#and focusing on silly writing for October
dallonwrites · 1 year
you guys are working on preptober i’m putting it off by writing a halloween special for my wip we are not the same
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flymetosnarryland · 10 months
A little progress.
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I'm working on "Infraction." My precious baby, uh. This art is part of it in a way. Eileen Prince and Tobias Snape. When people are falling in love everything seems easy, but then life happen.
(I'd like to talk about how things are going with Infraction.)
I'm back on it since couple of weeks and working on it is intense (my brain is literally boiling). I don't think I ever planned a story for that long. The first idea has born 6th January this year. I was writing down (like crazy) everything I wanted to be in this fic. During first months it was chaotic and messy, but brought me so much joy. When I've had everything that (I thought) I needed, I wrote first chapters, yeah. And then shared them, because was so excited about all of it and just couldn't wait. Gosh.
Now I... hm... well, maybe not "regret" it, but I think, I totally should have wait. Why is that? First thing first, this story is not ready yet for being written in, you know, final version. It's too fat, lol.
I may want too much from it. There is a lot, like, seriously, A LOT of things to cover. First notes took me around 80 pages and it had many gaps in it (too much if you ask me). Things I needed to figure out and fill in, in the same time making everything work together. Because this Snarry is not sprinkled with crime. It's filled with murder, political shenanigans, family shiteshow and tough, not always appropriate, love. There are secrets and lies, blackmails and history that matter. Backstory of many people, whose actions over the years supposed to bring us to the point where we are now. And, you know, all of it gives me the thrill. First time in my life I feel like a true Puppet Master.
So, couple weeks ago I started to write a proper outline, if I can call it like that. To put everything in order and, going from the very beginning, to fill all the gaps. To answer all the questions I was asking myself in notes. To figure out the missing clues, some details without I couldn't go further and with that - to find out how characters will change facing new situations. How they will grow (I really love this part). Sometimes I think, "why am I even doing it?" I could just write some cosy, little fic where Harry and Severus' silly problems would be the main goal of the story. Like, focusing on them should be enough, right? Why am I going for all the other things, if I just want them to shag and have their happy end after all? 😂
Well, if it's not for fun, I don't know the other reason. The level of excitement is just incredible. I don't know, if what I'm writing is good or bad. If it really has sense, because I've always seen myself rather as a potato, not as a great mastermind who can plot some good shite, you know. That said, "Infraction" feels even more challenging that I ever thought it will be. But I feel deep inside that I can do it. Going step by step where the main plan leads and... it just feels good.
I've started in October 1989. Now I'm in January 2011. It means that I managed to finish everything that happen before the fic starts, lol. And, actually, I almost covered the first part of the book. So, two more to go? Hehe. It'll take time, yes. It's crazy how much I want to continue writing the main chapters, not only swim in the plan-phase. Drawing the series of "Muggle London" art helped me a lot with easing this itch. However, it's still there. I know, though, that I have to finish it. The whole outline, I mean. Without it, things can go south.
That said, I can't tell how long it will take. Couple weeks? Maybe months. This is really... a lot of work and I want to be proud of it. Even more so, because this fic means a lot to me. I know it may not be, you know, mind blowing or something. But I hope that giving it all my love, it could be, you know, not that bad for reading, hehe.
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changingplumbob · 10 days
So today I was just so focused on those templates and getting what was in my head on to the screen. There will be times when I get so stuck in a task like that, that it's a job to leave it to go eat. Not sure if that falls more under ADHD than the autism. Of course if they would just do a proper medical evaluation I'd know but nope, I'm an adult so must have survived long enough that if I'm neurodiverse I don't need extra help *grumbles in annoyance* I'm happy with how the templates came out. I spent so long on them that it seems silly to keep them to myself you know? If even just one person says they'll use them I'll probably put them up I just don't know if it's too soon or not. Because like Simblreen isn't until October, but if you're like me you enjoy getting stuff done at least a few days before it goes out.
Hopefully going to write tomorrow. I was meant to write today but my brain needed me to work on the templates.
On the home front our hot water cylinder (or boiler I think it's called someplaces) appears to be broken. We called the landlord but no one to come look at it until Monday because weekend rates. So I guess warm showers are being replaced with quick dips in cold water, it's still winter temps here so that'll be something...
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mewnia · 20 days
thank you! i enjoy tales of sunday but i would love to see more oc stuff esp if that's more fun for you too :3
i'd love to ask you some questions about your ocs if you're willing to answer! i've been through the tags but there's definitely more to know about all the characters. one character i didn't see a lot of info on was selah! what's her background like? how did she grow up? what is she getting up to around the time the main story takes place? what's her relationship to the rest of the cast like? her relationship with abriel? what's her general role in the story? any other cool stuff you wanna spill? you can answer as many or as few of these questions as you like! i'd love to read your ramblings :p
Ahhh I love my girl Selah! She’s one of the more straight-forward characters so I often don’t have to draw concepts for her, if that makes sense? I probably should, it would help me connect with her character more!
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She’s a very silly girl, at heart. A reference that I usually follow is relating her to Jessie from Toy Story but more farmer-ish rather than cowboy. She definitely follows her gut. Selah and Abriel’s family are farmers of medicinal herbs protected by Autumnest’s royal family. These herbs come in extremely handy to both residents of Autumnest and to researchers in Springland. No one knows how they got these herbs. According to Selah, their plants just one day started having healing properties!
To other characters, Selah is a sibling all-around! Her more focused relationships (besides Abriel) are with Ella and Mel. Selah relates to Ella’s predicament with her father, who is ill, and knows one day Ella will need support to deal with what’s coming. Meanwhile, Selah is so energetic and playful, she’s a breath of fresh air for Ella. With Mel, I’m still playing around with, but the main gist is that Abriel seems to have a really close interest in them. Therefore, Selah wants in, too!
