickets as they came to the door.
 “Quinn Morgendorffer.”
 “Cindy Brolsma.”
 “Kristen Bell.”
  They entered the main hall and saw that a great many people had already arrived. “I didn't realise that Anime was this popular in Lawndale,” Kristen said.
 “I think most of the people may have come from Oakwood, Middlebury or other nearby towns,” Cindy said.
 “That would make sense. They may have come from Baltimore too,” Kristen said.
“Yeah,” Quinn said as she doffed her coat and handed it to Kristen.
 Kristen took the coat and put it on. She said aside to Cindy. “She's going to be a center of attention, isn't she?”
 “I don't doubt it.”
 They then approached a nearby Astroboy exhibit.
Laughing, Quinn, Cindy and Kristen rounded a corner. “Hi, Jenna,” Quinn said.
“Hi, Quinn. That's an amazing costume,” Jenna Schwartz said in admiration.
“Thanks. I made it myself.”
That took Jenna aback. “Wow, you sew really well,” she said.
“I'd like to improve though, part of the costume itches.”
“It's still rather good,” Jenna said.
Quinn smiled.
Quinn, Cindy and Kristen came to a makeshift booth. “Tatiana?” Quinn asked.
“Hi, Quinn, Kristen, Cindy. Would you like copies of my fan fiction?” Tatiana Olivova asked, holding out a stapled printout of fanfic.
“Of what is the fanfic?” Quinn asked.
“This is a Ranma fic in which the Saotomes never go to Jusenko, but the Tendos do,” Tatiana said excitedly.
“Ranma, no way!” Kristen said, slightly creeped out.
“Let me guess, Akane is hit with the reverse of Ranma's curse?” Quinn asked, wariness and scepticism showing in her voice.
Tatiana glared at Kristen before answering Quinn. “Yes! How did you guess?”
“I've started to read fics like that before. It's hardly original,” Quinn snarked.
“Oh, then this,” Tatiana said, putting the AU Ranma fic down. She picked another, smaller, fanfic paper up. “A one shot One Piece fic set shortly after the Alabaster arc.”
Quinn took it. “It had better be well written,” she said.
“I have a beta reader,” Tatiana said in response.
“Good,” Quinn said.
“You have other One Piece fics?” Cindy asked.
“Yes,” Tatiana said, she handed Cindy another fic. “An AU from the Alabaster arc, in which Chopper doesn't join the Straw Hats.”
“I'm not that familiar with One Piece. I wouldn't appreciate it,” Cindy said.
“Oh,” Tatiana said. “Good point.” She accepted the One Piece fic back from Cindy and soon handed her another fic. “A one shot Sailor Moon fic set in the first season,” she said.
“That will do,” Cindy said with a smile.
“And you Kristen?” Tatiana asked eagerly.
“I'm only familiar with Pokemon,” she said sheepishly. She glanced at Quinn. “And half the first season of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex.”
“Oh,” Tatiana said. “I'm afraid I don't write fic for the former. And I haven't printed out my Ghost in the Shell fics.”
“That's ok,” Kristen said, relieved.
“By the way, Quinn. Your Mew Ichigo cosplay is quite convincing.”
Quinn, Cindy and Kristen took their leave from Tatiana's booth. “She's actually rather good,” Cindy said as she glanced over the fanfic that she had been given.
“Really?” Quinn asked.
“Well,” Cindy said slightly uncertainly. “Her writing's good at least, and her characterisation of Usagi.”
Kristen pondered “Then again, it's not that hard to characterise Usagi correctly.”
“Not true,” Quinn said. “There's more to her than her tendency to burst into tears.”
“Quinn's right,” Cindy said as they turned a corner and came to a Ghost in the Shell booth.
“Cool,” Quinn said as she noticed that booth...
At the convention, there was trouble! “What do you mean it's bad. It's well written!” Tatiana objected.
“Look here,” a Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan, (or fanatic) said, pointing at a place in one of Tatiana's Yu-Gi-Oh! fics. “This is completely out of character!”
Tatiana grabbed the paper out of the fan's hand. “How is it out of character. How is it out of character?” she asked.
“Kaiba would never act altruistically towards Yugi in that manner!”
“Oh, that! It's been established in this series that his parents didn't die when he and his brother were children,” Tatiana explained.
