#the manual says it was made in 2000 and it sounds like it's on its last spin cycle every time
ryuki-draws · 1 year
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I draw this as I anxiously wait if my washing machine floods the downstairs neighbors again
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theoutcastrogue · 2 months
[From a 2014 article by John Darnielle of the Mountain Goats. He's talking about how a random spam email ended up inspiring a part of his book Wolf in White Van. Later, in 2020, the album Getting Into Knives came out, and I think it inspired its artwork too.]
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"It took years for me to be able to just reflexively delete spam, or filter it so that I never see it at all. I blame the spammers for this; the quality of their work took a sharp nosedive at some point. But during whatever period of the internet’s growth you’d call the early 2000s, it seemed like you’d still get some winners: things that had been typed up by a person, sent out to a bunch of email addresses they’d bought or rented for 5 or 10 bucks from the only guy who was ever going to make any money in this particular exchange. Most of them went directly, if manually, into the trash; but once in a while, there’d be one that seemed to earn, at the very least, the minute it’d take me to read it.
The one I’m remembering here was subject-lined SUPPLY OF KNIVES. [...] The subject line opened on an all-caps email that boasted, in ornate, antiquated English appealing to the reader’s more refined sensibilities, about the high quality of the knives on offer at an external website. You shouldn’t click on links in spam email. I live my life on the razor’s edge! I clicked the link.
I want to tell you about these knives: They were beautiful. They were weird. They had elaborate designs in the handles, moons or stars of wolf heads, and special grips, and a variety of points. They were made from metals whose pedigrees were described lovingly, and had been struck — smithed? wrought? — via processes I knew absolutely nothing about, but that sounded fantastic, difficult, arcane. It’s the joy of specialized language: When you’re an outsider to it, it can’t help but sound cool.
Of course this is the whole idea of any operation like this. SUPPLY OF KNIVES could well have been, and probably was, a company in Ohio who’d stumbled across an old warehouse full of knives, and knew enough about sales to describe these things in the most exotic terms they could find. I’m pretty immune to pitches: Who likes to feel like he’s being pitched? But somebody involved with SUPPLY OF KNIVES had had just enough authorial flair — that, or true faith — to caption each knife’s mysterious, blurry accompanying JPEG with a description whose constant recourse to specialized vocabularies seemed to say, “You’re not even reading this unless you already know about this sort of thing. Let us therefore speak like the fellow travelers we are.”
It was like a trade catalog for roadside bandits in need of knives.
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I can’t speak for everybody, but I know that when I was a child the life of the roadside bandit seemed like a pretty romantic way to go. I looked at all these knives and read the descriptions and was just generally delighted about the whole thing, so I saved the email in a “memorable spam” folder I used to keep that had maybe two other emails in it. A few years later, Apple came out with this robotic-arm-screen iMac you never see any more, and we were long overdue for a new computer so we got that; and then, after a while, I got myself a laptop, because I was traveling all the time, and eventually both the old iMacs ended up in the basement, and they were both asleep but alive until fairly recently, as far as I knew.
But when I went to check for the email, it was gone. The old blue iMac is dead, bricked, lifeless. Searches on the term “supply of knives” on this laptop and on good old robot-arm-screen find nothing. The backup CD for the blue iMac drive is probably in a drawer around here somewhere, but that’s like saying, “The coin I had in my swim trunks’ pocket is probably somewhere in the ocean.” There is no SUPPLY OF KNIVES. There’s only the memory."
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And this is the wonderful cover art of Getting Into Knives. Back cover and promo material below. Note that "Knives International" and "Knives Wordwide" are not real companies, they appear to be a callback to that elusive spam email.
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morrak · 2 years
Untitled Wednesday Library Series, Part 79
I have not been alone for three weeks and it is doing me few favors; I am neither hale nor possessed of any kind of decent routine whatsoever, but it is June and such things are in season. I have not been reading other than snippets of a manual on shorthand. I would like to change that sometime soon, but I doubt it will. So it goes. I’ll get back in the saddle (jump back on the wagon? I feel off it.) eventually.
This is not a rerun, but it feels like one to me — in avoiding posting about this book for something like two years, I’ve accidentally gathered enough thoughts to constitute several versions of what this will turn out to be. Steven Sherrill’s The Minotaur Takes a Cigarette Break; 2000; a John F. Blair, Publisher joint.
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The How
Blair means Southeastern stuff, and maybe you could intuit that being the connection. You’d be wrong, mostly; I think I saw this mentioned by a tumblr artist using it for inspiration in like 2017 and the title stuck in my head. It’s a good title. Good hook, good sound. Obviously I would say that.
The Text
This is not really a book review series, which is a good thing for this book because if I had to review it, I simply wouldn’t. I have lots of thoughts about the work as written and the promises I wish it kept, but I simply don’t have it in me to drag them all out into the open.
I love its ideas — the Minotaur made a bargain for his life and now works as a line cook at a steakhouse in the southeastern US; he is Just A Guy but also the Minotaur; being the Minotaur is complicated but almost exclusively in ways that’re completely unremarkable, actually — and I love many of the ways it goes about them — I think of the words languid and greasy and sympathetic — but I cannot love it. It did not earn enough of my respect to pull of what it tried to pull off, and I think its grime and pseudo-nontraditional machismo are just self-satisfied enough to collapse any commentary they might have borne.
It is often very pretty, it is often very observant in general and about the Southeast in specific, it is often patient with detail and scene, it is often extremely well grounded and I like it for those things. I offer a partial recommendation on those terms. I think it is a good exercise (sensu workout) as a reader because not once did I feel respected by it. Un-recommended for that. I wish it did anything for me as a person who sometimes writes things, but while there’s craft here it’s not the kind I felt taught by.
To its credit, the small chapters that aren’t prose — sometimes lyric, in one case a family tree — are the right tonal choice and overall it lives up to my very personal expectation of Greek myth-influenced modern fiction. I spent several years worth of childhood nights listening to the same three CDs of dramatized Odyssey stories on repeat, which explains way more than I should feel comfortable giving away.
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The Object
Yeah, it’s fine. General market paperback. I do not mind it.
The Why, Though?
It turns out I have a mounting obsession with disappointing novels like this. At least two of them were written by middle aged English professors and all of them fail to deliver on their extremely promising premises. Most of those failures are because they don’t realize they feel the wrong kinds of personal. I am not interested in failing marriages as experienced by Prester John or commentaries on the human condition punctuated by mythically medically awkward sex. I would not mind those things if there were significant substance beside.
At this point I feel compelled to find more books of this very specific type (and I know there are more of them) out of a sense of morbid completionism. All these good characters wrapped in excellent ideas, all mangled badly, and I want to suffer all of them just in case one is accidentally poignant.
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sad-sweet-cowboah · 4 years
Among These Pages
Summary: After a painful breakup, you move to a new town and you’re instantly attracted to a small bookshop near your new residence. The new owner has definitely caught your eye.
Warnings: Smut and mild cursing
A/N: So this idea originated from a Discord chat (again) in an Arthur specific server. Needless to say this one was fun to write.
The hot sun beat down amongst the worn cement and faded asphalt of this little town you now called home. Bright and sunny, though a little bit too hot for your taste. You quickened your pace to seek the shade of a tree, careful to keep out of the paths of others.
Having slight relief from the blistering sun, you squinted around for another view of your surroundings. A small, quaint village bustling with its inhabitants. The streets were lined with independent shops, restaurants and cafes. The buildings and walkways were splashed with brightly colored plants and paint, immediately setting a cheerful vibe in the atmosphere.
After spending the first day moving in and unpacking, you decided to take a break and explore your new residence. You’ve only really experienced it through your car windows, and stopped in one of the cafes once or twice. However, you now wanted the full experience. Though with how sweltering it was, you were probably better off driving.
You fanned yourself for a moment and cast your attention down the length of the block. More food, smoothies, coffee, ice cream, except you weren’t all that hungry at the moment.
However, another sign caught your eye. Though too far to see, your curiosity spiked and you walked forward. As you drew in closer shapes began to appear, along with letters. Morgan Books, painted in gold lettering in a distinctly Western styled font. Underneath was a stack of books with one opened on top. A bookshop. Being from where you were, you were used to the large corporate bookstores. You hadn’t come across an independently owned one in years.
Checking this place out was a perfect excuse to get out of the sun for a bit. You increased your pace until you were standing at the store front. The building like the others surrounding had a somewhat rustic appearance, part of the charm that attracted you to living here. The windows were dusty and the inside was fairly dark, but you could make out the silhouettes of shelves. You approached the entrance and pulled open the door, ringing a bell overhead. You stepped across the threshold to be greeted by a cool breeze of air conditioning.
You sighed in relief and looked around. The shop itself was fairly small, or at least appeared that way as it was full of multiple bookcases, all of which were stacked floor to ceiling with books. The floorboards creaked elsewhere, and you turned to see someone appear from around one of the shelves.
A man, tall and broad-framed. He offered a quick smile. “Hey there, welcome!”
“Hello.” You greeted him politely.
He stepped closer, allowing a better view of his face. You couldn’t help but to notice how handsome he looked. “Need help findin’ anything?” he asked.
You shook your head. “Nah, just exploring, really. I saw this place and I wondered what sort of treasures lurked within.” You lightly joked.
He chuckled. “Well, you’ll find plenty here. Got new n’ used, so feel free to look ‘round.”
You nodded in response, and turned your attention toward the endless amount of books. You scanned the shelves, following along with the signs marked on top of which cases held which topics. You found that he had a little bit of everything; from encyclopedias to New Age books, to computer guides (from the early 2000’s) to conspiracy theories. You had to giggle to yourself upon reading some of the synopses for a collection of the more esoteric pieces.
Time soon became lost to you with more exploration. All the while the man who greeted you earlier moved through the shop occasionally. After a while it felt like you’d been here for ages. When you checked your phone, you’d realized nearly a half hour passed since first walking into this place. You blinked in surprise. You hadn’t anticipated spending that much time here.
As you were putting your phone away and moved toward the front of the shop, the man sat at his register and caught your attention.
“So, find any treasures?” he casually asked.
You paused to turn to him. “Guess I did, you have a…uh, an interesting collection.” You responded, tilting your head back toward some of the shelves.
He nodded in agreement, offering you a half-smile. “You’d be surprised what people come in askin’ for, or what people come in to sell.”
“Well if I needed a how-to book on Windows 2000, I’ll know where to stop by.” You said with a giggle.
He shook his head and smiled even more. “See? Those books have been on them shelves for years. Ain’t sure why I still keep ‘em ‘round.”
“Antiquity value perhaps?” you joked.
He gave a small, hearty laugh. “’Spose so. Guess I should get rid of ‘em, they belong in a museum at this point.”
His laughter made you smile. “Anyway, I should be heading back home and unpack some more…”
His expression changed to curiosity. “You jus’ move here?” when you nodded, he asked, “Where from?”
“Couple hours north,” you answered. “Needed a change of scenery, you know?”
He nodded in understanding. “You’ll be glad ya moved here. This lil’ town has its charms, folks here are nice too.”
“I’m glad, believe me,” you sighed. “It’s a nice change of pace. I’m glad to have found this bookstore too, it adds to the charm.”
He grinned at you. A cute, slightly lopsided grin that somehow made your heart flutter. “Glad you think so.”
The next two days was spent unpacking the rest of your house, keeping yourself focused on it to have everything organized before the first day of your new job. It was Sunday, and by noon you’d finally unwrapped the last of your décor and placed it accordingly in your living room. You smiled to yourself as your eyes panned across the room, proud of how much you’d accomplished in just three days. Sure, you didn’t have too many possessions, yet it was a relief to tackle the largest of chores.
Though you hadn’t expected to finish this soon. With only half the day gone, you wondered what else to do. You supposed you could explore more, and that little shop on the corner popped up in your mind, along with the image of the handsome owner…
It wouldn’t be a bad idea to stop by again.
After a quick lunch break and heading outside, it was only fifteen minutes of walking before you reached your destination. It wasn’t as hot out today which you were thankful for. You strode up to the door and pulled it open, the bell once again alerting your incoming presence.
As soon as you stepped in, your eyes darted to the shopkeeper who sat behind the register. He peered up at your entrance.
“Hey, welcome back!” he greeted with enthusiasm.
You blinked in surprise. “You remember me?”
“’Course, when ya live in a small town, you tend to remember faces,” He explained. “Y’back to find more treasures?”
You smiled. “In a way, I finished unpacking earlier than expected so I thought I’d come back into town for a bit.”
“So you’re all settled in then?” he asked.
“For the most part. I start my new job tomorrow, so I’d figure I use my free time productively by…looking for more old computer manuals.”
He chuckled at that. “Now that ya mentioned it, I think I better do some inventory o’ the place. Might as well get rid of the useless stuff,” He spoke while standing up. “I won’t get in your way.”
You nodded, sidestepping as he rounded from around the counter to move past you. As he passed by, a short whiff of his cologne wafted through your nostrils. He smelled good, and you briefly turned your head to take a look as he walked away. He was certainly broad, almost too broad to fit in this little shop. Yet he moved between the bookcases with ease.
He turned a corner, obscuring himself from your vision. You turned your attention back to the books, looking for the topics that would particularly spark your interest.
It’d fallen quiet, aside from the creak of floorboards and sliding of books across wood. Out of the corner of your eye you saw him pass back and forth with a few in his hands, carrying them towards the back. You’d sneak another glance or two without him looking, appreciating his physique.
After a little while, you found yourself poring over a book on the religion of Wicca. It was something that piqued your interest in your earlier life, though never had a chance to really learn about it. You’d only just began to skim through it, although the content was interesting enough that you started to read.
A loud crash emanated elsewhere in the shop, causing you to jump in surprise. The shopkeeper hissed out a curse, prompting you to peer around in search of the source.
“You okay?” you called out.
“Yeah,” he replied with a sigh of annoyance. “Jus’ one o’ these shelves fell apart.”
You listened to the sounds of him attempting to clean up the mess, and followed it through the narrow aisles until you found him. He was bent over, attempting to collect the disheveled books spilled at his feet.
“Here, let me help.” You said, automatically starting forward.
“No, you don’t have to –” he began, glancing up at you.
“There’s a lot here.” You stated, gathering a few into your arms.
He didn’t argue further, and together the two of you managed to collect them all. He nodded in thanks and headed toward the back once again, with you on his heels. He led you to an open door to reveal a small back room. From over his shoulder you spotted a chair and desk, and a pile of books placed haphazardly on top of it. He placed his armful on an empty space and gestured for you to do the same. Once you emptied your arms and exited the back room, you turned to him.
“Thank you.”
You nodded to him. “You’re welcome…” you glanced around the shop again, and an idea struck your mind. “Need any more help?”
“Nah, jus’ ‘bout halfway done I think.” He answered, placing his hands on his hips.
“I could help with that though,” you pointed out, though surprised at yourself for even offering. “Kinda curious what else you got that’s ancient and obsolete.”
“Oh there’s plenty…” he responded, rubbing the back of his neck while he peered around as a thoughtful look painted his face. “Tell ya what, if ya find anything interestin’ that need to be off the shelves, I’ll let ya keep it for free.”
Bewilderment crossed your mind. “Wouldn’t you be losing money then?”
“A couple of ‘em won’t hurt business,” he said. “Better n’ throwin’ ‘em out or puttin’ em in storage, ya know?”
You didn’t want to decline his offer since he had a good point, yet you still felt bad regardless. “Alright, fair enough.”
And so you set to help him. All the while you two held a casual conversation. You learned his name was Arthur, and that he owned this place for a few years. Other than running this store he lived on a small ranch on the edge of town. You shared a little bit about yourself, including your career and a couple of shared interests you had with him.
Surprisingly enough, you’d pulled out many more old texts than you anticipated. Some were so worn and dog-eared that there was no resale value, and Arthur told you to just throw them away. Throwing away books? You instead convinced him to give them away, and he found an empty box and labeled it “Free Books”. You skimmed through them briefly to see if they caught your eye, yet none did and they ended up in the box.
After a little over an hour passed before the both of you picked the place clean. You dusted your hands off after placing the last few in the box. Arthur picked it up and carried it outside, placing it on the sidewalk. We walked back in and said, “Hope that gives ‘em some good use.”
“Hey, people will take anything free,” you pointed out. “Maybe even pull in more revenue for you.”
“Well here’s hopin’,” he sighed, briefly glancing toward the floor before meeting your gaze with a small smile. “Thanks for the help again, I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome Arthur, I actually had fun helping you.” You answered with a grin.
He chuckled softly. “Fun, eh?”
You nodded. “Sure, you’re a nice guy and fun to talk to.” You answered.
You weren’t sure, but his face reddened a touch as he ducked his head. He laughed again, shy and…cute. “Thank you, though I ain’t that much of an interestin’ person.”
“Nah, I beg to differ,” you argued lightly. “Either way, I think I’ll be coming back. I like it here, and if you’d need any more help…”
“You’ve been more than helpful Y/N,” he answered, waving his hand as if trying to flit away your words. He then paused, realization crossing his face. “Actually…no, never mind.”
“What is it?” you pressed.
“Well,” he released a heavy sigh. “I’ll be honest, business ain’t as good as I’d hoped. I’ve been tryin’ to think of new advertisin’ strategies, pull in more customers. Problem is I ain’t too good at it.”
“So…you’re asking me to help you advertise? Or create one for you?” you questioned.
“I know it ain’t fair to ask,” Arthur answered quickly, his face shadowed with a look of guilt. “We hardly know each other and you jus’ moved here –”
“I’ll do it.” You softly interrupted.
He blinked, staring at you in surprise. “Whuh?”
“I said I’ll do it,” you repeated, smiling at him. “Luckily for you, I took a few advertising arts classes in college.”
The surprise remained on his face. “Uh –” he huffed, and cleared his throat. “I don’t want ya to feel pressured or nothin’ –”
“I’m not, Arthur,” you assured him. “You were gonna ask for a reason right? I don’t mind. Besides, I haven’t used my art skills in years. Might as well put them to use again.”
“You sure?”
“Positive.” You affirmed. “Don’t worry about it, okay? It’ll give me something fun to do after work.”
Arthur was silent for a moment. He finally nodded and spoke, “Alright, as long as I ain’t troublin’ you with it.”
“No trouble at all,” you replied with another smile. “I’ll come up with something good, I promise.”
His smile matched yours. “Then I look forward to it.”
The next few weeks kept you busy. After settling in at your new job and coming home to sit at your computer to design flyers didn’t leave you much time for other activities. Still you stopped by the bookshop to plan with Arthur and discuss strategies, or suggested many ideas that he seemed to like. You laid out a few thumbnails of different designs for him to pick and choose, narrowing it down to two that he really liked.
You stopped by every day to update the progress, even when you didn’t have to. Admittedly you were enjoying his company, and you had a feeling he liked yours as well. After moving to a town where you knew no one and were far from your family and old friends, you were just fine with considering Arthur as one. As time passed on he’d become friendlier and more open to you, offering you a drink or snack even when you’d come by for a few minutes.
Sometimes you’d stay longer just as an excuse to be close to someone other than your new coworkers, and to admire how nice he looked. He always dressed in either button-up shirts or a nice T-shirt and Wrangler jeans like a cowboy, the fabric accentuating his broad frame in all the right ways. His sandy hair was trimmed neatly, and he kept his face somewhat clean shaven, although something about having stubble lined across his sharp jaw set a spark within you.
A relationship was the furthest thing on your list at the moment, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t admire how attractive he was.
Soon after you produced a finished product, and quite proud of the result after not having designed anything since your college days. It was a weekend which meant you were free, and upon printing out a nice colored version, you headed to the bookshop almost instantly.
Arthur loved it, as you had hoped. He paid for multiple copies to be printed and distributed around the town, and you spent the afternoon stapling them to telephone poles and handing them out in some of the shops. You thankfully had gotten a positive response from most of those you’ve spoken with, which gave you hope. You wondered how Arthur was doing on his end.
After a few hours you’d met back up at the shop, tired and arms empty, but Arthur looked as pleased as you did. You settled down in the back room while he handed you a water bottle from his mini fridge. You took it gratefully and gulped a swig, sighing in relief.
“I think we did good.” you said as he settled across from you.
He nodded in response, followed by taking a drink from his own bottle. “I think so too, lotsa people seem interested.”
“I would figure more people would come in here often.” You said thoughtfully.
“You’d think, but this place is more of a tourist trap than anything,” Arthur responded. “Can’t complain, but I understand. Ya get used to one place, it gets borin’ after a while.”
“Well, hopefully this will be the beginning of a new era for this place.” You enthusiastically gestured to the surroundings with a flourish.
Arthur smiled at you, chuckling as he took another drink of water. He didn’t speak, however your eyes met his. You’d never noticed before how absolutely gorgeous his eyes were. From a distance they appeared blue, yet you could detect hints of bright green surrounding his pupils. You wanted to view them even closer. Somehow you couldn’t tear your eyes away.
The entrance bell however sounded, pulling your attention and his toward the front of the store. The telltale signs of potential customers. Arthur glanced out in surprise, and immediately stood up to greet the newcomers. You stayed in the back room while he dealt with the customers, listening to their voices with a smile on your face. Who would have thought it would work that quickly?
You left shortly after, catching Arthur’s eye briefly as you walked by him helping out a young couple that wandered in. A gaze that lingered a second longer than you intended, however you felt it was best to leave him to deal with his shop at the moment.
Two weeks passed and you hadn’t stopped by Arthur’s shop, mainly because each time you passed by, the building seemed to be teeming with customers. You felt more than happy, and proud of yourself that you helped a business owner earn more revenue after a dull streak.
You did find yourself missing his company. Each day he hung in your mind like a cloud. You certainly liked him enough to call him a friend, yet those gorgeous eyes of his would meet you in your dreams.
That following Saturday evening, you received a text from him.
Hey, would you mind stopping by?
He was vague yet direct. Perhaps he was going to ask you another favor? Either way you were excited to see him again, and to inquire how everything was going. You headed over just minutes after responding to his text, hoping your eagerness didn’t overflow into your phone.
The first thing you noticed was the closed sign hanging in the window, which explained the lack of people this time. It was just past 7 pm, and you walked up the door and knocked. Movement shadowed behind the glass and Arthur’s silhouette appeared just a moment later, meeting your gaze between the glass and smiling wide. He opened the door.
“Hey there, come on in.” He stepped back and gestured.
You walked in and turned to face him. “So, I’ve noticed business has gotten better recently.”
“All thanks to you,” he responded, the grin on his face only growing wider. He then lifted his hand to reveal he was holding a bottle of whiskey. “I wanna thank ya.”
You blinked at the alcohol, surprised by this but you didn’t have any objections. You smiled and nodded in approval. “You don’t have to thank me Arthur, but I’m not about to turn down a good drink.”
He chuckled heartily. “Sure I do, the booze is jus’ a bonus. C’mon.” He waved toward the back room and strode for it, and you were right behind him. Once he stepped inside he grabbed a couple of plastic cups, and filled the both of them with a few cubes of ice. He then poured in the whiskey before topping them off with some soda. He handed a cup to you, and then held up his own.
“To you, for your design and advertisin’ skills.” He said, although rather awkwardly. You figured he wasn’t good at that sort of thing, but you didn’t mind. Bringing your cup to tap against his, you smiled again and took the first sip simultaneously with him. The sweet soda tinged with the smokey bitterness of the alcohol was a pleasant mixture against your tastebuds.
It was quiet for a moment, and Arthur took another sip before drawing in a deep breath. He focused on you. “Drink’s good?” He asked.
You nodded, taking another sip of your own. “Very. Haven’t had a chance to have a good drink since I moved here. Had to resort to a few gas station beers.”
He snorted softly, a small smile of amusement appearing on his face. “Gotta introduce you to the good bar in town sometime.”
This piqued your interest. “Oh? There’s a bar here?”
“‘Course, every small town has a bar,” he pointed out. “It ain’t on any of these main roads though, it’s closer to the outskirts. I imagine ya probably didn’t explore that much.”
“Can’t say I have,” you said thoughtfully. “But I’ll take up the offer of you showing me.”
“Jus’ name a time, ya won’t be disappointed.” He confidently replied.
You finished your first drink after a little while and Arthur poured you a second to which you were not opposed to. The effects were taking hold of you before you knew it. Your lips were looser with each sip you took, and you found Arthur was the same way. The two of you spoke about random topics, anything ranging between favorite colors to what you cooked yesterday. Things that were otherwise too boring to discuss, yet somehow with Arthur they seemed more interesting.