Selah is incredibly close with her twin brother Abriel. She loves having someone there by her side, someone who is both a huge, personal part of her and yet their own person. She loves doing the whole twin-matching thing, and Abriel goes along with it to see her smile. Actually, Abriel is sometimes there for her a little too much, if that makes sense. The siblings try to out-do each other in service to one another often. Apparently for their Quinceañera/Quinceañero, both of them made such tall, towering cakes for the other that they ended up feeding their whole village for days! The twins refuse to say who made the tallest… Local villagers will tell you it was a tie ;P
Mel, Ella, Abriel, and Asher, when going unchecked can get very doom and gloom very quickly as characters. So Selah is here to hopefully lift the party’s, an especially the viewer’s, spirits <3
Here are some other drawings of Selah! One of her for MerMay that I plan to finish in October for OC-tober, and the other from an entry in Asher’s journal — 10 years before the main story. This journal hasn’t been posted on my blog, mainly because I’m embarrassed of my writing skills, haha
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Thank you for asking, I don’t mind at all! I meant it when I said I could talk about my OC’s for days. It’s a long post, that’s for sure :P
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fair-city-reporter · 11 days
I won't be giving this an official caption/title because I literally don't know what to call it, but uh- I'm a participant for Whumptober this year! For anyone who doesn't have the slightest clue what I'm talking about, whump is defined as a genre within fandoms involved in physically and mentally "whumping" (or rather angst'ing) a character. Whumptober's meant to be this October event where creators (artists, writers, etc) create whump for characters - both fandom and original.
I'm really wanting to be a completionist this year, meaning I'll be able to finish and post all 31 prompts but here's the thing: I have finally come up with an idea for what I'm doing in regard to the second prompt. I'm writing here since I decided it would be for Wordgirl; I was originally going to seek help on how to make it whumpy before I remembered I'm allowed to combine themes and prompts however I like. After giving it another glance-around, I came up with a neat little trick on how to make it work!
I'll cover the main idea I had for the incoming whump prompt, but I will not be talking about the full scope of the plot - just to make things a little more interesting! Essentially, it's a role reversal ft. ToBecky which is quite self explanatory; years have passed since Tobey's debut as Fair City's hero and has been at odd ends with Becky's villainous persona but following one of their latest encounters - something brings them closer than ever before... and it's about to get dangerous.
Read below the cut for general information about the role reversal au!
The role reversal originally began as a joke between one of my mutuals; after having seen fanart - I decided why not make my own and thus began this silly project of hero Tobey and villain Becky. Wordgirl obviously doesn't exist in the context of this universe as I wanted her villain name to be different.
How I envisioned it working out;
Instead of Becky being taken in by the Botsford's, she's found by Steven Boxleitner, before he was ever fused with Squeaky, and he decides to adopt her - not wanting to leave Becky and her 'pet' monkey alone in the forest. Things are fine for a while, but she doesn't become Wordgirl; wanting to follow in her adoptive parent's footsteps, she spends a lot of time in his lab and helps with his projects where need be among other small things. Unfortunately, at some point - Steven has his accident and he becomes Dr. Two Brains, beginning his spiraling descend into villainy.
As for Becky, she originally starts as being this sort of not-quite henchmen to Dr. Two Brains; assisting in some of the heists, as well as helping with plans and such. All things normal, but what's a bored alien to do? Well, she decides to create her own villainous persona (only something goes wrong, but we'll get to that later-). Sometimes she'll work alongside Dr. Two Brains, and other times she focuses on her own mischief. Becky has never once harmed a civilian but she's kind of a menace and at one point meets Tobey. (Granted, they also go to the same schools, but still-)
I also feel like Tobey's still the one crushing on Becky/[REDACTED] but Becky is currently treating it all as if it's all a fun, little game of cat and mouse. Tobey also does not have powers per se and is more like a mini Tony Stark, is currently my vision. I thought it would be fitting that way.
If anyone's curious, I'll be covering more later while avoiding spoilers! I need to turn on asks, I think but grrr - for now, I'll leave at this!
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noneedtoamputate · 5 months
In a piece of personal news, I officially gave notice that I will not be leading Little NoNeed's Girl Scouts troop next year. LNN decided to dedicate time to other activities, but if I'm being honest with myself, I think I would have quit even if they decided to rejoin.
The relief I feel is already palatable, but I'm sure it won't really hit me until October, when the new Girl Scouts year starts.
I've been a leader for four years. We had to meet on Zoom when I first started the troop, and Daisies on Zoom is as horrible as you can imagine.
I had a lot of fun being leader, but it's also a lot of work. And this year really hasn't been much fun at all for a variety of reasons.
Of course, instead of focusing on the four years I have given, part of me feels guilty for leaving these girls without a leader (I will be shocked if another parent steps up.)
Reading "Lessons in Chemistry" hit at a good time last week. Women are seen as nurturers, carers expected to enjoy things that serve a good purpose but are not appreciated, financially or otherwise.
I am already excited thinking about what I can do with the hours I currently spend on Girl Scouts: writing, reading, yoga, hiking, cooking, cleaning my closets. But part of me thinks I should find another volunteer position, even though I am chair of the school book fair committee, hold an elected position in my village, and fill in when needed for the PTO. That's on top of working (for money) part time, driving to ballet and doctors' appointments and birthday parties, and checking homework, and keeping track of the dozens of spirit days LNN has at school (Dress Like a Pirate Day! Wear Your Favorite Premier League Jersey Day! Who's Your Favorite Band of Brothers Blorbo Day! All of these are jokes, but the last one would be great, wouldn't it?)
I'm great at telling other people they should do things for themselves and find what brings them joy, but I'm still working on that for myself.
Today, I took a walk and cleaned my desk and am writing an absolutely silly little one-off fic based on a short text conversation last night while enjoying an iced chai latte, and I am going to try very hard not to feel guilty.
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pagingharu · 1 month
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Project Yakshorn Island
a silly HTTYD OC event for the ROTBTD discord server! wanna join?
the event starts on October and ends on November. There are two prompts per week, and you guys have the choice to do one prompt or both. go wild with your entries, so long as it fits under the prompt!
