#the most obvious one that i'm most known for being that i wear leather jackets or coats whenever possible specifically because
whiskeyandwolfsbane · 2 years
8/14 - 11:04PM
My final post-op appointment was on the 11th! The nurse took off the steri-strips covering over the incisions, and cut off any remaining sutures that hadn't ended up dissolving like they were supposed to, and said everything appears to be healing nicely.
I'll take her word for it; though I have been and still am kinda worried about how, to me, my nipples look like they're spaced unevenly. Like, too far apart. Everyone I've talked to about it so far though says, you're still healing, the swelling still hasn't gone down, give it time. So I'm trying not to stress too hard.
While there, I went to bring forms to the front desk. You know, the ones they told me to fill out that I had already filled out. (I didn't fill them out again, I just brought the original ones from home.)
The woman at the front desk, the very sweet one who helped me the first time I actually filled everything out, said she would take care of it and when I came out of my appointment, to come by and she would give me my paperwork back.
So I get out of my appointment and walk up to the desk. She tells me that she did some research - and apparently I was already approved for medical leave.
This was very confusing for me, since I never got any sort of notification: no email, no letter, no phone call. The only letter I got was for when I got denied.
We discussed it for a short time, but only really could come up with "maybe things got lost in the mail". She couldn't tell me where or who exactly allegedly approved it either. When I got home, I eventually called into SAW to ask about it.
According to the lady on the phone - I have never had medical leave approved. Only denied.
So yeah I have no fucking clue what is going on anymore and I'm so over it, lol. I'm trying not to bother thinking about it anymore. Later in the day, my store manager texted to ask if I could come back by the 3rd of September. I considered it, but since outside of having money again I would gladly stay away for months upon months, I decided to stick with the date my own surgeon originally gave me (that I sent to him and the HR team actually) and say it'd be best to wait til September 9th. So that's what I'm doing.
Other than that... yeah. Same old, same old. Just playing video games, reading, trying to get back into writing and trying to learn guitar and trying to learn to draw.
There has been trouble in my family. One of my grandmothers passed away suddenly and shortly after that, someone else in my immediate family had a near death experience that I'd rather not talk about as it's not my place. I only just found out about the second; I learnt about the first a few days ago after it happened.
My mind is... mush. There is a lot going on mentally and I'm not sure how all to handle it. So of course I'll handle it the way I've been handling my beloved cat dying, and how I've been handling my crippling fear of the future, and how I've been handling my general pining for past relationships that have changed drastically.
That is to say, refusing to think about any of it and throwing myself into multiple forms of media at once (i.e., a game going on my laptop and one on my phone, a book open on the desk next to me, music playing in the background, and notebooks scattered around) and never letting up until I'm no longer able to stay awake, thus being taken by the release of sleep. I am well aware that I'm doing myself a disservice and only delaying the inevitable, and that it will be all the worse for me when the foundation caves in but... I can't really help it. It's all I know how to do.
Anyway, sorry, that was a bit of a depressing note and nothing really related to my surgery, which is why this blog exists, and none of yall need to be burdened with my mental BS, so - sorry about that.
On a positive note to try and bring this back; so far, it's been really, really nice to be able to wear tank tops and not be super uncomfortable anymore. I'm still semi uncomfortable because of how large my stomach is but it is very nice to finally have a flat chest and not have to worry about that part of things anymore. I'm excited to hopefully lose weight and then be able to fit into all the old shirts and jackets I've missed so much.
And... yup, that's about all I got, surgery-wise. see ya.
