#the mc88 series
Aston Martin go crash crash — one shot
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The MC88 Series Masterlist
mini summary: seeing your teammate crash and their car being sent flying across the track at a million miles an hour is no fun for anyone.. (especially when you may or may not have feelings for said teammate)
word count: 2.5k
tags/warnings: aston martin ¡driver! oc x sebastian vettel, swearing, fluff, description of crash
previous part / next part
They were racing this weekend. They had both qualified well. Well, as good as their shit-box of a car would allow them. 
It was the first lap. Seb was already a few cars ahead of his teammate as they went into the first corner. He could see her in his mirror going around the outside of the Alpha Tauri. They were still side by side as they came to the next corner. Full speed. Neither one of them wanting to break first. 
But Mia did break first. She was on the outside. She had made up some time, putting herself slightly ahead. 
But then it all went wrong. Seb didn’t know why he had taken so much notice of his teammate. He had his own race to concentrate on. But he had been watching. He had seen it all.
“Was that Mia?” came Seb’s voice over the radio. Trying to hide the panic in his voice. He was certain it was. He had seen it in his mirror. The Alpha Tauri car cutting into the side of the other green racing car and sending it flying across the track. He hadn’t seen her hit the barrier, but he knew it wouldn’t have been pretty just by the speed she had been going. He was trying not to panic. Trying not to think about it, but he wasn’t just worrying because she was his teammate, no, no, this was something more. He had never worried when any of his previous teammates had crashed. This was different. 
“Yes, that was Mia, Seb,” came the reply back down the radio from Chris, his race engineer. He pressed his lips together as he kept his eyes on the track in front. 
The race had been yellow-flagged and he swerved the car from left to right to try and keep some warmth in the tires. 
“Is she ok?” Seb finally managed to say, 
“nothing yet,”
“what do you mean nothing yet?” he heard himself snapping at his race engineer. He hadn’t meant to. He was just panicking. It had been too long. Too long for them to not know. 
“Bad crash, Sebastian, bad crash,” came the calm voice of his race engineer back on the channel, 
“ok,” he nodded, “hope she is ok,” he added as he felt his heart thumping in his chest. He didn’t want to think about it. He didn’t want to think about her not being ok. “Keep me updated,” he said as the radio channel closed.
She must have passed out because she couldn’t remember. She remembered spinning across the track, across the gravel, but not the impact. She must have blacked out. Her eyes opened moments later. Everything spinning for a moment, and then the barrier being right in front of her and what remained of the front of her car. She could hear her engineer calling her name and asking if she was ok over the radio, but she couldn’t respond. Her body was frozen. 
She could make out the marshal leaning down in front of her. Pushing her visor up as he spoke to her. She just nodded. She knew he was asking if she was ok. 
He gave her a thumbs up. 
“I-i.. i’m fine,” she finally managed to say over the radio. The voice of her race engineer’s voice filling her ears followed by that of her team principals. “Wh-what happened?” she stuttered out, 
“contact with Gasly, corner three,” her engineer said, “are you ok?” he asked again,
“yes,” she nodded, 
“ok, it’s safe to exit the car Mia, P0 if you can, Mia,”
“ok,” she nodded fiddling with controls on the steering wheel, 
“P0, Mia, full switch off procedure if you can, if you are ok,” 
She did. Nothing really hurt at that point. Everything was still a blur. 
“Ok, when you’re ready, Mia, you can get out of the car,” her engineer said, “the marshal is there and so is the medical car.”
She nodded. 
The medic already helping her to remove the head rest from around her shoulders. 
“Any pain to your neck?” the medic asked stopping her from getting out, “does your head hurt?” he asked looking to her waiting for her answer, 
“n-no,” she said with a shake of her head, 
“ok,” he nodded, “do you think you can get out yourself?”
“i’ll try,” she said as she started to lift herself up. Her hands on both side of the car. She could normally do it with ease, but all of her limbs seemed to be asleep. She could feel her arms shaking as she tried to push herself up. Nothing really hurt but her body just didn’t seem to be working. She could move but she had no strength. 
But she finally managed too. The medic helping her out, putting his arm under her as she stood. 
She could hear the crowd let out a cheer. 
“My chest hurts a bit,” she said looking to the medic, 
“probably from the seatbelts,” she nodded as he lead her over to the car. 
She could hear voices over the radio, but she couldn’t quite make it out. She could hear the driver speaking and the medic that had helped her too. She could hear them, but she couldn’t at the same time. She could feel her heart thumping in her chest. Her ears ringing as the track passed by. 
Her teammate still behind the safety car as they waited for the track to be clear. They had been lucky that it had happened in the run off area and the track was clear. 
He still weaved making sure his tyres were warm as he waited. Waited for the news that she was ok. 
He heard his engineers voice crackle over the radio. He listened with bated breath, waiting for those three words. 
“Mia is ok, Seb,” Chris said down the radio, 
“is she ok?” he asked, 
“she’s out of the car and on her way to get checked out,” Chris explained, “she seems to be ok just a bit knocked around,” 
“ok good, hope she is ok.” 
He had finished his race. A respectable 8th place for the car and especially because he had been fighting his thoughts for most of the race. 
When he got back to the garage he had asked where his teammate was. He had been told she had already left the track and that she had been instructed to rest. 
He had nodded and said no more even though his mind was spiralling. 
He couldn’t stop thinking about it. Thinking about her as he did his post-race interviews. As he smiled at the fans. As he talked with his team as he sat through the race debrief with her empty seat beside him.
Time seemed to be going as slowly as humanly possible. 
He just wanted to go check that she was ok. That she was actually ok. 
It was one thing being given the medical all clear and actually being ok. 
So when he was finally able to leave, that’s what he did. He had texted her asking her if she was alright, but he had no reply. He went back to his hotel room arguing with himself about what to do. He wanted to go see her. To make sure she was ok, but that meant going to her hotel room and hoping she would answer. He had debated the decision over and over. It wasn’t like it was the first time, but this was different. He wasn’t going with the intentions he normally had. He was going because he wanted to check on her and not because he wanted to ‘de-stress’ or whatever they were calling it. He also didn’t want her to think that was why he was there either.
If only she would just text him back. 
He gave her a few more minutes. Quite a few to be exact as he had a shower and did everything else he normally did after a race as he waited for her to reply. 
She never did. 
He knew he shouldn’t have been this worried about his teammate. He had never been this troubled by any previous crashes from teammates before. But this wasn't different. He couldn’t explain why he was feeling this way. Why she consumed so much of his thoughts that day. Why his whole world seemed to almost stop as he waited on the end of his radio to be told she was ok. Why she was the only thing his mind would think about. But who was he trying to kid. He had feelings for her, but he would never admit that. Not to her and not to himself. He wasn’t allowed to have feelings for her. It was forbidden on every single level, yet he did. 
He had finally decided that he would go check on her. Even is she just answered the door and said she was ok. That would be enough. That would be enough for him to just see her face that she was alright. 
He knew where her room was. It was just down the corridor. 
He had been there a few nights before for completely different reasons. 
The walk down the corridor felt like it went on forever. Checking over his shoulder every ten steps or so to make sure no one was there. The hotel was full of F1 people and Aston Martin team members that he didn’t need seeing him. 
Then he finally reached her room. 
Room 440 
He brought his hand to the door letting his knuckle tap gently on the door. 
Hopefully she had heard. Hopefully she wasn't asleep. Hopefully she wasn’t ignoring him. 
He knew it hadn’t been long, but every second that past felt like a whole eternity. 
“Hey,” he said as the door opened, 
“hi,” she said looking to him a little surprised that he was there. She didn’t say anything more as she let him into her room, shutting the door behind him. She wasn’t sure why he was here or what he wanted, but she knew they couldn’t have that conversation in the hallway. 
She looked to him waiting for him to say something. For him to explain why he was there.
He just looked right back at her. 
Looking to her eyes and trying to read her. 
She just looked tired. 
She was wearing a pair of jogging bottoms and a vest top. He could see the bruises that had started to appear on her chest. Probably from the seatbelt upon impact. He had had a few throughout his time. He knew they hurt like hell. Made it hard to move at times, hard to breathe too. 
“Does it hurt?” he asked noting towards the marks, 
“a little,” she shrugged, “hurt to breathe earlier,” she added as she held his gaze, 
“are you ok?” he asked nudging a step closer to her his eyes never leaving hers as he waited for her to respond. 
She just shrugged her shoulders again. Glancing away from him. Holding her breath because she was sure he would hear how shaky it was otherwise. She blinked her eyes shut, trying to stop the tears from welling up. She had been fine all this time. She had been so strong ever since it had happened. Not allowing herself to show any weakness. The press didn’t need anymore reasons to criticise her this year. She hadn’t broken once. Not once. She had done what felt like thousands of interviews after the crash, all asking her the same thing. Yes, she was fine, just a little bit bruised. But it was more than that. It had scared her. She had crashed before. She had had worse crashes before, but this one had really shaken her. She had no control. She had blacked out. She couldn’t even remember it, and that terrified her. 
She hadn’t broken once, but as soon as he had asked her how she was, she had crumbled. She didn’t want to. She never ever wanted to fall apart in front of him, but for some reason she had and it was ok. Maybe because she knew he would piece her back together. One little piece at a time. She could be vulnerable with him. Something she hadn’t been allowed in far too many years. 
“Oh, Mia,” he frowned pulling her into him. Wrapping his arms around her as she laced hers around his waist, burying her face into him. 
She couldn’t help it. She just fell apart. Her whole body finally letting go.
He could hear her gently start to sob. He could feel the tears start to build against his skin. He just rubbed her back. One hand was placed to the back of her head, fully enveloping her into his embrace. Holding her as close as physically possible. So tightly, he was sure it was probably hurting her chest.
But she didn’t let go. 
She still held onto him as if he was the last person on earth. 
She still clung to him so tightly never ever wanting to let go. 
She didn’t know how it had ended up like this. A few months ago they had just been teammates, but now she was crying in his arms. Completely trusting him in that moment. Letting herself being completely vulnerable. Trusting that he would just hold her letting her cry. 
They had been friends for years. They had known each other for even more, ever since she had joined the Red Bull junior programme all those years ago. But how they had gone from just friends to this in less than a season, she did not know. 
It had been a mistake. She knew it was. How she had been so stupid as to let it happen, she did not know. How they had both let it happen, all of it. 
It was one thing just sleeping with you teammate, it was a whole other thing to fall for them. 
She stood back from him for a second, her hands still grasping onto the bottom of his t-shirt. Shaking her head at herself. “I’m sorry,” she said with a sob, letting go as she moved to wipe her cheeks, “sorry,” she said again shaking her head as she looked away from him. 
Ashamed of herself for letting herself fall apart in front of him. 
“It’s okay,” he said trying to reassure her as he tried to take her hand in his, “Mia, it’s okay.” 
She still didn’t look to him. 
So he took her cheeks in his hands making her look at him. 
Looking at her as she looked back at him. 
Brushing her cheeks with his thumbs. 
He didn’t know what to say so he just kissed her. 
Bringing his lips to hers. Stopping her tears from falling. Halting time for a moment. He didn’t want her to cry, it made him want to cry. But at that moment in time he knew that was what she needed. That the emotions had climbed so high that they needed to come crashing down and in that moment she needed him. 
“It’s okay,” he said again resting his forehead against hers. 
“Seb, i don’t want to-“ she said cutting herself of, 
“I know,” he nodded. 
That wasn’t why he was there. 
“Do you want me to hold you?” he asked. 
She just nodded. 
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We shouldn’t have done that
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The MC88 Series Masterlist
Mini Summary: the first time Seb and Mia woke up in the same bed… nothing else to be said.
word count: 1.7k
tags/warnings: aston martin ¡driver! original character x sebastian vettel, fluff, swearing, teammate-cest, tiniest bit of smut if u squint, minors dni
“We shouldn’t have done that.” Came the voice she knew all too well.. she was still half asleep, her eyes still adjusting to the light that was streaming into room from the edges of the curtains, and her body was all to happy to be curled up under the covers— warm and safe. 
But she heard the words he spoke, understood them and above all else she knew who’s voice that belonged too. It was that of her teammate. The one person that she really wasn’t meant to sleep with because that was the the number one rule: do not sleep with your teammate. 
“Good morning to you too.” She managed to reply back, almost snapping at him slightly from how she was still not quite fully awake. She rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand, trying to blink them awake, blink away her slumber. But she would have rather just stayed asleep because the reality just couldn’t be true, she didn’t want it to be true; everything would be ruined all of it, they would never be able to just go back to how things were before. It would never be the same and they would never just be teammates again. 
She let a sigh fall from her lips as she covered her face with her hands, letting out a silent scream because what the fuck had they done?
She had woken up in his bed, with the night before being mostly blur of drinking, her teammate and their team. She knew they had started the night at an event for Aston Martin— their new team. It was still the beginning of the season, and the team was still hosting a lot of events after their rebranding from the pink Mercedes the year before. She couldn’t exactly say what event it had been because there had already been far to many and they all had been the same; champagne glass in hand and smiling at guests the team had invited all whilst agreeing how it would be exciting to drive alongside Sebastian Vettel that year.
However, this time a lot of their team had been there, and they had all gotten a bit too drunk and somehow after the event their mechanics had convinced Mia and her teammate to join them. She was not entirely sure how they had convinced Sebastian to join them, but they had and from what she could remember he seemed to have enjoyed himself; a glimmer of the man that she had seen practically married to a bottle of Jäger when he won all of his championships all those years ago..
And it seemed one thing had led to another and somehow she had found herself in his hotel room the next morning.
“Are you sure?” The young British driver asked with her voice being far quieter than she had intended. She still had her hands covering her face because she just wanted to hide, she didn’t was to face the realties and ultimately the consequences for their actions… all she wanted to do was close her eyes, fall back asleep and pretend it never happened. 
“Mia.” Sebastian murmured as he let out a sigh. His voice was still raspy and she could hear just how consumed by sleep he still was, but she could hear the slight amusement in his voice. “Mia— Mia, look at me.” His voice insisted as he tapped on her shoulder. 
She parted her fingers ever so slowly as she looked between the gaps of her fingers. 
“Look at me.” He laughed, pointing back at himself and she couldn’t help the smile that appeared on her face as her hands fell away as she turned to look at him properly. 
He looked awful, but in the most beautiful way— he looked completely fucked out. His blonde curls matted to his forehead from sweat he looked the same as he did straight after a three hour race in the desert but only this time their antics were to blame. She couldn’t help, but smile to herself as she remembered running her fingers through his hair countless times the night before. She remembered the way his curls felt slick from sweat as she slipped through her fingertips. She remembered his curls brushing against her brow as he hovered over her, checking she was ok. 
She noticed she was smiling to herself and she heard him let out a chuckle from beside her. 
“We really shouldn’t have done that.” He said again as he looked at her, his eyes staring directly at her just like they always had. 
She remembered those from the night before too. He would always catch her gaze before pressing his lips to hers or any part of her skin he could reach. She had never been so close to them before. She could see all the little fine lines that had started to appear on his face— the ones that hadn’t been there all those years ago when she had first met him. The little wrinkles to each side of his eyes that creased as he smiled and she wanted to run her fingers over each and every one. 
“What do we do?” She asked as she looked back to him. That was the reality and he didn’t have an answer and neither did she. They were teammates but there was more to it than just that because it was more than them just being teammates now. There had always been history between the two of them. He had known her since she had first started racing when she had joined Red Bull as a junior driver just like he had. He even still remembered meeting her all of those years ago with Carlos and Daniil when she had been introduced as the next, well, him… She had only just been about sixteen and she had been pretty even then, but she had been shy and she had stuck to the others like glue. 
He had even been there for her first formula one race. Of course he had been racing himself, but he had actually managed to find his way into the Toro Rosso garage even though he was not longer racing at Red Bull but instead trying to fulfil his dreams of a championship with Ferrari. He had found her right at the back of the garage along because everyone was more focused on her teammate, the even younger and promising Max Verstappen. He had assured her that everything was fine and that it all would be fine; she had almost been shaking from nerves and it wasn’t the girl he had seen annihilate in the lower formulas.
She had gotten over it quickly because the next thing he knew, he was there when she had won her first race… When she was truly dubbed as the next Sebastian Vettel because, well, she had done it in the Toro Rosso just like he had. She could have been the next Red Bull world champion too; he knew it and so did the rest of the world. She was a champion in waiting, but Red Bull could never provide her with the car she truly needed to win. 
He had been there through it all… All of the highs and lows and even throughout that it never stopped her. Even when she was at Red Bull with their truly unreliable car she had still managed to win races and she had still managed to join him up on the podium race after race. He already had enough people to watch out for during his pursuit of his dream of a championship with Ferrari, but he didn’t mind one more because it was her and because she deserved it. 
Even after her time at Red Bull came to and end, she had been the reason he had chosen to join Aston Martin for the 2021 season. After taking a year out she had returned to formula one with Racing Point for the 2020 season and she did just what he knew she always could and put the car where it never should have been; the top step of the podium. 
He wanted some of that; he wanted and needed some of the magic she had worked in that little pink racing car and that’s why he had joined and eventually stayed. 
He didn’t expect it to end up like this within the first few months of them being teammate, but when he looked at her nothing mattered because he would do it all over again without even a second thought. He wanted to relive those moments from just a few hours ago that almost felt like they had never happened; he remembered how her skin felt like silk breath his touch and how she almost seemed to slip away as well. He remembered how her lips trembled against his, against his skin, and how her teeth sunk into his flesh as the moans that sounded like heaven and heel all mixed into one fell from her lips. 
