#the marching band content I've wanted to write that literally no one wants
bamboo72498 · 1 year
Head Up, Eyes With Pride
@domaystic Day 14: Parade Fandom: Castle (my FLM universe) Word Count: 814 Rating: G [][]
Kate tucks her hair behind her ear again as the breeze blows it across her face. She cheers with the crowd as another parade float passes them, watching as McKenna and Wyatt dash out with the other kids nearby to gather up the candy being tossed to them. 
“Mommy! Look! I got some!” Wyatt cheers, scampering through their line of camp chairs to get to his mom.
“I see, bubby! That’s awesome!” Alexis encourages, peering into the bag her son holds out to her. “Go sit with sissy and try and get some more.”
Kate helps her grandson back to his spot in his own child-sized camp chair next to his sister when a familiar black and gold banner appearing down the street catches her attention. 
“Guys! Get ready, here they come!” Kate calls, getting their family’s attention. 
Her kids’ middle school marching band comes towards them, marching in as perfect formation as a bunch of seventh and eighth graders can be. Their matching yellow ‘Eastlake Secondary School Marching Hornets’ shirts and jeans pale in comparison to the uniforms of the high schools that had come before them in the parade, but it’s good enough. 
Kate’s heart quickens with excitement and pride as they pause in front of them. She easily finds Miyana - in front with her dance class who had been recruited to be the Colorguard - waving her honeycomb patterned flag in matching choreography with the girls around her, a wide smile plastered on her face. Kate chuckles as Mia mouths the counts to her dance (a hard habit for the girl to break). 
She scans down the brass line, recognizing kids she’d seen around school and other band concerts and lands at the large drumline diving the band in half. 
The row of quad drums quickly tapping out the beats to their cadence. 
The row of bass drums and cymbals struggling to play quietly enough to not drown out the other drummers. 
And in the center of it all: the line of snare drums. Six of them are standing with their drums clipped to the harness hung around their shoulders. The seventh is seated in a wheelchair being pushed by another band parent, her drum resting on her lap as she skillfully plays the ending of their cadence and then holds her sticks in proper ‘rest’ position. Their little Nemo who had had to campaign to even be allowed to do band in fifth grade; their director not having faith in her abilities to keep up - only seeing her disability and not the determined and passionate girl in front of him. 
After surviving that year and graduating to middle school, band took a complete 180. With a new director who had complete faith in her, Finn thrived. She became percussion section leader in her spring semester of sixth grade and has kept it every semester since. Even now, during their marching season, she’s drumline section leader. 
Band is her safe place. One of the few place where she can keep up with everyone and no one treat her differently because of her CP. 
The pause in the music allows Kate to turn and look at her family; all of them have wide smiles on their faces as they cheer on the kids. McKenna and Wyatt shout as they wave to their aunts and uncle, hopping to get their attention. 
A moment later, Finn counts the drumline off and starts the roll off. Kate can hear a smattering of “Up!” as the band put their instruments to their mouths and starts to play. It’s a medley of theme songs for the different armed forces; fitting for the Veteran’s Day parade they are at.
The parade moves on, and Kate quickly spots Liam towards the back with his fellow saxophone players. She watches him skip for a beat, getting back in step with everyone. Soon enough, the band’s music fades as they continue through the parade route. 
“Wow! They were good,” Alexis comments. “Definitely better than last year.”
“Oh, yeah,” Kate laughs, recalling the memory of last year’s disaster of a parade. This time was significantly better. 
“Hey, Kate!” Castle calls to her over the heads of his mom and her dad. “What was it their teacher called the way they march? There was two of them and they do that specific one.” She sees the way his brow is scrunched, his brain working hard to remember the word. 
“The style they use is called ‘roll stepping’ the other is ‘corps style’,” she says. It had been drilled into her from both her kids and their director; how could she forget?
“Yes! That’s it,” Castle smile. “Roll stepping,” he repeats to the stranger next to him as they continue their conversation.
Kate goes back to watching the parade, her grandkids racing for more candy, enjoying the fall sunshine and light breeze in the air.
