#the main reason they care is probably how turkey used it against sweden
thevagueambition · 1 year
Denmark may be making it illegal to burn the Qur'an, Bible, Torah, etc, in response to the controversy about Scandinavian Qur'an burnings
It's difficult because like. Obviously I would like the bonehead racists who burn Qur'ans to stop doing that. But also this is literally just anti-blasphemy legislation and I don't think any society needs to have laws against blasphemy
If the people burning Qur'ans were cultural Muslims protesting some conservative imam or something that would be cool and based, the same way cultural Christians doing blasphemy for political purposes has been cool and based throughout history
the minister keeps going "destroying things isn't free speech so we're not limiting free speech, people should write or create art if they want to express themselves" and like. my man. destroying symbolic objects has always been a political statement. that's the whole reason people do it. that political statement being reprehensible doesn't make it not an expression of free speech
anyway I'm not super upset by this (proposed) new legislation but I do find it wrong on principle
It is sort of funny though, seeing the government scramble to fix a foreign relations crisis created by their own indulgence of islamophobia
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sugainmycoffee · 7 years
Yoonmin Fandom Metrics
 Last month a survey was conducted to analyze the metrics of the Yoonmin fandom. Here are some of the responses:
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Of these 903 responses, 826 of them (92%) of the respondents had selected that yoonmin are their only ship, their main ship or one of their main ships. This group is the one that will be focused on for the rest of this analysis. (Also was that one person lost? Did you get home okay?)
Of this focus group who mainly ship yoonmin, the bias distribution was:
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Unsurprisingly, Min Yoongi and Park Jimin, the two individuals responsible for the YOON and the MIN in yoonmin, came out as the top two biases’. 
However, Min Yoongi, with a staggering count of 453 votes (55%) heavily outweighed all the other members, hereby proving that he was in fact not fucking around when he claimed “Sorry mom, your son’s too popular,” in his Mic Drop verse. 
As a follow up to these results, respondents provided their second bias (if any) to help the other members stand a chance against Rap God Min Yoongi. 
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(He still took a whopping 23% of the votes). 
The most interesting part about these graphs is that it alludes to the fact that most yoonmin stans bias Yoongi (not Jimin, although he is obviously second in rank). This is probably due to the fact that of the “popular” bangtan ships, Jimin’s name comes up multiple times. Thus Jimin stans are more evenly split in who they ship Jimin with, but there are not that many “popular” Yoongi ships.
A little more detail on the focus group and how they came to stan bts and ship yoonmin is summarized in the following graphs.
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BTS’ popularity has grown exponentially, with the greatest increase seen from 2014-2015 due to the release of their HYYH series. A parallel trend was observed in this analysis with the growth of the Yoonmin Fandom.
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The next part of the survey focused on “Secondary Fan Creations” as Mr. Bang likes to call them. This includes but is not limited to: fan art, fan fiction, photo edits, video edits, blog posts, memes and so forth.
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The results show that 99% of us are on Tumblr for the right reasons.
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In terms of creating fan content, 31% of the respondents bless us on the daily with their contributions to the fandom. (Amen.) The rest of the majority enjoys and wishes to contribute to doing the lord’s work. 2% of the respondents who consider yoonmin their main or only ship do not create or want to create fan content because they think it is wrong (and that’s okay - to each their own). 
The next question was the most revealing and one of the most important to this analysis. Of the 861 responses, 640 voted that the reason they ship yoonmin is due to their relationship / interactions themselves. Only 2-4% of the respondents said they shipped yoonmin because of how they look together/aesthetics, fan content, external influences, or the availability of yoonmin materials in the fandom itself. This outright disproves the common (and tired) anti-yoonmin stan (and “rare pair” stan) claims that yoonmin is usually shipped for these reasons.  
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Of the 30 respondents that chose “other” their reasons often eluded to specifics moments / interactions by yoonmin. Some of the more notable mentions are:
“They look like they understand each other’s struggles.“
“Their real and supportive friendship, they know each other's limits and share their vulnerabilities, so soft for each other, involve each other in the most intimate parts of their life.”
