#the lore 1 is so long im so sorry EWHRWEHRRH
bells-of-black-sunday · 11 months
1, 11, 29, 36 ( whichever muse you feel most similar to )
Munday Asks | Accepting
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1. at what age did you start RPing?
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8 or 9??? I was still in elementary school and I'm turning 23 in like a month- so it's been a long while.
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11. would you be interested into playing with doubles?
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Absolutely! I think one thing that's really interest about Danny is that he comes from a franchise where there's always multiple g.hostfaces, so I think it's really neat to see how everyone takes his lore and bends it. Same with anyone else on my muse list, d.bd's lore is really up for interpretation a lot of the time just due to the nature of the Entity being a weird cosmic god no one really knows anything about, so lore is just told through memories which do have gaps and it's fun to explore those gaps.
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29. what are your honest thought about your muse’s canon?
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I'm going to be entirely honest and say, I love Ritos world building, but their lore makes no sense no matter how many times they retcon or say everything is cannon, the lore team is just so disorganized they get their own cannon dates mixed up. That and with a lot of lore being told in game through events makes it so you have to find outside sources to read it which makes so pieces inaccessible. I'm hoping the mmo they're developing will keep the lore all in one place instead of scattered, but who knows what's even going on with that at this point.
On the other hand: D.bd's lore may not be nearly as messy, but it's even more inaccessible. You can read all the bios and times you want, but that still won't give you the big picture of what's going on and terms of characters like the Legion it just makes their lore even more confusing. The devs used to do lore Q&A streams every month, but they stopped doing those and even then those would say conflcting information. An example being they said everyone in the Legion is 18 and over then they switched to everyone is 21+, but Susie's school day cosmetic still says she's a sophomore.
That's not even counting characters like Danny where is biography is him reading about his own murders, but if you go to his chapter description on the steam page or watch his announcement video it tells you things about him that should've been in that biography. Tarhos's lore is a mess where they both want him to be this super violent only is having fun when there's blood on his hands and his ears are ringing, but he'll lament to Vittorio about how he hates senseless violence and killing people for other men's egos. It's very messily written for what I can only assume is lore re-writes from him initially being a F.or H.onor chapter.
Oh and the maps have lore. They all do, but it can only be read in the custom games setting menu where you can select maps. Every add on has a quick lore thing that are sometimes really important. Killer powers sometimes have important lore things too, archives, cosmetics etc. etc. everything has something written on it that makes it important lore wise down to how every blighted cosmetic is a thing that happened in lore. And if I remember correctly every cosmetic is something both survivors and killers actually own too. (another Q&A I think)
It makes it really hard to get into and try to piece together what's actually happening in lore vs what's just for fun and I can only imagine how much harder it is for new players trying to get into it since I started playing and I started playing around the time Blight came out.
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36. do you feel similar to your muse in any way?
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I feel like when you're passionate enough about a character you write a bit of yourself into them no matter how much you try not to, so even muses I have that are horrendous of people like Danny or Karth, I can relate to different aspects of them. I too have a love for writing and story crafting and I too also think death customs are really fascinating. They just take those to a whole different extreme of course, but they're both interests I have and enjoy writing about.
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