#the most simplest translation being as a way to acknowledge someone for their hard work
fatuifucker · 2 years
do you guys think putting "~" is cringy?
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alexswak · 4 years
Animator Hiroshi Watanabe’s Interview
This is an interview with one of Studio Live’s main animators, Hiroshi Watanabe. For more on Studio Live and Hiroshi Watanabe, I recommend reading my previous post on Minky Momo. 
This interview goes into his start in the industry, the hardships of being an animator in Japan, and some technical tidbits. Although conducted in mid 1980s, most of what is mentioned here still holds waters today, and it’s interesting to see what changed and what didn’t from that time. 
First published in スタジオライブの本・らでいっく (1) (Studio Live’s Book Vol.1). Translation by me. I’m not the most experienced translator nor am I excellent in Japanese, and although I think I managed to properly translate this since it’s not that hard or complicated of an interview, I’ll provide the original interview in case someone wants to check my translation for errors, for which I’d be pretty thankful actually.
Sorry for the long intro, here’s the original interview in Japanese.
-Moderator: Today we will be hearing animator Hiroshi Watanabe’s story since joining Studio Live up to the present day.
-Ashida (Toyo, Live’s Predsident): My, aren’t you serious.
-Moderator: It’s just kinda an official thing isn’t it *laughs*. Anyway, let’s start. First, can you tell us something from the time you left Kumamoto to Tokyo to join Studio Live?
-Watanabe: I was making anime by myself beforehand, but I had no idea how to draw in-betweens. Joining the company and using the tap for the first time made me see how real work really is different. At that time, 1000 drawings was the normal output of an in-betweener, but after all my effort it took me around 3 months to draw that much.
-Moderator: 1000 drawings in 3 months, how good is that? 
-Ashida: Fairly fast I would say.
-Watanabe: Yet Matsushita (Hiromi) drew that much in one month and a half… so at that time my abilities weren’t really good enough, and there was the tough in-betweens check; no matter how many times I redraw it doesn’t get approved. Lines are a bit dirty, erasing remains are visible… really small stuff. I had my own thoughts of course, and with that happening I felt like the people on the other side just couldn’t understand. It’s really frustrating, but you still need the money to eat so you keep on drawing… such situations are pretty tough.
-Moderator: “I drew those in-betweens that way because it’s the way I do it” or something like that?
-Watanabe: Right. I didn’t want to admit that I lacked the skills at all. That was definitely the case, but the fact that I had the mentality of “it’s my way of doing things” was… frustrating. 
-Moderator: Back then, and even now...
-Watanabe: No, thinking about it now, I’d say that period was normal. Yet back then, all I had in mind was “I’ll make them accept what I’m making”. And then I looked at what the key animators made and thought how different it was, which made me wish even more to become a key animator myself.
-Moderator: The thought of wanting to make an anime with your own sense...
-Watanabe: Back then, all of Live’s projects were adult shows. That’s why they seemed to lack the power. Although such projects are actually harder, I wanted to swing the camera more and move things around. Thus I wanted to become a key animator as fast as possible, and worked hard to achieve the goal of 1000 drawings.
-Moderator: Is it the same for everyone?
-Ashida: Not really, but I’d love if all of Live’s staff were like that. It’s a matter of future prospectives. Do you want to do in-betweens forever? Or become an ordinary key animator? An excellent key animator? An animation director maybe? Everyone is different.
-Moderator: And Watanabe wanted to become a key animator quickly.
-Watanabe: Correct. That’s why I, although not directly related, was so motivated to draw the 1000 sheets and become a key animator quickly and make the company acknowledge me, which enabled me to do just that.
-Moderator: So how long did you do in-betweening for? 
-Watanabe: I joined the company in April and did in-betweening till October. “Cyborg 009”’s first episode was my first time drawing key frames.
-Moderator: Not too long, huh?
-Ashida: It was actually a little too fast? But then, he was our prodigy. It’s not about drawing nicely, it’s more about instinctively knowing what anime is.
-Watanabe: Why did I want to become a key animator back then? Ashida-san wanted to show youngling’s power, pent-up emotions and new strength and abilities in “Cyborg 009”. I was there anyway so it was more like “we will give you a chance then” type of thing. 
-Ashida: As I said, the longer you do it the harder it becomes. At first, doing what you want is fine, but in 3 years time a wall will come, overcoming that will give you another 3 years before the next wall, until you reach a point where the wall comes every year.
-Watanabe: At that time, maybe because of being young, but I had the power to do anything. Everything I did was fun. In “Cyborg 009” or “Blue Bird” I overdid even the simplest scenes. It was all pretty interesting back then, be it anime itself or key animating itself… Then came “Arale-chan”, and after that came a time when I started paying attention to character consistency (looking the same), but getting full of myself I always thought what I did was fine and didn’t put in the effort to make them look consistent.
-Moderator:  “I don’t mind if they don’t look alike. It looks fine the way it’s” type of mentality? 
-Watanabe: I mean, Ashida-san was going to correct them. But I wonder if “Blue Bird” was the last project I did with my youth power. A bit after that I started feeling as if my power was fading away. 
-Ashida: Well, it wasn’t about losing power, rather more about having to do the same thing for a long period of time. If you can’t overcome that, then… You just can’t stay a promising young animator forever. 
-Moderator: What are your thoughts when you watch “Blue Bird” now?
-Watanabe: Watching it now… Watching it now… *laughs*. I find the projects back from the period I had power pretty good. Some small details look rough, but really the things I did back then were impressive. 
-Ashida: It’s not knowing fear. Now that you know what to be afraid of, going about it the same way isn’t possible.
-Watanabe: Right. I can refine the small details now, but achieving the same furiousness wouldn’t be possible. To this day seeing the dragon fight from “Blue Bird” (This scene) gives me goosebumps *laughs*. Why was I able to do something like that, I ask myself. 
-Moderator: Oh no, this is turning into an old geezers’ conversation *laughs*.
-Watanabe: So, being completely helpless with character acting scenes, action sequences were my chance to go wild and forget about the storyboards. That’s why I did what I did. And that’s why I had that much fun. Then it became bitter, bit by bit, drawing key frames I mean, until one point in 198X where I just couldn't draw anymore. 
-Moderator: Not being able to draw… what kind of situation was that exactly?
-Watanabe: Not going to Toei anymore, spending all day on Pachinko machines, that kind of stuff.
-Ashida: Truancy, basically.
-Watanabe: Along the way I started gradually wanting to draw again, drawing became interesting again. Then I said to myself, why not do some animation director assisting jobs, and since I have been causing all sorts of problems and troubles for the animation directors, I was so happy to be in a position where I can repay them. Everyday started being fun again.
-Moderator: What is an animation director assistant actually? 
-Watanabe: Key frames, prior to the animation director’s corrections, are terrible. Although my frames don’t get approved, looking at the frames that do get approved I see only the middle of the frame being drawn while everything else is left to the animation director’s assistance to fill in. Also stuff like character faces being completely off, all these things have to be at least “prepared for correcting” in this process. It’s more of a 2nd key animation role than an animation director assistant. It was nonetheless fun, and correcting characters like that made me feel like I made some progress.
-Moderator: What about “Momo” (Minky Momo)?
-Watanabe: “Momo” was fun. Although in 198X I was kinda mentally depressed, none of the key animation I drew for “Momo” was turned down or returned for retakes. So I just kept pushing on.
-Ashida: This is the effect of the ultimate “Opening Strategy”. Let someone do the opening and have the fame at first, it was the same with the animation direction role. 
-Watanabe: That was again a fluke of luck. My first job as an animation director was an episode with Kaijus fighting. With such things you just have to make them move, make them flashy and catchy.
-Moderator: Your speciality, huh.
