#beleg is quite adventurous
ladysternchen · 1 year
Yet Were Its Making Good, For This- More Than One Way
The Quendi only bond once in life, and physical love is important only for reproduction, and also marks the consummation of marriage. That was, in very shortened form, what they all been told by their elders, and how life had appeared at Cuiviénen. By and large, Mablung agreed with the first part of the statement, though he found it unfair that all attention was given to the marriage-bond, and the love that almost all Quendi bore for their friends and kin was very much neglected. The second part of the statement… well. The thought of it almost made Mablung laugh even now, even as he rolled onto his back with a satisfied sigh, the heat of his breath forming small clouds in the icy air. Beleg beside him stretched comfortably like a sleepy lynx and put an arm lazily around Mablung’s waist. What an insult this would have posed to the Elders back at the lake, the two of them proving their sacred teachings so very wrong. Firstly, physical love mattered a great deal, at least to Mablung, now that Beleg had introduced him to the pleasures of it. It felt good and comforting to be so close to another elf, to feel the warmth of their skin, to receive what they would give, and give back in return. Secondly, and more importantly, Mablung had quickly realised that fucking was not boding, at least not in the way that they had always been told. Beleg was still very much his best friend, just like he had been before, their friendship only deepened by the way they would at times caress each other, or find relief deep within the friend’s body. Mablung wondered what there was to the rule, then, if it was different between nís and nér, though he couldn’t see why that would be so. It seemed to him much more likely that if two Quendi were meant for each other, their bodily union would complete that of their Fëar, sealing the bond forever more, so that their connection could not even be broken by death itself. 
Beleg hummed a little, snuggling closer to Mablung for warmth, and the latter, nudged out of his musings, returned the affection by stroking his friend’s hair gently, picking out a few dry leaves from Beleg’s silky tresses. Beleg grinned, and propped himself up on his forearm.
“That was nice.”
Mablung hummed his agreement as he put his arms back behind his head, gazing up at the stars. He felt warm and comfortable and happy. Beleg always made him feel like that, ever since they had first started their little romance, or rather since Beleg had started it, like he had so many others. Apparently, the archer took it upon himself to bed ever single unbonded Quende in the camp, and they all teased him about it a lot. Not that that bothered Beleg at all, he ever took all the teasing in his stride, being supremely unconcerned. That, Mablung mused, was what he loved about his best friend so much. That, and the fact that he could share all his feelings, all his thoughts with Beleg and always find an eager audience, a shoulder to lean on and solid advise.
“You’re beautiful…” Beleg muttered, pressing a gentle kiss to Mablung’s upper arm, making the latter blush violently. He was not -and had never been- one for compliments. Beleg, obviously sensing his friend’s embarrassment, laughed. 
“Oh, you’re as bad as Elwë. Or not quite, as there’s no one on this earth who is as uptight as him, but…”
Mablung did not listen. A shudder had run involuntarily through his whole body, his Fëa, even, at the mention of the name, and even more so when the implication of what Beleg had said started to sink in. Mablung propped himself up on his elbows, frowning at his friend.
“Are you saying…”
Beleg shrugged, sitting up.
“No, but I’m working on it. There is not much else to do as apparently, folks have decided to sing to every pebble they find along the way for at least a few days*. I love him a lot, we’ve been friends as long back as I can remember, so why not? And besides, I like the challenge.” Beleg’s eyes twinkled as he grinned down at Mablung, who did his utmost to keep his feelings at bay.
“You could join me in that quest.” he added casually.
“Never. I won’t pester him if he doesn’t want…”
Beleg laughed openly now.
“He wants to. He needs that break and he needs to come down from his understanding of intimacy. Lord Enel’s take on morals has a firm grip on him still. But honestly, Mablung, you don’t really think I’d persuade anyone into sleeping with me against their will or better judgement?”
Mablung felt himself blush, and hurried to rectify his words.
“Of course not. Forgive me, my friend. I spoke rashly… it’s just… oh, I don’t know. It’s just that Elwë really doesn’t need any more trouble on his plate.”
It was true, Mablung thought. In the long years they had travelled since leaving Cuiviénen, so many of both brothers’ hosts had turned back, or left the journey to venture forth alone, and into other parts of these lands. Even those who stayed with them would often despair at the sight of deep lakes, high mountains or fast-running streams, so Elwë would ever encourage them, urge them on, try to find solutions that suited everyone, and the strain was starting to tell on him. “And it is very much not your responsibility to worry about him for that!” Beleg stated firmly.
“But whose is it, then?”
The archer frowned, scrutinising his friend shrewdly. “I don’t know… but why yours? Wait, are you… oh Mablung” Beleg looked at Mablung with a mixture of amusement and dismay “… you’re in love with him, aren’t you? Like truly in love?”
Mablung nodded, his throat so tight that he hardly managed to speak.
“Always have been. But I know that it can’t be, and I shall not risk his friendship for anything in the world, and most certainly not by confessing my feelings to him only to have any interaction be awkward afterwards.”
Beleg remained silent for a while, then said gently: “Why can’t it be, though? He cares about you a lot. I know that he won’t wed before we reach Aman as he calls it forbidden.” He suddenly laughed again, rolling his eyes at the stars. “We should remind him sometimes that among this people, his word is law. But there we’re back at Enel’s brainwashing. Anyway… why not try the same way I do, or rather with me, so it won’t be so awkward? And then see what comes out of it? Worst thing that can happen is that everything stays the way it is now. And if you do get him involved into some kind of romance, you’ll at least get beautiful memories out of it if not more.”
Mablung swallowed hard.
“You really think so?”
“Yes.” Beleg said firmly, and snuggled back up to Mablung, stroking his head. “Poor Mablung.”
Mablung allowed himself to sink into his friend’s warm embrace, his heart more hopeful than it had been in a long time. 
“Thank you. It feels good to be able to confide in someone.”
Snorting, Beleg touched his palm to the top of Mablung’s head, imitating a blow. “You know, as I am your best friend, you could have done so sooner? If I ever were lovesick, you’d be the first I’d confide in!”
“You are the first I confide in…” “Fine. You still should have done so sooner, not suffer alone. And also, I would never have tried to get Elwë to fuck had I known how you feel about him, at least not without talking to you first.”
Mablung was lost for what to say, for no words could have expressed how grateful he was for Beleg’s kind words, and his unwavering support. See? he thought defiantly, as if his thoughts would reach all the way back to Cuiviénen and enter the minds of the Elders. There is more than one way to love.
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sotwk · 2 years
🦌 and 💍 for the ask game? *excited giggle* I loooove your headcanons
Hello, dear Callon! Thank you for this ask and for your endless patience! I will combine your two requests of 🦌: "HC about one of Thranduil’s personal likes or dislikes" and 💍: "HC about a family tradition" into one discussion about:
Thranduil and Hunting
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Fanart by cudzinec (DeviantArt)
Thranduil has been participating in hunts ever since his youth in Doriath, and received his initial instruction not from his father, but from his uncle (his mother’s brother), the legendary Beleg Cuthalion, Chief Marchwarden of King Thingol.
Thranduil developed an interest in archery from about 10 years old, but only Beleg would agree to take a student so young, headstrong, impulsive, yet extraordinarily gifted under his wing.
Even as a child, Thranduil possessed exceptional physical strength, and could already pull the draw weight of an average Doriath archer.  
Beleg had a special bow designed just for him, measured for a child’s height but with an adult’s draw weight, and trained him using this. 
Thranduil greatly admired his uncle’s famous bow, Belthronding, and hoped to earn it as an inheritance one day. 
Thranduil’s natural-born gifts, which also included horsemanship, keen aim and eyesight, and a relentless pursuit of any chosen target, led to Queen Melian remarking that he would have been a favored companion of Oromë, Huntsman of the Valar, in Aman. This did not exactly please Thranduil’s father, Oropher, who preferred his son not be quite so wild-hearted and adventurous.  
Thranduil was merely 14 years old during the Hunting of Carcharoth, and was very upset at being too young to participate in that great adventure. From that day onward, he insisted on participating in as many hunts as he would be permitted to join. 
As a young hunter, Thranduil was particularly adept at navigating through rough, unfamiliar terrain. He was also fearless at hunting down dangerous predators such as wargs, wolves, wildcats, and bears. 