“It's part of a series!? I thought it was a oneshot,” the fan said. He looked the beginning of the story over again.
“No, it's in a series.”
“It doesn't say it's in a series.”
“Well, it is. The rest of it is on fanfiction.net if you want to have a look.”
“I don't want to have a look!”
“If you don't like it, give it back,” Tatiana demanded. She made a move for the paper in the fan's hand.
“NO! I'M NOT!” The fan's shouting brought the attention of nearby convention goers, including Jenna and Koichi.
“That won't end well,” Jenna said in embarrassment. Koichi nodded.
The fan grabbed the fic papers on both side and started ripping it up. “HEY!” Tatiana exclaimed. She placed her hands on her hips. “Do you know how much printer ink costs!” she objected. The fan continued ripping it up.
“I know, its a complete waste of ink, and paper!” the fan said, as he scattered the pieces about. “Let's see what else you have here...”
“Oh no you don't!” Tatiana growled as she stared the other person in the eye.
“I will!” the fan said as he grabbed another fic...
“What?” Cindy said, confused.
“What?” Quinn asked, turning from a fan artist's booth.
“Look!” Cindy said pointing.
Quinn looked in the direction where Cindy was pointing, and saw Tatiana struggling against a security guard whom was escorting her out of the convention. “Oh dear! Looks like someone didn't like her fanfics,” she said.
“Most likely, but why is she the one who's being thrown out?” Kristen asked.
“She overreacted?” Cindy wondered.
'That's likely,' Quinn thought.
Tatiana was pushed out of the doors of the convention center. “You can't ban me from Lawndale Anime Conventions for life!” she exclaimed.
“Not for life. Another four years. Until you're an adult,” the security guard said.
“This is outrageous! I wasn't at fault!”
“No, but you caused a disturbance.”
“It still wasn't my fault!” Tatiana objected with her arms crossed.
Tatiana sat boredly outside the convention hall. 'This is tedious!' she thought. She wished she had a yo-yo or something. She had already re-read what remained of her print-outs many times.  “I shouldn't have been thrown out,” she murmured for the umpteenth time.
Mack's full Valiant pulled up  pulled up outside a modestly sized white house with a clean yard. Daria, Jane and Jennifer had enlisted Mack and Lisa Fisher on their search for Brittany and the mouse. Brittany hadn't been at Lisa's house, nor at Angie Zammit's or Nikki Dowlings.
They noticed a few other cars. “Donna's older brother seems to haven't gone back to College yet,” Lisa said.
“Thanksgiving may not have been enough,” Jane said with a shrug.
“I guess so,” Daria said.
Lisa rang the doorbell. A modestly dressed middle-aged blonde woman answered the door.  “Hi, Mrs. Bolton, is Donna home?” Lisa asked.
“Yes, Lisa. She's up in her room. Come in and I'll get her,” Donna's mother said.
“Thanks,” Lisa said.
“The others can come in too,” Mrs. Bolton said.
“Cool,” Jane said. As soon as Donna's mother had turned, Jane lifted the polaroid and took a picture.
Lisa glared at Jane. “That's not a good idea,” she whispered as she stepped inside.
“For use in an artwork,” Jane explained.
“I guess so,” Lisa said, uncertainly. She had heard from various other classmates that Ms. Defoe considered Jane to be very good.
A minute later, Donna entered the living room. “Hi, what brings you here, Lisa, Mack?”
 “Actually it was Daria,” Mack said.
 “I was wondering if you knew where Brittany is?” Daria asked.
 Donna looked uncomfortable. “Brittany? Actually, she's in my room,” she admitted.
 “She is?” Daria got up and headed to the stairs where Donna had come down.
 “Wait, Daria,” Jane said. She and Jennifer also got up.
 Daria waited at the foot of the stairs for her two friends to catch up. “Wait, which room is yours?” Daria said when she realized that she wouldn't know which room Brittany would be in.
  “I'm not telling you,” Donna said with her hands on her hips. “I'll go get her.”
 “I'll wait,” Daria said as she went back to her seat.
  Donna returned to her room, where Brittany was gazing out the window. “Brittany? What did you do to annoy that Daria girl?”