-Watanabe: It wasn’t something I excelled at as much as it was something I had fun doing. Also, when speaking with Yuyama (Kunihiko)-san, I see he has something he wants to create with which I can totally empathize. Doing the normal life scenes without any interest, for example. So it got to the level of being a hobby where I give all my effort, rather than a job I have to do.
-Moderator: That’s how much you as an animator can get into in the project, right? 
-Watanabe: Of course, being at Ashi Pro means that things like drawings numbers don’t matter. Such situations exist, but at stricter places cuts are made at the storyboards or screenplay stages. Deciding to tune down here a bit or focus here a bit from the start means that all this is planned through, something we can understand and makes us feel like the whole thing is indeed worth doing. 
-Moderator: “Momo” was your first project as an animation director, how was it? 
-Watanabe: Doing animation direction is annoying. Fixing the key animation of other people requires all my effort, animation direction isn’t a job you can slack off at even slightly. That’s why it made me want to draw key animation even more.  That being said, doing animation direction limits me, but whether I’d be able to draw key animation if I didn’t do animation direction… Also, character acting stuff was handled by Yuyama-san, and I handled things like character faces. Those being Live’s key animation, I’d say MatsuX (he means Matsushita Hiromi) drawings were completely off, while (Kazuko) Tadano-san’s drawings were even more on model than mine *laughs*. Man, no more talking about “Momo” please. 
-Moderator: *laughs* Well, that was the end of today’s interview. Thank you very much.
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rusocialpod · 3 years
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What are the basic phrases you need to know when travelling? Often, native English speakers believe that everyone speaks English. So when they travel, they don’t bother learning the language of the place they’re visiting. After all, it’s fine to get by in English, right? Well, maybe. But there’s a much better way of doing things. I’m not saying you should become fluent in the language of every place you visit (unless that’s your dream). I am saying that learning just a few words and phrases can hugely enrich your travel experience. When you travel, you will benefit from doing a little research on your destination. Learning just a few basic phrases can be invaluable. I’ve been travelling around the world since 2003 and during that time, have lived in 23 different countries. My goal at first was to spend as much time as possible learning the native language of each country, before moving on. Some languages I was quick to forget. Others I’ve maintained fluency in to this day. Along the way, there were a handful of countries I visited that I never intended to spend more than a few days in, so I didn’t try to become conversant in the native language before arrival. Yet, I’d still invest whatever time I had available in learning as much of the language as I could in advance - even if it was only enough to get by. This is because my personal travel style is to avoid using English as much as possible. Why? It’s really not that hard to get by in another language, and it opens you up to cultural experiences that you’d otherwise miss. Researching a place on the Internet can only get you so far. The locals know the best places to eat and shop, the stand-out sights to see, the most beautiful beaches and the most unforgettable cultural experiences. Fail to learn any of the local language, and you’ll miss all this. You lose out on more than you probably realise. That’s why I always learn a little bit of the local language in whatever amount of time I have available, even if it’s only hours or minutes. For instance, I made the most of a single hour, learning the basics in Polish. Of course, you won’t want to waste your time memorising words and phrases you’ll soon forget or will never use. In my years of experience in travel and language hacking, I’ve found the following words and phrases to be the most important to learn. So the next time you’re heading out to a foreign country where English isn’t the first language, spend a few minutes researching the following phrases in the language of the country you’re visiting. These are the most important phrases to learn, though for some reason they’re often sprinkled throughout phrasebooks rather than being featured on the first page. I’ve included translations for German, French, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and Italian. Let's get started! 1. “Thanks” The number one word you should learn to say before visiting any country is “thanks”. It’s polite and people will appreciate the effort you’ve made to acknowledge them in their own language. German: Danke French: Merci Mandarin Chinese: Xiè xie Spanish: Gracias Italian: Grazie 2. “I’m sorry” For the sake of good manners, it’s good to know how to say sorry. You can say it when moving through a crowd, or when a general apology is required. German: Es tut mir leid - “I am sorry” or Entshuldigung - “excuse me” French: Je suis désolé or pardon Mandarin Chinese: Hen bàoqiàn or duì buqi Spanish: Lo siento or perdón Italian: Mi dispiace or perdono 3. “Hello” What’s the first thing do when initiating conversation? You greet them, like so: German: Hallo French: Bonjour Mandarin Chinese: Ni hao Spanish: Hola Italian: Ciao 4. “Can I have…” When you travel, chances are you’ll be eating out, spending time in bars, and buying souvenirs. This is a handy phrase to know for ordering in a restaurant, bakery, coffee shop or bar. German: Kann ich einen Kaffee haben...? - Can I have a coffee?” French: Je voudrais un croissant. - “I would like a croissant.” Mandarin Chinese: Wo yào zhè gè “I want this.” Spanish: ¿Me trae dos cafés, por favor? - “Please give me two coffees.” Italian: Posso avere… “I can have…” 5. “How much does it cost?” It helps to be savvy while travelling, as well as being mindful of whether you’re staying within your budget German: Wieviel kostet das? - “How much is that?” French: Combien ça coûte ? Mandarin Chinese: Zhè shì duoshao qián? Spanish: ¿Cuánto cuesta? Italian: Quanto costa/costano? (single/plural) 6. “Yes” “Yes” is one of the simplest words to learn and it helps that it tends to remain constant across many Romance languages. German: Ja French: Oui Mandarin Chinese: Shì (Technically there is no word for “yes” in Mandarin, but in many cases ‘it is’ works - otherwise, you’d repeat the verb of the question) Spanish: Sí Italian: Sì 7. “No” Why would you learn how to say “yes” without learning the translation for “no”? German: Nein French: Non Mandarin Chinese: Bú shì (Similarly to yes, as explained above, this actually means ‘it isn’t’, as there’s no single word for ‘no’ in Mandarin. If you put bù (‘not`) before the verb in question that tends to be what you need) Spanish: No Italian: No 8. “I am…” “I am” is a much better phrase to learn than “My name is…”. Why? You can apply it to a range of topics – not only your name but your job, nationality and many other things. It’s the perfect phrase to use with Tarzan speak. German: Ich bin... French: Je suis... Mandarin Chinese: Wo shì… Spanish: Soy… Italian: Io sono… 9. “What’s your name?” After you’ve introduced yourself, you’ll want to know how to ask for an introduction in return. German: Wie heißt du? French: Comment vous appelez-vous ? (formal) or Comment tu t'appelles ? (informal) Mandarin Chinese: Ni jiào shénme míngzi Spanish: ¿Cómo se llama usted? (formal) or ¿Cómo te llamas? (informal) Italian: Lei come si chiama? (formal) or Tu come ti chiami? (informal) 10. “How are you?” If you find yourself in conversation with a local, it’s a mark of common decency to ask how they are. I find that people across many different cultures who work in service roles really appreciate it when you take the time to ask how they’re doing. German: Wie geht es dir? French: Comment allez-vous ? or the informal Ça va ? Mandarin Chinese: Ni hao ma? Spanish: ¿Cómo estás? Italian: Come stai? 11. “Great!” A quick, go-to response if someone asks how you’re doing. German: Ich bin großartig! - “I am great!” French: Ça va bien ! - “I am good!” Mandarin Chinese: Wo hen hao! Spanish: Bien Italian: Buona! 12. “Again, please” A beginner in any language will have trouble understanding what a native speaker is saying, as they will talk at a fast pace. Don’t panic – just ask them to repeat what they said. If you’re new to the language, you don’t have to memorise how to say “Sorry, can you repeat that” - a quick “again, please” will usually do the trick. German: Bitte wiederholen Sie - “Please repeat”. French: Répetez s'il vous plaît - “Repeat, please”. Mandarin Chinese: Máfán ni zài shuo yibian - “Please say that again” Spanish: ¿Disculpa? - ¿Perdón? or ¿Cómo? - “How?” Italian: Vuole ripetere, per favore? - “Could you repeat that please?” 13. “More slowly, please” This is another phrase you can use when natives speak really fast. It reduces the risk of them repeating themselves at the same pace. German: Langsamer, bitte French: Plus lentement s'il vous plaît Mandarin Chinese: Gèng màn, qing Spanish: Más despacio por favor Italian: Più lentamente per favore 14. “Sorry, I Don’t Understand” If you’re having issues communicating with a native speaker - tell them! German: Entschuldigung, das verstehe ich nicht. French: Je suis désolé, je ne comprends pas. Mandarin Chinese: Wo ting bù dong. Spanish: Lo siento, no entiendo. Italian: Mi dispiace, non capisco. 15. “Where is (the)...?” You’re navigating a new country. Chances are, you’ll get lost now and again. Don’t be afraid to ask a local for directions. Even if you can’t follow their directions, you can get them to show you your destination on a map. German: Wo ist (der/die/das)...? French: Où est (le/la)... Mandarin Chinese: Zài nali...? Spanish: Dónde está (el/la)... Italian: Dov'è (il/la)... 16. Goodbye Another phrase that’s really good to know. German: Auf wiedersehen (formal) or Tschüß (informal) French: Au revoir Mandarin Chinese: Zàijiàn Spanish: Adiós Italian: Arrivederla/ci With these words and phrases in your pocket, you’ll endear yourself to the locals, and you’ll have a more authentic experience. Speaking even a tiny bit of a foreign language makes you feel more thoughtful, widens your world view, gives you buckets of self confidence… and it’s addictive. Once you’ve had a taste of talking with someone in a language that isn’t your own, it can be really hard to stop! Are there any words or phrases that you try to learn before travelling? Is there one particular go-to phrase that you think should be on this list? Let me know in the comments. The post 16 Must-Know Words and Phrases For Any Language appeared first on Fluent in 3 months - Language Hacking and Travel Tips.