He knew it was wrong— so wrong. He had laid there ever since he had first woken up just thinking about how badly they had fucked up; how he could kiss all those championships goodbye if the world ever found out. How he had fucked formula one’s golden child, even though he had been one himself in a former life, it wouldn’t matter. 
It was something about it being so forbidden that made it all that much more desirable, which was why when he leant in to kiss her again he forgot about all of the reasons he had listed as to why he couldn’t do it again. 
But she didn’t pull. 
His lips found hers and he felt her murmur a soft moan against his lips as his hands fell to the back of her neck and the other to her hip. Gripping his fingers as he tried to hold onto her because it felt like that if he were to let her go she was going to slip away and he would wake uo to this being all but a dream. 
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mornings in marina bay — one shot
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The MC88 Series Masterlist
mini summary: the day after the Singapore GP Seb and Mia wake up in the same bed (pt 3 to ‘its always raining in singapore’)
word count: 1.5k
tags/warnings: aston martin ¡driver! oc x sebastian vettel, infidelity, teammate-cest, fluff
part one / part two
“You stayed,” she said quietly, looking over her shoulder at him. He just nodded a reply. She had just about woken up. She had wanted to sleep for longer; she had needed to sleep for longer. Her body still knackered from the weekend before. Exhausted from the stress of the race. She had woken up to the sun lighting up her hotel room. She had felt his warmth beside her. His weight dipping the bed beside her. She had moved in the night, out of his arms, and had turned to face the other way. Probably because of the heat, how humid it was even in the middle of the night.
She secretly loved it when he stayed the night. She loved it when she woke up to him beside her. She knew she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t help it. She knew it was wrong. Not only had he cheated on his wife, but he had let her fall asleep in his arms, and that almost seemed worse. She had fallen asleep to him, placing kisses in her hair. He had whispered sweet nothings into her ear and held her so close, so tightly, that she could feel his heart beating. It was more than just sex, but neither of them wanted to admit it, and that’s what made it worse.
She could always see him regretting it in the morning. She knew she should have told him to go, but she didn’t have the strength to do so the night before. She had been too tired. Her body had been fighting off sleep for the past few hours, so she couldn’t possibly fight the feelings she had for him as well. She had given into temptation; the feeling of being loved. To be held. The warmth as she fell asleep.
And he hadn’t fought it either. He would do it again without even a second thought. 
“You okay?” she asked pulling the covers with her as she sat up in the bed next to him, 
“yeah,” he nodded. She could see that he wasn’t. His face was saddened. She could see the regret and the thoughts he was fighting. 
“Sorry, i was just thinking,” he said shaking his head finally turning to look at her. 
She gave him a small smile. 
“I shouldn’t have made you stay, sorry,” she apologised, 
“don’t worry,” he said, shaking his head again. She hadn’t made him stay. He had already made his mind up before she had even asked. He had wanted to stay. He had wanted to hold her in his arms as she fell asleep. Wanted to know that she was sleeping peacefully. That she was safe. That she was in his arms and that she was his. It made him feel a little less lonely. Made his heart feel a little more complete, and he liked waking up to her in his arms too. Being able to wrap his arms around her, bringing her closer. He liked pressing little kisses along her shoulder. Her skin against his lips. He liked watching her first wake-up. Seeing her eyes first flutter open. Squeezing them shut as the morning light blinded her. He loved seeing her smile when she laid her eyes upon him. Watching her whisper him a good morning before she kissed him.
It was something out of a movie. Something that he didn’t deserve. 
But it was ending. 
Just like a movie. 
Just without the happy ending. 
That’s why he stayed. He had stayed because he didn’t want it to end. He didn’t want there to be a last time. He couldn’t imagine not seeing her smile, hearing her laugh. The ways she made him smile like he was a little kid again. He didn’t want there to be a last time. He couldn’t imagine it. He had become so used to it over the past few years and he couldn’t imagine it just ending. That there would be a time that there was no more them. 
He didn’t want to think about. He didn’t want to ruin the little time they had left together. 
So he just shook his head. 
“You know you talk in your sleep,” he said, looking to her. His voice was still groggy. He hadn’t since woken up. He had blinked his eyes open, seeing her laying beside him. Her back to him. Her hair barely covered her bare shoulders. He had brushed her hair away, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her shoulder before moving to sit up in the bed, careful not to wake her. He had reached for his phone, ignoring his notifications as he left good morning messages for his children for when they would wake up.
“No i don’t,” she replied shaking her head as she held his gaze. She didn’t want to believe she talked in her sleep. She could of being saying anything and there was many things she didn’t want to unconsciously say to him. 
“You did,” he said handing her a t-shirt. It was green, but he wasn’t sure if it was his or it was hers. It didn’t matter really. She pulled it over her head anyway. Seb dropping his hand to her knee  as she brought them up. 
“What did i say?” 
“nothing,” he shrugged watching as her eyebrows furrowed, “it didn’t make sense,” he clarified, 
“so i just mumble in my sleep then,” she said, “good to know,” she added letting out a small laugh,
“it was german,” 
“oh was it now?” she laughed as her shoulder brushed against his, 
“some of it,” he replied dancing his fingers on her knee. Both of them watching his finger tips tracing patterns into her skin. Both of them lost in the moment for a second. Moments like this that showed it was more than just sex. 
“I’ve got to get up,” she said pressing a kiss to his cheek, 
“i’ve got a plane to catch,” she explained getting out of bed and walking across the room to her suitcase, finding her clothes that she had packed. 
“yes, plane, Seb,” she replied with a laugh turning her back to him as she pulled his t-shirt off over her head. She knew he was watching her as she got changed. Pulling her underwear on and then an oversized blue pinstripe shirt. 
She turned to him throwing his t-shirt at him. 
“I am going to Japan today,” she explained, “I am meeting my father there,”
“i thought you were leaving tomorrow,” he said looking to her. Mia holding her gaze as she tried to read him.
His RBR smile threatening to creep onto his face. 
“You thought i was going to be in your bed tonight, hm?” she asked pausing for a second. Time stopping momentarily before they both burst into a laugh with Seb holding his hands up in surrender. Mia shaking her head at him trying to stop the grin forming on her face. 
“I thought you said the other week that you were,” Seb said explaining himself as he held his hand out to her, pulling her onto his lap as she took his hand. 
She settled on his lap. Her hands on his shoulders. Every now and then her fingers playing with the curls that reached his shoulders. 
“I was, but then my father said he was able to come see me race and i haven’t seen him since summer break and even then, never mind, but if i leave today i can see him before the race week starts and his girlfriend isn’t coming until— sorry,” she said stopping herself, “i’m rambling and you don’t care,” she said with a small laugh. He smiled to himself as he looked at her. He could read her; how her normally reserved self became almost teenage-like when she spoke about her father, he could see that she was happy, that she could spend time with her father; that her inner-child was healing.
“I do,” he corrected her squeezing her sides. He did care. Maybe he shouldn’t care, but he did. She was telling him things that were personal to her. She had done so before. She had spoken to him about her father. About her relationship with her father. About her life growing up. Maybe it was a bit too much information for teammates, but, nevertheless, he saw that she had felt better after telling him. “I always care what you have to say,” he said as his hands dropped to her thighs, reassuring her. She gave him a smile, her shoulders relaxing. 
“What time is your flight?” he asked, 
“what are you doing till then?” 
“i was going to go get breakfast and then try and see a bit of Singapore,” she said, “why?” she then asked, 
“can i show you around?” he said almost hesitating for a second before he said it as if she wasn’t going to yes, 
“it would be a honour,” she laughed leaning forward to place a kiss to his lips as he squeezed her thighs, 
“good,” he whispered against her lips before bringing his lips to hers again, 
“is there something you want to do before?” she asked, whispering back to him. 
He leant back, looking to her. 
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let july be july — one shot
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The MC88 Series Masterlist
Mini Summary: the lowest point in Seb & Mia’s relationship post Austria 2022
word count: 3.9k
tags/warnings: aston martin ¡driver! oc x sebastian vettel, swearing, arguing, mean seb, just two teammates having a bicker really, mentions webber
previous part / next part
Austria had been a bad weekend, a really bad weekend and especially for her teammate. 
Their year hadn’t been going too badly; they had both been within the points most weekends and if not at least competing for them. But, that wasn’t the problem; the problem was that their car was no better than last years, and if anything it was slower, and she knew that was playing on her teammate’s mind. 
Her weekend had not been too bad; she had managed to finish eleventh in the end, just out of the points, she had only managed to gain one position, but she had managed to hold onto it in one of the slowest cars on the grid. Her teammate’s weekend, on the other hand, had been worse. He had barely made it out of the bottom three all weekend. He had ended up qualifying badly and then his races had not been good either with him being spun off the track twice, with neither of them being his fault.
The weekend had just not agreed with him. 
What had made the weekend even worse was him getting fined for leaving the drivers meeting on the Friday. She didn’t blame him; they had been going over and over the same point again and again for what felt like hours and they had been getting nowhere. A lot of the drivers shared the same opinion, including her, but just none were Sebastian Vettel, and none had walked out.
She had been sitting next to him during the meeting just like she usually did. She had put her hand on his thigh as a warning when she had first felt him start to get riled up. She had said his name a few times under her breath when he had started speaking up; when he had started speaking his mind. She had tried to warn him, tried to calm him down because she knew if it was anyone else it would have been fine, but they always had it out for him. 
It had been the same thing over and over, and even Mia was tired of hearing it, so she couldn’t even imagine what it was like for her teammate. 
She didn’t have to for much longer because with a shake of his head he had stood up, telling them that he had listened to the same shit for the past 15 years and that he was sick of it before walking out of the meeting.
She had tried to catch his line of sight as he brushed past her, but he hadn’t even looked in her direction. She watched him leave with not even a glance back over his shoulder. 
Looking over her own shoulder, she had caught Mick’s gaze as she did so. He had given her a worried furrow of his brows and all she could do was give him a reassuring smile and told him that it was fine and that she would find him after. 
She did find him later, but not until a lot later that night. He had been in her hotel room effing and blinding the FIA. It wasn’t like him and that had shocked her.
It wasn’t the Seb she knew now, but instead the Seb she knew all those years ago. The RBR Seb she knew would’ve sworn to hold them all hostage and would have if he had been allowed. He would have called them all out individually, found every last bit of dirt on each of them, and started a witch hunt. He would have named and shamed every last one of them, but that wasn’t the Seb she knew now. The Seb she knew now could normally put a smile on his face no matter what, normally had control over his emotions, but he had let it get to him, and this was all before the race.
They barely said anything to each other after the race. 
She knew he was disappointed, angry even. 
He had only just about managed to put a smile on his face when he congratulated her for her finish and the only time she had seen him actually happy that whole weekend was when he had congratulated Mick on his P6 finish. 
He had been silent the whole way through the race debrief and he was normally the one that would not shut up. The one that would sit there for hours upon hours trying to find ways that they could improve, analysing everything and anything just to find any small gains. She would normally leave hours before he did only for him to find her later and catch her up on everything she had missed. He was the one that they actually had to ask to leave. Yet, he was the first one to leave and could not have gotten out of that room any quicker. 
He had looked utterly defeated. 
They hadn’t said anything else to each other, but later that night there had been a knock at her hotel door. She knew it was him because there was no one else it could have been. She had opened the door, half expecting an apology, but he barely said anything. Just muttering a few words to her before his lips had crashed against hers. He wasn’t drunk, but she could taste the alcohol on his tongue. 
He had walked her over to the bed and undressed her. 
There had been no tenderness, no words exchanged, no little kisses, no loving glances. 
He had just fucked her and then left her. 
He had come back the next morning apologising to her, telling her that he was sorry and that he had just been in a bad mood and that he was sorry for taking it out on her because she didn’t deserve that. 
She had just shaken her head and told him not to be silly, told him to forget it because that was what it was meant to be like. It was meant to just be sex. There was not meant to be any emotions. They were not meant to do anything of the things they normally did. They were meant to just fuck and that be it, but they did everything that they weren’t meant to do. 
He always stayed the night. He always whispered sweet words into her ear as she fell asleep. He would make her breakfast in the morning if they were at hers and if not they’d always order room service. They would go out for dinner or lunch and just about everything else claiming it was team-bonding or something along those lines and especially if the press caught them. 
He stayed at her house whenever he was in England. They would walk her dog, they’d go on runs together, and they even went food shopping once. It was as if they were in a relationship, yet neither of them would believe that it was anything more than just sex.
They were both just as delusional as the other. 
But he had still continued to apologise to her, to worship her, pressing kisses to every little bit of her skin and running his fingers over every part of her body, and then he fucked her just like he was meant too.
A few weeks, well, days that felt like weeks passed and she was back in England, back in her apartment. Seb had been staying with her because he was needed at the factory. Mia had said that he could stay at hers as she only lived half an hour away from the factory and, well, because she liked it when he stayed at hers. 
They had fallen into their little routine; waking up in the same bed, having breakfast together before they would got to work for the day, mainly spending their days at the factory either in the sim or working with the engineers, mechanics and anyone else to try and make the car better. They had a few bits of marketing to do with the team as well and then they’d drive back from work, together. It was as domestic as it could possibly get, yet neither of they would ever admit that it was. They didn’t speak of it, an unspoken agreement between the two of them and it worked so why would they need to fix it. 
He spent nearly a week at hers. If they weren’t needed in the factory, they’d spend the morning in bed before getting up to walk her dog. They’d then make breakfast and then maybe go for a run because even on their days off they both liked to be active. They would then spend the rest of the day lounging around and trying to find something somewhat interesting to watch on TV before making dinner. 
He probably should have gone home to his family, but he had been too wrapped up in the moment. He had been too intoxicated by her that he didn’t want to do anything else, but be by her side. 
“I am going for a run,” she had announced one morning as she joined him in the kitchen. He had been sat at the counter on his laptop, staring at something intensely, engrossed in something completely. “Do you want to join me?” she asked trying to get his attention, 
“uh-yes,” he replied not even glancing from his laptop screen, “just give me a second,”
“what’s the matter?” she asked walking over to where he was sitting and put her arm around him as she looked to what he was reading. 
It had been the final report of his fine from the weekend.
Of course it was. 
She skimmed over it and they hadn’t been pleasant, even going as far to say that he shouldn’t be considered a role model anymore for acting the way he did. That his actions were inexcusable and, furthermore, that he would have to pay the fine even after they had previously excused it after a comment made to the press that may not have even been from Seb himself. She understood why he was annoyed, she could feel his skin bubbling with frustration, but she wanted to do anything but talk about it in that moment. She knew he had every right to be upset about it, but in her selfishness she didn’t want anything to ruin their week. 
But it had. 
“You know you’re still my role model,” she had said running her fingers through his curls as she tried to lift the mood, 
“unbelievable,” he just said shaking his head, it was clear he wasn’t in the mood for jokes. He had pushed the laptop away from him, squeezing his eyes shut and squeezing the bridge of his nose. She had noticed how his shoulders were tense, how she could see the frustration behind his eyes. 
She couldn’t help but want to move the conversation in any other direction than the one it was currently heading in, but she had failed. 
She only seemed to make it worse suddenly turning it into something she really, really did not want to happen, 
“I mean what were you expecting?” she half joked walking away from him to find her trainers, 
“what?” he snapped after her stopping her in her tracks, 
“you walked out of a drivers meeting, what were you expecting?” she shrugged trying to dismiss what she had previously said. She didn’t want to get into it. She didn’t want to be talking to him about work. It was her day off, their day off and she didn’t want their day to be ruined arguing over the fine he had received. 
“A little bit of support maybe,” he said shaking his head as he turned away from her in disbelief, 
“support?” she laughed, “what would you have wanted me to have done?” she asked him only receiving a glance from him in response, “Seb, c’mon, you know i would’ve been crucified if i had walked out of the drivers meeting. I don’t need to give them any other reasons to hate me.”
He just shrugged in response. 
“Are you coming or not?” she asked wanting to change the subject, wanting to get out of the four walls that surrounded her as they slowly seemed to be enclosing in on her. She knew he had every right to be upset. She knew she would’ve been equally pissed off if it was here, but right in that moment she didn’t want to talk about it. She just wanted to go on her run and forget completely about, but he didn’t. 
He just waved his hand at her, shrugging her off as he mumbled something. 
He said it in German and she was sure it escaped him at times that she too did speak German. 
She could have let it go, she should have let it go, but she hadn’t because instead she had chosen to call him out on it. It had only been a passing comment he had made, but it had gotten to her. Maybe because everything that had been building for the past month had finally bubbled to the surface. That everything that they had kept sweeping, and sweeping, under the rug had become a mountain of built-up tension between the two of them, and sharing the same four walls had finally brought it to the surface. Nothing awful had really happened between the two of them, but just lots of little things that wouldn’t normally have bothered either of them, but they had both had bad races and they both wanted something or someone to blame. 
“What is your problem at the moment?” she asked standing square to him, 
“excuse me?” 
“this past month,” she said, “what’s been the matter with you?” she asked, “we have a shit car, Seb, i know, but you don’t need to sit around moping, you joined a mid-field team, what were you expecting?” 
He was almost too stunned to speak.
“You don’t always get to win, Seb,” she added shaking her head as she turned away from him, 
“who are you to be saying anything to me?” 
That stopped her in her tracks. 
“Seriously?” she asked raising her voice at him as she swung back around to look at him, 
“we aren’t anything, Mia,” he said, his hand pointing between the two of them, “me, you, this. It isn’t anything.” 