 “Annoy her!” Brittany squeaked. “She was stealing my Kevvy!” She paused. “Why?”
 Donna gave her a look. “You may have been worried about Upchuck, but she's here.”
 Brittany sat down. “Tell her I'm not here!”
 “She's already knows that you're here,” Donna said.
 “You told her, didn't you?”
Donna came down. “Brittany doesn't want to see you,” she said to Daria.
 “She doesn't? Then I'll stay here until she changes her mind.”
 “If Brittany doesn't want to see you, she doesn't want to see you.”
 “I'm still staying here. Go and tell her that.”
 Jennifer placed her hand on Daria's shoulder. “I think that is not a good idea.”
 Daria was stubborn. “Maybe not, but she entered my house and took something that wasn't hers. I would rather talk to her, than involve the police.” She turned back to Donna. “Tell her that too.”
 Donna sighed. “Would you really do that?”
 “Only if I had no other choice,” Daria replied.
 Donna thought for a moment. “I will tell Brittany that.”
 “Good,” Daria said.
Brittany saw Donna come back into the room. “Is she gone?”
 Donna gave a sympathetic look. “She won't leave until she talks to you. She also said that you took something from her house and that she would go to the police about it if you don't talk to her.”
 Brittany's eyes opened wide. “The Police? Eep!”
 “What did you take from the Morgendorffer's house?”
 “A mouse. But it was so that Daria would stay away from Kevin.”
“I see,” Donna said. 'Brittany, Brittany, Brittany, he's not worth it,' she thought.
 Brittany looked down. “Kevvy ignored me!” she said forgetting to say that the Pigskin Channel was responsible, not Daria.
 “Still, talk to Daria.”
 Brittany sighed, and got up. “I'm ready.”
Brittany came down the stairs after Donna. “I'm here, Daria. I'm not sorry that I took that stupid little animal!”
 Daria's voice was low. “I know why you would take it, but I'm not after Kevin.”
 “You are!”
 “I am not. You can have him. He's only over at my house because Ms. Barch put us together on the science project. The same reason why you're working with Upchuck.”
 Brittany twirled her hair in thought. “That's true. I would still have the problems with Upchuck though,.”
 Daria, Jane and Jennifer exchanged a look. Why would Brittany still have a problem with Upchuck if they weren't working together? “Right,” Jane said with an eyebrow raised.
 Daria turned the conversation back to her intent. “I would like that mouse back!”
 “I don't have it here!” Brittany projected.
 “Of course not,” Jennifer murmured.
 “I know you wouldn't have it here. I hope you didn't let it go,” Daria said, her face in Brittany's.
 Brittany glared back. “What do you think I am? Stupid? I gave it to my brother!”
 Jane stepped next to Daria and looked at Brittany. “How do you know that he didn't let it go?”
 Brittany twirled her hair again. “He had better not, the little creep!”
 “Now. I'll give you a deal...” Daria began.
 Brittany interrupted. “What sort of deal?”
Daria shot back. “...You give me the mouse back, and you can have Kevin back.” She paused. “If we go to your house now.”
 “Upchuck might be there!”
 “That would be the least of your worries,” Daria said as she gave a disconcerting smile.
 Brittany flinched. “Oooh! We don't have to go now!” she said as she brandished a fist. Daria responded by grabbing the cheerleader by her shoulders.
 “Um, Daria, you don't want to do that!” Lisa warned.
 “We are going now,” Daria said.
 “No!” Brittany said, and promptly twisted Daria onto her back in a martial arts move. Daria leapt up and was promptly restrained by Jane and Jennifer.
 “You're good,” Daria said stubbornly.
 “Brittany, I think it would be wise to accept Daria's request,” Donna said. She didn't want the stand off happening in her living room to go on for much longer.
 Brittany then began to twirl her hair more intently than before.
  Mack's Valiant and Donna's Hyundai Elantra pulled up outside the Taylor mansion. Mack, Jane, Jennifer and Daria emerged from the Valiant. Brittany, Donna and Lisa from the Elantra. Brittany looked around nervously. 'He's not here,' she thought.
 “It looks as if no one's home,” Jane said.
 “I agree,” Jennifer said.
 “Time to go in,” Daria said.
 “Follow me,” Brittany said.