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red dawn 1984 and stranger things vol 2
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you know, i'm honestly kinda shocked no one is talking about this. it seems like such an amazingly spot on parallel, or direct reference.
these photos are from the 1984 movie red dawn. the story is described as a kind of teen rambo, in which a group of high schoolers led by one of the group's older brother (patrick swayze) are faced with arming themselves while on the run in attempt to save their small town from russian troops who have landed in america.
costume wise, i have a lot to say.
first off, we have steve who directly parallels patrick swayze's character and costume. like swayze, steve is the older brother character tasked with looking after a group of kids who look up to him as they face an evil far larger than they can handle. here we see steve wearing the iconic brown leather jacket, much like swayze. this initially made me fear greatly for steve in volume two, as swayze's character unfortunately dies in red dawn.
next, we have dustin. dustin wears another one of swayze's iconic outfits with the sweatshirt and headband combo, as well as the use of plant matter as camouflage, another trope used in red dawn. here, i think it says a lot about dustin because he is wearing an outfit that steve's character parallel is known for, saying just how much he admires and looks up to steve.
next, we have robin. robin is emulating lea thompson's character here. we see the beret, the camo pants, and the vest. i don't have much to say about the parallel character wise, but before watching volume two, i felt like robin's character was safe as thompson is one of only two survivors in red dawn.
finally, there is nancy. nancy is an obvious parallel to jennifer grey, as she has a perm which is ruined, the scarf or thick neckline of her shirt, the gun obviously, and the puffer coat. while the colors differ, it is undeniable. this, granted, made me fear a lot for nancy in volume two as grey's character unfortunately dies.
with such intensely consistent parallels, i was frankly terrified for volume two. much in the way that there are two survivors of the original dnd game at the start of this season, and two survivors of red dawn, i was expecting more carnage with the end of season 4. though, i fear that this carnage is likely to come with season 5 as the party is faced with saving hawkins on the whole, much as the teens in red dawn must do.
and the parallels don't end there. we see in both teens wearing letterman jackets while fighting, arming at local stores for something much greater than the small town is equipped to handle, eddie wearing a bandolier, and so much more.
i'd love to hear what others think, and if anyone else has seen this movie. i found myself watching it in preparation for volume two as a friend of mine spotted the parallel before i did. it's worth a watch (campy 80s military movie at its finest with a frankly incredibly surprising cast). i find myself pretty confident in this observation, especially since we get such overt and confirmed parallels with other characters this season (eden being ally sheedy in the breakfast club and vickie as molly ringwald, her outfit in the war zone my favorite as that seemed like a pretty obvious parallel to andie in pretty in pink, my favorite 80s movie haha)
i have also seen robin's outfit compared to the frog brothers in the 1987 movie the lost boys (the 80s movie i probably recommend the most to anyone who asks) and all i have to say about that is RIP eddie, you and the fruity four would've loved that movie.
tldr, look into red dawn for more insight into plot for stranger things 4 volume 2, and potentially season 5
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thatsgay-writes · 4 years
Waverly Earp x Reader
Summary: You’re part of a werewolf community in Purgatory and your mate is Waverly.
Warnings: Light cursing?
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(Your wolf form and jacket that everyone in your pack wears. I made Waverly and Champ break up earlier, like before episode 1, because I've only watched 5 episodes so far and don't know when they break up.)
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Being mated to a human wasn't an impossible thing, uncommon at most, but being a wolf with the alpha gene being mated to a human was never heard of. When your a pup, for the first 5 years of your life you go to the pack hospital to look at the newborns in hope of imprinting. You never imprinted on any of the wolfs and that scared your parents into thinking you were mate less. Which was not a good thing considering that you were next in line to lead the pack and needed to continue the bloodline, alpha's never birth the heirs no matter the gender. It wasn't til you went out into town the first time that you imprinted, on Waverly Earp. Your parents had no idea what to do, you had a mate now but they were human and wolves weren't supposed to reveal themselves unless absolutely needed. Of course, there were whispers all through Purgatory about your pack and how they all thought you were a cult or something, some even thought you were wolfs. The leather jackets and walking into town to get food and beer in groups of three probably didn't help. The only people who knew about werewolves were Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday. Against your parents wishes, you did befriend Waverly in high school and had been acquaintances since you graduated. Giving each other the occasional nod or quick hi in passing or when you went to Shorty's with your friends to get a drink.
