#the members appear on the video too 🤧
themoongirls12 · 10 months
[CHUU-ing] 사랑 잔뜩 받은 츄의 'Howl' 첫 공개하는 날💕 | CHUU 1ST MINI ALBUM [Howl] 발매 쇼케이스 현장 비하인드
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enn0s · 3 months
Hey theree,
a wild one has appeared again D. 🦝__ 💨
Life slows down for no one sadly but sometimes a busy life is a good distraction. Hopefully it’s not bringing you any unnecessary stress. Ahhhh that’s always nice to hear. I actually was going through your art tag a couple weeks back and realized you were one of my favorite artist when I was using the app more. Glad to still know your phalanges and artistic drive is going strong. I draw but I wouldn’t consider myself an “artist” artist. I’ve been having art block on and off for years, but I will admit I have been picking up the pencil and paper here and there, but I’m not satisfied still with how often I do it.
Do you have any goals when it comes to your creative path? Like maybe one day make it a career or is it just a hobby for right now?
Ooooh~ yes, especially! On the No Mercy EP. I have to say all those songs are favorites. But First sensibility, also got a good amount of favorites 1004 definitely, Check On and Shady lady lady lady~. I looove their rnb vibe too and I don’t like a lot of K-pop music with rnb influence. It’s just the ear feel isn’t always the same lol idk maybe it just me.
Omg…speaking of I officially have a group an actually like to the point I’m watching their videos and actually being invested. I haven’t been like this since B.A.P really honestly haaa. I will say I’m felling cringe about it…but I know I shouldn’t :,^]. But euuuu liking someone to this extent? Brother euuuu. But it is what it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
They’re called EVNNE and I’m going to see them in August. If you’ve heard of them do you have members you like or songs? I wonder if we’d like the same peeps, if one of them starts with a H…we may scrapp 👊💥
Nahh I’m playinng around lol they deserve all the love and just shows you have good taste to me.
Ahhhh that sounds like fun. I enjoyed the BYG concert, but I feel like the fans weren’t that hype for me but still! Great vibes all the way. Well lol I’m going to another one so thank you for wishing it into existence 🙇‍♀️
And don’t worry about pronouns I’m not a stickler about it but quite nice of you to ask. But to the MBLAQ throwbacks. OH YEEEAH OH YEEEAH OH YEEEAH YEAH YEAH! Vibe and continue getting that dopamine.
Until next time… D. RACC OUT! 🚪🦝 _💨💨
I always enjoy these convos as well, especially, it’s kind of not related, when I find people who watch or watched early 2000s - 2010s anime’s. The Nostalgia is always nice. And to share it with someone? Double win.
Reminds me when I wore my Powerline Concert Tee from The Goofy Movie. And the store clerk started singing Eye to Eye. But lol fr this time, I wish you well until the next we speak again.
Oh! And also if you had to choose an animal what would you identify with?
Toodles and 🍜✨~
hello friend i was just thinking about you the other day! hoping you were doing well on your side of the world lol.
thats an incredible compliment for me to hear about my older art, i appreciate you so much 🤧 in my mind, if u try to make art then you're an artist lol im proud of you for picking up the pencil again! its hard to start up again after a long time, your hand doesnt move quite the way it used to and you gotta get used to your speed and your style again like meeting an old friend after a long long time...awkward at first but then you fall right back into it and its different but still good. i definitely had a dip in creative drive for a solid...5 years? idk it comes and goes and i've learned to just let it. no shame in a rest period!
I actually went to school originally to pursue art and design but i discovered very early on that i dont respond well to being told what to create so an art-focused job was just never gonna be something i was going to succeed in without burning out completely.
These days i just have my tiny 10 dollar sketchbook and i've been pulling out the colored pencils and crayons and glue and scrap paper and just. having fun... and it's really kickstarted that urge to create bigger, more polished pieces again. i think my goal is just to keep that love close to me and not lose it again in the hustle and bustle of being alive.
i gave evnne a listen and i like the sound of the ride or die EP! even the b-sides are solid, theyve got great voices, they got a little sauce right out the gate and i see a lot of potential for them! im a long haul kind of person for bands so ill keep checking in on them for sure, they got good things comin for them. They look soooo young to me lmao i just wanna get those kids some sandwiches and a nap 🥲 you can tell theyre working their asses off.
I wonder if you had to make a list, what your top 10 songs (doesnt have to be kpop) would be~ im always looking for new music and i love hearing the songs people love and why they hit the way they do.
Bro powerline tho!!!! what a fucking legend!!! a goofy movie and shrek are unironically masterclasses of cinema to me lol, i had goofy movie on VHS and id play that thing to death, its just so good and eye to eye is a banger. Taste.
Wishing you peaceful nights and delicious foods till the next time we talk friend!
0 notes
ateez-amanda · 2 years
Fashion Advice
Time: July 2020
Summary: Amanda seeks fashion advice from her fashion guru on her but ends up getting more than she bargains for
Disclaimers: italic words is past convo. mentions a curse word and briefly the pandemic
a/n: this hongjoong gif is such a blessing 🤧 he is also the best captain. hope you guys like it. let me know what you think.
taglist: @skzfairies, @3nhyp3nn [send an ask if you want to be on/off the taglist! :) ]
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Amanda pressed a shirt against her chest, thoughtfully examining her reflection in the mirror, “No.” She irked, throwing it back in her closet. She continued her search through the countless amount of hangers in her closet to test out when she heard her phone ding.
Hannie😇: just finished filming. i’m on my way over to your dorm now. see you in a bit😁
“Oh. I forgot to tell you. I tried that one place you recommended me the other day.” She said through the video call as she scanned through her puzzle pieces scattered along her table.