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Fanart by @chicotfp (Note: Check out all their incredible Thranduil artwork!)
However, the arrival of Túrin Turambar greatly affected the close relationship between uncle and nephew. Much of Beleg’s time and attention redirected to King Thingol’s foster son, which made Thranduil jealous and resentful of the human outsider. 
After receiving news of his beloved uncle’s death, Thranduil (then 37 years old) blamed Turin and the curse he carried with him. He was also angry that Belthronding never returned to Doriath, and believed that Turin had stolen it himself. 
From that time on, Thranduil’s interest in archery fell drastically, and he refocused his training towards swordsmanship instead. He stopped going on hunts completely, and did not return to it until his father took the kingship of the Woodland Realm nearly a thousand years later.
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Thranduilion Family Hunting Traditions
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Thranduil rediscovered his love for hunting some years after he began living in the Woodland Realm. The vast landscapes between Rhovanion and the Rhun provided bountiful hunting grounds for all kinds of game, and he often rode out with the Silvan hunters on long expeditions. He soon became as familiar with those lands as the native Wood-elves who had lived there since the Awakening. 
Thranduil personally oversaw the training in archery and hunting of his two eldest sons, Crown Prince Mirion and Prince Turhir. By the time Princes Arvellas, Gelir, and Legolas were born, he had delegated this task to the elder brothers, wishing for them to become role models and mentors to their younger siblings.
Although all five sons are skilled at hunting and tracking, Prince Gelir is by far the most naturally gifted, and is often bragged about by the Elvenking as the “greatest huntsman across the realms”.
Prince Turhir is noted for preferring to use various-sized spears instead of bow and arrow as his choice of weapon, for game even as small as squirrels. 
The king and princes would sporadically and spontaneously group up to go on their own recreational hunting trips. Southeastern Greenwood, between the East Bight and the Old Forest Road, was particularly rich with game during the autumn through winter months.
They did not use hunting dogs, local guides, traps, or baiting tactics and relied solely on their own stalking and archery skills. 
Hunting was one of the most favorite bonding activities between father and sons, and amongst the brothers, and involved a lot of playful challenges and bets. 
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The Hunting of the Rhûn Lion
Every four years during the summer, from about TA 300-1300, the entire royal family (including the Elvenqueen) would assemble a small party and go on an expedition to hunt the Rhûn Lion, the dangerous and unchallenged apex predator of Rhovanion. The hunt would last for an entire month and was celebratory in nature, involving other games and feasting traditions. It was considered a great honor to be invited to this hunt with the royal family, but rarely was anyone invited more than once, since the intention was for every Greenwood hunter in the kingdom to be given a turn at participating. 
The resulting kills were either taken home by the guest hunters, or gifted to the Northmen residing in the area, who prized the pelts and meat. 
Part of the reason why they culled the Rhûn Lion in particular was to prevent their numbers from overwhelming the populations of wild horses and wild kine that roamed the plains of Rhovanion. The Kine of Araw were a valued species of oxen that legends claim descended from the cattle of the Valar Orome. The Great Horn of Gondor was made from one of the Kine of Araw, by Vorondil, one of Boromir’s ancestors who famously hunted them. (A connection that Legolas and Boromir later bonded over.)
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Tolkien Headcanon tag list:
@quickslvxr @laneynoir @auttumnsayshi @achromaticerebus @tamryniel @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @blueberryrock @aduialel @glassgulls @ladyweaslette
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Silmarillion as the Crane Wives pt 2
I’m doing more of this because this band is so good and gives insane Silm vibes.
Turn Out The Lights: Yet another very Feanor coded song. ‘Turn out the lights on your racing mind’ It also works for Curufin and Celebrimbor for similar reasons. It kind of sounds like ADHD or someone having a panic attack so it fits very well.
Queen of Nothing: My girl Idril. ‘Isn’t this what you wanted? Time sure feels like it’s running out.’ She’s probably singing it to Maeglin but maybe also to Turgon if she’s harbouring some anger. ‘Such a heavy crown.’
The Wolf: Celegorm, feral vibes you know?
The Moon Will Sing: I know I did this one last time but I had another thought. The sons of Feanor because he is sort of the sun right? He’s overwhelming, he burns with quite literally more than anyone else, even when he dies everything revolves around the impact he had on everyone around him. It’s his story even when he isn’t there. And the vast majority of his son’s actions in the Silm is directly because of him and the sheer devotion they have to him. They are nothing without their love for their father, it’s who they are the sons of Feanor. ‘Bore the shadows that you made, with no light of my own.’ It’s just really sad. Curufin especially as the one who’s main attribute in everyone’s eyes is being a reflection of him but not as impressive.
The Strangler Fig: Luthien to her father and Celegorm. ‘All you’re doing now is losing me.’
Drown You Out: Beleg and Turin. Beleg’s need to find him and be with him and Turin’s grief. ‘But your song sings in my veins and I’m singing too.’
Here I Am: Elrond’s abandonment issues. This is so perfect for him at literally any point in his life with any meaningful relationship he’s ever had. ‘Here I am, again, the one, that gets left behind!’ He’s literally lost everyone this is his song.
Safe Ship Harboured: Turgon and Orodreth. Yes. It’s them.
Down the River: Fingolfin to Feanor. Does this need elaboration? It’s about the Helcaraxe.
Take Me To War: Galadriel was my first thought. The closest thing to a rival for Feanor. This song is about when she first decided to journey with her brothers and cousins to Middle Earth after a sheltered childhood in Valinor. Because young Galadriel absolutely is angry after Aqualonde and it’s a fairly large part of her motivation as well as a wish to rule.
Can’t Have It All: Nerdanel. It’s perfect for her. ‘You won’t find me where you left me, no I’m long gone.’ She knows how to stand up for herself even to someone she loves.
Ribs: Serious Haleth vibes. Just the entire song. ‘How lucky you are, handed down a shield for your precious parts.’ ‘. ‘The dark doesn’t frighten me, I chose to close my eyes it is mine.’
New Discovery: This song is Finrod and Finrod is this song. He’s the adventurous one, he wants to know everything there is to know about all the creatures and places of the earth. He’s the elf to have the first dealings with the Edain and one of the more amiable dealings with the dwarves.
How To Rest: Kidnap fam. ‘The heart is just a muscle with a rhythm of its own.’ They weren’t expecting or planning to love each other or start seeing each other as a form of family, they’re all traumatised and it’s really complicated, but they end up doing so in a way regardless. Whether any of them wanted it or not.
Easier: Maedhros. I love this song and it fits him pretty well. Because nothing’s ever been easy for him. ‘And if I were not myself would this be easier?’ ‘So I’ll just close my eyes and try to pretend, that it gets easier.’
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lovefairymina · 1 year
Beleg, if you ever decide to quit being a marchwarden, would you like to come and see the world with me? The world is such a big place, and I want to see all of it someday, especially with you by my side.
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Perking up at the suggestion, his body rotated to face you head-on. “Do you really mean it?! You and I exploring the world together...just you and I...” he whispered dazed. “I quite like that sound of that, we can write all about our adventures as well.”
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thegreatstrongbow · 2 years
hair, skin, eyes, ears, body shape for beleggy!
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His hair is fairly long - about armpit length, though in Valinor he lets it grow longer. Black hair, straight, he tends to get little curly flyaway hairs around his temple and by his ears, and more often than not there's leaves or flower petals or twigs in his hair. Sometimes even on purpose.
He usually ties it back when he's out on the marches or adventuring/wandering (it gets in the way otherwise and as we know from Glorfindel, it's a hazard). Usually something like a French braid if he has time/patience or just a ponytail or a bun if he's busy. When he's at home he prefers to have it loose, maybe with just the front pieces pinned back to keep them out of his face. He'll do fancy braids and styles for special occasions. Or if someone else wants to do it for him!
Beleg has a warm complexion; he doesn't tend to burn in the sun, but he tans easily, and when he blushes its a warm rosy-pink. The most notable thing about his skin are probably the scars, though generally they are hidden under his clothes (not helpful considering how often he is naked), which usually show up a fine whitish colour, though more recent ones tend be pinkish and a little raised.
