#the me of yesterday would be inclinded to disagree
calovere · 3 years
So, we’ve all had mod problems, yes? Mods not working, not playing nicely, not being installed properly, etc. Anyone who’s modded games before knows funny things can and will happen. And everything worked fine in the base game, after much fudging to make things get along. But, uh, Awakening sort of broke... everything? This is one of those times where I wish I had video capture or something, because I couldn’t replicate it when I tried.
Like, the first time entering the Vigil’s courtyard, no darkspawn. Ok, I thought, something’s amiss but may it’ll be okay! The NPC merchant does nothing. Get to the wooden gate, still no darkspawn. Do I just, walk through? The closed gate? That’s not how I remember it going, but alright. Through the gate to the invisible voice yelling for bandages.
Uh... let’s just, go into the Vigil proper Mhairi.
Onward to meet Anders! ... who immediately yeets himself through the wall and into the Void. Well that’s a little more concerning. Find the survivors - no darkspawn. Onto the battlements - no darkspawn. Pull the lever, Kronk! - no darkspawn, but apparently Dworkin has invented jet bombs, because all I have is a pair of naked legs sticking out from the top of the screen.
Let’s just go find Oghren.
More survivors - no darkspawn. Oghren! Oghren. Oghren, where’s your cutscene. Oghren, the door won’t unlock until we’ve had your post-cutscene fight. Oghren, I need that cutscene.
You know what? Mhairi, wait here, I want to check something.
Let’s go back to base game, maybe I had a bad last save. Everything seemed fine la --- where’s the Archdemon? Sandal,  I just left you what are you doing on the rooftop, there’s a soldier being squished to death by invisibility, w-why are all the darkspawn gone, I literally saved Denerim an hour ago, Awakening what have you done to my save files?!
Needless to say, after a clean install my save files worked fine again, and Awakening had no problems with mods a second time apart from a few invisibodies because ID conflicts are great.
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