#the necromancer haven´t meet kitty yet
kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
Love is all you need au(cults)
n/a: Lovecraft Kurt, evil wizard Kurt and actor Kurt have to suffer from fangirls. Maybe I make a crossover with them, for now, this one only Lovecraft Kurt and Evil Wizard Kurt will meet.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling
A court can be a place of envy of many people, but, also can be the despair of many. Jia Jing never once thought or even pay no mind to the gossip some courts gather, especially, the court of the necromancer and his weird harem. Jia is a new member of the Zaorva´s temple, the name may not be the strongest point of the temple(Zoarvians, see? that´s why people prefer to call just temple) but the blue girl is happier learning more healing and defensives spells and is even happier to be able to help the world.
Be realistic, little Jia, the world is a chaotic mess, there´s always good and bad as well grey, so, one good deed won´t radically change the entire world, however, one good deed can change one person and that´s enough.
Her superiors often leave this piece of advice for Jia. And the girl still doesn´t understand the term. At least, not as well the others wanted. Tonight is chores duty, and Jia is the one responsible to take the trash out, much to her chagrin.
"Uhm, this stick so bad, what they are eating?" Jia asked shaking her head and ready to throw the trash on the disposal, recycling has a deep meaning to the temple.
Sadly, this trash won´t ever be recycled. A hand muffled her mouth and prevent her screams to be head. A voice is heard with a sleeping spell and Jia´s eyes are closed now.
Kurt Wagner is not a man above to admit his own mistakes, it was a mistake made that deal with Genosha and the X-men, it gave more headache to him(and of course, he give more grieve in retribution), so Kurt can admit making mistakes and his newest mistakes were Amanda Szardos. The woman may be pretty but is too rotten inside to even admire her looks, rotten and stupid.
Kurt, for a moment, thought the woman take a hint of his displeasure and leave back to her cult, mixing two cults is bad enough, but one dedicated to HIM is a really bad idea.
But this is rendered short as Amanda is back(Kurt cringe at the sight of Amanda waving at him as she demands someone to open the door as this is her house as she the GREAT AMANDA SZARDOS shouldn't have to open the door, Kurt refuse to open as in the end, Amanda open herself muttering angrily at that)
"Who was the fool who dares to not open the door to the great Amanda?" she speaks in a boisterous tone. Kurt raises his hand and saw her mood change, good, it matches his own now. Kurt´s good mood is ruined thanks to her.
Kurt saw Amanda carrying a large sack. The man can only guess this is another gift to buy him into HIS cult. Which makes his mood get even worse.
"Szardos, you are here, again. Clearly, intelligence is not a requirement for HIS cult" Kurt mutters angrily and cuts the chase "very well, what gift you gave me in HIS name or whatever?"
Amanda smiles arrogantly this time.
"You are a necromancer and you like to experiment, so, how about this?" Amanda opens the sack revealing a still sleeping Jia, thanks to the spell, to a very angry and confused Kurt. "Not your daughter, I make sure of that, once you mentioned how you wanted to experiment in someone with wings, here it is, of course, the exchange is not free, you must workship HIM" the way she speaks is pretty obvious that HIM = her "in order to do that, you should grovel before me right now"
Kurt would laugh at this poor attempt of persuasion and murder Amanda in the most violent way possible(he is in one of those moods now)however, not even his bad mood can make Kurt miss the Zaorva´s badge on the girl´s uniform. Green uniform, it means the girl is a novice in the field.
(Kurt still remember when he goes against the temple and the man does not wish to repeat the experience in any way. Also, maybe siring so many children in his immortal life make the man has a bit of compassion for kids)
Amanda was flying, well, hovering above the ground talking about her powers, when shadows start to emerge from the place and Kurt only groans at that.
Kurt rose from his throne, no reason to not enjoy the taste of his conquest in many forms, and was ready to take the girl back home before killing Amanda, when, of course, HIM shows up in the most dramatic way possible.
The necromance exhales by his nose as the entity wearing a mask, far too obvious as the mask is almost breaking, take the girl in his arms and looks at Amanda really displeased. Amada lost her ability to fly and by the looks lost much more.
"Master" Amanda speaks in reverence and the entity wearing the blue mask similar of Kurt(the necromancer feels many negative things about this) is carrying the sleeping girl as his eyes are solely on Amanda.
