#the laws and customs explained by young mablung
ladysternchen · 1 year
Yet Were Its Making Good, For This- More Than One Way
The Quendi only bond once in life, and physical love is important only for reproduction, and also marks the consummation of marriage. That was, in very shortened form, what they all been told by their elders, and how life had appeared at Cuiviénen. By and large, Mablung agreed with the first part of the statement, though he found it unfair that all attention was given to the marriage-bond, and the love that almost all Quendi bore for their friends and kin was very much neglected. The second part of the statement… well. The thought of it almost made Mablung laugh even now, even as he rolled onto his back with a satisfied sigh, the heat of his breath forming small clouds in the icy air. Beleg beside him stretched comfortably like a sleepy lynx and put an arm lazily around Mablung’s waist. What an insult this would have posed to the Elders back at the lake, the two of them proving their sacred teachings so very wrong. Firstly, physical love mattered a great deal, at least to Mablung, now that Beleg had introduced him to the pleasures of it. It felt good and comforting to be so close to another elf, to feel the warmth of their skin, to receive what they would give, and give back in return. Secondly, and more importantly, Mablung had quickly realised that fucking was not boding, at least not in the way that they had always been told. Beleg was still very much his best friend, just like he had been before, their friendship only deepened by the way they would at times caress each other, or find relief deep within the friend’s body. Mablung wondered what there was to the rule, then, if it was different between nís and nér, though he couldn’t see why that would be so. It seemed to him much more likely that if two Quendi were meant for each other, their bodily union would complete that of their Fëar, sealing the bond forever more, so that their connection could not even be broken by death itself. 
Beleg hummed a little, snuggling closer to Mablung for warmth, and the latter, nudged out of his musings, returned the affection by stroking his friend’s hair gently, picking out a few dry leaves from Beleg’s silky tresses. Beleg grinned, and propped himself up on his forearm.
“That was nice.”
Mablung hummed his agreement as he put his arms back behind his head, gazing up at the stars. He felt warm and comfortable and happy. Beleg always made him feel like that, ever since they had first started their little romance, or rather since Beleg had started it, like he had so many others. Apparently, the archer took it upon himself to bed ever single unbonded Quende in the camp, and they all teased him about it a lot. Not that that bothered Beleg at all, he ever took all the teasing in his stride, being supremely unconcerned. That, Mablung mused, was what he loved about his best friend so much. That, and the fact that he could share all his feelings, all his thoughts with Beleg and always find an eager audience, a shoulder to lean on and solid advise.
“You’re beautiful…” Beleg muttered, pressing a gentle kiss to Mablung’s upper arm, making the latter blush violently. He was not -and had never been- one for compliments. Beleg, obviously sensing his friend’s embarrassment, laughed. 
“Oh, you’re as bad as Elwë. Or not quite, as there’s no one on this earth who is as uptight as him, but…”
Mablung did not listen. A shudder had run involuntarily through his whole body, his Fëa, even, at the mention of the name, and even more so when the implication of what Beleg had said started to sink in. Mablung propped himself up on his elbows, frowning at his friend.
“Are you saying…”
Beleg shrugged, sitting up.
“No, but I’m working on it. There is not much else to do as apparently, folks have decided to sing to every pebble they find along the way for at least a few days*. I love him a lot, we’ve been friends as long back as I can remember, so why not? And besides, I like the challenge.” Beleg’s eyes twinkled as he grinned down at Mablung, who did his utmost to keep his feelings at bay.
“You could join me in that quest.” he added casually.
“Never. I won’t pester him if he doesn’t want…”
Beleg laughed openly now.
“He wants to. He needs that break and he needs to come down from his understanding of intimacy. Lord Enel’s take on morals has a firm grip on him still. But honestly, Mablung, you don’t really think I’d persuade anyone into sleeping with me against their will or better judgement?”
Mablung felt himself blush, and hurried to rectify his words.
“Of course not. Forgive me, my friend. I spoke rashly… it’s just… oh, I don’t know. It’s just that Elwë really doesn’t need any more trouble on his plate.”
It was true, Mablung thought. In the long years they had travelled since leaving Cuiviénen, so many of both brothers’ hosts had turned back, or left the journey to venture forth alone, and into other parts of these lands. Even those who stayed with them would often despair at the sight of deep lakes, high mountains or fast-running streams, so Elwë would ever encourage them, urge them on, try to find solutions that suited everyone, and the strain was starting to tell on him. “And it is very much not your responsibility to worry about him for that!” Beleg stated firmly.
“But whose is it, then?”
The archer frowned, scrutinising his friend shrewdly. “I don’t know… but why yours? Wait, are you… oh Mablung” Beleg looked at Mablung with a mixture of amusement and dismay “… you’re in love with him, aren’t you? Like truly in love?”
Mablung nodded, his throat so tight that he hardly managed to speak.
“Always have been. But I know that it can’t be, and I shall not risk his friendship for anything in the world, and most certainly not by confessing my feelings to him only to have any interaction be awkward afterwards.”
Beleg remained silent for a while, then said gently: “Why can’t it be, though? He cares about you a lot. I know that he won’t wed before we reach Aman as he calls it forbidden.” He suddenly laughed again, rolling his eyes at the stars. “We should remind him sometimes that among this people, his word is law. But there we’re back at Enel’s brainwashing. Anyway… why not try the same way I do, or rather with me, so it won’t be so awkward? And then see what comes out of it? Worst thing that can happen is that everything stays the way it is now. And if you do get him involved into some kind of romance, you’ll at least get beautiful memories out of it if not more.”
Mablung swallowed hard.
“You really think so?”
“Yes.” Beleg said firmly, and snuggled back up to Mablung, stroking his head. “Poor Mablung.”
Mablung allowed himself to sink into his friend’s warm embrace, his heart more hopeful than it had been in a long time. 
“Thank you. It feels good to be able to confide in someone.”
Snorting, Beleg touched his palm to the top of Mablung’s head, imitating a blow. “You know, as I am your best friend, you could have done so sooner? If I ever were lovesick, you’d be the first I’d confide in!”
“You are the first I confide in…” “Fine. You still should have done so sooner, not suffer alone. And also, I would never have tried to get Elwë to fuck had I known how you feel about him, at least not without talking to you first.”
Mablung was lost for what to say, for no words could have expressed how grateful he was for Beleg’s kind words, and his unwavering support. See? he thought defiantly, as if his thoughts would reach all the way back to Cuiviénen and enter the minds of the Elders. There is more than one way to love.
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