#the mother is unfortunately very traditional and im afraid it is going to be added to the series as well
theworlds-stage · 2 years
Tbh I wish they had explained the reasons why King was willing to go on that arranged match in the series, though I'm guessing they are using it as a more powerful angst tool and according to my theory on the number of episodes it's going to be explained in episode 8. I'm pretty sure that at that point in the novel, King was already vocal about his main reasons, and it was simply Uea being filial that stopped him from understanding that King meant what he was saying.
Anyways spoilers in the tags if anyone is interested, because I need to talk about it 🤷‍♀️
#bed friend#kinguea#lets add something else in here so that no one gets spoiler what they dont want to know#also except for making ueas past even more awful they are staying very close to the novel.... also except for their first night#i will never not be angry about that first episode#anyways~ kings parents own a export company and they are successful#the mother is unfortunately very traditional and im afraid it is going to be added to the series as well#but she wants king to participate in running the family business#but hes avoiding that#he doesnt want to be like his brother who did everything their parents wanted and wants to live his own life#and love someone of his own chosing#but the mother is cunning#she goes to a matchmaker who incidentally choses a girl whos kust perfect for kingand who coincidentally is also the daughter#of an important business partner#so king cant outright say no#unless he wants to hurt his parents company#but he often assures everyone around him (hoping that uea would believe him)#that hes not interested in that girl#hes already also pretty open with uea about loving him#but uea is certain that king is just teasing him#so when king agrees to go on two dates#because hes making sure that the girl understands whats going on and that hes not interested#iirc that girl was also uninterested at had someone else at that point#unfortunately this all takes place when uea is stressed because of krit#and he pushes king away#and they clash because of uea going into krits office late in the night all alone (during ot)#and king does the biggest mistake - he decides to give uea time#there
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cantusgratia · 5 years
(( Disclaimer: these are my personal headcanons for my Kyrie and her family’s backstory and I will be using these are part of my canon for the blog and verses I place Kyrie in. But if you aren’t comfortable with me using such, or if you have your own HCs you’d like to suggest I go along with for threads with you, please do let me know so we can discuss it further! I wouldn’t mind doing so, if it makes it easier for your muse or you as a writer.
If you’d like to form a backstory/bond with my Kyrie/her family, or meld your headcanons with mine, or even form new info for our threads, please also let me know! I would love to discuss that with my partners through IMs, so don’t be shy <3 ))
(( warning: wall of text ahead. forgive me and my ramblings alsdkjg ))
-Elías DiMatteis came to the island of Fortuna in the late 1980s with hopes of escaping his monotonous and yet stressful life in the mainland. He was a nobody in his homecity of Limbo, and he continued being a nobody in Fortuna up until he met and fell in love with a devout member of the Order of the Sword named Bianca Fernandez.
Bianca, whose sharp features, beautiful red hair, intellect, and no-nonsense disposition had garnered Elías’ heart, easily convinced this simple city man to devote his time to the organization as well. While she does reciprocate his feelings, her attachment to the Order and its vision to expunge demons in the name of Lord Sparda is much stronger. She believed that most (if not all) of her predecessors– the Fernandez clan– had always been affiliated with churches or holy factions even before the Order of the Sword had been established in Fortuna, and she aimed to keep that supposed family legacy going. If forming a family with Elías meant that she would have a partner to assist her in her works, and then with him have children to pass the responsibilities onto? Perfect.
Even before she was pregnant, Bianca already had plans for her future children to serve the Order. So Credo training to become a Holy Knight and Kyrie’s eventual path into the Order’s clergy as a vestal were heavily influenced by their mother.
[ Canon Divergent Verse formed with @mediumkat ]
At some point between Credo’s early childhood years and Kyrie’s conception, Elías– overwhelmed by the Order’s rather extreme and stifling lifestyle, and his wife’s obsession over only her work– left Fortuna to take a break in his old, dreary homecity. There he met Margaret Alexo, spent a few weeks with her, and realized that he had fallen in love once again. He selfishly lied about the life and family he had left behind in Fortuna, thinking he could easily establish a new one with Margaret. But he was a stupid and weak man, succumbing to remorse and the surprising realization that he severely missed that his wife and son, he vanished from Margaret’s life to return to his previous one in Fortuna. This was, unfortunately, before he was even aware that Margaret was pregnant with Katherine.
By the time Kyrie was born, Bianca only grew more distant from her own family, pouring all her time, energy, and total focus into unlocking more of her family’s secrets, giving the Order practically everything she had if only because she thought it was what her ancestors would have wanted. Years later, Bianca moved up to become one of the high ranking officials who helped Agnus develop the Ascension rituals, and in her eagerness and pride over what she deemed was the most amazing breakthrough in her life, she volunteered to work with more of Agnus’ projects in the future– only for her to fall victim to a demon attack during an experimentation with summoning one of the three lesser Hell Gates in the island.
The news was promptly delivered to Elías, though his children were told that their mother died ‘helping make a difference in everyone’s lives’. And then their father, struck by grief and the sudden fear that the Order might come to take him next for their depraved works, fled Fortuna once again– though this time he was never seen or heard from again.
Why he abandoned his children within the care of the very group he was so afraid of, no one knows. Credo, who was barely in his teenage years, and Kyrie who was four, grew up together in one of the Order’s orphanages without any hope or plan to find nor reconcile with their father ever. And by the time Credo turned 18 years of age, he was the one who took responsibility to reclaim their old home so that he and Kyrie (and Nero) could leave the orphanage and live in a peaceful house instead.
In the Order, Bianca worked for the research branch which specializes in exploring the magical field, a subdivision that aided in chief researcher Agnus’ tech and alchemy division. Nearly all of her ancestors’ official historical information had been lost over the decades, as they were once a clan of traditional nomadic scholars who exclusively memorized and passed down their knowledge orally, although Bianca was relieved to have discovered that her more recent predecessors have actually decided to record their wisdom onto journals. Certain documentations, while written in an intricate mix of an old language, Enochian, and Adamic, detailed the use of magic and enchantments– holy, elemental, as well as demonic– and the Fernandez woman was utterly determined to fully translate all of it into common Fortunan tongue to deliver it to the Order. Elías, too, spent years aiding Bianca in deciphering these texts, out of his devotion for her.
Through the written works, Elías deduced the possibility that those ‘scholars’ of old were actually powerful occultists. And though there wasn’t concrete proof that they weren’t dangerous to civilians, one story claimed that the very first of the Fernandez line was a member of a monster-(vampire? demon? It was unclear in the texts) hunting group which had been well-known during their time (or at least well-known-enough to be added into these journals). So if this family had been using such magic against monstrous creatures, Bianca was right to continue this… tradition by researching these spells and enchantments to be used by the Order against demons, right?
Bianca had planned to pass down these information and responsibility to uncover more about their lineage and use of magic onto her children, although she ended up being too consumed with working personally for the Order to even remember her own family most of the time. Then came her death, and the only things she left behind for her husband and children were her research and the name she made in the Order, proof of her neglect of them.
In a journal page that Kyrie one day found in her mother’s room, at the bottom of a page that talked about the family name there is a small note, handwritten:
‘Fernandez’ Origin: ?? Inaccurate translation?
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