#i may delete it if it turns out to have been a bad idea
dduane · 9 months
Found in the ask box this AM
”I've been playing with [a major AI-driven chat bot] and I asked it to write a young wizards fanfic that contains dialogue. ...I wish i could paste it here, but the character limit won't let me.”
(hiding eyes)
(a) Once more, the reminder: please, please don't send me story ideas or fics set in my universes. Reading them would expose me legally in ways I can't permit. If such things turn up in my ask box, I delete them unread. If through a lapse of concentration or some similar error I find myself mistakenly reading a story idea or fic, I am required to make a note of it for legal purposes, and then can never use those ideas in my own writing, ever, anywhere.
So please understand that sending me a story idea or a fic set in my universes (or others where I write) will guarantee that the idea never happens in my work. It may seem paradoxical and/or counterintuitive, but if you have an idea that you wish I'd do something with, the odds of that happening are significantly increased by you making sure that I never see it.
(This, BTW, is one of the reasons I had to close my ask box to anon asks; some repeat offenders were making it impossible for me to protect myself... as when people refuse to stop sending me such things, I block them. My apologies to all the well-intentioned would-be nonnies out there—but the actions of some of you have destroyed an avenue of access for everybody else.)
(b) Please do not purposefully expose my IPs to the attention of any AI/LLM-based chat platform, anywhere. Unscrupulous whole-book AI-oriented scraping has stolen enough of my stuff already this year. (As my search of the Books3 pirated books database, widely used for AI training, shows here.) It's infuriating enough that bad actors have taken my writing and will be using the expertise inherent in it to put other living, breathing writers out of work. Please don't help them do more of that.
(sigh) Thanks.
2K notes · View notes
The Poll
So, for those who don’t know, I put up a poll of, “Who was the worst American President?” The list was FDR, Woodrow Wilson, Lyndon Johnson, Herbert Hoover, and Richard Nixon. It got up to about 13k notes before I deleted it, because I was tired of the notes clogging up my feed. And the results were... telling.
About 75-80% of all the notes were, “Where is Reagan/Andrew Jackson?!?” Many of the rest, though, can be seen below:
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What this tells me is that more than ten thousand people didn’t have an education; they had an indoctrination.
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You want to hear it? All right, buckle up, because it’s time for a stroll down memory lane.
Why was FDR a bad president?
It is almost hard to know where to begin with this. Let’s start with one of the most basic ones: The belief that FDR got us out of the Depression.
Point of fact, No the fuck he did not.
Making American Depressed
If you ask almost any historian or economist, they will tell you flat-out that not only did the New Deal not end the Great Depression, but that it made it significantly longer and worse than it would have been otherwise. Hoover bears some of the blame for this, but the pseudo-socialist dogshit that was the New Deal bears the brunt of the blame for this one.
The stock market crashed in late October, 1929. Two months later, unemployment peaked at 9%. Over the next several months, unemployment started to fall, down to 5-6% by the spring of the next year. Half a year after the crash, unemployment had not hit double digits. Hoover’s intervention, though, did cause unemployment to reach double digits. Roosevelt was elected in 1932 and took office in 1933, and unemployment did not fall out of double digits for the remainder of the 1930′s. The thing that actually pulled the US out of the Depression was the second World War; turns out that removing roughly 12 million people from the labor force to go and fight does wonders for unemployment numbers. FDR even said that Doctor New Deal was replaced by Doctor Win-The-War.
This was hardly the first economic downturn in American history. For the first 150 years of this country, there were downturns all the time. And what the government did was nothing, and the economy recovered on its own. But Roosevelt represents the first massive large-scale intervention in the economy. And government intervention in the economy slows economic recovery; when you have no idea what the government is going to do tomorrow in regards to the economy, it’s hard to make smart financial decisions, so you just don’t bother. After all, why do anything if tomorrow, the rules of the game are going to change?
Separation of Powers Who?
FDR issued more executive orders than any other President of the 20th century. He may, in fact, have issued more than all the other Presidents of the 20th century combined. Rather than letting Congress, the legislative branch of government, you know, legislate, he preferred to try to do everything himself.
The President is supposed to be the weakest branch of the government, but Roosevelt did everything he could to try to establish its supremacy over the other branches. When Congress didn’t give him his way, he used executive orders. When the Supreme Court challenged some of his acts as unconstitutional, his response was to threaten to have them replaced, or to simply pack the court with judges more sympathetic to his aims. This is a man who was openly contemptuous of the concept of the rule of law.