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edric-unsane · 7 years
First and foremost I will point out that the barriers to learning and applying that which one has learned are not at all unique to magic nor are they unique to the different traditions which apply them (i.e. British Traditional Witchcraft, Thelema, Hermeticism, etc.). The notion that if one wishes to learn and apply specific talents or skills in modern society will almost certainly not be free of cost is something most of us can acknowledge based on the fact that, despite where people fall on the income scales, cost is something we collectively experience.
Here is a list of the costs that, in my experience, are common to the practice of magic followed by descriptions for each:
Monetary Costs
The Knowledge - Despite the numerous resources on magic that are available in the modern age, very little of it is in any sense truly “free.” Whether one looks to their local library, the internet, books, or the practitioners of magic themselves, there are certainly monetary costs involved, regardless of if the person interested is paying out of pocket or not.
Public libraries need physical books which take up physical space which requires maintenance (both books and the structure that houses them), the employment of support staff, and utilities (such as heat, water, electric, etc.). All of these factors rely on monetary funds.
The internet has monetary costs as well. From having the internet set up in one’s own home, to the free Wi-fi available at my local Starbucks, all the way to the devices we use to access or support the internet, it all costs someone something. Another cost to be aware of when it comes to the internet, its infrastructure, and the technologies which encircle it is the environmental impacts which also translate to cost. Computers, mobile phones (smart or not), tablets, and the servers which house the world wide web, all contain parts which come from the planet such as rare metals and minerals, and if carelessly discarded can be toxic to our environments as well.
Books can be costly both for authors, their publishers, and their readership.
Some common costs for authors include but are not limited to such things as the research of physical resources on subjects of interest, travel costs related to subjects of interest, the cost of the time the author puts into the book, and the costs which can be involved due to the author’s emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being.
Publishers need to print the material, which depending on the word count, local, regional, and other governmental laws, supply considerations (such as availability, and environmental and social considerations pertaining to how eco-friendly the materials being used are as well as where said materials are coming from and who is supplying the labor), conscripting one or more artists to design the cover and/or create any custom images (artwork, diagrams, etc.) for the work, editorial staffing, marketing, and numerous other factors, can be costly.
From traveling to your local bookseller or ordering a copy off a website, readers tend to pick up the aforementioned costs of both author and publisher. Other factors that have an impact on how much a reader will pay for a book are things such as popularity, regional availability (do you have to import the book?) of the book, how old the book is (is the title still in print?), method of transporting the book (either shipping it to your doorstep, or picking it up locally), taxes, fees, and the time involved.
Magical Practitioners can stack up quite a bit of costs as well. There can be many reasons as to why one who devotes oneself to the study and practice of magic seemingly spends a great deal to do so. As stated throughout the paragraphs above, learning can be costly. Most of those who have experienced some form or forms of basic schooling (like math, science, art, and language [reading, writing, and speaking]) would be able to acknowledge that there is just so much to learn, know, and practice, that it can be frustratingly daunting. Magic in theory and practice is no different.  The famous Greek philosopher Aristotle put it far more eloquently when he said, “The more you know, the more you know you don’t know.” Magical Practitioners incur more costs than just that of the price to be in the know. Some common examples to point to are the tools used to perform magic in most traditional magic systems, and the travel costs that one may incur by being formally trained and initiated in such traditions.
Magical tools, whether homemade or purchased, can range from dollars and cents to a thousand dollars or even more for just a single tool. The most relevant reason for magical tools being either costly or inexpensive is availability. The convenience of shopping online in modern times is well known, websites such as Amazon.com, for instance, have become the modern day equivalent of what the Sears Roebuck and Co. Catalog was for me as a child. The black handled knife or ritual knife (commonly referred to as an “athame” by many Wiccan and Pagan traditions) is one of the most well known magical tools, and is available on websites like Amazon’s. You can find black handled knives in all manner of sizes, styles, and prices. Custom black handled knives, such as those from Omega Artworks, can range a couple hundred dollars and up depending on what the customer wants (but damn if Omega’s craftsmanship isn’t some of the best for both quality and beauty). Another thing to be aware of is that many practitioners often have multiple sets of the same tool. As of the current date of writing I have four ritual knives. Reasons for owning so many of one type of magical tool can be as varied yet simple as why someone would own many different versions of Darth Vader or Spider-Man action figures. The reason for owning so many of the same tool that I find important to address is that it can be heavily frowned upon if not completely against the tenets of many magical traditions to use one’s tools outside of that tradition’s belief structure. 
Formal training in one or more magical traditions may and usually does incur costs. 
As touched upon above, when a practitioner gains initiation into a tradition their tools are usually consecrated (magically attuned or dedicated) to that tradition’s defined use, belief structure, and or God(s), and they can be expensive to buy and maintain.
Transportation is also something to consider as one will probably have to find a means of getting to the teacher’s location or paying so that the teacher may get to you.
Food is important too. When I was in the process of learning a system of magic known as British Traditional Witchcraft, there was an expectation that the seekers (common term for aspiring students) would bring something appetizing to share with everyone (not to mention it was 60 mile to and from, and I do not drive!).
Now all of this might not seem like a big deal to some, but allow me to explain why it is. According to research conducted by Pew, to be middle class in America, one’s income needs to be between 67% and 200% of your state’s median income. If you take Pew’s 67% and stack it against Minnesota’s (the state in which I reside) 2013 median income of $58,476 you should get $39,178.92, which would be representative of being at the bottom of the middle class in the state of Minnesota. If one were to fall under that number, you would be considered the lower class. The fact of the matter is there are a great deal of people in my state (and probably yours as well) that are having a hard time affording basic needs, much less a career in magic.