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juvenillia · 8 months
Rammstein [headcanon for König]
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a/n: @actuallyhiswife had a post about a Rammstein song fitting König and as a German metalhead who follows this band for a very long time I’m eager to share some of my culture with you guys. Tbh most of those songs are for a quite possessive and masochistic version of König, but tbh I can see that and I can’t wait to write some stalker!masochist!König inspired fics by those songs. I also attached a spotify link for every song.
tw/cw: suggestive content, mentions of cannibalism, smut, sex, piv, noncon, dubcon, possessiveness , power play, masochism, degradation, toxicity, manipulation, pain and more
If you want to know anything more about the specific songs or anything, just comment or message me.🩶
》 Masterpost 《
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Ich tu’ dir weh
This song is about the pleasure of pain mixed with degradation and manipulation. A line translates into: “Your body is already distorted, but it doesn’t matter because everything is permitted that pleases. I’m gonna hurt you.” And, how a person (reader) is obsessed and dependent from another (König) and this person literally doesn’t care about it.  Another line translates into: “You’re completely devoted to me; You love me because I don’t love you. You gonna bleed for my salvation.”
Bück’ dich
This song is literally about submission and degradation. One line literally says: “I don’t care about the face, just bend over.”
I have to add this one for obvious reasons. It’s just a song about having sex. I don’t think I need to really explain it, but I want to translate one of my favorite lines from that song that would fit König way too good. The line says: “Pretty Misses, do you desire more? Let’s have a blitzkrieg with my meaty rifle.”
This song is literally about a toxic and dangerous relationship. A relationship that you can’t cut loose. So you rather destroy yourself with it than leave them. A line for example translates into: “The poison flows slowly into my blood, I start to see white lights and yes, somehow I do like it. There is simply no remedy.”  
Link 2 3 4
Originally this song was a statement to deny the accusations of the Band being part of the right scene in Germany.  But the marching beat (added as irony back then) is something I just find fitting. A line translates into: “They want my heart on the right spot, but then I look below, it beats left there”
Rein Raus
This song is just about having sex and fitting a very huge dick into a tight cunt. Yeah, I don’t need to explain that further. A line to translate: “You moan, I predict you: An elephant into a bottleneck.”
Mein Teil
This is literal song about cannibalism. (Was inspired by the criminal case by the cannibal of Rothenburg.) Won’t go into any further details because the song speaks for itself. A line to translate: “Today I will meet a gentleman; he likes me so much he could eat me up. Soft parts and even hard ones are on the menu”
Waidmanns Heil
A song that totally holds hunter/prey vibes. It's about the thrill during a hunt. About the ecstasy the hunter feels while chasing his prey, and about the power balance/play. A transalate of the very first lines: "I've been in heat for days, so I'm going to hunt myself a doe and I'll sit there until morning, that I can give it a chest hit."
Du hast
It's, as I believe, one of the most known songs outside of Germany because of the simplicity of its text. But we have a big double meaning here, because "Du has(s)t mich" can be translated into "you have me" or into "you hate me". It explores the detriments of marriage, and the developing separation and resentment drawn from a long-term relationship.
Bismarck by Sabaton – Sorry but I won’t argue about it, he does love that one! So I just needed to put it onto the list. If you don't know Sabaton, they make really cool power metal inspired by actual historical war victories, heroes and soldiers.
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peonypuddles · 1 year
Tag game to get to know you better
tyty @minuutti for the tag :))
What book are you currently reading?
I just started "Some will not Sleep" by Adam Nevill and its ok so far! not the worst in my constant search for good horror books
What's your favorite movie you saw in theatre this year?
I don't go to the theater like ever but my favorite movie I've seen in theatres is Nope! Still and always thinking about it
What do you usually wear?
since I'm doing lab work every day I'm not at my other job everything i wear has to be lab appropriate :(( but I like big pants little shirt outfits and use that formula for most of mine lol
How tall are you?
5'0 or 152cm
What's your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event?
Pisces sun, Capricorn moon and Leo rising :) My birthday is on the Ides of March and the death of H.P Lovecraft which is all I know off the top of my head
Do you go by your name or a nickname?
I've had nicknames in the past, but most people just call me by my name which is fine with me tbh i have no strong feelings for or against it
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
Nope lol I really wanted to be an astronomer but now im a chemist, so I guess I at least stayed in the same field
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
Nope, not anymore :) i have no crush and I am actually much happier single than I was in a relationship. I do not want that to change rn
What's something you're good at vs. something you're bad at?
baking vs. driving/navigation
Dogs or Cats?
I love both but I'd prefer to have a cat
If you draw/write, or create in anyway, what's your favorite picture/ favorite line/ etc. from something you've created this year?
