#the local gender clinic i just signed up with has a group for trans ppl that meets on thursdays. i should probably get in there huh
mirqmarq428 · 6 months
"you don't need to be a skinny blajaj anime girl" okay cool good im not
"what you need to do is go outside and talk to other trans ppl" Ahh no there it is nooo im terrified of going out and connecting with other human beings why would you give me such a hard task
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trans-advice · 3 years
So I used to be on T shots, but after about 2 years my body was no longer reacting well with the injection to the point that I couldn't lay down on my injection sight until it was time to switch sides the next week and pick a different spot. I told my dr and they said I could switch to patches but by that time I had already missed several shots because my anxiety grew and grew from how painful I knew it was going to be and my insurance took forever to approve another method and they said the patches could leave welts. Long story short- I've been off T for over a year now and I dont know what to do. I've grown to embrace my trans body, but as my voice gets higher and my face fills out again I hate it. I wish people would just respect me as a man or a masc person without hormones. I feel like in order to live a "normal" life I have to deal with some amount of pain, either from shots or welts or ppl not respecting me it just sucks and I've been conflicted for a long time now about what I should do next. Thank you for letting me vent 💙
you’re welcome
as someone with adhd, i know that one of the things that keeps me conflcted for a long time is not having a clear enough idea of what my choices are. so while i would need your locale to look up whether there’s various sliding-scale transgender clinics for you, (which could therefore take insurance out of the equation). I think figuring out which one is closest to you would help. even if it’s far away, you can then actually calculate gas/transit costs and so forth.
if you ever wanted to deal with the skin reactions, then a dermatologist might help. i’ve heard there’s also under the tongue methods of the medicine, but based on both the shots & the patches hurting your skin, IDK that’d be safe, though you might have more information than me to clarify that already.
yes, pain does suck, from the minority stress, to the medical, to the disrespect, and so forth. currently, i’m no-op & no/pre hrt because i have complicating medical conditions too. if you can find some support groups for trans people, or other relevant things to your life, then you can at least improve the other parts of your life thereby helping you weather the pain of transphobia.
IDK if you were able to get your gender markers corrected or not, but due to your medical reactions to medical transitioning, if your area has Appropriate Clinical Treatment standards, then you might be able to get a doctor/MD to sign off on your documents to correct your gender marker.
This link is USA centric: https://transequality.org/documents but different documents are issued by different states & thereby can have different laws & form different paths (that’s an example of intersectionality). If you’re able to get the gender marker corrected, then that tends to faciliate respect & social transitioning.
Good Luck, Peace & Love,
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