You had just heard that Waverly's Uncle died, of course only three days after Champ breaks up with her, and that Wynonna might be coming back to town. So after alpha training, you snuck out. You went to Shorty's when you knew Waverly had a break and went up to the room that was now just hers. You knock on the door, quietly but firmly. "Waverly?" You say, hoping she hears you or maybe she's asleep. You knock again before putting your hand on the door knob, which is unlocked. Your eyes widen in surprise that the door is unlocked and against your better judgement slowly turn the handle to open the door. You frown at the sight of Waverly curled up in her bed, tear stains covering her face. You knew that you should probably leave, so she didn't wake up to see you in her room staring at her but your wolf would kick you if you did that. You walked towards the small bathroom in the room and wet a face cloth. You walk back over to Waverly and softly start wiping the tear stains away. Waverly does end up waking up, slowly, but you focus on your work instead of freaking out. "Y/n?" You give her a small smile before finishing up wiping her face and laying the face cloth out to dry. You go back to where you were before and crouch down again. "Yeah?" "Why are you here?" You let out a sigh at her question. "Well I heard about Champ, an absolute idiot by the way, and your Uncle, and that Wynonna might be coming back to town. I thought you could use a friend right now." Waverly gives you a smile and grabs your hand, causing your wolf to go crazy. "Come on, I know crouching like that isn't comfy." Waverly says motioning to her bed. You raise your eyebrow in surprise and confusion. Waverly rolls her eyes, "What your here and I haven't had anyone to cuddle with in a while and I'm grieving." You roll your eyes but get into the bed with her, making sure there was a obvious amount of space between the two of you. Waverly, of course, completely ignores the space you tried to leave and rolls over onto you and lays her head on your chest. You feel like your heart is beating out of your chest and your wolf is yelling at you to mark her. When you wake up the next day, still in bed with Waverly, you know your screwed. You swiftly but quietly get out of bed and put pillows down to take your place. You try to sneak back into camp but get caught by one of the guards on duty. "Y/n? Where have you been? I have to take you to your parents." You groan, knowing your about to be in a whole ton of trouble.
You did get in trouble, it would have been better if you had spent the night with a random person but spending it with Waverly made it worse. You weren't allowed out the house for the whole day. To say you were bored was an understatement. The next day, when your finally free, you immediately go to find Waverly to apologize for just disappearing. But when you get to the room, it looks ransacked and Waverly was no where to be seen. You run out of the room and run to Gus's house and see blood on the floor. "Shit." You mumble, trying to think of where the Earps could be. The Homestead, you thought before running out the house again. You have no idea why they would go there but it was the only place you could think of. You make sure no one is around before changing into your wolf form. You take off in a sprint and almost trip when you see whats going on. Wynonna is sitting in front of Waverly in a protective manner, Peacemaker no where to be see, and a revenant aiming a gun at them. You also see a black van coming but it's going to take too long. You decide that this is one of those life or death moments when your allowed to reveal yourself and you figure it's okay since the Earp's know about revenants anyways, so they should be able to handle the idea of werewolves.
So you dart forwards towards the revenant and right before he can fire a shot, you tackle him. You and the revenant roll around some in the dirt fighting and by that time the black van had fully pulled up with Dolls getting out with his gun drawn. "Don't shoot!" Waverly yells at him, she doesn't know why but something about the wolf is familiar to her. You are finally able to get your mouth around the revenants throat and "kill" him. You step off of and away from the body once your completely sure the revenant is taken out. You look over at Waverly and Wynonna to see that Waverly got the rope off of her neck and that Wynonna had retrieved Peacemaker and was pointing it at you. You looked behind you to see a guy who was also pointing a gun at you. You walked away from the body slowly, making sure to stay in the middle of the three people, and nudge your head towards the revenant looking at Wynonna. She seems to get what your saying and moves forwards slowly, still not fully trusting you. You would have bowed your head to show that you meant no harm but it was not known of alpha's to bow to anyone except elders or the previous alpha. You also would have transformed back to human form too but your wolf was experiencing too much adrenaline from fighting after so long. You let out a howl of pure adrenaline and one that signified that there needed to be a meeting after Wynonna shot the revenant. Your howl caused the man behind you to tense, like he expected something to happen.