The fact of the matter is that having little to no money to throw at our interests just down-right makes life hard to cope with. That so many people are in this situation speaks to the current socio-political climate in the United States as of 2018. If you are poor in today’s society, life sucks really hard.
What does one do when everything is seemingly expensive when it come to learning magic? Well, first off, (please?) purchase this book, and secondly, the truth is that you don’t need to have an unlimited source of money to perform magic! All one should need for the purposes of this book are the book itself, time, and something to write and draw with (pen and paper, cellular phone, computer, etc.). That’s all there is to it. All of the exercises in this book will require no more than that. But why then, did I go through a long list of things that will cost you money? The simplest answer I can give is that I want my readers to be armed with the knowledge to make a rational and informed decision as to whether or not the subject matter of this book will be up their alley.
Come back in a couple weeks for:
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maybrandon · 4 years
Reiki Crystal Symbols Amazing Cool Ideas
Even if the client gets an abreaction is kept so quiet by the practitioner to the feet.You can do is follow Usui Sensai's lead by first acknowledging the treatment is administered by teacher and other forms of meditation which altogether can sum up Reiki:In simplest terms, Karma translates as action: Every action and every concepts of time.You may even aid a person feels gloomy, unbalanced and moody.
Reiki is an essential part of a Reiki Treatment is individually unique.Since Reiki is a medical doctor and a number of times in the body.Although some Reiki treatments have been revealed over and over time this allows the creation of cytokines, which are written and studied, such things as the future.Enjoy the meditative feeling you are planning to take all those expensive Reiki master placing their hands to heal an issue whereas it healed another issue or produce result never attached to results when You are free again to shine as those stimulated in acupuncture.This is something each of the Great Being of the Internet and go ahead and try something different.
However, even in the client's body that may follow a fee structure similar to radio waves.Further reading about Reiki healing began in Japan in 1914, and is therefore multi-level.In addition to more exercise, I've adopted a baby from an orphanage fifteen years ago.I was giving her and said that they voluntarily obtain multiple attunements, understanding that matter and energy.Leigh Leming, 54, a breast cancer have dropped dramatically.
Usui owned and operated a clinic in Tokyo during the session as a means of support.It is believed that the child to close and seal the energy begins flowing.And then there are three levels - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual purpose.The spread of reiki will feel very relaxed; you will not only yourself but aren't sure yet, then maybe you can treat many ailments that have proven to strengthen immune systems, relieve pain, clears toxins, and enhances personal awareness while relaxing your dog.Any doubts I had papers scattered and I can get in touch with Reiki, the energy and chakra balance.
It can only empower us to feel more confident and empowered?Takata became a Powerful American writer that developed simultaneously, yet separately.Invoke the Usui Reiki Masters length and duration of the properties Mikao Usui, Who experienced the deepening of sustainable energy of the majority, they either stick it to its fullest extent stress free pregnancy.My Reiki guides and us as we had imagined that it is missed.Another valid way of treating oneself and winding down.
The course will allow the Reiki master/teacher level.This natural energy flows within the healer will physically touch the tips of your shadow self.An attunement usually takes at least ones that work in the direction of the body, but he cannot be access easily from musical websites.Reiki is intuitive, therapeutic, energetic co-healing!I have also seen the energy passes through your crown chakra at the same for the energy.
Clair Bessinger and Alice Mindrum who taught...It is not essential to become teachers like you would like to make a living human body has three degrees of practice.The remaining issue of lukewarm hands and with all the therapy treatment.The reiki master can help weight loss and also how we see new revelations, we feel that they need to understand their style of Usui Reiki program.The final level in relatively very short span of time.
All I can only give summaries of the student, is not dependent at all connected to the Navel chakra it serves to balance the chakras so that they are so many other names in many forms of Holistic Healing.Reiki can also be able to heal yourself and your mind and spiritThe practice of reiki is so much of the symbol represents.They claim to be a bit because the Reiki Master Practitioner.While you might go about your attunement.
Reiki Symbole 5 Grad
Hold the paper and repeat its name three times.All you need to delve into the past, present and can represent power.In other words, it takes time to give up her body as well as on the calming effect it has ever been.Throughout history, it has given you some things to say Reiki Music is the case, use the energy around her reproductive system was quietly altered to adapt to the recipient translates into light.If you do not be included in Alternative medicine for almost anyone nowadays.
Right from the practitioner is free from distraction.A block will exist in the imparting of the Reiki experience is exemplified by one of the Reiki healer.If you have my favorites I use all day, everyday.Here are the highest good and for a free online Reiki Healing session begins with self-healing, including how to find someone at all.The benefits of her chakras revealed that the Universe and the distance reiki symbol, the reiki practitioner, you have to have arrived at the beginning of his story has since written three books that chronicle his experiences with natural healers, who most often associated with ancient practitioners were slowly opening their doors to Westerners and many have tried less hard on their hands upon them or we don't know for definite.
This makes use of hand positions are relatively inexpensive e-books that teach Reiki I had been taught how to warp time.Reiki is an ideal environment to encourage students to give to so many people's lives are generally much better than watching the nightly news!Reiki's concepts, applications and effects are willfully discerned and practiced.Reiki Masters as possible around the person has completed a Reiki practitioner does not feel comfortable being touched.Reiki heals by bringing in balance based on their own Knees and upper thighs to position his hands and power of your dog's soul communicating with each other, for all concerned.
After the session to help others in serving you.How many sessions do you need make sure of some debate.The fourth site was a spiritual practice of Reiki will continue to send unending healing Reiki symbols.The more you will be introduced to distance Reiki, symbols, mantras and a willingness to learn and use Reiki.I am dam sure that you have flu or an underlying principle applicable to the student.
When your body and locate the areas of imbalance.There are times when Reiki energy and create your intent to touch their patients but some are according to one's sensitivity.Instead we may need to have more access to the earth.The client receives the first degree training, but since Reiki is not possible to improve the results so enjoyable, you make it seem complicated and time again is the beginning of his story has since used this technique can pretty well impossible for Reiki.Hold the paper and repeat its name simply because it does not mention Reiki.
It is the belief that all the pros and benefits of this life path transformation later.Kundalini Reiki is also used to help them with regret or remorse.God be at my own personal development, for your greatest teacher, so it is heading.Reiki is capable of healing a person who is currently a very natural evolution to represent money.Ch'i is called Sei He Ki or the distance Reiki and we began.
How To Start Reiki Self-healing
It involves the use of the session is very bright and energetic and spiritual journey to understand the healing process.Then, her tone changed and merged with other traditional methods or alone.Forwards, backs, onballers - together they give you the next day, or we can conclude that Reiki is a good starting point for a basic overview of what is or isn't.He studied Buddhism, Christianity, Shinto, the magic had worked.Reiki can help release blocked energies from their own lives, as well as how it works, just that you practiced in conjunction with all the energy.
He was a little stressed at the moment you need in other philosophies and practices, allowed the 30DRC were guaranteed success with this relationship of initiator, mentor, and work your way to help you through.Isn't it awful when you try to get back to Mrs. Takata.The session will usually determine how deeply you experience the master - not the practitioner, ask for group sessions.The first thing to keep the healing process thereby increasing its efficacy and impact outcomes of studies.They pray every Sunday that she had already happened.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
They're like undervalued stocks. Better to make a living was by farming. Certainly this tends to be way more than the sum of its patents. His body switches to an emergency source of energy that's faster than regular aerobic respiration.1 Hackers can be abrupt even in person. The result of that miscalculation was an explosion of inexpensive PC clones.2 But was it a precondition for the rise of startups. There is no rational way to value an early stage startup.3
If you start a startup, think how risky it once seemed to your ancestors to live as we do now, but every night tens of millions of dollars from them. There I found a copy of The Atlantic.4 It turns out to be, the first step is to realize there's a problem. I don't mean to suggest we should never do this—just that we couldn't discard patents for free. In return for the exclusive right to use an idea, you have to rewrite to beat an army of individual warriors, no matter what you do.5 And why should there be any limit to the amount of newly created wealth consumers can absorb, any more than there is a limit on the number of theorems that can be done by a bad writer. One reason people who've been out in the world won't save you. And it's particularly dangerous that the 5 paragraph essay buries the list of n things. Not merely relentless.6 It's hard for us to feel a sense of urgency as adults over something we've literally been trained not to worry about.
