#the last time I was in awe of movie animation was watching wolfwalkers
raveartts · 2 years
Reminder to self: draw cutthroat as the queen of hearts
2 notes · View notes
charleskenny · 3 years
Wolfwalkers Review: Another One for the Ages
Eleven and half years after seeing the first film in Tomm Moore’s Celtic trilogy, The Secret of Kells, it was time to watch the last film in said trilogy. Wolkwalkers tells the story of English girl Robyn Goodfellowe as she grapples with life in the Irish city of Kilkenny where she receives a rather mythical revelation.
Robyn and her father have moved to Kilkenny as part of Oliver Cromwell’s English forces who have subdued the Irish. Cromwell tasked men like Robyn’s father with ridding the land of wolves as a means of making the forests safe for clearing. Robyn is the irrepressible young girl with notions of accompanying her father on his mission laying traps. However, a tragic occurrence during a wolf attack on sheep leads to a chance encounter with Mebh, a wolfwalker. What follows is a journey for Robyn as she navigates a complex web of relationships, responsibilities, politics, and self-introspection
My thoughts on The Secret of Kells, have aged much better than expected; given that they were written by a person with almost twelve fewer years of life experience but with reciprocal levels of over-enthusiasm. From this vantage point, that film has some flaws but nothing one couldn’t expect from a director making the most daunting undertaking of their [then] short career. Wolkwalkers gains from the additional years and experience of everyone involved in the best possible way, and it shows.
Wolkwalkers features the by now recongisable traits of a Moore/Cartoon Saloon feature film in every aspect. Visually, Irish Celtic and pagan mythology make for fertile grounds on which to tell a story. Lush colours lend their depth to the flat backgrounds which propagate excitement, exhilaration, and intrigue to every scene. Thematically, there is a stark contrast between the wild, native Irish landscapes, and the chaotic, urban Kilkenny overtaken by the English in their grey armour.
The animation proves, once again, that 3-D CGI endows a films with a best-by date. The Secret of Kells does not look like it was released in 2009, and undoubtedly in 20 years, Wolkwalkers will not look its age either. While not as fluid as the best and greatest, there is a simple pleasure in the traditional movements of the characters; there are no pretensions here. When called upon, the complexity arrives not in abundance, but with restraint. The film’s crew knew that gimmicks are not needed in this film, but a careful balance between the different elements is, and their care pays dividends. Nice touches such as the subtle traces of the pencil construction lines of the characters hint at the many human hands at work behind every frame; in stark contrast to a Pixar film where every whiff of human skill is buffed and polished out to showcase the latest capabilities of a piece of software.
The music by Bruno Coulais and Kila serve as the foundation for the storytelling experience. The music (and song by Aurora) provide the atmosphere that once again bring the viewer into the story instead of simply providing emotional cues.
The direction does a fine job servicing the story. Co-directors Moore and Ross Stewart are more than happy to let the art and story drive the direction rather than taking a Kubrick-esque approach where direction is everything. As with the animation, there is a restraint with a dash of fun, but when called upon for action scenes, there are ample reserves for a real surprise. The ‘wolfvision’ sequence in particular is praiseworthy for both its concept but also the amount of work that went into it.
Getting down to the nitty gritty, the characters took a while to warm up to. It’s not that they’re inherently cold or flat, but perhaps because at only 103 minutes and with a lot of ground to cover, the film has to get to the point fairly quickly. Robyn’s background is merely stated and I found myself craving more allusions to her past as away of driving her future. Mebh requires much less effort as her mythical origins are clearer, and her interactions with Robyn provide the little spark of interest on which the relationship rests. The Odd Couple this is not, but a getting-to-know-you tale in the finest form of the trope. Robyn’s father plays his part, with a relatable touch of being reluctantly subservient to his job for the benefit of his family. Cromwell makes for an interesting case since his reputation in Ireland differs from other countries but the film demures from playing to the worst of the feelings and opinions of the man. Focusing instead on his religious propriety and its unwelcome place in a land with other beliefs makes for a more universal villain but a less complex one.
There are only two aspects of Wolfwalkers to nitpick as a grown adult casting the critical eye on the film. The first is that the story felt somewhat formulaic and had just one thing too many shoehorned into the allotted running time. Less is sometimes more.
Secondly, I felt from watching Wolfwalkers that the film wears its influences a little bit too clearly. Setting aside the clear similarities to The Secret of Kells, shades of Pocahontas and the Hunchback of Notre Dame emanate from antagonist Oliver Cromwell. Robyn’s story is also uncannily like that of Jake Sully in Avatar among many others. One wonders if such influences are a deliberate hedge or a simple coincidence.
That being said, one influence that is less easy to spot is also one that others often make blatant. Wolfwalkers is arguably the more political, optimistic, family-friendly Irish version of Princess Mononoke. Miyazaki’s ability to influence needs no explanation, but it is nice to see his films being a source of reference for more than just story and animation.