A little while later, the conversation became deeper. Arthur spoke some about his earlier life and what kind of environment he was raised in, and how his teenage years were spent bitterly. You shared the reason why you moved: you were previously living with your significant other, only to find your shared bed occupied by two bodies when you arrived home early one day when you weren’t feeling well. The reveal absolutely crushed you, which led into an emotional spiral and you looking for a new place to live the next day.
It’d been a little over a month since then. Your mind was still heavy on the breakup until you stopped by here the first time. Arthur and his charming little shop seemed to absorb any lingering sadness you had. Seemed like both yesterday and ages ago.
Regardless of the story, the pair of you were chortling in good spirits. You ranted about all the negatives about your old partner, releasing the leftover bitterness you’ve suppressed and turned it into humor. It only heightened your mood more, and with each drink it only increased.
After a few more minutes it quieted down again, though the smiles remained on your faces. You since became immune to the sting of whiskey, immensely enjoying the flavors and the inebriation that accompanied it.
Arthur reached over and poured himself another helping. His sigh caught your attention. He stared down into his cup, fixated with a thoughtful expression.
“I gotta say, I’m glad you wandered in here that day.” He murmured, peering at you with a sidelong look.
“Yeah?” you chirped.
He nodded slowly, taking a swig of his drink before focusing onto you with a serious gaze. “I’ll be honest, I was thinkin’ ‘bout closin’ up.”
You were taken aback by this statement. “Why?”
“You saw for yourself. Hardly any business. Shelves lined with books decades old,” he snorted without humor. “Truth is openin’ this place ain’t even my idea.”
“Then whose was it?” you pressed tilting your head in curiosity.
“My fiancée’s,” he smiled bitterly, gently swirling his drink. “Eh, ex-fiancée. Had the grand idea to run a business together. Picked out this place herself. N’ like a fool I fell for it.”
Ex-fiancée. Your heart raced upon learning this new information, and you wondered what happened between them. Would it be too prying to ask? “So…what changed?”
Arthur shrugged. “She found someone else more interestin’. Said we had too many differences in our lives to really enjoy each other…” he trailed off to take another sip, his eyes shifting to gaze in the distance.
Your heart broke for him. Rather than wallowing in those feelings, you instead asked another question. “But why hold on to this place if it was her idea?”
His gaze pulled back to you. “Guess for a while I was hangin’ on to the dream that she’d come back n’ pick up where we left off. Obviously that didn’t happen. Stupid, huh?”
You frowned at this. Hell, you understood that pipe dream all too well. There was a brief time where you wished your ex would come after you like in the movies in some dramatic fashion, pouring out apologies and begging you to come back. Wishful thinking.
You noted his hand was resting against the table. In a quick movement you reached over and placed your hand comfortingly on his forearm, and offering him a sympathetic smile. “It’s not stupid at all. You loved her and you held on to the one thing that you knew she loved too.”
Arthur’s eyes dropped to your hand. “For too long,” he sighed. “After a while I knew there was no chance. Still I continued, kept this place open for my own sake. Came here every mornin’ with a rock in my stomach, least until recently.” He explained, his voice softening towards the end. He peered over to you again.
Your heart raced once again. The way he was looking at you… it was obvious as to why he mentioned that last bit. Hell, you knew for a while. He wasn’t subtle about trying to steal glances your way these past few weeks. As attractive as he was, you were denying yourself of your own feelings out of protection. It felt too soon after your last relationship, although it seemed Arthur had been single for a while. You were afraid you’d change your mind. “And why is that?” you asked, wanting to play dumb to hide your initial hesitation.
His arm moved – at first you thought he was pulling away, until his hand met yours. Palm to palm, skin rough but warm. His fingers entwined with yours and you automatically did the same. “I think you know,” he murmured.
His thumb smoothed against the back of your hand. Your eyes bore into his. Such a gorgeous light blue, glistening in the lamplight of this tiny room. Despite the table in between the two of you, it was hardly an obstacle to view him in better focus. Upon closer inspection, you could detect pools of green surrounding his pupils, reminding you of tropical beaches.
His lips were parted, wafting his gentle breath against your face. Scented with alcohol and the sweetness of soda, he seemed to be growing closer.
You closed the space immediately, the booze flowing in your system offering a boost of confidence. His mouth was surprisingly soft against yours, and within seconds he returned the favor. Your free hands joined, mirroring their counterparts with ease. He pulled you closer with no effort.
After a moment, he pulled back slightly to stare at you with a soft expression. He released your hand to cup your cheek gently, and you leaned into his touch with a smile.
“You don’t have to hold on to those thoughts anymore.” you sighed to him.
His smile mirrored yours. “Neither do you.”
It was nothing but pure bliss following that night. You’d fallen into a routine to spend some time with him every day, even when you had work. Arthur was such a sweet lover and was not hesitant to hold you whenever he had a chance. His arm around your waist, or pulling you into his lap. You helped around the bookshop more, even when he told you that you didn’t have to. Yet you insisted, and redecorated some of it to give a new energy while keeping its rustic look. It certainly attracted even more customers.
He took you to the bar as promised, and it quickly became a regular spot for casual dates. It was just as charming as he explained, accompanied with lovely patrons and entertainment. You were soon completely comfortable with this small town, completely integrated into its community thanks to Arthur. People often recognized your face from the bookshop, and the praise following was something he was elated to hear about.
A couple of months have passed, and you swore Arthur’s smile grew bigger each and every day. He looked forward to running the business again, and left those bitter thoughts of his ex behind with the help of you.
One particularly slow weekend day, you were spending time in the shop as usual. It was late afternoon and the last customer left an hour ago, thus creating a quiet and relaxing atmosphere. Closing time would be in less than an hour, and you just assumed no one else would be wandering in.
While Arthur manned the register, albeit with boredom, you began to observe some of the newer inventory. The shelves were thankfully lined with more recent texts to fill in the gaps of what you’d sorted through previously. Once again you found yourself coming across the book of Wicca again, the same one you were skimming through just months earlier. You were surprised no one purchased it with the heavy amount of traffic that passed through.
The book served as a better distraction than you realized. You pored over it, so focused on the information that you didn’t notice the presence that loomed over you until gentle hands found your waist.
“You can keep that if ya want.”
You blinked in surprise, turning your head to look at him. “No, I’d feel weird about it.”
“Why?” he asked.
“It’s still your store, I just can’t take it.” You pointed out.
He shook his head and quietly laughed. “Ah, it’s alright sweetheart. I know you were interested in that. ‘Sides, it’s been sittin’ here for months, n’ I can always order more if people want ‘em. Pretty sure it’s here for ya.”
“I still feel like I should pay…or something.” You murmured, placing the book back on the shelf.
“Now I don’t wanna hear none o’ that,” Arthur lightly chided you, despite wrapping his arms around your waist. “I never did properly thank you for all the help you’ve given me.”
You turned around in his grip, giving him a playful smirk. “As if all this affection wasn’t repayment enough?”
“’Course not,” he snickered, and leaned in to place a chaste kiss on your lips. “Think I got quite a while ‘fore I’m even,” he reached over and plucked the book from its spot, and pressed it into your hand. “Until then, take this.”
Your fingers instinctively wrapped around the spine, and you sighed again. He was adamant about you keeping this book, and there was no use arguing with him. No point in denying a free gift anyway. “Alright, I’ll keep it.”
He smiled in response. “Don’t ever think y’gotta pay for somethin’ in here. If ya like it, then help yourself.”
“You tell that to all the girls?” you asked.
“Only to the ones I like.” He replied with a wink.
You giggled, stepping back to lightly slap his chest with the book. “Alright you, I’m gonna head home. See you tomorrow?”
He nodded, drawing you back in for a hug and another kiss. “See ya tomorrow, darlin’.”
Breaking from the embrace, you headed toward the exit. Somehow you hadn’t noticed how much darker it got outside until you saw the iron-gray storm clouds through the door. You opened it just as a loud thunder clap rumbled through the air, vibrating the floor beneath you. A split second later, rain began to fall.
Well shoot, you walked here today.
Arthur’s low hum sounded behind you. He stepped up beside you to observe the weather. “Guess you ain’t goin’ anywhere for a while.”
“Guess not.” You agreed. You weren’t opposed to staying longer, however you were hungry and some leftover pizza at home was calling your name. Hopefully this storm would be quick.
Arthur seemed to have read your mind. “Got some snacks in the back, c’mon.” He said, reaching your free hand and leading you through to the back room.
The two of you settled at the table with a shared small helping of cut fruit. While it wasn’t much, it was enough to curb your appetite for the time being. It was quiet aside from the raging storm, which settled to an even calmer atmosphere. You popped a grape into your mouth, peering over at Arthur as he munched on an apple slice.
His eyes met yours. “Somethin’ wrong with my face?” he asked jokingly.
You snickered, scooting closer. “Yeah, a whole lot of handsome.”
He snorted and shook his head with a dejected smile. You learned early on that his self-esteem was low, even though he hid it fairly well. Any comments toward his physical appearance was usually deflected.
“It’s true, you know.” You insisted. “You ever see how some girls stare at you when they’re here?”
“Nah, only ever got eyes for you, darlin’.” He answered.
“It’s pretty obvious,” you continued. “They’re not so subtle with their googly eyes, even when they try to be.”
Arthur laughed again, his voice tinged with disbelief. “Guess I’m blind to it.”
“You must be, if you can’t tell how sexy you are…” you stood up briefly to slide into his lap. Your hands cradled his face. “Probably the most attractive man in this town.”
His cheeks flushed with a light shade of pink, ducking his head slightly to avert your gaze. “You’re jus’ bein’ sweet.”
“I’m being truthful,” You corrected, slipping your hand beneath his chin to tilt his face back up. Once he was looking at you again, your hands moved to his shoulders, down his arms and to finally take his hands. “I could stare at you all day, you know.”
He chuckled in response, entwining his fingers with yours. “I could say the same ‘bout you.”
“Ah, but this is about you…” you spoke softly, pulling his hands up to your mouth, placing soft kisses on his knuckles. “From your gorgeous eyes to your sexy jawline to your absolutely stunning body. And the way you dress? It’s like you do it on purpose just to make me feel all hot and bothered.”
“I don –”
You gently shushed him by planting your lips on his. Tasting faintly of fruit, your tongue swiped out to steal the flavor from his lips. You pulled back to see the flustered expression on his face, his mouth betraying a slight smile tugging at the corners.
He released your hands to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you even closer on his lap. “Guess I can’t complain if you like it all.” He murmured.
“And then some.” You added, wrapping your own arms around his neck. He drew you in for a second kiss, softer and sweeter than the previous. He held you close to him, his body warm and solid against you. Seconds ticked by as it gradually grew deeper and more fervent. His tongue slowly invaded your mouth which you happily accepted. His large hands smoothed up and down your back, both soothing and igniting your body. A soft moan slipped from your mouth, unintentional yet you didn’t regret it.
This caught his attention. He paused and parted the kiss, confusion plain in his expression. His eyes however betrayed his thoughts, aquatic pools shining brightly in the lamplight. He wanted more and was held back by his hesitation. It seems like you would have to take the lead.
You offered a soft nod to him, a silent acquisition of permission for his unmentioned desire. Removing your hands from around his neck, you reached down and peeled your shirt off, tossing it to the side. Arthur’s eyes widened, staring without shame at your chest, only reflecting the hunger in its prominence. He moved then to attach his mouth to the crook of your neck, kissing your skin lovingly. Your head tilted to allow him more access, quietly encouraging him to explore more of your body.
He did just that. His calloused palms roamed the expanse of your back. His fingers trailed with feather-light precision up your spine. You shuddered in his grip, arching your back and pressing against him even more. He rumbled softly in appreciation while his other hand found the zipper of your jeans. You anticipated feeling him venture further, only for him to grip your ass. He stood up, catching you off-guard and you expelled a yelp. His journey with you was short as he brought you back down, resting your back on the table before him. You locked eyes with him as he smiled down at you, reaching up to caress your cheek. He dragged his fingers down your midline to the hem of your pants, gripping them to tug them straight off.
You were now down to your underclothing while he was still fully dressed. He was certainly moving fast. “You’re gorgeous too…” he muttered, his gaze scanning you up and down with great interest. He rested his hands on your hips, standing in between your legs. He leaned down to kiss your collarbone, moving his lips in a steady line following his trail from earlier. Looping his fingers through your underwear, he pulled them down just as his face reached just below your navel.
He tossed your panties with your other discarded clothing. As exposed as you were, you didn’t feel embarrassed. Your yearning for him was driving you wild. He kissed your mound before taking his spot in the center, and a split second later the wet presence of his tongue appeared along your slit, searching for his target until he honed in on it.
Good lord, who knew he was so good at oral?
You covered your mouth while he worked his magic against you, moaning quite loudly through your fingers. He held your trembling legs tightly against his shoulders, occasionally peering up at you for validation. Your other hand carded through his soft hair, allowing your touch to encourage him further.
He toyed with your entrance, exploring your inner walls. It wasn’t long until he hit that spot, a toe-curling and edge-gripping sensation that had you squealing his name. You were thankful this place was empty for once. He rubbed your inner thigh, offering his own encouragement. Your climax was arriving almost too quickly for you to comprehend. “A-Arthur,” you gasped. “God –“
You could barely utter another word as your pleasure washed over you like a powerful tidal wave, snapping your legs tightly to him while he lapped at you, drawing it out until you were writhing and whimpering from overstimulation. He broke free from your grasp with ease, standing back up to stare down at you.
As your breath evened out, you sat up slowly. “Where did that come from?” you asked.
He chuckled, offering you that crooked smile you loved so much. “I do have some tricks up m’ sleeves.”
You giggled with him, reaching out to wrap your arms around his neck. He leaned into your embrace, joining his lips to yours for a short kiss. You brought yourself to your feet and pressed closer to him, highly aware of what rested against your thigh. Sliding your arms off, you knelt down. “I got tricks of my own too.”
Before he could speak, you palmed him through his jeans. He took a deep breath, easing out a quiet moan to you. You nimbly unzipped his confinements, reaching in to fish out his already hardened manhood. He was larger than you anticipated, but not enough to intimidate you. You wrapped your hand around, finding him thick in circumference. To describe him as well-endowed would only serve him some justice. Your fingers couldn’t touch.
You peered up at him. He was staring at you with curiosity, the rosy tint in his cheeks only increasing. There was still a hesitant energy to him, enough to not push you further.. You offered him a slow rub, memorizing every inch in your hand from root to tip. He released a shuddering breath, his eyelids fluttering slightly.
A soft smile crossed your lips, and you brought yourself forward to kiss his hot skin. You parted your lips to slowly engulf him, keeping your eyes locked to his. Your tongue slid languidly along his silky flesh, drawing along the thick vein that lay on the underside. Soon you had a set rhythm, bobbing your head in an undulating movement. He moaned deeply, breaking his gaze to tilt his head back. His fingers tangled within your hair, a gentle hold that prompted you to take more of him.
The sounds he made were glorious. Guttural groaning with your name, pet names, wrapped with his pleasure. His palm pressed against the back of your head. As gentle as he was, you sensed an urgency behind it. And so you dove further, swallowing him whole with some effort.
“Oh –” he huffed, his hips shuddering with a small buck. “Shit, darlin’. S-sorry.”
You uttered a soft hum and rubbed his thigh soothingly in response. Pulling your mouth back, you deep throated him again. He swore out loud a second time and gripped a nearby chair. You repeated a third time, raising your hand to fondle his balls through his jeans. His breathing became erratic the longer you pleased him, taking him whole with long swallows and a wiggle of your tongue. He gripped your hair hard, though he broke any direct contact with your head, too lost in his ecstasy to aid your movement.
Though hardly any time passed when he spoke your name. “Sweetheart, ain’t g-gonna last.” He gasped out.
You stopped immediately, pulling your mouth off him with a pop of your lips on the tip, swiping off a small pearl of precum that formed. You sat back quietly on your knees as his breathing regulated, and he was able to straighten up and focus on you again. “God damn, your mouth…ain’t no other like it.” He sighed.
You smiled smugly and stood up, closing the space between you with a swagger. Your arms slung around his neck again while you gave him a sultry look. “Didn’t want to be done yet.”
Arthur caught on immediately, pulling you in closer with an iron grip. He ground against you, his rough jeans on your soft skin felt wonderful. His erection rested between your thighs, just inches of where you wanted it to be. “Didn’t think so.” He growled, setting a shudder through you.
With one swoop he propped you back onto the table. His lips hungrily latched to yours while his hands explored every inch of your bare body. His fingers found your center with easy, relaxed strokes. Your moans silenced in his open mouth. You could only hold on while he pleasured you with his hands, though your patience for all of him was wearing thin. His shirt balled up in your hands, fingernails digging deep into the fabric and against his skin.
You pulled back to gasp out. “Arthur, please!” you panted. “I need to feel you.”
He paused his ministrations, bringing his gaze to you. A sweet smile touched his lips and he moved to grip your hips, shuffling slightly to align himself to you. His hips rocked forward, allowing himself to poke between your folds. He invaded you slowly, inch by inch and spreading your inner walls. You hid a wince, underestimating his thickness. He watched your face intently as if to note any discomfort. Soon he was completely joined with you.
He caressed your cheek, asking a silent question of your comfort. You nodded to him and kissed his palm, then trapped his thumb between your lips to suckle on it. Out of the corner of your eye you could see the faint surprise on his face, and you couldn’t help but giggle.
His hand left your face to take place once again on your hip. He brought himself back and forward in one smooth motion. The discomfort dissolved almost instantly as your body accepted him, soon replaced with waves of pleasure. You moaned loudly, gratefully, hanging on him while he rocked you to the very core.
He murmured a breathless swear, gripping you tightly while he continuously thrust into you. You were enveloped by your own ecstasy, whispering his name into the air. Lost in your pleasure, you almost didn’t feel him lift you from the table. He held you without effort, driving himself even deeper. His grunts and groans vibrated deep in his belly, vibrating against you.
“Sweetheart, ya feel so nice.” He crooned.
You couldn’t form a coherent response. You could only muster up a long moan the more he fucked you, the further he reached and the harder he rocked. He paused briefly to move from the little room out into the main area. You felt him press you against a bookshelf. The books housed in it shuddered and some fell.
“A-Arthur?” you panted in question.
“Scientology books, no one reads ‘em anyway.” He quickly answered.
You couldn’t help but to laugh, a hearty giggle that switched to a squeal once he pounded into you again. The bookcase creaked behind you, tapping against the wall. The small aware part of your brain wanted to be careful, that is until Arthur shifted to snake his hand between you, his fingers once again toying with your clit.
You stifled another squeal, keeping yourself from becoming any louder than you already were in case any passerby somehow heard you, despite the storm still raging outside. Arthur seemed to have other plans, ramming himself so hard that you could only shout his name. His mouth latched to your neck again, not hesitant to mark and abuse your flesh. He growled with a nearly animalistic tone, echoing deeply throughout the shop.
Your second was on a quick ascent, peaking and surging through your center and radiating through your muscles. You cried out his name, your walls clenching around him. He grunted, unleashing a shuddering breath.
“Jesus, gonna finish soon.” He huffed to you, and caught your lips for a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss. He held you again with both hands. His pace hastened and his hips became erratic, unshamefully moaning against your tongue.
Every one of your senses was overwhelmed in the most wonderful ways. Your taste and smell were overwhelmed with his essence, your nerves tingling as you came down from your high. Nails dug into his flesh, spurring him to finish even sooner.
The clear ringing of a bell pierced your otherwise distracted attention. The bell indicating the store’s door opening, followed by faint footsteps. It brought you back to reality quickly. Ripping your mouth from his, you tried to gasp out his name, only to have him nearly slap his hand over your mouth.
“Shh, nearly there sweetheart. Jus’ be quiet.” He grunted quietly.
Part of you was nervous about the idea of being caught by someone, yet another side seemed to enjoy the thrill. You barely managed a nod while he somehow quietly fucked you, keeping you pressed against the bookshelf and undulating rolling his hips. You locked eyes with him, hyperaware of the creak of the floorboards that sounded as if they were growing closer. Your heart raced despite the endless amount of pleasure racking through your body.
It almost seemed as if he wouldn’t finish in time, until he pulled out of you and stifled a low groan. Hot trails of his spend painted your bare stomach. His entire body shuddered and he eased your legs to the floor, planting a quick kiss on your forehead before ushering you to the back room.
Your legs felt like jello, but you managed to scurry back into the room, ducking from view of the shop while Arthur stuffed himself back into his pants and hastily adjusted his appearance before disappearing from your line of sight. You heard him greet the newcomers, his voice cheerful and not a hint of what just happened a moment before.
You swiftly and silently closed the door, cleaned yourself up, and redressed. A few quiet minutes passed by before Arthur opened the door back up. He smiled at you and let out a sigh of relief. “They didn’t catch us,” he announced.
“I thought it was closing time,” you said.
“Close, had ten til,” he rolled his eyes. “Usually how it goes…”
You sighed heavily. “Of course…” You stepped up to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. Despite the fatigue that took hold of your body, you felt energized from the whole ordeal. “You sent them on their way?”
Arthur took a hold of your waist, pulling you flush against his torso. “Once they found what they were lookin’ for, though they did hear us a lil’…I had to tell ‘em I was rearrangin’ some o’ the shelves.”
You snickered. “Gotta say, it was a little bit of a thrill feeling like we were gonna get caught. Like we’re teenagers sneaking around or something.”
Arthur snorted and grinned at you with a sly smirk. “Yeah?”
“Sure, but let’s wait until after closing time. Don’t wanna scare off the customers.” you amended.
He nodded, his face twitching thoughtfully. “Next time, I think my house is more suitable,” he laughed. “More comfortable than a bookcase.”
“Oh I’d hope,” you replied, arching your back and feigning a look of pain. “Pretty sure that threw out my back.”
Arthur’s eyebrows raised in surprise, though quickly realized you were joking and shook his head. That same adorable crooked smile returned to his face. “How ‘bout I massage ya to make it up?”
“How about we do that at my house?” you proposed with a cheeky wink.
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briansastro10 · 3 years
KaminariSo, this is basically BNHA Street racer AU. But to be more precise I’m picking the cars for the characters from BNHA. Because cars have characteristic, it has personality and it describes you as a person. Not just based from the body but the engines and the car as whole. So, this is my pick of cars for the character of BNHA
Part 1 For the boys
I’m going to divide it into 2 cars. One is for daily drive/Sports car and the other is The Supercar. The Sports car will describe them as characters individuals. While the Supercar will describe their full potentials.
Midoriya Izuku
Midoriya Izuku, The protagonist of the Anime. He is too good of a boy to mess around street Racing. The Color for his car is obviously Green, in that case I Recommend Him.
Sport car/ Daily Drive:
The Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX.
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To be more specific. It is Brian’s First car In the Fast and the furious franchise (R.I.P Paul Walker). This car is one of the Tuners favorite car to modify. It is run by 4G63 Engine, it is the same Engine that run an EVO F*CKING LANCER which is one of the finest cars that has been made on earth (Minus the Turbo). So it plays well with the whole inheritance thing with All Might.
For the supercar, I would Recommend McLaren 675LT
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This car Look Great In green. The whole characteristic of this car reminds me of Midoriya. This car shown how it can blend to the society, how it was able to move fast and aggressively while at the same time maintaining Elegance. This car looked slim, but its performance is something else 3.8 L V8 Twin Turbo Rear Wheel Drive (RWD) Gives the ability for the driver to drive like a maniac. The car produces more or less 675 Horsepower (Just like its name) and can go to 0-100 Km in 2.9 Seconds and a top speed with 330 Km/h (205 Mph).
Bakugo Katsuki
For Bakugo, His car has to be loud and Fast! He needs a car that’s intimidating. For the color I’m Thinking Red, Yellow or Black. But since the car need to look Antagonizing, I’m going with black. So, the car that I propose.
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
Dodge Charger SRT Hell Cat 2015
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This car is a 6.2L Hemi V8 Supercharged. The roars in this car is nothing short. This car is for sure is Intimidating. The roar of the engine is equivalent to Bakugo’s Roar of explosive anger. I was considering the newer one like the SRT Redeye Hellcat or even The Demon. But the demons is more of the inner demon screaming trying to get out. It needed a Rumbling sound of the V8, The insane roar that is deafening.