His eyes are grey - I tend to imagine them being a soft, clear grey, though like humans, elf colour looks slightly different depending on the lighting. He is quite fond of his eyes - grey is the trendy colour in Doriath, and he likes that the colour reminds him of starlight.
Beleg's ears curved gently into a point, instead of sharply pointed like some elves - I hc that elf ear shape is genetic.
Or rather, they were, before the Gaurwaith incident. The tips of his ears are mutilated and scarred, though the basic shape of them is recognisable. He usually hides this under his hair - it is the one scar he is ashamed of other people seeing. He chooses to be reborn without these scars, so he doesn't have them in post-rebirth verses, though the habit of wanting to hide the tips of his ears takes a little while for him to get out of.
Body Shape
Beleg is very lean - his shoulders are broad, his back muscled, his thighs strong. Compared to a non-warrior, he looks very built, but next to someone like Mablung, it is more clear that he is actually quite lean for a soldier. Most of his muscle is unsurprisingly in his shoulders, from using a bow. He's got a nice, cushioned chest for laying your head on. A nice firm ass. And luckily for everyone, he loves to show off.
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laketaj24 · 5 years
Toss a Coin II: Valley of Plenty
Author’s Note: It was supposed to be a one shot and of course, as usual I couldn’t make it a one shot. I hope you enjoy! My taglist is open! Requests open! I got this idea from a request so send them!If I missed you on the taglist add your name HERE please!! If your name appears Twice could you go in the taglist and take it off! lol Hope you enjoy! (The taglist is almost longer than my fic, I’m flattered)
Warnings: Smut
Pairings: Geralt x Reader
Requested: Hey! Can you please write Geralt falling in love with a reader who already has a kid? Thank ya! - ANON`       
Masterlist (Has Previous Part)
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“Who are you?” The small voice said from the side of the bed.
Geralt could only see eyes, the green eyes of the small brown-haired boy staring at Geralt. Geralt’s legs tangled in yours, but luckily the blanket covered everything. His head hummed with the onslaught of a headache, and he was tired. You had quite the appetite. “Fu-.” He hesitated before completing his thought.
“Are you a witcher!” His voice was curious. “Mom. Is he a witcher?”
Mom. He looked over to you, your arms draped across his chest, and the soft snores were a clear indication you were sound asleep. Geralt sighed and looked at the girl. “Who are you?”
“I’m Talstyn.” He beamed. “My mom said today I could pick the eggs today. Will you come?”
Geralt tried to process it, but the kid was adorable. “Talstyn.” He smirked. “You should ask your mother.”
“I am asking you.”
“Hmmm.” He laughed. “I will if you ask her.”
“Do you kill monsters?”
“When I need to.” Geralt's eyes were soft. “What do you do?”
“I help feed the chickens, and sometimes I get to help my Uncle Roth in Tameria with his doctor things.”
“You’re a doctor.”
“I guess.” He perched himself on the end of the bed and picked up the dark elixir from the table. “Is this your medicine?”
“It is.”
“Drink it.”
Geralt’s laugh makes your eyes flicker open. “Not right now, I don’t see any monsters.”
You heard your son talking and Geralt looking down at him with more patience than he had the one day you’ve known him. You spring up from the bed, pulling the blanket to cover your breast. “Talstyn. What did I tell you about sneaking into places?”
“The door was open.” He protested, standing from the floor. “Geralt is my friend.”
“Can he go with us to the chicken coop?” He asked in a rush blaze of words. “Please! Please!”
You chuckled, “Certainly, only if Geralt wants to join us. Go back into the tavern, and I will come to get you.” He happily jumped three feet off the ground, and his hair whipped back, revealing the little pointed ears. Then he was gone. You cleared your throat. “I am sorry about that. Talstyn usually does as he is told.”
Geralt says nothing at first, but his eyes are soft as you climb from the bed and slip into your dress. “You have a child?”
“Talstyn.” You smiled as his name floated from your lips. “He’s seven, a little rowdy at times, but he’s my heart. You were not supposed to meet him,” You paused. “So, you should consider yourself lucky.”
“I do,  the four minutes, I have met him I can tell that he's a great kid.” He sighed. “He’s half-elf?”
You swallowed. “That’s between us, and yes.” You two dress in silence, but you can feel the eyes of Geralt wandering over your body as you do so.  He tossed you the small brown bag of orens, and you smile. “Thank you, sir.”
“You’re welcome.:
You winked at him and pecked his cheek. “It was a good time.”
“Is this goodbye? I seem to recall an invitation to a chicken coop?”
“You want to join us?”
“I would like to if that’s okay?”
“Great, I’d like that.”
  What was happening? One night you were being fucked by a renowned witcher, HE EVEN PAID!!!! And you were taking him to fetch eggs with your kid. Talstyn was ecstatic; he clung to Geralt as if he’d known him his entire life, and in a way he might have, the tune about him was catchy. He sang it often. Geralt did not protest his clinginess; he walked beside Roach with Talstyn on his leg as if he weighed nothing. It broke your back sometimes just to allow him on your hip, and yes, he was too large for it, but he was your baby.
“What’s his name?” Talstyn asked.
“I don’t like that name.”
“It’s okay; he’s not your horse.” Geralt teased.
“I would’ve named him Beleg.”
The thud of your heart flooded you, Beleg the Wise, his father was his favorite name for everything. He got a dog and named him Beleg, a cat, a chicken, the neighbor's cow, all Beleg. It was soothing to know that he loved his father, but every time you heard the name, your heart sunk for a moment, and you remembered him. It was always a good thing, the blue of his irises or the bolstering laugh — the good stuff.
The chickens were already out, pecking at the grains and furling their wings. The small village did not seem like much to your some, but for you, it had an air of reclusiveness, and given the state of things with Queen Calanthe and her elven raids, the caution was needed. You didn’t want him in any danger, and you for sure didn’t want an inkling of danger near Talstyn. You all reached the coop in minutes, and immediately Talstyn sprinted to he coop.
It was the first time you were alone the entire walk. “Why'd you want to come out here?”
“Well,”  he paused. “I am here for a few days. I figured it would be nice to have someone to talk to for once.”
“You’re usually alone?”
“Sometimes.” He brushed his hand down Roach’s coat. “I have Roach.”
“I’m sure he’s a great company.”
“You failed to mention him last night.”
“Oh, I apologize. I should’ve started it like this; I have a kid, wanna fuck?”
“Not what I meant.” He chuckled. “We talked last night; I figured he  might come up then.”
“No, I just keep him away from everything else, where he belongs.”
“Why chose…” He paused. “Chose this line of work?”
“Because I have no husband, and I own no land…. I have to provide and this allows me to be a mother and work while he sleeps.” Your face teamed with heat. No one ever cared how you had come to be a wench, just which room and how much. This was new. And the look on his chiseled face was genuine interest. “Though you think it’s a valley of plenty… I can assure you it is not for me.”
“I understand, finding work can be…” He paused. “Hard.”
You laughed at the unintended joke, and his pale face flushed red, “Good analogy there, witcher.”
“It was not what I meant.” His stone face was apologetic as he walked to the coop with Talstyn. He had six eggs in his basket and a grin. “What do you have there?”
  You cooked for him, and breakfast turned into supper quicker than you expected. Talstyn was down, worn out from the day’s festivities, and for the moment, you were too. You cleared the plates from your table and poured him another glass of ale. “When are you leaving for your next adventure?” You sat across from him and gulp down on your ale.
“Kicking me out?” He cocked a brow.
“No.” You nearly choked laughing.
“Tomorrow morning.” He answered.
The room was quiet, but the tension was there. You’d been eyeing Geralt all-day, pangs of the pleasure from last night would hit you. Every time he growled or laughed, a part of you begged to hear him make other sounds. “So… it appears that we are near our farewells.”
“Pity…” Geralt moved from the table with his hand outstretched. “We should do it properly then.”
And there was no contest of his offer. You placed your hand in his, and he tugged you to his chest. The first kiss was euphoric, a burst of butterflies pushed through your body, and you were happy he’d stayed, glad that last night was not the first and last time you’d fucked the witcher. He cradled your face and stared at you once more.