“Everything?? Idk they just vibe with me best, they're lovely and sift but also savage and have a really fun dynamic that i enjoy best.. they calm me when I’m upset as well which is like surprising bc I don’t calm down easily. +their soft moments like the earlier answer.” 
“Because Yoongi is so whipped for Jimin and they look at each other like they have galaxies in their eyes“ 
“They look like they are real / they act like they are married / they honestly seem like they’re in love.” 
“the way they are with each other in general. platonic or not, they love each other, care for each other a lot and it's nice to see. “
“From what I saw, it felt very real. Like yeah, I could get that super unbreakable bond with all of the BTS ships but for some reason, Yoonmin just stuck out for me and it felt really genuine and not just for fanservice.“ 
“Just...everything” (Many of you said this or voted for multiple categories from the above so everything x 10)
“You Know” (thank you Anonymous, I do know :’). 
There were so many other great ones yoonmin is such a soft ship with even softER STANS istg but I won’t post them all here but you can see them in this supporting post.
It is commonly believed that ALL yoonmin stans only ship them because of the “typical” subby bottom jimin/ dom top yoongi stereotype. The data below proves this is untrue - as 34% of respondents don’t care at all or like all dynamics equally, and 18% prefer a more balanced switch relationship dynamic. Combined, the votes for these categories make up over 50% of the responses, signifying that, no, not all yoonmin stans, in fact not even the majority of yoonmin stans, ship them for this reason. 
It should be noted though that, of the 48% of fans who expressed a preference for a specific relationship dynamic, 5% preferred top jimin and 43% preferred top yoongi (so yeah, top yoongi is more popular, but only to the minority group of the stans who actually have a specific dynamic preference).
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Similar results were observed for which dynamics yoonmin stans feel are most realistic.
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Special thanks to my partner in research @syubd​ ♡ who organized and compiled the below lists of fandom faves.
Note, I have removed the “N/A” and “All” from the rank to more accurately reflect individual favourites. Furthermore, I have removed myself from the rank to eliminate an obvious bias as it is my survey most of the people who took it would be my followers (but thank you to all the people who chose me as their fave!)
N/A - 260 votes
All YM Blogs - 107 votes
@yoonminist​ - 182 votes
@yoonmin​ - 97 votes
@foolsyoongi​ - 64 votes
@yoonminficrec​ - 48 votes
@parkjizzmin​ - 41 votes
@softeyoongi​ - 37 votes
@jimiyoong​ - 27 votes
@yoonminedit​ / @yoonminfiction​ - 25 votes (tied)
@mintysugasweet​ - 22 votes
@yoonminnet​ - 19 votes
Other - 217 votes - LIST OF OTHER MENTIONS
Comments: Congrats to all of the above! The real winner is “N/A” and “All YM Blogs” so tbh if you run a ym blog, don’t be discouraged, you all out here being amazing and we appreciate it!
N/A - 474 votes
All YM Artists - 107 votes
@knart95​ - 144 votes
@artofennun​ - 52 votes
@yuniizu​ - 42 votes
@kkumri​ - 30 votes
@finny-red​ - 22 votes
@NanoNoonie - 19 votes
@askjeon​ / @min_x_minmin - 14 votes
@kharys​ - 10 votes
@colorcalamity​ - 8 votes
@thaidesu - 7 votes
Other - 109 votes - LIST OF OTHER MENTIONS
Comments: Congrats to all of the above! Special shout out to literally all fan artists that share their talent with us on the daily. You make this fandom what it is!!
N/A - 342 votes
All YM Authors - 122 votes
@MissterMaia - 161 votes
@Sharleena - 71 votes
@sugamins/BabyLove - 70 votes
@mintsoda - 43 votes
@PrettyBoyKiller - 35 votes
@springrain21 - 29 votes
@momora - 28 votes
@staticscreen- 22 votes
@jflawless - 19 votes
@Elemir - 16 votes
Other - 475 votes - LIST OF OTHER MENTIONS
Comments: Congrats to all of the above! LOOK AT THE DAMN OTHERS LIST. SO MANY GOOD AUTHORS TO CHECK OUT!