Jeonghan slightly glanced up, breaking his concentration on his giant car lego he had been building, “Which one?”  
“Nook Palace.” A small ‘ah’ came from him before she continued, “I suggested it as takeout for dinner with my members and you were right. The meat was amazing. It just melts in your mouth.” 
“I told you, you would like it. I only know fine quality places.” His response earned a sneaky eye roll and a little smile, that didn’t escape his vision, from her. 
“Okayy.” Sarcasm hinted in her tone, making Jeonghan grin. “The boys loved it too. I was highly praised for the recommendation and I think it’s going to become a regular takeout place for us now. So I guess I should thank you.” 
“You have to treat me out as thank you then. How about we meet up?” He mustered up his most non pressuring tone with a nonchalant attitude to mask it.
That definitely got her full attention. 
“What?” She miserably failed at concealing her flusterness.
“Let's meet up.” He said more confidently after seeing her reaction. “We haven’t seen each other in person for months. I mean I know it's because we both been busy and the pandemic kind of put a damper on things. But it's not as bad now and I know this really nice secluded park nearby so we won’t get caught by anyone.” He continued to list strong points making it difficult for her to argue back. Unbeknownst to him, she was already going to say yes. But it’s not often she gets to see him struggle and she wanted to see what excuses he could come up with. “Plus I gave away one of my favorite top secret places to you.”
She giggled, “You have made some valid points. Okay.”
“Wait.” She began to recall that the filming site he mentioned was about 30 minutes from here and she hadn’t even chosen an outfit yet, “Shit.”
Fed up and in dire need of help, she snatched the hangers of the outfits she had spent ages contemplating on and sprinted down the hallway of the dorm to the living room where ateez’s captain had been taking refuge. 
She bursted in with the stack of clothes covering her face, yelling, “Hongjoong oppa!!” 
 “What happened?” The older boy jolted up from his spot on the couch, panic filled his face. It was very rare to hear her voice raised like that unless there was trouble usually from one of his younger members. But when Amanda dropped the heap of clothing next to his spot on the couch, he knew it wasn’t one of those situations.
 “Oppa!” A suspiciously innocent smile appeared across her lips.
He raised an eyebrow, “That sounds a lot like your 'I need a favor' tone.”
“What? I just thought you need to take a break.” She shuts his laptop and moves it away from him. Although there was some truth to it since she knows he’s been working nonstop for the past 5 hours, her innocent act didn’t budge his skepticism. She let out a defeated huff and rolled her eyes, “Fine, you’re right. I’m desperately in need of a favor from you. Happy?”
A satisfied smile spread across his face, “Happy. What’s up?” 
“I’m supposed to go to the park with someone in a half an hour and I can’t figure out what to wear.” She kept it as vague as possible.
“Someone? Jeonghan Sunbaenim? Is it another date?” He began to interrogate her. 
Her eyes widened, “How do you know about Jeonghan?” 
Once the 99z line learned about her set up with Jeonghan, it didn’t take long for the word to spread to their captain’s ears. Finally realizing it was one of them, she angrily grumbled “Which one of those idiots blabbed?”
“Jeonghan? No more sunbaenim now?” He casually diverted the topic.
“You didn’t answer my question.” She retorted back, not falling for his trick.
“Neither did you.” The two stared down at each other waiting for the other to break. 
“Yeosang.” Their leader ratted out his younger teammate. 9 does not make 1 team
“I knew it. It’s always him. He always acts like he’s innocent.” Amanda muttered the last part.
Hongjoong chuckled, “I could say the same about you.”
“What do you mean? I am innocent.” She feigned a hurt expression, earning another snickered from him. “And I just like to make it clear, that I still refuse to count that as a date since….SOMEONE SET ME UP WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE!” she loudly yelled to ensure the ‘certain someone’ could hear from his room across the hall. 
She is clearly not holding a grudge anymore.
“YOU'RE WELCOME!” Wooyoung’s voice echoed, triggering a frustrated tsk to escape her lips. 
Although she preferred if none of her members knew of it, right now she was grateful to her members' loose lips. But more importantly, it was one of those days where Hongjoong had chosen to stay home to work rather than at the studio.
“Anyways...” Returning her attention back onto her leader with a smile attempting to mask her annoyance, “This isn’t a date. We are just hanging out…at least I think.” She murmured the last part.
Not escaping Hongjoong’s fine hearing, his brows scrunch together, “You think?”
“It wasn’t exactly defined as a date. That’s why I need your help picking out an outfit. It will be embarrassing if I dress up too nicely and it’s not a date. So I’m trying to go for an outfit that says ‘I tried but not too much but enough to show that I care but again not too much’. Make sense?”
“Sure.” He amusedly agreed at her ramble even though he had no clue what she meant. 
As she endlessly babbled on while presenting her outfit ideas, he couldn’t help but find it interesting to see the girl who never cared about her fashion take it so seriously now. 
Yet something kept poking in the back of his mind. She has a tough shell that she used to try to showcase her maturity, but Hongjoong knew underneath that tough exterior she was actually very innocent on the inside. Especially when it comes to dating. She never kept it a secret from the boys that she never dated anyone before. 
Her excitement instantly vanishes upon hearing her Korean name that rarely comes out of his mouth, “Oh no, that sounds a lot like your scolding tone.” 
“I’m not scolding you.”
There was a little sense of relief, but the uneasiness didn’t quite settle in her yet, “Then?”
“What exactly is going on between you two?”
“I’ll let you know once I know.” She answered honestly. The label between the two had always been hazy. Neither of them had ever spoken out about what was going on between them. “We have never talked about what kind of relationship we have after the blind date.” 
“You should ask him.”