“I know how to do that.” You pushed him against the wall, well he helped, there was no real way you could genuinely push the bulked man. You dropped to your knees, remembering how he seemed to like making you mewl. It was your turn now. He does not stop you from unzipping his pants a freeing his cock. Your eyes lit watching the thick veined cock; you gripped him feeling the large girth and the warmth in your hand.
“Are you scared of it?” He snickered.
But the snickered left once your mouth enveloped the crown of his cock, and your tongue swiped the salty precum that dripped out. There was a guttural moan that poured from him before you engulfed him all. His hands went flush against the wall as you started to move. You sucked, taking him to the back of your throat until he flinched and then stroked him. He tasted sweet and salty, a mixture you enjoyed.
His hands webbed your hair, guiding his cock further into your throat until you nearly gagged and then back out again. The pace was steady, deep strokes of winding hips, and you felt yourself growing wet from him. “Y/N.” He murmured.
You don’t answer, only pull him from your mouth with a popping sound and look up to him with lust-filled eyes.
“Fuck.” He groaned. What a sight? You wished you could see it yourself, you on your knees in front of the Witcher, basically begging to be fucked. It was a demand nearly the way your eyes pleaded to be fucked. Geralt lifted you from the ground and placed his lips on yours. “How do you want me?”
Your smile was wide as you slip from your dress and bend over, placing your hands on the bed. “Why are you over there?” You whispered.
“Just admiring, this plentiful valley.”
You burst into laughter. “That was corny, witcher.”
“Maybe.” The grin covered his face, and he took his shirt off and made his way over to you, and his hand slapped down on your ass, the hum of the sting makes your pussy clench. “Is this what you want?” He whispered as he dips a single finger into you.
You braced yourself for his intrusion, you would think after three rounds you’d be used to the feeling of being full of him, but you weren’t. He eased into you pushing your body forward, and you inhaled sharply, mouth open and eyes closed. He picked you up and started to fuck you. “Oh hell,” You rasped.
“I’ve been thinking about this all day.” He murmured. His hips bounce from your ass with each stroke, and for some reason, he felt deeper every time he did. His hand wrapped around your waist and placed two fingers on your clit, causing you to fall on the bed with your ass arched and ready for him. He began to thrust quicker, barely controlling his chaotic state. “How you sound when I’m inside you…”
The words made you pussy clench, and then he stroked your clit again and pushed your legs farther apart. “Shit… Geralt.”
“Yes,” his deep voice rumbled against your back, and he slammed into you again. “Say my name again.” He commanded. The fresh air blew over your back as he stood and gripped your hips and pulled them to him. Your body jerked, the beginning of a feeling you’d grown to love. “Say.” He thrust into you, emphasizing the word. “It.”
“Geralt.”  You gripped the sheets, your head was light, and you were short of breath. He continued to fuck into you madly. “Oh fuck, Geralt.”
The snap of his thurst filled the room, followed by the moving of the bed a foot and Geralt falling into you and going deeper.  So, fucking deep. You winded your hips coaxing him to fuck you slowly. You were shuddering.
“I could do this every day.” He whispered. Geralt rolled over staying inside of you and allowing your legs to drape over his, he laid back on the pillow, rubbing the swollen bud over and over. Then he starts again, a riveting pace. “Every morning, every fucking night.” He added. The words caused your heart to swell and perhaps triggered the flood of pleasure that coursed through your body.
 You weren’t going to sleep with him tonight. You needed to get home and back to Talstyn. You wait until he’s asleep and dress quietly. The day was fantastic, the first time you felt safe going places with Talstn, the first time you’d seen your son smile over someone that wasn’t his dead father. But reality had set in; everything was perfect. But that was not your life, and you had to go. You took the leather bag of orens from your belt and put it in his sack. Whatever this was, you refused to let it go further. In a few months, you’d have to move, start over, and it would be easier to not be with him.
  The Witcher Taglist: @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme | @car-karaoke | @blackmissfrizzle | @red-rose21 | @grungyblonde | @therealcalicali | @texas-mutifandom | @sapphirescrolls | @crushed-pink-petals | @cltex84 | @rosey1981 | @taytayize123 | @inforapound | @soapjay | @wasntpriscilla |  @sdcyumyum | @onceuponathreetwoone | @oddlylonelyflights | @isthat-tyra98 | @courttttney | @babygurlniah43 | @rhys108 | @sincerelysinister | @sparklemichele @edythofhastings | @twistedcharismaaa | @escapingrealitytogotoneverland | @xmaudjexo | @allonesharingonebreath | @billywig-on-baker-street | @savismith | @blablatiti | @willow-days02 | @angelmusic123 | @tephi101 | @harleycativy | @the-actual-audrey | @ladywolf44005 | @gen-zeppelin | @readsalot73 | @supernaturalvikingwhore | @knittingmad | @wickedrum | @l-auteuse | @kelly-fasel | @siliethkaijuy | @oddlylonelyflights | @onceuponathreetwoone | @marvel-mystery | @childishhoe | @unnamedmaincharacter | @lyricxavierlove  | @getlostinyourparadise | @hidedemon | @summir-loving | @toenailcliipings | @yeet-me-out-tonight | @titty-teetee | @xxapollinaxx | @marvels-gurl | @onmykneesforloki | @cutiebubbleboo | @bugalouie | @babypink224221 | @uwumd | @bcimbatmandude | @igetcarriedawaywithyou | @drdorkus | @itsevalace | @drunkonbuckybarnes | @deviantloving-detective | @backontheolebullshit | @tranquility-or-chaos | @leapingoveroblivion | @maximoffzinha | @speedypastahairdocalzone | @lexxxistrips | @african-ebony-goddess | @m-a-k-e-d-a |  @firebirdsalvatore | @stinkyplease | @ginger-diaries | @youngestxhearts | @goldenhourchild | @tumblingurl | @kakashi-koi   | @blowmymbackout @therandomthoughtsofmsparker | @shellybeans | @lovepandasloves | @lizliz3107 | @itshaleighyo7 | @kathhdd | @canyoufeelthemagicintheair | @epic-fangirl-trash | @thenoblenomad | @atlanticowe | @vverecat | @jennifercjune | @clumsycaitx | @red-rose21 @spicylangdon | @v-v-x-x | @axa-vega | @missshadowpup | @brownsugerhippy | @peculiar-monstar | @fallslikefeather | @queenbetter | @this-is-whump-dammit | @lost-in-my-thoughs | @purpleisabela | @notyouraveragemochii | @ofstarsandfantasies | @uknowforget | @astrid345 | @lheart1 | @bukoandcoconutsarelife | @ladybeediva | @silvertongueserpent | @multi-fandomwriter97 | @lady-clegane-giantsbane | @fcgrizi | @bitchwhytho | @cha-lyn | @brexfrix | @lunaticgurly |  @sprinklesandsugarcubes | @missdforever | @bubble-t-r-o-u-b-l-e | @srsllydunnodoncare | @the-blue-tiefling | @drippingtragedygalaxy | @tshuuls | @superapplepie | @ellaheart  | @greektragedyc | @amelia2509 | @lovemindbodystuff | @tshuuls | @ryuzakiackerman1 | @lazilyscentedwerewolf | @ejc | @zlixlle @p3nny4urth0ught5 | @queen-sands | @stinkyplease | @ginger-diaries | @youngestxhearts​ | @goldenhourchild | @nightowls | @queenmissfit | @schelianhp | @we-were-so-close-to-something | @majicbamana​ | @you-are-my-sunshine-90 | @fiftyshadesofrebel | @oleander-in-the-wind | @yenneferv2020 | @alwayshavefaith-love | @belalugosisdead |  @laphirablack | @rndm-onsession | @szhead31 | @thedarkn1ghtxx | @omgkatinka |  @funmadnessandbadassvikings |  @just-call-me-no-name @rebelfleur22 | @thegirlsadventuresinwonderland | @just-a-normal-fangirl18​
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Chapters: 3/? Fandom: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Beleg Cúthalion/Túrin Turambar, Frodo Baggins/Sam Gamgee, Eönwë/Sauron | Mairon, Past Celebrimbor/Sauron | Mairon, Past Morgoth Bauglir | Melkor/Sauron | Mairon Characters: Morgoth Bauglir | Melkor, Vala | Valar, Sauron | Mairon, Thuringwethil (Tolkien), Gandalf | Mithrandir, Túrin Turambar, Beleg Cúthalion, Sam Gamgee, Frodo Baggins, Legolas Greenleaf, Celebrimbor | Telperinquar, Fëanor | Curufinwë, appearances from multiple other characters from the legendarium Additional Tags: Dagor Dagorath, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Canon, liberties have been taken with how mandos' prophecy would work, everyone is coming back, War, Betrayal, Found Family, The Silmarils - Freeform, they are still a complete nuisance, we're going on an adventure Summary:
It has been foretold that a day would come when Morgoth would return through the Door of Night and the World would once again be thrown into chaos and battle before he is finally defeated. Nobody thought it would be quite this soon, nor did anyone expect to see so many familiar faces return for the Battle to end all Battles.
