#the most obnoxious thing is I think Halloween special could become a tradition
dallonwrites · 1 year
you guys are working on preptober i’m putting it off by writing a halloween special for my wip we are not the same
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fbdo1986 · 4 years
halloween headcanons for everyone’s (or at least my own) favorite ot3!
i’m approaching this with the au in place that they don’t start dating until the summer after senior year/a few weeks up to a month after the events of the film! so they don’t really do the high school party thing in their relationship! that being said, ferris and sloane did go to a few halloween parties while dating in hs, and were always known for their couples costumes that Obviously only a bi guy and girl could pull off! consider: they went as romeo and juliet one year, wearing clothing that resembled shakespearean dress. that’s all you need to know about these two giantic and obnoxious dorks who are literally perfect for one another and also cooler than the population of their high school.
when it comes to halloweens in their relationship though, they tend to stick to themselves/a night in! when they’re in college they sort of try the whole party thing, but it’s really not cameron’s scene, so they sorta abandon it! if the two are really itching to go to a party though, cam will stay home and prep their own party in his dorm while they go out for a bit!
what their parties entail: halloween music! these three love their dance parties, so they always need a soundtrack! the classics everyone loves! the monster mash! psycho killer! highway to hell! werewolves of london! also, horror/halloween movies! none of them are scared of them, although cam can be slightly squeamish when it comes to gore and blood, but he sucks it up most of the time. they end up watching campy halloween flicks more often than not, they’re ferris’s favorite! sloane has a love-hate relationship with slasher movies (hate mostly for the ones that exploit their female protagonists) but she likes the more classic ones! i think that ferris is very adamant about how anti-feminist and sexist a lot of horror movies are, even moreso than sloane is, and it makes cam and sloane laugh. of course they agree, but there’s something totally hilarious about pausing a movie mid-way through only for ferris bueller to rant to you about anti-feminist movies. i think cameron likes thrillers the best! they always have a good time with paranormal movies too. movies bring the Best out of chatty ferris, and they don’t mind, because out of any movie to talk during, why wouldn’t it be during a horror movie in which you bond in yelling hopelessly for the protagonist to make a better decision? fun fact! they all like watching it’s the great pumpkin, charlie brown together early in the evening. it’s a childhood staple for all three of them, and they like to prepare themselves by making big mugs of tea/cocoa/apple cider beforehand, putting on their comfiest sweaters, and cozying up on the couch!
candy preferences!!!!! idk why this brings me so much joy to think about but it does! first off, ferris has an ADAMANT hatred of candy corn. the first time sloane brings it home it becomes a huge Thing because of course, everything is a Thing with ferris. sloane doesn’t really see what the problem is, but this sends ferris into a giant spiel about how much it sucks, which ends with cameron annoyingly trying to hit ferris with said candy corn to shut him up. cameron won’t eat a lot of it anyway because it’s so sugary, so sloane doesn’t find it worth it to get any because it’d just be her having it. however, it becomes an inside joke every subsequent holiday, sloane taunting him with a small amount she’s acquired somewhere. ferris likes chocolate-y candy the best, cameron prefers chocolate candies with caramel, and sloane likes peanut butter and chocolate the best! 
costumes! i touched on this slightly in the first hc but i honestly don’t think the trio are going to dress up in costume if they’re just sitting in cam’s dorm/are at home. it’s a thing if they’re having friends over (or if jeanie comes to visit! they like to go full out for her if she’s coming) or if they go out, but it’s not the usual. instead, they still wear like, halloween attire/themed clothing and obviously spend time in their thoroughly decorated living room. if they do dress up, i’ve thought of a few costumes i definitely think they’d try their hand at! i definitely think one year cameron dresses up like a vampire/dracula and like. yes these sweeties are always aware of how beautiful their partners are but the fact that he looks So starkly different from how he normally shocks them in the best way because he looks so awesome and so handsome. almost immediately, after they process their initial shock of how different cam looks, sloane and ferris begin a bit about how they’re just two innocent strangers who somehow showed up at his castle and they “really hope they don’t get turned into vampires by this tall handsome and brooding stranger!” this continues until they’re just hanging out on the couch and watching a movie when ferris lays his head on cam’s shoulder and sloane shouts that his neck is exposed, so she has to “kill” him by stabbing him in the heart with a stake before he turns ferris into a vampire, it’s so incredibly dramatic but cam loves every second of it. as suggested by my friend jon, i think ferris as a zombie baseball player would be a fantastic look. honestly, ferris as any type of jock would definitely make cam and sloane swoon, even though cameron is technically the jock out of the three of them. while this is mildly self indulgent just because i think sloane would rock a suit, i think if sloane went as a magician one year, complete with a top hat of course, i think she’d have so much fun with it! generally i think sloane likes to have a lot of fun with her costumes, and likes to get them super accurate to whatever she’s portraying. i also think that costumes for three people are a bit hard to come by, but for shits i’m gonna explore the advanced taste if the three of them went as brian, sally, and maximillian from cabaret. i think it’d be especially fun if cameron was brian, since technically ferris should be since he’s the one who has a lasting relationship with sally, but let’s be honest with ourselves. who suits a suave stranger like max more than ferris? 
traditions! i touched on this also a bit earlier, but i think the trio generally love cooking for one another, so i think they make it a point to make things extra special on holidays! they all probably contribute to cooking the various parts of meals together, but usually one of them (most likely sloane, she’s precise with measurements that baking requires whereas ferris likes to have more fun improvising when cooking) will make dessert! it’s almost always pumpkin cookies, but sometimes a pie will make an appearance! also, i think because these three are incredibly sentimental, a holiday absolutely calls for photos together, even during their mundane halloweens spent at home. they’re brandishing their jack-o-lantern’s, making sure there’s evidence of their costumes when they dress up, and if jeanie is coming over it’s a must. they like having photos of them with her. no one’s quite as much of family as she is! expanding on jeanie, i think if jeanie does come to visit, chances are (it’s a fun spin on a headcanon i made not too long ago) she brings the bueller dog who she’s firmly taken in to their apartment and they end up walking him all together around the neighborhood, admiring the decorations and saying hello to any kids who might be passing through there trick-or-treating! (also jeanie acts like she’s too cool for this, but she’s definitely got some sort of costume on this dog. there’s no way around it.) 
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