“That’s easier said than done.” She let out a sigh, joining him on the couch. 
“Do you want to try to elaborate on that some more?” 
“Not really.” She mumbled fidgeting with the clothes in her hand. Hongjoong patiently waited knowing she needed to get whatever was bothering her off her chest. 
She sighed, “When we were set up on that blind date, I thought he did like me but I figured that it was just surface level. We both didn’t really know each other personally. Only as idols. You know?” She glanced over at him where she received a small nod from him, “I guess now that we spent so much time together talking on the phone and stuff, he’s gotten to know me better. You know, the regular everyday girl. He might not like me like that anymore. He might just see me as a friend.”
“You don’t know until you ask him. He might actually like you.” 
“And if he doesn't, it could ruin our newly established friendship.” Her pessimistic side reared its ugly head. 
If she was honest with herself, part of her mind believes he does like her. But the logical part of her mind, the one that always wins in her overthinking mind, can’t tell if the things he says and the way he acts with her is because he likes her, likes her or just sees her as a friend. 
“It’s better to ask now so you know whether you should continue with your feelings or end it before you get too deep and you end up hurt. Don’t waste your time hesitating. You didn’t become an idol from hesitating right?”
“Actually there was a lot of hesitation.” Her comeback earned an eye roll from him. She chortled, “I know you're right, but it’s too late. I think I’m already too deep into this.” 
“So do you like him as the normal everyday guy?” Although it was pretty clear what the answer was, he wanted to hear the confirmation from her mouth personally. 
“Yeah, I think I do.” A little tender smile spread across her face before it faded away and replaced with a sadden look. She let out an annoyed groan, slouching her back onto the back of the couch. “Gosh why is liking someone so freakin complicated?” 
“I’ll let you know once I know.” Hongjoong followed her, both peered at the top of the ceiling.
She never understood when her friends complained about their dating lives to her. There was always a simple solution when she heard their problems, but now that she is in their shoes, it’s becoming a little more clear.
“So you don’t care if I do date Jeonghan?” She suddenly asked, seeking his permission.
“Yeah. You’re an adult. Besides, it's not like we have a dating ban.”
“That’s true, but it does affect all of us if the public finds out.”
“Amanda, don’t worry about us. It’s okay to focus on yourself. If being in a relationship with him makes you happy then do it. You deserve to be happy.”
“Of course I do.” Amanda confidently replied, attempting to lighten up the somber atmosphere that was making her uncomfortable, “And even if you said no, I still would.”
“Of course you would.” He joked back, joining in on the laughing. 
“Okay!” He clapped his hands, lifting his body up from the bed. He carefully scanned through the pile of clothes scattered around on the couch, “You said you were going to the park?” She nodded. “And you want something that says ‘you tried but not too much but enough to show that you care but again not too much’, correct?”
Her soft giggle echoed throughout the room. After hearing it from someone else it did sound a tad bit ridiculous, “Correct. It makes sense right?”
“It's the only thing that makes sense lately.” He played along, “And you don’t have any idea what you guys are going to be doing?”
“Not a clue. I know I probably should have asked but I was too stunned by him asking to hang out.”
He smiled at her comment before grabbing the hanger of a sage colored short sleeved puff ruched crop top and held it up near her figure, “If it’s the park, then wear this. This color compliments your skin tone the best. And…” He handed that to her as his eyes browsed over the pant selection sprawled over his bed before snatching a high waist light blue jean shorts “these shorts. You also need a jacket that is chic but also helps cover you from being seen by people, I think a light cardigan should work.”
“Which one? I have a lot.” 
“The white one with the little hoodie.”
“Oh that would look good with this.” She agreed, eyeing her outfit with much fascination.
“Do you know what shoes you want to wear?”
“I don’t know if I should wear sneakers or sandals. I want to wear sneakers in case we walk around a lot but I feel like sandals would look better.”
“Not technically. Both would look fine. I think sneakers would look more stylish though. Do you still have those white high top converse?” She hummed. “Then that should be fine.”
“This is perfect! Thank you oppa!” She beamed, holding up her newly fashionable outfit, “What would I do without you?”
“You would be a fashion terrorist.” 
“I’m not that bad. At least I didn’t wear an outfit that made me look like Winnie the Pooh.” She jabbed at their member Yeosang dance practice outfit earlier this year. The leader couldn’t refute that. Amanda checks her phone, “I gotta go. I only got 15 minutes and I got to put on some makeup. Thank you again oppa!”
Before she could even hear his reply, she had already dashed back to her room to finish getting ready for her ‘hangout’? ‘Date’?  Well whatever it is she will find out soon.
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© ateez-amanda — all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, or repost my work.
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atinymonster · 3 years
memory lane
ateez 9th member.
when jiyu talks about her trainee life from both SM and KQ.
i’m slowly making my way through the requests if y’all sent one in! key word: slowly because i tend to #procrastinate 😔✊🏼
italics are also in english :)
➴ taglist: @banhmi07, @jiyeons-closet, @jaeminpeachy, @mochibabycakes, @euphoriamingi, @marsophilia, @studioreader, @goddessofdestructionbeast, @dkdlwhs12
➴ masterlist
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“Are you all that interested in my trainee stories?” Jiyu chuckled as she noticed all of the comments asking if she had any interesting stories. Most of them were asking if she knew, or was friends with this or that person; majority of them from SM since that was her former company before she came to KQ. 
who was the first person you met from SM 👀
“First person...let’s see, I first came to SM in 2014,” she mumbled as she searched her memories for the first person she met. “Oh, right! I actually met Taeyong first.”  
“I came literally two days before the company’s annual SMTOWN show, so it was really hectic for the SMROOKIES group at the time since they were performing, too. But I was getting toured around the company and he literally ran into me while turning the corner and he ended up spilling some water on my shirt. He kept apologizing even though I told him it was okay,” she chuckled upon the memory.