He watched as her brows furrowed as she processed what he was saying. 
He was right, well, he thought he was. Who was she to be telling him what to do, how to behave? She didn’t get to decide whether the way he was behaving was right or not. She wasn’t his wife, she wasn’t anything to him. She was just his teammate. 
“You don’t get to tell me off, Mia, you’re not my wife,” he said hand gesturing between them again as he tried to get his point across, “this is nothing,”
She let her mouth hang open for a second. She couldn’t believe what he was saying or that in a matter of moments this was what it had turned into. It was never meant to turn into argument about their relationship, or lack of as far as Seb was concerned, but maybe this was what everything had been leading up too. They had never talked about it and maybe this was it finally all blowing up.
“You're stood I’m my fucking kitchen, Seb, you made me fucking breakfast this morning, you have been living in my house for the past week so don’t try telling me that this is nothing.”
He didn’t say anything for a moment. She could see I’m contemplating what to say back because he knew she was right. She could see him getting riled up, the anger that was never intended for her being aimed at her. 
But what he said wasn’t what she expected.
“Who else have you slept with?” his accent thick, his voice bitter, but it seemed to be actual question— that he was actually asking her who else as if he wasn’t the only one, as if this was a normal thing for her. 
“Seriously?” was all she managed to snap back. 
That was his response… That was all he had to say to what she had previously said. It had made her mad for more than just one reason. He had to know that he was the only one right? But was that really what he thought of her? 
She could feel her blood boil. Her hands forming fists as she dug her nails into her palms as she tried to stop herself from crying. 
That’s what he wanted to say? 
Out of everything he could possibly have asked, that was what he wanted to know. 
He wanted an argument.
That’s why he said it. 
He wanted to hurt her because that was what he was feeling. 
“C’mon, i know I’m not the only one,” he mocked, “did Mark know that you were fucking Daniel?” he asked. It almost sounded like a genuine question, but she knew better. Maybe a little part of it was, but she could hear the harshness in his voice, she could see the mean glint that flickered across his eyes. There was no way that it was just a question, he wasn’t even asking, he just wanted to take pot shots at her.
He just wanted to hurt her.
“I mean, yeah, sure, he acts like a kid, but he was still how old? How old were you, huh? The first time?”
She just shook her head at him, not believing the words that were leaving his mouth. She always knew he could be mean. 
“Did you fuck Mark too?” he snarled in broken english, 
“fuck you,”
“who else have you fucked to get yourself here, huh?” 
That one hurt. He knew it would hurt her that’s why he said it. He didn’t even mean it, but he just wanted to get back at her. He felt bad the second he had said it; the second he saw the look of betrayal on her face.
“Fuck you,” she said stopping herself because she could hear her voice breaking.
She didn’t want to believe it. She didn’t want to believe that those were the words that were leaving his mouth. It was untrue and he knew that. He knew everything she had been through, every single thing she had fought just to be even deemed worthy of getting her F1 seat. He knew that, he knew it all. She had stood beside him in his shirt, his race for women shirt, so many times. She had so many good memories with him with that shirt, with his beliefs. That he was the one that stood by her through everything and that was what made it worse, that he was willing to go against everything he stood for, all of that history, just to hurt her.
The one about Mark hurt too. She knew that he knew it wasn’t true, but he still said it just to cause her pain. He knew her and Mark’s history, he had been part of it yet he still decided to bring it up just to torture her a bit more. 
So she wanted to hurt him back. 
 “At least i’m not cheating on my fucking wife,” was all she managed to bite back at him. She clenched her fists even tighter. She felt the prick of tears in her eyes. She didn’t like confrontation. She didn’t like arguing. It always made her cry, but there way no way she was crying in front of him. Not today… not now.
“You should be at home with your fucking children, but, no, you’re here instead,” she spat back, finally finding her confidence, “after everything i told you about my own childhood you're choosing to do that them just so you can sleep around?” 
“do not mention my fucking kids.” 
He raised his voice in a way she had never heard before, in a way that she never knew he was capable of. It was a side of him she had never seen before, never even seen a glimpse of before. She couldn’t even describe it and it almost scared her. 
He looked at her in utter disgust, a whole mix of emotions behind his eyes. 
It took her a second to regain all of the confidence she had a mere second ago. 
“Do not accuse me of sleeping around to get my f1 seat then,” she said raising her voice back at him, but it fell quiet as her voice cracked out the last part of her sentence, “because you of all people know that’s not true.”
He didn’t say anything. 
He just turned away from her. 
His hands falling to his hips. 
She could see his back straining under his shirt, his shoulders tensing. 
She just stood still. 
Not wanting to move, not wanting to make a single sound because she didn’t know what would happen. It had never been like this between them.
They hadn’t argued once.
This was new and she hated it. 
“This isnt working for me anymore,” he finally said as he turned back around to look at her, “none of it,” he added holding her stare, 
“maybe i should just retire.” 
She looked at him for a second. He said it so easily, so blasé. As if it were something he just threw around. It shocked her. She wasn’t expecting him to say that. They’d been arguing, but how had that led to that decision? Sure, they had a bad race, a bad season, a bad car, but it wasn’t that bad. Or was it? Bad enough that he didn’t want to be racing next year. That after all these years he was going to give up the one thing he loved more than anything else. 
She could’ve said something then, even just asked him why— asked him what the fuck? She could’ve told him that it would get better. Maybe it would have helped change his mind, probably not. But she regretted that she didn’t. She regretted that she didn’t because in that moment she was furious with him. She blamed herself, for some reason, as if anything she would’ve said could have changed his mind. She hadn’t said anything because they were arguing because he was angry, angry at her. 
She didn’t say anything. She just walked to the door grabbing her keys, her phone, her coat. She knew he was waiting for her to say something. 
She didn’t say anything because she didn’t know what to say. She would have only have said something that would have made it worse and who was she to tell him what to do. They weren’t in the right space to be having that conversation, his retirement, but also who was she to ever have that conversation with him?
“Seb, honestly, do what you want…” she sighed, holding his gaze for a moment before going back to pulling her trainers on, “i don’t care,” she did care, and he said nothing. Turning away from her, again, his hand on his hips. Shaking his head as he fought the feeling to break something, to say something he shouldn’t. 
“I’m going,” she said looking to him as she walked to the door. She wanted him to turn round. She needed him to turn around. She needed to see his face. “Be here or don’t be here when i get back, you decide,” she said turning to leave, closing the door behind her. 
and he wasn’t there when she got back. 
an/ this will definitely get updated at some point cos im not entirely happy with it and also the brazil part will be some time in the distant future as that will be the last part of this series (or one of) This part is 1/3 and the other parts will be up soon-ish (mark webber fic will be up soon too and its already at 5k words :P)
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it’s always rainy in Singapore, pt 2 — one shot
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The MC88 Series Masterlist
mini summary: seb’s last dance under the lights of singapore didn’t end too badly … basically the smut that didn’t make it into the first part
word count: 3.0k
tags/warnings: aston martin ¡driver! original character x sebastian vettel, fluff, smut, teammate-cest, mature
part one / part three
It was no longer Sunday night. It was the early hours of Monday morning. She had finally made it back to her hotel room and had just passed out. The day finally catching up with her. Her body falling easily into a deep sleep. It had been an adrenaline-fuelled day, all day long. The conditions of the track and the weather has been extra strenuous on her and it had taken all of her to not fall asleep on the drive back tot the hotel room. 
She heard her phone buzz waking her up from her sleep momentarily. She knew who it was. She knew what the text said said. She didn’t even bother to check it. She just closed her eyes once more. Waiting for him to knock on her door. 
A mere few minutes passed before she heard a quiet knock to her door. 
“Hey,” she said softly as she opened the door to find her teammate leant against the wall, 
“you ok?” he asked receiving a nod from her in response as she stepped back to let him in. His eyes never leaving her as she closed the door behind them. They knew they had to be careful. No one could ever find out. It would ruin both of them. She was one of the few women racing in F1 and it couldn’t be tarnished by the press finding out that she was fucking her teammate. Her married and four time world champion teammate. But it was almost as if their team made it as hard as possible. The team always put them as far away from each other as possible. Different floors. Different hotels. Opposite ends of the same floor if they really had too. It was almost like they knew. 
“I’m just tired,” she said leaning back on the door, looking at her feet before glancing to him, 
“did you manage to get some sleep?” 
“a little,” she nodded, “you?” 
“no,” he said with a shake of his head. He hadn’t slept. He would sleep later. 
She didn’t ask why he hadn’t. She knew. She knew what he had been doing and she didn’t want to think about it. Him telling his wife he loved her. That he missed her. Telling his kids that he loved them, that he couldn’t wait to be home, and getting them to tell their mother that he loved her. Telling them to give her a kiss from him. Then, moments later, texting her, telling her that he would be there in five minutes. 
It made her sick to her stomach what they were doing. It went against everything she stood for. Everything she hated about her own father. Everything that ruined her childhood she was now doing to another little girl. 
They never spoke about it. Never spoke about what they were doing. Maybe because they knew it was wrong. 
“Do you just want to sleep?” he asked looking to her. Her eyes heavy and longing for sleep. She just gave him a nod of her head in response. 
He held his arm out to her pulling her into his embrace as she stepped into him. No matter how strong she was, no matter how many times she told herself she shouldn’t, she still crumbled in his arms. It was almost as if in that moment nothing mattered. Nothing apart from the two of them in that moment mattered. She forgot about everything. Everything that was causing her grief. Everything that was stressing her out. Nothing mattered. She just focused on his heartbeat, matching hers to his. He rubbed her back holding her close. Resting his head against hers as she rested her’s into the crook of his neck. 
He whispered to her between kisses to her forehead, to her cheek. Telling her how well she had done that day. That he was proud of her. That she should be proud of herself too. She couldn’t reply. She wanted to but the words didn't come out. Her mind and her body still overcome by sleep so she just held him tighter never wanting to let go. 
It was moments like this that she wanted to tell him that she loved him, but she didn’t love him, she wouldn’t allow herself to love him. Those three words would ruin everything. 
He placed another kiss to her forehead resting his chin upon her head. 
“Let’s go to bed,” he said taking her hand squeezing her hand gently as they made it over to the bed in her hotel room. 
He let her hand go. His own falling to his side as he watched her get into bed and lie down right where she had been sleeping before. He watched her for a moment. She was beautiful to put it in the simplest terms. She took his breath away every time he laid eyes upon her. But he couldn’t have her. That’s what he loved. He loved the risk. The desire. The longing for something that he couldn’t have, something that he wasn’t allowed to have. 
But he did.
She held her arm out to him asking him to join her. 
He could never say no to her. He would never say no to her. 
He laid down beside her letting her lie against him. The thin sheet just about covering them. It was still hot, still humid, but it didn’t matter, she wanted him to hold her as she slept. He placed his arm around her shoulder holding her close as she rested head in the crook of his shoulder. 
He placed another kiss to her temple wishing her sweet dreams. The words just falling from his lips. He knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help it. She wasn’t his wife. She wasn’t the woman he loved. She wasn’t the woman that had given him his two daughters; his whole world. She was just his teammate. His teammate that he had fucked because he was drunk because he had had a bad race. But he still said it. He still meant it and that he thought was more wrong than anything else. He cared for her. He loved her even though he would never admit it and that was something that his wife would never forgive him for. She would never forgive him for the feelings he felt for his teammate. 
They could’ve laid like that forever. Just the two of them. All that mattered in that moment was them. Just them. 
Mia was hoping she would have just fallen asleep. But she couldn’t. She was sure tired enough, but her mind wouldn’t let her. She was still half asleep for god’s sake but no matter how much she tried she couldn’t drift off. Her mind wasn’t even racing. She wasn’t really thinking of anything apart from perhaps one thing. Ever since he told her he was retiring she had been dreading Abu Dhabi. The f1 world would be loosing a great, a legend. But, selfishly, couldn’t help but not want that day to come. She didn’t want him to retire because who else would fuck her mercilessly after a bad day at track? Fernando definitely would not be. 
There wasn’t many more moments left. They had five races left and maybe that was why she couldn’t sleep. She didn’t want this to end. She didn’t want to have to let him go. She wanted to be in his arms forever. 
She placed a gentle kiss to his chest as she run her hand across his stomach. Her fingers dancing across his shirt. “Mia,” Seb said, his voice deep and raspy. She ignored him and started placing tiny kisses along the collar of his shirt. Her lips brushing gently against his skin. 
His skin warm at every touch. His skin so soft. She couldn't help herself. This could have been one of the last times. 
Her hand dipped under his shirt. Brushing her fingers across his bare skin.
She could feel his heartbeat start to race. 
“Mia, you can't do this to me,”  
“i’m not doing anything,” she hummed placing a kiss in the crook of his neck. She felt his heart skip a beat as a small moan escaped his lips. 
“Don’t play with me, Mia,” he warned. 
She just let out a small giggle. She could feel him getting turned on. 
“I thought you wanted to sleep?” he asked taking her hand in his stopping her momentarily from teasing him,
“not anymore,” she hummed. 
He caught her eye. He held her gaze. Looking at her. Her eyes were heavy with sleep, but he could see the desire. 
In a matter of moments he was above her. Looking down at her. With one of his knees either side of her. She let out a gasp. He had her wrists in his hands pinned above her head. She could feel her chest rising. She could feel him getting hard, pressing against her. 
She writhed under his hold. The feeling in her belly growing. The insides of her thighs tingling from anticipation. 
“You want me to fuck you?” he asked. He was brazen. His accent stronger as it always was when he aroused. She could see the lust in his eyes. 
She just nodded. 
He leant down pressing a rough kiss to her lips, 
“Say it,” he almost growled into her ear. 
She let a small laugh escape her lips. She wiggled against his hold. His hands wrapped around her wrists. His knees, thighs, his bodyweight keeping her still. 
She leant forward. “Gently,” she murmured into his ear placing a chaste kiss to his cheek before her head fell back to the pillow. She was too tired anything for else. But she wanted him. She needed him. 
He leant down. His eyes never leaving hers. They were dark. Lustful. Full of longing, full of desire. His eyes always failed him. Always betrayed him. They were too easy to read. To know exactly what he was thinking, exactly what he wanted. 
And in that moment he wanted her. He was going to have her. 
“I am always gentle with you,” he said with a grin appearing on his lips,
“no your not, Seb,” she said only just above a whisper as she tried to stop her lips curling into a grin. She felt almost intoxicated. She wasn’t sure if it was from the lack of sleep or if it were him. But she had never felt so happy, so content. She felt loved. She felt on top of the world. 
She pressed her lips together trying to stop the laugh from falling from her lips. She held his gaze. Looking at him looking at her. 
She paused for a second and he took that moment to kiss her. Crashing his lips against hers. She let a moan slip from her lips. She couldn’t help it. He kissed her with so much passion. With so much desire. It wasn’t just a kiss. It was so much more than just that. 
He let her hands go. Immediately one was pulling at the hem of shirt. The other lost in his hair. She felt that her heart might just burst out of her chest it was beating so fast. No one had ever kissed her so good. Made her feel the way he did and maybe that’s why she kept coming back.
He sat back on his heels. Pulling his shirt off over his head. 
She just stared. Her eyes full of hunger. Desire. 
He ran his hands down her body. Toying at the hem of her shirt. Their team shirt. The green against her toned tanned stomach. He pulled it up and off over her head. She leant forward to help him. 
He pressed a chaste kiss against her lips before pushing her back against the bed. He looked at her. Running his eyes over every part of her body. Memorising her body, every part of it, as if it were the last time he would ever see it, because maybe it was. Maybe it was the last time he would ever see her like this. Laying underneath him completely at his mercy, giving all of herself just for him. He wanted this moment to last forever. He never wanted to forget this, never wanted to lose this. 
She was perfect. Every part of her was perfect and she was all his. For this moment time she was all his. 
He moved, kicking off his shorts followed by his pants before kneeling back at the end of the bed. Running his hands down her legs causing a shiver to run down her spin. “Seb,” she said as a small moan left her lips. He smirked to himself pressing a kiss to the inside of her thigh before hooking his fingers under her pants and pulling them off. 
He parted her knees, settling himself between them. He ran his hands up her thighs towards her knees. The wrong way. She could feel herself growing more and more restless. She was too tired for his games. For his teasing. For all of his little touches. She was ready. She was wet.
“Seb, c’mon,” she groaned gripping the bed sheets beneath her as he placed kiss after kiss to the inside of her thighs. Her knuckles forming into fists. He watched her. A smirk on his lips. He loved watching her squirm. He loved watching her beg, but he wouldn’t tonight. She was too tired and he was growing restless himself. 
He leant down pressing his lips to hers. A sloppy kiss as their tongues danced as she moaned against him. As she tried pushing her body against his trying a relieve some of the pressure that was building between her thighs. 
He dug his fingers into her hips pushing her back down against the bed. “Seb,” she cried as he dropped his hand to her cunt. Rubbing his thumb over her clit. “Please.” 
He nodded drawing his lips to hers again as he positioned himself against her entrance. 
She let out a gasp as he pushed inside her. “Fuck, Seb,” she moaned as he paused momentarily letting her adjust to him. All of him. 
She was never ready. No matter how many times they fucked it always felt like the first time again. 
“Good girl,” he murmured under his breath as he placed a messy kiss to her forehead. He could taste the sweat that had started to bead along her hair line. It was hot and he could feel himself sweating as he started to thrust in and out of her. Long thrusts so far he almost pulled out before pushing back into her deeply and slowly.