Week 1 (October 1 - 6):
Modern AU
Secret Agents
Week 2 (October 7 - 13):
Zombie Apocalypse
"What are you, a chicken?"
Week 3 (October 14 - 20):
First arrival to the island
Week 4 (October 21 - 27):
Around the campfire
"This is my family."
Week 5 (October 28 - November 3):
Horror movie
use the hashtag #ProjectYakshornIsland in your posts so we can keep track of it
feel free to submit any kind of entry such as writing, digital and traditional art, video edit, or graphics. anything really so long as it focuses on the OCs and the prompts
there is no limit in submitting so feel free to pump out as many entries as you want
have fun and spread the love!
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elliethejellie · 1 year
I am so, so sorry to do this to y'all
I am putting The LoveBug Virus on HIATUS until I can get my brain to work properly for the story-
Listen, I know y'all love it, and I do, too. But I feel like I started off writing something with so much potential and then it just... fell off because I got obsessed with writing TMTB. So! I am going to be focusing on a...
drumroll please..
And it's going to be in third person past tense probably because I'm just so much better at writing that hahah
So!! Mark it on your calendars, people!!
In the meantime, go read TMTB!! I prommie its good, and you can see that I do have better writing skills-
Until then, I hope you stick around because I've got big things planned for y'all with those silly little jester bois heheheh
In the meantime, here's a little snippet (under the cut) of what The LoveBug Virus could be like, if I actually applied myself properly:
Click, click, click.
The familiar soft mechanical whirs reminiscent of a heartbeat slowly brought Y/N back to consciousness. She didn't open her eyes, merely continued lying where she was, sleepily focusing on her other senses. She could feel the soft plush of a blanket on her skin - along with the silky smooth warmth of metal beneath her. The scent of lavender with notes of lemon reached her nose, and the faint taste of blueberry was on her tongue. Why did she taste blueberry? Her mind searched lazily for the memories of her time before she fell asleep, trying to discover anything that would allow her to piece together the various sensations she could feel. Her mind threw only one thing her way.
The Moondrop candy.
Y/N finally allowed her eyes to flutter open, trying her best to keep her breath slow as to not disturb the animatronic she somehow knew was in rest mode beneath her. Her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting from the string lights on the walls, bringing Moon's room into view. Slowly, carefully, she lifted her head.
The small of Y/N's back ached, along with her wrists and neck. She couldn't remember how she had gotten in the blue room, lying with Moon in his bed. The last thing she remembered was trying to leave at the end of her shift. Sun was complaining... Something about Moon wanting to say goodbye? She remembered switching the lights and... Yawning? Moon had said something about her being tired, maybe?
Y/N sat up the rest of the way and froze as the sound of metal shifting sounded to her left. Her eyes darted to Moon's body, but his eyes remained lifeless - a dark void of nothingness. She looked to her left and felt her blood run cold.
Her wrist was shackled to the bed.
Panic bubbled in the pit of Y/N's stomach. How had she gotten here? Was this Moon's doing? If it was, why would he do something like this? Was it just another one of his little games that didn't always go as planned?
She lifted her wrist up to examine the bracelet. Where had Moon even gotten a hold of something like this?
The sound of Y/N's phone getting a message pulled her from her thoughts. She looked around the dimly lit room from where she sat, but couldn't see where the phone was.
Apparently, Moon also heard the notification. His fans slowly whirred to life as his red irises flickered on. He glanced up at his beloved, his smile somehow deepening as he made eye contact with her horrified expression.
"Starlight, you're awake," he said, sitting up and wrapping his arms around Y/N's midsection. She flinched at the touch, which only garnered a chuckle from the lunar animatronic. "Bit jumpy, are we?" he mused.
"Moon, what's going on? How did I get up here?" she asked, fear rather evident in her tone. Moon nuzzled his faceplate into her shoulder as he answered.
"You needed sleep. So I put you to bed." The simplicity in his statement only heightened Y/N's unease.
"Moon, you know what I mean," she said slowly, lifting her shackled wrist up. The blue jester rolled his eyes and leaned backwards, pulling Y/N with him so they were lying down again. She yelped as they hit the bed, even though Moon was careful not to let her head hit him or the wall on the way down.
"So you wouldn't leave," he said quietly, still talking into her shoulder. Y/N was too afraid to move as she waited to see if he would elaborate, her breath choppy as her heart raced in her chest. She was suddenly acutely aware of every little twitch and click of Moon's body as he hugged her closer. She didn't know why, but tears pricked at the corners of her eyes. Somehow, she knew this would happen. She knew something was wrong. Everything the twins had said to her in the past week was beginning to fall into place. This wasn't supposed to be what happened. She had just wanted them to love her.
But not like this.
Y/N sniffed, biting her lip to try her hardest not to cry. But Moon wasn't stupid. He lifted his head and tilted it to the side as a tear slid down her cheek. He shifted, bringing his hand up to swipe the tear away.
"Please stop crying," he said softly. Affectionately. He sounded so positively in love with her. It was... so...
"You're making us feel even worse," he continued, sounding a little more desperate as another tear slipped from Y/N's eyes. "You have to understand, Starlight, please."
Y/N turned away from his touch, and Moon's grip on her waist tightened.
"If we didn't keep you here and chained to the bed, you would have tried to run away again."
Taglist peeps bc you deserve to know whats goin on: @senyahgirl @rose-blot @sunyandmony
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gentlebilady · 3 months
I Heard There's a Special Place (a tumblr fic born out of wine and Pink Pony Club)
~“California? Okay, darling, I’ll talk to your father about taking a vacation. I’m not sure when he’ll be able to take time off work, though.” His mother was writing a grocery list, her hand swift and steady, her head coming up and down as she catalogued the contents of the kitchen and what was needed. “Hmm, I don’t know when the best time to go the West Coast is. Maybe Alice will know.” She paused for a moment, eyes unfocused. “Steven, do you need anything from the store? Mary Anne will be here soon and I need to have this list finished.” She finally looked at him, her eyes focusing and a soft smile on her face. “Are you going somewhere, dear?”