You finally felt your self calm down and didn't know if you should super reveal yourself or not. You decided that if you did, you would be in trouble but at the same time you could finally be completely honest to Waverly about what she was to you and how you had actually developed feelings for her over the years. You felt your bones start to shift and slowly felt yourself stand back up to normal height. "Y/n?" Waverly said in confusion. Wynonna and Dolls looked at Waverly confused, guns still drawn. "Umm, surprise?" You say chuckling nervously. "How? Who? What?" Waverly says walking up to you and doing a few laps around you before stopping and standing right in front of you. By now, Wynonna and Dolls had put their guns away and were watching the scene before them unfold. "You're a... wolf?" "Werewolf, technically." You correct her, rubbing the back of your neck. "And I thought revenants were the only thing different in Purgatory. Damn, was I wrong." "I know you have questions, which I can totally answer but I feel like there is one more thing I should tell you." Waverly looks up at you confused, causing you to feel even more nervous. "Well besides the fact that I am in love with you and have been since junior year..." You say causing everyone's mouths to drop in shock. "Your in...?" You interrupt Waverly, "Please let me finish. But yes, yes I am. You are also my mate." Waverly, having common knowledge about wolfs, mouth drops even more. "Mate!?"
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etlunainmorte · 4 years
Perfect. Everything was going smoothly and according to plan.
Later after the party, Christopher would pay Salvador a huge sum of money for doing his job. Well, he should admit that, at first, it seemed so difficult. The victim, himself, didn't look that intimidating, sure, but, his pets sure did. What were they again? Ah! A glowing panther and an extremely talkative blue parrot.
Who is this V person, anyway?! An exotic pet smuggler?!
Eh, it doesn't matter now! Thought Salvador as he glanced at V's house from his own car. Stealing those vintage clothing and that necklace was a,...
"Piece of cake!" The man exclaimed as he adjusted the rear view mirror. Taking a comb from the pocket of his black leather jacket, he began fixing his already slick - looking hair. Giving his own reflection the gun fingers, he sang along to the music in his car speakers, "We're talking away, I don't know what I'm to say I'll say it, anyway. Today's another day to find you shying away. I'll be coming for your love, okay? Take on me,... TAKE ON ME - !
Not a moment too soon, Salvador found himself stumbling on the ground next to two pairs of feet. Somehow, the car door ( which was locked ) was forced open and he felt strong hands dragging him out. He looked up and saw two very irate - looking strangers. The woman had her arms crossed and the man was tapping his booted foot on the ground.
"WHO ARE YOU, PEOPLE?!" Salvador screamed as he tried to scramble away from the two strangers. However, his escape was unsuccessful when the man grabbed his jacket and yanked him off the ground. "H - HAVE MERCY ON ME, PLEASE!"
"Is this the one, Nico?" The man asked the woman, who just lit up a cigarette and began smoking.
Pointing two fingers at Salvador, the woman called Nico spoke. "That's the one. Or, unless I'm wrong and he's not the one spying on V here for almost a week!"
"Y - Y - YOU GOT THE WRONG PERSON!" Salvador pleaded, already feeling his sweat run cold and his bones weaken. He tried to pry himself loose from the man's grip but, he was just too strong! "I - I - I DON'T KNOW W - WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!"
All of a sudden, they heard an awful noise coming from the car, and a few moments later, that same talkative blue bird came into view.
"HE'S GOT IT!" The noisy bird squawked as it pointed at something with its wing. They all turned towards the direction it's pointing at and noticed that same glowing panther, the pieces of the ripped vintage clothing in its mouth, standing just next to the car.
Which means,...
The awful noise that Salvador heard earlier was the sound of his car trunk breaking!
"YOU,... FUCKING ZOO MASCOTS!" Salvador howled in anger.