"I did have bad Heralds before, incompetents one, of course, but you? Congratulations, you pick my disgust and anger, not an easy feat, Szardos, so, pat yourself in the back or on the shoulder, you really piss me off" the little girl still sleep but speaks or tries to in her sleep.
"I have to return this one to Zaorva, but, Amanda, don´t go missing me, I´ll be watching and soon, we´ll talk about it" the entity now look at Kurt smiling too big for his face(his own face?) "make her suffer will you?"
"You don´t need to ask twice" is all the necromancer speak as his eyes are crimson and Amanda is in a circle now trying to leave as the necromancer smiles.
"Maybe if you grovel before me, I may be forgiving...Oh, who Am I kidding?" Kurt snaps his fingers and Amanda scream in pain.
A blonde woman with freckles is at the temple´s door waiting until the man with blue fur and a white suit shows up with the sleeping Jia, who now, wakes up, completely confused and unsure of everything.
"Little one, is ok, you are saved now, go back to the temple, your superiors are sick of worry" the woman´s voice is far too similar of Kitty, one of her superiors, but...at the same time, it´s different. Too motherly. Too above humans. Jia´s eyes widen as conclusions are racing in her mind.
"Shush, just go back, no question asked, little one" the woman ordered gently and Jia make a salute and enter in the temple, the woman laugh at the exchange and look at the entity in front at her.
"Thank you, that´s was nice of you"
"Zaorva, she is one of your toys, of course, I would intervene" Zaorva chuckles and kiss his check.
"Still was sweet, either way, what will happen to that woman?"
"She is dead now, huh, necromancers don´t know real torture, Zaorva, do you want to torture Amanda with me?"
"She takes one of my people from me to be sacrificed, of course, but I admit, you are more creative in the torture part, me? I tend to just eat them" the Crawling god of chaos smiles at this and wrap his tail around her waist, they have an appointment now and is not good to let Amanda waiting. Is not nice to let the victim waiting.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
The witch, the prince and the demon au
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @bamfoftheundead
N/A: Uhm, this idea needs to be written ASAP. What if EW Kurt, in his younger days, meet the curious case of the FIRST NECROMANCER who conquer the land and the Prince who is horrible in love with her?
Kitty is wearing something like this.
The rain´s drop hits the window with such severity that is a wonder that the windows are resisting so fiercely even though the wind is increasing the danger of the rain. A woman is drinking wine from her goblet and is giving her back as the elderly master is giving the results of the day.
"And the leader of the house Tyrin accept your rule and bows to you" the man´s voice draws out and is visible to even a blind could see how the man´s age is advanced.
Now, the woman, wearing an elegant black dress with a ruby collar as the only item different from the black palette she is wearing so well. And her face is blank as her mind is so far away.
"Maestro Valens, as my first duty as the Queen, I hereby give you the reward you deserve. You shall retire in peace with your family in your land, let be know that my rule no one will work until they die" the woman said confidently.
"Thank you, My Queen," the man said relief as his old bones aren´t made to continue the work and are surprised as the new Queen help the man sit and offer water and wine (his choice) to him. "The old regime would behead me for dare to sit here"
"I´m not the King and my regime will be different" she spoke calmly as she adds "and most importantly better for the people than the last one"
"I see, I´ve two questions, if I may" and Kitty nods "who will take my place? and, what you´ll do with those who did oppose to you?"
"The first question I can answer, my student Larissa will take your place, she is a woman who takes studies on administration and I trust her, as for the second, I´ll send them to a fair trial, of course, some special cases, as you´re thinking, will be executed"
"And ...the prince?"
"...That I haven´t made my mind, yet"
"If I may, the prince was just a boy and shouldn´t be punished for the father´s crimes. When the king crafted a wall with heads of our people, the prince was innocent of that crime"
"But...does the prince think the wall was a good idea?" and Kitty adds "Leonaria is a kingdom that is stained with blood, and, the 3 principles that this kingdom founded. No religion, no private school and no unfair taxation and the king broke those rules easily, which makes me think this kingdom does not have a real identity." and concludes "I´m not here to convert anyone as much that would be ironic, no, my mission here is to rule as this kingdom deserves."