All in all, Wolfwalkers is another winner and coming from someone who was initially pessimistic about the film, this is a good sign that others can be won over as well. Independent film is in an extraordinary period of growth and films like Wolfwalkers make recent news, such as Disney’s announcement of dozens of movies without a shred of originality, all the more insufferable. Wolfwalkers is the kind of film that I, as a parent, want my child to watch with an eye to seeing that sense of wonderment and awe spark in their eyes without having to worry about the pretensions of a brand’s corporate marketing department at work behind the scenes. Eminently worthy of your time, Wolfwalkers is on Apple’s streaming service now.
Originally published at https://animationanomaly.com/2020/12/16/wolfwalkers-review-another-one-for-the-ages/
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callunavulgari · 3 years
Scrapbook 2021 | Part I
For anyone that’s new to this, this is how I keep track of all of the things I enjoy and/or create throughout the year. I have literally been doing this since I had a livejournal. I think the first one was 2011? Maybe? In which case, woohoo, ten years of scrapbooking!
It’s a nice little snippet of my life and helps to organize my brain.
A reminder:
Normal font - Indifferent/Neutral Italicized font - Enjoyed bold font - Loved with an asterisk* - All time favorite (bracketed titles) - Re-watches/Re-reads strikethough - Disliked
Goals are: read 80 books, finish five video games, write more than 20 fics or something larger than 20k, and write either an original short story or start a novel. 
Past Years
(Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring)
(Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers)
(Lord of the Rings: Return of the King)
Robin Hood
(Age of Ultron)
From Up On Poppy Hill
(The Mummy)
Raya and the Last Dragon
(My Neighbor Totoro)
(Hunchback of Notre Dame)
(Beauty and the Beast)
Weathering With You
A Deadly Education | Naomi Novak [Fin]
Home Body | Rupi Kaur [Fin]
The Sunken Mall | K.D. Edwards [Fin]
Bloom | Kevin Panetta [Fin]
The Angel of Crows | Katherine Addison
All the Stars and Teeth | Adalyn Grace [Fin]
The Adventure Zone: Vol 1 | McElroys & Carey Pietsch [Fin]
I Hope You Stay | Courtney Peppernell [Fin]
Pillow Thoughts | Courtney Peppernell [Fin]
Piraneesi | Susanna Clarke [Fin]
The Ex Talk | Rachel Lynn Solomon [Fin]
The Adventure Zone: Vol 2 | McElroys & Carey Pietsch [Fin]
The Adventure Zone: Vol 3 | McElroys & Carey Pietsch [Fin]
The Angel of Crows | Katherine Addison
Alice Isn’t Dead | Joseph Fink
Winter’s Orbit | Everina Maxwell [Fin]
Fireheart Tiger | Aliette de Bodard [Fin]
Alice Isn’t Dead | Joseph Fink
Fire | Kristin Cashore [Fin]
Bitterblue | Kristin Cashore [Fin]
The Witch’s Heart | Genevieve Gornichec [Fin]
Winterkeep | Kristin Cashore
Alice Isn’t Dead | Joseph Fink [Fin]
Winterkeep | Kristin Cashore [Fin]
The Memory Theater | Karin Tidbeck [Fin]
These Violent Delights | Chloe Gong 
(Red White and Royal Blue | Casey Mcquiston) [Fin]
Rule of Wolves | Leigh Bardugo [Fin]
Alice Isn’t Dead | Joseph Fink [Fin]
Not the Girl You Marry | Andie Christopher [Fin]
The Echo Wife | Sarah Gailey [Fin]
The Midnight Library | Matt Haig
Catherine House | Elisabeth Thomas [Fin]
Séance Tea Party | Reimena Yee [Fin]
Lumberjanes vol 1 | Noelle Stevenson [Fin]
The Unseen, Christmas and New Year Special
The Penumbra Podcast, Juno Steel arc, Heart of It All and What Lies Beyond
The Penumbra Podcast, Second Citadel, Strong Arm of Justice and The Priestess’ Fortune
I Am In Eskew, Episode 16
Welcome to Night Vale, Episode 67, 68, and 69
The Magnus Archives, Episode 190 and 191
The Magnus Archives, Episode 192-194
The Adventure Zone, Episodes 15-60
The Magnus Archives, Episode 194-200 [Fin]
The Adventure Zone, Episodes 60-TAZ BALANCE ENDING
MBMBAM, Episode 1
I Am In Eskew, Episode 17-22
I Am In Eskew, Episode 23-END
Alice Isn’t Dead, Episode 18-END
His Dark Materials, s2 [Fin]
Watcher Entertainment
Buzzfeed Worth It
(Black Sails, s1)
The Queen’s Gambit**
Cherry Magic
Wandavision, s1
Watcher Entertainment
The Owl House
(Little Witch Academia)
Star vs the Forces of Evil, s3, s4
Buzzfeed Unsolved: True Crime
Heaven’s Official Blessing
Wandavision, s1 [Fin]
Watcher Entertainment, Puppet History & Watcher Weekly
Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Word of Honor
Word of Honor, s1
Watcher Entertainment, Puppet History
Falcon and the Winter Soldier, s1
Kim’s Convenience, s1, 2, 3, 4
Leverage, s4
Shadow and Bone, s1
The Great, s1
Hades, 37 hours [Fin]
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, 35 hours
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, 35 hours
Hades, 75+ hours? 