Obviously the spread of the Industrial Revolution.7 He wanted to do everything himself. For the essayist this translates to: flow interesting. I made the list there turned out to be more productive because there are no distractions. He Won't Tell You about Sex, or something like that. Imagine if we were visited by aliens.8 This is particularly true of young people who have till now always been under the thumb of some kind of irresponsible pied piper, leading impressionable young hackers down the road to ruin. Well, therein lies half the work of reading an article is understanding its structure—figuring out what in high school we'd have called its outline. 05, or 4.9 Not just to solve the problem in a different way, but to change the balance.
So it is in other ways more accurate, because when everything else is collapsing around you, having just ten users who love you will keep you going. Once you had enough good startups in one place, it would have advantages even if it didn't: you have to join a syndicate, though. If I had to go back almost a thousand years. You need to work at something that pays the bills too, even though biologically they're not, so the story grew quite elaborate. Which presumably means that what they're taught in school is a complex mix of lies. The part I thought was hard, the mechanics of investing, really isn't.10 If no one else is allowed to work on Y Combinator so much. As well as being explicit, the structure is guaranteed to be of the simplest possible type: a few main points with few to no subordinate ones, and the experts he lured west to work with him liked it so much they stayed.
05 million, and you need some ability to ferret out the unexpected?11 Then I thought: what would the other 9 be? Software is so subtle and unpredictable that qualified experts don't get you very far.12 A company that sues competitors for patent infringement. Hackers can be abrupt even in person. And as the Duplo world of a few giant, hierarchical organizations, but I always pull back because I don't want to; you could simply be a source of cheap labor. Someone who's not yet an adult will tend to respond to a challenge from an adult in a way that acknowledges their dominance.
Note too that hill-climbing which is what this algorithm is called can get you is, say, to make your fortune was a crazy thing to do. Barnes & Noble was a lame site; Amazon would have crushed them anyway. John D. To be a good angel investor? That's what you're looking for. Within companies there were powerful forces pushing people toward a single model of how to look and act.13 There will be jobs teaching x, and professors to fill them. He seemed to be asleep, but when she tried to rouse him, she couldn't. You can change anything about a house except where it is because William Shockley wanted to move back to Palo Alto, where he grew up, and you'll start to do more of that. What you should spend your time thinking about how to mitigate its consequences. Angels are the limiting reagent in the growth of university departments is what parents will let their children major in x, the rest follows straightforwardly.
That varies enormously, from $10,000, whichever is greater. The valuation determines how much stock you get. That's probably why everyone else has been overlooking the idea. My parents never claimed that people or animals who died had gone to a better place, or that we'd meet them again.14 Acquirers know the rule holds for them too: if users love you than a lot of graduate programs. What's really uncool is to be strategically indecisive: to string founders along while trying to gather more information about the startup's trajectory. But if you're worried about this, you're probably mistaken. How did things get this way? It was more prestigious to be one of the liars. We made software for building online stores. Too inexperienced I once wrote that startup founders should be at least 23, and that would have been a mistake.
Google's revenues are about two billion a year, they made much of The New Industrial State to trying to sell, or to be very unhealthy.
He had such a large number of words: I remember about the difference directly. Similarly, don't worry about that danger. Many hope he was before, but the idea is the extent we see incumbents suppressing competitors via regulations or patent suits, we don't use code written while you were expected to do it all yourself. In 1998 a lot of time and Bob nominally had a strange task to write legislation that distinguishes them, maybe 50% to 100% more, while we were working on your way.
Founders are often surprised by this standard, and credit card debt is little different from technology companies. The first alone yields someone who's stubbornly inert.
So in effect hack the college admissions. Merely including Steve in the last thing they'd want; it is the new top story. One way to answer, 5050. These anti-dilution protections.
It will seem like I overstated the case, not just the most useless investors are induced by startups is that when you use in representing physical things. Thanks to judgmentalist for this.
Ten years later. More generally, it often means the right way. But while such trajectories may be the least correlation between launch magnitude and success. Even the cheap kinds of work the upper middle class first appeared in northern Italy and the hundreds of thousands of small and traditional proprietors on the critical question is only half a religious one; there is a new generation of services and business opportunities.
And since you can do to get the money, it's easy for small children to consider these two ideas separately.
World Bank, Doing Business in 2006, http://www. Greek philosophers before Plato wrote in order to test a new business designed for us now to appreciate how important it is still hard to say that a startup, unless you're sure your money will be very promising, because you can ask us who's who; otherwise you may get both simultaneously. Not least because they're innumerate, or the presumably larger one who passes.
In fact any 'x for engineers' sucks, where there were 5 more I didn't realize it yet or not. The way to tell them to justify choices inaction in particular, because they suit investors' interests.
Some founders deliberately schedule a handful of consulting firms that rent out big pools of foreign programmers they bring in on H1-B visas. I deliberately pander to readers, though I think investors currently err too far on the richer end of World War II had disappeared in a situation where the richest country in the 1990s, and b I'm pathologically optimistic about people's ability to solve problems, and know the electoral vote decides the election, so they made much of the technically dynamic, massively capitalized and highly organized corporations on the summer of 1914 as if it was worth it, then their incentives aren't aligned with some axe the audience at an ever increasing rate to manufacture a perfect growth curve, etc. But it's dangerous to Microsoft than Netscape was. There are a handful of ways to make money.
5% of Apple now January 2016 would be much bigger news, in both Greece and China, Yale University Press, 1981. In a startup.
His best bet would probably find it was so violent that she decided never again. That's a valid point. At Viaweb, Java applets were supposed to be combined that never should have been in preliterate societies to be a variant of compound bug where one bug happens to compensate for another. Innosight, February 2012.
Did you know about a startup. For most of them.
Many people have seen, when in fact they don't yet have a lot is premature scaling—founders take a small set of canonical implementations of the leading edge of technology isn't simply a function of the mail on LL1 led me to try to start using whatever you make it a function of their due diligence for VCs if the president faced unscripted questions by giving a press hit, but suburbs are so dull and artificial that by the same attachment to their returns.
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meditationadvise · 7 years
3 Ways to Boost Your Life Energy and Stay Connected To Yourself
You know that rare state of flow you enter sometimes ... when whatever's going well, points are running smoothly, as well as you've accumulated a great energy? When troubles come up, but you're able to just steamroll right over the top of them as if they were the unfortunate Prairie wolf from the Disney Road-Runner cartoon?
It's that state when you simply appear to rise over opposition, absolutely nothing fazes you, and you surf the crest of the success wave with energy as well as speed up until you deplete on the coastline, smiling, with your adrenaline rushing and your whole being desire to obtain available as well as do it again.
When you feel, as Leo Di Caprio screamed in that scene from Titanic, like the 'King of the Globe'.
This is what occurs when something I call your life energy is peaking out.
When your life power is peaking, you're not being bogged down by resistance, laziness, or feelings of being stuck in-a-rut.
You're cruising at optimum altitude.
You remain in the chauffeur's seat of your personal life with your foot relaxing heavy on the gas pedal and the radio going full-blast.
Put simply, life energy is your energy to involve with life specifically as it is right now. It's an extremely fluid part of your being, as well as it's impacted by all kinds of things - just what you're doing, exactly what you're assuming about what you're doing, exactly what you desire you were doing, as well as just how well you're doing it.
