#the nerve! citing bergman to draw firm definitional lines around an identity!
jackawful · 6 years
I've been trying to stay away from the Who Can Use Butch/Femme discourse recently for the sake of my own mental health, but every so often I'm violently struck by the memory of 2016ish when some popular lesbian blogger (who I think wound up being a crypto-terf chased off the platform??? I don't remember the url) responded to someone saying "but isn't butch just an adjective for masculine women?" with something along the lines of "oh that's what you're not getting, no, it's a noun, there's a book called Butch Is A Noun you should read it" in a thread about bi women not being Allowed to use butch - when the flagship poem in said book contains a whole damn stanza about how Butches Never Fuck Men, Except When They Do, and the poem follows this whole format dedicated to pointing out that for every strict border someone draws around butch identity, there's at least one butch stepping over that line while clearly being butch anyway. and it's just...damn Lois or Jesse or whoeverthefuck, this whole thing really could've been avoided if you read your sources more closely and understood basic poetic devices, huh.
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