#the magic is back on the menu steve please he's dying get off
aurumacadicus · 4 months
My birthday was just on the twelfth so how about 12 for the ficlet challenge?
Happy birthday! 🥳 This will round the prompts out to an even thirty so I'm going to go ahead and close the meme after this. Sorry if I didn't use yours!
Steve reached out to put his hand on Tony's ankle, hesitating just as his fingertips met the blanket covering him. He drew his hand back slowly. He wasn't sure what to do. If he was allowed. Catastrophically grounded, Strange had called it when he'd come to examine Tony. He'd abstained from using magic so long that his body had purged all of it.
It had been terrifying to watch. It still played in Steve's mind every time he closed his eyes. Tony's armor had dropped around his feet, sloughing off his body in lines of melting gold. The battlefield had gone silent. Even the Doom bots, which should have had no fear and thus no hesitation, had frozen where they were. Tony had sucked in a breath. Lifted a hand toward the glowing arc reactor in his chest. But he hadn't made it in time. His magic had pulsed, bursting out of him with such force that it had burst the glass in every building and car for a ten mile radius.
He'd nearly burned himself out. And there was no telling if he'd ever be able to make more magic.
Steve had never realized how much of Tony was magic. He looked so small in his bed, eyes wide and sightless. Even the reactor's glow seemed dimmer now.
"I didn't know you were a witch," Steve offered. He'd been told talking might help. He'd never known what to say, before. He figured anything would be better than nothing at this point, though. Even Rhodey hadn't been able to get a response the few times he'd gotten leave to come visit. "Was it a secret? Or was I just oblivious?"
Tony said nothing. Steve hadn't really expected him to. He waited a beat, then reached out again, taking Tony's hand in his. It was cold. He brought his other hand up and clasped Tony's hand between both of his own.
"Techno-mage?" he murmured thoughtfully. "Or. Electricity maybe." He remembered how Tony's magic had pulsed, a deep, echoing thing he felt more in his chest than heard with his ears. "Sound?"
Tony's hand twitched in his grip. Steve fought the urge to lunge to his feet, bellow that there had been a change so everyone could pile in to see him. No need to get worked up, he told himself, casually sliding his gaze up to Tony's face. Tony's gaze was just as blank as before. The corners of his lips had turned down into a frown though.
"Tony?" Steve asked gently. "Can you hear me?"
Tony said nothing. His hand didn't twitch again. Steve sighed, shoulders sagging. He leaned forward and pressed his forehead to the back of Tony's wrist. He'd heard that sometimes, being cut off from their magic could kill a witch. Tony hadn't died, but it had been a near thing. He wondered if maybe that wouldn't have been better. How happy could Tony be, a shell of himself like this?
Steve lifted his head again, looking up at Tony's face. "It's getting late." He ran his thumb over Tony's knuckles gently. "I should go." He hadn't, at the beginning. He and the others had decided, in a tense emergency meeting, that Steve having the wherewithal to leave himself was less traumatizing than him being dragged out to shower and eat under duress. He brushed his lips over the back of Tony's hand, then patted it gently as he stood. "I'll come back in the morning."
He was almost out the door when his sharp ears caught a breathy, weak, "...tay..."
Steve turned on his heel, stunned. He reached out to grab the doorway to brace himself. Tony looked just as unaware as he had a moment ago--as he had the entire time he'd been laid out in bed. "Tony?" he asked, hope nearly choking the word back down.
"...Stay," Tony said, more air than sound.
Steve crossed back over to him in several long steps, snatching his hand back up as he bent closer to him. "You want me to stay the night?"
Finally, miraculously, Tony's gaze drifted up to his face. His eyes were damp as he whispered, "Please."
"Anything you want," Steve answered, relief sinking down to his bones as he sagged back into his chair.
"...Here," Tony offered, his other hand twitching at his side.
"On the bed? Yeah," he answered, standing back up. "I can help you warm up. Can I be a wolf? I. I'll be. Like a weighted blanket then. And I'm. Softer. That way."
"'kay," Tony answered softly.