Really love my Perfect Blue drawing I did recently still! I feel like I'm finally finding a digital art style I enjoy that also looks nice
What's something you'd like to create content for?
Looking into making some ghost band art soon actually! I've been meaning to for a while but working myself up to making fanart always takes some time lol
What's something you're currently obsessed with?
Beetles. I literally fucking love bugs and it's all I talk about. I only have TikTok to watch people raising GOP beetles and videos of Hercules beetles beating the shit out of each other and little grubs digging around in soil
What's something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
No idea bro my standards are already kinda low for everything media wise these days
What's a hidden talent of yours?
Depending on who you ask, either that I can do art or that I can do math. Friends from different social circles have very specific opinions on who I am and what I do for school
Are you religious?
What's something you wish to have at this moment?
A tattooooo I'm so hyped for my booking but its so far outttt and I'm impatient
Tagging any of my mutuals! do it NOW (please)
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studywithsilver · 6 months
been a while
Ah...last update was two months ago.
Well, things somehow got more busier after exams were over.
Exams finished in November with MCQs and I can barely remember how well I did ahaha all I know is that results come out in 10 days.
Ooh something interesting did happen in November though. I graduated high school :DD
It was really fun meeting my friends after the brunt of my exams and after 7 months since April when we left school. A lot of them hadn't seen me for a quite a while ahahah and I hadn't spoken to them in so long as well.
Somehow, we all just slipped back into normal conversation and our grad was so goofy? We were skipping parts of it to fix our sarees (yes we had to wear traditional clothing to our graduation) and hang out to take pictures, or to clap with the band performing.
And afterwards we had a DJ and stuff to play music and it was pretty fun, ngl, even if it's not something I'd usually like. My feet did hurt a lot after though.
Did I take a pic of me stepping out of school at night to be sentimental? Of course I did.
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My friend gifted me a Leebit keychain and my sister made me a cake with a Leebit topper for grad as well :))
After grad, I mostly lazed around a bit for November but then started to do more stuff, and was looking into universities as well. I couldn't really consider any abroad as they were pretty pricey but I found my course in a few unis here.
In December, I visited a few of the unis and spoke to the representatives and I decided on one. I applied to it and they sent me a conditional offer with admission based on my results.
Sigh....we'll see how that goes T-T
I finally picked up sewing as well! Been wanting to get back into it for years ever since I kept trying to sew pouches as a 9-year old lmao
Plus, ironically I've been studying the A Level Business textbook to prep for uni. I was doing a few courses online as well.
Ooh and I finally committed to learning Korean! Doing pretty well, except I took a break to focus on Business prep.
So, post grad plans weren't too bad, I hope?
Oh, and of course, catching up with SKZ content ahaha especially end-of-the year stages. It's been a couple years since I'd watched these stages as a BTS fan, and it was nice coming back to it.
So many cool performances! And the ROCK-STAR comeback as well, it was just so amazing. I caught a few of their performances on TV as well
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This year was certainly a rollercoaster of emotions for me, and definitely in terms of growth. I think I associate it with confused emotions, and trying to figure out where to keep my feet in a constant, liquid consistency of feelings.
I think for younger me, she would have been pleased to know that I tried many things this year. As a kid, I had the notion that I was horrible at any type of hobby or skill that wasn't getting good grades or being a great student.
Of course, I didn't see the greatest improvement in my grades as I left school, but I did learn how to socialise better and I learnt so many other skills. I have talent besides sitting down and cramming information into my head.
I think. (In true, 17-year old confused fashion.)
Oh, and I totally forgot to write this year 😅 but keeping the study diary was good for me to get out the weird feelings sometimes.
2023 was also a major fangirling year. Met SKZ after four years of jamming to MIROH and Levanter, to meeting them right out of school. Like literally, I think I started watching Chan clips in the last week of March. Man, he really dragged me into this chaos.
But it's chaos that is somehow safe to me.
The livestreams, the bbl messages, the SKZ-CODE episodes, the discovery of their discography (I still have a few older albums to listen to) the love they put into their work. They're so cool, honestly. They're like older brothers to me.
K-pop has its ups and downs but I can't deny it being part of my teenagehood since I was 11. I'm glad SKZ were the guys who got me back into it.
GABOJAGO 2024 💪🖤❤
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