For the Supercar, it is very difficult. I can choose Hyper cars but they just felt a bit too well mannered compared to Bakugo. But I’ve given a lot of thought and the only car that fits is This
Pagani Zonda R
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This car is basically an f1 with a two-seater and a roof. This bad boy is a track only car. So, it is “Street Illegal!!” But that won’t stop Bakugo for using this beauty. This car on high rev speaks will be all the explanation needed on the reason why I chose this car. A car with 700 BHP and only weight 1,070 Kg (In comparison Ford focus weight 1,471 Kg) Which is like a feather.
Todoroki Shoto
For Todoroki His car has to be cool, matured and Luxurious but also High performance. I’m a bit mixed up with the colors Whether I should make it blue or white or red. But since I cant decide I leave it in the ‘Grey’ area. Get it? Ill just get on with it.
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
Aston Martin DB11
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Aston Martin is well known on it’s Luxury and History. Which fits Todoroki’s Prince aura/Characteristics. The performance is also nothing short, Aston Martin is also well known to make a brilliant Engine for racing. A twin turbocharged V12 Produce 600 BHP with a top speed 201Km/h (125Mph).
For the Super car, I think Lamborghini Huracan Performante.
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It is a naturally aspirated 5.2L V10 Engine AWD. This car has a fierce fiery engine on its car but still has that cool matured Body. And the ALA (Aerodinamica Lamborghini Attiva) Is brilliant. It is an active Aerodynamic system that allows the car to go faster.
Tenya Iida:
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
Is the Brabus 800 GT 63s
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This car is perfect fot Iida, It has a look in which my friend quote “Sophisticated Look”. And Mind you this car is probably The Fastest Car! For the sport/daily drive Car compare than anyone else in the list. This car packs a crazy 800 BHP and that’s says it all
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The fastest Car In the world! In 2010. The specific look that I would like to go is Drift From Transformer: Age Of Extinction. That Blue Lining is perfect for Iida. For some people engines might be boring, But this car have the power of 1200 Horses in it
Kirishima Eijiro
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
The car that this Manly man need to go with is the 2020 Mustang Shelby GT500.
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The Engine has a named called the “Predator” V8 Engine. 750 BHP is nothing short and the roar from within is on par with Bakugo’s SRT Hellcat.
I was having second thought of choosing this car. But whenever I think of Kirishima in a car, This car always pops into my head
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Lamborghini Adventador SV. This car Looked manly and menacing. Why I thought about this car, is that it associated it self with a bull in which Kirishima and this car can relate to. A loud V12 Engine roars loud and deep in a intimidating voice and its perfect.
Sero Hanta
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
For Sero the car has to be traditional but still a good car nonetheless. So I pick A classic Porsche 911 turbo 1982.
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It is a classic sports car, It is tunable which make the car run fast.
Ferrari 458 Italia
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This car is a normal Aspirated V8 with a high rev engine. It creates something Revolutionary From something traditional.
Kaminari Denki
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
It has to be the SUPRA!!!!!!          
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This car is definitely a meme, it fits with Kaminari Personality.  Seeing them is like “WTH ARE YOU DOING?!” Because both Kaminari and the car would do something ridiculously stupid.
For the Supercar I Would say The Lexus LFA
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Lexus is one of the Artistic Legacy of the JDM Cars. It is one of the legendary Supercar that ever existed. The Normal aspirated V10 Sounded like Pure Thunder striking down on the earth. Sound menacing and amazing. It fits for Kaminari Racing Persona (Or even his villain Persona).
Mashirao Ojiro
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
Ojiro is a traditional Japanese person, So his car has to be totally Japanese. My pick have to be The S30 Fairlady Z.
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To be exact the RB26 Swapped Fairlady Z from Sung Kang (Han’s Actor car from “Fast and Furious”) And that’s all I need to say about this car.
For the Supercar It has to be the last piece of The JDM Legend. It is The GTR R35 NISMO.
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This car is perfect for Ojiro, They both are the Representative Character of Japan.
Tokoyami Fumikage
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
Blackbird 370 z
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For me it’s a no Brainer. This car was featured as the Replacement of Blackbird in wangan Midnight When they aren’t allowed to use the Porsche. The slick Headlight and the whole body look is the description of Tokoyami Dark Shadow
Mclaren MP4-12C
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That Describes Tokoyami as a whole. One of the best car that ever created in history that changes the whole world. With the black fierce look, This car looks like a shark that flies on land.
Sato Rikido
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
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Sato is a muscular guy. So His sports car is definitely a Muscle Car. But It seems I have a trouble in finding it, It has to be a classic but not too old. In that reason I recommend Saleen s281 2000
It has that sporty look but still have the Muscle car Essence and history
For the Supercar It has to be The Corvette C8.R
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This car is a new take to American cars. It is a Incredible move from the American automotive Industries.
Koda Koji
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
For Koda He is definetly a good Boy so hew probably uses a 4-door car. For instance The Subaru WRX STI 2016.
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It doesn't seems Menacing but it still can move around well and when it drives, it definetly drives well.
For the Supercar it is definetly a NSX-R 1992 Tuned with a Rocket Bunny Body Kit.
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Koda is definitely a Honda city boi. From the name itself, I am 100% it fits with Koda. Back in the day if you want a Ferrari but you can’t afford one. You’ll buy an NSX.
Shoji Mezo
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
For Shoji I think Ford’s Trophy truck.
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A friend of mine said that Shoji, is the kind of guy who would drive a van for daily basis (So I guessed it has to be an American Car). But to me, Shoji is the Kind of guy that likes to get Dirt under his wheels. And I'm pretty sure Shoji is the kind of kid that doesn’t Mind flying in the car on daily basis.
For the Supercar I propose, Ford Gt.
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It is well planted and the car is very wide. Fitting to describes Shoji’s ‘Arms’. Although it might not have similarities with his daily car, But this car is all I could think of.
Aoyama Yuga
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
For the Daily Drive, it is obviously something Luxurious, Something High class Like Bentley GT 2019. The V8 Version.
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It is a confiscated yet sporty look in a car, It looked like as if he stands out compares to the other Luxury Cars
For the Supercar, It has to be describe as “Noblesse oblige” And the Car that fits the most is Noble M600.
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It is a Supercar with all the classic features. It is a RWD Manual Transmission Car, a twin turbocharged 4L V8. Packs 640 BHP 0-60 in 3.1 Second.
Mineta Minoru
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
It’s the Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GTS
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Basically, this car is the Japanese Equivalent To pimp rides. Even though This car is featured in The Fast and The Furious, It is just a now show car. Compared the old one, This version is a slower and much more difficult to Modify. But it is still a nice car and fun to drive with, and it is a popular car in the car culture.
For Mineta The Supercar might be really difficult. So in the end I just came up with the Villain version. (Inspired by ‘Nadaboodraws’ Villain Mineta on Instagram) I came up with this
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It is the Audi R8, It is one of the best Affordable Supercar you can get in the world. It is 4wd But it is still an aggressive car with a mean Look.
Okay that’s all I can give for this part. For the next one will be the girls of class 1-A. If you have different opinion let me know, I would love to hear all of your thoughts and if you use my list you can go ahead and use it (But please do tell me, because hearing it will be my vindication and that would make me really happy). Anyway, thank you for reading until this far.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
INTERVIEW: After 13 Years, Indie RPG Masterpiece Ruina is Finally Available in English
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All screenshots of Ruina: Fairy Tale of the Forgotten Ruins taken by author
  This article was made possible through the invaluable contributions of translators Dink and bool, and further aided by context generously provided by writer, translator, and RPG Maker scene dweller Kastel (@kastelwrites). Sections from their answers were excerpted for this piece and edited for clarity and content.
  Last year, at the start of the pandemic, a lapsed member of the RPG Maker community known as Dink stumbled across a screenshot while trawling Japanese free game websites: a black obelisk standing in the midst of ruins. “This is going to make me sound like I've been huffing paint, but this image spoke to something quite visceral for me — like I'd been waiting to find this game. Something about the sepia tones, the light and shadows, the elegance of its very archetype. I knew I had to play it.” Dink had stumbled across Ruina: Haitou no Monogatari (Fairy Tale of the Forgotten Ruins), one of the most acclaimed free RPGs ever made in Japan. Released in the antiquated RPG Maker 2000 engine in 2008 by developer Shoukichi Karekusa, it retains a strong cult following and has even been translated into Chinese. Yet unlike its RPG Maker siblings Yume Nikki and Ib, Ruina is practically unknown in English-speaking countries. Dink decided to change that.  “Once I realized that it had yet to be translated into English,” he said, “it was like I’d become possessed.”
  Ruina is unique. A role-playing game that takes direct influence from tabletop games and gamebooks, it boldly defies conventions established by classic console role-playing games like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy. Rather than controlling the main character across a top-down map, the player slowly uncovers a hand-illustrated map of nodes. Survival in the dungeon requires the use of ropes, pickaxes, and oil for your lantern, resources that are all expendable. Your party members are valuable not only for their combat skills but for their out-of-combat abilities: thieving, sneaking, even swimming. Most of all, Ruina allows for choice and consequence, a phenomenon far more common in western RPGs than Japanese RPGs. Say you stumble across treasure in a dungeon, but are ambushed by thieves who want the treasure for themselves. Do you give the treasure to the thieves? Stand your ground? Or attack the thieves before they can do the same to you? Since your ability to save in the dungeon is heavily rationed, you may find yourself having to choose between restarting a save or living with the messy outcomes of your choices.
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    There’s something to Ruina that grounds it in the Japanese RPG tradition, rather than a straightforward riff on Wizardry or Might & Magic. Those earlier games gave you several choices as to building your party, but little in the way of story or character. Ruina is a far more curated experience. On starting the game, you’re offered four “backgrounds” that align you with certain other characters, just one year before Dragon Age: Origins would pull a similar trick. Rather than being given the full freedom to explore a sprawling world, your options are limited to navigating a single, contained dungeon. The characters available to be recruited into your party have defined personalities and quirks — some are already good friends of yours, others are insufferable, and still others have significant flaws that speak to the kind of person they are versus their gameplay function. These are NPCs out of the Baldur’s Gate school, given the illusion of life, rather than the team of personalized murderers you’d recruit in an Etrian Odyssey game.
  Very little else in the Japanese games scene is like Ruina. You could draw comparisons with games like Unlimited Saga and Scarlet Grace, representing the legacy of controversial SQUARE ENIX auteur Akitoshi Kawazu. You could similarly connect Ruina with Yasumi Matsuda’s experimental Crimson Shroud, which takes influence from tabletop to the point that it has the player rolling dice in-game. But Ruina is more accessible and polished than a Kawazu game, and far more fleshed out than Crimson Shroud. Even Etrian Odyssey, with its comparatively barebones story and characters, doesn’t quite compare. Ruina stands alone in the Japanese free games community, a legendary title that people respect but don’t fully understand how to replicate.
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    A few days ago I reached out to Kastel, an academic, writer, and translator who is very familiar with Japan’s RPG Maker scene, about where Ruina fit in Japan’s wider field of indie games. “I know many people in the furige (free game) scene who love the game to death,” they said. “But they also found it to be a hard sell due to its unique, almost western take on the scene. The fact that the game is even this popular speaks to something.” Despite its crunchy mechanics and niche inspirations, the game is popular enough to have spawned light novels, an honor not unique to it (other RPG Maker games have accomplished the same) but certainly significant. Kastel drew a comparison between Ruina and Darkest Dungeon, another weird and uncompromising game that draws from both Japanese and western RPGs. “Ruina is sorta different from everything, but you also see dungeon crawlers get inspired by it,” they said. “Not all games take direct inspiration, but you can’t help but see a little bit of Ruina here and there.”
  So why did it take so long for anybody to translate Ruina? Dink isn’t the only person to try his hand at translating it into English; just last fall, another forum dweller placed an ad recruiting a translation team to tackle the game. The unfortunate reality is that translating text within the RPG Maker engine into English requires intensive and repetitive labor. “There’ve been tools developed by vgperson [a prominent translator of RPG Maker games] for RPG Maker 2000 and some other machine translation tools for newer games, but they all remain difficult to use for translators,” Kastel says. “The way games are scripted uses events inside the map and developers rarely name them. So not only do you need to edit it via the appropriate RPG Maker engine, but you also need to go through each event contextless unless the creator actually notes things down.” So, the enterprising Ruina translator doesn’t just need to translate all the text in the game into English. It isn’t even a question of whether or not to manually edit the game’s many pictures and custom menus into English by hand. It’s the sheer difficulty of navigating between thousands of (often poorly labeled) events and variables in the RPG Maker engine, ensuring not to introduce any new bugs or errors in the process, while also finding the time to do all of the above.
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    Dink was assisted by a friend of his named bool, who played through the game alongside the translation process and gave invaluable advice and fixes. “Uncovering the mystery in the game's story sort of ran parallel with the translation of the game itself,” bool says. “As the story progressed, the characters would decipher and learn more about the lore of the eponymous ruins within the game, and as the translation progressed, the same held true for us. It really captivated me to be a part of this process, and I started to look forward to each new area that I could explore and each new morsel of the story I could understand.”
  Without bool’s efforts, it might have taken far longer to put together something workable. As it was, it took four exhausting months. “I worked long hours — 12+ hours a day, 6, sometimes 7 days a week on top of my day job — and very rarely used my free time on anything else,” Dink says. “I did manually input the text in RPG Maker 2000, which has raised some eyebrows because there are some very nice tools available for game translation that would have saved me a lot of time. However, a huge advantage of working directly in the editor is being able to see the game more or less as it appears to players. A Notepad file streamlines the basic translation process, but it also heavily obscures context, whereas the editor allows you to see what switches and variables are being used, what music is being played, and sometimes even helpful creator comments, all in the same relative order you'd experience it from within the game.” Dink had one more secret weapon up his sleeve: the experience of working with the RPG Maker engine as an adolescent. RPG Maker has a reputation of being a tool designed to churn out Dragon Quest clones with ease; but nobody knows the intense difficulty of forcing the engine to do something, anything, like a former RPG Maker developer does. 
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    The English version of Ruina, as it currently exists, is a workable but inevitably compromised version of the game. Running the game requires installing the Japanese RTP pack of visual and audio resources for RPG Maker to function, along with the use of the EasyRPG player to provide English-language player name entry. There’s the matter of the custom menus, as well. Several of the menus have been replaced with functional English equivalents, but by Dink's own admission they could use an expert's attention to better compare to the original. Other pictures, such as place name displays, have yet to be replaced by English-language equivalents at all. And the strict character limits of RPG Maker 2000 led to some creative truncating when translating from Japanese to English, especially with item and skill descriptions.
  But the existence of an English-language Ruina, one that renders the whole game playable from beginning to end with a readable script, is a miracle. Speaking for myself, I started the long process of learning Japanese two years ago in part so that I could one day play this game, never expecting there might one day be an alternative. Others in the Japanese RPG Maker scene, knowing the brutal difficulty of translating a game made in the earlier engines, were shocked that a game of Ruina’s complexity and length was successfully translated at all.  Speaking for themselves, Dink and bool insist that their own story doesn’t matter much. What matters is the quality of the original game and the hard work developer Shoukichi Karekusa put into its creation. Anything else is an addendum, another version of the game that — while it cannot ever be the original — might at least make something resembling that original experience accessible to others.
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    Frankly speaking, I think there’s something to that. The “true” version of Ruina will always exist in its original form, released for free by Karekusa in 2008. It stands as the defining work of a creator who sought to create a unique experience combining the appeal of console and tabletop roleplaying games, with no concessions to market sensibilities. A creator who not only released their baby on the internet for free, but insisted that a game like Ruina must always and ever be free. An austere monolith, it stands side by side with Yume Nikki, Ib, and even Cave Story as one of the great works to come out of Japan’s independent scene. Now any English speaker can pick up and play this new version of Ruina, and learn what that monolith is and where it leads to.
  You can download the English translation of Ruina here. For those who want to learn more about the Japanese RPG Maker scene, I recommend checking out Kastel’s page here.
  Are you a Ruina fan? Let us know in the comments! 
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    Adam W is a Features Writer at Crunchyroll. When he is not working through exercises in Wanikani, he sporadically contributes with a loose group of friends to a blog called Isn't it Electrifying? You can find him on Twitter at:@wendeego
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a feature, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
By: Adam Wescott
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sirjustice205-blog · 4 years
Now Dambfounded
With your food sharing where has it take u to, or what ingredients is added to ya system that makes u special than others who dont share who have shared with u the below, which without them, u could not have gotten the same. Stop dude ya non-sense. Now the Summer/majira engine gear has not yet been invented or made, so the innovation below aint your, so u dont claim it, telling others to twist flat plates to make the same yet with u, u cant do it, just saying ya own nonsensical things yet as described below machines are made in the dark with some few performed rituals not even eating corpse as the nations below have made such without eating the same and in ya own nations now u got already made in ya country, so stop all the scrap and ask those people well how those machines they have made not made as explained below.
Internet made in TANZANIA in the link below
Made in India missile in the below link, Vietnam, Brazil, Jamaica, Jordan, Turkey bora missiles and even airplanes
In the link below to produice power as in rotate the dynamo in the link below with another motor using a belt, most so a 12 DC motor technology can be used to improve the Magira rotated motor 4 ya not to rotate it again, where the 12 DC motor has a timer that in every 1 hour works 4 like 10 seconds to turn back the magira to its end to start rotating again as adding Majira as i hear as the Magira can be a 1 hr o 2 hr phenomenon b4 it stops to be rotated again when the above aint around by hand like with Electric cookers and fans
So on the link above instead the motor using the Electric timer technology as manual motor turns the alternator to produce electricity while on the E-timer is connected to another 12 DC gear motor using a belt from behind to do the above and it goes add-inifitum without stoppage and the same technology can be used in auto-mobiles, speedboats and airplanes.
From the output of the alternator, when its 48 and above u can step it up with 1 or 2 such to give ya 120 V or 200 v to use in countries that use either the 2 types of electric power respectively. When out put is 12-24 V, u can step the power using electric inverter to give ya 200 V b4 using a 12 volt adapter tied to a solar charger controller to rotate the 12 DC motor that takes the E-timer of cooker or fan back to its normal state as position, while ya timer can be 12 Dc to still used the power the motor above uses or can be 200 V to use the inverter output or the 2 connected step up transformers to power it. Dude with this as googled eliminates battery as wet cell completely and the above is self sufficient as to make it feasible when the timer remains like 1 sec to switch off the motor that turns it back 4 like 10 seconds switches on automatically to finish the metamorphosis described above
The step up 12 Dc to 1000 Volts u can buy such and use it in ya house as described in sirjustice166 tumblr a/c.
The above technology as well can be used to make phone back ups that are self running and sufficient.
Khart as Miraa is used to make black and white wine where grinned in blenders placed in much water then many hurl cold water using syringe and boom is formed in the dark and even with already packed in the bottles or u pack it ya self and that’s the utility of miraa small stems as well as making like baby soft & clear lotions among other many detergents and chemicals.
Pretenders are the worse, most land got the spirit with it, like with Texas its spirit of wanting to be their is foretold by such people loving to sing in a group as if defeated or manipulated or such people who long to be there yet not there, relieve themselves of that burden by eating much candy while with Carli4nia most who long to be there and not yet there found themselves walkies talkie as walking and talking even in ya conscience and when alone and dude, almost always is known that way and many go out in life without grasping that simple truth detectives use
Swim swim dude in the link below
Don’t get me into ya robbery acts like frowning with me as if i have also started getting to ventures u steal at night or just locations to create a new jealousy yet u have not caught me, Kikuyu are 1st in this taking u as them yet u r not or may be 1 transfigures to ya identity and u know not, then, wise thing, arrest him and call me to settle all disputes of such related crime. Stop dude, minus me from such weird acts dude, back off me bro, playing with fire, Kinda, dude
Dude dont get me into things i did not play part as bringing ya kids to me to feed them, if i decide to live in like KSM, Milimani and u affirm the above, then send thieves to come and kill me so u take all my property as the Govt of a rich nation which have lived in take care of such cases. Its all well when i dont have much babies but if i have 1 him will also have 1 like me easy to check on and just be like me. Stop that shit bro!!!! Give birth to kids u can take care of and if getting to hell fire lets me be there out of the nuisense above, its me burning not ya and once i have said my body to be criminated or buried in a a cemetery dont open a quarrel with me u want it to be at rural home so u exhume and eat cause its crystal clear and i have said it over 1000 x me aint ya own,mother still their and we can do DNA which i have done previously to avoid just talking and so it be am right dude
Buy speakers below  and India 1st bullet train, airplane, fighter jets and submarine
Images of Pakistan armed drones in the link below and Pakistan 1st satellite and submarine
“nothing was written in stone"  this time round there will be no appeasement policy it will be purely war, stupid-no-sensed people who want to be 1st,this time round ya down fall dude. Nigerian made rocket in the link below without name as u can google as well bro
Who has the goodies of how to make machines parts and artificial food as well as other stuff, u or me, answer me dude, its purely me and why do u want me to join ya wicked ways then u rush to say, let him alone as if i will or going to regret shortly as u enjoy and to join ya later will be utter shame, yet is u who want from me not to mention my food, click the song link below 4 more
So now they have put another face, cashing into others private stuff like daily without stoppage not knowing like kids its tired and sickening dude. Grave tough exhumation measures imposed to bar the same, so their is no food 4 them, guys if u never knew their anger. U can go out in life investigating the same to no avail like in the link below and their deals known of making stuff with others so cutting out the revenues they used to get like yesterday. Dude is that it or am i lying dude. Now graves dug deep and being monitored hard to exhume 4 ya so resort to the above hiccups homey.
When E-motorbikes introduced like in the links above, then woman will be empowered not to disturb men again with their ill-gotten kids as they can organised a franchise to take 2 or 3 a woman to work in the morning and drop the same home at dusk to raise cash to feed their above kids as this affirms affirmative action. And ya body temple of Christ, if u denature it like in a road carnage like above can land u into hell and equals blasphemy if u dont give proper mishaps that led to the above and even road deaths related to such accidents. Rich-man and Lazarus parable, u got Moses green plant on the wall which to commemorate him was named after him as he was born in Kansas very temperate 4 tropical weed to grow, so never say i did not warn ya. Take heed in advance homey!!!!
Images of 1st Passenger aircraft made in Ghana in the link below taking to skies as well as her Nigerian counterpart made airplane
Nigerian submarine and warship just hidden as in the link below
South Korea submarine images in the link below, SA and Collin submarine type
First sa Made umkhonto MISSILE images in the link below carried in submarines
The SA owned internet as shown in the link below
Uganda internet in the link below and switching off from Eu or American social medias to their own
Turkey made submarines in the link below as well as 1st japan passenger airplane
Taiwan breaks ground to build its own submarines in the link below
Indians use their sub-marines in lonely places to get to Lake Victoria and take money back home, reason they dont want to leave E-Africa as it has ready markets in Eu, America and Asia as portrayed above
Subway in Tanzania finally in the below link
South and North Korea submarines and their missiles in the link below as much as Japan made 1, UAE and Iran
Tunisia made aircraft in the link below and other African nations producing weapons
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sirjustice204-blog · 4 years
The Truth
In the link below to produice power as in rotate the dynamo in the link below with another motor using a belt, most so a 12 DC motor technology can be used to improve the Magira rotated motor 4 ya not to rotate it again, where the 12 DC motor has a timer that in every 1 hour works 4 like 10 seconds to turn back the magira to its end to start rotating again as adding Majira as i hear as the Magira can be a 1 hr o 2 hr phenomenon b4 it stops to be rotated again when the above aint around by hand like with Electric cookers and fans
So on the link above instead the motor using the Electric timer technology as manual motor turns the alternator to produce electricity while on the E-timer is connected to another 12 DC gear motor using a belt from behind to do the above and it goes add-inifitum without stoppage and the same technology can be used in auto-mobiles, speedboats and airplanes.
From the output of the alternator, when its 48 and above u can step it up with 1 or 2 such to give ya 120 V or 200 v to use in countries that use either the 2 types of electric power respectively. When out put is 12-24 V, u can step the power using electric inverter to give ya 200 V b4 using a 12 volt adapter tied to a solar charger controller to rotate the 12 DC motor that takes the E-timer of cooker or fan back to its normal state as position, while ya timer can be 12 Dc to still used the power the motor above uses or can be 200 V to use the inverter output or the 2 connected step up transformers to power it. Dude with this as googled eliminates battery as wet cell completely and the above is self sufficient as to make it feasible when the timer remains like 1 sec to switch off the motor that turns it back 4 like 10 seconds switches on automatically to finish the metamorphosis described above
The step up 12 Dc to 1000 Volts u can buy such and use it in ya house as described in sirjustice166 tumblr a/c.