Steve, his voice and breath caught in his chest, an uncomfortable bubble that felt like it was choking him. He looked at his mom, looked down at his two suitcases, felt his backpack digging into his shoulders, and felt his courage flagging. His mother’s eyes flicked to the clock hanging on the wall. He watched as her attention started to turn away from him, toward more urgent matters, and he felt his chest expand, his mind sharpen, his courage shore up against the fear of what he needed to do.
“Mom, I’m going to California. Today. Now. I’m-,” Steve felt hot tears and a catch in his breath, “-I’m leaving. I’m moving out to California.” His heart was racing and he felt light headed. He had gotten over the hump, but now the battle was before him.
“What are you talking about, Steven? Move to California?” Theresa’s eyes took him in again, moving from his luggage, to his clenched fists, to his face. Whatever she saw had her dropping the pen and standing up straight. “Darling, what is going on? You- you want to leave? Me?” Her voice took on that familiar shake as she took a step toward him, one hand reaching for his face. Steve felt the softness of her palm, smelled the Chanel, heard the clink of her bracelets. It rung a discordant note in his brain. His hands itched to comfort her, to fall into old habits at the first sign of her distress.
“Yes. I mean, I’m not leaving you, mom, I’m just… leaving. I-,” she cut him off.
“Stevie, honey, that’s, that’s just silly! What’s out in California? You have everything here! A job, your family, a home, I don’t understand!” Her voice rose, her eyes widened. “What about your father?” she whispered.
Steve’s eyes twitched to the clock. 9:03 a.m. His father had already started his work day and wouldn’t be back for hours. Steve’s heart skipped a beat any way.
“He’ll be fine.” It was weak. “Really. I’m finally doing something on my own, forging my own path, I’m gonna,” his voice turned bitter, “live up to my potential.” Steve took a deep breath and began his recitation. “There’s a lot of opportunities out West, Mom. It’ll be good for me to strike out on my own, be my own man.” He saw her recognize the words.
“But what about your friends?” It came out choked and frantic, her eyes begging. Steve fought the flinch. He hadn’t seen Tommy, Carol, or any of their group since October, since his birthday. Three months. He buried the images that rose in his mind, let his silence echo theirs, and his mother’s eyes filled with tears. “Honey, don’t give up on them. Just apologize, I’m sure they’ll forget about – about what happened and you can go on like you used to!”
Steve’s face burned red and he barked out a laugh. “I wasn’t the one to give up.” He tilted his head to the ceiling, the tears back. “Mom, do you-,” he gulped, “-do you really think I’m the one who should be apologizing?” It came out more earnest than he’d intended. Theresa grasped both his hands.
“Oh, baby, it was an accident, you didn’t mean to. It was your birthday, you’d had a few too many drinks. I know it’s embarrassing and hard to admit you when you’re wrong, but I also know they’ll forgive you. Stevie, I-”
“So you think I need to apologize, that there’s something wrong with me.”
“NO! There’s nothing wrong with you, Steve! You’re my perfect boy. You made a mistake, that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. We all make mistakes! Your father will forget about it and everything will go back to normal.”
Steve dropped her hands, took a deep breath, and said, “Mom, he’ll never forget.”
“Stevie, please, honey, you’re so young, you can’t go out on your own. You don’t know how to-”
“Mom! I’m 25! If I don’t know how to take care of myself at this point I’d say it’s about damn time I figured it out!” Theresa gasped and Steve took a pause. “I’m sorry, mom, but you have to agree that I’m an adult.” With a quivering chin, she nodded, her arms wrapping around herself, looking small and frail. Steve saw her, remembered all the past years of her, and hugged her tight. “I love you, mom. I’ll miss you. I will call you. I’ll be fine.” She grasped him in strong hands, holding on as he pulled away, his jacket slipping slowly from her grip.
Steve stooped to grab his suitcase handles, using the moment to recenter himself. This goodbye felt all wrong. He had hoped, perhaps foolishly, that his mother would understand and, if not encourage him, she would support his decision. But this turned out so different that what he’d imagined. He felt like he’d broken his mother’s heart (again). He walked to the front door, cases bumping against his legs, feeling a thousand pounds heavier than before this started. Before he stepped over the threshold, he turned to his mom, hoping for a bolt of inspiration, something to say to her that would explain everything he was feeling and thinking and hoping, something that would make her understand and even agree with his decision. Nothing came.
“Goodbye, momma.”~
So, I definitely feel like I'm gonna shit myself posting this. But I just had so much writing it! Is this always what it feels like to post something you've written??? It feels like when I sang in my first recital. I always said, "I'm not a singer," as a way to protect myself from the judgment of others. Then my vocal coach was like, "J, you ARE a singer. You're singing right now." I'd like to write more. I used to write for fun all the time, loved taking creative writing classes, but the school system quickly shuttles you into a "path" that means you take your gen eds and whatever extra curriculars will help you on that "path", so writing lost it's place to drama and chorus.
Anyway, if you made it this far, Hi! Thanks for reading and I'm sorry for the stream of consciousness.
P.S. I did next to no editing. Apologies.
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leixo-demo · 1 year
Did Warabi and Ikkan ever get formally Married if so how did that go or just simply them being happy at their wedding or anniversary or something
Hello hello! I actually sat down so many times to think deeply into their relationship since basically Nintendo comes with nothing really interesting to me ending using the same plot of "octo in octarian military",,, so this is gonna be long
I'll drop dead all I've gathered in my head for so far:
late 2014 they ever first met outside the country and Warabi left him his contact
On 2016 Ikkan left officially SquidSquad
Around the summer of 2017 he got back into contact with Warabi
They stablished and Ikkan tried to speedran the whole legal banding process
On the same year they started the music production under Warabi's management and Ikkan's creative process
On October of 2018 they will debut their first album
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Here is when I start going nuts,,, So you see, I love them together and having this complicated relationship of having a lot of wrong ideas of the other but then slowly breaking the ice, start having empathy and a lot of same shared experiences,, With time and patience building this kind of solid friendship. And at the same time, Warabi developing this hard crush on him but Ikkan is very clueless cus whenever he tries to approach Warabi just backs off ( I won't specify much if i ever turn this into something solid)
But on the other way, I don't trust Nintendo at all and at this point, I'm my own Nintendo and making my own thing completely out of canon I'm putting my hand on fire they'll make a huuuge age gasp between them
In some ideal world where nothing bad happens, After around 2020 they started officially dating and have been for around of 2023 years of relationship, although completely hidden from the public on Warabi's recommendation, I think they'll get married around their mid 30s and will have their kid during that time.