  Brittany opened Brian's door to find the creepy room deserted. “Here's not here,” She said after a moment.
 “Is your father or step-mother home?” Daria asked.
 “You're not going to tell them!” Brittany said.
 “I might,” Daria said in response.
 “O-ooh! I'm not going to say if they are or not!”
 “Are they or not?”
 Brittany remained unwilling to tell Daria if her father or Ashley-Amber were home. “Daria, I think it's best not to bring her parents into this,” Jane said.
 “Why not?”
“Brittany might accuse you of slander or something. Not in so many words of course,” Jane replied.
 “Of course.” Daria turned to Brittany. “I'm not going to tell them, but they may know where your brother is.”
 “I think they're here,” Brittany said.
  Brittany's father didn't have a clue, but Ashley-Amber told Brittany that Brian was seeing one of his friends.
“That's disappointing,” Jane said after Brittany had come downstairs and told them
 “We're not going to try to go around Brian's friend's places are we?” Donna asked.
 “The places he hangs out at; creepy,” Lisa said with a shudder.
 “Some are creepier than Andrea's,” Donna said.
 “And you would know this, how?” Jane asked with a raised eyebrow.
 “I had to accompany Brittany there to pick him up once,” Donna said.
 “And she had a sleepover at Andrea's in middle school,” Lisa said.
 “Never again,” Donna murmured.
 “Right,” Daria said.
“Brittany, there would be an address book somewhere?” Jennifer asked quietly.
 “Yes,” Brittany responded.
 “You know where it is?” Daria asked.
 “Yes,” Brittany replied.
  After Brittany had copied the details for Brian's friends as described in the address book (which they had borrowed from Steve), they left the Taylor residence heading towards the closest of those addresses.
Back at the Convention Quinn came back to Cindy and Kristen with a signed Manga. “Yes!” Quinn shouted. Kristen put her hands over her ears. “Cool,” she said sardonically.
 “What is it? Cindy asked excitedly.
 Quinn pointed to the katakana phrase on the cover of the manga. “Saibakanada no toraburu,” she said.
 “Huh?” Cindy asked.
 “Loosely translated: Cyber-Canadian Troubles,” Quinn said. “It's cyberpunk.”
 “Oh, so it's like Ghost in the Shell, except in Canada?” Kristen asked.
 “Wait, how can you read it if it's in Japanese?” Cindy asked. 'She would have mentioned it if she knew the language,' she thought.
 “I understand some symbols. Besides, Koichi knows it,” Quinn replied.
 “Cool,” Kristen said.
  Having not found Brian at other places, the Valiant and the Elantra pulled up in front of a run down townhouse in Lawndale Flats, a public housing estate on the north-eastern edge of town.
“Still think that place in Texas is worse?” Mack asked.
 “Yes,” Daria replied, having mentioned Highland earlier. She opened the door.
The young lady warily opened the door a crack, ensuring that the chain lock was in the correct position. She saw a large group of teens just outside. A girl with long auburn hair was glaring at her. “Hello, how can I help you?”
 “Is this the Mankin residence,” the auburn haired girl asked in a monotone.
 “Yes, it is,” the young lady said timidly. 
“Is someone named Brian Taylor here?”
 “No comment. Who's asking?”
 “I'm his sister!” a very perky blonde said in a high pitched voice.
 “Oh, but not everyone can come in, only about four of you at most. There isn't much room.”
  Brittany, Daria, Jane and Lisa entered the Mankin's rather spartan (and tiny) lounge/dining room behind the young mother. They could see that there wasn't much in the way of chairs.
 “Cal, Brian's sister is here,” Ms. Mankin called.
 “Coming, Mom,” was the reply. The sounds of a ruckus in the bedroom came through the wall.
 “Would you like anything?”
 “Soda would be nice,” Jane said. Lisa and Brittany nodded.
 “Water would be fine,” Daria said.
  Brian and his friend Cal emerged from the bedroom. “What are you doing here, Brit?” he asked.
 “I would like the mouse back,” Brittany said.
 “She took it from me,” Daria explained.
 “It's not here!” Brian said with a disturbing smile.
 “What's going on?” Ms. Mankin asked, wanting to know what exactly was going on.
 Jane turned to Daria, who then explained, with some commentary by Lisa...