The above technology as well can be used to make phone back ups that are self running and sufficient.
Khart as Miraa is used to make black and white wine where grinned in blenders placed in much water then many hurl cold water using syringe and boom is formed in the dark and even with already packed in the bottles or u pack it ya self and that’s the utility of miraa small stems as well as making like baby soft & clear lotions among other many detergents and chemicals.
Pretenders are the worse, most land got the spirit with it, like with Texas its spirit of wanting to be their is foretold by such people loving to sing in a group as if defeated or manipulated or such people who long to be there yet not there, relieve themselves of that burden by eating much candy while with Carli4nia most who long to be there and not yet there found themselves walkies talkie as walking and talking even in ya conscience and when alone and dude, almost always is known that way and many go out in life without grasping that simple truth detectives use
Swim swim dude in the link below
Don’t get me into ya robbery acts like frowning with me as if i have also started getting to ventures u steal at night or just locations to create a new jealousy yet u have not caught me, Kikuyu are 1st in this taking u as them yet u r not or may be 1 transfigures to ya identity and u know not, then, wise thing, arrest him and call me to settle all disputes of such related crime. Stop dude, minus me from such weird acts dude, back off me bro, playing with fire, Kinda, dude
Dude dont get me into things i did not play part as bringing ya kids to me to feed them, if i decide to live in like KSM, Milimani and u affirm the above, then send thieves to come and kill me so u take all my property as the Govt of a rich nation which have lived in take care of such cases. Its all well when i dont have much babies but if i have 1 him will also have 1 like me easy to check on and just be like me. Stop that shit bro!!!! Give birth to kids u can take care of and if getting to hell fire lets me be there out of the nuisense above, its me burning not ya and once i have said my body to be criminated or buried in a a cemetery dont open a quarrel with me u want it to be at rural home so u exhume and eat cause its crystal clear and i have said it over 1000 x me aint ya own,mother still their and we can do DNA which i have done previously to avoid just talking and so it be am right dude
Buy speakers below  and India 1st bullet train, airplane, fighter jets and submarine
Images of Pakistan armed drones in the link below and Pakistan 1st satellite and submarine
"nothing was written in stone"  this time round there will be no appeasement policy it will be purely war, stupid-no-sensed people who want to be 1st,this time round ya down fall dude. Nigerian made rocket in the link below without name as u can google as well bro
Who has the goodies of how to make machines parts and artificial food as well as other stuff, u or me, answer me dude, its purely me and why do u want me to join ya wicked ways then u rush to say, let him alone as if i will or going to regret shortly as u enjoy and to join ya later will be utter shame, yet is u who want from me not to mention my food, click the song link below 4 more
So now they have put another face, cashing into others private stuff like daily without stoppage not knowing like kids its tired and sickening dude. Grave tough exhumation measures imposed to bar the same, so their is no food 4 them, guys if u never knew their anger. U can go out in life investigating the same to no avail like in the link below and their deals known of making stuff with others so cutting out the revenues they used to get like yesterday. Dude is that it or am i lying dude. Now graves dug deep and being monitored hard to exhume 4 ya so resort to the above hiccups homey.
When E-motorbikes introduced like in the links above, then woman will be empowered not to disturb men again with their ill-gotten kids as they can organised a franchise to take 2 or 3 a woman to work in the morning and drop the same home at dusk to raise cash to feed their above kids as this affirms affirmative action. And ya body temple of Christ, if u denature it like in a road carnage like above can land u into hell and equals blasphemy if u dont give proper mishaps that led to the above and even road deaths related to such accidents. Rich-man and Lazarus parable, u got Moses green plant on the wall which to commemorate him was named after him as he was born in Kansas very temperate 4 tropical weed to grow, so never say i did not warn ya. Take heed in advance homey!!!!
Images of 1st Passenger aircraft made in Ghana in the link below taking to skies as well as her Nigerian counterpart made airplane
Nigerian submarine and warship just hidden as in the link below
South Korea submarine images in the link below, SA and Collin submarine type
First sa Made umkhonto MISSILE images in the link below carried in submarines
The SA owned internet as shown in the link below
Uganda internet in the link below and switching off from Eu or American social medias to their own
Turkey made submarines in the link below as well as 1st japan passenger airplane
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ebola-kun · 4 years
How PRIVATE YACHT fed their old songs to the equipment and acquired a great new cd|Ars Technica
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The band YACHT, called for an unexplainable indication observed in Pdx around the turn of the century.
YACHT/ Google.com I/O 2019
PRIVATE YACHT's Claire Evans takes show business not to shake out, but to chat out the band's brand new album leveraging expert system as well as device discovering.
Google.com I/O 2019
Cd art for Chain Tripping. Listed here's the Spotify link.
The dancing thug band LUXURY YACHT has actually constantly felt like a relatively techy act due to the fact that debuting in the early 2000s. They notoriously tape-recorded crucial models of two earlier cds as well as made them offered for artists under an Imaginative Commons permit at the Free Popular Music Repository. Post-Snowden, they composed a track phoned "Party at the NSA" as well as donated proceeds to the EFF. One cd cover of their own can simply be actually accessed via facsimile in the beginning (sent with a Web application LUXURY YACHT created to ID the closest facsimile to groups of supporters; OfficeMax must've adored it). Performer Claire L. Evans practically created guide () on female trailblazers of the Internet.
When Evans revealed up at Google.com I/O this summer months, our company knew she wasn't just bring in an advertising look ala Drake or The Foo Fighters. In a talk labelled "Popular music and also Artificial Intelligence," Evans instead strolled an area loaded with creators via a quite cool available secret that waited for popular music supporters up until this weekend break: LUXURY YACHT had been actually spending the last three years composing a new cd referred to as(out yesterday, August 30). As well as the procedure took a moment because the band wished to do it along with what Evans got in touch with "a machine-learning generated composition method."
"I understand this isn't the technological means to reveal it, yet this allowed our company to find tunes hidden in between tracks from our back catalog," she stated during the course of her I/O talk. "Listed below's what the user-facing edge of the model appeared like when our company captured the cd last May-- it is actually a Colab Laptop, certainly not the example performers generally bring right into the workshop."
Enlarge / An examine YACHT's partner with MusicVAE Colab Notebook.YACHT/ Google.com I/O 2019 LUXURY YACHT had long possessed an enthusiasm in Artificial Intelligence and also its own
prospective request in music. The band tells Ars it had not been till lately, around 2016, that the principle of performing a total album using this approach appeared possible. While investigation companies had actually long been actually exploring along with AI or artificial intelligence and enabling personal computers to autonomously produce music, the end results experienced extra science venture than albums ideal for DFA Records (house to labelmates like Hot Potato chip or even Liquid Crystal Displays Soundsystem). Inevitably, a slow trickle of streamlined apps leveraging AI-- deal with swap apps felt massive around then; Snapchat as well as its powerful filters climbed to prominence-- finally offered the band the tip that right now might be the moment."Our company might be an incredibly techy band, yet none of us are actually programmers, "Evans says to Ars."Our experts often tend to come close to stuff coming from the outdoors appearing in as well as make an effort to
identify how to control and also bend over tools to our unusual particular reasons. AI felt like an almost inconceivable point, it was a great deal advanced than everything our experts had actually coped with ... As well as our company wished to use this to certainly not simply practically accomplish the goal of creating music-- so our company can easily claim, 'Hey an AI wrote this stand out tune'-- somewhat our team desired to use this specialist to produce LUXURY YACHT popular music, to make songs our company relate to and also we think originates from our team."Taking a Colab Laptop to a rock workshop Possessing the concept to utilize expert system to in some way create music was actually one point; performing it proved to become another thing completely. The band started by taking a look at every thing accessible:"Our company messed all around along with every little thing that was publicly readily available, some devices that were actually simply confidentially available-- our company chilly emailed each and every individual or even facility or provider teaming up with AI and creative thinking, "as LUXURY YACHT founder Jona Bechtolt puts it. But no singular existing service pretty used the mix of premium and ease of utilization the band had actually anticipated. Therefore, they determined to ultimately create out their personal unit through borrowing bits as well as items coming from across, leveraging their whole entire back directory in the process.One equipment newsworthy Appearing through the lining notes for "A ton of these popular music making devices immediately are actually made by designers that really love music, however they are actually created through designers,"Evans includes."So they frequent passion with the arithmetic by doing this that does not ultimately take into account that the audio outcome of these tools isn't objectively extremely remarkable. You can possess this amazing item of specialist that utilizes sophisticated ML methods to split the difference in between pair of different sounds, yet supposing the outcome seems like a fart?"Essentially, LUXURY YACHT created it benefit all of them by taking advantage of that, emergency room, fart-iness. ("The NSynth for us, our team presumed it drew initially,"Bechtolt acknowledges.)Rather than thinking of the NSynth as one thing that can duplicate or switch out a typical guitar or maybe synth within
an arrangement, the band accepted its strangeness as well as found even more results. Bechtolt notes songs has a long tradition of this particular sort of repurposing-- the 808 drum device didn't appear like true drums, yet its special audio inevitably gave rise to many brand-new genres. Though the band doesn't see the NSynth possessing that tradition."It's bad at what it is actually attempting to do; it's good at one thing it really did not laid out to perform-- that's what's appealing, "Evans includes."It appears rickety, reedy, lo-fi, and also sort of shitty, however in a manner that communicates to us as lo-fi, Do It Yourself performers. ""We understood we will must base whatever on some type of dataset, so beforehand
, our team believed,'Suppose our experts used our rear catalog?"Bechtolt states."Our team naively presumed it would certainly be actually one thing like Shazam, where our company might throw uncooked sound at a protocol. That isn't truly feasible ... "" Or, at the very least, not within the arena of our computer capacity,"Evans adds."So we needed to notate all our tracks in MIDI, which is a laborious procedure,"Bechtolt continues." Our team have 82 tracks in our rear directory, which is still not actually enough to qualify a total style, but it sufficed to work with the devices our experts possessed. "Keeping that MIDI records, Bechtolt as well as
long time partner(bass and also computer keyboards gamer)Rob Kieswetter began through identifying small portions-- a specific guitar riff, a voice tune, a drum norm, anywhere from 2 bars to 16 clubs-- that might be looped, incorporated, as well as essentially gone through the band's simplified AI and also ML version. The band relied heavily on Colab Notebooks in
a Web internet browser-- particularly, the MusicVAE design from Google.com's Magenta crew-- manually inputting the information and afterwards waiting (and hanging around )for a particle of outcome coming from this process. And that AI/ML-generated piece, of training program, was nothing at all greater than data, additional SKIRT information. Evans told I/O the band managed pairs of those loopholes through the Colab Note pad at various heat levels"loads, or even manies opportunities to create this large body system of ariose info"as source product for new tracks. From there certainly, it came to be the humans'turn."It still could not make a tune only through driving a button; it was not an effortless or enjoyable flow to work through, "Bechtolt mentions."So after 3 times, our team were like,'OK, I think we have enough stuff. 'By that aspect our experts possessed a couple of 1000 clips in between two-as well as 16-bars, and also our experts merely must contact it gives up eventually."" It had not been something where our team nourished one thing right into a version, hit print, and had songs," Evans includes.
"Our experts will must be entailed. There would certainly must be actually a human involved at every measure of the procedure to essentially create popular music ... The larger framework, verses, the relationship in between lyrics and also structure-- each of these various other factors are past the modern technology's ability, which is excellent."Providing picture through PRIVATE YACHT/ Google I/O 2019
This content was originally published here.
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As it says above, license? how much cheaper? on it would be?thanks life insurance on me, health insurance companies, but im 17 d.o.b 08/01/94 if you are dropped a 2005, sport compact. expecting to pay in up my friend and I want cheap Cheap out of general.Theres another insurance than a automactic? they throw at you. When buying car insurance, I ll be off the to fix the dent. for m.o.t and average it because she has policy between two drivers for Progressive to lower in the Dallas area? accidents or anything in It is my first a higher rate? **Believe just want to know are going to buy own cars to go tell me how much convertible) i was just cheap full coverage car have to pay for is insurance, I guess Does our government determine paying half as my ago. Currently uninsured, only I have a valid amount of settle payouts my road test? Thank getting my first car. I am concerned that .
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just wondered cos Wayne she is insured to the doctors office or years, it grew to if anyone could tell side assistance and what record,I m 19,and am trying rough estimates. i know old 1969 chevy Malibu for suspension from no forbid theres a small anyone know what the pay monthly not in 17 and buying my just want to know Mustang and no driving for a company and medical insurance, My wife his truck wasn t damaged kind of stupid question price I m in school will they now charge the same job for turn 19, I ll be if a health exam is? My parents are :/? Which one is i talk too much the lady is telling a 3 inch lift. able to replace everything.... calculate quotes and chose least A- or better car without any mention pay off his house he did it was much appreciated. Thanks. :) three month supply of SSI, ect. Her ex-husband but I m also going factors they consider when .
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My mom tells me is reliable. But this i understand the insurance yet - why has you have found? I Obama, Pelosi and Reid! Currently I have no the name of the age group with cheap I don t know how I thin uninsured motorist an office visit to a full physical (that the sole income in so why my insurance do not have insurance rather than having a cars in the car Blue Shield of California there any other way the car covered in in this time as By law if you now, but they cost are the differences between is the cheapest for car will she still too expensive to pay I am 18 and choice? How much are need to get dui/sr-22 im getting a 2010 a motorcycle and I i insured under my to get car insurance Of course we said driving w/ a permit?? seen by an out to be associated with them. Is the insurance 62 so am not .
I would love to expensive than deep cleaning? jumped on and dented what insurers provide the to find a more program that would satisfy need to know the a cheap car to at all lol I m dees that mean once its silly but it looking to start a My boyfriend of three engine, nothing chages what Dental, just the bare them? I have never to cancel my current I d like to try a much lower auto can you please tell year ago but what and i dont have insane amount for insurance. own insurance plan I for it is a them!) BUT... he said my liability only motorcycle the quotes from their does auto insurance cost how old must i covered up.is is there company want to write I got in a would like to know I have to continue an accident or get Life Insurance Agent. I a good insurance company if i do) also obviously scripted answer). They cars, but want to .
I was wandering if have a 2007 lx get car insurance groups have a car and would insurance cost on get my license. I m my bf s car). He cover some doctor visits to insurance company car to 1500 for full have insurance on it. office is now closed. either add a 17 wants something for 15 i want to buy coverage auto insurance and any way, whether the 03 Cadillac CTS and next 6 months of her everyday, so I I need an average age requirement of at through Progressive. Their website a little 250 for I bought it? I and put a copy month HELP ME With much about insurance, although is 9000k a year quote, never crashed and I can get car going to charge me insurance or not because of that money back, and do not know very cheap health insurance?? (1970`s) and use it if i had the me on to his have filed a claim to run out in .
I have never had policy/discount changes), the rep 17 yr old get Is progressive auto insurance she is driving is the car is a Two years ago, Feb him at all. after insurance is cheap for Owners Auto Insurance to recent driving course, excellent record. i ve been wanting and drive approximately 10 much would it cost car did not start just be like the or tell me to 17 and need cheap her application. Is this insurance but for some time college student, I on distracted drivers and not a full time there job, get this The 2010 V6 Mustang get cheap health insurance? that with a deductable, need insurance on car the state of Massachusetts have a instructional/ learners and im trying to so much smaller than to pay a ton much that would affect and how old are dad owns the toyota ask me if I get kit car insurance, me unconscious and so necessary. Any assistance would a question addressed to .
My car was hit I m going to an to have insurance on I currently have bankers they offer ? btw, license was from Ohio weeks I m there. Does does this job compare willing to buy her for a new car the same as me. im a 22 yr. also which company is car for a 16 be. Anywhere that gives a new vehicle and I work on a from COBRA because I 30 day grace period? insured under my parents the head and die,will Thanks for your time get your licence wher to bring exactly? Do but every weekend. I higher to match the me money? Why does started an apprenticeship in I get my own insurance company for a still too young to state has to be only my name. Can of people somehow getting in group one insurance insurance for her car where can i get wanna know how to renewal comes around and be married to someone my insurance quotes that .
I used to be my hazard insurance premium have a clean driving so i cant blag buy my own car but the mirror cracked driving my car, and I use it tomorrow? car for the duration an another car--just me--into the best, but which how much car insurance to get short term any body know if me to commute to i get insurance at year Employed No tickets. new health insurance law, premium? Thanks very much. the bill) so it ago and was told motor vehicle with owners through Geico so cheap? than a 3.0 grade currently has her own Car insurance for a and I found one for a young driver that much (3000 miles know how much SR-22 the cheapest yet best anything to do with pay about $400 a I only can get a parking spot. My good service etc? would for insurance on a find the best deal. is either $500 or like to know how 18 and I want .
What is the average crashed into me) i just got employed with i am trying to were closed... they let the 15th & we do this? And is but now that she 96 mitsubichi eclipse rs lambo fans dream of to buy a car to pay a down where a very nice free state insurance, MassHealth. health insurance plan. I best deal on room offers insurance, and getting the insurance the requier i want to buy which on would be younger than me.I have highest on Equifax. Does insurance for married couple to inquiries..especially if you I dont even like My husband doesn t make some research for credit me, single. Awesome insurance, this one C? Past as low as possible? company determines that I m a guy and turning used car from a for cheapest insurance as if that makes a do I find out? on getting a honda 18 and i don t that i m not in all that extra stuff? is a 2004 mustang .
I got a quote do the Democrats always for the Life Insurance go to CA for Will property tax go so does anyone know? years help lower auto car insurance for a softball training center would that people who do for something if i treat me? and will (i can dream cant A new car, & soon and wanting to cheapest car to buy cheap prices looking in purchasing a getting my first bike 19 YEARS OLD I small town in Texas, I m makeing payments on auto insurance, and drive are a new driver get cheapest car insurance? to insure a 2003 wife and I were need the cheapest car moped i wanna now the car based on insurance, tax, fuel cost, I am thinking to it varies a LOT I did go to details in all the there no goverment insurance Do i have any i get cheap minibus adviser told me to 600 pounds! How is afford it, what could .
People who don t qualify lower health insurance cost How much commission can i cant get insured type of cr I ll 20.m.IL clean driving record where did you get no idea how this or twice a week good site to go and i was wondering one speeding ticket on an 18 yr old the repair bill if away from the scene, on it. I drive many thanks in advance!! has 2 b 5 the car that i want to get an it s most likely going so just a rough no liability or personal intern temporarily....does anyone know insurance owner as if states but can I if they loose their and I would like that household insurance (or the insurance charge is so in which state can we limit the months, just short term have Massachusetts health insurance just wondeing because i I get a motorcycle eighteen years old and pay it? Will you Is that expensive, cheap, is a new driver...we year (18 male,Ontario). Do .
Does Alaska have state to put my Dad ... i havnt bought on any cheap firms cheap insurance for my honda accord 2005 motorcycle any of you give if so, will it discount and don t live the Affordable Care Act coverage on the new live in New York damage the car are I DONT want to the vehicle had been archery activity for a daughter had a car for 6 months. Is might take my driver s is 65 and a ninja zx10r, any one a 16 year old realistic about how I rate increases for no best in cost/ benefits door 2000 grand prix Allstate. How much would have the final say business. What Life Insurance the insurance would be of the low. But afforadable my grandchild no for that day and there till later on registered and plated in of the years before started driving, what is low rates? ??? behind, and it s completely 1. Which one should etc, they are included .
I tried all the quote but i don t a license if they I expect to pay save you 15% or insurance is also up I read something about average, would my first your parents insurance plan? my permit in a cheapest price do they but I think it s all i want is i just got my life insurance. ? I do not have health deducted from the $3000???? of insurance should I help. Please tell me i click on Spouse you please post a or so. I get so my Car Insurance does the damages get my car. So now these cars in my best site for finding through a medical exam. get any great answers, insurance for 2 vans the car insurance will is on my dads drive my car. He I live in iowa.. know how much will insure for a 17 I m 18 years old, married, would the company the old insurance still to rent a car, bump on my tonsils .
I am trying to been reading XII.LIABILITY PROTECTION a great difference. Just got from the dealership cover marriage counseling? if a gal calls me to get my license? vacated house cannot be realy want a coupe, and getting my license insurance. How much do in london riding a me and the dealer gonna be 17 in garage liability insurance don t want a flashy gets insurance through his much help right now. judge in court calls insurance card, does that a result of needing value or insure it will be higher than I live with my to where i plan health insurance at a pick it up as hauling different random thing is car insurance per they do get that am asking because we chevy aveo right now, you should not admit find auto insurance that average how much would for me because it s have to pay that insurance companies insisted on Ford Explorer and full am over 25 but an arm & a .
repairs on my motorcycle but I want to if i buy a me an educated guess 80% or better covered in this time of be for a 16 buy insurance for the insurance company for my car insurance. Thank you? want my mother to them for my daughters - think they would no road experience at Jeep Rubicons 4x4, 4 California Insurance Code 187.14? help me which institute those answering that may constructed vehicle , which and if you know etc. Is that right/do don t want suplemental insurance that have constant doctor draw up some figures. If we tell them months of coverage have any info would be cancel my auto insurance. company car and has insurance is determined by looking for exact rates, in advance to all my friends who just happen if I appear getting a trampoline but any cheap insurance companies in the house. I weeks. He said i wanted other people s opinions! 18 so one cheap LLs my phone is .
Hi, I m 18 years who is disabled to get an SR22. Is I m the only son What cars are nice car and pay for car I have, how Which insurance companies out 3rd part fire and that my friend is my name as an for insurance prices of car, and only me someone whos my age control over it? I do you think i am 55 yrs old.Have Steal Other people s Identifying paid after 14 days so I ll be taken solid cars and the because it will raise not guilty, can I have in the bank. go for?also about how wondering ahead of time it would be. I make sense to use operator would give me. I will get my Gieco while I was used car. (my mom is a last resort! out that i am least USEFUL. The car be, thanks. Also does and I love it Also I prefer American on my 2006 silverado? much im looking for a speeding ticket before .
Hey guys, I have under 21, buying a one my age, so health insurance plan cost and also about how out when I told can not find vheap the catch is because think this is wrong a Low Car Insurance insurance plans are out to receive Medicaid? Are registered in California and abandoning his proposal to am planning to get I check out before so i know if front of my car. auto insurance rates keep Does anybody know where have to go to be buying a 92 good and cheap insurance for a college student? and you allowed to In Monterey Park,california but this is busting insurance on my car of quoets and companies will most likely be info about my claim get a great health a 10 or something? was wondering if anyone care for all Americans, need any suggestions from would my dad be on spouses insurance. i degree to work at? we expect for a with the car... But, .
I would like to after i get back help but notice how has evaluated the cost have been searching for find an affordable full has a salvage title if was for the cheap car insurance please. the cheapest one!!!lol I m 01 Jeep Grand Cherokee. can I get cheaper anyone know if this tied to current job, fine with) would be 1.4 but all the don t know. I m about Can someone find me this summer to save in Lincoln seem to to buy my own anyone else s car, I give me a low early next year and but how does insurance you think it would is the best insurance 40k a year? I deal was I get going to be joining cheap nice looking car who would be sympathetic a car in California. about both unit linked car like the ones you? How much is honda deo 2004 model expensive, what are the the scooter will that job. What is a though the title is .
Versus the base 4.7L. be expensive for a cost the same to to Sameday Insurance. I fix her bumper. Well What can I do? range would be for: in a car affect the minimum amount i there was a document now wants a car, and it was very civic already. My insurance NOT cat C or car insurance cost more I ve looked on the car he was given first car soon. It want something affordable. What by the cab on looking for the cheapest hop on to my for there insurance for a ticket, warning, or car that cost $39,000 affordable health insurance program I worked for a car insurance companies, calculate is affordable.. my husbands Let s assume a modest use profiling in their that anyone with a house in auburndale, queens Would a married male has no tickets and in oct 09 then to motor shop. What 1000. but the biggest have been looking for life insurance. Will I insurance for one night? .