Here’s a fun entry from the notes:
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Hey, you want to talk about fascists? Actual, honest-to-goodness Fascists, not just the modern definition (i.e. anyone a nanometer to the right of Noam Chomsky)? Let’s talk about the originals. Let’s talk about the inventor of Fascism, Benito motherfucking Mussolini. And how FDR openly admired him, and was “deeply impressed by what he has accomplished”, calling Fascism the “cleanest, most efficiently operating piece of social machinery [he had] ever seen”, and that it made him “envious”. And Mussolini, for his part, said of Roosevelt that, “Reminiscent of Fascism is the principle that the state no longer leaves the economy to its own devices … Without question, the mood accompanying this sea change resembles that of Fascism.”
When the guy who fucking invented Fascism is saying that he thinks that you are also doing Fascism, then maybe you’re not a good person.
Concentration- I Mean, Internment Camps
And just like his buddies on the other side of the Atlantic, right when World War 2 kicked off, Roosevelt thought it would be a good idea to take “undesirables” and throw them into prison camps. Roughly 20 thousand Italian- and German-Americans, American citizens, were thrown into camps, simply for the crime of having ancestors from countries we were at war with. And then, of course, there’s the 120 thousand Japanese-Americans who were likewise rounded up and put into prison camps, two thirds of whom were natural-born American citizens.
Almost 150 thousand American citizens, thrown into literal concentration camps, without the bother and expense of due process, stripped of their constitutional rights simply on the basis of race.
As for the concentration camps set up in Europe by the Nazis, however? Despite being told of their existence by people who had escaped, as well as journalists and lawyers from Germany, once American planes gained the ability to attack those camps, to shut them down? FDR refused to grant them permission to do so.
Commander in Thief
Executive Order 6102 outlawed the private ownership of gold, allowing the government to confiscate all of it. Once that was accomplished, the Gold Reserve Act allowed him to change the value of gold, debasing America’s currency (which was on a gold standard at the time), which permitted him to steal literally billions of dollars from American citizens, without any compensation.
World War, Too
There is evidence to suggest that Roosevelt knew about the imminent attack on America by Japan in December of 1941. He discussed with several high-ranking people in the War Department, and in his own cabinet, how to get Japan to fire the first shot in the war, so that he could get America involved. It would make sense: His oil embargo was designed to provoke a Japanese response, so as to draw America into the war. And once America was in the war, ordered the Philippines to be abandoned, outright lying that there was an army waiting to retake it once it had been conquered by Japan.
And as the war dragged on, he got quite cozy with Uncle Joe, Stalin himself. He helped to repatriate two million people to Russia, who very much did not want to go back, many of them ending up either in the gulags, or simply killed outright. And his constant concessions to Stalin helped the Soviet Union hold on to eastern Europe, setting the stage for the Cold War. Even when he was informed of Soviet spies within the American government, and provided evidence of their disloyalty and subversion, he simply let them keep at it.
Racism, Racism, and more Racism
Remember how you cheered when lynching was made a federal crime a few months ago, and asked why it hadn’t been done before now? Well, the main reason was good ol’ FDR himself. A bill was proposed in the Congress which would have made lynching a federal crime, and Roosevelt refused to pass it.
Or what about during the Olympic games in Berlin, when black athletes from America took home multiple gold medals? Roosevelt invited the white athletes to the White House, but not a single black one. Jesse Owens, who won four gold medals, said, “Hitler didn’t snub me --- it was [Roosevelt] who snubbed me. The president didn’t even send me a telegram.”
And then there was his nomination of a KKK member to the Supreme Court; Hugo Black, who had zero judicial experience, was nominated simply because he supported the New Deal.
He also was of the opinion that America was, and ought to remain, a white and Protestant country, and that too many Jews was inherently a bad thing, because of how distasteful he found them. He boasted that there was no Jewish blood in his veins, as a mark of pride. He even went so far as to turn away ships of Jewish refugees, fleeing Nazi tyranny in Europe.
In conclusion
FDR was a massive piece of shit. He massively overstepped his constitutionally-appointed bounds at every available opportunity, massively expanding the power of the Presidency at the expense of all other parts of government, and at the expense of individual liberty. He was openly racist and anti-Semitic. His economic policies brought ruin upon the American economy. He openly praised fascism right up until the moment that it was no longer politically expedient to do so, and switched to deferring to authoritarian communism instead. Almost everything that you hate about the modern United States can be traced directly back to this one man.
The fact that he is remembered as not just a good President, but one of the best Presidents, shows how utterly broken American education is.
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vanillanaps · 10 months
It Starts With A Text | Rafe Cameron
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Summary - Back from college for the weekend and you get a message from your on again off again fling, none other than Rafe Cameron.