  “Let's see if I have this straight, Ms. Barch assigned Brian's sister's boyfriend to Daria, which caused Brian's sister to get jelous? And she then tries to stop her boyfriend from spending time with Daria by stealing the mouse from Daria's house? Is that right?” Ms. Mankin asked after some thought.
 “Yes,” Daria replied.
 “Pretty much,” Jane added.
 “It's rather stupid,” Ms. Mankin said.
 “I agree with that,” Daria said.
 “If only...” Ms. Mankin said briefly before stopping.
 “I realize that now,” Brittany said, with a slight shake of her head.
 “So, Brian, where is the mouse?” Ms. Mankin asked, wanting to get to the point. 'I hope he hasn't done something to it...' she thought.
“Not here!”
 “Clearly!” Ms. Mankin said with her arms over her chest, and glaring at Brian. He smiled. 'He's creepier than ever!'
 “It's at home!” Brian said.
 “It's not in your room!” Brittany said.
 Brian smiled again. “It's in the basement.”
 'There's something strange about the way he's smiling,' Daria thought. “We definitely didn't look there. Let's go,” she said.
 “I agree,” Jane said.
 “Sure,” Brittany said.
 “You want to take Brian with you?” Ms. Mankin asked.
 “Yes,” Brittany said.
 “Bye, Cal.”
 “Bye, Brian,” Cal said quietly.
  The group left the townhouse. “So, we have Brian?” Mack asked.
 “Yes, the mouse is apparently in their basement,” Lisa said.
 “Let's go,” Mack said.
 “Sure,” Donna said.
The two cars then arrived back at the Taylor's mansion, after driving across Lawndale, 20 minutes later.
 Brian and Brittany went down to the basement. Shortly afterwards, Brittany emerged from the basement carrying a box, the same box that she had taken from the Morgendorffer's garage. “It's in here, Daria,” Brittany said.
 “I wonder why,” Jane said.
“Good,” Daria said as she snatched the box away. She opened the box and looked at the mouse. “Of course.”
“What?” Jane asked. Jennifer repeated her question with an enquiring look. Daria showed them the mouse. “Oh! That creep!”
 “He obviously did something,” Jennifer said quietly.
 Daria closed the box.”Thanks for your help,” she said to Mack and the cheerleaders.
 “You're welcome,” Mack said.
 “Time to go,” Daria directed.
 “Sure,” Jane said.
  However, when Daria opened the door, she found Upchuck on the doorstep. “Ms. Morgendorffer, I know Brittany's here.”
 “What is it to you? I'm sure that you have your project well in hand.”
 “Indeed I do, but I need some input from her. Ms. Barch will fail us otherwise.”
 Daria could see the truth in that statement. However something was 'off' about Upchuck's demeanour. “What aren't you saying?” she asked.
 “Who cares? Let's go,” Jane said.
 “Wait, Jane. Something's up,” Jennifer said.
 “Probably,” Jane said after a little thought.
 “Brittany doesn't want to see you, Upchuck!” Donna said.
 “True,” Upchuck admitted.
 “Kevin wouldn't like it when I tell him what you have been doing,” Daria said.
 “That big lug? The worst that he would do is try to pummel me. I have taken karate.” Upchuck adopted a karate pose for emphasis.
 “I guess...” Jane began.
 “What do you have on her?” Daria asked, interrupting Jane.
 “What?” Jane asked.
 “What?” Upchuck echoed.
 “It's obvious that you have something on her,” Daria said.
 “What is it, Upchuck?” Jane said.
 “I'm not saying!”
 “Give it to me!” Brittany said, emerging from one of the side rooms.
 “No!” Upchuck said.
 “Whatever it is, hand it over,” Daria said.
 “Even if I wanted to, it's safely at home,” Upchuck said.
 “Go there,” Daria said.
 “No, Daria. Brittany, I will tell Kevin, if you don't come now.”
 “So that's it,” Jane concluded. Jennifer nodded as she came to the same conclusion
 “That's what?” Daria asked, confused.
 “They cheat on each other, some of the time. He's caught Brittany at one of those times,” Jennifer whispered to Daria.
 “Oh, then go and tell Kevin, Upchuck. Just leave Brittany alone,” Daria said.