“Seb, fuck,” she hummed as he pushed into her again. There was no feeling quite like it. She couldn’t explain it, god, she couldn’t even control herself. 
He took his time making sure that every thrust counted. That every single one felt like her world was collapsing. Every time he pulled back she almost cried. The feeling that he was about to pull out completely, tearing her apart. Sometimes he would pull out completely and he would kiss her as a cry left her lips. Then he pushed back in so slowly that there was so much pleasure that it almost felt painful. 
The feeling in her belly continuously growing. Pushing her closer and closer to the edge. 
He rested his forehead against her. His sweaty curls against hers. Groans escaping his lips as he closed his eyes. Thrusting in and out of her. She could finish just by the sounds that left his lips. The short little grunts he made every time he pushed inside her. They were almost animalistic, but they made something deep inside of her set alight.
A few mere minutes passed before they were both reaching their highs. They were both exhausted from the day so it didn’t take much to push them over the edge. 
“Seb,” she cried as he thrusted into her once more. She clenched around him as the feelings inside of her erupted. She felt him cuming inside of her too. The feeling of him ejaculating. It made her feel complete. It made her feel whole. As if some part of her before had been missing but now it was filled. She felt a shiver running across her body as she bucked her hips up into him. She heard him moan against her shoulder. Swearing her name as he bit down into her shoulder, riding the last of their highs as he thrusted into her for a final time. 
He almost collapsed on top of her. His arms were shaking. He looked down at her placing one last messy kiss to her kips. 
She smiled into the kiss. She had never been happier. Never felt so good. She could’ve cried.
He pulled out of her before falling down beside her. She hummed, letting out a little giggle as she moved her head to look at him. She watched as his chest rose and fell with every breath he took, as did hers. She was still struggling to catch he breathe, as was he. He never looked so beautiful. She loved it when he looked like a complete mess. His sweaty curls starting to stick to his forehead. 
“Happy?” he asked turning to look at her as he ran his hand through his hair, 
“yes,” she nodded with a smile on her lips before placing a kiss to his chest. He watched her. Watched her every movement. He still couldn't grasp it. He didn’t understand how he had managed it. How something so beautiful so pure was all his in that moment. That she had chosen him just like had chosen her. That she had chosen him to witness her at her most vulnerable state.  
He could have said it right at that moment. That he loved her. 
But he didn’t. 
He bit down on his lip stopping himself. Wanting to completely forget the thought. 
He didn’t love her. 
“Stay, please,” she murmured. Her words breaking his thoughts. He just nodded wrapping his arm around her. Pulling her closer. 
He never had any intention of leaving.
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Suzuka Suzuka — one shot
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The MC88 Series Masterlist
Mini Summary: a few Mia/Seb moments from the Japanese Grand Prix 2022
word count: 1.4k
tags/warnings: aston martin ¡driver! original character x sebastian vettel, fluff, swearing, infidelity
“I come baring gifts,” Mia said opening the door to her teammate’s drivers room.
She had made her way into the paddock that morning, a little later than she had wanted which meant that a lot more fans had managed to gather the entrance. It didn’t bother her. She loved the fans. She loved meeting them, hearing their stories, signing autographs and accepting all the little gifts they brought the drivers. Suzuka loved Seb and she was his teammate which meant that every fan she had stopped at on her way in had asked her to give their gift to Seb. There was a lot of gifts. Too many that even Cathy (her assistant, press officer and second mother) had to carry some too. She didn’t mind. She loved seeing how much the fans loved Seb and hoped one day the fans would love her even just a tenth of the amount they loved him. But it did also mean that she had to stop off at his driver’s room on her way in. 
“You do?” he asked as both his and Britta’s heads shot to the door,
“from your fans,” she replied with a grin, “they asked me to give them to you,” she added placing them onto the table as she thanked Cathy for carrying them too. 
“they what?” he asked as he watched her holding out a handful of envelopes, 
“here,” Mia replied pushing them into his grasp, “i stopped to greet some fans on my way in and they started asking me to give things to you,” she explained, “i said no and they should wait to give them to you but they insisted,”
“thank you,” he replied glancing to her and catching her eye, 
“no problem,” she smiled back, “here,” she said handing him another one of the presents. It had been the sweetest present she had been given to give to him. The first one too. It was a set of three hand knitted socks for his kids. Three different sizes, all with little fives on them and the words ‘Danke Seb’. The lady had explained that she didn’t know what size his kids were but she had been making them all year in the hopes of seeing him and giving them to him for his kids. She had tried to tell the lady many times to wait until she saw Seb, but she had insisted and handed them to Mia.
“My favourites,” she explained, “and because your kids are here,” she added as he looked down at the box in his hands that contained the tiny pairs of socks. 
A smile appeared on his face as he looked at them. He glanced to his teammate before showing them to Britta. 
“Thank you,” he said turning back to his teammate, 
“no problem,” she said with a half-smile, “I’ve gotta go,” she added before excusing herself and heading to her own driver’s room. 
He had noticed the look in her eye. She was smiling, but she wasn’t happy. It wasn’t uncomfortable per se because they had a good friendship first and foremost. But it was awkward nevertheless and it had happened on a few occasions. Anytime his kids or his wife was mentioned a cloud of uneasiness seemed to form. They didn’t speak about it, ever, and maybe that was the problem. It was just unspoken and neither one of them wanted to bring it up. 
“Five minutes,” Seb said to Britta, in German, before heading out of the door. 
He made the whole ten second walk to her room, gently knocking on the door before opening it. 
“Hi,” he said stepping into the room, 
“hi,” his teammate replied as he shut the door behind him after realising she was getting changed, 
“do you want to talk about it?” he asked, 
“no,” she said with an affirmative shake of her head, “not now,” 
“ok,” he said pursing his lips, “but at some point?” 
“yes,” she nodded. 
She had stepped off the stage letting her teammate have his final moment in Suzuka with his army of fans. It had given her goosebumps. The whole of the grandstand lit up with a green glow for him. Every single person there was for him. 
It had brought a tear to her eye so she couldn’t imagine what he was feeling like.
She held her arm out to him as he stepped off the stage. She had just wanted to wrap her arm around him as they walked away but instead he had chosen to engulf her into his embrace.
He squeezed his eyes shut stopping the tears that threatened to spill. 
He just needed a moment. 
She placed her hand to his cheek as they pulled away. She held his gaze. His blue eyes staring back at hers. He pressed a kiss into her palm before putting his arm around her shoulders as they walked away.
No words spoken. 
They didn’t need to. 
“Did you see the tractor?” Mia exclaimed as she pulled her helmet off walking into the Aston Martin garage. 
The race had been red flagged. She had been furious. She was furious. Furious with the FIA. She had seen the tractor with her very own eyes. A mere few feet away from her car. She hadn’t seen it until right at the last moment and she had been driving slowly at the back of the safety car. 
She remembered 2014. She had seen it all. She had been the reserve driver for Red Bull at the time. She was in the garage watching the race. She had seen it all, everything. She remembered everything that happened after too. The outrage. The heartbreak. How they said that they would never let something like that happen again. 
“Yes i saw it,” her teammate nodded. She could see that he was annoyed. Pissed off in fact. But he hid it well. His face almost emotionless apart from the small furrow of his brow and how he was gripping his chin as he thought, staring at the floor. 
A few of her mechanics patting her on the back as they walked past. Muttering words as they carried on with their jobs. 
“What did i say on Friday, huh?” he asked finally looking up as he glanced to Britta, who was stood next to him on her phone, before glancing to her,  
“no tractors on track,” Mia reiterated. She had agreed with him on Friday. Her and all of the other drivers had agreed with him. 
“Exactly,” he said shaking his head with more than just disappointment, “we were lucky today, really fucking lucky.”
She just nodded in agreement. She had nothing else to say. 
Well, she did, but it wouldn’t have been pretty. 
“That was a great start from you,” Seb finally said after a few minutes of silence, 
“thanks,” she smiled with pursed lips, “what happened with you?” she asked, “I saw you spin,” 
“it could’ve been worse,” he said shaking his head as he had a drink,
“did you hit Alonso?”
“yeah,” Seb shrugged, “couldn’t see,” he explained, “went up the outside at the start like you did but got caught on the grass a bit, went a bit squiggly,” he explained with his hands demonstrating what had happened, “needed your skills of driving on grass,” he joked. 
She just smiled from where she was leant against the wall opposite him. 
She was a pro at driving half on the grass, but only because she had done it on accident so many times. 
“Sorry,” she said excusing herself. He watched as she walked over to the viewing area. She spoke with her father. He gave her a hug. He watched her as she apologised for the race. For it being delayed. For it being red flagged. Her father just shaking his head and saying that had still been enjoying themselves up in the Aston Martin hospitality. Seb looked to the woman that was stood next to her father. It could’ve been her sister if he didn’t know different. 
“Well done!” she exclaimed lifting her visor so she could congratulate her teammate in parc ferme. 
He just smiled at her with his eyes, pulling her in for a hug, knocking her helmet as they walked off. 
If only the year had started off like this. Maybe he wouldn’t be retiring. Maybe he would. She knew that is hadn’t been a brash decision. She knew that it had been on his mind for the past few years. But what if? 
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a long time ago (mia’s version)
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The MC88 Series Masterlist
Mini Summary: Mia accounts all of the times she remembers Seb before she was his teammate
word count: 5.7k
tags/warnings: aston martin oc x sebastian vettel, past, webber/kvyat/ricciardo/verstappen/sainz/horner/marko mentioned, age gap, implied relationships, alcohol consumption but all of legal age & suggestion of sa
read seb’s version here
She was thirteen when she watched Seb’s first formula one victory. She remembered it so vividly and she had watched every second of the race after he had secured pole position the day before. She had been sat the whole weekend in her living room glued to the television as she hadn’t been karting herself that weekend. She remembered the mop of blonde hair; the finger in the air as he jumped onto the podium and she remembered the stupid grin on his face, but it didn’t matter because the world was his from that day. 
That was the moment that she knew that she wanted to race in formula one and she would do whatever she possibly could to get there. 
She remembered when she had been first properly introduced to him. It was when she had first joined the Red Bull young driver programme back in 2011. She had been supported by Red Bull ever since her early days in karting so it made sense for her to follow into the junior teams just like Seb had done. Kvyat had been by her side, well, she had been glued to his side since they had first entered the room because he was the only person she knew. Well, him and Carlos, but Carlos was far too good looking to be a friend like Kvyat was. 
Helmut had introduced her to him— one prodigy to another. She had met him a few times before in passing, but this was the first time she had properly been introduced to him; the first time he had smiled back at her; the world champion smiling back at her. He had shaken her hand properly unlike many of the other people she had met that day. To them she was just another girl given the seat with the hopes of them looking more inclusive or for some other ulterior motive. He was younger than all of them, yet he still showed her more respect than any of them. He had asked her how she was, he had told her how he had watched her win the other week. That she had done well and that he would be racing her in formula one day. She had just smiled back telling him that she couldn’t wait.
Over the years she had seen him a few times as their races crossed. He had been congratulating her most times because she had usually won a race or she would be doing the same because he had usually won a race too. 
He had even gotten her phone number at some point. She wasn’t entirely sure how because she hadn’t given it to him, but he rarely texted her and when he did it was usually just the odd well done if she had won another race or a commiserations if it hadn’t gone her way. 
When it was announced that she would be the reserve driver for Toro Rosso, her phone had been lit ablaze with message after message congratulating her. People who she had never spoken to or had no idea how they even had her number were sending her messages to congratulate her because she was one step closer to formula one and because they wanted to be part of the story. 
But his message stood out; 
Mia, I just want to message and congratulate you. I am sure you have received hundreds of messages this week, but you deserve all of them and most of all you deserve the reserve seat.  Waiting for you here in f1. Herzlichen glückwunsch, Seb
She had grinned when she read it making sure to reply to him before all of the others. 
The next time she remembered meeting him had been at the Silverstone young driver and tyre test in 2013. She had been there all week as she was lucky enough to drive both the RB9 and the Toro Rosso STR8. She had been over the moon when they had told her, but nothing did the moment she first sat in the car and the engine roared to life justice. It wasn’t her first time ever driving a formula one car, but it was her first time with other people on track and against other people and the feelings ricochetting through her body that day were like no other. 
She had managed to speak to Seb before she drove his car for the first time. She remembered because she had been grinning as she had wished her a late happy birthday. She hadn’t told him it had been her birthday, but somehow he knew and in response she had wished him one too. She had turned eighteen just a couple of days earlier, and he had turned twenty-six at the beginning of the month. She also remembered because she had asked him how it had felt to win in front of his home crowd. He had won earlier that month, and she had been there as she had also been racing so she had seen all of it. She had seen the roar of the crowd as he crossed over the finish line in first. She heard the cheering, the chanting. She remembered his golden helmet gleaming in the sun as the videos of him crossing the line got replayed on the big screen; she remembered hearing his screams of glee over the radio, and that’s what she wanted; that’s what she dreamt of.
He had listened to all of her questions about the car and all of her questions about the track too, and she had listed with her undivided attention to everything he said. In the end, she had even promised not to crash it. She had said that with a grin, and he had just grinned right back, knocking her helmet gently as he got up from where he had been crouched beside the car, only after wishing her one last good luck.
He had stood beside the car right until the very last minute, right before she had driven the car out of the garage. He had leant over the cock pit, wishing her one last good luck and taking her hand in his. He smiled at her through the visor and she just smiled right back. 
It had gone as well as it possibly could. She was one of the youngest there, but she was quick. She was really quick and it was her first time driving the car yet she had managed to set the fourth quickest time just behind Vettel and Ricciardo and she had even managed to place seventh in the Toro Rosso which was a testament to her skill because the car was not the fastest that year. 
There had been huge congratulations in the garage once she had returned after her session. They knew the car was quick, but she was never meant to go that fast. She had beaten most of the current formula one drivers and all of the other soon to be rookies. She had just beamed from ear to ear as she got out of the car to a cheer from the garage. 
She hadn’t seen Seb straightaway. There had been about hundred people trying to congratulate her, but his teammate had reached through the crowds of people to pinch her side and she had never turned so quickly as she spotted the Aussie. He had only managed to mouth her a well done above all of the noise, clutching her hand in his before he slipped back into the crowd. 
Then she remembered a few moments later seeing Seb coming over to congratulate her. he had briefly patted her on the back just before his future teammate had whisked her into his arms. Lifting her into the air and almost swinging her around as a laugh escaped from the pair of them. She couldn’t help but laugh and cling onto the young Aussie driver. She was closer to Seb’s teammates than she ever was to him at the time.
“Well done,” he grinned to her as he finally put her down, 
“thank you,” she smiled back pressing a quick kiss to his cheek, “trying to beat your times,”
“close,” Daniel beamed back to her, “give it a few years and then you’ll be beating Seb,”
“i don’t doubt it,” Seb replied with a smile from beside Daniel. She just bite down on her lip trying to stop the grin as she just shook her head at the pair of them. 
“I’ll see you soon?” she asked turning to Daniel quickly and he nodded. She just squeezed his arm before she left the pair of them standing there because she had been in a rush to leave after. The test had fallen on one of her busiest months. July was her busiest month and she had a race every weekend plus about a hundred other commitments just like this one too. She barely had enough time to do the test, but there was no way she was turning down the opportunity to drive not one, but two formula one cars. 
Even with everything going on she still remembered him. She remembered every little moment because who wouldn’t when the soon to be four time would champion was giving you his undivided attention. 
It wasn’t the last time she had seen him that day. She had somehow convinced his teammate to go with her to her next race— he had been part of her career for a long time, almost since the very start. He knew her father and her father had been one of Mark’s sponsors back in the day so he had taken an interest in her racing and over the years had been to a lot of her races so it wasn’t usual. 
She was heading out, Mark had already told her that he was waiting for her as they needed to get to the airport as she was racing in Austria the next and she needed to be there that day, realistically. She had her bag slung over her shoulder, another and her helmet in her hand when Seb had found her again. She had said small hello as he greeted her. She was heading to the back of the garage and he had walked with her clearly heading that way too, but he had asked where she was heading. 
“I am racing at Spielberg tomorrow,” she had told him, 
“are we going to see a Red Bull car crossing the line in first on home soil?” he had just asked in response, 
“hopefully,” she grinned, “that’s the plan,” 
“good luck,” 
“thank you,” she smiled in response and she could see that he was about to say something else, but he didn’t. He had just stopped giving her a small wave as she pushed against the door and almost bumping into a hurried Mark who was on the other side of the door and that’s when she realised why he hadn’t seen anything else. They exchanged hellos followed by goodbyes before Seb had turned on his heels and headed back into the garage. 
“There you are,” Mark said glancing to his teammate before finally back to her, “c’mon,” he added as they headed out of the garage as she had a race to win after all. 
The next time she remembered seeing Seb had been after one of her victories in the GP3 series. It was at Spa-Francorchamps, halfway through the season. Formula one had been there the same weekend which had made the whole weekend all the bit sweeter. There was more people watching, more people celebrating as the Red Bull junior car crossed over the line in first. 
The crowd had cheered when she lifted the trophy above her head. She knew they weren’t cheering for her as she was sure they had no clue who she was, but it felt great either way. They were just cheering because someone had won and because the recognised the logo on her car far too well. But below there had been a cheer for her. Parc ferme had been crammed full of her team, the teams of the other podium sitters, everybody that was usually there and the members of the Red Bull formula one team had been there too because they weren’t turning down a celebration. 
