#the mor pankh image can also be adjusted for perspective as Matilda is a few paces behind the group but other images from
schneiderenjoyer · 5 months
do you have more pics to back up your "sotheby is tall" theory?
There's a few, actually! And one of them is from Jessica's teaser trailer with their Nightmare at Greenlake skins where she stands between X and Eagle.
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This is funny because Eagle is the same age as Sotheby. So their height difference (take note that Sotheby's costume has her wear lace doll shoes that her usual heels) is really drastic.
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There's also this part of Ezra's teaser where we can see a comparison between the two (Ezra is a year older) and she's crouched down far more than she has to just to meet eye level with him even while standing. We can chalk that up to her heels.
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Because curiously enough you can see a slight difference between her height with her I2 outfit where she wears only socks. It's an interesting detail and I honestly give props to people in charge of the battle sprites for being so careful. But it's not perfect.
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A fun distinction is while the promotional art has Sotheby a full head taller than Eagle, their battle sprites are different to scale. So there's still some inaccuracies in the battle sprites itself, but the sprites can be only so small before it's just not viable for visibility.
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My point to prove that is Matilda and Kanjira. Because we have a better height comparison of just how tall Matilda is compared to Kanjira in the mor pankh event.
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Kanjira is small. Like, really small (which make sense for her ethnicity at estimated age 16 if you compare her height with Kaalaa Baunaa, who is estimated to be 27) So the likelihood of Sotheby being taller than her is possible when Matilda (who is estimated to be 14 and of European descent) can outnumber her height. And yet...
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The battle sprites are so funny to me at times.
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There's also this art piece with Baby Blue (estimated to be 17) which is also a good height comparison since Baby Blue's rather tall (ignore the fact she can grow and shrink things including herself for a moment)
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Their heights are roughly the same difference in their battle sprites (if you overlook Baby Blue's floating)
So, in conclusion, while the battle sprites aren't the most accurate way to measure height difference between characters, there's far more effort to make it distinct enough to tell who's taller or smaller between others. It's better than whatever UTTU's metric of measurements is, that's for sure.
And the official arts honestly has far better height and proportion accuracy between characters than in-game, so I firmly believe those to be far more reliable than anything the game itself has offered so far. (The biggest case of that is Schneider who looks far more mature and proportionate in official art than her live 2D in-game sprite, but still kept she rather small stature. Especially with the new anniversary art having her side by side with Sonetto and you can literally tell that Sonetto's taller)
And with the way most of those official arts has drawn Sotheby so far, she's often depicted to be tall and lanky! We love our awkwardly tall child.
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