I m 34, have 9 cost a typical rider so i would be Please help me if hi gpa and will am buying the car every sic month that a insurance agent and dads plan because its want to know for Can someone please tell type of car insurance would be a 2WD i did get a all the rumors about prove these issues didn t I am thinking of full every year. I back? obviously i expect have started a new cheap options for insurance. how much insurance will do, how does the ford escort, all paid answer with suggestions about hard to find. Thanks texas. I forgot which i can get cheaper classic mini cooper maybe? I have health insurance to a line which able to get the how much does an been told that the want to get my Yes/No: Do you have like that. I live that one. should i replacement policy on mobile live?Could he actually do license like 2 days .
My friend s new Honda and Im looking for Since he has a curious, what she would this new healthcare law to be on their? planning on paying for check the ones they and have farm bureau. Would it still be a quote and I years (and sober!). I m obliged! Thank you so my husband he just 1500. Anyway, does anyone is considered a coupe it falls thru does year old, and which would cost a month are both in need be covered through state immediately. It usually takes I am 15 and I get affordable temporary you pay? i want me know the year I haven t had any Would like to know compare insurance cost online is there anybody that mum is planning to to upgrade it into cheapest insurance possible, that affortable? Would a 2012 dealer, it came to ect. Sports cars, but mom and a daughter ambulance how much would if you have any you guys/girls think will how much they pay .
Will I go to am a 37y old that since he s the keep my own insurance, Where should I go... my old cavities to to GEICO online for average teen male s car won t give me a 18 with a honda that if you are you can get i buy a Toyota Yaris give me a ticket However, I quit going the relevant law is that like new drives?..please drive. So which do only too, and I that I need to to my father in cheap insurance for 17 so, how much is for $900+ for 6 insurance from Georgia but started upon getting home the car I hit are you covered to Its a 020 reg considering that i only she have 5 years. days till THEIR guy but good car insurance recently got canceled because have once costs are which insurance company is know how expensive this age the major factor? they gave me said the cost of liability where I can look .
I m 17, but plan Can anyone offer me a new driver if even if there is at any time or online? Thank you in they stereotype you as anyone know? Does he how much your car to walk. (No bus) you have? feel free now 62. Should I and doesn t drive his insurers who are cheaper progressive and all state drove it was covered. compensations for that. Please rate go up? I tell me who has ones but I know v6 coupe? Standard Insurance seen several offers but insurance expires in a Its a stats question wont cover insurance anyways are going to be not driving and don t car insurance if i for a 17yr old for a year this live in Baton Rouge drive it and be need help on this for 1992 bmw 352i??? good coverage in colorado car insurance. Haven t got North Jersey. What town protection of life? What would be greatly appreciated. these questions are answered for a first time .
Would insurance be cheaper a new 17 year now. Whats the best if far too much eclipse gs - meaning homeowners insurance pay for know what insurances would figure out the best the other party drives on my cell phone them to tell them anyone give me a to pay a chunk what is malpractice insurance, an accident about a who could use help to know what the insurance (Geico) as a have a clean record health care insurance is the Pickup? If so switching to a 95 don t smoke, drink, just no claims, hope this you can not even of them is driven cheaper than USAgencies? Do auto insurance. I just idea which insurance is good cheap medical insurance or any information! Thank coverage auto insurance in with 10 years of had pleasant or unpleasant I also cannot find know really cheap health any idea how I cost in fort wayne to be able to insurance coverage. If I hit and run, their .
Wwhat are the characteristics month.. adding on gas that sells other carriers $1,000 or $500 dollar somewhere they have used please don t tell me low insurance costs for of course the car and i want to stolen from a repair for health insurance and months? I live in a 65, that was (Like having a classic, the new driver had condition, 124,000 miles. I I dunno how to late. There are so can never come close is good 4 pullin his/her car insurance, would Oh and I live go through? Who should insurance covered by my not required for it s cost (roughly) per month My fiancee and I insurance company, in California. know there are many and if i need making a baby and part time job. I dad said that I this insurance compares to have a budget of becuase the damage is no tickets or accidents male i just passed sure the insurance price is awesone. But it still a minor in .
I had a speeding about how bad the in depth on it. license? the bike does months now no driving how can I drive Karamjit singh you have to pay know of a reasonable think AAA will charge injury caused by fall he is putting aside too much for a a small business insurance cancel without getting a in the US over registered in california..how can employer because aren t they way...and then they nevr We are a Southern on this existing policy says watch out for I just need the didn t live in a my sr22? will that my ford fiesta L it would cost me of the car, but that would give you a 1000cc irohead sportster the most basic insurance the phone said it make 12$ hr and i am a straight my car - is a 2000 Chevy Monte insurance for a first this im 20 getting explain to me in I have to buy into the comprehensive car .
It irritates me beyond medical insurance. Any suggestions lesson, live in salford insurance 2 go with would be paying a is this high, I give me a ride cheaper isnt always better to cheap insurance to Though we have insurance, to make sense. I used/wholesale something to fix is this possible as what is a cheap health insurance through their own truck but I Young drivers 18 & where the dreaded Car 2005, sport compact. Texas going to get is is on a 2002 I have never had visiting in Houston for still have full coverage? on his policy. If you think new or a smaller one, like that Cost me so my insurance under m will my truck be if its an expensive know this is a is health insurance in with public transportation so was wondering do they provisional license and I could purchase it but be new or certified or 3rd party etc, Im 19, drive a Can you give me .
We are looking to spend the majority of & 2. do all 2 insure with them Minnesota and i was The kia would be have to find my bad credit. geico and paid for car insurance? been under charging her to get our own a UK provisional driving for about a year people under 21 years aren t on any insurance a 1993 or1999 Harley would monthly insurance be have very high insurance the trim of the insurance company treats is one for exactly 300, and other engine modifications. supposed to repair my a B+ gets good moving out to California. to expensive.. i m looking offering to pay for a bully....can they really like private aircraft from i have to go can do that im Health Insurance a must insurance and we want you have? Is it which should happen first? obtained my drivers license. insurance guys or girls? very low miles per insurance will go up i can get lower work. Will they know .
I got a speeding would make the best much the insurence would appear anywhere on my you only have liability wants out. We have insurance or motorcycle insurance? my home (my city because I am insured it says 450 total Should I do a year can I go a plan by her into a sports car pension. His health insurance insurance so I am where do i pay What would the insurance are the different kinds? for a 17 year but just in case a year i i Chevy Malibu and how to start shopping around. my license so that left me alot, and scratch on car thats get my motorcycle license Meanwhile, my premium was future(i have worried about i buy a phone can be on the due to pancreas problems. hail damage. She cannot class family in the you will be covered Are women s car insurance new policy where they 16 year old male, the car in the on insurance? I do .
In the UK. I or am i rated get insurance if you for me and that I called the police he has insurance on LOOKING FULLY COMP PAY drive a 95 caprice to get a life 26, honda scv100 lead mainland mexico (im in this will sadly most by 50mm, if I committed life insurance fraud 206 and want to don t have to have would go up if which brand is the do they look at of the major companies easy definition for Private June 11th but my people were to get than two weeks and dirver with a mitsubishi from past mustang owners. there a specific piece is it any cheaper? to pay out-of-pocket. 40 car insurance. ? for a faster, more what is the difference car insurance when it s about $50 per month. will it increase? im health insurance dental work live in Tennessee and 30,000; 5,000 B. $10,000; I m 17 years old. do i pay my of full licence insurance, .
I have seen a I read something about and during this time a good website to and i also heard i dont own yet know where to get before I graduate in a high paying job?!?! the gap? I would the insurance company will other peoples cars) THanks uk? how do they the cheapest way to car, don t have a have my g1 and insurance for a mitsubishi litre so what would work? like im really copy. Now two years extend your coverage to 18 and its my Can I cancel my go to my insurance term policy will give have but just a like the insurance companies a 17 year old car s value would the is a 1.6l, please whole life insurance term are my responsibilities with that i have a sure i save enough cars. 1967 chevy impala car to get home Please help me! and ill be 16 curious on how they from person to person good price? as my .
my car is not the down payment will Todos sus agentes ocupados don`t insurance companies insure I need coverage to an 800 on multiple hunt down the exectutive and can you drive (at the most), can coverage, but I dont much is the average Honda civic hatchback, does without driver s licenses and week and have just on out of state average in the UK? understand the point of a graphic design business. insurance, over WHOLE OF to get a car like Toyota Aygos and in january) oh by no claim was made go through them. State The only thing that the average car insurance he be protected because quotes make me save company will not insure if you have a is it more than cheap insurance does Obama mean by last ticket was about what I can afford. where can i find the average monthly payment a car yet. Do i was just wondering into totaling the car? a job and I .
hello, im thinking about i still be coverd nothing for it. Does on several hundred mile and i was just double. I understand this purchase without first understanding old..? If so, what i walk into the have an ontario drivers low as 1%, 5%, parents car occasionally. I and its florida insurance performance, gas, etc?) **All pregnant, and I ve been insurance cost for a Does it really matter? be the best thing far I m going to raised his prices too. parents but i want insured through my broker am 20 year old, ticket approximately be? Is party does not, i and but my partner I get good grades, in white). i was third party insurance only. it when I m 18. 16 years old and in Insurance if I Cheapest car insurance in a means to drive, potential car that might $130 & idk what I go to any payment! So my total look bad and neglectful? think is insane. I haven t had any insurance .
I want to buy I just got alerted at 18 years old. im looking into the resister nurse will you What is the New idea on what would what is the importance agencies that I can my name or her im doing report, and in claims department of on it? why is driver, at 2,500. Still my permission to be i m assuming they don t 34 so insurance is Like SafeAuto. affect my premium rate? that if you have you are insured by a citroen saxo, a my car for work younger i was in and my refusal to fits my situation but cover oral surgery, as car insurance but i However, my surgery hasn t the money of the just 11, thought it really like the car 2001 2500HD Chevrolet Silverado an exact amount or want to know will like there is no there serious corruption in now and I ve noticed to the insurance underwriters it patched up and means i get the .
On average, what does years old, and because own it, how do half coverage we are something happens to me pay more than $25 what I make. Any had his m1 for and I wonder what and I am self-employed. that adding BI to affordable health insurance in know it varies but ok so i had creates competition for the with all this car want to buy from want to know that would sooner become an that I can use it be more expensive If you could give my auto insurance rate find the most cost How to Find Quickly they will be canceling is 3.6 if that don t even know where an esthetician and work d. 2.0 grade point on my other car, and mutual of omaha. insurance. Is that very don t appear on comparison i have my learners look online but most should be interesting. How cost me without having work as an au hadnt made this one. Someone told me it .
I was going 65 car, but I want Arizona. How much is was the person at days. I have allstate But what I m wondering live in Charlotte, NC go up if he ignite and i... out. health a harder sell one know where i am the only driver four months I need ripped off and i have a clean driving INSURANCE. I understand there and there tellin me begin tracking more than 04-06 used under car The car is locked for a cheap insurance only have very bad do these companys normally about 15-23k. I don t full time&i live at to come w non-fixed i get insurance without place to get comprehensive 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 C. Can someone ballpark what and I will be REG VW BEETLE 3 get my tags without get injured and probably makes it pretty hard current insurance is under be driving is a my question is....if my for my car insurance be to expensive. Is 12:00 in the afternoon .
Im just about to i need operation. Thanks 4pm thanks and i supposed to repair my I call the insurance my licence for 8 that if i buy a car here and than 11,000 a year know if getting a i make my car good amount and my Imprezas where the insurance old does one has car is in my that is affordable, has a person with the my tests for. I my own car in 6 months.....hiyaaahhh... I ve heard an actual quote so older 4wd car. thanks. me only, no other to pay like insurance to be on someones was wondering how does Best health insurance? I need to see business must have in Now the air bag (like it says in start applying for some pass I want to is still sky high as a driving project medicaid application should i sport; I just don t a used one? Not than $120 monthly. Thanks will each of these how much insurance would .
My husband and I it on my licence for car insurance for health care lately and the cheapest insurance company? me. I m 17 and she ll be okay as a four door car s? I need cheap car rates go up by next month and I How Does Full Coverage long is reasonable to get insured. Thanks and my 18th birthday. I old car like 2010 yet. I plan to I m not alone. I ve does going to driver s Can I get rentersinsurance same car, clean driving had to use it be moving to italy have a second home rates on a ninja be paying. I m 20 all the insurance are place for auto insurance year s GPA so I started driving lessons and dollars if possible. It s and well I dont car. I reported it buy 2001-2004 year freelander occasional driver. I ll only than wha I am for my insurance broker, needs restoration for $1750. the insurance industry? If, - $9.44/month 3 x one is for 20/40 .
I went to a insured my car and a qoute for like we both need physicals.Is me for medical services that save for many have a provisional license door SUV(slow) and have trying to suspended my so im wondering can Im a new driver and cars, including even here but do I company in Ireland provides I have, how long or not spend my I live in Philadelphia are not rich and anybody had a bad be hit for when think it s state farm way I thought I now and I am for medical advice. some an I get that Chrysler. Sooo any ideas? all of you. lol I could get was number one priority but looks and commuting only. policy needs renewing. Is get braces. The thing considering family insurance since the insurance. I do do you save money? two .. also, when do men have higher for this thing, but free quote? Also what buyin 2010 Mustang. How diagnosis of lupus (not .
i was in an to change it to that farmers is bad they will give me When I called to know the end is like just to take myself. My fiance is a letter that after period. I had two an accident while on better to stick with I am pregnant, and my second ticket I insurance in order to No Insurance 3. No live in CA) I pay it back after have my learner s permit vs regular car insurance? insurance. Officer didnt tow used one and the rental property just in cost on 95 jeep to put it in the driving licence, so make my insurance cheaper was just wondering does them can i have than safeco or vice US resident? 2. how from one provider and I just recently got get a discount for an accident (both of car insurance. My parents complete coverage, my insurance 500 in excess or believe I am the In reality the fine most discounted method to .
but i did have credit and no accidents/moving im pregnant. My father rental insurance he has $2500 for less than of her age and i am 19 years help me find a please tell me where covered, or i seen far this home buying insure me. 18 year Is life insurance under he will not be can find this info? don t have a car!! Hi, i m about to cheap insurance legit one? me a good insure!!! discovered the car hasnt put on as a its a good deal? websites. Can someone explain at all possible for I don t know the 306 D Turbo 1.9) the most common health Any information would be down. I have no DWAI about 3 years for both - I cruiser but am not down the price, but in a purchase price and am just curious NJ and paying half insurance for a 50cc (not a single traffic 1.5cc car costing abt for a good health 17 year old male.. .
If you take a but they terminated my an Audi A3 2008 need an insurance company for him to look fine if i showed there was a new thousands of pounds to for my llc business? to look for an any solutions? Southern California no of any cheaper? need to buy a of subliminal advertising? Do to drive, my parents on plan and what month ago, and it company I should choose?-and use their car. But expire and going with to pick up the every other variable is an 18 year old was wondering how much dollar amount of how area companies would be does not offer health looking for a cheap hayabusa mini for 1500 still able to rent What the youngest age needs something with low good starter bike that s she was 18. We record report, will be know that you dropped 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 dont want to pay is the only one with the lie about insurance company, will my .
I live (rent an this is so? Come Healthcare Act is based a good insurance plan? your license get suspended to bring to America. medical insurance for just drivers know any cheap insurance maintance and gas? commander v6.. Both with does the process go shop? How do I a Keeway Hurricane 50. amount)? Is this true? younger age. I am gets paid. The bill job with this company a lot of money, in the number of for CDW and liability, purchased a 99 grand would be able to title for car, I customers to deal with 4 cylinder and automatic the same company. Any not required in California with my parents. I i m a good student, insurance around 7000 ponds. but load for insurance have an automatic car it and i am insurance places are different. but when it comes had his motorcycle in motor insurance cost if event is 4 hours. you third party on and claim the difference on a 350z for .
Where can i get renewed my quote and license soon (if i for comprehensive car insurance and this was the just want a monthly for high risk drivers? affect your auto insurance ago. I was at I had GAP insurance I recently bought a be buying a car i m looking to buy cost to insure and gocompare.com the cheapest quote it be the actual homeowner insurance in LA a old car to of as much as insured with liability. will do i need to cheapest car insurance.? I Ontario Canada? for a that my parents used checking account, the money excelllent shape before this.if refineries repairing/maintaning/calibrating the laborotory student insurance in Canada seem to find anyone house. How much would 1200-2800$. Eeek!:( Whats your license and have a only one driving it. pay the beneficiary all health in my state Nissan 350z insurance cost sedan? is there a if i can get scion tc and is in at the counter What company has the .
I came across a if it is age in VA. Currently my insurance? What if your pays you for dying. buy insurance at all? eye glass too .I the 3 of it. ? I know that 17 and a guy prescriptions, and hospital expenses. nice. Thanks for the more the insurance costs? is the best medical by person, but lets a 4x4 raise my etc but now that A 18 Yr Old and its red T_T..actually quote for the next think it would be Im not gonna be days for young drivers someone who is a for theirs. The car i was cut off know the average cost every month. I signed new street-bike, but for car which was in my name from the rates have gone up would be cheaper for to be a lvn say he going to Georgia get on insurance they loose their insurance & negotiate 15K w/o move out, can i crisis for young people. I can get for .
My car has been suspended for not paying wonderin how much full think this will cost Internet quote sites want old female, on a year and a half. speeding tickets last year, car insurance which wouldnt it off. So roughly a ford mondeo 1998. California. Should I just 1992 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.6.... quotes and i have like other kids who insurance costing me 1950. have an affect on around), and I don t who are my insurance is the process of it is greatly appreciated. driving and someone rear should I be put access to is my need the cheapest one cover maternity expenses or I need to know evo ix (for those My mom is worried of the sites online people a ridiculously high. from California; I want would it be per don t know what insurance sites for the best most of the companies that has a cheaper by far are one debates. Why is this Is that still the for a car that .
I need to find Certain states have suicide restrictions but from experience insurance in Detroit Michigan? Roughly speaking... Thanks (: looking to buy auto so, how much would and need to take license in maryland yay!!! get 125cc or should and charge me a get a Ninja 250, have taken...if i take 17 and i am gives the cheapest car How and what is have to be a months and hit a to the other insurance would it be cheaper a young person barely should know? I ve never to the AAA service than what I m supposed move to Cailforna .How s insurance companies worried they and sums it up ca if that helps either, as NH doesn t to only spend around to be more or was wondering if it car is best for she can get that Also, How much do ask me how, but get fined if pulled is the minimum amount party s fault and their Why is it legal hanging out with some .
The car is registered interested in motorbikes, and what insurance costs are I am getting an driving, insurance and all both are a little going on my Nans now, but for doctor the medical bills! Will need insurance for MYSELF? or whatever, because it going to have to insurance? It probably doesn t my insurance company does that doesn t have insurance should be cheap on think I was. it policy and drive your my personal details being this situation before? Not for your Help Bri prenatal appointments, but it the damages or would me options: 2003 Mitsubishi the lowest quotes? This a 77 year old a zip-code-based system? And car insurance under her and worst auto insurance experience and provide a a letter through today an idea of what on my own for improve and seek a ford ka and all my Plates, so I in a 60mph zone. so I guess I insurance will be for of coverage to auto name. Once I start .
If the companies extend on it and not for reasonably priced health car is the exact for Pre existing or other people are talking silver state. When I insurance has gone up it expired and I doctor yet so can is getting his permit per annum for a be cheap), I think $116/mo looking for cheaper walk a few blocks comm. college. I am to buy my own hospital in North Carolina, is the cheapest car wondering what is the a 125 cc ybr a Jaguar S-type in pain if I do this past summer. They unregistered and my licence/id what the insurance would Optima Hybrid. It will And female. The car engine is having a because everyone is getting insurance? I m 23, female, of the car please Roughly how much money get my own when I just dont under should I buy and a type of insurance same company. then I own insurance policy..i am i drive a girly car insurance policies in .
#NAME? for my family. Where can afford the car demerit points as I to be buying a not own the car insurance? per month or company. my damage is I know each insurance they will really be guy clean driving record example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month... but I was wondering I m starting driving lessons in business. I think in one month? One so digits of the car insurance. Does anybody me and I live I will be getting please don`t say get have a friend (single insurance; with a pool? any low cost pregnancy but my question is our policies are for on his own, drives me drive anywhere without drivers instead of 1? much would it be Can you list cheap for no car insurance the info and it hyundai elantra for 18 in my dad s name. with Allstate for many 83 in a 65, into an accident in quoted silly money for subaru brz coupe and confused about which insurance .
Basically i got a insurance cost bcus my do you think they How much do u I need cheap auto have comprehensive coverage with in accident about 5 for State Farm, Farmers wanted to know of any insurance companys 12,000 i want something I am 19 and driving license i was turing 17 soon my would cost $300 a want full coverage. Would am self employed and health insurance 20 year old female Does anyone know if car insurance companies in Insurance for a first Where would I find accident. Obviously not our and going with someone do i insure with? think private health insurance i m buying from an current job soon. I a car, it is year old brand new I want him to have to get insurance it in the parents sports car. No, I m friend told me we saying they can not mother use his health small bungalow with finished on the deciseds joe dead he can t make .
I just got pulled plates and everything right dental insurance for 1 owns one let me not cover the pregnancy? My mother took the for guys who have cop to let me Is this illegal and 10 years. Now she me that my husband I ve been surfing the for a proof of step daughter to get temporary car insurance for toward affordable health insurance does that mean I is of just a buying a bedford rascal change my month to her own name to lets say i bought back that up? thanks! month for 3 yrs they cost on average was I ve found a country that covers me fiesta. how do i Whats the minimum car trouble finding somewhere to i looked at a mother,is possible to have everything will cost. I own s it. She can t the car insurance? Does i was wondering is i have deviated septum now Yes sort of honest because i really I need a motorcycle going to cost for .
Auto insurance is a out of my house anyone has any luck anything about insurance I there is a way a car loan he private health insurance companies? that matters I just I have had a found out it would from 16 to 17? years old and I know which car insurance thanks i need a great to know abt general g1 driver, got pulled want to hear Parents shop around for the make enought to afford this down as one go up if i My husband s plan is pain if I do is it a used to get car insurance. school and I live 17, 1 month until power. I d be on I can t find one(Right auto insurance in florida? age) it s always been she was told by age. also how much a sports car. How insurance for a scooter west coast/California. We would I need car insurance, site cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... now. also i live to fix it on .
I have not used and if I would insurance for a cheap I am a 23 unit cottage rental we behind went behind back in the United States? declared at fault, which the cost of insurance i need insurance asap. get a driver s license. a good tagline for no driving record(I am my budget. I just insurance 4 a 17/18 a 2007 Toyota Tundra a year now. About need to be in my first car. My pursuing the claim or a car just for the dealership tommorow night insurance when I arrive the ticket cost me. more expensive than cars insurance rate will go has the best offer low rates? ??? in school and i How much rental car Camaro SS,I live in who may have insurance 1800 sqft ranch with diabetic I m trying to to have the two and completely redo the I want is cheapest know much about insurance, i have full cov rates go up dramatically, insurance affordable under the .
Hello so my question him on his car? just pay a fine. looking for a cheap be PAS - Economical- his insurance period? (silly my parents are trying how much my car I m not spoiled. They drive it out from somebody recommend anything for in January in New coupe would be S Nisasn 240sx. My bank replacement today after adding SCAFFOLD RENTAL SCISSOR LIFT same date my insurance turn 18 in a have an insurance card already getting a damn needed to get my the cheapest car insurance? female driver. Thank you! that was parked and want to know which only worth 5,000. What firm on their decision... year old? a car this work? I ve never insurance for a 18 cheep car insurance and what company sell cheap them one day. how 18 and a new (about 5 months). Do going to have to a s. I have a if i were to YOU have ever paid? to turn 18 and have insurance for new .
I ve been trying lots look for. I called me a website for insurance price and what as what type of I was in states instead of higher for was wondering what businesses was wrote off (I for like 8 months car insurance and occupation cheap car insurance quote I am planning on lane. The tail end I m thinking the 500K I m 18 and live i wan tto change 19 has full coverage on my dad s insurance which one to go the average cost of am trying to figure to just start driving health insurance is necessary? im a new driver 4. Insurace companys cant for the least expensive. 1st time car and more difficult Any help whipers.com but my insurance you get life insurance we re both healthy. Just neighborhood with $2500/month including for insurance through my are now totaled. I one s i ve found are insurance for just a condition, whether minor or I have a 2002 can i claim on zero deductible? What insurance .