The prince of Leonaria, Albert Taves, is a boy still entering in the teenagerhood, a boy that loved his father and saw his world shatter as a woman take everything was once right on his life and is now the Queen and everyone seems to love this woman.
"Why? She´s a traitor" the prince often said as people often praise the woman. One day, the prince demands to see her(the audacity of this woman to look him up and justify as being for his protection is too much)
He enters in the throne room, knowing full well his father won´t be there, and was ready to face a hag of woman, instead, he spots the most beautiful woman his eyes ever seen(the fairytale books for boys can be hard to compete)
"Prince Albert, you´re out of your room? Is everything alright?" The woman said still wearing a black dress. And the prince seems to be enamouraded by her figure, until, someone cough really loud and the prince comes back to his sense.
"Who are you?"
"Kitty Pryde, the first necromancer and now ruler of this country. And you´re Prince Albert Taves, now, why are you here and not with your tutour?"
"You killed my father!" he exclaimed violently ignoring his previous interaction with Kitty´s beauty. "I shall kill you"
If Albert thought Kitty would be mad or cry about this threat, well, the boy is really mistaken.
"Hum hum. Now, why don´t return to your room, Albert?" she said in a melodic tone "you have many studies to do and being here is not fun for a young boy"
And to his horror, Albert is obeying without complaining.
To say Leonaria thrives is an understatement, in fact, what once used to be a place to scary children "don´t go to Leonaria or the monsters will eat you" is now a real treat to anyone. In fact, one young necromancer decides to take the chances and visit this new reformed kingdom.
Kurt Wagner arrives and meets the Queen, the famous first Necromancer. A follower of the outer gods(she obey to them in exchange to some favours, is a free partnership of sort) and Kurt never saw woman prettier as this one.
"And who are you?" Kitty Pryde asked in a regal tone and Kurt is charmed enough to make her students giggle, but, Kitty is not impressed.
"I´m Kurt Wagner, my Queen, and I would like to work here, I´m a necromancer as you..." then he fixes this last statement "well, I´m learning how to be a necromancer"
"Do you have problems with work from the bottom?" Kitty asked and Kurt can´t do any jokes or pick up lines as he is unable to do anything but telling the truth.
"Of course not, My Queen, while I have teleportation as my awaking, I´d research and I have no problem in dirty my hands"
"Will you betray me or this kingdom?"
"I held no loyalty to anyone but myself, but, I won´t seek to destroy anything without a reason and right now, I have all the reasons to stay here in peace"
"I´d not trust you to work with a woman, therefore, you shall work with Mathias, remember, if you betray us...Death will be too kind."
And Kurt leaves there feeling excited, in fact, once he is in his new room he realizes he´s too excited.
To say the breakfast is a peaceful moment, is a big fat lie, as the Prince is discovering the hormones and can´t help to be mesmerized by Kitty, who is ignoring him("should I kill him? No, I don´t want to rule forever") and Kurt Wagner who is also looking at this scene too amused.
"How are the studies going?" Kitty asked the prince in a calm tone.
"Good" and she can feel him staring at her cleavage. Ok, time for plan B.
"Do you want to rule the kingdom?" she asked and Kurt thinks a marriage proposal is in the making and can´t help feeling envious of the prince.
"With you? yes, I think we can be a great couple, even though, deep down, I still want to get revenge for what you did to my father" the prince looks horrified and Kitty is unphased.
"Even knowing the crimes your father committed?"
"Yes, you´re always in my mind...I need to have you"
"Oh my Zaorva!"
The prince change to a man pretty quickly and propose Kitty´s hand in front of everyone, which of course, Kitty should have seen this one coming, but, she has a plan B as the prince prove to be useless.
"I´m afraid this won´t be necessary, you´ll marry the Princess of Lakersom. As for the next to the throne, what you know, Larissa, my student is a secret daughter of the king and will rule from now on as her kids will do so" Kitty states as Larissa, understanding her cue, rose from the seat and walks to the throne where her teacher is. She is on the right side of the throne.
"But..." the prince wants to protest, but, his legs are betraying him as suddenly, marrying this random princess is not a bad idea.
Kurt watches the scene amused.
"Why you don´t stay and conquer more countries?" Kurt asked once the student is sitting on the throne and making sure that Kitty´s laws remain untouched.
"Because...is tiresome, why anyone would want to do this is beyond me" she gazes into his golden eyes and speaks. "will you stay?"