“It’s kind of funny since I remember when he was first introduced as a Rookie, I saw his picture and I thought he was kind of intimidating...his clumsiness is the only thing that scares me now.”
she did him so dirty we love our savage baby monster 😭😭😭
i wheezed, she really called his clumsiness scary—
do you guys still keep in contact???
“Yes, I still keep in touch with him. He sometimes even sends me updates about how is twenty-two children are doing,” she snorted. 
The more she spoke about the past, the more she realized how fast time had flown by. As hard as it was for her to believe, that all happened seven years ago.
“mark’s going through puberty, sorry”
i just KNOW he send little video clips along with those updates...
“Even though I just entered the company, they immediately added me to the Rookies lineup, so I met them all fairly quick. Yeri unnie was still a Rookie at the time, and she really helped me settle and get used to everything. Like if I got lost while going somewhere, she volunteered to go with me the next time in case I got lost again.”
yeri best girl 😔 a baby queen helping another baby queen
“But when it came to the boys, Jisung and I grew close pretty quick, too since we both loved dancing, and we were the same age. But it’s so weird, everyone! We used to have a pretty small height gap, but now he’s a whole head or two taller than me!” she pouted. “Now he looks down and just pats my head like a child whenever I see him...”
ㅋㅋㅋ he’s such a giant baby
stop, now i need (nct) jisung x jiyu interactions now 🤧🤧
i can already tell they’re going to radiate chaotic sibling energy...but they’re the cool visual siblings 😎😎😎
“And then I appeared on Mickey Mouse Club! That was the first time I’ve been in front of so many cameras, but the girls helped me feel comfortable whenever we were shooting, so it didn’t feel as burdening or scary. Herin and Mark even helped me whenever I stumbled with my words since it was hard for me to get used to Korean again.”
are you still friends with the ex Rookie members?? 👀
“Am I still friends with the ex Rookie girls? Yes I am. We hung out recently! Herin visited Korea at the worst possible time though because the last time she came, we just started Inception promotions...I still went out after our schedules to meet her though. I just felt bad since she agreed to meet me so late at night.”
“Oh! And then I met NingNing when she was introduced as Rookies. I remember just staring since she was so pretty,” she sheepishly admitted with a giggle. “I remember the first time I heard her sing and just being so mind blown. She already gave off main vocal vibes even as trainees, it was insane.”
what about the other aespa members???
“aespa...hm...Giselle-nim came after I left SM, and as for Winter-nim and Karina-nim, I didn’t get many chances to see them around. So I’m not as close to them, sadly. I’d love to get to know them, though.”
“And then I Ieft SM in 2018 and came here to KQ. NingNing cried when I told her I was leaving,” she wistfully smiled at the tearful time the two had when Jiyu broke the news that she was planning on leaving the company. “She surprised me with a small cake the next day, too, but wrote ‘don’t forget me!’ on it and that just made me start crying again.”
“We recently met up for my birthday, though. She gave me a really cute flower bouquet and a handmade card that I hung up here.”
Reaching over to her desk, she went out of frame as she tried to unpin the card NingNing had given her off of the board. Coming back, she showed the handmade card to the live. “She drew the butterfly! Isn’t it pretty?”
“And the flowers are by my window. They’re still alive somehow, too...I don’t know how since I always forget to water them...maybe Seonghwa secretly waters them for me since he knows I always forget.”
Suddenly, she had a shocking realization.
“But guys, think about it. If I didn’t leave SM, there’s a chance I would’ve debuted in aespa. Then ATEEZ would technically be my seniors...” she couldn’t help but gawk over that fact. It was just way too hard to wrap her head over that concept—having to refer to ATEEZ as sunbaes. “That’s so weird to think about. Imagine if we ran into each other at a music show or something and I had to formally greet them with a bow...please, I can’t even imagine it, I speak to them semi-informally on the daily.”
As her chuckles died down, she bit the inside of her cheeks as her mind started to wander back to the past. She met so many people at SM and learned so much, but leaving had been her decision since she wanted more opportunities. After winning a spot in the debut spot lineup during MIXNINE, she was beyond ecstatic at the thought of finally debuting, even if it was a project group. But once those plans fell through, she felt mentally conflicted since had to return to being a trainee. 
SM also focused a lot on NCT during that time, so they were constantly debuting new boys. Debuting a girl group seemed so out of the question and such a far-away possibility that she started to lose hope. 
She knew she was still young, she knew she still had time, but she still yearned for more opportunities, she wanted to venture and branch out.
“Even though I left SM, I don’t regret my time there or leaving. I like to think everything happens for a reason—I just wasn’t meant to stay at SM despite everything that happened. Instead, here I am with you all,” she grinned, leaning back on her bed frame.
“Eh? Really?”
She hasn’t had the chance to talk to Taeyeon in a long while. Not many people knew, but the two had been close since her trainee days. Even before she became a trainee, Jiyu really looked up to Taeyeon.
She pursed her lips to try to conceal the smile that was threatening to cross her lips at the huge compliment. “No, I didn’t know...that’s surprising, though. To be called pretty by Kim Taeyeon herself...I’ll give her a call later.”
she’s close with taeyeon???
wah...i didn’t know that....”
“Yes, I’m close with Taeyeon unnie. She helped me a lot with my vocals and whenever I had concerns, so we just naturally grew close. I haven’t had the chance to talk to her in a while, though...”
any other sunbaes??? 👀👀👀
“I still keep in touch with Red Velvet unnies and Amber! And I actually talked a little bit with Changmin sunbaenim during Kingdom. He actually still kind of remembers who I am, that’s crazy.”