 “It isn't the usual type of cheating.”
 Daria turned to Brittany. “It isn't an adult, is it?”
 “Of course not!” Brittany answered, squeaking higher than usual.
 “It's a teen, but not someone from Lawndale,” Upchuck said, placing the emphasis on the town's name.
 “O-ooh!” Brittany had had enough. “So what if it's the Oakwood quarterback!”
 Donna was shocked. “Sam Stack? But he's Kevin's biggest rival!”
 “I know,” Brittany said in embarrassment and shame.
 Donna saw the expression on her friend's face. “I won't tell him.”
 “So, it comes out,” Daria said.
 Donna shot a look of annoyance at Daria. “Thanks, Donna,” Brittany said.
 “Now, it's time to go,” Jane said.
“Yes, I need to figure out what to tell Ms. Barch on Monday,” Daria said.
When Quinn, Cindy and Kristen left the convention for the day, they found that Tatiana was still sitting outside. “Why are you still here?” Kristen asked.
 “I had planned to be at the convention all day,” Tatiana said. Her voice showed a mixture of boredom and exasperation.
 “So? There's are other things to do in Lawndale,” Cindy said.
 “Not many!” Tatiana answered.
 “Those options are still available,” Quinn said.
 “I guess so,” Tatiana said.
 “How are you getting home?” Cindy asked.
 “My sister is picking me up,” Tatiana said.
 “That's ok then,” Cindy said.
 “We can wait, keep you company,” Quinn suggested.
 “No need to do that,” Tatiana said.
 “Oh, OK.”
  Later that night, the Morgendorffers were having their usual dinner of microwaved lasagne.
 “How was it at the Convention, Quinn?” Jake asked.
 Quinn started into her description of events...
“...And then Tatiana was thrown out,” Quinn said as she continued her description of the convention.
 “Well, she caused a disturbance. That's what happens when obsessions get out of control,” Helen said.
 “I guess so,” Quinn said. She considered that it was a possiblity that Tatiana was obsessed.
 “How was your day, Daria?”
  “The usual,” Daria said, deciding not to give anything away. (She hadn't been able to get the mouse to respond to any stimuli. It had just lay there, shaking. She knew she had to out Brian to Ms. Barch somehow, but without naming him.)
 “You must have done something. I notice that Kevin isn't here, watching the pigskin channel,” Helen said.
“Yeah, where is he?” Jake asked.
“Jake! Let me ask!”
 “He has finished his part of the project,” Daria said.
 “Are you sure?” Helen asked.
 “Of course he has,” Daria answered.
 “I know that you went somewhere today,” Jake said.
 “I go somewhere every Saturday,” Daria said. 'At least since we moved here.'
 “I suppose,” Helen sighed.
   Sunday, November 26, 2005
Quinn, Cindy and Kristen arrived at the convention for the second day. Quinn was wearing the Ichigo outfit again. “What do you think will happen today?” Cindy asked.
  “It probably will be as exciting as yesterday,” Kristen said.
 “What make you say that?” Quinn asked.
 “Tatiana is here,” Kristen said, pointing her out.
“Tatiana? Weren't you banned for four years?” Quinn asked.
 “I was, but it's not fair!”
 “You think you could change their mind by being here?” Quinn asked.
 “Possibly!” Tatiana said.
 “I don't think it would work,” Kristen said.
 “Sorry,” Cindy said, as they went in.
 Tatiana sighed.
  Daria, Jane and Jennifer were in the garage, with the mouse. “It's hopeless. He hasn't touched his food,” Jennifer said.
 “I know what to say to Ms. Barch,” Daria said.
 “The truth?” Jennifer asked.
“Without mentioning Brian by name,” Daria said.
“Good,” Jane said.
 “So, what are you saying to Ms. Barch?” Jennifer asked.
 “You'll find out tomorrow,” Daria said. Jennifer nodded.
 “But what'll happen to the mouse?” Jane asked.
 “I have no idea what Ms. Barch will do with it,” Daria said.
 “True, maybe one of our classmates?” Jane asked.
 “But which student would want a traumatised mouse as a pet? It wouldn't be worth it,” Daria said.
 'I guess so,' Jane thought.
   Monday, November 27, 2005
Ms. Barch's class was in session. “Brittany, Charles. You're up.”