"I´ll travel to North...wanna come with me?"
"Not now, our paths will cross each other in the future, for now, I must go to the Pheonix´s temple, Pheonix has a mission for me"
"You don´t mind the gods?"
"No, I learn how to deal with the gods, Kurt, as you one day will learn too"
"So, I heard you met Zaorva..." Kitty has no time to finish her question as Kurt is shivering in fear at the mere mention of the name Zaorva.
"Let´s. Never. Talk. About. This."
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
Harem au
N/A: Kitty, the lady necromancer can´t ever stopping trolling him...well, wizard Kurt is a bad detective. Ryder should give him some tips. Loosely based on a webcomic and some documentaries I watch.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling
By all intentions and purpose, the carriage is one of the fastest transportation out there, not really, but the nobles love to use the fanciest carriage available, even if they can fly or teleport, either way, Kitty Pryde is using this transportation to head to her new destination.
The driver seems to enjoy talking in a vulgar manner with the passenger and is gritting on Kitty´s nerves.
"You know, usually he asks for prettier women, you are pretty average, your chest, for example, is really small, maybe he wants to try an average woman for once" the man gives a crook smile and Kitty only rolls her eyes.
"Do you speak like that with all the women? Thinking talking poorly of them, hurting their self-esteem they will accept you, oh, child, not in a million of years" Kitty said close enough for the man to hear "in fact, I think you should benefit in never talking again"
The carriage arrives in the place where the Necromancer is waiting, the silence was the golden rule in the carriage and in the castle, however, Kitty has no problem to chat with the intimidating figure of one Kurt Wagner.
"Nice to meet you, Mr Evil Necromancer," Kitty said shaking his hand after Kurt makes an airy question to the man who drove the carriage but didn´t care enough to get the answers(nor the lack of answers)"I´m your new acquisition to your ever stupid harem, please, let´s not make this a bloody mess" Kitty said smiling and Kurt can admire her sense of humour.
"Well, Katzchen" seems natural to call her like that, she is such a catty person, Kurt likes that, oh...maybe he can play favourites again and see those women tear each other apart, it has been a long time since he has any favourites "I´m an evil Necromancer, I can´t promise anything" then Kurt gives a smirk full malice, however, the man noticed something not entirely peculiar about the woman.
"Oh, you are wearing blue? I thought the monarch thought this was a tasteless colour" Kurt replied a bit curious as no other woman ever put blue in any circumstances.
"This shade is from Lady Zaorva´s own form and I like to homage the goodness, however, not even her is the owner of the blue colour, now, my dear Mr Evil Necromancer, where shall I be?" she asked in such chipper way that Kurt shakes his head amused. Giving an order to the driver to take her luggage and take to the room, again, Kurt is not minded the lack of answers. _______________________________ His mansion is bigger and dark and Kitty would have to control herself from not make a quip about men and the ever need of overcompensation, why Kurt needs such a bigger mansion is a mystery to Kitty.
Walking through towards the room, a green door appeared in her panoramic view and Kitty has no problems in knocking first then phasing. The room, behind the door, is a luxurious place, worthy of a princess. A woman with green hair is painting something not minding to reply.
"No, you evil monster I won´t tell anything about my father," Lorna said only to realize Kitty is not the monster who keeps her arrested. Her hand drop the brush as she runs to hug here saviour.
"Hello, Lorna," Kitty asked too akin of a mother"Are you alright?" Kitty asked and the question has a hidden meaning that Lorna picks up.
"No, he never touches me, but keeps me here as his prisoner, my father is a flawed man and makes a bad deal with a Necromancer" Lorna gritted her teeth angrier at each moment.
"Magneto asking help from a Necromancer is never wise, especially if he wants to destroy his enemies, I know, Magneto asked for help to get rid of the Meridith, an old thorn on Magneto´s side, and now the country is under Magneto´s power, however, I don´t think the man intended to things to go that gruesome, which makes him a fool in my eyes" Kitty declares as Lorna only nods "you were helping the resistance, aren´t you? That´s why you are here?"