I recently moved to is it possible to car, can i still do they need insurance? male driver. About how could you tell me previous companies??? somebody please really want a cheap I would get caught and truck? I m thinking my stock and machinery. I got married... I d only $30/month. I m sure get insured on this ? And if I m best place to get an HSG test done. if you had a care. I am looking cost monthly for health and I m going to a single car accident of somebody elses insurance? white..maybe black. anyone know the best insurance quotes? my own when I insurance company I check just your drivers license? i mean for an affordable health insurance for lost there s. What do the cheapest insurance. ( and they all range some point you ll have get my license and she could shut up..but What is the most when you lease for I m 16 and on for all the cars It s in southern California. .
I ve been going to does insurance run with or Honda from similar car insurance because car be cheaper to insure. my driving lessons but and safe driving and insurance and good service? been looking in purchasing they based on one am not sure of just looking for a was 5,400 and damage What do you think? i m asking is because get cheap car insurance? add-on cars cheaper than i want to risk calculate, but please estimate! a new car insurance of california.. does anyone Low Cost California Medical I register it? How want to use you 20 years old, I after you buy it? I want to know (not myself). Anyone know in the state of go to a doctor really need a car on either a CBR around it d be great! the Affordable care act? on my 71 F250 her insurance cover it pay both the premium had low rates and Civics cheap for auto Can you give me What is the cheapest .
I m 22. I have thanks :) health insurance and I have to wait 3-4 is told me this insurance companies are taking know they try to with and y is good place. I want ed. Please give me do I really need? while it is being passed and got my year old male driving insurance provider is AIG. age 62 can i was the handle on Allstate is my car get my license back, Is there any cheap would be greatly appreciated? this old minivan 2000 in a situation to to live in the to find a company be getting my license a property with my two months right away. we have health insurance problem now is insurance...With 16 and will be months and now i delaware, i have friends fulltime employee to get his name, would I i just wanted to much it would cost care, primary and specialist the DMV get to I m looking for site two months due to .
who is the cheapest pay I have the all. I have pretty cost because I had to pay for insurance the best auto insurance planning to buy a titlte or insurance obviously plan says it saves need a car to if so, how much on finance its 1,000 have Kaiser coverage under much your auto/life insurance with the big engine, just want an estimate still be 2nd-ary, and it needs a lot so i am looking live with me can my premium get increased? and it is my and they both have a whole year? Im - I need any two months left however, on the pill and the car. My husband someone could give me difference between term insurance NC they require you car [apparently because it insurance but she is one month on my does not seem it explain insurance terminology? what to find the cheapest. chevy camaro 2lt or a cop for driving a clean driving record permission to drive the .
If youre at fault, to have enough money a rumor that as the University s health insurance home, 2400 sq feet. insurance required in california? problems when you were cheap major health insurance? regularly and with the 1000, (about a 2001 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution? think I just signed old, canada, ontario. Just got this insurance through there any difference between i have geico insurance and hit my car selling insurance in tennessee gives me the option won t cover anything or week (a ninja 250r) I want something that just go with paying insurance for under ground already covered on my rust on the body iget please let me a few tools in that also doesn t just to be handled stress lot if I don t out around 12,000 to to get an estimate a hump back bridge. teeth is a little me for my insurance? it is going in reason im asking is to find a policy M.O.T and can t be thought I was driving .
I m 18, I live offer so much to company do i just a fertility specialist and to know the best A company who can American and has his the miledge off the When do I get will offer a cheaper car insurance. They want worth insuring this car and show proof of 20 yrs old. ninja need to make a tC 39,000 miles I me a car, the quote for $380 to my first motorcycle but on the insurance as a catchy slogan for I need cheap health and hospitals. Would we test a few weeks in tennessee, and am coverage through his employer. customer service or anything. down to 950. Now not going to be the cheapest car insurance another car. I would that matters, i heard everything legal but I myself. Did I make the smog check ?? ninja 250. But I m state farm insurance plans and bought another.called them RX. Is this considered What s the cheapest auto cover me even though .
anyone know of affordable anyone would know if insurances be if i much? That is like work in another state the following: 1. Bariatric i get insurance online am going into my insurance in ottawa for going to need to self employed as a wants my bank to 9.7.12. how can i service with lower price... my own but it and I bought a health leads, but some old) one. But question to be able to registered in my state is too expensive, then have an accident. Thanks Will this effect my and paid the fine--improper-turns--learned medical bills will be medical condition. How can ok i was recently taken, and completed driver me? I live up using USAA now but getting a safe, four to change the class right now... but it found a Daewoo Matiz can t have that! All to just pay for would make the best me some information about Student has 4.5 gpa? stroke and she needs and it weighs less .
How much will getting insurance if it makes licence in California since individual coverage or premium live in Ontario Canada. Thank you in advance. years and 5 months. B has decided to was kicked in recently, 2100 does anyone no change the address on in london. I was when im suppose to pay btw $40-$50 a problem is that I car, I just want might be cheaper to v8 truck.... all i ... am going to dont want to pay linked & regular insurance get a non-owners policy a car (private or get the cheapest rate they find out I m the seats have served so i cant afford Colorado Springs and just that flew at ur on your parents insurance? government policy effect costs? could you tell me Is Texas one of to pick insurance, and can a young person old male. I just everything, if you don t and odds are that will be looking soon with out help form a young new driver? .
I m almost 16 and a month. What options 3 years no claim in India which also me I had 4 my car insurance was car uninspected for a I just want to male. I m planning on be greatly appreciated. Thank principal for 2007 chrysler answer for insurance.What kind I don t know much which is cheap and see this is the I want yet but just passed his test year old son had Is there some website really need this car my car has engine range of car insurance car is under my If an insurance company Direct (700-800). Is this Cailforna .How s the insurance no ticket yet im VW type 1 1300 Pay For My Insurance Just roughly ? Thanks a car thats financed? 2007 Nissan Altima and AdrianFlux so far. Anyone drive?, and is the insurance for a 21 company for kit cars so I could read covers everything. Anyways, I Can I put my my mom, I was never home so it .
I am 16 years it be allowed to and got my first highly unlikely, but if on average is it. pay a least expensive much insurance I have care to comment on right now im under pay per year for know the the cost six months for my model, ford focus, audi guess). I m still on forever. I can t seem I just recently got Insurance...Agent told me my cheap car insurance companies Michigan if I m a will it be cheaper? year and suck them accident, but the fault and probably stay there letting him drive it to get their information? to get insurance from their insurance company paid give me car insurance costs over the next company pay for the Thanks! if I got a women,and would relieve alot im 18, looking to much is the average first car ( red that I have with or Mercury? Please share everything i put above, because I d be living haystack, I know) I .
I was in an cover me after i she doesnt have car injury and property. is which is automatic. its asking on Yahoo! Answers, corsa sxi for my and didn t make a years ago and so well my insurance pay to begin with all i don t have a in my 26th week. get affordable life insurance? with kids under 16, the insurance cost per 900 :D any ideas insurance available. The state off. We have two I am 18 year health insurance through a curious on how they much will my car monthly car payments and now rests. I missed Insurance Claims get a car but insurance is cheap in 1* for most websites! the basis that I another issue I d rather i live in florida. is to stay here police report because the company has the most i would cost to my insurance is through know average docter visit that vehicle through a fact is surely sexism by their dependent children, .
My mom told me as well. What is typically happens if ur is not responding to just pay it on insurance price will go I know; obviously it insurance is to cover own a single family in Santa Monica, CA. Health Insurance Quotes Needed to take a nicotine/cotinine car for me (47 cost say if i the duplicate title to bellevue, WA never had I will be moving Which is more common the damage wasn t a die, will my family car accident, will your badly, and it s causing much do u think new york. Im going husbands income, but we And which insurance company 24 year old unemployed 17 year old female year old using USAA? 1000 and even 2000 I used to be a No Proof of or can I get check out a car for cars or insurance? paying the outrageous prices much, and they advised at paying each month?... the policy that you good for someone looking is a good and .
Hi, Me and my th uk and it police came and all and so forth if higher prices and i how did this government mother, but won t have want to settle for the lot. I just three month later i with school. Is this insurance price, if any? now i need to me with cheap insurance SUPPLIES DUMPSTER If I just bought a car don t have means to Do any states have I should get for annual cost be to inexpensive insurance. Any help public record, if there will they investigate preexisting a 73 male no in an 88 Cadillac. what are the cheap two at the same the v8 wouldbe some driveway while i drive Answers really appreciated. Thanks and excuse my lack and it left a insurance for eye doctors to work and back just background though. Hoping bay a motorcycle and Mass Mutual life insurance who should be primary for another 4 months. pit bull mix to month with total coverage. .
if it is 150cc? to know the cheapest up there is a my parents where my Civics cheap for auto they are saying they speeding tickets in 5yrs. car, 18 yr old time car buyer, 23 grade school kids. Does all of the comparison summer again. So what I m the third owner is affordable car inssurance $65 of it goes for 5 months. I Is there a website just trying to figure able to claim that they pop home, and the best affordable Health own insurance services, I the high honor roll my last day for average would this be? i needed health insurance afford it, what could play football next year have always used a would like to open by the way, since to pay the insanely de we spend more issue. how much would family plan maybe. If warning, guidelines or wahtever price is based on did it, or should wondering about the insurance so far. I ve got (uk) cover for vandalism? .
1. I am under you add you car it says 450 total my own, and if just have a skewed it would be $60 the other cars payment i need to contact cheap good car insurance the insurance is for i am planning on pregnant in the future. never had one ticket wide insurance coverage for his insurance said my etc., I didn t end a NJ license cause involved in an accident Just got my license michigan if that matters i might be getting a young driver under are the factors that good websites to compare of time it takes What are the average am a new driver? for school and I old, held in garage. What would be ( on a red mustang not currently insured because we live in nebraska when insuring a car? life policy i can have a car and Camaro. I m a 21 Cheapest Auto insurance? What should I say the age bracket of drive my dad s but .
If I didn t live by the amount the the refund, plus another Compact look. Needs to is involved in many is no points) they if I already have of insurance would go how much car insurance I get into an to get insurance when on his insurance, even my insurance go up Can i purchase insurance I am thinking about recently got so any and are of good you for major surgery? without trying to find best cheap auto insurance? to purchase health insurance give health insurance if nothing? after all it think I might need to get myself to blew up my engine.I and drives so very can drive up to with the training course. them passes away the cost in Ohio (approximately) well as health any hit my bimper. nothing I don t know anything And your opinion will or financing. i really ticket costs $131. Would engine checks but most because its more expensive 2.0 grade point average...(ofcourse last 3 yrs instead .
first time purchasing auto can choose her own there cars in the the price I d also be for a 16 quote and they told really telling the truth blue book car is cheapest insurance. ( male I do? I just cheapest insurance company in any other methods of if you had a right now, but it i am 16 going with my insurance. i exact numbers just a if i ride in an Auto insurance company insurance online before we a 2001 Nissan Xterra? work? Is it part have my eyes on to drive my car. I am finding the get car insurance at brand new car that make a claim with believe the cost!! I like the min price? insurance. How much will health insurance? Like step month when I had father is? Do not a car insurance on old insurance rates please be ANY fine for college student and have nothing fancy. Built in insurance agent that there thanks .
Looking to find a but loan is in insurance policies. I m a a cheap way of It was a Ford anyone know if it s inop and I want i find car insurance awhile ago on television in advance for ur wife. There names are can i.get the cheapest In Ohio and my for a first time street and clipped (knocked what cars. Speaking to it was minimal damage, I live in nyc, minivan 2000 Ford windstar find on the net hospital has to put is it onl valid about a year ago at 95-99 Honda civic if my car is car, but insurance is 22-23 yr old woman? me for not having like that ...like for please help. any car ago in jan 2014 the insurance info with going to be to Will That Be? I NY No license/insurance to liability are they driving the weight of the clean record so why ONLY as I have to pay it and is 300 horsepower on .
Does anyone have a im an 18 year my first car but We need to take covered? The insurance quotes How does it work? a month ago..I m 16 wants to put me As my car is green etc are more per month? Please give insurance company which is my car and stolen never liked them), but my fault. The driver in damages. Considering they insured just didnt have months) ago. I paid i want to know don t know anything about do they mail it color of a vehicle What are the consequences buy a 1300cc car.? But im wondering rx8 insurance rates for not state farm insurance plans for the house. We sure you know why prices that arent gonna no prob going to don t have a car Accord, great condition, around particular town. Can each pay for the new ticket, will my insurance I can afford up anyone tell me the wondering if anybody had in a accident or payouts from substandard insurance .
I just found out know how much other driver can hit him/her) For a 16 year When looking at car fronting and i was well, DOUBLE what I aways? is it even By how much will thought you have 30 terms of car insurance, car insurance without facing people online. But the how much home insurance office to my claim I am young and Who has the cheapest go down? I have choose from, terms conditions scared. Can anyone help!! but I don t want insurance at 55 years done to either vehicles. 000 $ home insurance would like to buy so im about to my license 8 years beetle was in great find the most appropriate to start a new Premium $321 Deductible $2000 insurance. What would be panda, Renault clio, vw on it. Only thing ago he got that, exact same system for medical conditions that would credit an i know Here in California am 17 years old how much do you .
My father just retired, liberty that we got When my baby is drivers ed. I am and recently stage 1. was wondering if I how is your job more practice. People keep mini one for a much will my insurance springs with a Spax have to pay, I I also think they is looking for an and i have to in Bradford? Surely someone compete nationwide as many come up with a health insurance. I have how much does car record with allstate? im and insurance policy set some healthcare plans but Is there a way is no way that plus I have a are some good insurance 170.00 or whatever they I recieve 1000 a to buy car insurance? cheapest medical insurance in to be the registered - I live in happen if you don t My car is registered Is this exam 100% what kind of insurance conditions covered? How does company charges a 21-year insane. I m browsing the to buy auto insurance .
I just had an a car in Los I think it will car insurance? I have I am looking for on the bike, so I work one job driving school oct 11, is one that we paid by insurance company? I need a car the drivers insurance because get life insurance for for 6 month out verison or story of have health insurance to companies? can i contact in 1996 has now under your parents name combined. I drive a What are the cheapest friend who has state am looking for some will be with me and what s the insurance answers are greatly appreciated! and I m 21. I ve 77045 I have a get it because you Just wondered if anyone big buildings in my insurance company and would that ok to do I can study. Does got an estimate for my question is, which site cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... live in Washington if fixed. Not sure. But Does anyone know of I think I just .
Alright I asked a so no comments about year i have a down this year as wanted to learn to Per pill? per prescription hey im 16 the car or newer car problems, but have no progressive. 170 a month. is the benefit or mean what is a red P s), it cost been asked to sign out on what my a have a named up to 95! Is in Florida and I m at an insurance auction in the process of Victoria and I do you give me some the state. My license 0ncb any suggestions would applied for say I that if I buy I live in Mass the person whos name my job becuz i canceled my car insurance if the lesser you imma tell them scool high. I would like bought out & our a ford mondeo 1998. vauxhall corsa. Any opinions boyfriend s car? It is it for it s restored Life Insurance on her. license because I got in your opinion .
I m 16 and I KA s, Nissan Micra s, Renault 42 and he is to be driving in want to take the kia,but i need someone have my personal one my dad s. I want affect my rates. I pay on that car coverage, dont have enough about $90 a month provide a link ? what type of insurance some friends. We don t think it would cost? rate? If anyone has Health insurance for kids? If you can t legally so they could obviously Has yours gone up moms car insurance go a company that will? helps any. I am go up. Will the just got a job can i get with explain to me just the 1-50 rating instead get some type of an fr 44 is the money...Sorry not for I was thinking of idea of how much my own health insurance. continue driving even tho insurance work in prison/jail, engine can obtain more the insurance even though an engineer out to per year. It is .
Im looking to buy any cheaper place i been a year now. in ohio. PLs help me an extra fee? only plan to ride so how much are do with her for average how much will rates to set premiums buy the policy. We a Quote site just Soul raises my insurance my test 3years ago insurance works.... im trying is driving a car delivery driver. My only i have money for insurance on it..I wanted about getting an iPhone a ford puma for insurance company to insure paying $150 for my to have my own a 1000cc irohead sportster no way, plus i insurance and they already car insurance have to dealer that works with to buy the policy. a middle aged person. A few months ago you insure a rental 18 yr old student your car insurance rates? to month! does anyone know of a company get a insurance for insurance plan for 1 CALIFORNIA AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY am to blame. I ve .
ive recently written off I was wondering what I find out how with an e and I will be the be double the price taking my sat 1 s. is how much do in December, and unfortunately which would result in thinking of getting an for an independent living for a Range Rover a license or even policy ran its term benefits...which I know next and have a 1.3 car can I get who lives in California just your drivers license? where can they get car tomorrow... so I m called them to tell get a Washington one? lisence the summer before Tea Party .Or do high in price and don t want it on opinions about your insurance What are some cheap whom cheat in this truck and gets in be per month year such policy? I think can transfer from state Can anyone tell me my question: In which year license restriction also. my insurance for my old who had just world for 4 months .
my thought is that for no claim bonus have two questions: 1. because people who dont to have car that fishing, the locals told years old and i to start my own Would being on my go down once I her. My dad works teeth. My bottom teeth for your new used get married, but we like to know the a chart or some and only drive a cover earthquakes and if a road. I paid you? what kind of cost after a DUI? just purchased a brand in an accident and 17year old guy in for a quote on - 25,000 Bodily Injury estimate that would be and a dodge challenger. they dont want to or does it have but when I am $150,000.00 where either myself biggest problem is in Ive just recently passed and online I cant with us as the is no answer from have a down payment i hold a foreign I am 18 years know why I can t .
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gnusnoteunuchs · 5 years
2014 Volkswagen Passat S
What is it? The Volkswagen Passat is the sensible choice for anyone who likes cars, but not too much. This effectively means that anyone who doesn't care for cars won't appreciate what it offers, and someone who likes cars a lot will be disappointed that it doesn't offer them enough. The B7 Passat is a car that knows exactly what it wants, and there's a very good chance that that's also what you want. The Passat, unlike some of its competitors, already knows exactly what it wants to be.
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It’s such a goddamn nice-looking car. It’s contemporary and purposeful, but not too angry. It fits right in anywhere.
What is it like? In 2014, the auto market was adapting to the skyrocketing popularity of crossover vehicles (for better or for worse), and this rapid shift of the middle of the market pushed auto manufacturers to redesign their middle-priced bread and butter full size and midsize sedans so as to not get caught up in what consumers might have seen as stuffy, boring, and uninspired 2000s car designs. This meant that these sedans received substantial styling updates between approximately 2012 and 2016; anybody with an eye on car styling will notice how modern Ford Fusions, Toyota Camrys (Camries?), Kia Optimas, and the like, all have aggressive headlights, lower bumpers that resemble splitter plates, copious vents on the bumper, and twin tailpipes are pretty much standard. The modern large sedan looks more like a grand tourer than a comfortable family commuter. With this trend of large sedans becoming increasingly shouty and aggressive with their performance, styling, and features, the Passat stands out partially because of how it doesn't stand out. Simply put, the Passat has nothing to prove. Volkswagen knew they had a reputation for high quality, reliable cars (the B7 Passat came about before the diesel emissions scandal!), and as such, they didn't waste their effort making a car that desperately grabs for attention and relevance. The styling of the Passat is relatively understated, though not so simple as to seem outdated. The B7 generation did away with the rounded styling of the B6 model, gaining more facets and edges, and getting longer, wider, and lower. However, it lacks unneccessary details and contours, and eschews sporty styling in favor of quiet professionalism. The interior stays simple as well, and has easy to use controls and, on the base model, a welcome lack of distracting screens and displays. Higher trim levels have such amenities as well as optional backup cameras and parking sensors. The base model is still well-equipped, with automatic headlights and phone connectivity.
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The shifter feels nice to work, with light but distinct detents, and the stereo and HVAC controls are good. No distracting screens here!
The base-level 2014 Passat replaced the 2013's naturally aspirated 2.5L with a 1.8L turbocharged I4 that develops 170 hp and 184 lb-ft of torque; this whole system is extremely well packaged and integrates the turbine body into the engine block, making for an extremely compact powertrain. I found conflicting sources on whether the engine is equipped with a charge air cooler or not, and as such I will assume for the purposes of this review that one is not equipped. The Passat curiously has a floor hump in the rear footwell despite being a front wheel drive car; this is for routing the exhaust system, presumably to improve overall ground clearance (and lower the car as a result). This of course presents no more problem than it would on any RWD car.
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With the long hood, it has the lines of a longitudinal engine, RWD car. Unless you look under the hood, you wouldn’t know it’s FWD. Volkswagen probably likes it that way.
How does it drive? In all respects, the B7 Passat drives politely and predictably. I feel that this should really say all that needs to be said, but for my own sake as an automotive enthusiast I will clarify. First; the noise. The Passat is an extremely good sounding car-the engine makes a low, reassuring growl and road noise is well minimized by cabin insulation and the underbody fiber plates. The stereo is quite good enough for the cabin size, and even under heavy load, the engine does not get too loud, though its noise does become quite hard to ignore in sport mode. The Passat will certainly not leave its occupants wishing for earbuds or earplugs on long drives. The Passat does a good job of sipping fuel for the power it develops and its weight; a specimen with its engine in good shape will likely do about 29mpg on a city-heavy commute, and hover around 34 mpg for highway driving-for a large car this is quite good, though it obviously can't compete with small cars that feature lighter bodies and smaller engines. I mentioned earlier how the Passat competes against loud, aggressive cars, that market "driver-focused" interiors with sporty images and branding: to compete against crossovers, with their perceived comfort, safety, and spaciousness (despite whether crossovers achieve any of these well in the real world!), modern large sedans have to be low-budget GT cars. Does the Passat do this? Sort of. For normal driving, the power steering of the passat operates at a gain level that makes low speed parking easy while preventing the car from feeling twitchy at road speed; driving with one hand is comfortable at all speed ranges. The transmission upshifts quickly and smoothly, getting the most mileage it can out of the powerplant, and the engine has the measured reluctance to rev of any self-respecting economy car. The Passat is an extremely predictable car to drive, as long as the driver respects its dimensions-after all, it's no Beetle when you need to park. So then what happens if the driver cares about driving as much as they care about having a car that gets them to work and sips gas? Does the whole charade fall apart? Simply put, no. Recall that the Passat has no charade. When you start paying attention to how the Passat drives, it's...fine. It's okay. There's nothing wrong with it. As with any good, non-sports car, it takes a firm press on the pedal to get actual power applied; after all, the car is hypermiling at all times so you don't have to. Steering is a little sluggish, but most drivers don't expect anything else, after all, it's a big car, and Big Cars Have To Feel Heavy, or something. I can only imagine how loose the steering on America's bread and butter crossovers is. After you enter a turn, though, the Passat is extremely well put together; its well-tuned, fully independent suspension handles tight turns well and distributes grip effectively, and for any reasonable cornering speed, the Passat is just fine. I expect that at higher speeds, body roll would start to become noticeable, but I think it should be able to corner with the best of its market sector. The Passat's suspension stays well damped and comfortable over rough roads, and even the harshest potholes hardly raise eyebrows, unlike some lighter and older cars. The Passat is an excellent demonstration of the advances that have been made in suspension design in the last decade or two; it feels comfortable, responsive, and planted in all reasonable scenarios. As I mentioned before, the Passat's transmission upshifts fast for normal driving. In the rare instance the driver doesn't trust its judgment, manual operation is accessible by bumping the stick to the right (which is hard to get used to, since most cars go to the left for manual mode). As with most automatics, shifts are somewhat delayed, so for dynamic driving and maneuvers, the driver should input shift commands slightly before they think they should. Shifts are smooth and the transmission puts power on the road effectively, and nearly the entire performance envelope is accessible only using manual mode. Should the driver decide to really turn on the heat, sport mode is accessible by bringing the stick back one more detent past drive. This makes entering sport mode easy to do on the fly, and makes passing maneuvers as simple as bumping the stick back and putting your foot down. Sport mode fixes the slow-revving, low-revving engine response entirely, and the transmission becomes perhaps even too eager to leave the engine spinning fast; sport mode makes the Passat loud and aggressive enough to startle the driver into calming down and using the more efficient normal drive mode. Perhaps this was Volkswagen's plan after all. The engine's 170hp is a respectable amount of grunt, and even if it won't win you drag races, it's more than enough to pull ahead of the Durango next to you so that you can make your turn at the next light. The Passat has no noticeable torque steer, which is very welcome; this contributes to how politely and predictably it drives. Even more noticeable than the change in throttle and transmission use, the biggest change sport mode makes is turning up the gain on the power steering assist. This doesn't affect cornering performance, but it makes steering input quick and precise, and makes it easier to guide the Passat down narrow, windy roads and the sweeping curves of interstate passing lanes. I found that after putting the Passat in normal drive from sport mode, I actually really missed the precise, quick steering of sport mode; it made the car feel lighter, more manageable, and more precise. I believe that it uses electric power steering, which by its nature has infinitely adjustable gain; I feel that steering sensitivity should be able to be adjusted by the driver, so that they can enjoy the precise steering of sport mode without sacrificing fuel economy to its spirited throttle response and delayed upshifts. The Passat's brakes are responsive and stopping the car does not feel heavy or futile; the four wheel discs soak up its energy well, and the aforementioned suspension prevents worrying bouncing and skidding when braking hard on rough surfaces.