After a long hiatus, they would put to an end on Diss-pair project because they both fully wanted their daughter to have present fathers. Warabi stopped doing trips and Dj and just focused on music producing, sometimes even at home just to be closer to her. For Ikkan he would fully drop on music and focusing on his real passion writing, writing anything: from kid books, lyrics for a show, even from silly poems his kid would make. Helped also Ichiya on his scripts for his personal comics (Ichiya is also into art and crafts apart from music)
that's it, to answer your question,,, yes they got married in uh my Splatoon, my eh, Au?? uh DEMO AU, where everything is on my taste
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Hello Burger friends!!
Warning, long sappy post ahead!
It is November first and officially the end of Flufftober 2023; this is the first time I’ve ever participated and I can’t believe I made it all the way through, thirty-one prompts in thirty-one days!
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I really appreciate everybody whose been reading my fics all month and all the support, whether it be here on Tumblr, on discord, or leaving kudos or comments on ao3. I know I just joined the Bob’s Burgers fandom not that long ago and most of my fics have been posted during the month of October. I know a lot of them are silly and short, some were longer and I really fell in love with some of the stories I told, but they weren’t always well thought out. Some were even written in a few hours.
During the month of October, I focused on writing stories for myself. I really just wanted to get back into writing without the pressure to be “good.” So I spent this month getting back into doing what I love, falling in love with new characters and ships, and not worrying about things being perfect. I didn’t worry about heavy edits, using beta readers, or heavy research. I posted things I would have never posted even a year ago, for fear of being mocked and laughed at. I’ll admit, some of this work wasn’t my best, but it wasn’t the worst either - simply because I had fun. And all of you have been there supporting everything I’ve written, cheering me on, sharing ideas…the comments telling me I’ve made you ship tedmort! — that means the world to me! I can’t believe how at home you’ve all made me feel here and I appreciate each and every one of you and all the friends I’ve made over the course of the last few weeks.
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I usually don’t beta my fics. Ive never had enough fandom friends to reach out to and rely on to do so (that have time to do it) so I mainly edit my fics myself. I will likely to continue to post unbeta’d fics after October but will certainly be working on my fics for more than a day, haha! Here’s where I put out there that if anybody would like to volunteer to beta anything of mine (I mostly post oneshots)
Anyway, thank you for the support through this month of literal chaos; I had a blast! I can’t wait to bring y’all more Tedmort! And frondbrose, and probably all kinds of other ships!
~ Caboose/Winds0fchange19
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4e7her · 2 years
october writing prompt #14 - clothing swap
character: floyd and jade leech, twisted wonderland
(floyd focused but both appear)
contains: oc used as main character - not an x reader, slight yandere themes, male main character, azul mentioned
view the oc here. for basics, he's more or less a black panther beastman (referred to as hybrid, as they are different things, but similar) named yuujirou. you can read the fanfic i'm writing for him here (quotev) or here (ao3).
Yuujirou let out a rather... undignified yelp as Floyd tugged him into the water, hissing slightly at the feeling of his uniform getting drenched, resisting the urge to shake out like a dog as he instead glared at the eel.
"Whaaat? You weren't comin' in!" Floyd whined, wrapping around the panther with his mer-form, petulantly pouting. "I can squeeze ya so much better in here!"
Sighing, he rolled his eyes and pushed him away with ease, a soft growl rumbling through. He wasn't truly irritated - Floyd would have been out of his life much sooner, if he was - but that didn't mean that he enjoyed the feeling of rough fabric sticking to his skin.
"Yes, but... I was trying to ask you if you had swimming clothes of any sort that I could borrow. It's a bit late for that now, though..."
"Huh? Silly Yuuji, why would I need swim clothes?" The eel was rightfully confused, gesturing down at his form as he continued to circle around the hybrid playfully, still keeping his proper distance after being pushed away.
"Oh... yeah."
His tone was apparently sad enough to make Floyd to burst into laughter, shaking his head and darting around as he watched the panther flatten his ears with the hint of a flush high on his cheeks, adjusting the collar of his shirt uncomfortably.
"Eheh! You totally didn't realize, did you~?" He teased, inching closer once more, watching how Yuujirou reacted with a smirk on his face. "Silly kitty cat! Come on, let's play tag~! If you win, I'll let you borrow some of my clothes, m'kay? I'll even let you be it!"
The scene flips within mere seconds at that, Yuujirou's pupils suddenly shrinking into slits as a feral grin started to sneak onto his expression, the idea of the thrill of the hunt coaxing him into acting on the instincts that he suppressed most of the time.
Floyd giggled at his expression before quickly racing underwater, starting the chase.
The duo was always like this - causing trouble by feeding off of each other's more animalistic instincts, play fighting like this wherever they went.
Typically, the panther tried to be more aware of where this happened, but there had been more than one occasion where Jade had to break them apart in the middle of the hallways.
At least now, it was in a pretty okay location - the pool that also served as an aquarium in the Monstro Lounge. There would be some stares, but nothing that Azul and Jade wouldn't deal with.
He was sure it would be more amusing than anything else, anyways, watching someone with Floyd's reputation get chased by someone most didn't quite perceive as a threat yet. A mistake on their parts, not that they would know that.
It took only minutes for Yuujirou to catch the eel, much to both of their delights, and they both surfaced to get out with a giddy energy about them. If it wasn't for the lack of proper clothing, he thought that he might've been able to play like that all day - it was rather refreshing.