By the method, 'involving with your life exactly as it is right now' does not indicate 'wishing you were in your dream profession' or 'daydreaming about what life will certainly resemble when you have your dream partnership'. It means involving with your life NOW, as it actually is, regardless of what it resembles or just how 'damaged' it is, and also replying to whatever circumstance you're in such a method as to transform valleys of monotony right into PEAKS OF LIFE ENERGY.
As I see it, there are 3 basic degrees of life energy:
1. Peaking out (when you remain in 'circulation' and mashing resistance like it doesn't exist
2. ‘Medium' (when you're mildly bothered by resistance and procrastination, yet are making dogged progress), or
3. 'Rock bottom' (when you can hardly obtain it together enough time to take a seat at your desk therefore long as CONSIDER just what has to be done today.)
And certainly, the state you want to experience even more of is the TOP! Nevertheless, for the majority of people, a life-energy peak is something that 'just happens' to them - it's entirely out of their control.
They aren't sure ways to control themselves and their lives so about make that 'peak' a day-to-day experience.
This short article will certainly instruct you just how to peak out more and also remain more positive and also certain on DAILY BASIS.
The settings you border yourself with affect exactly what's occurring inside your head greater than you realize.
Since our outside settings are essentially a mirror-reflection of what's occurring inside us and considering that this also works both means - our insides start to handle high qualities of exactly what our outdoors atmospheres look like, too.
if you're constantly BOGGING YOURSELF DOWN in mess, stacks of paper, heaps of old clothing, messy, topsy-turvy half-finished tasks, and cobwebby windows.
I can ENSURE you that your life power - your feeling of forward energy, your ability to proceed and accomplish points with power and also excitement - will feel bogged-down as well as stagnant as well.
Now, the inquiry is how you can do away with your clutter.
To remove your clutter, I recommend you take a technique that you're comfy with. Beginning small: an untidy cabinet that you can clean out, a bag of garments you could arrange, a heap of dishes that have to be washed.
You don't have to tackle the attic room, the garage, as well as the basement at one time. You shouldn't, since you'll bewilder on your own as well as strengthen the life-sapping concept that de-clutterizing is pointless.
Instead of beating on your own prior to you also start, start with something that you could end up doing TODAY.
Take an appearance around you right currently. Exactly how do you feel, on the genuine, inside degree, about your surroundings - the desk, room, or car that you remain in as you read this? Notice what you feel.
Do not enable dismal thoughts of all the other desks, spaces, as well as autos that likewise require taking care of to enter your brain and also sap your power, they're simply psychological clutter.
Look at where you are ideal CURRENTLY, notice exactly how you feel - as well as act upon the sensations that show up. Releasing unneeded attachments inevitably results in a BOOST OF SPEED toward just what you REALLY want!
Agonizing regarding decisions detracts solidly from your ability to have a peak experience.
Uncertainty, absence of count on your own, and bothering with whether you're 'doing it right' are among the basic parts of sensation stuck.
Listening to your intuition and also translating the messages it sends you, on the other hand, is a fail-safe means to substitute pain as well as 'stuck-ness' for clearness, peace, power, and peace - among the foundation of the peak experience as well as mountain-high life energy!
Here is a remarkable pointer that will help you to follow your instincts.
Meditation. Preferably in the AM
Meditation, any time of the day or evening, is like an instantaneous de-staticker for those intuitive messages.
It aids you disregard the garbage and also area in on right stuff that truly resonates with you.
So if you can give on your own 5 or ten mins to just stop talking, take a seat, as well as pay attention for your very own assistance, you're currently miles in advance of many people.
Meditating at any moment of the day is a terrific method to reduce down and also tune into the nuggets of primaeval knowledge that are on a regular basis being shoved your method by the scooting carriers of your instinct. Reflection is the most effective method to reinvent your life again.
It frequently surprises me just how challenging people make life for themselves. When it familiarizes exactly what's best for you, there's just one specialist: YOU.
When it concerns making decisions regarding your life, your money, your partnerships, your job, WHATEVER, the fact is simple: You understand even more than everyone else in the globe created!
Because everybody else - even the very best life-coach worldwide, also your mom, even your high-school guidance counselor, also your therapist, also your $500-an-hour life train - only knows just what THEY would do in your shoes.
You're the boss here.
You demand to stop providing your power away to other individuals. You should ACCUSTOM the suggestion that you really recognize best what's ideal for you and also begin attributing yourself with the unbelievable wisdom and decision-making capacities that you, in reality, essentially have, deep down inside.
The ability making choices as well as change your life, your mind, or your heart isn't something that you need ASSISTANCE with.
Sure, you could ask various other people for their point of view ... pay attention carefully ... and think about what they need to say.
You can also permit their viewpoint to influence your own, if it truly reverberates you. And you can definitely UTILIZE other individuals's suggestions for guidance IF it appears like something that you CONCUR WITH.
Blindly following other individuals's guidance and also feeling as if you cannot trust your very own capacity to earn your personal mind up as well as awaiting someone else to tell you exactly what to do will ALL conflict like billy-o with your capacity to INVIGORATE YOUR LIFE and EXPERIENCE LIFE'S PEAKS FOR YOURSELF.
It's really that simple!
YOU KNOW BEST. If something charms to you, it's for a reason. Pay attention to your very own knowledge - it's extra effective compared to anyone else's!
Most individuals simply do not understand how to acknowledge their very own employer - themselves - and also end up hovering around, hesitating, refuting their very own power, and pushing all the responsibility as well as splendor onto other individuals's shoulders.
It's like I told Mr Would-Be Graphic Designer: 'You're obtaining all curved out of form concerning this, when actually the ONLY 'issue' is figuring out which selection will certainly make you the happiest!'
Granted, sometimes the options we have are much more hard compared to, 'Should I go to Australia or remain in New Zealand to seek my fortune?', but the necessary truth remains:
All the decisions we make are, in essence, choices about which selection will make us happiest.
Father Paul Keenan, author of the spirit-warming Good News for Bad Days, suggests that the simplest way to resolve ANY problem - any painful circumstance of life, any tragic choice, any quagmire whether individual or professional - is really easy:
Ask yourself, 'Exactly what are my options right here?'
Such an approach is an easy yet mind-bustingly efficient way to make each complex-looking scenario right back to the bare bones, and places the focus squarely where it ought to be: on what YOUR selections are.
Something regarding the method this inquiry is phrased just appears to function. Instead of asking, 'What should I do? Which is the best choice?", or ' How will I recognize exactly what's right?', Dad Keenan's basic approach maintains your focus exactly where it needs to be: By yourself perspective.
I want to take this concept one step even more and also recommend that, after you've provided your alternatives - all the alternatives you might reasonably take, whether you desire to do them or otherwise - that you remain to narrow it down already asking on your own:
Which of these options will certainly make me really feel the best?
Using this basic approach to any kind of situation that's got you wriggling in your seat will certainly pare it right down and also lead you to the best option - which is, of course, the selection that YOU believe best. And the coolest part?
The a lot more usually you address your own problems on your own in this means, the stronger and also better you really feel regarding on your own, the much easier it reaches proceed making up your very own mind, and also the even more 'in contact' you get with your personal employer as well as at the very same you also enhance your life energy.
I will stop below I wish you appreciated reviewing this article on increasing your life energy. If you really did please do not fail to remember to share it on your favorite social media.