N/A - 9 votes
All -  23 votes
Spring Day - 41 votes
Intro: Serendipity - 24 votes
Tomorrow / Blood Sweat & Tears - 20 votes
Autumn Leaves / Save Me / Mic Drop 16 votes
Young Forever - 13 votes
Rain / I Need U - 11 votes
Pied Piper - 10 votes
Let Me Know / Baepsae - 9 votes
Lie / Sea - 8 votes
Love Is Not Over / House Of Cards / BTS Cypher 4 - 7 votes
Others - 140 votes
Comments: This category was added to the survery much later and therefore did not have as many responses as the others above. Nonetheless, there’s seems to a correlation between who you ship (yoonmin) and fave BTS song. Many of the songs on this list have “yoonmin parts in the MV/Choreo” like Spring Day and BST, or are song’s where the two have particularly shined and / or produced. (They might also just be on this list because they’re lit songs in which case truuuu I agree). 
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Overall, there were ym stans from 74 countries and/or regions that participated in this survey. The below countries were home to 10 or more respondents:
USA - 292 respondents
Germany - 44 respondents
Canada - 33 respondents
UK - 29 respondents
Brazil - 26 respondents
Australia - 24 respondents
Philippines - 24 respondents
England - 20 respondents
Indonesia - 20 respondents
Mexico - 20 respondents
France - 18 respondents
Portugal - 18 respondents
Italy - 14 respondents
Singapore -12 respondents
Sweden - 12 respondents
Turkey - 10 respondents
In addition 15 respondents declared “N/A” to opt out from providing their location information. 
Other - 195 respondents (Click To See Complete List of Respondent Countries)
Argentina - 5 Armenia - 1 Austria - 7 Bahrain - 1 Belarus - 1 Belgium - 2 Chile - 9 China - 2 Colombia - 5 Costa Rica - 3 Croatia - 5 Czech Republic - 5 Denmark - 5 Ecuador - 1 Estonia - 6 Finland - 9 Great Britain - 1 Greece - 6 Guatemala - 4 Hong Kong - 2 Hungary - 5 India - 8 Ireland - 7 Israel - 1 Jamaica - 1 Japan - 1 Kuwait - 1 Lithuania - 1 Macedonia - 1 Malaysia - 9 Maldives - 1 Malta - 1 Morocco - 2 Nepal - 2 Netherlands - 4 New Zealand - 5 Northern Ireland - 1 Norway - 3 Pakistan - 2 Palestine - 4 Peru - 1 Poland - 8 Romania - 6 Russia - 1 Saudi Arabia - 2 Scotland - 2 Serbia - 2 Slovakia - 5 Slovenia - 1 South Africa - 3 South Korea - 1 Southeast Asia - 1 Spain - 9 Switzerland - 4 Thailand - 3 Trinidad and Tobago - 2 Ukraine - 2 Vietnam - 2
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Is Worldschooling Dangerous?
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Worldschooling is a term that refers to families that travel both full-time and part-time as part of their children's education, as opposed to staying in their home country and attending a traditional school. Think "unschooling adventurers". Worldschooling is on the rise with more families from the UK, US ,Canada and India deciding to pack in the daily grind for a family sabbatical or bringing their jobs on the road with them. In this age of technology, more than ever, people are able to work remotely. These professionals are also appropriately called "digital nomads".
 Adventure, family time, education, culture...what could be better? But...Is it safe?
This is the question most worldschooling families are asked time and time again; Most likely from well-meaning, older relatives. This question is usually answered with the brush-off answer of " No more dangerous than the U.S. ( home country); but is that  statement actually the definitive truth?