Animal Crossing: New Horizons, 16 hours
Persona 5 Royal
Animal Crossing: New Horizons, 45 hours
Persona 5 Royal, 141 hours
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, 35 hours
Concrete Genie, 3 hours
Concrete Genie, 6 hours [Fin]
Animal Crossing: New Horizons, 65 hours
Persona 5 Royal, 160 hours
Monster Hunter Rise, 2 hours
Civ, 5 hours
Modern Rustic by beethechange | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 22k | “I think,” he says, finally, “that if we looked around this place hard enough, we’d find a rose underneath a—a glass thing, what’s it called—losing petals. Metaphorically.”
easy livin' by sarcasticfishes | Buzzfeed Unsolved (Fallout AU) | Ryan/Shane | 6k | The Wasteland - and Ryan - through Shane's eyes.
(in nocte consiliam by oxymoronic | Bartimaeus | Bartimaeus/Nathaniel | 4k | London, 2003. Britain is on the brink of war, and someone is trying rather hard to kill John Mandrake.)
made of glass the way you see through me by uneventfulhouses | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 19k | Will it always be like this? Ryan wonders, watching Shane lope up the snowy walkway and pushing his way through the front door, humming some jolly old tune in that way Shane’s prone to do. Theatrical, performing for an audience even though Ryan is the only one around.
All Your Stars In View by alpha_exodus | Harry Potter | Draco/Harry | 18k | Life after the war is difficult for Harry, especially when the only thing that makes him feel better is, oddly enough, being around Malfoy. So when Malfoy asks to paint his portrait, Harry can't refuse, even if it means baring himself in more ways than one.
13 Genuinely Awful Things About Steven by thefourthvine | Buzzfeed Worth It | Steven/Andrew | 10k | Andrew’s learned to like cake, he’s learned to like oysters, and he’s learned to like Steven.
we’ll make a brand new start of it (in old new york) by misantlery | Buzzfeed Worth It | Steven/Andrew | 10k | “Just to be clear,” Andrew says. “You want me to pretend to be your boyfriend at a party to spite your high school bully and your high school girlfriend and possibly the entire state of Ohio?”
Russian Roulette Croquembouche by misantlery | Buzzfeed Worth It | Andrew/Steven | 9k | “Get that on your business card,” Andrew advises. “Steven Lim, video producer, world traveler, fancy dessert boy. Human cream puff.”
rose-colored boy by juniperProse | Buzzfeed Worth It | Steven/Andrew | 2k | Andrew’s eyes are pink.
Like Wildfire by makemadej | Watcher Entertainment | Shane/Ryan | 20k | “Is this gonna be a thing with you?” Ryan demands. “You can’t keep committing to stuff that no one else knows about! When people online say they want you to be more open and vulnerable, this is not what they mean.”
Scratching the Itch by bendingsignpost | Doctor Who | Rose/Ten | 20k | Her mum had always told her that blokes had only one thing on their minds, but this was taking it to an entirely new level.
lie back and let me unlock you by Lise | The Untamed | Xiao Xingchen/Xue Yang | 7k | Xiao Xingchen, reluctantly, admits to certain fantasies that he has. His friend is happy to indulge him.
in our respective ways by Lise | The Untamed | Jiang Cheng & Lan Wangji | 6k | Jiang Cheng has his golden core back. But he seems to have lost Wei Wuxian.
By Proxy by Lise | The Untamed | Jiang Cheng/Lan Wangji | 12k | Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji, looking for comfort in all the wrong places.
some good mistakes by Lise | The Untamed | Jiang Cheng & Lan Wangji | 18k |  Or, the one where Wei Wuxian vanishes and Lan Wangji, reluctantly, asks for Jiang Cheng's help tracking him down.
efforts in a common cause by Lise | The Untamed | Xiao Xingchen/Xue Yang/Song Lan | 12k | Everybody's walked out of Yi City alive. Now it's just three badly adjusted adults (and one badly adjusted teenager) trying to make things work - a project somewhat derailed by a night hunt that turns out to be something else.
swinger of birches by astronicht | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 23k | Lan Zhan is a little witch in the house on the hill, whispering out a love curse. Wei Ying is a witch undead, undone.
let me desecrate you by hkafterdark | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 6k | “Dangerous words.” Wei Wuxian drew back. The flickering candlelight gave him an otherworldly appearance; that, and his beauty, unchanged since the first time Lan Wangji had seen him. “You aren’t afraid to be at the mercy of the fearsome Yiling laozu?”
The Demon Affair by stereobone | Yu Yu Hakusho | Hiei/Kurama | 9k | Kurama accidentally seduces Hiei into a relationship.
i came to win (and i won) by paperclipbitch | The Queen’s Gambit | Beth/Benny | 3k | They play chess, and they fuck.The two things are not the same.