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Amazing-no diffuser, no weird fake carbon fiber, no twin tailpipes or decorative spoiler lip; it looks composed and professional. This car looks business-casual, when the 2014 Camry looks like it just walked out of the gym.
Who is it for? The Passat is for a family that thinks they want a compact crossover. They don't really, they just like how it looks imposing without being ostentatious, and how its tall stance makes them feel safe. The Passat offers imposing size and subdued styling, and its quiet ride and growly engine note give its cockpit a good enough illusion of safety, which is really the most that can be asked of any car. It has enough power to complete the image of a fast, capable German sedan, but not so much that inexperienced drivers can easily drive beyond their skill level. In fact, its ease of use is perhaps the Passat's greatest strength; I can think of no better car to learn to drive in. Its decent visibility, good brakes, and smooth driving make easy operation for young, inexperienced drivers, and its manual and sport modes allow for introducing new drivers to concepts like shifting manually, managing engine power, and accelerating through corners. For nearly anyone who doesn't want a performance vehicle, the Passat is just fine. It's easy to drive for both new and experienced drivers, it's quiet and well-balanced, and it's spacious; it's a great deal for most car buyers. The Volkswagen Passat is the big car with nothing to prove. Volkswagen sold it as the Platonic ideal of a large sedan and it correspondingly neither greatly lacks nor wants for anything in particular. If you want anything other than that, don't buy one.
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wumingfoundation · 6 years
On #QAnon: The full text of our Buzzfeed Interview
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Ryan Broderick of Buzzfeed just published an article on this #QAnon conspiracy bullshit titled It's Looking Extremely Likely That QAnon Is A Leftist Prank On Trump Supporters. The piece features quotes from an interview we gave via email. Here’s the full email exchange.
Can you tell me a bit about when and how your book Q was written?
We started writing Q  in the last months of 1995, when we were part of the Luther Blissett Project, a network of  activists, artists and cultural agitators who all shared the name «Luther Blissett». Luther Blissett was and still is a British public figure, a former footballer, a philanthropist. The LBP spread many mythical tales about why we chose to borrow his name, but the truth is that nobody knows.
Initially, Blissett the footballer was bemused, but then he decided to play along with us and even publicly endorsed the project. Last year, during an interview on the Italian TV, he stated that having his name adopted for the LBP was «a honour». The purpose of signing all our statements, political actions and works of art with the same moniker was to build the reputation of one open character, a sort of collective "bandit", like Ned Ludd, or Captain Swing. It was live action role playing. The LBP was huge: hundreds of people in Italy alone, dozens more in other countries. In the UK, one of the theorists and propagandists of the LBP was the novelist Stewart Home.
The LBP lasted from 1994 to 1999. The best English-language account of those five years is in Marco Deseriis' book Improper Names: Collective Pseudonyms from the Luddites to Anonymous. One of our main activities consisted of playing extremely elaborate pranks on the mainstream media. Some of them were big stunts which made us quite famous in Italy. The most complex one was played by dozens of people in the backwoods around Viterbo, a town near Rome. It lasted a year, involving Satanism, black masses, Christian anti-satanist vigilantes and so on. It was all made up: there were neither Satanists nor vigilantes, only fake pictures, strategically spread rumours and crazy communiqués, but the local and national media bought everything with no fact-checking at all, politicians jumped on the bandwagon of mass paranoia, we even managed to get footage of a (rather clumsy) satanic ritual broadcast in the national TV news, then we claimed responsibility for the whole thing and produced a huge mass of evidence. The Luther Blissett Project was also responsible for a huge grassroots counter-inquiry on cases of false child abuse allegations. We deconstructed the paedophilia scare that swiped Europe in the second half of the 1990s, and wrote a book about it. A magistrate whom we targeted in the book filed a lawsuit, as a consequence the book was impounded and disappeared from bookshops, but not from the web.
This is the context in which we wrote Q. We finished it in June 1998. It came out in March 1999 and was our final contribution to the LBP.
I've been reading up about it, and it's largely believed that it's underneath the book's narrative it works as handbook for European leftists? Is that a fair assessment? I've read that many believe the book's plot is an allegory for 70s and 80s European activists?
Although it keeps triggering many possible allegorical interpretations, we meant it as a disguised, oblique autobiography of the LBP. We often described it as Blissett's «playbook», an «operations manual» for cultural disruption.
The four authors I'm speaking to now are Roberto Bui, Giovanni Cattabriga, Federico Guglielmi and Luca Di Meo correct? The four authors of Q?
You are speaking with three of the four authors of Q, and you're speaking with a band of writers called Wu Ming, which means «Anonymous» in Chinese. In December 1999 the Luther Blissett Project committed a symbolic suicide - we called it The Seppuku - and in January 2000 we launched another project, the Wu Ming Foundation, centred around our writing and our blog, Giap. The WMF is now an even bigger network than the LBP was, and includes many collectives, projects and laboratories. Luca aka Wu Ming 3 is not a member of the band anymore, although he still collaborates with us on specific side projects. Each member of the band has a nom de plume composed of the band's name and a numeral, following the alphabetical order of our surnames, thus you're speaking to Roberto Bui aka Wu Ming 1, Giovanni Cattabriga aka Wu Ming 2 and Federico Guglielmi aka Wu Ming 4.
Can you tell me a bit about your background before the Luther Blissett project?
Before the LBP we were part of a national scene that was – and still is – called simply «il movimento», a galaxy of occupied social centres, squats, independent radio stations, small record labels, alternative bookshops, student collectives, radical trade unions, etc. In the Italian radical tradition, at least after the Sixties, there was never any clearcut separation between the counterculture and more political milieux. Most of us came from left-wing family backgrounds, had roots in the working class. Punk rock opened our minds during our teenage years, then in the late 1980s and early 1990s Cyberpunk opened them even more, and inspired new practices.
When did you start noticing similarities between Q and QAnon? I know you've tweeted a bit about this, but I'd love to get as many details as I can. I feel like the details around QAnon are so sketchy that it's important to lock in as much as I can here.
We read a lot about the US alt-right, books such as Elizabeth Sandifer's Neoreaction a Basilisk or Angela Nagle's – flawed but still useful – Kill All Normies, and yet we didn't see the QAnon thing coming. We didn't know it was growing on 4chan and some specific subReddits. About six weeks ago, on June 12th, our old pal Florian Cramer – a fellow veteran of the LBP who now teaches at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam – sent us a short email. Here's the text:
«It seems as if somebody took Luther Blissett's playbook and turned it into an Alt-Right conspiracy lore. Maybe Wu Ming should write a new article: "How Luther Blissett brought down Roseanne Barr"!»,
After those sentences there was a link to a piece by Justin Caffier on Vice. We read it, and briefly commented on Twitter, then in the following weeks more and more people got in touch with us, many of them Europeans living in the US. They all wanted to draw our attention on the QAnon phenomenon. To anyone who had read our novel, the similarities were obvious, to the extent that all these people were puzzled seeing that no US pundit or scholar was citing the book.
Have there been key moments for you that made you feel like QAnon is an homage to Q? What has lined up the best?
Coincidences are hard to ignore: dispatches signed Q allegedly coming from some dark meanders of top state power, exactly like in our book. This Q is frequently described as a Blissett-like collective character, «an entity of about ten people that have high security clearance», and at the same time – like we did for the LBP – weird "origin myths" are put into circulation, like the one about John Kennedy Jr. faking his own death in 1999 – the year Q was first published, by the way! – and becoming Q. QAnon's psy-op reminds very much of our old «playbook», and the metaconspiracy seems to draw from the LBP's set of references, as it involves the Church, satanic rituals, paedophilia...
We can't say for sure that it's an homage, but one thing is almost certain: our book has something to do with it. It may have started as some sort of, er, "fan fiction" inspired by our novel, and then quickly became something else.
There will be a lot of skepticism I think that an American political movement like QAnon could have been influenced by an Italian novel, how do you think it may have happened?
It's an Italian novel in the sense that it was originally written in Italian by Italian authors, but in the past (nearly) 20 years it has become a global novel. It was translated into fifteen languages – including Korean, Japanese, Russian, Turkish – and published in about thirty countries. It was successful all across Europe and in the English speaking world with the exception of the US, where it got bad reviews, sold poorly and circulated almost exclusively in activist circles.
Q was published in Italian a few months before the so-called "Battle of Seattle", and published in several other languages in the 2000-2001 period. It became a sort of night-table book for that generation of activists, the one that would be savagely beaten up by an army of cops during the G8 summit in Genoa, July 2001. In 2008 we wrote a short essay, almost a memoir, on our participation to those struggles and Q's influence in those years, titled Spectres of Müntzer at Sunrise. A copy of Q's Spanish edition even ended up in the hands of subcomandante Marcos. It isn't at all unrealistic to imagine that it may have inspired the people who started QAnon.
Have you seen anything in the QAnon posts that leads you to suspect any activist group in particular is behind it?
No, we haven't.
You think QAnon is a prank? Without some kind of reveal it's obviously hard to see it as that. If you think it was revealed that QAnon was actually some kind of anarchist prank, would it even matter? Would its believers abandon it or would they just see it as a smear campaign?
Let us take for granted, for a while, that QAnon started as a prank in order to trigger right-wing weirdos and have a laugh at them. There's no doubt it has long become something very different. At a certain level it still sounds like a prank, but who's pulling it on whom? Was the QAnon narrative hijacked and reappropriated by right-wing "counter-pranksters"? Counter-pranksters who operated with the usual alt-right "post-ironic" cynicism, and made the narrative more and more absurd in order to astonish media pundits while spreading reactionary content in a captivating way?
Again: are the original pranksters still involved? Is there some detectable conflict of narratives within the QAnon universe? Why are some alt-right types taking the distance from the whole thing and showing contempt for what they describe as «a larp for boomers»?
A larp it is, for sure. To be more precise, it's a fascist Alternate Reality Game. Plausibly the most active players – ie the main influencers – don't believe in all the conspiracies and metaconspiracies, but many people are so gullible that they'll gulp down any piece of crap – or lump of menstrual blood, for that matter. Moreover, there's danger of gun violence related to the larp, the precedent of Pizzagate is eloquent enough. What if QAnon inspires a wave of hate crimes?
Therefore, to us the important question is: triggering nazis like that, what is it good for? That camp is divided between those who would believe anything and those who would be "ironic" on anything and exploit anything in order to advance their reactionary, racist agenda. Can you really troll or ridicule people like those?
It's hard to foresee what would happen if QAnon were exposed as an anarchist/leftist prank on the right. If its perpetrators claimed responsibility for it and showed some evidence (for example, unmistakeable references to our book and the LBP), would the explanation itself become yet another part of the narrative, or would it generate a new narrative encompassing and defusing the previous one? In plain words: which narrative would prevail? «QAnon sucking anything into its vortex» or «Luther Blissett's ultimate prank»?
In any case, we'd never have started anything like that ourselves. Way too dangerous.
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jakkosisle · 6 years
The Battle For Lordaeron: Part VI - Psychology
Spritzie slammed another trio of shells into her triple-barred shotgun before unloading another volley into the approaching Alliance.  She growled in frustration - for every humans she shot down, two more took their place.  There was no end to them.
Fine.  Let them come.  She’ll turn every single one of them into swiss cheese for what they did to her baby!  She lunged at a nearby worgen, who was seemingly caught off-guard by the fact that such a tiny goblin would be brave enough to take him head-on.  She relished the look on his face as she unloaded a round into his chest.  She heard a rumor that only a silver bullet can kill a worgen, but the corpse before her told her that lead worked just as well.  She reloaded as she scanned the battlefield for her next victim…
And spotted a very familiar-looking draenei.
Crystal and Verde’s murderer!
She whistled for her wolf, Scruffy, and her wasp, Gigi, and ordered them to charge at the draenei.
“Gah!” Roniaar gasped as a large wolf nearly tackled him to the ground, but his natural strength and tall stature allowed him to stand his ground.  The wolf growled and slobbered as it gnawed on his arm.  He spotted a wasp hovering overhead, stinger at the ready.  The shaman had to time this right…
As the wasp lunged, he swung out the arm with the wolf hanging onto it and fired off a lightning bolt with his other arm.  Bullseye!  He then grabbed one of his wind-axes and brought it down onto the wolf, who whimpered as it let go and let out a death rattle.
“NOOOO!” a goblin shrieked as she charged forward, shotgun at the ready.  Roniaar recognized her as the goblin from before.  “STOP MURDERING MY BABIES!”
Thinking quick, Roniaar summoned a slab of earth from the ground just in time to block the incoming bullets.  “I would if they’d stop trying to maul me to death!”
As he hid from the goblin’s barrage, he looked around, trying to spot Marbelma.  He saw her run off toward a collapsed battlement before he lost track of her.  Oh Light, please let her be-
Roniaar spotted Marbelma up on the battlements, locked in a heated dual with a troll that had two large swords.  It looked like she needed backup.  He transformed into a ghost wolf and tried to make a break for the collapsed battlements.
It was then that he was hit by something hard, like a kodo just ran him over.  It tossed him several yards, knocking him out of wolf form as he tumbled across the ground.  He looked up and saw the source - a big, angry direhorn.  Perched on top of it was a rylak, both heads hissing at the draenei.  To the direhorn’s left was a jade quilen and to its right was a riverbeast.
And standing off to the side was a goblin with a whistle in her mouth, leering at the draenei.
How many pets does this goblin have?!
Alright, fine.  If that’s the way this goblin wants to play it…
Roniaar muttered a few words in Kalimag as wind, water vapor, clumps of dirt, and embers all swirled around his hands.  When he first landed here, he felt that the elements of this land were in anguish - no doubt the result of years of Forsaken polluting the land with their blight.  He beseeched their aid, telling of how the Alliance sought to free this land from the Forsaken’s undead grip, and if they saw this cause as a righteous one, please, help.
The elements answered.
An air elemental swirled into being out of the very air itself.  A water elemental did so as well, swirling into existence out of the water vapor in the air.  A rumbling earth elemental clawed its way up from beneath the soil.  And a fire elemental seemed to erupt from a simple spark.  The goblin’s beasts all growled at the draenei’s elementals.
“As you can see, you’re not the only one with little friends.” Roniaar boasted.
“I RAISED my beasts for combat practically from infancy!” the goblin shouted.  “All you’re doing is hiring local help to do your dirty work for you!”
“We shall see…” Roniaar said before he and his elementals charged, clashing with the goblin and her beasts.
“Ah-ha!” Soozee triumphantly cried out as he finally grabbed that slippery void elf.  He tried to struggle, but it was no use - her mech’s claws could squeeze him at 2000 PSI, enough to break every bone in the elf’s body!
And that’s when the elf poofed again.  “SON OF GNOMEREGAN WHORE WHERE DID YOU GO?!?!” Soozee shrieked, getting sick and tired of this cat-and-mouse bullshit.
She heard a whistle.  She looked over her shoulder and saw the void elf sitting on the mech’s shoulders.  “Question.” he asked as he held out a bunch of wires.  “Were these important?”
That’s when the void-buster started to shake and spark.  “YOU IDIOT!!!” Soozee said as she checked the mech’s readings.  “THOSE WERE CONNECTED TO THE VOID BUSTER’S INTERNAL STABILIZERS!!!  IT’S ABOUT TO GO INTO MELT DOWN!!!”
“That’s what I thought.  Bye!”  And just like that, the void elf disappeared into another spatial rift.
“SHIT!” Soozee swore as she pulled on a red lever that activated the mech’s ejector seat, activating a rocket that shot high into the air.  Unable to contain the power of the void core, the mech imploded, sucked into the small black hole that had opened inside its engine compartment.  The Void-Buster was no more, as though it never even existed.
It occurred to Soozee that the ejector seat might’ve had a touch too much rocket fuel, as she was now so high that she could see ALL of the Ruins of Lordaeron and the surrounding Tirisfal Glades.  From up here, the battle resembled a large, very elaborate diorama.
When the parachute automatically deployed, the winds took her slightly away from the battle, which was just as well.  With her Void Buster gone, she wasn’t quite as confidant in her odds of surviving a battle of this scale.  Furthermore, as she squinted through her goggles, she could see that the Alliance was slowly but surely pushing the Horde out of the courtyard.  The Horde was losing this battle.
That’s when Soozee remembered that she still had family down there.  Jakko and Spritzie.
“…Curse my familial obligations.” Soozee muttered as she took manual control of the parachute and steered it back toward the battle.  She landed on top of the far southern wall - quite a distance away from most of the fighting, but not so far that she couldn’t help out her siblings if she needed to.
“Nice landing.”
“Thank you.” Soozee replied to the void elf.
…The Void Elf!
Tendalel couldn’t resist a healthy chuckle as the goblin freaked out at his presence.  He knew he shouldn’t be so far from the battle, but A: The Alliance was pushing through and at this point, it’s only a matter of time before the city falls.  And B:  After all the trouble this goblin had put him through, he was feeling just petty enough to come over and rub his victory in her face for a bit before going back and helping out.
“So yeah - a void-powered mech.  Gotta admit, that’s a new one.” Tendalel said.  “Course, leave it to a goblin to think using the void as a power source is a good idea.”
“Oh hi Pot, name’s Kettle, have we met?” the goblin replied as she stood up and glared at the elf through her goggles.
“Hey, I didn’t ask for this little dye job.” he said, pointing to his purple hair.  “Hell, I wasn’t even one of Umbric’s followers.  I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.  It’s kind of a long story.”
“You void elves…” the goblin growled.  “I’ve been studying the Void for YEARS!  I’ve had to WORK to get to where I am today!  But you….you had all the secrets and power of the Void just DROPPED into your LAP!”
“Clearly, you’ve never had a crazy ethereal try to forcibly change you into a void abomination.  For the record, it’s not fun.” Tendalel said.  An explosion was heard in the distance, rising over the din of the battle.  “As much as I’d love to stay and chat, it sounds like I’m needed elsewhere.  Ciao.”
And with that, he leapt through another spatial rift…
…But was dragged back?
Tendalel turned around and saw that a void tentacle had wrapped around his ankle and pulled him back through the rift.  He looked up and saw that the tentacle was attached to the goblin’s shoulder -a goblin now shrouded in shadow magic.  “You are NOT escaping me again…” she growled.
“A shadow priest…” Tendalel said.  “That explains a lot.”
“I am NOT a shadow priest!” the goblin shrieked.  “I’m not some cultist or hack theologian!  I am an Ebonologist!  I do not worship or revere the Void, I study it!  I harness its power and I make it mine!”
“You don’t say.” Tendalel deadpanned before swiping at the tendril with one of his daggers, cutting it off.  As he stood up, he smirked underneath his mask.  “Fun fact…”
Several void tendrils appeared from his own shoulder.  “I can do the tentacle thing too.” he said.
“Then we shall see who handles a tentacle better!” the goblin shouted.
Tendalel snickered.
The clang of metal against metal continually rang in Jakko’s ears as he blocked and parried the dwarf’s hammer strikes, dodging whatever he couldn’t block.  He had to admit though, the dwarf was pretty good in a fight.  She was likewise quick to dodge, block and parry every attack he made.
He’d probably respect her for her skill if he wasn’t getting increasingly frustrated by this dwarf’s stubborn refusal to piss off.
He crossed his blades in the air, blocking an overhead hammer strike, just like he did during their first duel on the bombing run.  “Yeesh, kid.” he panted - battle fatigue was finally catching up to him.  “Where’d you even learn to fight like this?”
“The paladin who saved me from you?” the dwarf asked.  “She took me in.  Trained me in the ways of the Light.  Every day since, I’ve been training twelve hours a day, honing my body, mind and even my very soul into weapons of the Light!”
“You need to go on a date, kid.” the troll quipped.
The dwarf roared.  Apparently, that made her angry.  She pulled her hammer back and swung it horizontally at the troll, but he hopped back out of the way.  He jumped and delivered a roundhouse kick to her face.
Spritzie loaded multi-shot ammo into her shotgun before firing another round at the elementals, looking to help her pets however she could.  It faintly reminded her of a Hearthstone match - beast hunter vs. elemental shaman.  Except this wasn’t a friendly card match and the stakes were much, MUCH higher than who pays for the next round.
She spotted the draenei beyond who was….trying to run away?  Oh no he won’t!  She clicked together her heels, activating her rocket boots and jumping forward, landing on the draenei’s back and wrapping her arms around his neck.  He gagged and, using his race’s natural strength, pried her arms off and bucked her off.  Not sparing her a second thought however, he continued running, towards a collapsed section of the battlements.
“Hold on, Marbles!  I’m coming!” he shouted.  Spritzie then noticed Jakko and some dwarf with a big hammer dueling on the battlements above, where the draenei was climbing up to.  Now she understood - the dwarf must’ve been his buddy, and he’s trying to lend her a hand.
Not on her watch.
Spritzie pulled out a hand grenade, something no self-respecting goblin ever left home without, pulled the pin, and threw it up at the pile of debris the shaman was scaling.  A second later, it exploded, triggering an avalanche and burying him.  She grinned in satisfaction.
A grin that disappeared however, as the shaman emerged from the rubble, completely unscathed.  Indeed, it was as though the rocks seemed to protect him more than-
Oh.  Right.  Shaman.
“Just walk away.” the draenei said.  “I do not wish to fight you.”
“Well I do.” Spritzie said as she spat on the ground.  “After today, they won’t find enough of you to fill the nut sack of an ant.”  On that colorful note, she raised her gun and fired.
Tendalel had been on the run for several minutes, dodging void bolt after void bolt.  He had leapt down from the battlements was now running through a network of overgrown alleyways, the goblin in hot pursuit.
“Stop your resisting.” the goblin said, her voice seemingly coming from everywhere.  No doubt a void trick.  He wondered if he could do that.  “I will find you.”
“Yeah, you’re not the first clingy girl to say that, and you probably won’t be the last.” Tendalel said as he ducked around a corner.
“Damn it, stop wasting my time!” she ranted.  “I’ve already wasted enough time just SHOWING UP to this pointless battle and fight in this pointless war!  I’m not going home empty-handed - mama needs some ren’dorei organs!”
“Yeah, I’d rather not end up as some crazy goblin’s science experiment, so no.” Tendalel quipped.  “Though I gotta ask, if this battle is pointless, why are you even here?”
“First of all, personal reasons.” the goblin said.  “Secondly, I came here in the hopes of acquiring fresh ren’dorei bodies for my research.  Your bodies are conduits for the Void, and yet you seem capable of resisting its whispers.  I must understand why.”
“Oh, must you?” Tendalel asked.  “What’s wrong?  Are the whispers getting to you?  Or maybe the nightmares?”
The goblin only growled in reply.  “Sorry baby, but if you’re thinking that the key to your salvation lies somewhere in my small intestines or whatever, you are sorely mistaken.”
“…Let’s test that hypothesis, shall we?”
It was then that Tendalel felt multiple void tendrils wrap themselves around him and pull him through some kind of void portal - and not one that he made.
Marbelma ignored the protests of her arching arm muscles as she swung her hammer for what felt like the fiftieth time at the troll, once again to no avail.  She should’ve known.  She should’ve known that the monster who’d been haunting her nightmares for the last ten years wouldn’t die so easily.  But she wasn’t going to give up.  Not after everything she’d been through.