It happened in a matter of seconds. Poor Salvador was about to fight back when he felt his body go numb all of a sudden. It's as if an incredible jolt of electricity ran through his system to the numerous ends of his nerves at the speed of light, making him fall to the ground, helpless and unmoving.
As a matter of fact, he really felt he should've been dead with that unprecedented attack but, miraculously, he's not.
"I can't find the necklace anywhere!" He heard another woman say. Where did that come from?!
"Let's check again!" Answered the other female, the one who smoked.
It's,... no use,... Salvador thought, his face still lying flat on the ground where he fell. B - boss,... has the w - wretched thing!
"It's not,... fucking here!" The aggravated male swore a few moments later after all that ruckus in the car.
"We should let him know." The woman who smoked said. "He's the one who originally owns it."
"I agree with you on that, Nico."
He? Salvador thought helplessly. Who the heck - ?! What now?!
Fly me to the moon,
Let me play among the stars.
Let me see what spring is like on
A - Jupiter and Mars.
In other words, hold my hand.
In other words, baby, kiss me.
Fill my heart with song and let me sing for ever more.
You are all I long for,
All I worship and adore.
In other words, please be true.
In other words, I love you.
The voice of the Frank Sinatra wannabe on the stage soared high above the romantic place as the couples, all dressed in their best vintage, danced to the hypnotic, timeless tune.
And as you danced the dreamy Foxtrot with your tall, green - eyed partner, your mind couldn't help but go over, and over again through the events that led right to this moment.
"Oh, for I can't help falling in love with you,..." V's low and gentle voice mesmerized you. There simply was this special something in his voice. Something very warm and familiar. You've noticed it the first time during Avery's wedding where you've met him but, you didn't pay it too much attention. At least, not too much. However, during that night when he visited you and read to you that lovely story about Cupid and his beloved muse, you could no longer deny that fact. You can't actually pinpoint what it was but, it certainly lured you in closer to him.
Yes, there's no use denying that now.
You feel something for V, that you're definitely sure of.
You just kept wondering, is he really the one? Were your feelings even mutual? And what if the same thing happens to you? That thing that Christopher did to you?
Many doubtful things about V plagued your mind since that night but, now that he's here, right before you, you're very sure. Very sure, indeed.
You almost did not hear his shy, and yet bashful voice above the overwhelming applause and cheers he received from the other guests as he spoke to you after his heartwarming ( and cheesy ) song. His warm smile, pleading eyes, and gentle touch as he took your hand and planted a kiss on it made you feel like you were the most enchanting woman in the whole wide world.
The one and only enchantingly beautiful woman in V's whole world,...
"Pardon my delay." He told you, the guests still cheering wildly for the both of you. "I was,... catching up on some - "
You cut him off, placing a single finger over those supple lips of his. With wide green eyes, he saw you lean closer to him. And with a wildly racing heart, he heard you whisper sweetly to his ear, "I know. It's alright." Then, giving him an equally warm, and sweet, smile that flung his heart beat off its normal rhythm, you added, "You came. That's all that matters."
"Well, well! If it isn't Mr. Domestic guy!" An obnoxious voice boomed all of a sudden, destroying the sweet and tender mood and killing your moment with V. "How rude of you to keep your lady waiting!"
That,... mother - !
Earning disgusted looks from the people standing closest to you ( especially Trish and Lady ), Christopher went on with his self - primping. And bullying. "And what,... old clothes you wear!"
There, he said it. He emphasized the words, old clothes.
He knew what's going on! You thought as you threw the man a scornful, disgusted look.
Showing your,... true colors! V thought at the same time as he held you closer to him and shielded you from the overbearing guy. I see,...
I will make you pay,... Christopher thought as he gave V a very awful and challenging look. You two,... will pay!
"The better," You answered, your brave voice soaring high above the noise of Fleminger's ball room. " ... to spend this beautiful vintage evening with."