Sylvain Gautier Would Love To Try To Solve All Your Problems Through Sex (Hey It Might Help) by Fall Out Boy by harriet_vane | Fire Emblem: Three Houses | Sylvain/Felix | 22k | In which Sylvain wakes up on the wrong tour bus, and refuses to be their sex therapist (unless Felix asks nicely)
Turnabout and Start Again by runningondreams | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | 34k | WIP | Wei Wuxian lives. The siege fails.Thirteen years later, Lan Wangji wakes in a body that is not his own.
μήτηρ, in the Greek by antistar_e (kaikamahine) | Hades | Nyx & Persephone, canon relationships | 37k | At the end of this recounting, she tilted her head and asked politely, Is this not how you have children?Uh, no, said Persephone.
that voodoo that you do so well by veterization | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 18k |  Ryan buys a voodoo potion oil at Voodoo Authentica meant to attract Yummy Boys. Appropriately, things happen.
A Bridge Between by Runespoor | Spirited Away | Gen | 3k | Years later, Chihiro moves into a new apartment; her parents help.
the ghost king's bride by arahir | Tian Guan Ci Fu | Hua Cheng/Xie Lian | 10k | Ghosts won't stop giving Xie Lian flowers, Hua Cheng won't stop teasing, and Xie Lian is out here doing his best, man.
Side bitch out of your league by rohkeutta | Captain America | Steve/Bucky | 3k | “I tried to call Sam,” Captain America says, bewildered. He’s sprinting like Usain Bolt and doesn’t sound even a little out of breath. Fucker. “Who’re you?”
cause in your warmth (I forget how cold it can be) by madnessandbrilliance | Promare | Lio/Galo | 7k | Lio is always freezing. Galo is always warm. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the rest.
backdraft by broments | Promare | Lio/Galo | 32k | It happens in an instant, Galo gaping like an idiot while Lio presses forward to defend against the perceived threat, the weapon sparkling but not burning as it kisses Galo's throat.
your perfect crime (& how you laugh when you lie) by aroceu | The Untamed | Lan Zhan/Wei Wuxian | Death Note AU | 8k | The first time a convicted murderer dies of a heart attack in their jail cell, no one thinks anything of it.
Yosuke will now die for you! by DragonBandit | Persona 4 | Yosuke/Souji | 5k | ...This, causes problems.
dramamine by brawlite | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xue Yang | 7k | Song Lan is having a bad morning. Help comes from the last person he'd expect: Xue Yang.
Hearth and Home by lady_ragnell | Leverage | Alec/Eliot/Parker | 1k | When Eliot goes to a temple, or when he’s in one place long enough to build a shrine, he doesn’t do it for Ares. He does it for Hestia.
Where One Ends and the Other Begins by kalliopeia | Leverage | Alec/Parker/Eliot | 30k | Nobody’s particularly shocked when the job goes spectacularly sideways because their loot turns out to be magic. Parker and Eliot begin reading each other’s minds, accidental sharing happens, and shenanigans result.
Hungry Thirsty Roots by coolkidroland | Persona 5 | Akechi/Akira | 56k | In which Akira absolutely does not learn to leave well enough alone. **
Without Grasping Yet by Angelic_Ascent | Persona 5 | Akechi/Akira | 8k | Akechi and Akira end up far too cramped for comfort in the Morgana bus. And then they're left alone in Mementos.
Falling Up by KivaEmber | Persona 5 | Akechi/Akira | 2k | “If it helps…” Akira spoke up suddenly, his tone morbidly amused, “I forgive you, for shooting me in the face.”
Touch of Forbidden by tirsynni | LoZ | Ganondorf/Link | 2k |  Nabooru warned him not to travel to the Spirit Temple. So of course Link went to the Spirit Temple.
breaking the same old heart by tardigradeschool | The Adventure Zone | Magnus/Taako | 11k | Taako and Magnus in triptych: before, during, and after the Bureau.**
your head is good, it’s loyal, it’s clean by Anonymous | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 4k | "Here, I do this all the time."Too quickly for him to react, Taako plucks away one of his golden rings and slips it onto the ring finger of Magnus' left hand.
bruising kisses, whispered confessions by tangerine_skye | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 3k | The trio stop over at an inn for the night. Taako and Magnus share a bed.
i can see what's coming (but i'm not saying it) by pansywaist | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 3k | His breath is still hot on Taako's lips, distracting enough he almost misses the strained whisper: “I thought I was gonna lose you.”
Emergency Consolation in the Pocket Spa by Anonymous | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 3k | If Magnus wants to hug a wizard, Magnus gets to hug a wizard.
together for the long haul by kismetNemesis | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 6k | Magnus and Taako were married on a bright spring day in the year after they saved the world.
thin skin, bruises, and a cold cup of tea by GayFrankensteinsMonster | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 3k | Sleep is for the weak, and Magnus has no weaknesses, except for his own natural curiosity.
tender is the night by dollylux | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 10k |  “It’s just…” He runs a hand through the thick bramble of his hair, gripping the crown of it to anchor himself. He sighs, slumping back against the footboard. “I guess I’m just not very good at one on one. Like, not… not in any way.”
a note is attached to the top of the vial by GayFrankensteinsMonster | TAZ | Kravitz/Taako, Magnus/Taako | 5k |  Elves have a lifespan of up to six hundred years. The people that you know don't even come close to that.