Looking up at the clock that’s hung above her desk, her eyes widened when she saw it was nearing 1 AM. She really didn’t mean to spend so much time talking about her trainee life, and keeping the 800k people in her live awake at such a late hour on a weekday.
“Alright, bedtime ATINY! I’ve kept you all up for a while recalling my trainee stories,” she chuckled before waving to the camera. “Remember I love you all! Have a good night, TINY!”
Blowing the camera a little kiss, she ended the live, wistful and nostalgic feelings lingering in her head and heart from talking about such fun memories.
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ggukkiedae · 4 years
i miss seri :( seri fluff w txt pls :(
i miss seri too :(( i’m really slow when it comes to writing her aksjdhfb but we’ll get there 🤧✊🏻 but anyway, here’s some fluff!
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The dorm was somewhat silent, and the lights to the common area and kitchen were off. Seri kicked off her shoes in confusion as she walked in. There were usually boys scattered around the house, so why was it so quiet?
Right when she was taking her phone out to call Soobin, she heard a cheer erupt from the bedroom. Her eyebrows furrowed as she walked over to the door. Upon swinging it open, all five boys looked up at her looking like a bunch of deer caught in headlights. Beomgyu slammed the laptop shut.
She raised her eyebrow at them. “Are you guys watching R-rated movies?”
“No!” Kai yelled. “Noona, how could you think that?”
“Let me see,” she tapped her finger on her chin. “Five boys in a dark dorm, their only girl roommate not home, but the moment she opens the door, the laptop is quickly shut and you all look terrified.”
There was a moment of silence where the five boys just exchanged looks with each other before looking back at the girl.
“Okay, I see your point,” Yeonjun coughed awkwardly. “We weren’t watching porn, though.”
Her slow nodding only showed that she didn’t believe them. She flipped on the lights and hopped onto her own bed to remove her makeup. Beomgyu sat next to her and helped her wipe her skin clean.
“Noona doesn’t believe us,” Taehyun sadly shook his head. “Look at her. She thinks we’re corrupt boys.”
“I wouldn’t say corrupt,” she laughed. “Just a little overexcited.”
Beomgyu hit her lips with the cotton pad he had in his hand which made her laugh even more.
“Can’t we just show her what we were watching?” Taehyun asked.
“I don’t know,” Soobin opened the laptop and looked over it to make sure Beomgyu didn’t break it. “Should we?”
“She doesn’t need to know we have these,” Yeonjun pointed out. Kai was quick to agree with him.
Beomgyu rolled his eyes at his members while he internally debated the pros and cons of telling her what was on the screen at that moment. He sighed. It was pretty weird for her not to know.
“Your parents sent me videos of your musicals back when you were in New Zealand,” he told her as soon as he got the last bit of makeup off of her face.
There was a screech from Kai once Beomgyu finished speaking. Seri’s jaw dropped. Yeah, Beomgyu was close to her parents, but she didn’t think they’d send him videos of her pre-Korea self.
“Oh my god,” she groaned. “Middle school me is not it, I swear. I wasn’t even that good at the time!”
“Yes you were,” Taehyun sat up adamantly. “You were amazing back then, and you’re just 5 times better now!”
“This is embarrassing,” she mumbled.
“Well, the truth is out,” Soobin walked to sit by her feet. “Let’s watch your performance as Annie again. I like the New York song.”
“NYC?” Yeonjun supplied.
“Right, NYC.”
Before she knew it, the four other boys joined her and Beomgyu on her bed to watch her younger self play Annie. She couldn’t escape or cover her eyes because Beomgyu and Taehyun were hugging her from either side, and Kai was sitting right on her feet.
She groaned when she saw the familiar red dress appear on the screen.
“Do we really have to watch this with me here?”
“Yes, yes we do,” Soobin told her.
“Leader’s orders,” Yeonjun laughed. “You have no choice, Lily. Or should I say Annie?”
Seri could only facepalm at that.
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key201303 · 4 years
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Word count: 2.8k words
Warnings: None!
Genre: Fluff, little bit of angst.
Plot: Xiaojun has been on a world tour for the past month and right when videocalls started to not be enough for you and winter was coming making you feel the loneliness without his warm embrace, he shows up in your front door as a Christmas surprise.
Pairing: Idol!Xiaojun x FemReader
A/N: Okay everyone this wasn’t supposed to be uploaded this soon in the month but I just finished writing and I’m SOBBING 🤧🤧 I want Xiaojun to be my boyfriend 🙂Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this ❤❤ Special thanks to @not-majestic-bluenicorn who made the facetime edits🙏🏼💙 everyone go check her blog and give her lot of love and suppot🙏🏼💙
Taglist -> @lovelygalaxy333​ @eunsangelical (let me know if you want to be added ❤)
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Just like a Japanese proverb said once, one kind word can warm three winter months. And that was exactly what happened back when Xiaojun and you started dating 3 years ago. Both of you arriving in a foreign country, knowing nobody and not speaking the language. For you it was a pretty hard process but the moment Xiaojun appeared in your life offering you a hot chocolate while you studied in a small Chinese Cafe, your winter lighted up and it wasn't cold anymore. "It's not cold because when I hold you in my arms, I can feel your warmth." Xiaojun would always tell you anytime you were out and asked him if he was cold on a winter night. 
Years went by and you could slowly see how he was able to live his biggest dream. He always talked to you about how much he wanted to become a recognized singer and now, finally, he could sign a contract with one of the biggest companies in Korea. 