A/n - This is my first Rafe fic and Tbh i have idea where i was going with this, but it came to me in my nightly scenario to fall asleep lmao. This is my first time writing smut in forever so be nice pls, thamks. Not proof read :p
Category - Rafe Cameron x Carrera!Reader
Warnings - smut, Rafe is ooc, but still giving fuckboy vibes.
Word Count - 1.9k
The music played softly throughout your room as you sat at your desk studying. You’re back home, in Outer Banks for the weekend. Finals week is rapidly approaching and you thought coming home to study in the privacy of your own room would help, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Not when you were receiving texts from your sister and her friends every hour, trying to get you to come out with them since you came in Thursday night. It was so bad you had to mute the group chat they created, but that only worked to a certain extent when you lived with one.
A knock echoes through your room, a knock created by you and Kie when the two of you were younger, just to let one another know who it was.
“Yes, Kie?” A small smile appears on your face hearing your door open, knowing exactly what she was about to ask you.
“Are you sureeee you don’t wanna come with us?” Kie questioned hopefully as she hung halfway through your door, “Tonight’s Kegger is supposed to be crazy.”
You snorted at the thought, Outer Banks keggers were nothing compared to the ones you had been to in school, “Nope, I have to get this studying done.”
She groaned coming all the way inside, plopping down on your head, “You’ve been studying since you got here, and the guys haven’t seen you in forever!”
Turning around in your chair, you adored the sight of your little sister laying in your bed with a pout on her face, “I know Kie, but this is important. I promise after finals and I come back home for the summer, I will go to all the keggers you want me to.”
Kie sat up slightly, squinting her eyes, “You swear?”
“Yes, Kiara, I swear.” You chuckled at her face lighting up before she jumped up from your bed.
“Perfect!” She came over to kiss your cheek before making her way out of your room, “Don’t wait up, we’re spending the night at the chateau afterward.”
“Be safe!” You shouted after her as she shut your door. Spinning back around, you huffed as you looked over all the paperwork scattered across your desk, “Back to it.”
Hours had passed as you sat upside down on your bed, legs up against the wall, holding your thick psychology textbook over your head, praying that it didn’t slip out of your hand and fall onto your face. Truthfully, you were tired of reading and wishing that you went with Kie to that kegger, but you knew that in the end, it’d all be worth it.
Your phone pinging pulled your attention away from your book. Thinking it may have been Kie sending you pictures of her and the guys, you decided a small break wouldn’t hurt. But you were wrong, so wrong. The text wasn’t from your sister, in fact it was from none other than the Kook Prince himself.
Rafe (Don’t Answer): You up? 1:36am
You bit your lip, fingers hovering over the keyboard while you decided if you wanted to respond or not. There was a reason why you hadn’t told Rafe you were in town this weekend. One, you knew he’d do everything in his power to distract you from studying. Two, the last time you had seen each other it had ended in an argument that neither one of you had yet to apologize for. So, after typing out responses and deleting immediately, you ultimately decided not to respond, figuring it wasn’t worth it—That was until two more messages came through.
Rafe (Don’t Answer): I know you’re up, I saw you typing. 1:48am
Rafe (Don’t Answer): I’m outside 1:48am
“The fuck?” You mumbled to yourself, scrambling out of bed and to your window. Low and behold, Rafe’s Jeep was sitting in your driveway with him leaning against the front of it, looking directly at your window, “Shit, shit, shit.”
You continued to curse under your breath as you put on a hoodie and threw on your closest pair of slides before you quietly made your way down the stairs and out the front door, and down the driveway til you came face to face with Rafe, “You can’t be here, Rafe.”
The little smirk on his face told you everything you needed to know. He had got you exactly where he wanted to, outside and in his trap. You fell for it every single time, “I didn’t know you were in town this weekend.”
“I know.” You shrugged, purposely being dry. You thought if you showed no interest in his games, he’d leave but unfortunately for you, Rafe knew you like the back of his hands. He pushed up from the hood of his Jeep, turning his hat backwards as he walked over to the passenger side to open the door, nodding for you to get in, “No Rafe, I came home to study this weekend, not anything else.”
“I just wanna talk, Y/n.” He pleaded, putting his hands up, “I swear, no funny business.”
Before your brain could even tell your legs no, they started moving towards him. Rolling your eyes as that smirk appeared back on his face while you slipped into his car, “Stop looking at me like that and get in before I change my mind.”
“Yes ma’am,” Rafe obeyed your orders, closing the door and making his way to the driver's side, getting in besides you, “How’s college?”