Jade was there waiting with an expression somewhere between fond and exasperated, poorly disguising a laugh when he saw just how soaked the hybrid was. "It's impressive that you caught Floyd that fast underwater, you know." He tries to compliment, seeing how he received a glare for his laughing.
"Panthers are known to drag out crocodiles out of the water whole when they're hunting." Yuujirou replied bluntly, satisfied to see the way that both of the eels shiver at the fact. "Dragging out a little eel was nothing."
"Ehhh? But you're smaller than me, Yuuji!" Floyd reminded, wrapping his arms around the panther with a grin despite his slight nerves with the fact brought up. "Look! Ya fit in my arms so cute, ehe~!"
Huffing, he rolled his eyes and shrugged the eel off of him, getting out of the water without another thought and taking the towel that Jade was offering out.
"Floyd, here." The more responsible twin handed off a potion to relieve the other of his mer-form, making it so he could continue with his day. The only reason that he let it wear off was because he wanted Yuujirou to see, and so they could play together. With that done, he didn't raise a fuss and took the potion without issue.
Besides, how would he be able to see how cute his Yuuji was in his clothes if he was still stuck in the water? That wouldn't be fun at all.
The hybrid had dried off his clothes as much as possible with the towel, now focusing on his hair and ears. He was gentle, with furrowed brows and a scrunched nose, trying his best to make sure there wouldn't be any water stuck in his ears before moving on to gingerly drying his tail.
"Okay, kitty, deal's a deal!" Floyd hummed, wrapping one arm around Yuujirou's shoulders, grinning happily when he heard the little grumbling chuff he gave at the nickname - anyone else would have been dead for the familiar term, and he knew it. "Wet clothes must feel reeeal nasty, huh? Lucky you, ya have me to let ya borrow some~!"
"You're the reason he has to change in the first place." Jade chided, keeping his twin from getting too overexcited, a familiar glint in his eyes as he observed the two of them. "If Floyd's clothes aren't to your taste, you can always borrow mine, Yuuji."
He took the other side of the panther, slithering his arm around his waist with a mischievous air, truly living up to his eel-mer origins.
Floyd tightened his grip slightly and leaned down to nudge his head against Yuujirou's neck, sending a pointed look Jade's way as he seemed to try and stake some sort of claim over him - not that the hybrid noticed, instead sighing and shaking his head.
"It's just something to wear back to Ramshackle, don't make such a big deal of it, you two." He hummed, a rumbling making it's way through his frame and calming the two eels clinging onto him.
"The Lounge is still open, isn't it?" He brought his gaze to Jade, regarding him attentively and smiling slightly when he noticed how he had been brought back to himself. "You should go back to help before the little octopus gets overwhelmed. You are his most competent worker, aren't you?"
It was almost funny how oblivious Yuujirou was, the full focus of Jade's intense gaze on him and he still didn't even realize how enamored the two eels were with him.
Of course, it brought back a new round of complaints from Floyd, whining and saying that he could be the best employee at Monstro Lounge if he wanted to, but that was silenced soon enough by reminding him of his wet clothes.
It wasn't long after when Yuujirou was situated in Floyd's room, studying the clothes he was given with a wrinkle to his expression. He hadn't expected them to be so... large.
Sure, it made sense, seeing how much of a height difference him and the eel had, but for some reason he hadn't even thought of it.
A long sigh drug it's way out of his lungs before he recollected himself, shrugging off his drenched clothes onto the towel from earlier so they wouldn't get wet, and getting into the eel's clothes that draped down and made him feel... unordinarily small.
The panther huffed a little, lightly rubbing his face against one of the sleeves to get rid of excess moisture from before, frown tugging down further when he realized just how much they smelled like Floyd.
Not to say that they smelled unpleasant, they actually smelled quite like the sea with something distinctly like the mer in question, but they weren't his.
Knocking on the door is the only thing that pulls him out of his thoughts, paired with Floyd's childish whining about him taking too long, and Yuujirou pushes his complaints away as he gathers the soaked clothes in his arms.
Safely protected by the towel covering them, he doesn't risk making Floyd's shirt anything more than damp, and he opens the door with lightly flattened ears - immediately getting bombarded by the eel.
"Yuujiiiii! You took so looong-" He cuts himself off when he sees the hybrid, giggling at the sight. "You look so tiny!"
He starts to form a response, but he's cut off by Floyd scooping him up in his arms, earning himself a short growl for the action. "I knew you were small, but I didn't know you were this itsy-bitsy! And now you smell just like me~!"
There's not even a chance to process that fully before the eel is running with him to the Monstro Lounge, still carrying him bridal style and excitedly showing off the growling disgruntled panther to everyone who so much as glanced at them, making a rather large commotion in a matter of moments.
Jade comes out, at some point, and upon seeing the duo just... walks over and shakes his head.
No words are spoken, but Floyd slowly puts down Yuujirou with a hopeful look in his eyes, remembering now that he probably... shouldn't have run full force into the Lounge and disturbed customers like that. Azul would likely be rather upset.
"But... look?" The hyperactive eel does some weird gesture, as if he's trying to show off Yuujirou, doing his best to convince Jade not to tell on him. "Small!"
It... seems to do something, though the panther can't say that he would describe it as anywhere near convincing.
"Yes, small." Jade sighs affectionately, taking a moment to regard Yuujirou before shaking his head and pulling his attention back to Floyd with a frown tugging at his lips. "Go escort him back to Ramshackle before his cubs come cause more of a fuss - I won't say anything unless Azul brings it up first.”
[click here to go to masterlist]
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
🧩 Admin Announcement 🧩
First of all, I wanted to touch base on a few matters of importance before writing and posting the Halloween open interaction for today.
For those of you who are new to my blog, as I have met very many wonderful people in the span of just a few days, it is my goal to post at least one open interaction per month, though you might've noticed I've been slacking a bit up until the wedding event which was more of a joint effort than the usual solo operation I run.