You loved seeing him perform and you loved his group members. Whenever he was on the stage you were the first one being in the front row cheering him up. Whenever he was doing a Live streaming you were the first user to join. Whenever they uploaded a new video you were the first one watching it and liking it. Whenever they released a new album you were the first one giving all your love and support to it. You were always they’re biggest supporter. You were always his bigger supporter.
Unfortunately you knew dating a recognized idol wouldn’t be easy. Soon, hate comments started to fill your social media, going to do the groceries with Xiaojun like you did during weekends for the past 3 years started to get more and more difficult to the point that you had to end up going alone, nights without him wrapping his arms around you as you both slept started to be an habit for you and seeing your boyfriend started to be something you hardly ever did. But still, you both managed to show how much you loved each other, Xiaojun never letting you think you weren't important to him anymore. “I don’t need anything else in this world if I have you (Y/N)... You’re my everything.” He said whenever you both had a discussion about his schedules and you thought he didn’t love you anymore. You heard from many fans that they considered him an angel… He truly was.
Even though you both managed to stay together and overcome all the hate comments from fans and the impediments his company put in your relationship, there had to be a moment that you both exploded. And sadly, it was when he had to go on a world tour for an entire month. “Can (Y/N) come with us…?” Xiaojun asked his manager worried and scared. Worried because he knew they wouldn’t let you go with them and scared of this situation being the end of your relationship. He loved you, with his entire heart actually, and the thought of you leaving him made him terribly scared. “No Xiaojun, this is a business trip. Would you bring your girlfriend on a business trip if you worked for a business company?” Their manager said with a cold tone. Xiaojun remained silent, too scared of retorting his manager and getting scolded. “It’ll be okay, (Y/N) will be okay.” Kun whispered reassuring him. Even he knew you wouldn’t be okay but he couldn’t say that to his younger friend. 
Xiaojun arrived at their dorms with Yangyang to find you curled up on their couch, soundless sleeping as a random TV show played on the TV placed right in front of you. “I told her to not wait for me…” Xiaojun said rolling his eyes at how stubborn you could get sometimes. “She loves you, she would never listen to you whenever you tell her to not wait for you.” Yangyang said giggling and removing his shoes to get on his slippers and go to his room to change his clothes into something more comfortable. “When will you listen to me…” Xiaojun whispered, caressing your cheek with his thumb once he kneeled next to the sofa so he could be at your same height. You slowly opened your eyes to find a smiling Xiaojun right in front of you. His eyes gleamed beautifully with the light of the TV and he looked down at you with so much admiration. Nobody has ever in your life looked at you with such admiration. “Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you up.” He softly whispered. His voice was smooth and embraced you like a warm cotton blanket. “It’s okay, I didn’t want to fall asleep.” You answered smiling widely at him and getting up so you could sit on the couch and leave some space for him to sit beside you. “You really didn’t have to wait for me awake… I know how tired you are and I come so late…” Xiaojun said, pulling you into his chest so you could rest your head on him. “This is almost the only time of the week I can see you so I will keep staying awake waiting for you.” You said, your voice almost cracking because of some tears ghosting your eyes and your teary eyes glued to the TV. You were praying for Xiaojun not noticing your sad self but it was impossible, he knew you perfectly. “Are you okay?” He said placing his fingers on your chin and lifting your head up so you could meet his eyes. “It's just… I miss you Xiaojun… I know you have always wanted this but… I miss you…” You said looking straight into his dark eyes. Hearing you say those words broke his heart, especially knowing that he still had to tell you he was going to leave for a month for a world tour and that you couldn’t go with him. “I know… And I’m sorry…” He said feeling the guiltiest person in the world for making you go through that just so he could live his dream. He felt selfish for making you live like that because of his dreams. He felt bad for not being able to be him, the one living like you so you could live your dreams. Little did he know he was your dream.
Days went by and Xiaojun was still thinking about how to tell you about the world tour. After hearing you tell him about how much you missed those days when he was just a normal teenage boy hanging around with his girlfriend without worries of someone seeing you made him extremely scared of telling you about that world tour and the thought of you telling him that you couldn't handle it anymore and that you were leaving him didn’t help at all. “Yo, you okay?” He heard Lucas standing right in front of him. “Yeah, sure.” He answered with a low voice. “Are you sure? You’ve been kinda off for the last few days.” Hendery added as he joined the conversation. “It’s just… I still haven’t said anything about the world tour to (Y/N)...” Xiaojun answered, his eyes glued to the floor. “Why? She has always been super supportive with our concerts and stuff, why are you so worried?” Lucas asked confused. “The other night she told him how much she misses having a normal boyfriend instead of an idol boyfriend and now he's scared.” Yangyang said, Xiaojun mouthing him an inaudible ‘thank you’ for explaining the situation for him. “Bro, if she really loves you, and she does, she will understand. Come on, you guys overcame absolutely everything bad that happened because you guys had each other. I don’t think she will leave you just because you go on a world tour.” Hendery said, reassuring his friend. Maybe he was right. After all, you both overcame terrible things, overcoming a world tour shouldn’t be too hard, right?
