#the muppet Christmas Carol is the best adaptation tho
wannabeprincess-8 · 6 months
now that it's Christmas time I think someone needs to make a nevermore Christmas Carol au with Annabel as scrooge
(dw she can still be hot, she can be a pretty young snob like the barbie version)
[idk who anyone else would be tho]
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limelocked · 8 months
Buckled and watched muppet Christmas carol
Having grown up with the muppets would probably have aided in my enjoyment
Will say tho, out of the two adaptions I’ve watched; this one had the best versions of the spirits
What the fuck was up with Christmas future
Hey what the fuck was that about
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moonmothmama · 2 years
So...do you have a favorite Christmas Carol adaptation (s) so far?
i do have a couple! i'll list them in order of how recently i first saw them.
most recently, A VHS Christmas Carol. this is a starkid musical- the linked version is a live stage performance- that a friend exposed me to. it's about 45 mins long as i recall. the premise is like, what if a christmas carol was adapted into a 1980's music video style tv special. and it is so on-point as far as visual aesthetic/musical style/general vibe. it's a really authentic 80s flavor rather than the kind of super concentrated distillation of the decade that veers into parody. i hope to god that doesn't sound pretentious. the 80s were genuinely nuts tho- i do have hazy, very early memories of the last few years of the decade- and there is nothing subdued about this production. anyway this is super fun, and very cleverly done with virtually NO set. it's all costume and lighting. the music is fun as hell. Jacob Marley looks straight out of a Eurythmics video or some shit.
then there is the big one, a muppet christmas carol, which i could write whole essays about probably. first of all this is actually a really faithful adaptation. it cuts very little out and the spirit of the thing just glows. it's got so much to offer. firstly it's visually gorgeous, and the costumes are incredible. like my friend who's interested in historical fashion was super impressed by the accuracy of the costumes. it's also got excellent humor- there is cleverness packed into like every second of the film- which does not in the least blunt the impact of emotional scenes. it's actually really touching. also Michael Caine is maybe the best live-action Scrooge ever? and having Gonzo- as Charles Dickens- being the narrator (accompanied by bantering with Rizzo) is absolute fucking genius. plus we have that good Paul Williams soundtrack which never ever fails. also shoutout to the dedication to the late Jim Henson and Richard Hunt which makes me emotional.
finally my most nostalgic choice, the Rankin Bass Christmas Special That Time Forgot. The Stingiest Man In Town, which was if i recall correctly my first ever exposure to the story. it's based on a stage musical, so the songs are actually excellent. the animation and character designs are charming as HELL, the backgrounds are gorgeous, and it's got lovely performances by Tom Bosley as the narrator (one B.A.H. Humbug, a literal little bug dude, which is a cute device), Walter Matthau as Scrooge, and Theodore Bikel as Marley, who delivers a fittingly haunting song that tugs at my heartstrings to this day.
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hanarchy · 2 years
1, 16, 20, 39, 41, 46 :)
Sabiiiiinee!!!! I'm gonna meet you in like... 2 weeks???!!!! aaahhhh 2 WEEKS!!!!!
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
it's percy jackson! PERCY JACKSON!!! absolute love of my life, i really fuckin wish i had been able to find more pjo fans who want to vibe but i was only in that fandom for like 3 months and never talked to anyone, but i love him? I love all of them so much but percy!! PERCY!! only main character i've ever been obsessed with tbhhh
just his whole THING is so comforting!! his worst characteristic is that he can't give up on people!! his intentions are ALWAYS to help and when he realises he cant he... grows as a fuckin person and continues to try!!!! like the way he sees humanity in EVERYONE and learns to see it in monsters too? like idk when the whole pjo-verse will be over but I do have high hopes for the rest of this story, i really think the only way it can head is towards creating a better world in universe... and percy being at the center bc he doesn't think of himself as a hero? he just is one, bc being a hero is about trying, not about winning, it's about course correcting and admitting you're wrong, it's about NOT LEAVING PEOPLE BEHIND!!!!!!!
this is literally me not even getting started, i could talk FOREVER about percy and abt how he subverts the tragic greek hero, abt all the ways he still is one, abt all the ways in which tragedy is abt everything going wrong and it having to be done anyway and abt how that's percy, listen I really don' t think anyone grasps the SCOPE, the absolute unbelievable potential and actual depth of content in that childrens book series, it's one of the greatest things written in this century and I am not taking that back, idc if the actual text is good or not, it's abt all the seeds it sows and there are SO MANY
16. can you drive?
yeah :) I can even drive stick and I can drive transporters and I've done road trips by myself and I can parallel park and stuff
20. do you say soda or pop?
i think soda? idk tho, i'm pretty sure soda yeah, but also english is my third language so i just pick up whatever people around me use, much like jisung, we are not similar in many ways but this is one of them.
39. do you use lip balm?
not that often, my lips don't get overly dry really, I only use it when they need it
41. how do you take your coffee?
honestly any way I can, but I'm gonna go iced oatmilk latte!!!
46. favorite holiday film?
listen of all holiday movies from the 90s this one aged the best, I'm not taking opinions, i'm correct. and I'm a 90s baby and also my first hyperfixation at age 11/12 were charles dickens books (yes, i was kind of a weird kid, and a nerd but I am also 30 and on tumblr so who is surprised?) and the muppets are ICONS and legends and there is no better film adaptation of a christmas carol out there, there just isn't. this version is literally closest to the spirit of the book AND it has miss piggy! you can't beat that.
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