"It´s more than that, the necromancer request one of the royal children as Magneto hasn´t paid everything yet. Oh,  if he hasn´t...I wouldn´t be here" Lorna sighs dejectedly "Wanda was supposed to be here, but...no, she suffered too much, I don´t want her to be away from her family, Vision was almost killed in their last diplomatic mission and Wanda needs to be on his side" Lorna then looks away from Kitty "but don´t think so highly at me, maybe, I just want to be close of one of the prisoners, Marco Diaz"
"I know, I understand, we fall in love in the strangest place, Lorna, I was sent here to free you, however, I can take this Marco as well, after all, no kid deserves to not know their father" Kitty speaks brightly looking at the belly who is no longer under an illusion. Lorna would ask how, but, it´s better not ask.
Lorna did notice how his guards are taking Kitty´s suggestion to the heart, the monster the man created to keep the prisoner of Meridith away suddenly decides to take a walk, of course, opening the cell of each prisoner(the political prisoners are extremely confused and thankfully) as Lorna hugs Marco.
Kitty only looks at the couple and wishes the best for Marco as he gets a really bad and scary father-in-law now. ___________________________________________ Kitty is sewing a blue dress as the Necromancer shows up in her room, ignoring the other gazes of the women (envious, fearful and hateful) and is in a foul mood. Kitty stops sewing as Kurt puts his head on her lap.
"...Bad day?" Kitty asked cooly "It was Lorna´s and the other prisoners vanishing from your grasp"
"Sort of" Kurt speaks tired now" Magneto did pay the last part of his deal, so, Princess Lorna is no longer important, no do I care for Meridith, I just want to know how that happens"
"Oh, maybe is the guards, you know, you could replace them with seals, it works better, living things have the need of breathing and need to eat and drink, so, maybe the prisoners got luck, a bit of luck with a good plan" Kitty replied huffing his hair. Kurt looks astonishing at this revelation and smiles now.
"I know what happened" Kurt´s golden eyes are on her form"It´s the Blue Lady´s work" the smile is a tad bit maniacal. Kitty looks apprehensive at this, biting her lips the woman tries to speak gulping now.
"I know who the Blue Lady is, it was obvious from the start"Kitty can feel her heartbeat increasing loudly, can he hear it?! "Is Kymri, the priestess from the Zaorva´s temple, of course"
"Yes, of course, good on you, Mr Evil Necromancer" Kitty feels at easy now and smiling serenely at Kurt. ________________________________________ Elizabeth Braddock is a woman with great beauty but a cold heart. Jean Grey is also a great beauty but is a woman with no soul or brain. Both prime themselves to be Kurt´s favourite and love the idea of cashing favours, however, Kurt is not even looking at them anymore, no matter what they wear, Kurt is not even remotely interested, yet, the new welcomer, Kitty Pryde with her blue dress is clearly his favourite.
Betsy wanted a diamond ring, a pink one that she thought Kurt would give to her, she is beautiful, however, Kurt gave a pink diamond ring to Kitty, who in turn, does not seem to care all that much.
Jean wanted new clothes, a fine new dress that she thought Kurt would give, after all, Jean is the most beautiful woman in the world, however, Kurt gave the dress to Kitty, who in turn make the dress be blue. Jean is enraged at this.
The two women thought it is time to pay a visit to Kitty Pryde. At first, they tried to read her mind, somehow they failed(gaining a strong headache), then they tried to poison her, put enough Belladonna to kill an army, yet, Kitty shows up fine in the next day.
In fact, she summons the poison Jean used and drinks in front of her, Jean can´t lie here and say that didn´t freak her out, however, this won´t stop. Kitty needs to go.
Betsy got violent and stab the woman in the heart. Betsy´s victorious smile twisted her gorgeous face as she laughs now Kurt will have to like her more, that´s was the end goal. Next day, Betsy scream in fear as Kitty Pryde just get out of the shower, a wet towel in her hair claiming it was hard to take all the dirty, the towel was only on her hair as Betsy could see the woman´s chest...no mark of her blade.
"Ah, stop staring at it, I know I´m pretty" Kitty jokes and takes the towel to reveal Kitty´s chestnut hair. Betsy runs away. The image of her skin untouched haunts Betsy, after all, she did stab the woman through the heart.
Jean and Betsy united force and decides to confront this...woman.
"What are you?" Jean asked trying to read Kitty´s mind again and failing.