The purpose of these open interactions is mostly to have a fun ongoing side plot to the main threads that take place, specifically catered towards whatever seasonal event is going on during that month (i.e., the beach trip in July, and now the Halloween shenanigans in October). You might notice a lot of the open interactions thus far seem a bit out of Ruki's forte, as in they're things he normally wouldn't do, and you'd be right. However, I think it's a nice light-hearted break to have some relationship-building and silly moments too in between the usual angst. Think of it as filler episodes in an anime, except actually entertaining. Personally I really enjoy going outside and visiting new places, going on excursions I rarely ever get to go on, and these open interactions tend to reflect that. Of course, it should be known that participation is not mandatory, and I'll still answer unrelated threads in the meantime.
Is it too much work for someone like me, who most likely has at least 100+ unanswered RP threads right now? Probably. Do I care? Not really, lmao. Although I will put a disclaimer that for this Halloween event, I will probably write less verbosely than I typically do. This is because I'm feeling a bit less in the mood for large starters and replies and more so in the mood for brainless shenanigans to be quite candid. You are more than welcome to write very detailed but just know that my word count this time around might not be up to par. What I lack in imagery and detail, I'd like to make up for in actual content. As in, your muse and Ruki can actually get a lot of fun stuff done together this time (or at least, I hope).
And as always, this is just a reminder that next month's open interaction will be focused around Ruki and your muse cooking a meal together, so look forward to that!
In response to the high volume of asks and threads I have ongoing right now, I'm slowly developing a RP thread tracker for myself but since even that needs to be updated every day, it's still quite far from finished which is why I have decided to take it easy for the Halloween open interaction.
All in all, I think that covers everything I wished to discuss. As always, happy RPing and I hope to get to all the inquires and replies soon.
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nellie-elizabeth · 11 months
Bob's Burgers: Running Down a Gene (14x04)
Cute episode! I love Tina and Louise getting some sister bonding time in the subplot.
Still banging that drum and hoping we'll get a school episode soon. At least we got the library in this one! Also, and I don't mean to harp on things that this episode isn't, instead of appreciating what it is, but... why no Halloween episode? This came out on October 29th!
Gene's music aspirations are always so fun to see, I love that he's a blend of genuine talent with silly little kid explorations. The support his family shows him is always touching to me. That's a general theme with this show, that Bob might be exasperated or overwhelmed by the antics of his children, but he never stifles their dreams, either.
Louise and Tina's dream this episode? To catch an annoying cricket that has been chirping and keeping Linda and Bob awake. They set messy traps all over the house and try to lure the insect with an enticing lady companion, all for the promise of $10 (split between them) for their success. This plot thread serves to create another night-time based story to accompany Gene's lucid dream attempts, so we get the whole family up in the middle of the night due to various shenanigans.
The main plot stays focused on Gene. I really loved the way his journey through the dreaming happened. He failed at first, but eventually actually did succeed to getting back to the piano and writing the perfect song he'd originally dreamed about. But then it turns out the song is no good. He then writes a song about the experience of striving for something without being able to reach it, and that becomes the song he's really proud of. But one last narrative twist: he decides not to submit it to the contest, because it's actually too good for such a thing!
I love Gene's confidence, I love his perseverance, I love that he's such a weirdo and he doesn't even care. When I think about the characters in this show I think I often rank Gene below his sisters and parents in terms of who I most like to spend time with, but this episode was a reminder that he's also pretty dang cool!
I'll stop there. I feel like my reviews of this show always come down to, "aww, that was cute, I liked it", and to be honest, that's exactly what I'm always looking for from Bob's Burgers.
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eggmixercortex · 2 years
okay i have slept on it hopefully ill be more coherent now. spoiler free as possible.
alright. firstoff. skinamarink is outstanding. phenomenal fantastic any other word you can think of this film knocks it (and the viewer) out of the damn park. Im going to be thinking about this thing for weeks. scared the stuffing out of me so bad i spent over half of the runtime cowering against a wall. a horror masterpiece that feels like it was purpose built with my anxieties in mind.
secondly - I 100% understand why its so polarizing. for me, this movie was everything i could have ever dreamed of and more, but if it was even a tiny bit less Totally My Jam i probably wouldn’t have liked it. if you are not utterly invested in the style of horror skinamarink uses you won’t get jack shit out of it. as many 1-star reviewers say, nothing happens in this fuckin movie! its just a wall, man!  do you like practical effects and buckets of blood? do you want teeth and chainsaws and zombies? you will (and some do) fall asleep in the theatre. a serbian film, this is not.
Kyle Edward Ball is first and foremost an indie creator, whose other works reflect the style of horror that’s been growing on small creator focused sites like youtube over the years. his work is low budget as hell, and all of the cartoons included in both skinamarink and Heck, the short-film it was based on (we’ll get to it later), are public domain. (entertainingly, it includes The Cobweb Hotel among them, which gave me a single moment of “oh hey i know that one!” before returning to the Bad Time House.) If that is our style, or at least if you’ve seen a fair amount of indie analogue and experimental horror, you’ll actually notice that on a technical level skinamarink isn’t doing anything special. like, at all.
while certainly unique in its framing, none of the things brought to the table here are new - i saw every scare (save the first) miles before it arrived, and none of them did anything to disrupt my expectations. this isn’t a failing of the writing, and i will argue that knowing whats going to happen makes it much more effective, because just like watching a classic stalker killer, well, stalk, you just have to sit and wait and squirm. I would even go so far as to say that Heck was less predictable, despite being more than an hour shorter and independently produced - it was really only focused on the one scare that it was building to, and didn’t worry about anything silly like tension and release cycles. skinamarink is completely different - which is actually part of why it worked so well for me.
I first heard about this movie back sometime in october or novermber - long before it was even off the film festival circuit. I heard and saw many horror creators i looked up to either raving or complaining about it. i was furious that i couldn’t have it Right Now Right Away. but, i heard, oh you know it was based on a short-film. yeah, its on youtube right now, the director’s got a channel. yeah, its pretty good. and it was! I watched it, had a great time with it, and continued to anticipate skinamarink. vitally, it didn’t scare me that much. I thought, I know how short-film adaptations go, hopefully this one won’t be too disastrous, I can’t wait to see the effects re-done on a bigger budget!  and went into skinamarink fully thinking i knew what i was gonna get.