Pieces of Memory and Heart by ellemaris | Raya and the Last Dragon | Raya/Namaari | 1k | Raya isn't sure how to heal everything between Heart and Fang, but returning something important to Namaari seems like a start.
the gods laugh by miss_aphelion | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | 11k+ | WIP | Wei Wuxian is just getting used to being alive again when he's ripped from the world he knows. He wakes in a place where his sister and her husband live, where his brother doesn't hate him, where the Wen remnants have all survived.
In Your Room, In Your Bed by giraffeter | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji/Jiang Cheng | 25k | After Wei Ying is disowned, Yu Ziyuan forbids Jiang Cheng from letting Wei Ying live with him. Jiang Cheng lets him stay anyway because Fuck That. He tells his parents Lan Zhan is his new roommate instead.
in the blossom season (in the pouring rain) by varnes | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | 14k |  “Doctor Flowers,” Lan Zhan repeats, pointing at the tiny plum tree, just to confirm that his son is suggesting a magical tree named Doctor Flowers sprouted overnight and made their tame family project turn into a verdant jungle.
34 years old - 5'8" - DL - no-BB by withpractice_ff | Ace Attorney | Edgeworth/Phoenix | 3k | Phoenix finds Edgeworth’s Grindr profile
spinning with the stars above by tardigradeschool | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | 7k | Wangji returns home to Vulcan for the first time since he left for Starfleet Academy, this time with Wei Ying at his side. He’s not expecting Wei Ying and his uncle to be fast friends, but things go poorly in a very different way than he was expecting.
every breath that comes before by tardigradeschool | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 10k | Or, what if that cup of wine Wei Wuxian drank for Lan Wangji after the Phoenix Mountain hunt wasn't just wine?
never love an anchor by tardigradeschool | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | 31k | A fisherman and a selkie fall in love beside the sea. Regretfully, things are never quite that simple.
Be Careful by giraffeter | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xue Yang | 5k |  Song Lan and Xue Yang try to survive a week in their shared apartment without Xiao Xingchen as a buffer.
  won't you let me know you now by tardigradeschool | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 12k | WIP | “Have you ever heard of a mind meld?” Wangji keeps his voice as level as possible, as if he is not revealing foremost Vulcan secrets.
running for a soft place to fall by tardigradeschool | The Untamed | Lan Xichen & Lan Wangji | 10k |  As he leaves for his coming of age test at age twelve, half-Vulcan Xichen has a goal in mind. The rules of the kahs-wan prohibit taking food, water, or weapons. In accordance, Xichen is bringing none of those things, but he does have a compass tucked into his pocket. He is going to find his father.
an act too often neglected by Ariaste | The Untamed | Lan Xichen/Meng Yao | 60k | The single faceless, anonymous photograph on the profile that catches his eye is shot in elegant black-and-white, and there’s something about the crispness of the focus and the markedly off-center composition that says art, for once, rather than mugshot.The caption below is equally sparse: “5’6. Demanding.”
where you go, I'm going (so jump and I'm jumping) by Aria | The Magnus Archives | Martin/Jonathan | 6k | "I don't think so," Alex said. She looked at Martin. "Is this really how it went?"
Morning, keep the streets empty for me by feyburner | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 6k | Ghosts were drawn to the ring roads.
2am on a saturday by detectorist | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 11k | In which Lan Zhan gets high, slides into Wei Ying's DMs, and somehow ends up having the harmonica played to him at 2am in the morning.
Grief Kindly Stopped by ShanaStoryteller | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 5k | Nothing leaves the Burial Mounds alive.
superhero love triangle by Asuka Kureru (Askerian) | Bleach?! | Grimmjow/Ichigo | WIP | 17k | You know those classical superhero-genre love triangles that actually only contain two people? Yeah.
Boat Basin by downjune | The Falcon and the Winter Soldier | 5k |  He thought the 21st century now maybe suffered from an overabundance of classifications for all the different ways to fuck and/or romance a person, but the most important thing—and his therapist had emphasized this—the most important thing was connection.
my touch magnifies by isozyme | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu/Ye Baiyi | 7k | Wen Kexing gets hit with fuck-or-die sex pollen on the way to Longyuan cabinet. Everything would be fine, except Zhou Zishu’s been keeping an unfortunate secret: the nails in his chest mean he can’t get hard anymore.
