#the littlest tzimisce
infinity-on-l0w · 1 year
Hey guys! I've decided to open up a Patreon and start taking commissions for my art. I'd really appreciate the support, as it's been really difficult lately with my hours having been cut at work to essentially nothing and needing to find a way to pay for dental surgery.
Long story short, I need at least $500 to pay for the remainder on the procedure, as that's all that my insurance doesn't cover. It would be amazing if any of you would be willing to give your support, or even just share.
Examples of my work will be in this post, as well as the link to my patreon. Every share bolsters my hope and will to live, and the likelihood I'll get these sideways wisdom teeth gone. Thanks in advanced! Prices will also be included.
I accept both PayPal and Venmo, which I'll include in the event anyone wants to simply donate by chance. Pricing for Commissions is based on the amount of time it takes for me to complete most pieces. (IE, 60$ for approximately 6 Hours spent on a full body + full color/shading at the most).
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infinity-on-l0w · 2 years
"I can't wait to hear you //I can't wait to hear you scream!"
It's a Lily again, this time using only the color palette provided by a friend of mine, background ripped from the same palette. Everything else is original, though.
Enjoy everyone's favorite Fixer!
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infinity-on-l0w · 2 years
tell me about the littlest tzimisce they intrigue me
That's Lily! She's my New Clan Tzimisce from a v5 game I've run with my friends over discord since about 2020. We took a year off last year due to work and life reasons but we're working on getting the gang back together. Our campaign and some lore is heavily homebrewed due to much of it having occurred before certain supplements were released. Infodumping under the readmore! : D
Lily is a Tzimisce that left the Sabbat after her Sire was diablerized by her Eldest Childe. She wandered around for a few years before finding herself in New York City in 2020 during the pandemic, digging up graves for shit to pawn and feeding on mourners. At least that was the intent, she was found by a tallguy with a big ole scar on his face that just said to come with him, and so she did.
To make a long story short, she's brought in to the Camarilla under the guise of a Lasombra, after being taken under the employe of an elder named Plutus. He's a primogen within the city that handles Caitiff and things the Cam would have left in their shadow. Long story short, they basically adopt each other as sire and childe over time.
Basically, all of her superiors know that she's a Tzimisce. She's placed with a Coterie of idiots that have issues keeping their limbs on their bodies and out of torpor, and shenanigans ensues. She takes med courses that are paid for by her employment under the Ebony Tower, the entity Plutus runs, and her skills improved vastly over time.
To be honest I'm glossing over a bunch here, like how she got her Beloved Ghoul and the story of how she and the Toreador on her team begrudgingly fell in love...But! That's just a bit of her story. She's on Path of Humanity and has been grappling with relearning empathy, and that's a huge part of her story arcs.
Personality wise, she's outwardly very professional and clinical in many instances. Others, however...Violent and unhinged. She revels in the pain of her enemies, which oftentimes have been the Sabbat of New Jersey. When she isn't giving her friends and patients medical care on the field, she's tearing hearts out (literally).
That said, she adores her friends despite how exasperating it can be to keep them together. They've been through a lot.
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Here's the picture I drew of her recently! It's with a specific palette, her skin tone is just regular old white.
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infinity-on-l0w · 4 years
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I don't post my own art on main but when I do it's bc im proud of myself. This is my tzimisce antitribu, lily! She's both a PC and SPC in my chronicle on discord. I use her as am SPC when I am St, but I had to take a break for a few weeks after I had surgery.
She has an aptitude for replacing her friends' lost limbs and organs, although it's exasperating at times, it's a great excuse to poke around people's insides. And her intro took place in a graveyard, so, yknow.
Inspired by the included text post.
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