#the lorax thirst trap
witchy-lexx · 1 year
My sister made this Lorax edit!! Please hype them up!!
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ask-nightmare-ler · 1 month
Good morning
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ellielatinagf · 6 months
Ellie Williams hc <3
I’m a new author. Might not update much but I will when I can! Sfw. Not proofread.Free Palestine 🇵🇸
Ellie would definitely be an iPad kid. She would also get mad when you interrupt her while she’s eating ramen and on part 36 of the Lorax movie on tik tok
She prefers silver jewlary over gold. She might have her ears pierced and put small earrings in them. Definitely has some simple black metal rings
The girl can skate. Not saying she’s the best but she can do some simple cruising. But she tried to do tricks to impress you and ends up with bruises and cuts
Cannot talk to women for the life of her. When you met Ellie you complimented her outfit. She got nervous and wanted to compliment you back but damn you were hot. She ended saying “oh thanks nice elbows!” The poor girl never lived that down
Is a Fortnite god. But one time she was so hyped for the game that when she died at 2nd place she flopped on the couch so hard she broke a couch leg. Jesse was laughing so hard you could hear him through the headset
When she was little she used to put on a hoodie and her hair on her forehead and used to pretend she was a boy. She would take pictures of herself on her little iPhone6. You somehow got the pictures and laugh at them every now and then
Ellie actually keeps her nails neat and clean. She’ll clean then and file them so they’re not too long. She’ll even put on a coat of clear nail hardener. And for some reason it’s actually really hot
Has drafts on tik tok of her trying to do the “one line” challenges and a bunch of other tik tok Games. However she also has some drafts of guitar playing and a couple thirst traps here and there
She’s your personal chauffeur and will call you her passenger princess. She will blast your shared playlist and have one hand on the wheel and the other in your hand. She likes to mess with people so at a red light she will look at the car next to her and go 🤨✌️
Your saved as “babe💋” on her phone and your contact photo is a cute picture of you in front of a statue or piece of art from a museum. Meanwhile her contact name is “smelly ellie” with a silly picture of her tripping or making a funny face
*Smelly Ellie calling*
You: Hey Smellie
Ellie: STAWP🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
As of her occupation, she might actually be a co owner of a guitar shop that Joel bought. Either that or she might work as a mechanic in Tommy’s shop
She follows NASA on Instagram and liked every picture they post of a new image of a star or planet. She’d also send it to you and spit fun facts about it
Her favorite character on SpongeBob is Patrick. She thinks he’s so underrated and a comedic masterpiece. She watches every episode of the new spinoff “The Patrick Show”
The girl has the weirdest conspiracy theories that sound so weird but she makes them make sense. Like you’ll both be out at a restaurant eating and she’ll start telling you how she thinks the world will end
I don’t know about this one but I think she’d also be interested in the ocean. Marine life is just as cool to her and loves aquarium dates (when she’s not hunting down Abby)
When someone says something dumb on Instagram or Tik tok comments she’ll report them and then forget about it. Then when they reply two weeks later saying the user didn’t violate guidelines she’ll get mad again
I feel like no one talks about high school Ellie enough!! The girl played sports like maybe lacrosse and basketball. Joel was in the stands with her uncle Tommy cheering her on and you were with Dina holding a poster and had made a jersey with her name and number on the back. She was a little embarrassed but loved it
She and Jesse tried to convince Dina to let JJ enter a toddler race for a cash prize of 100 dollars
Sorry if this is so bad omg I’m just starting out but thanks for reading!!! This was fun I’ll definitely do more! Don’t be shy drop some recs!
Free Palestine🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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My friend dared me to draw stripper onceler and thirst trap lorax I-
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Previously... The Grinch was grieving for his Cindy Loo A Who he met when she was not but two and came to love well after she had grown. He's not a pedophile, you should know. He lost her years ago, and in his grief he blamed the Whos in Whoville for her death and gathered allies to pursue a war of vengeance for the wife whom he'd adored. But Max, his dog, beheld with mounting sick the despots cruel and tyrants they had found, and so conceived a plot to break their forces by luring them into a Whovian trap. He tricked the One Fish, trickster of the seas; And left Mt. Crumpet to alert the Whos.