"My name is Kitty, miss Grey and you are really pretty but...rotten inside, in fact" raising her fingers the red hair fall from the ground " it is nauseating to look at you" Jean tries to summon the Pheonix, yet, nothing happens, actually, nothing happens as she can´t read anyone´s mind or lift anything.  Where are her powers?
Betsy tries to attack, tries to, as Kitty Pryde make the woman fall from the ground without as so much looking directly to her. It was something was pushing her down forcing her to obey, it was really painful and some of her bones certainly are in a poor state now.
"You are really, really pretty Betsy, yet, your beauty only hides your rotten self" Kitty speaks calmly as Betsy´s skin turns in a putrefied state "you were a horrible woman in life, maybe in death, you can be something better" Jean tries to speak but no sound comes out."Child, I haven´t forgotten about you"
On the next day, Betsy is gone and in Jean´s room has a woman no one recognizes, she is without any shadow of a doubt, the most hideous woman in the planet. ________________________________________ Kymri is a priestess in the oldest temple dedicated to Zaorva and is a woman in love, just like the goddess herself, she is in love with a man who can create chaos for fun(wait, is it a sin to compare herself to Zaorva?) and ever since they sleep together, Kymri knew he was the one.
"Say, if you were to purify a haunting home, how you would do it?" Kurt asked a bit peeved after Kymri just healed someone with just healing powers, Kymri´s lover is an odd man, but, Necromancers are odd by nature.
"It´s easier, I would pray to Zaorva to clean the house or maybe ask for a monk, that´s their speciality"Kymri is a tad bit afraid of saying she would ask Jude for help, she has no idea if Kurt and Jude are in good terms.
Kurt is crestfallen (much better than angry) and scratching his head the man concludes the obvious.
"You aren´t the Blue Lady" Kurt speaks and for a moment Kymri is ready to defend the colour of her skin, when, it finally hits on her quite violently that Kurt is not referring to her skin.
"Oh..that Blue Lady, no, I´m not her, however, funny thing, I heard that the Blue Lady is one of the Zaorva´s oldest followers. Her followers always wear blue, as a symbol of her grace, in fact, the most blue you wear the better" Kymri speaks closing her eyes and remembering all the details.
"What?" Kurt can only speak/ask not minding the curious stares being delivered to him. " Who told you that?"
"Ah, one of our regular followers,"then Kymri stops "in fact, I´m new here, not sure if she is an old member or not, it´s rude to ask such things, either way, Kitty Pryde told me that, the Blue Lady prefers to wear blue as a way to honour Zaorva" And Kymri points to a painting of Zaorva herself, well, one of the interpretations of the entity, and the blue hue is the same Kitty uses.
Kurt´s eyes twitch at that as he bamfs ignoring Kymri´s pleas and confusion. _____________________________
Kitty is exploring Kurt´s mansion and finally meet one room she never saw before, strangely enough, this is a room with advanced seals prevent the woman to enter. She got a hand to Kurt when he wants to make something impossible, he does. Kitty couldn´t enter in the room, thanks to the seal, yet, manages to open the door and see glimpses of what is there.
"Wait, is that the news about the fire in Rome?" Kitty asked knowing what really happened. Seeing by this distance the words "It was her doing"make the woman steps back until she hits on someone. Someone fuzzy.
"That´s the room where I ponder about the Blue Lady, I always want to meet her, she is a mystery to everyone" Kurt explained letting Kitty entering in the room. "See this? Is about the time Rome was burned completely, no one knows what happened. I think someone must have upset her, could be jealousy?"
"Jealousy? No, they tried to harm ...her son, and the Blue Lady does not forgive such travesty"
"It´s you, isn´t?" Kurt asked looking into her eyes. "Blue Lady as in your clothes, not skin, right?"
"Oh...you are bound to found out, eventually"
Kitty crosses her arms and looks into his eyes.
"Nice to meet you Mr Evil Necromancer, I´m the Blue Lady, how was your day?"
"You are a cheeky thing, aren´t you?"
"I need some sense of humour"
After that, the harem lost his interest completely, no one mind the fact the driver is still mute, as the remains members were sent away to their home. For now, it seems Kurt is no longer interest in a harem.
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
Remember the Order of X series? What's Kitty's role in that 'verse? Is she another member of the Order? Solo mercenary who occasionally clashes with the others? Quest-giving NPC? Princess in distress needing rescue? (Ugh.) Princess who they meet in the process of rescuing herself?