Pssssst! Just posted chapter 3 of my Dagor Dagorath fic!
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lycheesodas · 3 years
Different anon but I'm interested in that list 👀
aaaaa ok!! here we go
from the / tag:
Beneath a Young Sun and in the Eagle's Shadow by Strigimorphaes, G, 5.2k words
Beleg has been away for some time, guarding the border, killing orcs and generally living the rough life. Meanwhile, Mablung has been staying at Doriath's court. Once reunited, they are sent away to the Mereth Aderthad, but despite being headed for a joyful feast, Beleg still sees danger everywhere. Mablung tries to convince him that for once, there is some hope for this strange, changed world - and a chance for a peaceful moment or two in the wilderness.
We’re starting off with my favourite!! The entire atmosphere here is just so dreamy, so whimsical.. I love it. Pretty serious but also fluffy! And optimistic ; w ;
Hurry with the swift current by LiveOakWithMoss, T, 1k words
Beleg is foolish, Mablung is furious, both are wet.
Short! Cute! Really funny aljsdfk this is so,, in character for them imo. The last line always fckin HITS
The Black Sword by elfscribe for tehta, M, 12.4k words
Mablung sees a strange portent that causes him to fear that his beloved friend Beleg's affection for Túrin, the self-exiled young warrior, could bring grief to them all.
One of two (2) fics on this list with a rating higher than T. Missing scene, canon-compliant so.. a lot of angst. I normally don’t read first person POV but this is really quite good! It’s one of the longer fics that take on their last parting ; ~ ; and I think the author did an excellent job of exploring their feelings and how they each came to their decision on what to do. Also, just putting it out there, the M rating is for a short smut scene in mid chapter 2.
(Uhh there was another one but I think the author has it set on private now 😭)
Moving on to the & tag!! Because friendship fics also slap
All The King's Horses by Nauthril, M, 44.3k words
Beleg felt, more than saw the projectile that struck with a sickening thuck sound into the larger part of his thigh. Someone cried out in pain and surprise, and he vaguely realized it may have been him.
The Elf went to yank the dart from his leg, only to find that it was barbed, designed to let its venom overwhelm the victim before it could be quickly removed. The more subtle effects of the spike were nearly immediate, effecting his fine motor skills.
His right thigh burned fiercely with every pulse of his heart.
Fighting the urge to keep his own two feet from tangling with his steps, the Beleg made every effort to at least stand upright.
Beleg fails to return to Menegroth for Túrin’s birthday celebration. Mablung and Túrin set out to find him and bring him home.
A LONG FIC.. A LONG, CHAPTERED FIC!!!!! I felt like I won the lottery when I saw this hrhfsldfjk It’s an action adventure with multiple POV’s and it’s just really freakin good ok, I am absolutely living for that resolution in chapter 7. The relationship between all three main characters are handled really well! I think it’s gonna be part of a series too so HYPE!!! I wish there was like a follow or subscribe button on ao3 so I’ll know when the author would upload next ; 0 ; (EDIT: THERE IS ONE BUT I JUST NEVER FUCKING SAW IT LMFAO) Also, mind the warning tags here! Slight spoiler: it was an original side character so it wasn’t very front and centre but it could still bother some people
A Quiet Moment by Nauthril, G, 1.6k words
A Yuletide fic for the season. Beleg returns from the Northern Marches and shares some quiet moments with Mablung.
I know tis not the season but it’s so cute.. And honestly it’s immersive enough to make you feel like it’s actually Christmas! The banter, the gift exchange, the way they’re so comfortable with each other ; w ; This warms my heart <3
Parting by @glowingmechanicalheart right here on tumbler dot com
It’s literally six sentences but they’re such efficient sentences. It’s so clear and so sad because we know what happened in the end ; ~ ; it’s really what I was trying to convey with this piece!
The next two are by the same author on AO3!
Battle Worn But Going Home by GlowingMechanicalHeart, T, 1k words
The battle rages, hard and brutal. And it’s going to end badly, Mablung can tell already. Something feels off, like Belegûr is holding back, mocking their armies and their dead. Beleg stands side to side with him, and that is a comforting thought for him.
And then it happens, a betrayal from their own side and the battle grows worse.
Everything about the Fifth Battle is just pain...... I always wondered how those two handled it, though :0 And this fic gives us a glimpse of that. I really like how this author handles Mablung’s POV!
Mourning a Friend by GlowingMechanicalHeart, T, ~700 words
Mablung does his best to not to worry, if anyone can take care of himself, it’s Beleg. But his thoughts and emotions betray him, his whole being is screaming at him that Beleg is in danger, to run forth, find his friend and bring him to the safety of Doriath.
THIS FIC. I’M- I HAVE NO WORDS JUST READ IT 😭 Incredibly sad but well-written take on how Mablung finds out about Beleg’s death. Absolutely heartbreaking, I love it.
Now for some stuff outside the relationship tags because I'm literally that desperate.
Within a Dark Wood by Marchwriter, T, 7.7k words
"The tale of Túrin is known to many of this company… but…tonight is not the night to tell it. So I will tell you another tale. One that, perhaps, not even the eldest amongst our little company has yet heard." So the storyteller began…
Story within a story, which is always cool imo! Follows Beleg and Mablung from their first meeting to their last parting and a little bit after Beleg’s death ; w ; THE YEARNING..... it’s palpable. This one really tugs at my heartstrings because it made me think of what could have been (within the scope of the fic) if they’d just been honest with their feelings
The Two Hunters by theeventualwinner for Lunarium, G, 1.3k words, no summary ;;
Cute friendship fic!! Somehow full of hope in a time when the dark forces are growing. I like how it captures the difference in their personalities and approach towards life(?) but how they’re still close friends
And that’s basically my full reading list of my favourite marchwardens! They’re such an underrated pair (as best friends?? boyfriends? either way they’re soulmates 😤) that there’s not a lot of fics about them. I do my best with creating my own content but I’m more of an artist than a writer XD But they’re really starting to force my hand here. 
I hope you guys enjoy my recs! Also, thanks anon and previous anon for reminding me to log back in to my AO3 account so I can leave a proper review soon 💀
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Silver - Beleg Cúthalion x human!reader
In which the reader, of our world, finds herself in theirs-- capturing one night the attention of a certain archer.
A/N - I'd like to think that this was during a small slice of a happier time, despite the impending doom that made up the First Age.
I'm not quite sure where I originally planned to go with this, considering I wrote the first half about a year and a half ago (procrastination at its finest), but I wanted to finish it aand here it is!
(Also, I know it’s very unlikely that Beleg had silver hair due to his ethnic group but I've always pictured him with it. So..for once, my stickler self is bending the likely-canon. Just a little.)
Sindarin Translations: Hiril vuin- my lady
The night was clear and calm in Gondolin as I gazed up at the vastness of the sky; a light breeze whispered over my fingertips while I raised an arm to trace through constellations. After several moments I let it land back at my side with a quiet sigh. From where I sat overlooking the city, nostalgia was already beginning to set in with an intensity I did not anticipate. I was to leave in the morning. Beleg Cúthalion, a Sindarin Elf who, as I was told, was once a Marchwarden Chief of Doriath, had arrived in Gondolin not six days ago to deliver important news to King Turgon that he had overheard in his travels; I was drawn to him immediately and he, it would seem, to me.