Her grin was from ear to ear and it was as if it were the first time, but, of course, it wasn’t. It was one of the many wins that she had from that year along. It was another number being added to her record, but she never got tired of winning and she never would. The moment was too sweet to every get bored of and it was almost as sweet as the champagne in her hands as it rained all around them. It was a beautiful rain as she had to squeeze her eyes shut because her teammate only aimed for her face with his own bottle of fizz. She had wiped her eyes, grinning back at Kvyat as it was another one-two finish for them. She gave his a nudge with her shoulder before she leant of the barrier and poured the rest of the champagne over her car and over her team. 
She had run down from the podium, handing her trophy to whoever usually took it because, of course, those were never hers, but that didn’t matter because she was jumping into the arms of her team again. Holding her up, patting her on the back and a few to her head, ruffling her hair. Members of the Red Bull team reaching through to congratulate her as well because that was their future stood in front of them and the future looked good. 
Then came Mark’s hand once she was standing again and once a few people had started leaving. She took it as she pulled her in for a hug. “Well done,” he smiled still holding her hand in his as she leant back, 
“thank you,” she grinned, “another win, baby!” she sung as she started jumping on the spot again out of excitement as Mark just beamed back at her, 
“another one-two, you mean,” came her teammate’s voice from beside her as he corrected her, his arm looping over her shoulders,
“better than you and your teammate,” she said biting down on her lip holding back her grin, 
“it’ll be your seat one day, sweetheart.”
She just grinned back at him before they made their way down the pit lane having to stop every few steps as they were congratulated for another win dominated by another Red Bull team. When they finally made it to the garage, Mark had to excuse himself so he could get ready for his own race, but not before telling them that he would see them out later. They had just laughed in agreement before a couple of mechanics came over to the pair, congratulating them again for another double podium. The grin hadn’t left her face as they thanked them also agreeing that they indeed would be out later that night— they had joined the party team and party was what they were going to do. 
“Well done,” then came the voice of her future team principal as he walked over to them with the team manager and Seb following behind them from where they had previously been standing, 
“thank you,” she beamed as he clasped her hand in hers before pulling her in for a hug, 
“anything you’re not planning on winning?” Christian asked as she stood back for a second with a smile on her face, but with a shake of her head, 
“no,” she laughed, 
“well done,” Jonathan said to her holding his arms out to her as she hugged him too, 
“thank you.” 
Then she turned to Seb and with a slight hesitation before she hugged him briefly as well as he also congratulated her. She almost froze for a second because she didn’t know why she had just done that. It had just been instinct and she didn’t know why she had worried about it so much. It felt awkward, but at the same time it didn’t. She hadn’t thought about it before she had done it, she just did it. 
It had been the first time she had hugged him and for some reason she remembered it so vividly, but that was only just the start.
She had been there when that three had turned into a four. She remembered it, of course she did. She had been glued to the screen in the Toro Rosso garage for the whole race. She had been sat on the edge of her seat listening to the calls over the radio and picking at her fingers as each lap rolled by. She had watched Mark retire because of a mechanical failure and then that’s when the worrying had really started because what was stopping the other car for breaking down as well and especially the way Seb was setting fastest lap after fastest lap. 
But he had made it to the finish line. He crossed over it and the whole place erupted. Many of the Toro Rosso mechanics had already run out to track, clinging onto the fence hanging over as his car passed by.
She had managed to find him in the pit lane after the podium. She had managed to congratulate him, hugging him again as he thanked her. His hand squeezing her shoulder as he gave her a nod moving onto the next person that was waiting to congratulate him.
It wasn’t just his world title, but Red Bull’s constructors championship too so there wasn’t a reason for anyone to not be celebrating— and that’s what they did. 
She didn’t remember much of Seb from that night and she didn’t really remember that night much at all.
The whole of the Red Bull garage and a lot of the Toro Rosso garage had been there as they had been there when Seb had won in 2008— where it had all started. They were all crammed into a little club in Noida, India, and the Red Bull team had already started celebrating before they even made it to the club which was why she had gotten drunk so quickly. She had been there with Daniel and everyone had insisted that they needed to catch up so they had been handed drink after drink. She had handed him half of her drinks because he was bigger and could drink more. 
They danced a lot and his hand kept falling lower and lower on her back and a bit too tight on her waist for it to appear just friendly. She had been on the shoulders of one of his mechanics at one point as the music got louder and the more people sang. She still held onto his hand to keep her balance not that she need too, but because she wanted too. 
She remembered at one point going over to the bar with Daniel and they had found the newly crowned four time champion. They had gone to get themselves more drinks as well as promising to get more for the group of mechanics they had been with too. Daniel had patted his new teammate on the shoulder, his stupid grin on his face and it was clear that Seb was no where near on the same level as them. 
She had greeted Seb stopping herself from congratulating him again, “what are you drinking?” she had asked him as he fingers gripped the edge of the bar as she looked to him. She could feel Daniel on her other side leaning against her and his fingers gripping around her waist as he held onto her. It was mainly because he was no longer sober and need a lit bit of support standing, but also because he didn’t want to loose her. She noticed Seb’s eyes darting to her waist and to Daniel’s hand around her waist, but he just looked back to her almost raising an eyebrow at her. 
“Beer,” was all he said and she just raised her eyebrows back at him instead. 
“Really?” she laughed turning to the bar where the bartender stood waiting to take her order. She didn’t really know what to order so she just went with what he recommended, but then she had Daniel leaving over beside her correcting her order from two each to three each. She had turned to argue with him, but the bartender had already started making them. She had hit his chest with a laugh and Daniel had just caught her hand pulling her to stand back up beside him before wrapping his arm around her shoulders. 
She could see Seb watching the pair of them as he stood stuck between the two of them and the group of his engineers and mechanics that he had been talking too before. She had to stop Daniel from kissing her as she had already done multiple times that night. Daniel got drunk and then he got handsy. She normally didn’t mind, but kissing was not something they needed to be doing in front of the whole of the Red Bull team. Luckily, their drinks were done before he had any more changes to kiss her in front of his future teammate. 
She handed Daniel his drinks and then she handed Seb his, clinking their little glasses before they did them. She had watched as Seb threw back his shot and she had to hold back a laugh at the way he almost squirmed. It was the polar opposite of Daniel on her other side who was almost asking for more as he threw his back with ease. 
She had turned to him after she had finished hers, encouraging him to do the rest of his, but she slightly lost her balance and almost fell into him, but she managed to grasp the edge of the bar and instead and ordered more drinks. 
It was only when she turned back around had she seen Mark appearing next to his teammate. She had squinted at him when he wrapped his arm around Seb, patting him on the back. He then turned and said hello to the younger Aussie driver, clapping his hand and pulling him in for a hug as they greeted each other. He then turned to her and hugged her as well. 
Seb had told him that he was just in time to do his last shot, but Mark had just laughed and told him that the pair of them had got him celebrating the right way as he just patted his team-mate on the back again. She watched as Mark grinned at her as she handed him a shot. He thanked her, clicking his glass with her’s and then Seb’s and then Daniel’s before throwing the shot back.
“God, what was that?” Mark asked pulling a face as he put the glass down on the bar, 
“some Indian speciality,” she shrugged looking rather happy with herself as she leant back against the bar, 
“she hasn’t stopped celebrating yet,” Daniel said nudging her with his shoulder as he looked to Mark and then to Seb, 
“there’s been reasons to celebrate,” she laughed trying to explain herself as she handed Daniel his drink as she leant into him as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, 
“the last seven days,” Daniel said with grin, the famous Riccardo grin, as he told Mark, 
“and you test drove on Friday?” Mark asked in response shaking his head with a laugh as he looked to the eighteen-year-old, 
“did i look drunk?” she asked back holding his gaze, 
“looked anything but drunk, sweetheart.”
She just scrunched her nose back at him with a grin. It had gone as swimmingly as possible; she had been allowed to drive the Toro Rosso in free practice on the Friday and she had gone above a beyond putting the car into thirteenth, even though the car still had no real pace. It just showed that the seat was as good as hers. 
“Told you no one saw you mess up,” Daniel whispered into her ear as he leant into her a little too closely then he was meant too and he had almost nibbled at her ear if she hadn’t pushed him way. She didn’t even have to look at Mark to know that he was shooting her a warning look. 
It was always her getting the looks and never Daniel even though she was younger and he was meant to be the adult, but thankfully Mark had swiftly changed the conversation and put a grin back on his face as he reach forward to pinch her waist, “i want to hear about Barcelona.”
She noticed that it had caught Seb’s attention again, but she just grinned back at his teammate and explained how they had stayed in Barcelona for a few days after her win to celebrate before they had headed straight to India and she had also told him how there was too much to tell that night. 
They spoke for a bit longer before Mark excused himself, telling her to ring him when she got back to England and he told her to drink water before she went to sleep so she wouldn’t be hungover on the long place joinery back the next day. He said his goodbyes to the three of them, hugging Mia and placing a kiss upon her head as he left. She noticed just how intently Seb had been standing there watching the three of them. 
Once Mark had gone she turned back to Seb asking if he wanted another drink, but he quickly declined telling her how he had drinks already waiting for him. She just smiled slinking her arm around his future teammate before the pair of them headed back into the crowd. As the night went on she had stolen a couple of glances in his direction, but she didn’t see him again and she was almost disappointed— she was, but then she let Daniel take her home and her thoughts were completely forgotten. 
She saw him a few more times over 2013, but none of them were worth remembering and there was some that she didn’t want to remember— to many awkward moments on her account. 
She had been there when Daniel had won his first race in Canada. The day had been Daniel’s, the day they had been talking about for years had finally come, but she remembered his teammate more than she ever did him from that day. 
They had gone out celebrating, but she hadn’t been there celebrating with them for the entirety of the night. She had been everywhere, but the one place she really wanted to be. She wanted to be celebrating with Daniel because this was the moment they had been talking about for as long as they could remember and it had finally happened. 
But something happened and she did not want to ever remember it and it ruined that day for her forever— it was also probably the start of what led to her and Daniel ending whatever it was that they had.  She pushed the moment to the back of her mind as far as she possible could and made her way to the bar where she found Sebastian, again. 
“Hi,” she said mustering up all of her courage just before she joined him at the bar. She had to stand a little too close to him just because of how full the bar was, but he didn’t seem to mind and the warmth of his skin against hers calmed her racing heart for just a moment. She almost didn’t hear him asking her how she was and it was only when he nudged her with his shoulder did she look to him.
“Hm- sorry, yeah, good, you?” she managed to ramble out as her eyes shot to his as she choked over her shoulder, 
“yeah, good,” he nodded back,
“what are you having to drink?” she asked plastering her usual smile back onto her lips as she glanced in the direction of the bartender, 
“beer,” he replied, “last one,”
“no shots?” she asked nudging his shoulder with hers and the only real smile of the night appeared on her face, 
“not with you, no,” he replied with a chuckle ad she had just grinned back at him. She turned back to the bartender ordering their drinks, checking over her shoulder at him that she got it right. He had just nodded and she turned back smiling at the bartender as she waited for their drinks. 
“Thought you would be celebrating with Daniel,” he said to her as she handed him his drink. 
She just looked at him for a second almost squinting her eyes at him. 
“I’m here, aren’t i?” 
“you know what i mean.” 
She just shrugged. 
She knew exactly what he meant and that’s what she had wanted to do. She had wanted to get completely drunk beside Daniel. She wanted to celebrate, but she hadn’t been allowed too. It wasn’t the end of the season, there was still work to be done. 
She could feel him watching her, waiting for her to say something.
“Are you leaving soon?” she asked him instead as she took another sip of her drink. The alcohol burning down her throat as she stared into the glass and was over half gone already. She played with the straw in her glass delving her eye line away from him for a moment. 
“Uh-yeah,” he said with a shrug of her shoulders noting at the bottle in his hand as he took another sip. He didn’t say anything, but he raised his eyebrow, asking her why. 
It took her a moment to say what she wanted to say; she didn’t know if she should let alone what his response even might be. 
She bit down on her lip. 
“Can you walk me back to the hotel?” she asked her eyes flicking to his and then away, 
“yeah,” he nodded without even thinking. 
She almost immediately regretted it because what had she been thinking to ask Red Bull’s golden boy to walk her back to her hotel and she had done it so easily too. 
They had left shortly after, his hand on the small of her back as they left the bar, only leaving once they had grabbed their jackets and started walking along the streets back to the hotel. She wasn’t really listening to what he was saying, only just nodding when he looked in her direction. She knew he could tell she wasn’t listening, but she was glad he still carried on talking as it began to drown out the thoughts in her head. 
They made it back to the hotel and he insisted that he walk her back to her room and she didn’t argue because she was happy he did. They stopped outside her hotel room door and she knew inviting him inside was definitely a step too far, but the thought still crossed her mind. 
“Are you ok?” he asked again, and his words froze her on the spot. She just nodded, her lip between her teeth as she bit down on it— his few simple words had the power to make her completely crumble. 
He gave her a saddened frown as she hesitated for a second before hugging him. She knew she she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t help it, and she had no one else at that moment. The thought of being in the arms of someone that actually did care made it all seem just a little bit better. She felt herself begin to cry against his chest. The tears welling in her eyes before falling down her cheeks and she just clung to him a little bit more. 
“Why don’t you tell Daniel?” he asked her ever to quietly once she had taken a step back from his embrace, 
“i’m not ruining his night,” she said as her fingers brushed over her cheeks wiping the tears away. 
“I’m fine,” she said trying to reassure him, “honestly i am and i will call Mark in a bit if that’s any consolation,” 
“yeah,” she said with a small nod— it probably wasn’t what he wanted to hear as she knew their relationship still wasn’t in the best possible place, but she still said it because she knew there was no real hatred there, “he looks after me.” 
“Someone needs too.” 
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drunk minds speak sober hearts
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The MC88 Series Masterlist
Mini Summary: Mia and Seb discuss what happened a week prior in we shouldn’t have done that
word count: 2.1k
tags/warnings: aston martin ¡driver! original character x sebastian vettel, infidelity, swearing, teammate-cest, no smut
previous part
They had been in Portugal for the grand prix the next time they saw each other. Mia had managed to dip and scoot around the paddock and garage just enough that she had missed having pretty much any interaction with her teammate, but that was until he plopped himself down in the seat in front of her. "Hi," she had said when she noticed him sitting down opposite her. She had looked up from her phone briefly to ask him how he was, but what she really wanted to do was cross her brows, narrow her eyes, and ask him why he had chosen to sit right there, out of all the places he could have sat.
She noticed that he wasn’t even eating.
"Good," Seb just said in response, holding her gaze as she raised an eyebrow at him. "And you?"
"Good," she replied with a nod before looking back at her phone. 
"We need to talk."
She cursed at herself because she knew she should have just taken her food back to her driver's room, locked the door, and told them not to let anyone bother her. She had only just about managed to sneak ten minutes away from her press officer, and she wanted to spend each and every one of those minutes by herself and not talking with her teammate.
She knew what he wanted to talk about. He had sent her numerous texts over the past week, and she had chosen to ignore every one of them; she had even gone so far as to move her days around at the factory so she wouldn’t bump into him there either. She knew it was slightly childish and it would just be better if they had the conversation, but she just wanted to push it as far away as possible and pretend it never happened.
Her teammate leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest, as he stared at her more intently because she hadn’t responded. She let her eyes flick up to his, catching his gaze and causing her to bite down on the inside of her lip as her eyes shot back to her phone. She was contemplating whether she was going to say anything or not because maybe if she didn���t say anything then he would just get up and leave her alone, which was highly unlikely but worth a shot none the less, or she could just say what she knew he really wanted her to say.
"Not here," she said, looking at him, and he just nodded. "Let me eat first," she added. 
He sat there, watching her for a moment. Her gaze was drawn to the phone in her hand, thumb scrolling, and she looked at things he probably didn't care for or understand because he was never a fan of social media. He also wasn’t one for whatever chicken and rice mixture her trainer was feeding her as race preparation for the following day. It didn’t look particularly appetising; it just looked bland, but she didn’t seem to be complaining.
She also didn't appear to be eating it quickly.
"You drove well today," she said as her eyes flicked up to him as she placed her phone beside her plate on the table.
"I’d like to say the same."
"It felt like I did," she said, squinting at him.
"I know," 
"I was struggling to get out of Q1, Seb," she said as she felt herself almost raising her voice at him from frustration that was never really meant for him. She'd realised earlier that day in qualifying that this year wasn't going to be as easy as the previous one, which wasn't what either of them wanted. The first two races of the season hadn’t gone too badly, and she had actually done better than Seb, but they had been tracks that she liked, tracks that she knew. They were tracks she did well on, that suited her, and where she could almost always pull a good lap out, but qualifying earlier that day had been difficult.
She had been on a flying lap; it had felt like a good lap, but she was dead last when she crossed the line. She had never outright qualified last in all her years of racing, and she had sworn down the radio, and she was sure it would end up being replayed over and over because it wasn’t pretty and it was very unlike her.
"I know, Mia." He just nodded again.
She bit down on her lip, looking back down at the plate of food in front of her, and asked, "do-do you think it will ever go back to what it was before?" she asked as she brought her eyes back to his, and she paused momentarily from pushing her food in circles around her plate.
"The car?"
She shook her head at him.
"I don’t know," he all but mumbled.
"We can forget it ever happened."
"But it did."
"I can forget," she said with a small shrug of her shoulders as she still avoided looking at her teammate.