“Babe… Umm, I’m going on a world tour. No, I can’t be that direct. Babe I have something to tell you, I’ll leave for a month… No, that seems like I want to break up with her…” Xiaojun talked to himself as he walked to your apartment, determined to finally tell you about their world tour. “Come on, you got this. You love her and she loves you, nothing can go wrong, right?” He said to himself right before ringing your doorbell. As soon as you opened the door and you found him there grabbing some red roses, which he knew were your favorites, a wide smile appeared on your face. “What are you doing here?” You said hugging him tightly, a big smile drawn on your face. “I finished earlier and I thought you would like to see me.” He said tightening the hug, not wanting to let go of you. God, how much he would miss your hugs and your peach scent once he was on that tour. “Babe… Um… I- I have something to tell you…” Xiaojun said nervously while you grabbed a glass of water to put the flowers in. “That doesn’t sound good, what have you done?” You said mocking him trying to calm him down. He, seeing that you didn’t take it as a bad thing, relaxed his shoulders that have been tensed up since he rang your doorbell. “It is something about the group… A few days ago we received the news of going on a world tour for a month…” Xiaojun started to say as he grabbed your hand and drew random patrons with his thumb in the back of your hand, trying his best to stay calm and hold back his tears. “Babe that’s great! You always wanted to go on a world tour!” You said cheerfully. He was surprised at your reaction. “Wait, aren’t you mad?” He said surprised. “How could I be mad?? Xiaojun I know how much you have always wanted to go on a world tour, how could I be mad?” You said cheering him. “So you don’t mind that I leave for a month?” He asked. “It is not that I don’t mind babe. Of course I mind and of course I will miss you so much but this is your dream and as long as you’re happy I’m also happy. I just want to see you live your dream even if that means facetiming every night instead of seeing you in person.” You said reassuring him. You truly loved him and all you wanted was to see him happy and if going on that world tour could make him happy there was nothing you could do to prevent that.
Days went by and Xiaojun was already on his amazing world tour. He would send you tons of pictures of the different places he went or the different food he tried. He would call you every night when they arrived at the hotel or even when they had a little break during the rehearsals for the concerts. He didn’t want to miss any chance of seeing you and checking on you and your lovely pets.
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But days started to get short, nights started to get long, bed started to get empty and their dorm that always seemed to be small started to feel bigger as you became smaller as days went by. Voice calls and facetime calls started to not be enough to fill the emptiness you felt deep inside your heart. Now, whenever you saw his name on your phone screen tears ghosted your eyes and which at first were happy tears of laughing about the funny stories he told you about the rest of the members soon started to be sad tears of loneliness. 
You were on the edge of that relationship you both worked so hard to build and for you it was really sad that you had to end up like that. Yes, you could overcome terrible things but Xiaojun was by your side. Now, even though he told you every day that he was with you, you knew he wasn’t physically by your side and that was the way you needed him right now. You needed to feel his warm hugs, his soft lips against yours, his soft whispers in your ear, his soft touch in your hair or cheeks. You needed him.
Suddenly your phone screen lit up with a phone call from Xiaojun.
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“Hey babe…” You said. “Hello my love. I have a little surprise for you, you should go open the door now.” Xiaojun said on the other side of the phone and hung up. You looked at your phone confused not really knowing what he meant. You, not having much more options, followed his words and went to the front door to open it. 
As soon as you opened the door you found 7 boys grabbing tons of bags as luggage, their faces with visible dark circles under their eyes due to the lack of sleep and Xiaojun grabbing, just like the day he said he was leaving, a bouquet of red roses. “Surprise!” They all said. “What?! What are you guys doing here?!” You said with tears in your eyes.  They were supposed to come back home the next week and you would have never expected them to appear a week before planned. “We had to cancel the concert in the last city due to bad weather so we could come back home sooner.” Xiaojun said, smiling widely seeing your happy tears flow down your cheeks like a waterfall. “Why didn’t you say anything?” You said sobbing and hugging your boyfriend tightly. “We were about to tell you but Xiaojun insisted on giving you a surprise, after all today is a special day.” Winwin said smiling at you. “What? Why is it a special day?” You asked confused as Xiaojun wiped your tears with his thumbs and placed a kiss on your forehead. “Oh come on, you really don’t know what day it is today?!” Ten said offended. You have been too busy missing Xiaojun that you didn’t even notice what day it was. “It’s Dec 24th, for God’s sake (Y/N)!” Ten said completely done with you and entered the dorms with tons of bags behind him and being followed by the rest of the boys who were laughing at his comment. “Merry Christmas babe.” Xiaojun said before softly pecking your lips. “You should keep those kisses for being under a mistletoe.” Yangyang said, teasing you both. 
You had an amazing dinner with them and you couldn’t be any happier. A day exceptionally long ended up just perfectly. “I just noticed I haven’t got you any Christmas presents…” You said pouting. “It’s okay (Y/N), what better gift than being able to spend Christmas together when we weren’t supposed to?” Hendery said smiling. “Yeah, destiny is really by your side.” Lucas added referring to you being able to spend Christmas with your boyfriend even though it wasn’t supposed to happen that way in the very beginning. “And you know? Somehow, there’s a present called you that melts inside me.” Xiaojun said leaning in to peck your left cheek. “Am I the only one hating Christmas holidays because of Xiaojun getting all cheesy and poetic?” Winwin said, making everyone laugh.
The night went by and when it was late enough for all of you, you all decided to go to sleep. You obviously stayed with them for the night, Xiaojun not letting you go to your apartment even if you begged him to. You weren’t complaining though. Both of you missed each other so much that all you wanted to do was hug each other throughout the entire night and warm each other in the cold night. “I love how you fit my embrace so well, it is like I’m meant to hug nobody else but you.” Xiaojun said softly once you were both peacefully laying on bed. He never failed to heat up your cheeks with his cheesy comments and even though everyone agreed Winwin a few hours ago, you had to admit you loved when Xiaojun got cheesy and poetic. “I’ve noticed something during this long time…” He suddenly said. “What is that?” You asked, curious. “At the end of this long wait that seemed to have no end , you’re the one. You’re the one I want to always have by my side. You’re the only one meant to be with me.” He said with the most loving eyes you have ever seen. He was right. 
Just like a japanese legend says, everyone is connected to another person by a red string that is unbreakable. No matter how much you pull it, no matter how hard you try to destroy it. Everyone has someone at the end of that red string and Xiaojun was the end of yours.