What about the risk of having one of your children kidnapped and sold into sex slavery in an unnamed country? What are the actual stats on that and which countries are legitimate threats? How about food poisoning?  Is Mexico still guilty of sending a large portion of it's visitors home with Montezuma's Revenge or has there been a decline in illness over the past years? Which other countries should travelers be extra vigilant when eating and drinking?  A large portion of worldschoolers are Christians. Christian news is reporting that more Christians are being murdered abroad for their faith than ever before. Is this true? If so, which countries are best to stay clear of? Is this a good time in history to be carting our children around the globe or is it safe and reckless? Is it really safer just to stay home?
Let us look at all of these topics individually , as well as listing the safest and most dangerous places to take your family and why.
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Crime Stats of Countries Per Capita:
According to numbeo.com, for the year 2016, The United States was listed as # 53 safest country out of 125 countries.  United Kingdom was #70 and Canada was #78. There were a few surprises on the list. Venezuela was voted as #125; the most dangerous country. Russia is #59, with a better ranking than Sweden and the US. Saudi Arabia is #113 as far as crime reports go, but if you are a Christian, this country is unanimously more dangerous for you. Israel, with many travel warnings, is #103 on the list. The safest country on the list? Qutar. ( where??? ) Second is Singapore.
Many worldschoolers travel to Costa Rica every year and many actually move there and become expats. It's ranking stands at an uncomfortable #30. Mexico and Thailand, two other very popular treks for worldschoolers sit close on the list at #45 and #47. India is 16 points safer than the US at #66. With the tremendous amount of people in their country, that is an incredible statistic.
If American Worldschoolers are to say that their children are probably in just as much/or more danger at home in the states, than abroad , it would be important to note which state the family calls home and which country abroad the family is planning on traveling.
If you are from the states mentioned, the information may not surprise you, but for others, you may find it interesting to know that Alaska  has a notably high violent crime rate of 635.8 per 100,000 people. Rhode Island was an unexpected on the list, as you can barely see it on the map along with other sure things including Florida, New Mexico, New York, and Tennessee. Virginia, Vermont , Maine and New Hampshire are some of the top safest states. Most of those are no surprise. What position does ever-popular California stand? #17. Hawaii? #38. Take a look at these charts and build your arguments in kind and with authority.
To be fair, those statistics are only looking at violent crime, what are other dangers to worldschooling families, such as illness and non-violent crimes, such as kidnapping?
Kidnaps are committed for a number of reasons, chiefly financial. Predominantly, kidnaps do not happen to children, at all, but to adults and for those that are; the majority are over custody disputes. It is not only your children that need to be protected, but also yourself and your husband.
Most commonly kidnapping is robbery. ATM kidnapping is one of the most occurring types of kidnapping. In this crime, a person is taken against their will and forced to an ATM machine to empty their bank account and then returned. Mexico is the country with the highest number of kidnaps and the kidnappers are unfortunately known to be violent. Of 1,583 kidnap cases, 935 ended in death. India has the highest growth rate of abductions than any other country. Uttar Pradesh has one of the greatest numbers of kidnaps in India. It is no coincidence that the two main tourist attractions in India are also located there. Poverty and organized crime are sighted as responsible factors for this area of crime growth in this particular area.
Although not all of Venezuela is considered rife with danger, by all accounts, tourists are strongly recommended to stay out of Caracas. Not only is it presently the murder capital of the entire planet, there are over a thousand kidnappings every year. Poverty and lawlessness are the short answer reasons for this statistic. Lebanon and Syria are on the list , but they are not particularly a favorite spot for family travelers. Neither are Colombia and Brazil, also included on the list.
What about the Philippines? The amount of abductions in this preferred worldschooling destination continue to escalate in the favored southern tip. The one positive here is that victims are usually returned unharmed after the crime, albeit broke. If your family enjoys boating or yachting, be extra watchful. Pirating is also a danger here.
Again, we are not saying do not go to these places. These are objective facts. As a group,  education is important to us and we know ... knowledge is power! Plan accordingly.