Steve worried he was just being agreeable because he was too exhausted to be anything else, but he decided he wasn't going to be sorry. Tony's core temperature had dropped. 'His inner spark unable to maintain its temperature,' Strange had said, and 'prescribed' keeping him as warm as possible. Steve's lupine body would work in place of the hot water bottles tucked at Tony's feet, the electric blanket covering him. Besides, Tony had always liked burying his fingers in Steve's coarse fur when he could. He could warm his hands with skin contact.
Maybe he couldn't do anything about Tony's magic. But he could help try and get his temperature regulated. That Tony was aware and could speak was an improvement, after all.
If nothing else, Steve would at least have more information to give Bruce and Strange when they came in to check on him in the morning.
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supersoldierslover · 7 years
Friends Part 3
Summary: You and Bucky are friends for a long time, but lately you start to develop romantic feelings for him. One day one of Tony’s parties everything changes but maybe not the way you wanted or expected.
Paring: Bucky x Reader
Words: 1790
Warnings: Fluffy so much fluffy
Thank you @amrita31199 you are amazing. 
credits to the gif owner
Part 1 Part 2
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You have been waiting in the parking lot in the car for the past 15 minutes, in 5 minutes Dan will arrive for your date and you don’t know if you’re ready for it. Sure, Dan was a great guy, he was nice and funny and polite. But there is a part of you that is hearing Bucky’s words in your brain over and over again and as much as you try you can’t silence it.
You hate how insecure you feel right now, what if Bucky was right and Dan was using you for some ulterior motive? Or if Dan was drunk and regretted asking  you for this date? You try to calm yourself down, thinking about all the possibilities in the worst case scenario “You went to another failed date and you had an overpriced cup of coffee” you think.
You get out of the car when you see Daniel coming down the street “You look beautiful.” He says you can’t help but blush, you are wearing some jeans, with a white shirt and flats. Nothing that deserves such a compliment “You look nice too, black really make your eyes pop.”  He smiles shyly at you, having almost the same reaction as you with the complement.
The coffee shop was spacious but really cozy and well decorated “I hope you like it in here, they have the best chocolate cake I have ever eaten.” He says happily as you two sit on a table close to a window “I bet, I am dying to taste this cake that you keep telling me about.”
He orders for the two of you, the two pieces of cake and two cups of hot chocolate with pieces of melted white chocolate “This looks amazing, how you found this place?”  You ask taking a sip of the hot chocolate, almost moaning, this was the best hot chocolate you ever drank in your life.
“We are really close to the record store, so I come here a lot.” You nod “If I ever lived or worked near here. I would be here all the time.” He smiles at you “Well, I try not come here every day but it’s hard especially on Wednesdays that they make choco chip banana muffins. It is the best.”
“Wednesday… I am sure I have to come here to try it.” You don’t even like banana that much, but the way that he was telling made you want to try it " I can make you company if you want.”  He suggests, with hopeful eyes. Dan was a mystery you, sometimes he was so confident and other times he was so cute and shy. You didn’t know if you wanted to kiss him or pinch his cheeks.
“I would love that, then you could recommend me another drink. I want to try this whole menu.”
You two keep talking, you told him about your job in the Stark Industries and a little about your childhood and family. You notice that when you were talking, all of Dan’s attention was focused on you even if it is the most mundane thing.  It was a nice feeling have all this attention, it wasn’t something that you were used to.
In return, he told you about how his parents’ divorced when he was 15 years old, how his father moved back to England and how he loved to spend Christmas with his father. He told you about this little sister Riley, she lived in New York with their mother and she spent a lot of time in his apartment.
“I swear to you if I had a spare bedroom she would be living there. She knows where everything is, it is almost her apartment.” He tells you excited, you smile at him, loving how passionate he was telling this story “It’s good that she likes you, this means that you are a good brother.”
He smiles at you, ordering a piece of cake to go. After you to finish eating, he insisted on paying the check offering you his hand “Would like to go to the record store? It’s 5 minutes from here, usually, there aren’t a lot of customers on Sunday but Riley is there.”
You nod, still not wanting to this date to end “Sure, but I might ditch you to look at the records.” You say playfully as he opens the door for you “You hurt me, I will try to be more interesting than the records. “He says pretending to be offended, you laugh squeezing his arm.
The walk to the record store is short when you two arrive you hear a little bell. The place was small, but you never saw so many records in your life, it was like a dream. You start to look around, you almost faint when you see that they have the first record of your favorite band.