She didn’t want to forget it happened, not really, but she would if that was what he wanted. She could forget about it and it wouldn't become a thing between them; well, maybe, but she had been really drunk and she could barely remember leaving the club and how they had managed to make it back to his room.
But she remembered the rest because her body had sobered up as soon as his lips met hers, and she would never forget that moment.
She wondered if it had always been building or if there had always been this tension between them that neither of them had ever mentioned. There had always been stolen little glances and little smiles as she looked away, embarrassed because she could never hold his eye contact when she was younger. There had been awkward hugs, awkward handshakes, fist bumps, touches, and just about everything else, and he had even called her pretty on more than one occasion, and she couldn’t help her cheeks from turning scarlet. She always did have a crush on him, even though she would never admit it, and even though it had been a little bit silly at the time, she had been there when he had won all of his races and all of his championships; wasn’t everyone crushing on him at that point in time?
Then, when she was finally in formula one those turned into less awkward hugs and kisses to the cheeks. Then there were kisses to her forehead on the podium and an arm around her as they celebrated, and there had been the other side of the coin too when there had been hugs where he had held her in his embrace so tightly because he knew the tears would start to fall otherwise and the world couldn’t see that. 
She finally looked up, putting her cutlery down. 
"It didn’t happen," she said with another shrug of her shoulders, and he didn’t say anything but instead raised his eyebrows at her. "Unless you didn’t want it not to happen."
"I-" Seb swallowed sharply, his jaw clenching subconsciously. "Not here, c’mon," he said with a nod of his head in the direction of the door.
She just stared at him for a second before deciding to follow him. Having to jog a few steps as he had already made his way out of the door and into the paddock, she tucked in behind him, tracing his steps as they made their way back across the paddock to the garage, only having to stop a few times to sign things for fans before following Seb into the safety of his driver’s room.
"Fuck," she heard him mumble under his breath as he turned away from her once the door was closed. He ran one hand through his hair while the other gripped his hip. He didn’t know what he even wanted to say to her. He had just sat down in front of her and hoped the right words would come out.
"I don’t regret it."
"I don’t regret it, Mia," he said again.
"You’d do it again?"
He just swore under his breath, and both of his hands fell to his hips. turning away from her because he couldn’t look at her at that moment. His neck strained as he gazed up at the ceiling, cursing every single god out there.
Mia swore this time as she let out a deep breath. She wasn’t expecting him to say that; she didn’t want him to say that because that would cause so many problems.
"You wouldn’t?"
"Seb," she said, cocking her head to the side as she looked at him.
"We can’t-"
"You haven’t thought about it since?" he asked, moving across the room to sit beside her. 
"No-" She had.
He did something he knew he shouldn't have done: he leaned in closer to her. He looked at her for any hesitation, but instead found her eyes staring back at him as he brought his hand to her cheek and brushed his calloused thumb over her cheekbone.
He leaned in, brushing his lips against hers.
Mia resisted for a moment, but she gave into his touch because she was never realistically going to say no to kissing him again.
He deepened the kiss, wanting to discover every single part of her lips and mouth as her fingers snaked through his curls, pulling him as close to her as physically possible because he was hers in those few stolen moments and she didn't want to let go.
She didn’t want it to end, and neither did he.
He wanted to touch every part of her. Drag his fingers across every inch of her skin and call it his own. He wanted to press his lips to every single part of her body because he wanted her all, and he could only ever dream of moments like that. But maybe if he dreamed about them enough, they might become a reality.
His teeth grazed against hers, which caused her sickly sweet laugh to overwhelm the kiss as he had to laugh too. He couldn’t help it. He knew it would be short, but he wanted it all, so he kissed her with so much burning passion that he had almost forgotten how to kiss. It was rushed and messy as if they were kids, and it was their first time making out behind some wall of something, but there was nothing childlike about it.
He smiled against her lips as his hand dropped to the back of her neck. He could feel her still smiling right back at him, so he kissed her again and again, placing delicate little kisses all over her face as she let out another laugh. He leaned back for a second, taking a moment to look at her. A moment lost to whatever because he was too occupied trying to memorise every single little detail of her face because he might never see it this close again. He would never see the little sprinkling of freckles over her nose again, and he would never see the slight blush sweeping over the tops of her cheeks or the shimmer of wetness gleaming across her lips. He would never be able to stare into her eyes this closely again, never be able to see every little detail—how they had a darker ring around the edge of her iris or the lighter shade in the middle.
He almost did not want to look because then at least he wouldn’t know what he was missing, so he just kissed her again.
It was so much simpler to just kiss her and forget about everything else. He wished he could kiss her for eternity and do nothing else; he would be the happiest man on earth, but it had to end at some point.
"Seb," Mia said against his lips as she fought herself to stop. "Seb," she said again with a saddened sigh as she pressed a final kiss to his lips before resting her forehead against his. She brushed her thumb over his cheek before tracing it over the swell of his lips. 
She tore away from him, turning her head away as she leaned back in her chair.
She could hear him let out a deep sigh as he held his head in his hands, shaking his head, as she tried to work out in his mind what the hell had just happened again. It wasn’t meant to happen, but it did, and he knew he would do it again in a heartbeat if he was ever given the chance. He would jump at the chance, and he’d kiss her for every second of the day if she would let him.
"We fucked up."
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what’s love in español? — one shot
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Part three of The MC88 Series
Mini Summary: following seb & mia at the spanish grand prix in 2021 and the start of something that neither of them would ever forget (a03 link)
word count: 6.4k
tags/warnings: aston martin !driver¡ oc x sebastian vettel, infidelity, swearing, nsfw, smut, teammate-cest, minors dni
an. im trying to write this in order now (connecting up all the parts ive posted previously) !! parts might be a bit slower as i always get writers block writing this way but otherwise theres too much going on for it to make sense ! but anyway enjoy and well done if u get to the end !!
an. im trying to write this in order now (connecting up all the parts ive posted previously) !! parts might be a bit slower as i always get writers block writing this way but otherwise theres too much going on for it to make sense ! but anyway enjoy and well done if u get to the end !!
It was almost easy to want to forget the first half of the season. Race after race they had been left with disappointing results one after the other, but it wasn’t just on track that she wanted to forget; it had been everything else too. 
She almost wished that it never happened; it had caused too much grief ever since it had first happened, but there was a part of her that no matter what happened she wanted to relive those few precious moments again. 
It was in Barcelona and she had woken up to the morning sunlight beaming through the window of her hotel room, the undrawn curtains failing to keep any of the light out which instead allowed it to illuminate the whole room. Her hands fell to her face, covering her eyes as she tried to block out the light that had disrupted her sleep as she let an almost cry-like sigh escape from her lips. It was too early, she knew it, without even having to look for her phone, but her hand still fumbled around for her phone on the bedside table, nevertheless. As she moved the bedsheets fell around her naked waist and it was that moment that she froze because all of the memories of the night before came tumbling back. 
She raked her fingers through her tangled hair, in an attempt to try and calm the unruly mess. But also because it was just instinct as her mind tried to scramble together what had happened the night before. 
She remembered it this time, but she still looked around the room, only for another sigh to leave her lips when she couldn’t see him and her heart broke a little. 
He had gone, of course he had.
It would have been worse if he had of stayed. She knew that, but there was still part of her that wished he had; a part of her that needed him to have stayed. 
She shook her head at herself; she had slept with him, again. What was she thinking— they had done the one thing they were not meant to do, again, and this time they had no excuses; they hadn’t even been drinking. 
And she remembered it all, every last little detail. 
It had been the Friday evening of the Spanish grand prix, just a week after what had happened or not happened between them in Portimão. It was after they had finished at the track, after both free practices, which hadn’t gone too badly for the team compared to the races previously. They had both slotted around tenth, which was funny because just a couple of years ago they both would have been equally disappointed with those placings. But this season had changed both their perspectives on formula one.
They had left their debrief still talking about something or another, and they had only separated to head back to their respective drivers rooms so they could head home. But a few minutes had barely passed before she heard a knock at her door and found her teammate leant against the wall outside. She just gave him a small smile as he just continued talking to her about what they had been talking about before, as if they had never stopped. But she noticed the look in his eyes; she had seen it just a couple of weeks before, and she knew that he wasn’t there just to talk about their race— not really, not deep down.
He let the door close behind him as he carried on talking to her as he watched as she continued doing whatever she needed to be doing to she could leave that evening. She had been a little bit all over the place that day, which meant she still had a lot to be doing before she left, but Seb didn’t seem to mind and didn’t seem to be wanting to leave anytime soon.
She didn’t question it and she was only partially listening to what he was saying as she carried on doing what she needed to do so she could leave the track at a respectable hour. 
He carried on talking to her about their car that day and the set-up changes they had talked about in their briefings. They talked about the circuit; they talked about the changes compared to last year, and then they talked about the years before and then the years past. Seb mostly talked and she listened, but she didn’t mind; she had been listening to him for years and she still listened to every word he said.
But then he asked her if she remembered the first time she ever raced there, and of course, she did. 
“I wasn’t that far behind you,” she had said drawing his eyes to hers from where he was sat at the little table in her room. His back pressed against the wall as he faced the middle of the room looking to her. 
“2015,” she smiled glancing to him, “started behind you on the grid,”
“you remember that?”
He remembered it for some reason, he remembered watching her Toro Rosso in his mirrors. 
“Of course,” she replied biting down on her lip to stop her smile from growing, “first time i got to start behind you,” she said quickly having to add that it was also her first time starting on the third row of the grid too and also that got to watch his Ferrari fly off into the distance from right in front of her with her very own eyes. 
She didn’t want him to think that he was the only reason why she remembered that race. But then they started talking about the past and their past more specifically, and then it didn’t seem to matter anymore.
“I beat you one year,” she said flicking her eyes to him as she sat down in the chair across from him, 
“which?” he asked as she had beaten him in a couple of races in Spain over the years, 
“i remember,” he smiled to her, “beat me to the podium,”
“it felt like a win that day,” she replied,
“i know,” he replied back with another little curl of his lips, “you told me that day,” 
“i think i told everyone,” she said, grinning back at him, “i was so relieved just to make it over the finish line, let alone get on the podium as well,” 
“it was the one time i didn’t mind you beating me,” he said back, and she just nodded. It had felt like a victory that day. She almost cried when the car made it over the finish line. The relief consuming her body as a happy cry croaked from her throat. It had only been the fifth race of the season, but it had already been plagued with dnfs and mechanical failures, and this was piggybacking off of the six dnfs she had the year before. 
She had finally managed to grip hold of the seat she had been hunting for her whole life. The one she had first-handedly seen Seb win championship after championship with. The one that Mark had secured his ever elusive first win with and the one that had sky-rocketed Daniel’s career to what it is today. But once she finally had it, they couldn’t give her the car that she needed, the car she deserved and she barely lasted two years in the team before it resulted in her leaving formula one. 
“Do you ever regret leaving at the end of 2018?” 
She just shook her head because she didn’t. It had been the most sensible decision she had ever made in her life, and she didn’t regret it one bit. She could have won more races, maybe even a championship, but once you fall out of love with the sport there is no way you can carry on after that.
And that’s what she told him.
He just nodded and they carried on talking about something else. But at some point the conversation whittled to an end, and she found herself wanting the same thing that she had wanted all those weeks ago. Her mind started to drift to the look he had in his eyes when he first appeared at her door, and maybe he wanted it too. 
It took all of her confidence to say what she said next. It wasn’t even that she thought he was going to turn her down. No, it was more her trying to convince herself that it was a good idea even though every part of her knew that it wasn’t. 
“My hotel is only a twenty minute cycle,” she said, looking at him, almost not being able to hold his gaze, “or Cathy… but she might-” she added failing to get the words she wanted to leave her lips, 
“i’ve got a bike,” he said much to her own relief that she didn’t need to scramble for the rest of the words that she wanted to say,
“ok,” she replied, letting his hand fall from hers as she stood up, knowing he would follow her.
They had cycled back across the city from the racetrack. He followed close behind her choosing to ride beside her when the road was wide enough. They talked the whole way. The conversation always flowed easily between the two of them. One of them always had something or other to say, but that nervous almost child-like feeling still bubbled away under the surface. 
They made their way to her hotel room. She remembered closing the door, but she wasn’t sure how they had gotten from there to then kissing, but once they had their lips met they barely left the others. His lips only left hers to trail down her neck and then across collarbone and chest. His fingers teasing the edges of her top and then her jeans. She could feel the sensation building in her belly as he pressed himself against her time and time again. 
Her mind felt clouded, she felt like she was drunk all over again, but this time it was just the desire making her feel that way. It was the way he lips felt against hers; the way his hands brushed over every millimetres of her skin and the small groans that escaped his throat. 
He started pulling off her clothes. His mouth only momentarily leaving hers as he pulled her top off over her head. It was rushed because if they stopped then they would have time to think about it and then they probably wouldn’t be continuing and neither of them wanted that. She managed to pull off his clothes too, but then he was walking her over to the bed and then she was laying under him within a matter of moments. 
But then he halted. 
He knelt between her thighs; sitting back on his heels as he stopped himself momentarily, or maybe for eternity. He wasn’t looking at her; she couldn’t catch his gaze as she tried to stop herself from squirming underneath him, but he was still looking down at her. It was the only moment that time seemed to pause, and she could see that it had hit him with what he was about to do; that he was deciding in that moment whether he wanted to do it or not. She could see the instant regret falling over his head, but in that moment it didn’t matter to her. They had started this and they couldn’t stop now. 
“Seb,” she said at not much more than a whimper with a small buck of her hips in his direction, “Seb, you-you can’t stop now.”
He just looked at her as if to say i can’t?
But she had just returned it with a pleading look in her eyes that he couldn’t deny.
So he just pushed himself inside her. A small moan left her lips as she stretched around him. It felt just as good as the first time, and by the string of swear words that she managed to mumble out as he thrusted into her again and again, maybe it was better. 
It was everything and more than she remembered and she wanted it again before it had even ended.
But when it had, he had plunked himself down beside her as he tried to catch his breath. She just let her hand smack gently against his chest, but he caught her wrist with his hand and just held it against his chest as it rose and fell with every breath that he took. 
She only gave herself a moment before she was moving across the bed, not saying anything as she picked up his pants and throwing them at him as she made her way across to the bathroom. She needed a shower, but more importantly, she needed a moment to try and figure out what the hell had just happened, again. It was the one thing that they were never meant to do, not ever; yet they had done it for a second time in the space of just a couple of weeks.
As she tried to comprehend what had happened, she found a part of wanting him to stay, almost needing him to stay. She didn’t sleep around, not really. She always would wake up the next morning with the person beside her. She had a boyfriend until that ended, and then between then and now she had dated people; it never had just been sex; there had always been more to it then just that. Even with Daniel, with whatever that had been, she still woke up the next morning with him beside her. 
That’s what she wanted now; she wanted him to stay. 
“There’s spare towels if you want a shower,” she told him as she emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body and another in her hair on top of her head. She adverted her eyes away from him. She couldn’t tell him to leave. She couldn’t do that to him and she couldn’t do that to herself. She wanted him to stay no matter how wrong that was. So she opted for leaving that decision in his hands so she couldn’t blame herself no matter what the outcome was. 
He gave her a nod as he slipped into the bathroom, leaving her alone. 
She got into bed, urging her body to go to sleep so she couldn’t be left with the decision, and for once her body cooperated because by the time he had showered and walked back into the room she was already curled up asleep. He found the rest of his clothes and he pulled them on, careful not to wake her up because that was the last thing he wanted, and then he reached across the empty side of the bed and placed a delicate kiss on her shoulder. He allowed himself to have one final piece of whatever this was before he slipped out of her hotel room.
And that was that.
When she finally saw him later that morning, it took all of her courage again just for her to say good morning to him. It was like she had been transported right back to when she was a teenager and she had gotten to meet him for the first time, but he didn’t seem bothered at all.
“Good morning,” he said back to her with a smile that she noticed failed to reach anywhere near his eyes. It looked forced and so did the way he greeted her. He seemed distant and it was a complete one-eighty to what they had last night. 
“How are you?”
She stopped herself because she wanted to scream. She had opened her mouth to say something else, but nothing came out. She had nothing to say to him for the first time ever and it seemed like he didn’t either because what on earth do you say to your teammate after you’ve slept with them for a second time. It wasn’t even that they had slept with each other, it was because she had wanted him to stay and because it was more than just sex, but neither of them knew it yet and neither of them would ever want to admit it. She didn’t understand because he was so different from one moment to the next. She knew, well, hoped, he didn’t mean too, but one moment he was her closest friend telling her how proud he was of her and then the next it was as if they had barely ever met. It made her stomach flip and not in the good way.
“We need to talk.”
He had said it, holding her eye contact for all of a moment before he had left her standing there as he headed into the garage without giving her even a second to respond. 
She followed him reluctantly into the garage and she was glad that they didn’t have any marketing to do together as she couldn’t think of anything worse in that moment. She was glad that all she needed to do that day was drive and for the most part it would have nothing to do with her teammate. 
The final free practice session hadn’t gone as well as the others. They had been testing a few things and she hadn’t done a single lap on the soft tyres so it was understandable that she had only set the fourteenth quickest time of the session, but it still left a bitterness in her mouth as they headed towards qualifying. 
That was the only time she had spoken to him at the track, well, until later that day. It was right before qualifying and she had managed to muster up enough courage to go up to him and wish him good luck before they both went out. He was standing at the back of his side of the garage, getting ready, standing in front of the little compartment that housed his helmets, gloves, and balaclava. She walked over from her own section to his noticing that his eyes fell on her, watching her take every step. She hated this. She hated this feeling. It was never meant to be awkward like this. She hated it and she just wanted it to go back to what they had before. To what they had before they decided to fuck all of it up. 