So now that we have gone over kidnapping.... you may be wondering ... " What about Thailand and getting sold onto the black market there?" Yes. Sadly, in many countries underage prostitution is an issue and some of the girls may be kidnapped, but most of the girls are not foreign, but local.
Crime based dangers, as before mentioned are not the only dangers for worldschoolers.
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Which countries are you most likely to get sick in?
 Yahoo and the Daily Mail, of 2,000 people surveyed ( mostly Brits) the top countries to get food poisoning surprised me. Nope. Not Mexico or India ( India was on the list. Mexico was not!) Unbelievably, Spain topped the list, with 30% of people surveyed claiming they became unwell after eating here. Turkey, Egypt, Greece, and France all hover around 12-15%. France? Really?? This may agitate some, but it is reported that the food quality in France has gone down over the past years in a very drastic way. Yikes! Seafood and Shellfish are the supposed reasons for the staggering statistic.
The safest countries to eat abroad include most of North America and Europe. Regardless of the stats from some of these articles ( which I tend to raise an eyebrow at) Mexico , is still in fact one of the most dangerous places to eat. Many Latin American countries including Paraguay and Bolivia were deemed dangerous by travelers. Closely followed by India and Greece. Your personal travel experience may have you either agreeing with this or balking at it completely. I don't know about you, but I was never concerned about France or Spain before. Admittedly, I question these stats. At the same time, I can honestly say that I will be extra careful when eating in these areas. That is never a bad thing!
Gut rot, nor diarrhea is not true food poisoning. True food poisoning will land you in the hospital, being gravely ill. Vietnam and Thailand also top the list. Most  tummy trouble is not only created by unsanitary conditions and unclean water, but also by the ingestion of spices, not normally consumed and general overeating. To stay healthy may be a struggle while traveling to some third world areas, but do yourself a favor and follow these suggestions to drastically improve your chances .
Only eat fruit that can be peeled.
Do not drink tap water or fountain soda.
Avoid ice
Buffets are suspect ( even in five star resorts )
Watch closely how food is handled by street vendors. Only eat food cooked in front of you.
As mosquitoes have literally killed more people than all world wars in total, make sure you are lathering in bug repellant of some kind, on every member of your family to avoid diseases like yellow fever and malaria.
What If Someone In Your Family Does Get Sick?
According to N.Y. Times Health guide, you should hope that you are not in Somalia, Malawi, Angolia and notably... Cambodia. Another recent favorite of worldschooling favorites. Be sure not to be pregnant if you happen to be visiting Sierra Leone or Ethiopia , as these places are statistically named as the worst places to give birth .
Overall, most places in South America and Africa are sighted as having the worst medical systems and lack of professionals, whereas countries such as Sweden and Switzerland are hailed as the best. Do you think the U.S. or Canada should be the best? They both fall short , in comparison to first world medical treatment due to reasons of long waits for care, and in the U.S.'s case... over inflated, sky high prices of services rendered. It is not new news that seeking medical care without insurance here ca
n leave a family bankrupt.
For any family that travels as much as worldshoolers, it is vital to have ample medical coverage for everyone in your family... every single time you travel.
Yes! We are adventurers, there should be no risks taken when it comes to your family's health. Don't forget to thoroughly research the place you are going. Make it fun. Get the entire family involved in researching the different aspects of the place. This way all can be in the know regarding both the lovely aspects and possible dangers of the place.
Another important piece of information to know is the location of your country's embassy. In case of difficulty or trouble , everyone in your family needs to know your safe zone.
In closing, worldschoolers as a group are savvy travellers. We have the experience and education under our belts to lead our families to enriching, educational, and fun locations. It is imperative that we continue to research and stay abreast of the crime rates, political climate, and overall health score of our intended destinations. We must do our best to prevent any illness or unnecessary setbacks, which would threaten to ruin our experience. Sometimes, things happen that are unavoidable. In those (hopefully few cases ) it is best to be prepared with backups, resources, and insurance.
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Wherever you choose to go.... be safe, be well, and be informed. Enjoy!!
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