#the mimics and thieves will be in the gimmickverse showdown
similar-blog-showdown · 5 months
You already have @gimmickbloghunter-hunter, so it's only appropriate that you add the OG @gimmickbloghunter. Put him against @gimmick-blog-predator, @icompilegimmickblogs, and @gimmickblog-taxonomist.
Also, I suggest putting all of the Thieves/Mimics in one. The ones I'm aware of are @gimmick-thief, @gimmick-mimic, @gimmick-thief-theif-thcief, @anti-gimmick-theif, @the-gimmick-duplicator, and @your-gimmick-has-been-stolen. (I'm definitely forgetting a few.)
Also (last one I swear), my good mutual @rat-detector vs. @certifiedratposts.
gimmickbloghunter vs. gimmick-blog-predator
icompilegimmickblogs vs. gimmickblog-taxonomist vs. gimmickblogcatalogue
rat-detector vs. certifiedratpost
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