“Good luck,” she said, stopping right in front of him,
“i’d say the same, but you don’t need it,” he replied, noticing the small curl to the corner of her mouth. She watched as his hand juddered forward, reaching out to do up the top strap of her race suit around her neck. She just froze and it seemed like he did too. Her eyes darted to his and he was staring right back at her and it was almost as awkward as the Seb vs. Mia video they had to film on the Thursday.
She wanted to scream. 
She had forgiven him for not staying because this was so much worse. 
“Top ten?” he just asked her, visibly taking a step away from her as he reached for his balaclava, 
“we can try,” she said back, pushing a smile back onto her face. 
Qualifying ended up being tolerable. It wasn’t any better than her previous runs of the season and it could have gone a whole lot worse. She ended up just missing out on Q3 and had to settle for eleventh. Which wasn’t so bad as she had out-qualified her teammate in three of the four races now, which was quite the feat as he was Sebastian Vettel, the four-time world champion, and she had barely a quarter of his victories to her name.
“Almost,” came his voice once she was back out of her car after qualifying. She had managed to fist bump most of her mechanics and just about gotten her helmet off before she had to entertain the whims of her teammate who had decided now that she did in fact exist. 
“Almost,” she replied, glancing around to see him standing at the back of her side of the garage, “maybe next time,” she said with a small smile as she joined him, 
“bets are on you for Monaco,” he said and she just returned it with a confused furrow of her brow, “you won here last,” he explained, reminding her of a victory that seemed like a lifetime ago, 
“we’ll see,” she replied with a small smile as his shoulder nudged against hers as the walked to the back of the garage together.
She didn’t know what to think anymore. What was she meant to make of this, and she was sure he wasn’t meaning to mess with her like this, but he still was. One moment they were fine and the next they weren’t, and it felt like a stupid primary school relationship. 
“Later?” came his voice, and she had to visibly stop herself from pulling a face at him,
“what time later?” 
“what are you busy?”
She shrugged her shoulders, “i’ve got a few things to do,”
She nodded, “i’ll text you when i’m done,” 
She finished her race weekend duties; the track side ones such as post-qualifying interviews and media with the team along with team briefings. Then she was heading back to the hotel to get ready to go back out. One of the perks or downsides, whichever way she wanted to look at being one of the only female formula one drivers, meant that she had a lot of brands, sponsors, companies and people that wanted a bit of her time. This meant a lot of dinners and events that she had to attend at both race weeks and non-race weeks and Saturday was no exception. 
She had tried to set boundaries at the start of her career but to no avail. She didn’t want her Saturday nights to be filled with meetings upon meetings. She wanted that time to herself before the race the next day. She had argued at the beginning, but her time was worth more than that; her face on a poster was worth more than that; and in the end she didn’t get a say in how her time was spent.
Once she had finally finished another sponsor dinner she had texted her teammate and before she knew it there was a knock at her door and she opened it to find Seb standing there. 
“You look nice,” 
“thanks,” she replied almost squinting her eyes at him before she opened the door a bit wider so he could step in, 
“anywhere nice?” he asked as she shut the door behind him, 
“work,” she replied with a deflated smile. 
He just nodded because he knew there were sides to her job that he would never have to do simply because he was born the opposite gender. He remembered when she was younger, even before she had a seat in formula one, just how many dinners, events and meetings she had to attend just for being a girl. She would be at the track one moment and the next she would be meeting potential sponsors— or with some rich businessmen that wanted dinner with the pretty, young new racing driver. He had to meet his fair share, but not nearly to the extent she did. 
“I wasn’t expecting you to be her so soon,” she said, glancing at him before walking over to where she had stood before taking off her jewellery,
“i was already in town,” he explained, and she just nodded. She had so much she wanted to talk to him about. There was so much that they would usually just ramble on about for hours, but whatever this was, it made her feel like she couldn’t anymore, and that friendship they once had had slipped through her fingers.
“This feels so messed up,” she said only just above a mumble as her eyes flicked to his,
“i know,” 
“no, Seb, i feel like i can’t even talk to you anymore.”
She watched as his eyes scrunched shut and his brow furrowed, “i know and i don’t want it to be like this. I didn’t think it was going to be like this,” 
“i’m sorry,” she said as he just shook his head because she had nothing to be sorry about, “i want to go back to before,” 
“i know,” Seb replied with an almost painful sigh, “i want both,” he added and it was probably the most honest thing he had said to her all month, 
“we can’t have both.” 
He nodded and it felt like a whole eternity passed in those few moments that they stood there just a few feet away from each other. 
She finally turned around, “can you?” she asked feeling her voice quiver as she noted to the zip of her dress. 
He nodded as she stepped towards her. She moved her hair over her shoulder as his fingers found the zip at the base of her neck. She could feel his breathe on her skin and it matched the racing heartbeat in her chest. She couldn’t fool herself no matter how much she wanted too— she wanted this and she wanted him. 
He could feel the silky material under his fingertips as they brushed over her shoulders and then down her spine as he undid the zip of her dress. She didn’t move away even though he had unzipped her dress and his temptation to run his fingers over her skin grew as she stood there in his reach. He squeezed his eyes shut before all of his hesitations unravelled and then his fingertips were running down her spine. He felt her shudder slightly, but his touch hadn’t been unwanted, his hands had just been cold. 
He let his fingers trace her body and her finally let his fingers wrap around her waist. He could feel her relaxing into his touch and then he finally let his forehead rest upon the base of her neck. A sigh leaving his lips as every other problem seemed to vanish too. 
“We shouldn’t,” she said ever so quietly, 
“that’s not a no, Mia.” 
And she didn’t say anything because she did want this. 
His hands crept around her waist, lacing over her belly as he pulled her flat against his chest. His head resting against hers as her hands fell to rest upon his. 
“I want this, Mia,” he said into the base of her neck as he pressed a kiss into her skin, “and i want everything that we had before.”
She didn’t say anything; she just nodded as he pressed another wet kiss to her neck, followed by another, “and I’m sorry for being a fucking idiot these past weeks,” he added, tightening his grasp around her waist too, “i should’ve just told you how i felt.”
She just turned around in his arms, her dress falling from her shoulders and pooling on the floor around their feet. She noticed his adam’s apple bob as he swallowed after noticing she was now basically naked in his arms. His eyes failing him for a second as he snuck a glance before looking back to her eyes that were just staring back at him. “Yes?” he just asked,  
“yes,” she nodded back with a smile creeping onto her lips. 
She reached up bringing her lips finally to his. 
In a matter of moments he had cupped her face in his hands and was kissing her as deeply as he possibly could as their mouths moved against one another. She pressed herself against him as closely as conceivably possible. Needing to feel every part of him and her hands holding onto his sides as if she might loose him if she were to let go. Her fingers gripped hold of him as she pressed herself against him even more, wanting as much contact as physically possible. She was constantly pulling him closer making sure that there wasn’t even an inch of air between them. So much so that she could feel him stiffening in his shorts and she could feel it pressing against her belly.
A small moan escaped her as he grazed her lips with his teeth, feeling a smile forming on his own. 
Her fingers trailing under his shirt before taking a second to tug at it so he knew what she wanted. Then she was pulling it off over his head. She took a moment to look at his stomach, running her hand over it and through the hairs that covered the centre of his belly. She had seen him shirtless enough times simply because they were teammates, but never like this. 
A few seconds had barely passed, but she knew she was staring, so she darted her eyes back to his. She could see the little smirk forming at the corners of his mouth. She hit him pathetically square in the chest as she had to bite down on the inside of her cheek to stop herself from grinning.
He just kissed her smile away. 
He walked her backwards towards the bed until the backs of her knees hit the edge of the bed and gave way underneath her causing her to sit down. He leant down joining their lips again as he cupped her face in his hands. He only pulled away for a moment to press a kiss to the tip of her nose before signalling to her to move further back onto the bed. 
He caught her ankle in his hand, halting her from moving too far away and then he was leaning down to bring his lips to the inside of her calf. Then his fingers were trailing up her leg with his mouth not far behind. Another moan left her lips as he reached the inside of her thigh. Pressing kisses and nibbling at the tender-side of her thigh. “Seb,” she moaned again as her hands fell to her face and she could feel the smirk on his lips against her skin. 
When he finally reached the edge of her pants, she was already unravelling under his touch. He had moved so he was almost hovering on top of her causing her to open her eyes as she felt his breathe against her skin. Then she was looking at him, “you sure?” was all he said and she just nodded. 
He leant down pressing another kiss to her lips before he leant back to sit on his heels. 
“Seb,” she warned managing to wrap her hand around his wrist, 
“ok, ok,” he said, shifting off of the bed so he could kick his shorts and then his boxers off. Then he was reaching for her ankle again. Running his fingers up the insides of her legs again, but then he hooked his fingers under her pants and then he was pulling them off. 
He moved so he was kneeling between her legs again, running his fingers down the inside of her thighs again, causing her to almost tense away from the touch. Her body needing him more than anything else. She watched through her eyelashes as he debated what he wanted to do; he flicked his thumb over her clit a few times, causing a shiver to spread across her body like nothing ever before, and then he was lining himself up with her entrance before he finally pushed himself inside of her.
“Fuck, Seb,” she moaned as she stretched around him. Her body almost forgetting that they had been in the exact same position the night before. But, something was different; it wasn’t quite like before, or at least what she remembered from the very first time. There was something that felt so much for relaxed about it. A familiarity and comfortability with each other that hadn’t been there the times before, and it felt like maybe the following day wouldn’t be filled with awkward greetings. 
“Shh,” he hummed as his hips pulled back before he thrusted slowly into her again. 
He set a pace that was everything they needed. It wasn’t rushed, but it wasn’t slow, and it was deep enough that her whole body felt alight. It was everything she wanted; everything she needed, and from the flow of little grunts and moans leaving Seb’s lips above showing that it was everything he wanted too. 
Her back arched from the bed as her hips tried to match the rhythm he was setting. Trying to move her body so that he could reach deeper and so that she could take everything physically possible from the moment. 
“Seb,” she moaned quietly, letting his name fall from her lips. Her head falling to the side as she tried to reel in the pleasure she was feeling, but he just took her cheek in his hand so she was looking back at him; his other hand at her hip; his fingers digging into her skin as he tried to hold her still. 
“You’re so pretty,” he said as he hovered over her and that was really the only thing he said to her the whole time. 
The moans left his lips, but never her name. 
He just leaned down, pressing his lips against hers once more, sucking on her bottom lip, and he continued to thrust into her. 
She knew she was looking anything but pretty. She knew she was covered in sweat and she knew the baby hairs around the edge of her face wouldn’t curled into ringlets from the sweat. She knew she was looking far from her usual presentable self, but it didn’t matter and he loved her looking like this. 
After everything that had happened, he loved seeing her fall completely undone. He loved seeing her lose control of herself; completely giving into the pleasure that was humming through her body. A complete juxtaposition to the Mia he saw at the track every weekend.
He could’ve cummed just from the sight. 
And he nearly did. 
It was long before they were both reaching the heights of their orgasms, scarily, almost in sync. Her hands grasping tighter around his waist, the words tumbling from her lips telling him not to stop, and there was not a single part of him that had even debated stopping; he wanted this just as much as she did.
He watched as she orgasmed. He could feel her tightening around him. Her whole body arching off of the bed as it screamed for every ounce of pleasure. Her head falling back and her mouth falling open as she moaned. Her eyes rolling to the back of her head, and he had never seen anything so pretty, and with a few more thrusts he found himself collapsing on top of her as his own orgasm hit him.
He stayed there for a few moments, his head resting on her chest as she tried to catch his breath. Her body rising and falling beneath him with every breath she took herself. Her hands moving to the back of his head as her fingers ran through his hair and her legs falling to rest against his sides as he still laid nestled inside of her. 
They laid like that for what felt like eternity, but in the best possible way because it felt wholeheartedly like nothing else. 
But eventually he did move. 
She hadn’t even tried to stop the whimper that left her lips when he started getting out of the bed. He had heard it, and even though part of him wanted to stay; wanted to fall asleep with her in his arms; waking up to her in the morning; he knew he couldn’t. 
“You need your sleep,” was all he said as she turned his back to her and walked across the room. She had to fight the urge to roll her eyes. She watched as he picked up his clothes from the floor, chucking them to the foot of the bed. Collecting them there before he started to pull them on. 
“I’m not a child, Seb,”
“I know,” he just muttered back to her. 
That was his way of saying he wasn’t staying. 
She had to almost stop a disheartened sigh from leaving her lips as he refused to even look in her direction. He turned cold. She wanted him to stay, but she knew he was regretting even just being there. She wanted to be in his arms as she fell asleep; she wanted to know what that side of him was like. She would never get to see it, which was why she longed for it so much. She longed for that little bit of intimacy because that part of her life had been empty for so long that even if her bed wasn’t empty for just one night, it would make her feel a little less like a failure. 
She didn’t even look at him as she got out of bed, wrapping her robe around her as she made her way over to the bathroom. She turned the tap on splashing the cold water onto her face before she reached for her tooth brush. She started brushing her teeth and she was was still standing in front for the mirror as she watched him lean against the door frame behind her once he had gotten himself dressed. 
“You want to talk about it?”
He watched as she finished brushing her teeth and spitting the remainders of her toothpaste down the drain. 
“Not right now,” she said pausing for a second before she chose to lean in to press a kiss to his cheek. Her palm resting on his chest momentarily as she brushed past him and back into her room. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” was all he said before leaving and she just hoped it hurt him as much as it did her. 
She knew it shouldn’t hurt her. But it did; maybe because he had consumed so much of her brain for these past few weeks; because he had for so many years, too. That every time she tried to close her eyes she was reminded of what they had done. She knew that it would only ever just be sex, but she wanted more than just that.
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a long time ago — one shot
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The MC88 Series Masterlist
Mini Summary: Seb remembers all of the times he met Mia before she was his teammate (set between 2011-16)
word count: 4.6k
tags/warnings: aston martin ¡driver! original character, past, webber/kvyat metioned if that scares ppl lol, not edited either
He had known her since she was little, well, he knew of her. He knew her name. He had been told her name. He had heard her name. 
She had been quite a few years younger than himself. He had remembered watching her karting a fair few times. She was quick. Really, really quick. She had won the race he had watched. She had started near the back and by the 16th lap she was battling for first. She won that day and the day after and just about everything she ever raced. 
Her name had come up a lot as the years passed, but the first time he had really taken any notice was when she had joined the Red Bull young driver programme in 2011. She had been sponsored by them for many years previous. That’s why he had taken notice. He had taken notice because he’d seen the little Red Bull helmet. He had seen a girl in the same racing suit he had. A trophy in her hands that was nearly half the size of her and a smile that nearly reached from ear to ear. 
She had barely had her sixteenth birthday when she joined the junior team. A lot of people were skeptical because she was young, but what they really meant was because she was a girl. Daniil Kvyat had joined the year before her and he was only a year older than her and Alex Albon the year after and he was sixteen at the time too. She was no younger than any of the other drivers, but she was the only one they mentioned. It was because she was a girl. Red Bull had signed another girl to their young driver programme so did this mean that Red Bull would finally have a female F1 driver? Maybe, maybe not, but the press loved it. 
He remembered Christian defending their decision. He said it didn’t matter that she was young because that was the point of the Red Bull junior team. He said it didn’t matter that she as a girl. He said that she had deserved her place just as much as anyone else and she had proved herself time and time again and that you just had to look at her record to see it. She had just about won everything she had ever competed in. Her record was better than most. Better than most of the greats, yet she was challenged on everything.
He remembered being introduced to her in 2011. She was tall and skinny. Not much shorter than himself or Kvyat. She had been pretty even at sixteen. She had shaken his hand, said that it was a pleasure to meet him and wished him luck for his race. She hadn’t left Kvyat’s side that day. She had been glued to him because that was the only person she knew.
He remembered a few years later at Silverstone at the young driver test in 2013. She had been the reserve driver for Toro Rosso at the time and she had been there all weekend driving for both Red Bull and Toro Rosso. She had driven his RB9 as well as the Toro Rosso STR8. It was the first time he had any real interaction with her. He remembered talking to her before she drove the RB9. He remembered because she had told him she had just turned eighteen a couple of days before. He had wished her a late happy birthday and she had wished him one too. She had congratulated him on his win in Germany that month. She had asked him how it had been to win in front of his home crowd. He told her that it was everything and she told him in return how she hoped to win at Silverstone one day. She had asked him a lot of questions about the car, how to drive it and what he did. She had listened with her undivided attention to everything he said. She had just turned eighteen but she was quick. It was her first time driving the RB8 and she managed to set the 4th quickest time in his car just behind himself and Ricciardo. She was also 7th in the Toro Russo which was a testament to her skill because the STR8 wasn’t the fastest. 
All eyes had been on Susie Wolff at testing, but they should have been on her. 
She wasn’t bothered though. She just wanted to race. 
He had seen her few more times that year as the GP3 and Renault 3.5 series she was competing in followed some of the races of the F1 schedule. He had only seen her briefly as they were both busy but she had managed to say hello a few times. He had managed to see her race a few times and see her win which wasn’t hard as she won most things. 