"So, we're talking about spending nights with someone else now, huh?" Christopher, like the rude man that he was, bit the bait, a very visible tint of red coloring his face. You knew that look. He was getting really riled up. "Let's see,... hmm,... how about," He uttered in a sickly sing - song voice as he pointed an accusing finger at both you and V. This made you stand instinctively in front of V, reversing your positions from before, and protecting the poor poet from your evil ex. And this made Christopher even angrier. " ... a challenge, perhaps? Whoever grabs the title of King and Queen this year,... wins! How about that?"
"We have no intention of - " V began but, you cut him off once more. You,... just couldn't stand Christopher's bullying anymore.
This has to stop! Here and now! And you will not stand by idle, and do nothing! You will fight this! And win the war! No matter what it takes!
"How do we do that?" You questioned, feeling your blood boil for the evil doctor. 
"Eh, it's obvious, isn't it?" Christopher gestured with his thumb, pointing at the middle of the room where Dante began doing his Michael Jackson routine once more. "We go by Fleminger's rules. We rule the dancefloor. If you win, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone. If not,... well! We'll see! How's that, Little Miss Domestic?"
Leaving V for a while, you stepped closer towards Christopher and looked at him straight in the eye, dead set on bringing the evil man down.
"You're on," You answered, and with a hint of sass in your voice from being bullied, as well, you added, "Mr. Narcist."
"Now, I wonder who the Damsel In Distress really is here." A male voice interrupted. Turning your eyes to the source of this new voice, you found the robust ( and bald ) host of the party. Smiling at you and bowing theatrically, he spoke. "Pardon my,... intrusion. As you may have already known, I'm called Flanagan Allen Fleminger. But, you can simply call me,... Fleminger."
"Sir Fleminger!" Christopher greeted in an overly exaggerated way. "How wonderful it is to finally meet you. I' am - "
"Did I hear a challenge just now?" Fleminger asked with a very curious smile. "Because I do love challenges!"
You and V gave each other a worried glance, both pondering whether you should take this Fleminger man's intervention as an opportunity or as a warning. The man looked suspicious enough! Really suspicious,...
"Well! My spacious ball room is more than ready,... and equipped,... for any,... chivalrous challenges,... in the name of love. And honor! If I may add." Fleminger exclaimed as he excitedly clasped his hands and glided towards V. How does anyone simply glide like that? "I hope you find it,... challenging enough for your taste,... My Lord." He said and walked away with that mischievous smile on his face.
Fill my heart with song and let me sing for ever more.
You are all I long for,
All I worship and adore.
In other words, please be true.
In other words, I love you.
The music wound to a close, and as you and V took your bow, you heard the audience's excited cheers as they called for Christopher and Lady's name above all other couples who were dancing along with you. It's very difficult to deny it but, that Lancaster guy do have a way with ballroom dances.
And he clearly looked like he's winning the game,...
You felt V's grip on your hands tighten as you noticed him looking with such distress at the horrible enemy. You couldn't really blame him. Three dances in and people just couldn't help but be entranced by Christopher and Lady's moves. It's as if their perfectly choreographed moves has the ability to put anyone under a spell, and that alone spells trouble for both you and V.
What would happen to the two of you if Lancaster wins this?! What would happen if he and Lady becomes King and Queen of The Night? He probably would never stop bullying you and V for the rest of your life!
"Heads up!" You heard Trish tell you with a pat on your arm, making you turn your attention to her and her dance partner, Dante.
"Hey! Rockin' the dance floor?" The Devil Hunter greeted you with an overly confident smile that said I'll nab the title of King! all over despite Christopher's undeniable popularity. And this made Trish roll her eyes.
"Popularity polls don't matter!" Trish went on. With a sly glance at Fleminger, who was watching the dances at one of the upper boxes, she added, "It's him who decides the winner." And with a reassuring smile on her face, she said, "You're doing just fine."
"Yeah, right. Thanks" You answered as you watched the woman regally walk away with Dante. How could any woman stay perfectly poised and fresh after rounds of Waltz, Quick Step, and Foxtrot?!