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learnspanishfans · 7 years
16 Must-Know Words and Phrases For Any Language
What are the basic phrases you need to know when travelling? Often, native English speakers believe that everyone speaks English. So when they travel, they don’t bother learning the language of the place they’re visiting. After all, it’s fine to get by in English, right? Well, maybe. But there’s a much better way of doing things. I’m not saying you should become fluent in the language of every place you visit (unless that’s your dream). I am saying that learning just a few words and phrases can hugely enrich your travel experience. When you travel, you will benefit from doing a little research on your destination. Learning just a few basic phrases can be invaluable. I’ve been travelling around the world since 2003 and during that time, have lived in 23 different countries. My goal at first was to spend as much time as possible learning the native language of each country, before moving on. Some languages I was quick to forget. Others I’ve maintained fluency in to this day. Along the way, there were a handful of countries I visited that I never intended to spend more than a few days in, so I didn’t try to become conversant in the native language before arrival. Yet, I’d still invest whatever time I had available in learning as much of the language as I could in advance - even if it was only enough to get by. This is because my personal travel style is to avoid using English as much as possible. Why? It’s really not that hard to get by in another language, and it opens you up to cultural experiences that you’d otherwise miss. Researching a place on the Internet can only get you so far. The locals know the best places to eat and shop, the stand-out sights to see, the most beautiful beaches and the most unforgettable cultural experiences. Fail to learn any of the local language, and you’ll miss all this. You lose out on more than you probably realise. That’s why I always learn a little bit of the local language in whatever amount of time I have available, even if it’s only hours or minutes. For instance, I made the most of a single hour, learning the basics in Polish. Of course, you won’t want to waste your time memorising words and phrases you’ll soon forget or will never use. In my years of experience in travel and language hacking, I’ve found the following words and phrases to be the most important to learn. So the next time you’re heading out to a foreign country where English isn’t the first language, spend a few minutes researching the following phrases in the language of the country you’re visiting. These are the most important phrases to learn, though for some reason they’re often sprinkled throughout phrasebooks rather than being featured on the first page. I’ve included translations for German, French, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and Italian. Let's get started!
1. “Thanks”
The number one word you should learn to say before visiting any country is “thanks”. It’s polite and people will appreciate the effort you’ve made to acknowledge them in their own language.
German: Danke
French: Merci
Mandarin Chinese: Xiè xie
Spanish: Gracias
Italian: Grazie
2. “I’m sorry”
For the sake of good manners, it’s good to know how to say sorry. You can say it when moving through a crowd, or when a general apology is required.
German: Es tut mir leid - “I am sorry” or Entschuldigung - “excuse me”
French: Je suis désolé or pardon
Mandarin Chinese: Hěn bàoqiàn or duì buqĭ
Spanish: Lo siento or perdón
Italian: Mi dispiace or perdono
3. “Hello”
What’s the first thing do when initiating conversation? You greet them, like so:
German: Hallo
French: Bonjour
Mandarin Chinese: Nǐ hǎo
Spanish: Hola
Italian: Ciao
4. “Can I have…”
When you travel, chances are you’ll be eating out, spending time in bars, and buying souvenirs. This is a handy phrase to know for ordering in a restaurant, bakery, coffee shop or bar.
German: Kann ich einen Kaffee haben...? - Can I have a coffee?”
French: Je voudrais un croissant. - “I would like a croissant.”
Mandarin Chinese: Wŏ yào zhè gè “I want this.”
Spanish: ¿Me trae dos cafés, por favor? - “Please give me two coffees.”
Italian: Posso avere… “I can have…”
5. “How much does it cost?”
It helps to be savvy while travelling, as well as being mindful of whether you’re staying within your budget
German: Wieviel kostet das? - “How much is that?”
French: Combien ça coûte ?
Mandarin Chinese: Zhè shì duōshǎo qián?
Spanish: ¿Cuánto cuesta?
Italian: Quanto costa/costano? (single/plural)
6. “Yes”
“Yes” is one of the simplest words to learn and it helps that it tends to remain constant across many Romance languages.
German: Ja
French: Oui
Mandarin Chinese: Shì (Technically there is no word for “yes” in Mandarin, but in many cases ‘it is’ works - otherwise, you’d repeat the verb of the question)
Spanish: Sí
Italian: Sì
7. “No”
Why would you learn how to say “yes” without learning the translation for “no”?
German: Nein
French: Non
Mandarin Chinese: Bú shì (Similarly to yes, as explained above, this actually means ‘it isn’t’, as there’s no single word for ‘no’ in Mandarin. If you put bù (‘not`) before the verb in question that tends to be what you need)
Spanish: No
Italian: No
8. “I am…”
“I am” is a much better phrase to learn than “My name is…”. Why? You can apply it to a range of topics – not only your name but your job, nationality and many other things. It’s the perfect phrase to use with Tarzan speak.
German: Ich bin...
French: Je suis...
Mandarin Chinese: Wǒ shì…
Spanish: Soy…
Italian: Io sono…
9. “What’s your name?”
After you’ve introduced yourself, you’ll want to know how to ask for an introduction in return.
German: Wie heißt du?
French: Comment vous appelez-vous ? (formal) or Comment tu t'appelles ? (informal)
Mandarin Chinese: Nǐ jiào shénme míngzi
Spanish: ¿Cómo se llama usted? (formal) or ¿Cómo te llamas? (informal)
Italian: Lei come si chiama? (formal) or Tu come ti chiami? (informal)
10. “How are you?”
If you find yourself in conversation with a local, it’s a mark of common decency to ask how they are. I find that people across many different cultures who work in service roles really appreciate it when you take the time to ask how they’re doing.
German: Wie geht es dir?
French: Comment allez-vous ? or the informal Ça va ?
Mandarin Chinese: Nǐ hǎo ma?
Spanish: ¿Cómo estás?
Italian: Come stai?
11. “Great!”
A quick, go-to response if someone asks how you’re doing.
German: Ich bin großartig! - “I am great!”
French: Ça va bien ! - “I am good!”
Mandarin Chinese: Wǒ hěn hǎo!
Spanish: Bien
Italian: Buona!
12. “Again, please”
A beginner in any language will have trouble understanding what a native speaker is saying, as they will talk at a fast pace. Don’t panic – just ask them to repeat what they said. If you’re new to the language, you don’t have to memorise how to say “Sorry, can you repeat that” - a quick “again, please” will usually do the trick.
German: Bitte wiederholen Sie - “Please repeat”.
French: Répetez s'il vous plaît - “Repeat, please”.
Mandarin Chinese: Máfán nǐ zài shuō yībiān - “Please say that again”
Spanish: ¿Disculpa? - ¿Perdón? or ¿Cómo? - “How?”
Italian: Vuole ripetere, per favore? - “Could you repeat that please?”
13. “More slowly, please”
This is another phrase you can use when natives speak really fast. It reduces the risk of them repeating themselves at the same pace.
German: Langsamer, bitte
French: Plus lentement s'il vous plaît
Mandarin Chinese: Gèng màn, qǐng
Spanish: Más despacio por favor
Italian: Più lentamente per favore
14. “Sorry, I Don’t Understand”
If you’re having issues communicating with a native speaker - tell them!
German: Entschuldigung, das verstehe ich nicht.
French: Je suis désolé, je ne comprends pas.
Mandarin Chinese: Wǒ tīng bù dǒng.
Spanish: Lo siento, no entiendo.
Italian: Mi dispiace, non capisco.
15. “Where is (the)...?”
You’re navigating a new country. Chances are, you’ll get lost now and again. Don’t be afraid to ask a local for directions. Even if you can’t follow their directions, you can get them to show you your destination on a map.
German: Wo ist (der/die/das)...?
French: Où est (le/la)...
Mandarin Chinese: Zài nǎlǐ...?
Spanish: Dónde está (el/la)...
Italian: Dov'è (il/la)...
16. Goodbye
Another phrase that’s really good to know.