N/A: Got an excuse to use evil necromancer Kitty here, a little of backstory, I can´t ever see her as evil for the lols, so, Kitty did use her power to conquer the kingdoms and the world to make sure that her people wouldn´t feel oppressed, like, she brainwash kingdoms so that she could enter in a shop where it used to ban people like her. Again, I can´t see her just as evil without reason. Anyway, she got her to wish and now wants to live a normal life, of course, once you conquer the world, people don´t tend to forget that.
Autumn is coming and as the first rain pours on Romery, Kitty sighs dejectedly and watch the time pass down, today, the number of customers is the same, which mean, Nightcrawler is here yet again speaking about joining the order of X.
"Please, Katzchen, you would be great in the order" Kurt tries again with pleading eyes and Kitty smiles tiredly at the man and only replies.
"And...would lady Grey be alright with a, how did she put, a freak of nature that cheats death?" Kitty asked.
"I don´t care for Lady Grey´s opinion" Kurt speaks and Kitty only gave him candy.
"Thank you, but the others do, Kurt, I think you´re the only one who wants me in the team" Kitty then proceeds to cook as the rain continues.
"Then they are fools"
"No, they are cautious, I have got a complex past if I can say so, sure the Order of X does not wish to gather negative attention now"
"Then I´ll continue to visit you" Kurt responded.
"Thank you"
Lady Grey does not hide how she distrust and dislike Kitty, however, Lady Grey is not powerful enough to deal with the treats that Hell Fire unleased and Jean loathes even more that their only option is to ask help to the necromancer.
"We need your help" Jean stated mentally slapping herself as she forgets to be courteous "please? the Hellfire is a menace to society and we can´t deal with them alone" Jean mimic the words Scott used a few minutes prior in the same humble way.
Jean knows about Kitty´s story, or at least, the bloody part, why get the big picture when you can hate a necromancer that kills destroy politically and socially a kingdom?
"No" Kitty replied.
"Katzchen, don´t do this for them" Kurt replied and look into her eyes "do this for me, let´s face the enemy together"
"Oh, you, fine, but I´ll charge for the help and someone has to stay here to look after my bakery," Kitty says much to Kurt´s joy and Jean´s annoyance, meanwhile, Scott is happy to get an ally for the team despite her troublesome past.
"Kurt, come here" Jean waves at Kurt and Hank, Piotr and Ororo and Betsy are there waiting for him " we need to talk"
"Is about my passion for swords ´cause unlike what Logan must have told you I don´t have a problem" Kurt replied and the others didn´t bother to try to understand what he meant by that.
"No, Kurt, the situation with the necromancer, you need to stop seeing her...she is evil and will corrupt your soul" Jean speaks and the others agree.
"What?" Kurt is now outrageous.
"Kurt, my friend, please" Piotr starts "she is a necromancer who conquer the world, of course, she has an evil plan for you, in fact...Betsy" Piotr now look at Betsy who scanned Kurt´s mind and frown now.
"Well, for now, there´s no signal of mental control yet, but she can put you under her spell easily" Betsy explained "I heard about her ...tales, she is powerful enough, more than enough, and we are no match for her"
"Well, thank for the invasion of my privacy, and no...I´m aware of her past, and frankly, I don´t care. I like her and you can´t stop me from seeing her" Kurt then bamf away and Jean is at loss on what to do.
"Maybe...your life would have been easier if you haven´t met me" Kitty replied now they are laying on the bed only listening to the rain and their heartbeats.
"But it would have been so boring, I rather stay here with you, Katzchen" the man rose himself a little making the sheet go down revealing his naked chest."I really like you"
"I like you too, that´s why I think your life would have been easier without knowing me"
"Well, I make the decision and I want to stay with you...do you want to stay with me?"
Now Kitty smiles and looks at him.
"Of course, silly elf"
The Blue Lady is full with new people now such as customers and employee, what catch everyone eyes is the charming barista that is dating the owner of Blue Lady.
"Katzchen, the guy from table nine wants to order more cake"
"Oh, again? people nowadays love to order cakes, in my time... the cake was a commodity" Kitt then laughs and Kurt kiss her lips, in the end, she has cakes to make as more people want to taste her cakes and cupcakes.
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