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ggukkiedae · 4 years
Yoonmi’s Peak Baby Moments
1. Debut Era Yoonmi
debut era yoonmi was tiny and adorable
her cheeks were still very squishy
despite bangtan’s strong image she was very soft
that’s why she was dubbed nation’s makdungie
2. When the SHINee boys took her out and bought her a pink furry jacket
her friendship with shinee makes her peak babie ngl
jonghyun and key had her all over their instagrams for a while
then the five boys bought her this jacket and she just lights up
he lived in this for weeks and she still loves it to this day
3. When Jungkook mentioned her wanting a dog so the fans gave her many the next fansign
it was just dog after dog after dog until couldn’t see her anymore
she was all smiley the whole time
very distracted too bc she was playing with the doggies
4. When she experienced making kimchi for the first time
this run episode was one big uwu
no one knew what they were doing but yoonmi was most confused
“oppa how do you do this” “oppa i need help”
cue the seven boys taking care of her and cheering her on
5. When Yoongi bought her a new dog plushie
before she got nala and dipper, yoongi bought her a plushie
he always updated twitter with photos of her with it
for a time she brought it with her to every schedule like a baby and their favorite toy
6. When she does self-close ups
the members love filming yoonmi for bangtan bombs because she always does this
she goues up close to the camera and makes faces
it just makes her look squishier, and it appears in almost every video
7. When Jimin and Taehyung decided to do a mini photoshoot
jimin and tae dropped a series of photos of yoonmi one day and everyone just uwued
it was a series of photos of them spending the day with her and just laughing and enjoying herself
her excitement was easily seen through everything
8. When she was sick on that one run episode
when they went to one mount in ilsan, she was very sick
she fell asleep in the pool during their break at some point and the boys just babied her
in the behind the scenes she pretended to cry because she left her puppy plushie from yoongi in the car
(im not saying seokjin ran for it but that’s exactlh what he did)
9. When the boys post photos of her in bed
the boys love taking pictures of sleeping or sleepy yoonmi
their twitter has a lot of it ngl
ig makes her look softer and smaller
every member can’t resist the powers of sleepy yoonmi 🤧
10. MOTS: One concert ment
she cried too back then
enough for her to accidentally drop her mic so jungkook had let her use his
everyone saw how much she and jimin missed performing for armys in real life
and everyone’s protective mode just kicked in
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key201303 · 4 years
It's just the truth hehe, you deserve it!!🥺❤
And yes, I agree.😭 While we know that he is an adult and capable of protecting himself, I still feel like he might struggle with his self-esteem :( of course that's just based on my observations and I don't want to make any assumptions or claims since I don't actually know him but ahhh sometimes I feel like he might say stuff like "oh, I got more buff" etc. because he wants the other members to agree with him? Or maybe he does it because he tries to convince himself? I just hope that (if he's not there yet) someday he can see himself the way we see him.🥺❤ And god yes, he's just so squishable and deserves so much love :((
AHAHAHA I FEEL THE SAME the word chaotic was made for Hendery istg :')) And just from seeing this picture I got so many questions😂 What even is this?? Is that a plant?? Or is it that one vegetable whose name I don't know in English ajdskkd AND WHY DID HE PUT IT IN HIS SHIRT😂 he's just so random but so hilarious I love it but I also love how sensible he is. I still remember that one video in which he said that he wishes people can see past his looks and that definitely left an impression with me because I always tend to look at a person's soul rather than their outer appearance, so I just also want to highlight that obviously apart from being funny, he's such a great person.🥺
And yes, I wholeheartedly agree with this!!😭 And also his smile is just the most beautiful thing on earth?? Like,, whenever I see his smile I forget all of my worries and just feel like the world is a little more okay because his smile is as radiant as the energy of a thousand suns😭❤ And the way he's just so precious and caring🥺 I know he's our evil maknae who loves to tease the older members but he's truly got a heart of gold and he's so talented and smart and thoughtful and of course super funny as well.😭❤
AND YES RIGHT KUN IS THE SWEETEST!! Have you also noticed how he always likes and often comments on the others' Instagram posts? We stan a supportive dad/leader😭❤👏🏻
Omg I'm so sorry for taking so long to answer🤧🤧 Tumblr won't be notifying me about asks🤧🤧🤧🤧
I completely agree with that, like I have the urge of telling him every single day how amazing he is just to make him see how amazing and wonderful he is🤩 like, if he cannot see it himself I'm here to remind him how great and meaningful he is to all of us🤧 and omg I'm so damn soft for Xiao Dejun, help🤧🤧🤧🤧
I think it is that vegetable you're saying and that I don't know the name in English of it neither(??????) tho I wouldn't be surprised if it was a random plant he took from God knows where cause you know, Hendery be out there being all random and we're sitting here loving it 😂😂😂 And why is he putting it inside his shirt? Good question, guess he's just being the special weirdo kid we love and stan 😂😂And omg that moment he said that UGH the feelings I have hits hard🤧🤧 I love him so damn much🤧🤧🤧💚💚💚💚
Okay hold on, nobody tell me I'm wrong with this because I ain't changing my mind but Yangyang has a sun smile that could brighten up the darkest room on earth🤧🤧🤧🤧 Like-
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THE WAY I'M CRYING OVER THIS🤧🤧🤧🤧 Someone tell him how damn precious his smile is🤧🤧🤧
And let's not talk about Kun answering almost every single post of the rest of the members because I've already been too wiped for Sir Qian Kun lately to add more drama🤧🤧 but let me just say I fucking love this man so much🤧🤧🤧🤧
AND on another topic, please tell me I'm not the only one crying over the visuals of the upcoming comeback🤧🤧🤧 why do they look so G O O D
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