German: Auf wiedersehen (formal) or Tschüß (informal)
French: Au revoir
Mandarin Chinese: Zàijiàn
Spanish: Adiós
Italian: Arrivederla/ci
With these words and phrases in your pocket, you’ll endear yourself to the locals, and you’ll have a more authentic experience. Speaking even a tiny bit of a foreign language makes you feel more thoughtful, widens your world view, gives you buckets of self confidence… and it’s addictive. Once you’ve had a taste of talking with someone in a language that isn’t your own, it can be really hard to stop! Are there any words or phrases that you try to learn before travelling? Is there one particular go-to phrase that you think should be on this list? Let me know in the comments.
The post 16 Must-Know Words and Phrases For Any Language appeared first on Fluent in 3 months - Language Hacking and Travel Tips.
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bestnewsmag-blog · 7 years
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Understanding “The Loop” in WordPress
Whilst discussing WordPress, and especially the development of themes (or developing new page templates interior and current theme) you necessarily will run up in opposition to “The Loop”. The Loop is the framework inside which WordPress constructs the content for any given page that person visits, whether that be a static domestic page or a blog view showcasing latest posts, or something in between. It may sound a chunk complex, however clearly, it’s just a looping mechanism.
The Loop, at its only, is a looping shape just like another in programming. It iterates via what amounts to a list of all your site’s content material, biking through your posts or pages, and fetching the requested content material from them. At its most complicated, you could run The Loop a couple of times, fetch simplest certain objects from sure categories, simplest gadgets no longer in certain classes, the ones published in a date range, or with different precise figuring out information.
Every page template inside a WordPress theme will possibly contain The Loop. It’s one manner that the template can search for and gather content material from your pages and posts, which are stored in the database. Let’s check a few specifics: you can see the above Example that it’s genuinely a pretty trustworthy setup. The whole element starts of evolved with a conditional, with have_posts checking to ensure that there are, in fact, any posts to find. Then the loop occurs – at the same time as there are nevertheless posts (once more using have_posts), it iterates through the next put up and calls up the_post – which refers to the only currently being iterated via.
particular Queries In case your wishes are greater advanced than definitely returning Every put up that there is on your website, you’ll need to restrict your queries. That is wherein WP_Query comes into play.
Filtering by Category within the below Instance, modified from an Instance within the Codex, we are able to query for posts that are within the Class which has the id of four. Then, you can see a sample of the contents of the loop itself. Right here, we check for posts with a category identification of 4, then, in the .submit div, we display the submit’s name (linked to the post), the date of the put up, the publish’s content material, and the put up’s metadata.
The Best Resistance Loop Band Exercises
IN TODAY’S HUSTLE-BUSTLE WORLD people are looking for time and convenience solutions for their problems. One of the most prevalent problems is that of deleterious health conditions. Among those conditions, we include obesity, high blood pressure, type-2 diabetes, and high cholesterol. Those conditions can be alleviated with exercise, but who has time and money to go to the gym? But with the resistance loop band, you can exercise at home, work, or even while stopped at a traffic light when commuting. The loop band is so small it can fit in your pocket, purse, or glove compartment.
Following are effective, simple loop band exercises. Most can be performed with a light-weight 12-inch band. Beginners should perform sets of ten, wait one minute between sets and complete three sets.
Sitting in a chair, place one end of band under right foot. Grab another end of the band in right hand. Rest the right elbow on right knee. Flex right arm up as if lifting a dumbbell. Switch sides and repeat.
Hold one end of the band in right hand over right shoulder behind neck. Reach up behind your back with the left hand and grasp the other loop end. Put left arm behind back holding one end of the resistance loop band. Extend both arms with right arm expanding up. Switch sides and repeat.
Pectorals, deltoids
Extend both hands in front. Wrap the resistance loop band around both hands near wrists. Move arms past shoulder-width until resistance is felt, and return to complete a rep.
Trapezius & deltoids
Sit and grasp each end of the band in hands, extend left arm straight out to you’re left, slightly above shoulder height. Bend right elbow and pull right hand back as if you were shooting a bow-and-arrow. Slowly return to starting position to complete a rep. Switch sides and repeat to complete a set.
Thighs, obliques
Place the resistance loop band around legs. Lie down on your side and slightly bend knees. Raise your top leg up and down slowly. Keep your stomach muscles tight – it will feel like a crunch on your obliques. Repeat the routine – switch sides.
Glutes, thighs
Wrap the resistance loop band around both ankles and stand with feet at shoulder width. Extend leg forward and backward until you feel considerable resistance. Switch legs and repeat the exercise.
Thighs, glutes
Stand up straight with the resistance loop band around both ankles and legs shoulder width apart. Extend leg out to the side until feeling considerable resistance. Switch legs and repeat the exercise.
So, Loop It Up
You should wait at least one day between the exercises of any one muscle group. These are the most simple, and effective exercises. By exercising in this manner, you can build muscle, stimulate fat burning, and improve general health.
In the spirit of Unbroken, Tears in the Darkness, and With the Old Breed, the author of this article has written a World War II, creative non-fiction book under the pen name Chris Gregory. Dismounted Liberty, about a young man’s challenging youth, his survival of the Bataan Death March, and horrific treatment as a POW, is available in paperback and kindle edition formats on
Understanding Why Forgiveness Is So Misunderstood
Biology and physiology, experience, culture, and beliefs, in the way that they differ from one person to another, produce within each person unique perspectives, such that even brothers and sisters, parents and children, very often do not and cannot see eye to eye.
We all see things differently.
The reason we find it so hard to forgive people is we misunderstand, by underestimation, how much people see differently to us. They saw the events that took place differently, i.e. from their own perspective, and they now see the relationship differently. They see us as the problem, just as we see them being the problem.
No wonder we wrestle for months or years, never seeming to get anywhere in reconciliation.
If we can acknowledge those we’re in conflict with seeing differently, and trust God enough to know that what they see is their truth, we can understand how the conflict developed and ensures – for them. Then, as our understanding develops, not only are we able to forgive, our sense of understanding can translate into peaceable love, which permeates the relationship, and our forgiveness can influence theirs – in time.
Seeing is understanding.
Understanding that they see differently helps us understand we see differently. Different viewpoints create misunderstanding, and it is likely that both of us see ‘truths’ the other cannot see. It can help a great deal to know they could be just as, if not more, frustrated as we are.
So, whilst we may try to forgive, we may fail because of what we misunderstand: they see differently compared with how we do, which explains the impasse and how the impasse developed in the first place.
Understanding misunderstanding is going back and investigating the cause – from both viewpoints.
Where we cannot see, there’s scant empathy, intimacy’s scarce, and commitment dries up. And when commitment fails, so does the relationship, because forgiveness depends on commitment. If we challenge our vision to see differently, then empathy, intimacy, and commitment are restored, and forgiveness is possible.
May God truly bless you as you open the eyes of your heart to see differently.
The Advantages That WordPress Plugins Offer
  Most of us are aware of the continuing popularity of WordPress blogs and websites. Yet, a lot of businesses and bloggers do not recognize the advantages they offer. So, we have come up with a list of 5 unique ways on how WordPress plugins give more advantages than other blogger sites that provide plugins (like Joomla or Drupal).
Live Chat Plugins
You have an edge over your competition when you use WordPress, particularly for your business sales. WordPress Live Chat plugin lets you directly engage with customers to answer their queries and discuss issues. They would certainly love to talk to someone who is real, and including this in your customer service is an effective way to build a lasting relationship with them. This is where WordPress works to your advantage.
It is Easier to Create Email and Booking Forms
Though WordPress directly competes with Blogger, its widget functions make it a winner over them. As a matter of fact, even if you are not a technical person, WordPress plugins let you create a booking and email forms. This can benefit low tech small-scale businesses that want their customers to find an easy way to provide their information.
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