2020 || Multifandom Mashup
Hades - Official Animated Trailer
Hades Mini-PMV: This Year
2020, I guess
MARVEL || Energy (ft. Easy McCoy + Black Hydra)
obi-wan || give it
2020 ll Multifandom Mashup
Multifandom | Goodbye 2020
Multifandom | Goodbye 2018
2018 Multifandom | MASHUP
His Dark Materials - No Sanctuary
Lyra & Mrs. Coulter | Hurricane
► mrs. coulter || way down we go [hdm]
Wonder Woman || BORN READY 
Vikings | The End of the Journey
MARVEL || Ready Set (ft. Vo Williams)
MARVEL || Here We Go (ft. Chris Classic)
MARVEL || Is You Ready || The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Never forget || Hualian - Hua Cheng x Xie Lian AMV 
【魔道祖师 / MDZS】Animatic - The First Siege | Safe & Sound
Multifandom || Going Bad (feat. Drake)
Broccolli Casserole--The Untamed
Hey Brother - The Adventure Zone Animatic/PMV
The Adventure Zone: Balance trailer
The Adventure Zone: Balance Arc Trailer (Animatic)
13 Year Olds (A MDZS Animatic by Arcxus)
Multifandom || Die In This Town
DNA | shadow & bone
(Marvel) Wanda Maximoff | Grief
Defying Gravity | MDZS/CQL Animatic
It’s Quiet Uptown | MDZS Animatic
To The Stars
(Marvel) WandaVision || Awaken
Walt Disney Animation Studios | A Magical Journey
We don't have forever.
stop living a fake life.
► Wanda Maximoff | PAINT IT BLACK (+15k)
Multifandom || Take It (c/w Quang Truong) ft. @SEIGE WORLD​
Kylo Ren | STAR WARS
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
MARVEL || Natural ft.ImagineDragons
​ xue yang & xiao xingchen ➤ gasoline
Wen Kexing ✘ Zhou Zishu || Dandelions
Play With Fire - Wen Kexing
TOXIC ~ Wen Kexing ~ word of honor ~ 山河令
(Marvel) Bucky Barnes | Free
Bucky Barnes | Feeling Good
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier || Next Level ft. @7kingZ​ || (Marvel)
Eternity looking down on us.
The complexity of reality.
Captain America
✗ The Crows | Trouble (Shadow&Bone)
Shadow & Bone | Paint It Black
The secret fate of all life.
A Better Version - Jessie Shelton
Start a War - Klergy, Valerie Broussard
Meet Me in the Dark - Melissa Etheridge
ily - Surf Mesa, Emilee
Space Man - Eurielle
To Be Loved - Aurora
In the Blood - Darren Korb
Can’t Help Falling in Love - Tommee Profitt
Astronomical - SVRCINA
Oh Comely - Neutral Milk Hotel
In This Shirt - The Irrepressibles
goblincore + cottagecore
moonlit love letters 🌙💌 (sailor moon-inspired lofi mix)
Moonlight Densetsu Lo-Fi Remix 1 hour version
Peaceful Meditation
Never Forget You - Zara Larsson
Is You Ready - Migros
Recomposed Four Seasons - Max Richter
The End - JPOLND
Love Yourself - Sufjan Stevens
Deja | Daniel Roure
Used To Like | Neon Trees
Material Boy - Sir Sly
Willow - Taylor Swift
Overture - Apashe
Evangeline - Josh Garrels
Gris, pt 1 - Berlinist
Inferno - Hiroyuki Sawano
BAMBAM - Angie
Dictator - Rei Ami
Demons - Hayley Kiyoko
Runaway - Rei Ami
Deep Blue - Marcus Warner
Brave New World - Kalandra
Nero - The Speed
The Path of Silence - Anne Sophie Versnaeyen
Tuleloits - Kerli
Soft to Be Strong - Marina
Relic - Reeder
Ascension - Gorillaz
Will You Follow Me Into the Dark - Klergy
Voidfish (Plural) - Rachel Mitchell
Raya and the Last Dragon soundtrack
Unicorn Wizard - Ninja Sex Party
Me Too - Meghan Trainor
Umbrella - Rihanna
Colors Flying High - Lollia
Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There - Lyn
lovely - khalid
Burn My Dread - Lotus Juice
Progress - The Dear Hunter
My Mother Told Me - Rachel Hardy
Savage Daughter - Sarah Ross
Four - Sleeping At Last
The Other Side - Amarante
Predator & Prey - Griffin Puatu
As the World Caves In -Matt Maltese
Tell Her I Wasn’t Scared - Dan Thiessen
Esmeralda - Adriel Genet
Woods - AfterInfinity
So Human of You - Shireen
Flags of Rome - Jesper Kyd
Do It All the Time - I don’t Know How But They Found Me
Hummingbirds - Venus Hum
On and On - Curtis Harding
Grand Escape - RADWIMPS
my ex’s best friend - machine gun kelly
Sofia - Clairo 
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Charlotte Lawrence
Next Level - 7KingZ
Tell Me - Johnny Jewel
Get Out of Town - Firefles
Music for Anglo Saxes
I See Darkness In You - Red Mecca
Satan Is His Name - Holly Golightly
Rocky Trail - Kings of Convenience
Story - NF
Because the Night - 10,000 Maniacs
Use to Be (L.O.V.E.) - Chelsea Collins
Bird on a Wire - Simone Istwa
Huzzah - Nathan Barr
gonna make you feel, boy | Hades | Megaera/Thanatos/Zagreus | 1,101 words | “You can touch, you know,” she murmurs, satisfaction and anticipation warring within her. Her pulse pounds. Zagreus’s eyes have darkened, his pupils eating up all that color. He looks good enough to eat.