(stupid? yeah, a little.)
that’s actually why the first scare got me, because i assumed it was going to be as subtle as Heck all the way through. after that, i was totally knocked on my ass and unprepared for the rest of the movie - even having seen dozens of Ball’s other works, and knowing several spoilers about skinamarink itself, i was still on the back foot for most of the film.
before, i was thinking mostly about the filmwork itself - “ooh, I love how the film grain makes it look like there’s movement in every dark corner, that’s clever!” and afterward all i could manage was “no no no no NO NO OH GOD NO PLEASE I WANT TO GET OFF THIS RIDE” (positive) so, you know. its pretty cool.
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homeofjonicles · 2 years
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The Jonicles - Entry 26.5
It is currently the 3rd of October, 2022 at 7:33 pm on a warm-ish Monday night, the day of absolutel reckoning. You know, I don't really mind Mondays that much.... Sure, it's the first day you go to school or work, but they're not that bad... It is also day #137 of my Jon Arbuckle hyperfixation.
Woah! Another bonus entry? That's unheard of! Yeah, I'm writing a shortie today. I wanted to quickly talk about some interesting Garfield-related media that I've found recently that I may make full entries of eventually because I think they're definitely worth looking into!
Back in 1995, a Garfield themed eurodance album was released and, apart from a music video made for it back when it was released that was later reuploaded by Lumpy Touch, it hasn't gotten much attention. It's a strange, relatively obscure little thing that I discovered from a Reddit post in early-mid September. I haven't seen it mentioned on many Garfield icebergs and there's, to my knowledge, no videos that have been made about it, apart from the odd remix and the aforementioned music video (which you should check out, by the way. it's got a lot of 'Garfield And Friends' clips in there that really give off so much of signature late 80s early 90s aesthetic). The most interesting thing is how un-Garfield it is. Yeah, the lyrics do talk about cats, but there's nothing about Garfield's live for lasagna or the other characters, for that matter. In fact, they never really mention Garfield's name, which makes me wonder if they were just generic tracks that PAWS Inc. liscensed and slapped Garfy-Baby onto. That isn't to say that the music doesn't slap though - 'Cool Cat', the most iconic track in the album, is such a BANGER!! It gives me huge Sonic R vibes if Sonic R was more like Nightcore. That piano in 'Hold On To Your Dreams' is just the absolute chef's kiss, we have an official piece of Garfield media that contains the phrase "I'm Getting High", and don't even get me strated on how hype 'Party Of Love' is!!! I'm so genuinely surprised that something like this actually exists because of how oddly unique it is? Like, what genre of music do you think of when you think of Garfield? If you grew up with the 80s cartoons, you probably think of something jazzy, something smooth with a snazzy bassline that defines Garfield's character and makes it memorable. If you grew up with something more modern like the DTV Garfield movies and 'The Garfield Show', you might think of brass instruments that are loud and bursting with energy, something more goofy and energetic. But eurodance? I think it goes without saying that this is one of my favourite bits of obscure Garfield media because of how unique and how much of a BOP it is. Someone show this to Quinton - that is, if he hasn't already heard it!
This piece of media is a little, well, strange, to say the least... So, you know the comedian Gilbert Gottfried, right? You probably know him for his incredibly recognisable voice and taboo style of comedy... Now mix it with Garfield. Like, fuse them together. What do you see? Do you see some terrifying abomination of a man-cat hybrid? Just imagining Gilbert Gottfried's face plastered onto the fat cat? Wondering why the fuck anything like this would even come into existence in the first place and why this world is so unholy? Good, because that's what I thought too when I first saw this freaky little guy. It's called Gilbert Garfield, an ARG series that focuses on the person behind the archival of a lost series he recieved on VHS tapes that's similar to Garfield And Friends except, well, except that Garfield is also Gilbert Gottfried. Listen, this series is simultaneously on of the most eerie and hilarious ARGs I've ever seen. The premise is so silly, stupid even, yet it works so well... Fucking.... Gilbert Garfield... It starts out Gilbert Garfield saying something about the creation of lasagna whilst Odie is immediately shot in the face offscreen by an Italian-speaking alien who arrests Gilbert Garfield for the future crime of killing Jon Arbuckle and they take him to their spaceship, only to get lasered by Gilbert, and then everything falls into this plot of Gilbert being driven insane by his own third and fourth eye seeing abilities and it's crazy. That's not even scraping the surface yet. It's so fucking mental, I love it. The presence of Gilbert throughout the clips that have been uploaded really reminds me of Zalgo, an eldritch horror being that you may remember if you were on the internet and in the creepypasta community during roughly 2004-2010, to which the plastered Gilbert Gottfried face present on Garfield and how any media he's in seems to be corrupted parallels the corruption of any comics and cartoons Zalgo causes by his presence. Of course, Zalgo doesn't blast Italian aliens with a cosmic fire laser thing and have the face of Gilbert fucking Gottfried, but y'know! And this is all still being developed too. In fact, a new video was uploaded literally 2 days ago from when this is being written, and many more are being uploaded in other places. They even have their own website, it's crazy. I must warn you though, it is quite disturbing and is hard to follow, especially the latest video which has gore and mentions things relating to... Erm... Let's say, something being squirted onto people who are not alive... Yyyeeeaah! But seriously though, I really like this series, I even drew a little Gilbertfield on some paper while on holiday (as seen above), he's a horrifying little abomination that I love so dearly. I can't wait to see what further developments this will have!!!
So, that wraps up this little bonus entry. I have some other topics that are a little more spooky to write entries on during this month, including one that is near and dear to my childhood. I might talk for in-depth about these topics, but for now, I'll be leaving with this.
Last edited at 8:25 pm.
Your Local Jonnoisseur
Posted on the 3rd of October, 2022 at 8:35 pm.
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