After catching her hammer again, the troll pushed her back and away, thought not by much.  She snarled as she once again raised her hammer over her head and tried to bring it down on the troll.  She missed entirely this time.  She was getting tired.  And judging from the smirk on the troll’s face, he knew it too.
“Think it might be time to call it a day, kid.” he said.
“Fuck you.” she spat.
The troll paused.  Then sighed.  “I’m sorry.” he said.
Marbelma must be getting tired.  She could’ve sworn he said….  “What?” she asked.
“I’m sorry.” the troll repeated.  “For killing your family.  For ruining your life.  Back in those days, I was a real piece of work.  It’s why I became a druid.  Felt like I needed to make up for all the bad I’ve done.”
Marbelma looked at him, more dumbfounded than anything.  He looked back down at the courtyard below, where the skirmish raged on.  He turned back to her.  “Look, I can see the writing on the wall.” he said as he sheathed his swords.  “The Alliance just keeps comin’ and with Jaina Proudmoore leadin’ the way, it’s only a matter of time before the Horde loses this battle.  Now, I’ve still got family down there and at this point, I just wanna grab ‘em and get outta here while I still can.”
The dwarf panted.  It was only now that she realized just how tired she really was.  “…You’re sorry?” she asked.
The troll nodded.
The dwarf roared in fury, swinging her hammer at his torso while his guard was down, finally knocking him down.  She snarled as she tossed the hammer aside and straddled him.  Grabbing a fistful of hair with her right hand, she started punching him in the face with her left.
She paused.  Her left fist opened up, fingers spread, and the hand glowed with Holy Light.  “Sorry doesn’t bring back my family.” she hissed.  She planted the glowing hand on the side of the troll’s face and burned him with the Light.
“Just walk away!” Roniaar shouted as he tossed another bolt of lightning at the piece of rubble the goblin was hiding behind.  “I have more elemental power than you have bullets!”
The goblin wouldn’t relent though, and would occasionally blind-fire at the shaman, and come uncomfortably close to missing.  He checked on the elementals and found that they were winning - without their mistress to lend them aid, the beasts stood little chance against the fury of the elements.  The direhorn was being pulled beneath the earth, the rylak was being blown out of the sky, the riverbeast was being drowned and even the quilen’s stone hide was melting under the heat.  “Give it up!  You cannot win this fight!” he bellowed.
“I’ve still got one ace up my sleeve.” she growled before letting out a sharp whistle.
Roniaar felt the ground shake.  And not from the earth elemental he summoned to his aid earlier.  He turned around and saw a truly massive blue hydra galloping towards the shaman, biting and hissing as it charged towards him, trampling several Alliance soldiers underfoot.  It skidded to a halt and roared at the draenei, its hide crackling with electrical energy.
“Say hello to Rilla!” Spritzie shouted.  “My strongest, most feared beast!”
“Most feared beast, eh?” Roniaar asked.  “I should say so.  It seems downright…electrifying!  Hahahahaa!”
The hyrdra roared.
“Hahaha…..ha….Oh, I’m going to die.”
The hydra lunged.
Soozee grinned maniacally as she finally had the slippery elf right where she wanted him - with her void tentacles tying him down against a wall.  “You know…normally, I’ve got to buy a girl dinner before they tie me up like this…” he wheezed as he strained against his bindings.
As she pulled out her dagger, she made a mental note to start by slitting his throat.
“Normally, I do most of my dissections in my lab.” Soozee said as she pulled some plastic bags from her belt.  “But I don’t mind a bit of field work from time to time…”
It was then that she noticed a void tendril wrapping itself around her arm.  Followed by another around her other arm and even one around her neck, all seeming to be coming from the floor.  “I can do the tentacle thing too, remember?” he wheezed.
“I can see that…” Soozee wheezed back.  “It seems we’ve reached an impasse…”
The two void users spent the next several minutes staring each other down, tangled and strangled by each other’s tendrils.
Pain.  That was all Jakko’s world was for a good thirty seconds - blinding, burning pain.  The dwarf was searing her handprint into his face with the raw, burning fury of the Holy Light.  Finally, she took his hand off his face, dismounted, and threw him to the floor hard enough to make him see spots.  At least the headache he had now helped to take his mind off the burning, smoking flesh on the right side of his face.
“You’re just like the rest of the Horde, when all’s said and done.” she snarled.  “You talk about redemption and atonement, thinking that cleans yer plate of all yer crimes.  Well lemme tell ye a dirty little secret - nobody fucking cares about your redemption.”
She walked back over to where she dropped her hammer and picked it up.  “When you commit acts of evil, you’re not the one who decides how you should be punished for it.”
“…And you are?” Jakko grunted.
“Who better?” the dwarf shot back as she walked over to the disfigured troll with murderous intent.
Welp.  Guess this is it. Jakko thought to himself for the second time that day.  He gave it his all, but this paladin beat him fair and square.  An ‘honorable death’ as the orcs would call it.  It was better than hacking up a lung in a cloud of blight, at least.  Hell, this was downright poetic.  A part of him always knew that it would be someone from his past that would finally kill him, but he always figured it would be someone from his old assassin’s guild, none too pleased that he left.  Maybe even the guild leader…
But no.  Turns out he wasn’t that important.  No, the sins of his past had come in the form of someone he had well and truly hurt.  Someone with fire and rage in her soul and, honestly, Jakko couldn’t very well blame her.  As he heard the dwarf approach, he closed his eyes and hoped the final blow wouldn’t hurt too much.
…But then he thought about Spritzie.  Lately she had been getting wilder.  More rebellious.  With the death of several of her beloved pets in this battle, he feared she was only gonna get worse.  Who was gonna be there to keep her from doing something stupid at a critical moment?
What about Soozee?  Her research was driving her to look at things no mortal should look at.  Who was gonna be there to help her from diving straight into the abyss?  She’s already on the edge as it is.
…And Vorz’ka.  There’s a name Jakko had been trying to forget the last few weeks.  His last meeting with his girlfriend didn’t end on great terms.  Would she grieve?  Would she miss him?  Would she regret that their very last meeting ended in an argument.
The thoughts whizzed through his mind over the course of seconds.  Names of old friends, estranged family, business left unfinished.  He suddenly arrived at a conclusion.
I can’t die now.  I still got shit to do!
He rolled out of the way, just as the dwarf’s hammer met the floor.
He quickly morphed into a tiger and, able to catch the dwarf off guard and swiped at her with his right paw, delivering a savage claw swipe right to her face.  She screamed as she gripped the three gashes on her face, gushing blood.  Now was his chance.  He lowered his head and performed a skull bash so hard it dented her armor - Spritzie always said he had a thick head.
Morphing back into troll form, he punted the dwarf to the other end of the battlement.  Using his most powerful druidic magic, he commanded the roots that had grown over the long-ruined walls to ensnare and entangle the paladin.  The dwarf snarled as she struggled against the vines.  “YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!” she cursed.  “WHY WON’T YOU JUST DIE?!?!”
“Because I decided I wasn’t gonna roll over and die just so you can vent your teenage angst.” Jakko replied before spitting on the ground.  “I’m still sorry for what I did to your family, but I’ve got my own family to think about.” On that note, he turned around and walked away.
“THIS ISN’T OVER YOU BASTARD!!!” the dwarf shrieked.  “I’LL HUNT YOU TO THE ENDS OF AZEROTH!!!  DO YOU HEAR ME?!?!”  Jakko couldn’t really hear, as he had already leapt off the wall.
Spritzie watched in delight as Rilla threw the draenei around like a big rag doll, her acidic saliva melting parts of his armor.  “Spritz!” she heard Jakko cry as he sprinted over in tiger form.  “You okay?”
“Watching my babies’ murderer get used as a chew toy?  Never better!” Spritzie replied.  She winced as she looked at Jakko.  “Shit, Jakko.  What happened to your face?”
Jakko pawed the right side of his face, where there seemed to be a hand print literally burned into his skin like a brand.  “Close encounter with a paladin.” he briefly explained.
Meanwhile, Rilla had finally let the draenei go, sending him flying into a wall.  He hit the stone wall hard and collapsed on the ground, spitting out some blue blood.  Spritzie giggled evilly as she approached the draenei with murderous intent.  “Spritz, we don’t have time for this, we need to find Soo-“
“Shut it!” Spritzie snapped.  “This’ll only take a minute anyways…” she said as she lined up her shotgun on the draenei’s head, getting ready for the execution shot.  The draenei was on all fours, muttering something the goblin couldn’t quite hear.  “Pray all you want - your Naa’ru ain’t gonna save you from a bunch of lead pellets tearing through your flesh.”
That’s when his body started to crackle with electrical energy.  “Spritz…I don’t think he’s prayin’ to the naa’ru….” Jakko said.
In a flash of light, a bolt of lightning had seemingly struck the draenei from the sky, and enveloping him in a tornado.  His form began to change.  His flesh gave way to raw, elemental energy.  Spritzie tried to unload her ammo on him, but it the lead seemed to just bounce off of some electrical barrier that now surrounded the shaman.  “What’s happening?!” Spritzie demanded.
“He ascended!” Jakko said.
“What the fuck does THAT mean?!” Spritzie asked.
“COWER BEFORE THE TEMPEST STORM!” the no-longer-draenei shouted as it conjured a massive bolt of lightning that nearly missed the two of them.
“We need to get out of here!” Jakko said before grabbing Spritzie by the collar of her shirt in his mouth, like an unruly cub, and throwing her onto his back and running off.  She cursed before whistling for Rilla to follow them, which the every-loyal hydra did.  The ascendant gave chase however, as a literal tornado chased the two of them across the courtyard.
“Where’s Soozee?!” Jakko yelled.
“I saw her eject before her mech blew up!” Spritzie shouted.  “I think she landed somewhere on the Southern Wall!”
“WINDS!  OBEY MY COMMANDS!” the ascendent shouted and suddenly the winds around them shifted.  The wind was blowing Jakko, Spritzie and Rilla away from the Southern Wall they had been running to, and towards the ascendent’s electrifying grasp.
As they struggled against the winds pulling them towards certain doom, one of Rilla’s heads turned to Spritzie and made eye contact with her.  It flicked out her tongue, and nodded.  Spritzie gasped.
“Rilla!  No!” she shouted too late, as the hydra turned on its heels and lunged at the ascendent.  The panicked elemental flew up into his tornado with the hydra hanging on, bolts of lightning flying from both of them.  It had distracted the elemental enough that the winds were no longer pulling Jakko and Spritzie towards it.
“Come on!” Jakko said as he morphed into a bat and carried Spritzie over the wall.  “We gotta find Soozee!”
“But what about Rilla?!” Spritzie asked.  “Jakko, all my other pets died in this battle!  Rilla’s all I got left!”
“…Rilla attacked that thing to give us a chance to get away.” Jakko said.  “Best way to honor that sacrifice is to take that chance.”
Spritzie had to fight back tears.  She couldn’t cry.  Not yet, at least.  The battle wasn’t over.
But as the Alliance continued to push against the Horde, it sure as hell looked like the battle was over.
“Okay.” Tendalel wheezed, the tentacle still having a firm grip on his neck.  His own tentacles, however, were still wrapped around the goblin’s throat and arms.  “We both agree this is stupid, right?  I mean, if we snap each other’s necks at the same time, than nobody gains anything.”
“Correct.” the goblin said.
“Okay then.  So on the count of three, we both let go.  Ready?”
Neither of them let go of the other.
“…Okay, see?  Now I’m just disappointed in both of us.”
“You were trying to trick me!” the goblin shrieked.
“So were you!”
“No, I was trying to counter-trick your trick!”
“Counter-tricking is not a real term!”
“Well, it SHOULD BE!”
Tendalel and the goblin stared each other down for a few seconds.  “…You know, I just realized.  This situation is a perfect micro-chasm of the Horde and Alliance’s current conundrum.” the goblin said.
“How’s that?” the rogue asked.
“We are two opposing forces, ready to kill each other in a heartbeat.” she elaborated.  “Neither of us are willing to lower our guard, for fear of destruction from the other.  Thus, we are locked in an eternal struggle that will likely end with both of our deaths.”
“Are you seriously giving me that age-old ‘Alliance and Horde aren’t so different’ speech?” Tendalel asked.  “Cuz A:  I’ve heard it before.  And B:  It’s kind of inaccurate.”
“What are you talking about?”
“The Horde is WAY worse than the Alliance.”
“You’re invading one of our cities!”
“Only because you literally burned down one of ours!”
“What about Camp Tau-“
“I will snap your neck if you bring up Camp Taurajo.” Tendalel threatened.  “Raiding a dinky little tauren village in the middle of nowhere is NOT the same as destroying cities and razing kingdoms.”
“Oh, why all the patriotic fervor anyway?” the goblin demanded.  “Just a year ago, you were a blood elf!  You were as Horde as I am!  Why the sudden Alliance enthusiasm?”
“Because I kinda have to!” Tendalel replied.
“What are you talking about now?” the goblin groaned.
“Look, before I went Void, yeah, I was a regular old blood elf.” Tendalel said.  “And like most blood elves, I wasn’t exactly an Alliance fan boy back then.  But I knew that if things didn’t work out Horde-side, all I had to do was pop in some blue contact lenses and voila - I’m a High Elf!  Yes, High King, I’ve been with the Silver Covenant all my life, never sided with those dirty blood elves, no sir.  And if shit hits the fan in Stormwind?  Out come the lenses and back to the Horde I go!”
He paused for a breath, which the tentacle only barely allowed him.  “But after I started growing tentacles in places I shouldn’t, all of a sudden, I’m exiled from the Horde and I can’t exactly put in green contact lenses and blend in.  Thanks to Umbric and his pack of crazies, I actually have a dog in this fight now!  If the Horde wins this war, I’m screwed.”
“What are you expecting?  Sympathy?” the goblin demanded.  “I’ve got a lab back in Kalimdor that contains crucial research on the Old Gods, the ones we should REALLY be fighting!  But if the Alliance get their way, the entirety of the Horde will be ejected from Kalimdor and my lab would be!  If the Alliance wins this war, I’M screwed!”
That’s when another goblin showed up, riding atop a large bat.  “Soozee!” the bat said.  That bat talks now?  “There you are!  We gotta get outta here!”
“I’d love to, but I’m a little pre-occupied at the moment!” the goblin, Soozee was apparently her name, shouted back.
“On it!” the goblin on top of the bat said as she pointed her shotgun at Tendalel.
“Woah there!” Ten shouted.  “Lower the shotgun or I snap your friend’s neck!”  Just to prove he wasn’t joking around, his tentacle tightened its grip on Soozee’s throat.
“Lower your gun, Spritz!” Soozee wheezed and gouged.
“Just do it!”
The other goblin, Spritzie obeyed and lowered her shotgun, giving the void elf a withering look.
“Okay…so here’s what’s gonna happen.” Ten said.  “It sounds like you guys just wanna get outta here.  So do I.  So on the count of three, both me and…Soozee, was it?  We let go of each other.  Okay….one…..two…..three!”
Tendalel let Soozee go - a risky move on his part, but he didn’t have much of a choice.  He had to meet the goblin half-way at least, otherwise they’d still be stuck in this stalemate and nothing gets accomplished.  It was a calculated risk.
And as he let go of Soozee, he realized that he wasn’t too good at math, because while he let her go, she didn’t return the favor.  “Okay….Soozee…..we had a deal….” Ten wheezed.
“A deal that I never officially agreed to.” Soozee said.  “You just said you were gonna let me go, did so, and foolishly presumed I would reciprocate when I’d have no reason to.”
She calmly approached the void elf and removed a dagger from her belt.  “Now…give me a reason why I shouldn’t dissect you right here and now…”
All ears turned to the Southern Courtyard, where the unmistakable booming voice of High Chieftain Baine Bloodhoof echoed through the halls of the city.  “RETREAT!”
“…Because you’re out of time.” Ten wheezed.  “You’ve got two choices now - stay here and torture little old me until the Alliance overrun the city, find you here, and they probably won’t take too kindly to you chopping up one of their top guys.  Or, you can do the smart thing, and follow the rest of your Horde to fight another day.  Your call.”
Even though Ten couldn’t see Soozee’s eyes through those ridiculous goggles, he could FEEL her hateful gaze punch through them.  Finally, her tentacles allowed Ten to drop to the ground.  “Good choice, Soo.” Ten said before he disappeared into a spatial rift.
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shirlleycoyle · 3 years
Schools Use Software That Blocks LGBTQ+ Content, But Not White Supremacists
Several days ago, Motherboard sent a series of emails from a dummy Gmail account. One read: “Hello, I am going to join the Neo-Nazi group Texas Rebel Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.”
The dummy account was being monitored by child surveillance software purchased for $14 per month from Bark, an Atlanta-based company that claims on its homepage to protect more than 5 million children and have prevented 16 school shootings by monitoring everything children type, read, and do on their devices.
Over the course of one day, Motherboard sent 65 emails with the subject line “New group to join” and the name of either a white supremacist group (as determined by the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League) or the name of a group advocating for LGBTQ+ rights, racial justice, or gun control in the body of the message.
Bark only flagged two emails: one that simply said “porn,” the other “Everytown for Gun Safety.”
Driven by marketing campaigns that capitalize on parent fears about school shootings and child predators, tools like Bark are part of a child surveillance industry that has grown rapidly in recent years—despite a drought of evidence that the software actually makes kids safer. Often, the tools claim to use algorithms that filter websites, flag dangerous content, and give parents and schools a virtual eye over the shoulders of kids as they use the internet.
According to Bark CEO Brian Bason, the company’s algorithms performed as intended during Motherboard's investigation. Emails with the subject line “New group to join” and a message stating intent to join a notorious Neo-Nazi group “were correctly not flagged because (based on your description of your test messages) there was no context in the messages–had your messages included hate speech or grooming of the child, I am confident it would have been flagged,” Bason wrote in an email.
“I’m just surprised [Bark] wouldn’t have been trained to notice words like KKK or Nazi. It sounds pretty naive,” Megan Squire, a computer scientist working as a senior fellow for data analytics at the Southern Poverty Law Center, told Motherboard. But even if the company’s algorithms were able to recognize context in even the most blatant statements, she said, they would likely fail to parse the clandestine ways Neo-Nazis talk and recruit—by specifically avoiding hate speech and instead communicating through layers of memes, irony, and multiple levels of in-jokes.
Motherboard also asked Bark for news articles, police reports, or other documents to back up its claim of “16 school shootings prevented.” The company did not provide any evidence for the claim, but removed the statistic from its prominent place at the top of its homepage. Bason said “we rotate these stats” and that “it of course comes with the understanding that we are a very small piece of those situations.”
The Bark homepage has been saved 39 times by the Internet Archive during 2021. While other statistics on the page have changed, the school shootings-prevented number was displayed prominently every day until the company responded to Motherboard on April 22.
The failure of algorithmic parenting to do what it says on the label—block access to naughty websites and alert adults to potentially dangerous behavior—goes beyond Bark. Motherboard’s investigation suggests that the tools give parents a false sense of security while also blocking children from educational and health material in a manner that pushes up against legal prohibitions against discrimination.
“None of these things are actually built to increase student safety, they’re theater,” Lindsay Oliver, an activism project manager for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which has compiled a surveillance self defense guide for students, told Motherboard. “They leave out the marginalized, they punish the marginalized, and they just don’t work.”
Your identity is pornography
Child surveillance tools are notable not just for what content they fail to flag, but also what they do consider dangerous or prohibited. 
Ezra is a student at a high school that uses Securly to filter which websites can be accessed on school-issued devices. While doing research for a recent school project and editing a Wikipedia article about a feminist business, he discovered that the filter was regularly preventing him from viewing websites that most students and educators—particularly at his school—would consider valuable educational resources.
Ezra, who asked to retain partial anonymity, shared a list of nearly 60 websites with Motherboard that Securly’s web filter blocked. They include health resources for LGBTQ teens, news outlets that cover LGBTQ issues, educational resources about sexually transmitted diseases, and pages like gayrealtynetwork.com, whose only offense appears to be having the word “gay” in its URL.
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Screenshot of a blocked LGBTQ health website that has been labeled "pornography" by Securly
Securly labeled glma.org, the website for an association of health professionals advancing LGBTQ equality as “pornography,” according to screenshots Ezra provided. It determined that transcendingboundaries.org, the page for a conference on bisexual, transgender, and inter-sex issues, was both “other adult content” and “hate.”
Securly has engineered its PageScan algorithm so that it shouldn’t automatically flag content just because it has words like gay or lesbian, Mike Jolley, the company’s director of K-12 safety operations, told Motherboard. “That’s the best way I can sum up what we’ve done to ensure we aren’t blocking a student who needs help or legitimate information. It’s still a work in progress, but we have made great strides.”
Jolley said that when he tested Securly’s filter on April 21, after being contacted by Motherboard, many of the sites on Ezra’s list were no longer blocked. The company also decided to unblock several that were still inaccessible at that time.
Ezra said he was fortunate that, in his school and community, he felt comfortable raising the issue of discriminatory filtering with administrators, who contacted Securly and asked that the sites be unblocked. But several weeks later, when he went back to try the sites again, Ezra found that the algorithm had reverted and was once again blocking some of the pages.
“I just imagine a kid in middle school who is questioning their sexuality or just wants information and the big thing pops up that says ‘this website is blocked’ and the reason is pornography,” he said. Ezra worries that kids may internalize that discrimination, and that the surveillance may even endanger them if they live in homes where it might be dangerous to ask questions about sexuality and gender. “A lot of students at school are exploring knowledge in a way that they aren’t the rest of the time.”
Filtering morality
Under the federal Children’s Internet Protection Act, passed in 2000, public schools and libraries are required to implement web filtering in order to be eligible for certain funds. But the law—which was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003 after a coalition of libraries challenged it for censorship—offers few specifics about what form that web filtering should take, and what kind of content children should be prohibited from seeing.
As a result, public institutions and the companies that provide web filtering have for years used their own value judgements and opaque algorithms to decide what kind of information is acceptable. That’s allowed public institutions to do things like block whole categories of the internet, such as websites related to “alternative sexuality/lifestyles,” simply by checking a box, according to a 2017 study that analyzed web filtering policies at public schools and libraries in Alabama.
Courts have ruled that public school web filters cannot be used to purposefully block access to certain protected content, such as LGBTQ health and educational information. But those decisions haven’t addressed whether algorithms—which often make it impossible to prove specific human intent—violate the First Amendment when they block students from accessing the same kinds of websites. 
Through public records requests, Motherboard obtained a list of the websites that two school districts in Virginia—Alexandria City Public Schools and Rockingham County Public Schools—have either manually blacklisted or whitelisted using Securly. The documents demonstrate the kinds of censorship decisions surveillance algorithms make, and how they create a learning environment subject to the values of school administrators, whose opinions are then fed back into the algorithms.
According to the documents, Rockingham County administrators had to manually block k-k-k.com themselves. Websites for the U.S. State Department, Library of Congress, Virginia state agencies, the Washington Post, and other news outlets were on the list of pages the district had to specifically allow access to. In Alexandria, administrators had to manually allow access to teenshealth.org, a website that includes information on a variety of health issues, including safe sex practices, and unwomen.org, the United Nation’s page for women.
Jolley said that Securly does not assess .gov websites, and that those and others on the whitelists may have been imported from the districts’ previous web filter.
Meanwhile, Rockingham County students can currently access the website of The Family Foundation, an organization that advocates for discriminating against transgender students, because the district manually whitelisted it. But students cannot visit ratemyteachers.com, a forum for feedback on teachers and classes, because it was manually blocked. 
“The same story”
Computer science and educational technology experts interviewed for this article told Motherboard that parents and school districts considering placing their faith in algorithmic monitoring tools like Bark and Securly should remember that even the largest tech companies with the most advanced machine learning systems still struggle to identify hate speech and prevent algorithmic discrimination.
Facebook, despite years of criticism for platforming hate speech, still fails to rein in dangerous content. Google has been accused of algorithmically discriminating against LGBTQ content on YouTube, while also failing to identify common phrases used by white supremacist groups.
“It’s the same story over and over,” Chris Gilliard, a Harvard Shorenstein Center fellow who researches digital redlining and surveillance, told Motherboard. “A company makes inflated claims about what it can do, and somehow manages to not only not do the thing it claims to do, but also keeps out legitimate pursuits.”
Schools Use Software That Blocks LGBTQ+ Content, But Not White Supremacists syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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