He remembered congratulating her in the pit lane. She was over the moon. He had never seen such a big smile. She was as happy as if it were her first win, but, of course, it wasn’t, because he had seen four of her wins from just that season alone. She had thanked him. Throwing her arms around him briefly before she found the next person she knew. 
He wasn’t sure why he remembered it so much. Why he remembered her so much. She was just the reserve driver for the junior team yet he could almost picture every single time she had smiled and said hello to him. 
Maybe it was because she was always with Daniel. He wasn’t sure if they had been dating or not, but every time he saw her she was always there with Daniel or she was there to see Daniel. He had never asked at the time. He hadn’t ever asked. He could’ve sworn that Daniel had a girlfriend but the pair looked too close to just be friends. He didn’t think much of it because it had nothing to do with him and he lot more important stuff in his life to be worrying about. 
He had thought about asking her about it now. He knew her and Daniel were still close. Not as close as they were back then but she always made sure to congratulate Daniel after races and many times he had seen them together. 
He remembered that she was there when he won his fourth world title. He wasn’t sure why he remembered it so well. Why he remembered her so vividly, but he did. It had been his day. He had won. He had been on top of the world. Yet he remembered her that day. She had congratulated him in passing at the track. She had hugged him almost jumping up and down with excitement. But that wasn’t why he remembered. It was later that night when they were celebrating. 
It wasn’t just his world title, but Red Bull’s constructors championship too so there wasn’t a reason for anyone to not be celebrating and celebrate they did. The whole of the Red Bull team and most of the Toro Rosso team had been crammed into a little club in Noida, India. They had all been drinking heavily but he could remember looking across the club and seeing her sat upon an engineer’s or someones shoulders. Daniel next to them as he held her hand. Her leaning down every now and then to say something to him.
He had found them later on in the evening, or they had found him, at the bar. They had come to get drinks for themselves and whoever they had been with and had insisted that he drink with them. That he was a world champion, a four time world champion, he couldn’t not celebrate. He had settled on doing a few shots with them, mainly to keep them happy and to stop them pestering him. They made him feel old, but in actual fact Daniel was only two years younger than him. Mia had almost cheered when he agreed to do shots with her as she stood between the two soon to be teammates. She leant over the bar smiling at the bartender almost getting his attention immediately which most of the team had struggled to do all night. He looked to Daniel as she did so catching him looking at her, running his eyes over her back which was mostly out due to the low-cut backless top she was wearing. His eyes only moving as he watched her order the shots, correcting her from two each to three each. It was an open bar so why not. She turned to argue with him, the bartender already starting to make them, saying that she couldn’t drink anymore, that she had been drinking every night for the past week. It wasn’t really arguing; she was grinning the entire time, and when she went to hit his chest, he had caught her, pulling her to stand back up, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Seb had been stuck between two groups. Talking, joking with some of his engineers, but then watching the pair in front him too. Daniel had been looking at her the whole time. He could’ve sworn it was love in his eyes, but then again it could’ve just been lust. 
He watched her as she threw back the shots. One after the other. Both her and Daniel barely pulling a face as they did them. Then she turned to Seb encouraging him to his. Knocking her elbow with his as she ordered more drinks from the bartender. 
He had just about managed two, already regretting it and thinking about the hangover tomorrow when his teammate joined them. He had wrapped his around him before he said hello to the younger Aussie driver, pulling him in for a hug as they greeted each other. He then said hello to Mia. Hugging her, and congratulating her for her win in the Formula Renault championship, apologising for not congratulating her sooner. Telling her that he should’ve been there to see her win. He knew Mark and her had always been close. He had followed her career from karting. He had always helped her out. He had been there when she first driven an F1 car. He had been there most times for her testings as well. God, he’d been at most of her races too, but that wasn’t his story to tell. 
Seb told his teammate that he was just in time to do his last shot. Mark laughed telling him that Mia had got him celebrating the right way as he patted his teammate on the back. Mark grinned back at the young girl who was handing him a shot. He thanked her, clicking his glass with her’s and then Seb’s and then Daniel’s before throwing the shot back.
“God, what was that?” Mark asked pulling a face as he put the glass down on the bar, 
“some Indian speciality,” Mia shrugged looking rather happy with herself as she leant back against the bar, 
“she hasn’t stopped celebrating yet,” Daniel said nudging her with his shoulder as he looked to Mark and then to Seb, 
“there’s been reasons to celebrate,” she laughed trying to explain herself as she handed Daniel his drink as she leant into him as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, 
“the last seven days,” Daniel said with grin, the famous Riccardo grin, as he told Mark, 
“and you test drove on Friday?” Mark asked in response shaking his head with a laugh as he looked to the eighteen-year-old, 
“i was sober!” she laughed a reply trying to defend herself insisting that she was sober when she drove the Toro Rosso and that Wednesday night had been a quiet one. Mark had asked how Barcelona had been. She told him that they had stayed in Barcelona for a few days after her win before they headed straight to India. He noticed how she said they had. Her and Daniel. 
They spoke for a bit longer before Mark excused himself, telling her to ring him when she got back to England. Telling her to drink water before she went to sleep so she wouldn’t be hungover on the long plane journey back. He said his goodbyes to the three of them. Hugging Mia and placing a kiss upon her head as he left. 
Mia asked if Seb wanted another drink. He quickly declined after the last three and let them head back into the crowd returning to the group he had been with before. 
He saw the pair a few more times throughout the night. Always just a glance across the club to see them together. Dancing together, singing together and hanging out with some of the younger members of the two teams. She was back on someone’s shoulders again as a well known song came on as everyone sang along. Daniel still holding her hand and her still leaning down to speak to him every once in a while. 
He didn’t see them again after that but he could’ve sworn he saw them leave together, but who was he to question it. 
He saw her a few more times that year. She had been at the Abu Dhabi grand prix. The final of the GP3 series had been there so she had been racing. He had managed to watch a bit of her race. She had qualified well, but not as well as she would’ve liked. She was second behind Kvyat in the standings and she needed the win to win the championship. She had qualified 8th, but after a tough race she had only managed to finish 4th which left her less than twenty points behind the other Red Bull junior driver. He knew she would have been disappointed with herself and that she would’ve been upset but she had still finished 2nd overall and he knew she would be happy for her teammate too. He knew her and Kvyat were still close and he knew that she would still be out celebrating as if she had won. 
She had also been at the last final F1 race of the year too in Brazil. She had been there as the reserve driver for Toro Rosso. It had been a good race for both teams with Ricciardo placing 10th and with Seb and Mark taking the one-two. It had also been Mark’s last race before his retirement so again there had been big celebrations in the Red Bull garage. 
He couldn’t remember much because they were all drunk before the clock had even hit ten o'clock. He remembered her being with Daniel and Kvyat and some of the other young Red Bull drivers. 
He remembered looking over to her as they stood watching Mark’s speech. The respect and admiration in her eyes as she watched him. Her eyes never leaving Mark even as his speech dragged on. Mark had been drunk which was why his speech had been so long. Sober Mark would have had it done and dusted in under a minute, but he had instead opted to thank every single member of the team and relive every moment of his career. 
You only retire once so might as well make the most of it. 
He remembered watching the pair. She had been one of the last people he had got too after hugging and thanking every single member of the Red Bull team and every other person that had been in the club. Mark had hugged her. Pressed a kiss to her cheek. He went to go, but she had grabbed his arm, saying something to him. He stopped, standing in front of her. Towering over her. She looked up to him. His face was serious as he listened to her speak. He didn’t know why he had paid so much attention to them. He was sure he had been staring, but there was such an intensity in the way the spoke to each other. He wasn’t sure how she had been so close to Mark, yet didn’t hold a grudge against him. So much had happened between him and Mark. So much so that they hadn’t spoken to each other in the past. Sure, they were fine now, but everything he had put Mark through, he didn’t know why she didn’t hate his guts, but instead it was quite the opposite. 
He watched as Mia had to press her palm against his chest as someone behind her fell into her. Neither of them seemed to even notice. Neither of them even looked up, still looking at each other as they spoke. He wanted to know what they were talking about. What it was that the two of them shared that made them so close. But he didn’t ask; he would never ask. 
He noticed the smile that started to appear on his teammate’s lips. The way the corners of his lips curled into a smile as Mia beamed back at him. He watched as Mark whispered something in her ear, giving her a final smile before they both disappeared into the crowd. 
In 2014, Daniel became his teammate at Red Bull and Mia had been promoted to the reserve after Kvyat getting the seat at Toro Rosso. This was when he started to see a lot more of her as she was at most of the races and because she was finally in the Red Bull garage.
She always tried to catch him after free practices and qualifying asking him questions, always wanting to learn. She would always congratulate him after races too, even when Daniel had started to do better. She would also ask him for advice for her own races too, especially if he knew the track. She would ask him how he did certain corners, why he did certain things. She always wanted to learn, she always wanted to know how she could do better, how she could become the best. 
She had been there when Daniel won his first race in Canada. 
She had been one of the last people to congratulate him. Jumping up and down in the back of the garage as the Red Bull driver finally made it over to her after being congratulated by everyone single person in the team. He had hugged her, lifting her up as she laughed. She held onto him so tightly, her arms round his neck. When he had finally put her down he had cupped her face in his hands leaning in so close that it looked liked they might kiss, but they didn’t. Instead both of them letting out a somewhat happy noise that he couldn’t quite explain. 
“Go get your trophy,” she said to him. 
He didn’t reply.
He just stared at her for a second before giving her a nod. 
He remembered her watching his teammate go before she turned to him. Giving him a hug, telling him a well done for his third place too. 
They had gone out celebrating that night, of course they had. 
He hadn’t seen her for the entirety of the night. She hadn’t been with Daniel. She hadn’t been with Kvyat or any of the other Red Bull drivers either. He had thought that maybe she just wasn’t there at all. He didn’t want to admit that he had been looking for her, well, he hadn’t, he was just confused as to why she wouldn’t be here celebrating Daniel’s win. 
But she had been there because she had found him at the bar, again. He had been there ordering his last drink of the night before he’d call it quits. 
“Hi,” she had said greeting him as she joined him at the bar. She was forced to stand a little too close to him because of how packed it was. The bar was busy, full of everyone celebrating his teammate’s win. He forgot how old she was for all of a second. He could feel her warmth against him. Her skin touching his. Her smiling up at him. He hadn’t to shake his head. She didn’t look nineteen. Well, not even nineteen because he remembered that her birthday was after his in July.
She could have easily have passed as being twenty-one. She didn’t act her age either because just like he had, she had grown up too quickly. Her childhood taken away from her, being forced to grow up too quickly all for this sacred sport. 
He wanted to ask where she had been the whole night. Why she hadn’t been with Daniel. Why she hadn’t been celebrating his win. Why he hadn’t even seen her with Kvyat and why he just hadn’t seen her all night. But he couldn’t ask her because why did he care and why had he even been thinking about her. 
But instead he just settled for asking her how she was. 
He had noticed how her eyes had shot to his. How she had quickly checked over her shoulder. 
“Good,” she had just said with a nod avoiding his eyes as she turned back to the bar. His brows furrowed for a second. He had just meant it as a passing comment, but maybe she wasn’t ok. He didn’t even have a second to think about it because she was asking what he was having to drink. 
“Beer,” he replied, “last one,” he added leaning next to her on the bar, 
“no shots?” she asked nudging his shoulder with hers, 
“not with you, no,” he had replied with a chuckle. He had watched as she had caught the attention of the bartender, again, so easily. He had been stood there for at least five minute with no one even glancing in his direction. He didn’t know how she did it, how she always did it. She was just that type of person that everybody loved and everyone she ever spoke to immediately fell at her feet. She was charismatic, but just enough that it didn’t feel overwhelming. 
He watched as she ordered their drinks. Smiling at the bartender as she checked over her shoulder at him that she had got it right. 
“Thought you would be celebrating with Daniel,” he said to her as she handed him his drink. 
She looked at him for a second. 
“I’m here, aren’t i?”
“you know what i mean,” 
She just shrugged. 
She could feel him watching her, waiting for her to say something. 
“Are you leaving soon?” she just asked him instead. 
“uh- yeah,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders noting at the bottle in his hand as he took another sip. He didn’t say it, but he raised his eyebrow, asking her why. 
“Can you walk me back to the hotel?” she asked her eyes flicking to his and then away. Almost nervously. Almost if she didn’t want to ask him. 
“Yeah,” he nodded without even thinking. 
He watched as she looked over her shoulder again. He did the same. He wanted to know what she was looking for, or who. But there wasn’t anyone, just a crowded club. He wanted to ask her, but hadn’t because it was his place. 
But he had still walked her back. 
She had been there when Daniel had won in Hungary and then in Belgium. She had been there for most of the formula one races. He had seen most of her wins in Formula Renault and GP2, but those were other stories, ones that weren’t his to tell. 
When he got his coveted seat at Ferrari, she was finally given the Toro Rosso seat. 
He had rung her when the news had broke and in return she had rung him congratulating him when it was announced that he would move to the Scuderia. 
They had become friends. Well, they had always been friends, they had always been friendly, but as they moved into the 2015 season this grew. He had become a sort of mentor to her, filling the gap Mark that had left. He had other responsibilities, he had other commitments that meant he couldn’t be at her races no matter how badly he wanted to be there or how much Mia needed him there.
So Seb had gone to see her before her first f1 race. He knew that if it was any race that she needed support it was that one, and also because Mark had asked him. So he had walked into the Toro Rosso garage, not caring about the looks he was given. It was a good job he had because he had found her sat in the corner at the back of the garage completely engrossed by her own thoughts. Completely by herself as the team fussed around her teammate. 
She had given him a smile when she had seen him. She had shown him her shaky hand, letting out a nervous laugh as she looked up to him. He had just smiled choosing to crouch down in front of her so he was at her eye level. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous,” she said quietly to him holding his gaze,
“it’s ok to be nervous,” he had said in response putting his hand on her knee to steady himself, “you’re meant to be nervous.” 
It had given him déjà vu reminding him of himself from eight years ago when had driven for BMW sauber in the United States grand prix in 2007. He had been nineteen at the time, and she was nineteen now about to start her formula one career. She had been younger than he had been because he had started half way through the season, but neither were as young as her teammate, who had taken all of the attention at just seventeen. He had been just as nervous as she was. His hands shaking just as much. He had felt exactly the same way, but it had all been fine in the end. He had qualified in 7th back in 2007, only losing one place in the race to finish 8th in his first grand prix. He had told her this, and that it would be fine wherever she finished, even if she finished last, but obviously he had told her she wouldn’t, but, it would be ok, and that they would be proud no matter what. 
What had been even weirder was that she had finished 8th just like he had. 
He had found her in parc ferme after the race. He had hugged her, congratulating her and bumping her helmet before his former teammate hugged her. Lifting her into the air and swinging her around. She had squealed, laughing as Daniel finally put her down. She had had to hold onto Seb to steady herself as her feet found solid ground before Kvyat had found her too. He had hugged her with just as much enthusiasm, wrapping his arm around her as they headed back to the pits, leaving the former teammates to follow behind.
It hadn’t been the only time she had celebrated that year. It hadn’t been the only time he had seen her that year, but again they weren’t his stories to tell. 
She only spent another year after that with Toro Rosso.
He had watched her relationship with Red Bull unfold. 
He had watched her get pushed aside for Kvyat and then for Verstappen. She was never getting that Red Bull seat they had promised her. She had won in the Toro Rosso just like he had done. But that wasn’t enough. They had already made up their mind that Verstappen was the better driver and no matter what she did, it’d never change. 
The smile never left her though, even though he was sure it did behind closed doors. 
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The MC88 Series Blurbs/Short fics
C4F1: Catching up with Mia Carmichael after qualifying | Abu Dhabi GP ‘22 — Mark Webbahh and Steve Jones interviewing Mia after qualy (Seb’s last race)
In the airport, pt 1 — Mia and Mark in the airport after flying back from one race or another (race & year unspecified)
In the airport, pt 2 — Mia and Seb in the airport on their way to passport control upon arriving at one race or another (either 2021 or 2022/race unspecified)
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Im speechless after reading „let July be July“ cause that absolute rawness ? My goodness, you are a mastermind. The way you could feel it rile up between the lines to the final blow up, just amazing writing and plotting. Also the way you portrayed sebs anger and his weaknesses in word choice and body-language? I really don’t know what to say, so I’m just going to virtually take my cap off !! This whole series has been a delight so far. The tension, the forbiddeness of it all but at the same time you just understand their connection. A work of true art it is !!
Thanks for writing and sharing xx
stop your making me blush🥹🥹thank you so much, means the world and im glad ur enjoying it!!! i’ll hopefully have some new parts soon <3!!
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if u followed me for my series (i mean theres no other reason lol) i will be posting in a few weeks! im going away monday and then ive got 2 more uni reports due but then after that the seb/mia fics will be all yours (unless i get writers block cos i have been trying to write brazil for the past month)
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Hi! I just read the new parts of the MC88 series and I have to say I really love it!! Other than the parts you have planned on the masterlist, will you write anything else in this series??
thank you & yes ! the ones on the masterlist are just ones that are nearly finished !! i still have about 4/5 original parts that i need to write and im always getting ideas too for new parts as well
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I just read the two new instalments of the series and you are seriously such an amazing writer. The way you set the scene and include so much detail ? Great character writing as well ! Love your „version“ of seb cause it feels really real and Mia is just so well rounded. Definitely excited for more !
thank you so much ! messages like these honestly make my day and mean so much !! and im glad u like the way ive written seb because ive struggled sm with it !
ive got 2 more parts coming next week hopefully!
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