“I need this.” You say to yourself, you have been looking for this record for a couple of years now but you could never find it. Not even on eBay or Amazon “It’s yours.” Dan says surprising  you “ Oh no I can’t accept.” You don’t even know how much the record costs, but this seems like a huge gift for a first date.
“It’s not a big deal, think of it as the flowers that I should have bought you.” You are still reluctant to accept the gift, you don’t know him very well and this seems to kind “Please accept, this record must have been here for five years at least. You are going to put it to good use.”
His hands run along your arm, you nod saying “Okay, but next time I pay for coffee and the cake.” He smiles at you “It’s a deal then.”
You keep looking around until you find a few more things that interested you.  
You found some official mixtapes of the Avengers, it was incredible. Everyone had one, Steve, Thor, Tony, Nat even Bucky had one. You can’t help but smile, it was so hard to find things inspired on The Winter Soldier that you had to buy this for him.  
So you bought the one for Bucky, not only because it was Bucky but he would really enjoy the songs on it, you bought one for Wanda because her birthday was coming up and this was kind of a perfect gift for her. And more important you brought one for Steve for the only reason that the eleventh song was Candyman by Christina Aguilera and even if it wasn’t the most correct historical you need to show this to him.
In the end of the date, Dan walked you to your car “This was fun.” You say as you two arrive at your car, you look at the sky and is almost night you didn’t even see the day pass “It was, it really was… we should do this again sometime. Maybe dinner? During the week or any day you can. ” He says hopeful, you nod smiling at his awkwardness“ Of course, during the week works fine for me.”
You look at him and he is smiling so bright, you get closer to him “Can I kiss you, Daniel?” He nods surprised, you get on your tip toes lock your lips on his. You feel his hands around your waist, his lips are incredibly soft against yours.
Dan was a good kisser, you can’t deny it but for someone reason, you weren’t lost in the moment.  You were painfully aware of your surroundings “Wow, this was incredible .” He says as he breaks off the kiss, you smile at him not knowing what to say “You are a great kisser, Dan.”
He opens the car door for you, as you start to drive, you keep thinking about your date. You were happy, it was a good date , the best one you had in a long time but the kiss wasn’t magical. You shouldn’t be overthinking this, it was a nice fun date you should be happy for what it was.
When you get home, you see that Wanda and Natasha on your couch eating your ice cream “What are you guys doing here?” You asking siting on the couch with them “Well we came to visit you, but you were out. So we stayed, giving company to your ice cream.” Wanda says like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You nod not seeing the point in arguing “So… where were you?” Nat asked with a smirk on her lips, you roll your eyes at her “On a date, but you already knew that. You are the greatest spy in the world, and our dear witch here can read minds.”
“True, but actually Tony was the one that told us. He was really happy with this arrangement …was kind of weird. But this doesn’t matter tell us about your date, everything. ” You tell them every single detail about your date, how he treated you, what you guys did and how you felt when you kissed him.
“You know what you should do?” Wanda asks finishing your ice cream, you shake your head no afraid what is about to come “ Invite him to my birthday party, I am your friend for over 2 years now and I never see you want to go to a second date with any other guy …you like him. So invite him over, let us meet him and give you our seal of approval.”
“I will think about it, Wan. Do you know how do you want to celebrate?” This is a terrible idea, even though Dan was at that party that you met him, there weren't almost any Avengers around there, most of them were on a mission. But now Dan would meet everyone including and especially Bucky.
“Pool party, no strangers just us and well Dan. But will be so much fun. Drinks, cake and no guys that don’t know the meaning of the word no.” Before you can answer, Nat smiles at you and says “And we cannot forget super soldiers in bathing suits, it’s not every day that we can see all these abs in front of us.”
This sounds like a really good plan, a fun afternoon with cake is much better than any place with overpriced drinks. You just don’t know with you have a bathing suit or what was the last time that you wore one “Okay, I am in.” You say pretending to be annoyed.
Wanda pulls you into a hug, almost making you two falling off the couch “It’s going to be so much fun, especially the part where our dear James meets Daniel.”
Part 4
Leave feedback, i really want to know what you guys are thinking of this chapter and what you guys think is gonna happen on the next part.
If you wanna be tagged (or untagged) in this series please let me know.
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