Book I
Book II
Book III
IV. The Who-King, Ukariah, sat at feast with Lorax, Cat, and Yertle when the watchman came and begged leave to address the king. "My king," the watchman said, and bowed, "we've news. The Grinch's loyal dog approaches now. We know not why he comes alone, and under darkness's cloak. We knew not what to do. To take him captive, else to put him swiftly under spear's point. For he was long a friend of Whos, and bent the Green One's ear for us." "And now he is a foe," the king replied, "And death is his for daring to approach this force defending Whoville from his master. But kill him not, for surely he's a scout and merely heralding some larger force which means to come upon us in the night and catch us unaware; they'll catch our points! Keep eyes on him, but loose no spear or dart; we'll gather up a force to meet their challenge." The Cat, the king, and Yertle went to rouse their men from slumber, while the Lorax joined the watchman to keep eyes on Max's tracks; But in his heart he thirsted for the blood that flowed through Max’s heart, and knew that if he came upon a chance to slay his foe he would not heed the king; he’d kill the dog, and with his legendary spear in hand he stroked his mustache as he stalked his prey. Meanwhile Ukariah strode the roads and bellowed for his men to heed his call and come prepare for bloodshed in the night with spears and armor ready for the fight, and Whoville’s heroes rose from restless sleep to strap on greaves and vambraces of bronze to hang their swords and daggers at their belts and take up spear and shield to rout their rivals. The king’s own faithful guard were first emerged, the Whommandos, with helmets polished bright; The Zooks were next in eagerness to fight; And Thidwick lent his antlers to the squad. The king addressed the gathered Whos, and said, “The Grinch’s cur creeps toward us in the night and no doubt leads a cadre to attack our village, slaughter helpless babes, and raze our homes like cravens in the night. But we shall meet them and ensure they taste our blades! They must needs slay us all to raze our homes.” The squad went marching from the village square and left the torchlight to the forest dark to join the watchmen keeping watch on Max. But when they reached the clearing where the Lorax and the watchmen held the post, the cur was speared upon the lance the Lorax held, his lifeless body lolling in the air. “The cur attacked; I killed in self-defense,” the Lorax claimed on seeing Ukariah; The king knew not the falsehood that he spoke; his bloodlust run amok, impaled the cur with not a single thought for the king’s words he killed the dog who tried to warn the Whos. Though Max was slain while trying to bring peace, his sacrifice ensured the Whos were warned; They sent the scouts to find the force of Yooks the One Fish gathered to pursue attack. They marked the force before it marked them back, and brought back word so they could strategize. The praetor of the Zooks addressed the king, “Who King, I must insist we be allowed to charge head on and kill our bitter foes, the Yooks, whose buttering is heresy, who must be killed for daring do it so.” “A foolish plan,” said Ukariah, “sure to end with decimation for your men. They do not know we mark them, so we ought to ambush them and slowly kill them off by striking from the forest dark with darts and javelins whose hurlers they won’t see.” But all the king’s insistence could not sway their praetor from this notion, so the king gave leave for them to charge the Yooks head on and gathered his Whommandos to his side; they’d flank the One Fish force while Zooks attacked; surprise them from the dark and kill them all. The Zooks ran from the forest with a cry and caught the Yook detachment unaware; cut down the scouts and skewered the vanguard’s knights, and faced no challenge from the scattered Yooks. But then the Yook artillery came fore, their Kick-A-Poo Kid carried by a dog named Daniel, veteran of many wars between th’ Imperium and the hated Yooks; the cannon, loaded with the eggs of ants, the legs of bees, the dried fried chowdered clams, and powder Poo-A-Doo killed many Zooks; the first wave perished from its blist’ring force. “Charge now!” Honorus ordered, spear held high; the second wave of Zooks ran from the trees and died as quickly from another blast; the gunner units of the Zooks remained in Whoville to prepare for its defense; they had no cannon that could match the power that Daniel bore upon his back to battle. But one brave Zook, Van Itch, a border guard who’d left his place of comfort to enjoy the spoils of the open field of war rose up from where the blast had knocked him down and charged alone at Daniel while the crew reloaded with the Poo-A-Doo the cannon; with mighty cry he hurled his javelin and slew the dog who carried Kick-A-Poo; the gunners with their sidearms shot him down, their Triple Sling-Jiggers slew him with three shots. The third and final wave of Zooks surged forth and crying “Itch! Van Itch!” they slew his killers. The One Fish stood behind the lines and watched the slaying of his troops with open mouth; Then Ukariah bellowed loud and led his Whommandos from cover of the trees with Thidwick, Lorax, and the Cat in Hat and fell upon the Yooks’ defenseless side. They slew the guards and put the rest to flight but first the Lorax gave them Max’s corpse and bade them bear it to the Grinch’s halls so he would know his servant had been slain and Whoville was no force to trifle with. The One Fish came before the king to plead. “Your Majesty,” he said, “I beg you let me live, and come as captive back to Whoville. For I was high in Grinchen trust, and as your hostage could provide a wealth of knowledge of those who wait to fight on his behalf; of how they think, and how they plan to move against you Whos and those allied with you.” “Ignore him; kill him now,” the Lorax said. “His snake’s tongue should be torn out of his mouth and stomped into the dirt beside his corpse.” “Have peace,” the king replied. “I’ll take the fish and hear what he can tell us of the Grinch; and if he tries some treachery with us I’ll make him a fillet with tartar sauce.”
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