"(Y/N)," All of a sudden, you heard your partner speak, his low voice slightly making you worry. " ... I should not have dragged the both of us in this hopeless situation. Forgive me,... "
What? "Hey, it's not your fault! I was the one who accepted that man's challenge." You reminded him as the rest of the couples took their five - minute break before the next dance. "It's not your fault, V."
"But, I was the one who invited you here,... " And it was the truth. V wanted you to have a memorable and fun night with him. He planned this event through and through in his head and he honestly thought that everything would go smoothly and perfectly. In his eagerness to fulfill your last wish, he was not able to predict one tiny setback.
And that setback happened to be the biggest, most annoying throat choke that ever lived on the planet. One that just wouldn’t go down in defeat even with more than eight glasses of water and a few cat scratches on the neck. Or, in V’s case, one that refused to stay in the Underworld after being kicked there.
Why didn't he just stay in Hell for good?! That damned Christopher Lancaster?!
"Oh, my!"
V's eyes widened and his protective instincts kicked in as he saw Lady just bump into you. On the other hand, you didn't even notice it when the woman who looked like Audrey Hepburn suddenly, and out of the blue, appeared just like that, and you totally blamed it on your lack of focus.
"Oh, how silly of me!" Lady apologized with a smile as she helped you on your feet.
"It's alright. I wasn't paying attention. I - "
V's eyebrows knitted in confusion as he saw Lady whisper something to you as soon as you got up. He was even tempted to barge in but, when she left a few moments later, he noticed that there was something in her different - colored eyes. A knowing glint,... that apparently only you and her understand.
"My dear, are you alright?" V began asking when he noticed your facial expression changing to a more,... challenging look?
"Yes, I'm,... super!" You answered as you thoughtfully drummed your chin with your fingers. Looking up at him, you touched his arm and said, "I'm just gonna,... fix something."
"P - pardon? Is everything alright?"
"I'll be right back, I promise."
V helplessly watched you as you made your way towards the powder room, and it was definitely not helping with the situation, at all! With Nico, Nero, and his familiars all gone on an errand, he felt his focus vanishing and slipping off his fingers! And being left alone on that unfamiliar dance floor made him feel like he was standing, in the middle of the vast ocean, with about a hundred, hungry sharks swimming about, on a thin sheet of ice that was threatening to break beneath his cold feet!
And he never felt that tensed in his miserable life!
V's eagle sight noticed the musicians as they went back to their pedestal for another round of dance music, and he became all the more nervous for what will occur!
But, he must remain calm! And focused! And -
🌸 Okay, this one literally took almost an hour to upload. But, all of a sudden, I developed a strong urge to put V and his beloved into this cheesy 80's music video. It's now 5am, and I'm still singing TAKE ON ME! Oh, rip! Oh, rip, indeed! 😅😅😅 🌸
🌸 @la-vita , @dreaming-gamer , @birdgirl69 , @v-vic , and @hanniskywalker . 🌸
"Told you I'll be right back." V heard your sweet and playful voice once more, and when he turned around with vast relief to see you, he was more than shocked!
Your skirt,...
Your beautiful and elegant white skirt,...
But,... WHY?!
"(Y/N), dear, I don't think that's - !" V stuttered in distress, wanting to blurt out the word inappropriate as gently as he could, as his sight wandered over your bare legs. But, he just could not find any word to replace it. What’s more, he was even beginning to notice the audience taking notice of your sudden change!
"Trust me, V." You reassured him as you smiled confidently at him. Yes, you don't quite trust Lady. But, her words earlier,...
There was no way in hell that she would lie to you! No fricking way!
You looked up at the upper boxes and noticed Fleminger excitedly leaning in closer to his seat the moment the musicians picked up their instruments. A tall guy, followed by two ladies ( probably back up singers ), stepped on the musician's platform and grabbed their own microphones.
Then, the music started.
Oh, Lady was definitely right!
You spread your arms confidently wide in a seemingly familiar pose, waiting for V to take the lead.
A few moments later, V realized,...
The next dance was,... !
🌸 Three Wishes 🌸
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