Perhaps it was his attire that first caught my attention—always ready for travel, for adventure, life on the road, each day an adornment from a seemingly different land; his lack of flowing robes and elegant embroideries that I was so used to seeing in the Royal House was a refreshment to say the least. It reminded me somehow of home. Maybe it was even his hair—always tied up in some way, whether in a topknot, a plait slung over his shoulder, a tail hung down his back with strands framing either side of his face. Such a comparison to the free-flowing locks laced with intricate little braids and twists that I saw everywhere around me. He was wise and brave, though his spirit light, and always kind. The lingering smiles and lengthy conversations we had already shared was something I was trying to keep off of my mind. My decision came earlier this day. He was to set out from Gondolin on the morrow, heading to meet up with Túrin, his closest friend and companion; a man he taught from childhood. It was for similar reason, Beleg had said, that he first took notice of me. I was human. After much heavy pondering over the course of his stay, I made the choice to go with him, to the quiet dismay of the King and his daughter; Turgon had taken me in as his ward when I was found all those months ago lost and confused with no way of getting back home nor a House of Men that would claim me. It saddened me to leave him now. He realized, however, that it was something I needed to do; I didn't fit in here among the Elves, couldn't find my happiness, no matter how much I loved the city and those residing in it. The time was come to search elsewhere. Unable to get any sleep, I had come outside to a quiet area where the light of the moon and stars were my companions and a fresh spring breeze wrapped me in its arms. 'I really will miss it here', I thought to myself, and was so lost in pondering that I didn't even notice the figure that now sat at my side. "Hello." The sudden sound of a quiet voice sent me nearly jumping out of my skin; I turned with widened eyes towards the Elf, whose own brows were lifted. "Forgive me. It was not my intention to frighten you." Amusement was tugging at his lips. "Beleg," I sighed, releasing a breathy laugh. "You were so quiet..I didn't hear you." He shrugged, turning his gaze to the stars with a small smile. "Such is the nature of Elves." While his attention was focused elsewhere I took the time to observe him; he was adorned in a simple sky-blue tunic and dark breeches, feet bare, and for the first time since meeting him I realized his hair was free of any plait or twine, a cascade of flowing silver waltzing with the breeze. The light of the moon reflecting off of it made him appear almost as a star itself, handsome face glowing, grey eyes gentle and bright. I was in awe. My staring must have been a bit too obvious, or perhaps it is just too difficult to be sneaky in the presence of an Elf—or probably both—because again he smiled and cast his gaze from the stars to meet mine instead. "What is it?" He asked, as if he already knew. He did that often. "N-Nothing," I stammered. My eyes flitted to the fidgeting hands in my lap. "It's just, um.." I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I glanced back up at him. "You're just..very beautiful." His serene, almost teasing expression changed to one of surprise. "I—I mean, forgive me, I-" Sputtering like a fool, I mentally scolded myself for even saying anything in the first place; my awkward spiel was interrupted, however, as he reached out a hand and delicately tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. I stared. My mouth was probably still open. "You are very beautiful as well." He said, gently, and with the softest smile. I snapped my mouth shut. A beat of silence passed and thus I offered my most clever response yet—well-thought-out indeed, masterfully planned—I looked directly at him and said: "What?" The unexpected bout of laughter that bubbled grandly past his lips had me thinking some sort of enchantment was at work; and I swore in that moment that it was the most melodic sound I had ever heard. He was grinning widely now. "I believe the proper response would have been, 'Thank you.' Although I suppose yours works as well." My cheeks were on fire. I suddenly became very interested in the fabric of my skirts as I mumbled in weak defense, “It would do you well not to fluster me, Beleg Strongbow.” The smile was still on his face as he leaned back on his hands to gaze once more at the stars. “I only jest, my lady. Although there is no doubt of your beauty—in that, I speak true.” My heart fluttered at his words and suddenly I was nervous for the coming week. With him and his compliments as my only companions until we met up with Túrin, I could only hope I wouldn’t become like a bumbling child in his presence. My thoughts traveled back to the reason why I came out here in the first place. As if reading my mind, Beleg said, “You should be sleeping. We have a long day ahead of us on the morrow.” He looked over at me, able to tell that my night had been restless. I answered his questioning gaze with a sigh; “I know,” I murmured. “I just...can’t seem to wrap my head around things.” I shook my head to myself as my eyes passed over the ethereal city. “Since waking up with no idea where I was or how I got here, and being found.. Gondolin is all I have known of this world. Turgon and Idril, my only sense of family. And now..” Beleg’s brows were gently furrowed, a tender look in his eyes as he listened. “Now I am leaving it all behind. Leaving it for a road I can’t even see the end of. A place that I am not sure I will even be able to find.” The following silence was only broken by the soft breeze, and suddenly a warm hand took hold of mine. “Whatever may come of this journey, hiril vuin, know that I am with you for every step. You need not be afraid—“ I looked at him, and our eyes met— “There is a place for you.” The wind carried his warmth towards me, the smell of trees and fresh air and flowing rivers, and his eyes shone with starlight. There is a place for you. His voice, soft and strong, was in that moment almost as mesmerizing as his laughter. “I am glad to be with you, then,” I whispered after what felt like an eternity. He had told me some days ago of the story of King Thingol and his Queen, how they remained for long years sustained by nothing other than each other’s gaze—the fact that I was reminded of this, sitting there, looking at Beleg, made me feel almost foolish. Yet the way he looked at me in turn began to tell me otherwise. “I must admit,” he spoke very quietly, “in this short time since our meeting, I have grown very fond of you.” It was almost as though he were speaking to himself, his words not meant to be heard by my ears; his eyes so focused as they moved across the features of my face, yet in likeness to a trance all the same. I sat with baited breath. Finally his eyes came up to meet mine again and with a sudden but subtle switch—as though waking from a daydream—he said, in normal tone this time, “I have noticed your interest in the stars.” He released my hand and I shivered at the quick loss of warmth, yet his smile made up for it as did his closer shift in my direction while he looked up towards the sky, and I did my best to ignore how his hair seemed to glimmer beneath the moon. Elves really are something else, I thought in bewilderment. “Look,” he murmured, pointing upwards with a slender hand, “Do you see that grouping of stars just there?” I followed his sight and nodded. “That is Soronúmë. Eagle of the West, in the common tongue. And over there—“ he leaned closer, “is Telumendil.” He turned a wide smile down at me, his face inches away, and I therefore kept my focus trained on the sky. I could already feel the heat rising to my cheeks. I finally did look at him, however, when he continued, “I can tell you everything about our stars as we travel.” The joy shining in his grey eyes made him seem—somehow, bizarrely—even younger, so full of the starlight he spoke of that he almost appeared to be glowing with it. My fascination with the Eldar’s love for the night sky never ceased, even in all the months I’ve aboded with them. Beleg somehow made it all the more beautiful. “I would like that very much,” I grinned back at him, suddenly hoping that I would never have to lose sight of that smile. The simple kiss he then placed on my cheek filled me with such a burst of warmth that I nearly fell over. As he continued to point out constellations, the names of them rolling smoothly off of his tongue, I couldn’t bring myself to tear my eyes from his face; the way his lips formed each word, the elegant structure of his jaw as it moved, eyes bright and smile soft, hair caressed by the breeze. He smelled of the earth and the good that is in it. When the night drew on and a comfortable silence had settled, and he idly sat tracing my fingers with his own, I breathed deep and allowed myself, finally, to not be afraid. ‘There is a place for you.’ Perhaps I would not have to look so far after all.
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avnakin · 7 years
Boundless friendship
The most impressive relationship in the whole Tolkien’s world history, in my opinion, is Frodo’s and Sam’s friendship. I surely was fascinated by other relationships, such as Beren’s and Luthien’s love, Feanor sons’ dedication to father, Beleg’s and Turin’s friendship. But they weren’t as heart-warming and didn’t have such a true ‘feeling’ as Frodo+Sam friendship did.
How did this friendship start? Frodo and Sam didn't have this quite typical situation of them growing up and spending their free time together. Moreover, Sam was Frodo’s gardener, making them some kind of colleagues, which means they didn't have much warm connections. Their relationship was at ‘neighbour status’.