 Brittany and Upchuck carried their cage to the front. It contained a hamster tube leading to the cheese.
“We started with...” Upchuck began.
 Ms. Barch interrupted. “Shut up, Charles. Brittany, did you go with negative or positive reinforcement?”
 Upchuck gulped. He hoped Brittany would read from the cue card that he had given her.
 Brittany took out the card that Upchuck had printed out for her. “We used positive reinforcement to train the mouse to find the right way to the food in the center of the maze,” she said. Unfortunately she sounded dull.
 Ms. Barch took the cue card off Brittany. “Who wrote this?” she asked.
 “It doesn't matter,” Brittany said, knowing that if she did tell the teacher that it was Upchuck who wrote it, that she would fail.”
 Ms. Barch came to that conclusion anyway, but didn't want to fail Brittany. It was the best that she had done since she started at LHS the previous year. “OK, Brittany, you get a B-.”
 “That's a relief,” Upchuck said.
 “Not you, Upchuck! You get a D-!”
 Upchuck groaned.
 “Daria and Kevin.”
“In conclusion, this mouse -- through no fault of my own, Brittany -- was repeatedly abused by a ten-year-old boy. As a result, the mouse's primary response to everyday stimuli is fear. Similar reactions also occur in humans. Take the mugging victim, beaten with nunchuks in an alleyway. As he, or she, recalls the attacker's face -- his scraggly goatee and cheap, dangly earring -- she learns to hate and fear all men, regardless of age, race or taste in jewelry,” Daria said as she concluded her presentation.
“Really?” Kevin asked.
 “Don't interrupt, hateful scum. Excellent job, Daria. You get an 'A.'”
 “All right!” Kevin celebrated. Too soon...
 “Not you, you man. You get a 'D.'”
 “All right!” Kevin said. It was still his best lab grade ever...
  Kevin met Daria in the hallway after class. “You know, Daria, I really liked hanging out at your house and working on the maze thing.”
“Yeah, the week just flew by. It was like you were hardly there.”
 “Thanks.” Kevin paused. “Hey, Daria?”
 “I'm having a big party Friday, and I want a lot of cool people there. Could you...”
 “Yes?” she asked with slight hope.
 “...ask Quinn if she could make it?”
 “No, Kevin, you can ask her yourself,” Daria said in reply.
 “Um, OK.”
0 notes
Texas two step or the making of true sex goddess
She was my younger cousins best friend, to young to be looking at when I first met her. Nine out of ten men would have notice her boobs first. They were big round soft and really didnt fit her frame yet. I noticed her eyes, and the different things they emoted. She was 16 and loved being the center of attention,her and my cousin both. The diva twins I called them. My cousin would only grow out of that slightly, Katie on the other hand would cling for positive attention while mostly generating negative.
My time is texas was difficult. After a long battle with my family and me withdrawing as to lessen the drama, an opportunity presented itself I couldn't resist and let me reconnect with both sides of my family, the ones who questioned how I went from the golden child to citizen zero. As I reconnected with them and the adults my age and older got to hear my side of what happened,I was accepted again, granted the were Leary but gave me a wide berth.
Until my cousin Fred's wedding. It was held out of the area and for much of the time, to keep appearances I lived well below what I could in a self punishment guilt. But when I heard of the full family reunion I tried unsuccessfully to bow out. My aunt, my secret keeper who knew more then even me about what happened warned me. For once let them see that they couldn't hold you down. So I went big. Even though I rode with my aunt and two family members I hadn't seen in almost a decade I knew it would be a hard weekend,lucky for me I got a distraction that allowed me to later on help someone who was mirroring in her own way.
I was the youngest of my generation of cousins and quietly asked to make sure the young ones didnt cause drama. Which being teens they did. My female cousin not only demanded her best friend Katie be invited but her boyfriend as well. It was suggested to me I let the boy stay with me. I quickly shot that down for one reason, I didnt want to know shit, already stressed not really taking time off from my job and working remotely as best as I could I didnt need the headache.