how long do we have? | She Ra | Adora/Catra | 1,539 words | “The war is over, Adora,” Catra tells her. Adora hums. “Maybe. Maybe not.”
only fools rush in | The Adventure Zone | Taako/Magnus | 5,209 words | “Okay,” Taako says, sitting down heavily. “So. Ancient ritual to… bring people together?”
til my lungs both billow out | The Magnus Archives | Jon/Martin | 748 words | The knife goes in. The tape runs out.
the echo, as wide as the equator | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 2,927 words |  “Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying whispers after it is done.
1685 words of Buzzfeed Unsolved, tattoo AU
3121 words of Magnus/Taako, Stolen Century verse Posted!
852 words of Steve/Billy
got the morbs: sad/somber songs for sad/somber people
2021: a mix for the year that comes after 2020
Sahara Baby: a mix for songs that sound like Spanish Sahara
Fire Baby: a mix for songs that sound like Play With Fire
Consequences Baby: a mix for songs that sound like Consequences
Paradise Baby: a mix for songs that sound like Paradise Valley
Real Boy: a Zagreus playlist
only fools rush in: a taako/magnus playlist
pomegranate seeds: a persephone playlist
make them bow: a megaera playlist
fuck feelings: a taako playlist
til my lungs both billow out: a jonmartin playlist
i am my mother’s savage daughter: a playlist for the girl
3 notes · View notes
aaronmaurer · 3 years
Movies I Liked in 2020
Every year I reflect on the pop culture I enjoyed and put it in some sort of order.
Discussing film in 2020 is almost nonsensical. Theatres were shut down in most places for most of the year, shuffling release schedules and availability of titles in various markets, further fracturing an already-fragmented landscape. I personally love the movie-going experience – the darkened atmosphere, the massive screen, the ability to escape the outside world for a couple hours in the company of a room of strangers. Man, do I miss all of that. Yet I am exceedingly grateful to the creators and media conglomerates that decided to release some of their projects to streaming services and “virtual cinemas” during this unprecedented year. (Despite Wonder Woman 1984’s flaws, wow, was it nice to have a new action blockbuster to watch over the holidays.)
I toyed with breaking out stage/theatre projects separately, but at the end of the day, had those played on the big screen they would have still been considered, so I decided to keep everything together. This year more than ever I make no claims to comprehensiveness, and it seems even more futile than usual to rank these films, so here are 15 of my favorite films of 2020 listed in alphabetical order. How I wish I could have experienced these all on the big screen.
American Utopia (available on HBO)
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Spike Lee’s film of the Broadway engagement of David Byrne’s American Utopia is right up there with Jonathan Demme’s Stop Making Sense, the gold standard of concert films (and I’m not even much of a Talking Heads/Byrne fan!). The brilliance of this tour-turned-Broadway show is the elimination of any stationary equipment – Byrne and his band, utilizing mobile instruments, perform choreographed movement to the songs (a mix of Byrne solo material and Talking Heads classics) on an otherwise bare stage. The arrangements of the songs themselves are warm and life-affirming, something we all needed more of in 2020.
An American Pickle (available on HBOMax)
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This quirky comedy from writer Simon Rich stars Seth Rogan in dual roles as an immigrant in the early 1900s transplanted to modern day New York and his last remaining descendant. I wasn’t expecting much from the premise but found it to be a surprisingly resonant story about family and legacy with salient observations about modern conveniences and appreciating small pleasures. Rogan himself is really great in this, creating two very distinct and believable characters that in an alternate reality might be up for awards consideration.
Black Is King (available on Disney+)
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Beyonce’s latest visual album has its origins in her Lion King role, but the material transcends that misbegotten remake (despite the occasional out-of-place audio clips sprinkled throughout). The visuals here are stunning, from the costumes and makeup to the set design and choreography, all in celebration of Black excellence and beauty.
Emma. (available on HBO, VOD and Blu-ray)
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One of the last films I saw in theatres this spring was the latest treatment of Jane Austen’s Emma from director Autumn de Wilde. Similar to Little Women last year, I had no prior experience with the source material, never having read the novel or seen any prior adaptations (outside of Clueless, if you count that), but I found it absolutely delightful. The cast is terrific, including Anya Taylor-Joy in a role completely different than her other big turn this year in The Queen’s Gambit, and the production design & direction are impeccably sumptuous, creating the type of escapism that came to mean all-the-more as the year wore on.