As Frodo had to take the Ring to Rivendell, Sam followed him. Samwise wasn’t doing it because of his affection to Baggins, but mostly because he was punished and told by Gandalf to help Frodo on his journey. It doesn't mean the gardener didn’t like this, no, he did like to be helpful. Still, it wasn't such an ‘opened’ action. Frodo, though, didn’t mind to have a companion. At this point their relationship level got a little higher, as they became partners in adventure, especially, as challenges and struggles on their way brought them closer.
When the hobbits get to Rivendell, they face the question “Do I return home?”. For Frodo Baggins, the question was answered solidly - he had to take the Ring to Mordor and destroy it. As for Samwise - he had a choice, he could simply return to the Shire. Though, he didn't, deciding to continue following the Ringbearer all the way. At this point we can see that Sam starts getting affected to Frodo, especially as he even trie to enter the secret Council of Elrond (he could just ignore it and go home without putting any effort into trying to get to the Fellowship of the Ring).
The journey unfolds: when the Fellowship gets separated, Frodo and Sam go on their own and they start facing difficulties completely on their own. This period did the biggest improvement on their bond. One of the challenges they face together is Gollum. More precisely, they wouldn't come to an actual agreement about it. Don’t forget (or get to know, if you haven’t read the books) Frodo has never left Sam, he never made him “go home” (this moment makes me frustrated, as it totally ruins all the picture of their friendship, that J. R. R. Tolkien was gradually building). Frodo Baggins was as attached to Samwise, as Sam was to Frodo.
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The next challenge, which they have faced is obviously the Ring. The Ring would take over Frodo’s mind, sometimes controlling him, turning him to a completely different person. The pressure would get less possible to manage. However, in the books it wasn’t mentioned about Frodo suddenly splashing his anger on Sam (again, at this point movies kind of messed up (still love them way too much)). Though what we surely know is how much the Ringbearer was struggling all the way to Orodruin, every step getting harder, every breath heavier, every glance more painful. This period, was the most crucial in Frodo+Sam friendship. As Frodo said himself: “Frodo wouldn't have got far without Sam.”, the gardener was the only support Frodo had, both physical and mental. The Ringbearer had all his hope disappeared, still, Sam moved forwards, having only his own support and relying only on himself. Samwise’s dedication to Frodo was pushing him to take a step, one by one.
In the end of all things, the Ring is destroyed, the evil is faded, the world is changed. Frodo’s and Sam’s friendship stays true. They stay together after everything. The life is different for both of them. Both of them are physically experienced. Both are mentally changed. The connection has formed between them, as they went through everything together. All the way. 
If not Frodo, Middle Earth would have come to an end. If not Sam, Middle Earth would have come to an end.
-Forget the real world, get lost in Middle Earth-
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heartofoshun · 7 years
Silmarillion Questions: Tagged by @jane-ways
 – thanks for thinking of me!
How do you think the Oath worked practically? I like to write it as magic—it sleeps and then awakens under certain in-world pressures and then it is all but impossible to resist. I think Tolkien wrote it under the influence of belief systems in the Northern tradition which considered one’s sworn oath to be sacred—to break it was the lowest thing a warrior could do. For him, it makes a great story conflict—absolute fealty to a sworn oath even if it will lead to one’s doom. He makes us love the Noldor (he does!!) and then rips our hearts out. Incomparable storytelling. But the guy is filled with contradictions. His modern, Catholic-self thought that the oath could and should be broken if in contradiction to other moral issues. (It’s a long discussion. Too long to have here.) I ask myself, how come the good characters in The Silmarillion are not nearly as appealing and attractive as the ones Tolkien wants us to judge? Accidental or intentional? Were the Valar in the right to bring the Elves to Valinor? No. The One/Eru never intended the Secondborn (Men) be left alone in Middle-earth to face Morgoth and without the aid of the Firstborn (Elves). I do not doubt the good intentions of the Valar, but they did not consider the implications of their action. And they did not consider that not all of the Elves would appreciate the trade of freedom for a gilded cage. They claimed the Noldor were free to leave, but then cursed them—leave and you can’t come back, no help from us, and unnumbered tears you shall shed—wow, harsh!
Which Silm character do you find the most relatable personally and why? Probably Fingon. I love his loyalty and his courage. He is a real hero over and over, rescuing Maedhros alone, facing down the first dragon they encounter, acting as military commander-in-chief throughout his father’s reign. His extraordinary personal heroism and his epic friendship (or more) with Maedhros makes him incredibly attractive, but his political instincts and leadership qualities were sound also. He is said to have “resolved to heal the feud that divided the Noldor, before their Enemy should be ready for war.” While he lived, he was able to hold the Noldor together, despite differences, after their reconciliation, which he, along with Maedhros, had engineered. If you could ask one character one question (to get clarification on their motives, to ask their opinion etc), who would you ask and what? Finrod.  I’d like a fully developed and detailed answer as to why he came to Middle-earth. I adore Finrod—what’s not to like—but there is not a clear enough motivation for leaving. An urge for travel and adventure? Intellectual curiosity? An attachment to his cousins? I’d like to hear it from his POV. Would you have gone with Fëanor, Fingolfin or Finarfin?I’d have follow Fëanor – the revolutionary who thought for himself and didn’t accept received-wisdom without reasoning. He fought for the rights of his people to make their own decisions and for their self-determination. By the time the Valar had released Morgoth, he had no reason to trust their judgment over his own. It’s canon that he did many things better than did them. I am inspired by Fëanor’s words, along with the 90 percent of the Noldor who left Aman: “We are threatened with many evils, and treason not least; but one thing is not said: that we shall suffer from cowardice, from cravens or the fear of cravens. Therefore I say that we will go on, and to this doom I add: the deeds that we shall do shall be the matter of song until the last days of Arda.” I’m not nearly as moved by the motivations of the others or lack thereof. Fingolfin did what he saw as his duty: not to abandon the Noldor, to avenge his father, and, originally, with perhaps a bit of ambition to hang onto the crown. Finarfin withdrew to make his peace with the Valar (and his wife’s people, whom he loved; and his mother and her people whom he revered). I do not condemn Fëanor’s brothers’ motivations out of hand, but only say that for myself he would have been the one of the three who could have lit a fire under me. What do you think was the determining factor/reasoning behind the Doom of the Noldor? Does it hold for scrutiny in your opinion? It was a threat pure and simple. There should have been no punishment at all. Quite the contrary, they should have been willing to help them out in Middle-earth, early and often. One cannot offer aid only with precise and restrictive conditions that effectively take away one’s freedom to make decision (as much the Valar argued that was not their intention). Who is the scariest of Tolkien’s characters? That light-sucking spider who scared the shit out of Melkor himself. Any other versions of a story you prefer over the version published in the Silm? I tend to like the Silmarillion the best.  But I do like so many of the added details. The ones that add to backstory and flesh-out characterization. Things like Law and Customs Among the Eldar not so much. In my own stories, I had constructed an outline and written a novel and a couple of novellas before I ever encountered certain characters. So, I was not prepared to go back and re-write those. Favourite story of the legendarium and why? There are so many! I first was attracted to Fingon rescuing Maedhros and the two them reuniting the Noldor. I loved Fingolfin bringing so many of the peoples of Middle-earth together at the Mereth Aderthad, despite Thingol’s resistance. I love Fingon and Maedhros’ bromance/romance and their maintaining the military alliance that held back Morgoth for nearly 500 years. I love all of the sons of Fëanor (Curufin a little less than the rest—Sorry! I know he had a hard life—just like his father only not nearly as brilliant—poor guy!). I count Huan among the Family—what a hound! He’s the good part of the story of Beren and Lúthien—the rest is kind of a snooze for me (heresy, I know). I love Fëanor and Nerdanel—the power couple of the power people! OMG! I want to reunite them! I love Finarfin (despite him make the wrong choice about going into exile)—love his wife and his kids and his non-Noldorin preference for the Telerin names and customs. I adore Tuor—especially the part of coming to Gondor and running into Voronwë, the sea god, and the swans, and finding the armor (that’s awesome storytelling!). Of course I love Arehel and Galadriel! Dark and light. Impulse and cunning. Wonderful women, who should have had more space. I love Idril, getting her hands dirty as an engineer in Gondolin and saving so many, with a little help from Ecthelion and Glorfindel and her husband. I love Idril and Tuor’s baby Eärendil—so heartbreakingly cute—dipping into HoMe for that! I love Ecthelion and Glorfindel—the descriptions of those two alone would make me love them without their deeds.  Giving short shrift here to the Sindar—but I have plenty of crushes among them also: Daeron, Beleg, and Mablung. How about Húrin saying good-bye to his wife and kid and his brass balls at the Battle of Unnumbered Tears? And Azaghâl  at Unnumbered Tears: “the Dwarves raised up the body of Azaghâl and bore it away; and with slow steps they walked behind singing a dirge in deep voices.” I want to see that filmed. Last but not least, Maedhros, Maglor, Elrond, and Elros! There are so many more great storylines and so much delicious heartbreak! Almost forgot to mention how much I adore Finrod--so much so that he get’s a citation from the bio I wrote for him: “He is a brilliant, beautiful, golden icon, bigger-than-life, and shaped from the same heroic mold as all of his flame-eyed compatriots, those notorious and charismatic Noldorin Lords of the West. If that were not enough, Finrod is also a great wizard, a friend to Men and Dwarves, and loyal to his allies and closest kinsmen, even when faced with safeguarding their dirtiest secrets. While his virtues are extolled well beyond those of any of his cousins or brothers, Finrod remains just flawed enough to be sexy.” And non-Quenta Silmarillion stories? Well, there is that three-volume book about the Third Age and its outcome. Not to mention Númenor. Don’t make me chose! The latest thing you learned that made you reconsider or change your view on something in Tolkien’s world? Honestly, I do that constantly. I have to admit I get the most enlightenment from within the fandom and not from the voluminous works of Tolkien scholars I read when I am doing research for my own non-fiction ruminations. Thoughts on Fëanor not wanting to share the Silmarils after the Darkening? I have to agree with @jane-ways who said it felt “like it had more to do with his distrust of the Valar than selfishness.” And, not even Fëanor himself could replicate them for a part of his life force was spent in their creation. Nonetheless, the Valar insisted that he relinquish them. Only Aulë appeared to understand the breaking of the Silmarils would result in the destruction of Fëanor. He told his brethren: “We ask a greater thing than thou knowest. Let him have peace yet awhile.'” Of course, they ignored him, the one amongst them who understood Fëanor best.