That lasted 39 minutes after I got their. My fav cousin in the world kristen was at my door warning me, the diva is pissed they wont let her and her bf be in a hotel room by themselves. I straight looked at her, btw she lived in New York and said does any think that bitch is still a virgin? Dam she has them all fooled. Kris came in as did her brother, and an easy atmosphere developed. Kris goes she is going to take it out on Katie, who is great but I think is off her meds. If anyone would know it would be her. But it was the first I heard about it. I thought she had a decent life but I was wrong. Mental abuse physical abuse. Shit parents who barely let her eat. Keep an eye and let me know
The first night we all went out for dinner and it was nice. Except for the children being children. And Katie's dress really not fitting, like way short,she is tall, and not form fitting. It was a long affair and people would drift from tables to the patio vice versa. Katie had been upset the whole time but the lighting concealed it. But I hadn't seen her in a bit and when I went looking for her found her and one of the groomsmen by the bar. I quickly walked over looked at the groomsmen and said you dont know me, but go ask my cousin what an absolute motherfucking nightmare I will make your life if you do not go back to the hotel and only come out of your room for events . He squared up and was about to say something when my father, who I was seeing for the first time in forever and realized his shit was flowing with what happened, told the douche bag let me save you the trip. People say they know where the bodies are buried, he buried them. The boy took off, a simple you got this and a nod and he walked away.
Katie. She was pissed, and drunk and stoned and couldn't walk straight and a mess. I guided her outside and she was like I just didnt want to be made to feel unwanted. I whispered look Rachel is a bitch. Hang out with us tonight and tomorrow and it will be ok. And what the fuck were u doing with that ass fuck he is like my age. Not really but closer to mine. He said he would make me have an orgasm.
I stared at her in disbelief, umm one dont rush it, trust me you will have plenty and some better then others, and not my business but really him? All these boys your age her and you pick him. On the verge of passing out she mumbled well you didnt show any interest. The New York cousins raced her back to the hotel, a good hour away. And I went to talk to my aunt. Look u need to tell Rachel her shit almost led her bff to a bad mistake. I'm going back to catch up with the kids. Bring me her pajamas she can sleep in my spare room but I have work in the morning so come collect her
Taking a cab,no uber's yet lol, I got back and the kids were at the bar. Shes ok up in your suite. Embarrassed pretty sober. Might be in the tub. I gave them a hug and told kris text me when everyone gets here and distract the young ones. Tell romeo and slut to go make out
I opened my door and called out. Katie. U ok. The bathroom door opened and she meant to stick her head out to say hi but tripped , 10 yrs later she still trips on air daily, and her towel fell below her tits. I'm not usually a fan of big tits, the areolas and nipples get distorted. But hers were perfect and rising as we stared at each other. Damn girl your built for speed, one day someone is going to be lucky. I pulled her towel up looking her in the eyes.. she babble I swear I didnt mean to flash u. I laughed well next time let me see everything and we will call it a draw. Silly me thought she would understand a joke, but her towel hit the floor, katie I'm not a moral person, reaching down tracing her hips, I dont give a rat's ass about your age, but time and place, and this isn't it, tears forming but I'll give you a tease and slide a finger in her. Eyes fluttering and slightly surprised her response was a simple oh my. My lips found hers and mouths open and I picked her leg and wrapped it around my hip. She was grinding and grasping and apologizing. I asked why she goes I cant keep my hips still so u can well. I whispered baby your supposed to move. Makes it funnier. She came pretty fast and I told to get dressed and if this is something she wanted to come see me on her 17th. She giggled u know that's like a week from now, I do but be ready I don't advertise who I'm with and and I'm very different from anyone else you will ever have
Her 17th birthday fell on a sat. She asked if I was free. I will be about eleven. Dont u have plans with family? Nope mom left money and is headed to Houston for the weekend.
Ok, listen carefully trim dont shave. There will be a present for you in my foyer. Put it on. I'll be outside. Three hours later I hear her arrive. Fuck I thought something slinky but she walked outside, really. Jewelry? Are these real. I nodded, she climbed into the jacuzzi fully clothed, for the next four months that would be the most clothing she wore in my house. She found a teacher and mentor. I found a lifelong friend. Today she called me out of the blue, bad yr keeps getting worse, hello my friend. I didnt say anything till today. I'm six months along and it's going to be a boy. And I'm naming him after you. Thank you for everything my life, my schooling and degree and a wonderful career.
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