First Cow (available on Showtime, VOD and Blu-ray)
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Kelly Reichardt’s latest film is a moving meditation on unexpected friendship, ideas of masculinity and economic inequality set against the backdrop of 1800s Oregon Country. Poetic but not ponderous, First Cow is one of the most humane and empathetic portraits of man and nature I experienced in 2020.
Hamilton (available on Disney+)
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Already a big of Lin Manual-Miranda’s race-bent musical about founding father Alexander Hamilton, I was still awed by this document of the original Broadway production. Director Tommy Kail adeptly films his own stage direction while capturing intimate moments through closeups and vantages that are unavailable to the live audience. And while I personally may have preferred Lin to sing more than sob through some of his Act II songs, the whole cast is phenomenal, especially Leslie Odom Jr, Renée Elise Goldsberry and MVP Daveed Diggs whose energy and charisma are palpable in his dual role as Lafayette/Jefferson.
Just Mercy (available on HBO, VOD and Blu-ray)
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Although technically a 2019 film, Just Mercy didn’t receive wide release until 2020 so I’m including it here. The adaptation of lawyer Bryan Stevenson’s memoir about his fight for death row inmates is a powerful story of the ongoing fight for justice and rarely falls into “based on a true story”/biopic clichés. Michael Jordan brings dignity and righteousness to the role of Stephenson and Jamie Foxx is excellent as the wrongfully incarcerated Walter McMillian.
Kajillionaire (available on VOD)
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The story of an insular family of grifters, Kajillionaire explores what it’s like to exist in a bubble and reconcile that with a growing understanding of the wider world. Evan Rachel Wood engenders immense empathy with her portrayal of the family’s daughter who has been raised without any real physical affection or affirmation and Gina Rodriguez exudes light and charisma as a woman who comes into their orbit and changes everything.
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (available on Netflix)
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Adapted from August Wilson’s play of the same name, this film contains a powerhouse performance from Viola Davis as the titular blues singer but belongs to the magnetic Chadwick Boseman in his final role. As Levee, a brash young songwriter and musician, Boseman fully realizes a portrait of a talented and demeaned Black man in America, trapped by circumstance and his own feelings of helplessness. It’s beautiful and gut-wrenching to behold, and makes his passing all the more tragic as we can only imagine the great performances that we’ll never get to see.
Mank (available on Netflix)
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Mank, a biopic about Golden Age Hollywood screenwriter Herman Mankiewicz, may be director David Fincher’s most conventional film yet, however that takes nothing away from the charm of its engaging storytelling and performances. As “Mank” works – or rather drunkenly procrastinates – on the screenplay for Citizen Kane, we get flashbacks of his relationships with William Randolph Hearst and Marion Davies, which will provide the basis for his script’s thinly veiled characters.
Small Axe (available on Amazon Prime)
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A series of five separate films from director Steve McQueen, the Small Axe series is linked by its exploration of the West Indian community in London. Exploring topics including the justice system, educational disparity and the unifying & life-affirming power of music, these films are each powerful and moving on their own but add up to a rich and beautiful tapestry of the complexities of immigrant life.
Soul (available on Disney+)
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Soul is in many ways a spiritual successor (pun intended) to Inside Out, my all-time favorite Pixar film, envisioning life after death (or is that life before life?) as a strange and delightfully stylized realm where new souls prepare to be born. The audience surrogate to this world is a frustrated jazz musician who finds himself incapacitated the day of his big break. The stunningly rendered film is another example of the studio – and co-director Pete Docter – at its heart-rending best with lovely observations about passion, mentorship and being present to life’s small pleasures.
The Vast of Night (available on Amazon Prime)
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An indie sci-fi flick set in 1950s New Mexico from first-time director Andrew Patterson, The Vast of Night pays homage to the likes of The Twilight Zone better than the current reboot of that show does. This surprisingly compelling movie creates a tangible sense of time and place and utilizes innovative shots and blocking to deliver something unique and artful, while still delivering on its genre promises.
What the Constitution Means to Me (available on Amazon Prime)
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The final live communal event I attended before everything locked down last spring was the touring production of this Heidi Schreck play, and boy, was it a moving way to say a temporary goodbye to live theatre (even if I didn’t quite know it at the time). Later in the year, Amazon gifted us with a record of Schreck’s Broadway run, which loses nothing of its impact or immediacy. Using her personal history of debate contests at American Legion Halls as an entry point, Schreck explores how the Constitution has been used (and not used) to impact the rights of women (and other marginalized groups) throughout America’s history. Brilliant, heart-breaking and inspiring art.
Wolfwalkers (available on AppleTV+)
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The latest wonder from director Tomm Moore (The Secret of Kells, Song of the Sea) completes his trilogy of films inspired by Irish mythology. The topics this time are the Wolfwalkers, an Irish variation of the Werewolf legend, and the clash of urbanization with the natural world. Vividly rendered in gorgeous traditional animation, this is one of the most visually splendid things I saw all year.
Bonus! Honorable Mentions:
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (Netflix)
Feels Good Man (VOD)
Palm Springs (hulu)
Sound of Metal (Amazon Prime)
Tenet (VOD, Blu-ray)
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