I’m tagging @vefanyar, @himring, @nimium-amatrix-ingenii-sui @lucifers-cuvette, @ignoblebard , @grundyscribbling   @imindhowwelayinjune anyone else who would like to answer!
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lovefairymina · 2 years
Hi Mina! I'm Random Anon with a Question! I was wondering which elves have what interests 😅 I can only seem to remember which ones are more like soldiers and prefer activities like sparring...
Then there's Erestor who I think hangs out in the library or mostly quiet places?
I think Thel likes the flute???? 🤔
But I can't quite remember what the interests of other characters are 😅😅😅
Are there any that enjoy painting, healing, dancing, traveling (not for a life threatening reason)???
I hope this isn't too big of a question! I hope it's not too bothersome...
A/N: I attempted to add as many as my brain allowed me to :) forgive me if some seem a bit too jumbled up.
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Travelling — those who enjoy hunting are also those who would not hesitate to embark on a quest or adventure of their own. Sometimes, they would be missing for weeks or even months. When looking for them, they are somewhere over the rainbow, trekking through the forest or climbing a mountain's side.
◈ Celegorm, Amrod, Amras, Fingon, Finrod, Elladan, Elrohir
Hunting — there is no better day for them than chasing after a deer or rabbits in the forest. Hunting trips are important and a must for them and can range from a week to even a year. It's a vigorous activity that requires all their attention, and not for a second would they spend it any other way.
◈ Celegorm, Amrod, Amras, Fingon, Beleg, Elladan
Reading/Philosophy/Science — spending a day in the library learning and filling their brains with unlimited knowledge about the world is where you can find them. With their heads in the cloud and books, turning pages faster than their brain can comprehend, they are absorbing everything the world has to offer. Even when they aren't found in the library, heated discussions or debates are another way to spend their day.
◈ Fëanor, Maedhros, Curufin, Fingolfin, Turgon, Finarfin, Finrod, Thingol, Elrond, Gil Galad
Arts and Crafts — from playing music to singing to spending days and months slaving away in the forges to create the most perfect masterpiece, these elves are dedicated to ensuring their creation comes to life. It doesn't matter what area of the arts they professionalize in, to them, it is their life and passion and dealt with serious care.
◈ Fëanor, Maglor, Caranthir, Curufin, Celebrimbor, Finrod, Ecthelion, Rog, Maeglin, Lindir
Sporting Activities — horseback riding, rock climbing, sparring, archery, swimming, etc., are just some of the activities they spend during their free time or most of their time indulging in. It has become a part of their daily routine and is easily incorporated into their lives. They are joyous activities for those who rely on them to break free of the restraints of royal duties as well.
◈ Celegorm, Amrod, Amras, Fingon, Argon, Angrod, Aegnor, Glorfindel, Egalmoth, Gil Galad
Medicine/Healing — saving lives are their life's mission and task. They believe they were gifted with healing hands to create medicine and whisper words of enchantment to keep someone within the land of the living. A job taken seriously with delicate care when treating patients. When they aren't healing, they can be found searching for new herbs or creating a new concoction for injuries.
◈ Galdor, Beleg, Elrond, Elrohir
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Chapters: 2/? Fandom: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Beleg Cúthalion/Túrin Turambar, Frodo Baggins/Sam Gamgee, Eönwë/Sauron | Mairon, Past Celebrimbor/Sauron | Mairon, Past Morgoth Bauglir | Melkor/Sauron | Mairon Characters: Morgoth Bauglir | Melkor, Vala | Valar, Sauron | Mairon, Thuringwethil (Tolkien), Gandalf | Mithrandir, Túrin Turambar, Beleg Cúthalion, Sam Gamgee, Frodo Baggins, Legolas Greenleaf, Celebrimbor | Telperinquar, Fëanor | Curufinwë, appearances from multiple other characters from the legendarium Additional Tags: Dagor Dagorath, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Canon, liberties have been taken with how mandos' prophecy would work, everyone is coming back, War, Betrayal, Found Family, The Silmarils - Freeform, they are still a complete nuisance, we're going on an adventure Summary:
It has been foretold that a day would come when Morgoth would return through the Door of Night and the World would once again be thrown into chaos and battle before he is finally defeated. Nobody thought it would be quite this soon, nor did anyone expect to see so many familiar faces return for the Battle to end all Battles
Look! I actually got the time to update this! First proper chapter (as in, not the prologue) of my Dagor Dagorath fic is finally up!
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thegreatstrongbow · 3 years
(Wadfrea) 👶🏻
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name: Tallagor in Sindarin, Talla for short.
birthdate: Autumn.
personality headcanon: An extremely active kid (comes with being half-Valar), always bouncing from one adventure/activity/place to the next, generally quite cheerful and easy going, though also quite quiet outside of the people they grew up with.
what was their first word and how old were they when they said it: They said their first word very early, maybe 8-9 months old. It was 'Forest'
did they get in trouble in school: probably collectively home-schooled by Oromë and the Hunters. So yes.
which parent were they more attached to: Beleg
what was their favourite toy: A stuffed dog toy that resembles Oromë's hounds
did they cry a lot as a baby: No
movie they watched over and over:
what was their favorite subject in school: They loved lessons on wilderness survival with the Hunters. They liked the feeling of being able to go anywhere and know how to cope.
were they social growing up or quiet: In between
which parent do they take after: Beleg, personality wise and Oromë physically.
what do they grow up to be: A menace A Hunter just like Ada!
three random headcanons: They do have some half-Valar abilities, but they blend so well with the Hunters lifestyle that people who don't know probably wouldn't realise. As a coming of age gift they got a Hound. As an adult their main goal to explore every inch of Valinor that they can.
likes & dislikes: likes: the forest, dancing, hanging out with elves. dislikes: being told no, people treating them too formally, food that is too sweet.
do they get along with their parents: yes
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