“Really? Small talk?” You scoffed. You knew what he really wanted to ask, but of course that would cause him to reveal any real feelings he had towards you, “I haven’t been with anyone else, Rafe. You know that.”
He nodded, gathering his words, his thoughts, choosing them carefully before the two of you ended up arguing like last time, “I’m sorry. For last time—for what I said.” His eyes looked over you, watching you nod to accept his apology.
“Is that all you came to say? You could’ve texted that.” You said, reverting your eyes from your hands to out the window.
“Yeah well, I wanted to see you.” He shrugged, “Is that a crime?”
“It is if you came here after partying with a bunch of girls at the Kegger.”
Rafe chuckled, knowing that tone in your voice, “I was at the Kegger—but I left as soon as I knew you were in town.” He tried waiting patiently for you to look over at him on your own, but he was growing impatient knowing you were doing it on purpose. So, he reached over, grabbing your chin to turn your face towards his, looking into your eyes, “Those other girls aren’t you..”
Your cheeks flooded with heat. You hated the way Rafe could make you blush. All it took was a look and a few words before you were melting back into his arms, no matter how hard you fought. When it came to Rafe Cameron, there was no holding out.
His eyes flicked between yours and your lips as he slowly started leaning in, “Rafe..” You called softly, closing your eyes as you tried your hardest not to give in.
He stopped, lips inches from yours, “Tell me to stop—Tell me to stop, I’ll leave and never bother you again.”
Your brain yelled at you to tell him to stop, to get out of the car and run back inside where it was safe away from this devil of a man,—but your heart? Your heart failed you.
“Fuck it.” You mumbled, crashing your lips into his. Rafe immediately responded, kissing you back with the most passion you had ever gotten from him, or any other man at that fact.
The kiss grew heated as you were halfway across the center console and Rafe’s hands were grabbing onto any body part of yours in his reach, “Come here,” He mumbled against your lips, pulling you over the console and into his lap. Without breaking the kiss, he reached down, letting his seat slide all the way back giving you as much space as the car would allow.
Moans echoed in the car as the two of you grind against each other. Rafe’s hands slid down your sides and up your hoodie, gripping at the bare skin beneath it. One hand slid across your back and the other inched slowly inside your shorts. He was testing his limits, and when you didn’t stop him, he took his shot. His hand plunged into your shorts, only stopping when it reached its destination, pushing his fingers through your folds, feeling your wetness.
“Rafe,” You moaned into his mouth, pushing back against his hand, letting his fingers rub your clit. His eyes were low and hungry. He bit his lip watching you throw your head back as he rubbed into slow, teasing circles. It only lasted a moment before you grabbed his hand, “I need you, I need you right now.”
“Take these off, now.” He ordered, tugging at your shorts. You lifted up as high as you could, helping him pull them down your leg before you kicked them off, landing back in his lap. Your hands immediately started working on his belt, fumbling with it, finally getting it off, along with unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. The both of you lifted up once more, Rafe shoving his pants and boxers down as much as he could. Your pussy throbbed at the sight of dick, hard, red and leaking, “Come here, baby.”
Settling back into his lap, you reach down grabbing the base of his cock. A deep groan fell from Rafe’s lips as he watched you place yourself at the tip of his dick before sliding down on him.
“Fuuuuck,” You both moaned. Foreheads touching as Rafe wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close til you were chest to chest, “I fucking love this pussy,” He groaned, starting to fuck into you.
When it came to fucking Rafe, you could never think a single thought, let alone form a sentence. The only thing that left your mouth were moans and Rafe’s names as he took your poor pussy to town. You knew this was due to the previous argument, this was a make-up fuck and truthfully, they were your favorite.
“Yes, yes, yes, right there!” You cried, burying your face into his neck. A poor attempt at trying to muffle your moans, but that wouldn’t matter. Not with the way his car was bouncing up and down, squeaking here and there. If your parents were to wake up and look out their windows, you’d be screwed.
Nearly jumping out his lap, you gasped when his fingers touched your clit. His arm tightened around your waist, keeping you where he wanted you, “Don’t run baby, you can take it.” He panted into your ear, fucking you endlessly and attacking your clit all at the same time.
You were so close, that familiar knot forming just at the pit of your stomach, hips starting to buck on their own as you gripped the seat, “Rafe, pleasee.”
“Cum for me, baby. Cum all over me,” Rafe muttered, nudging your head so you’d lift your face to his. Immediately, he slammed his lips into yours as he picked up his pace, fucking you until he absolutely couldnt anymore. You tried your best to kiss back, but it wasn’t long before your head flew back, body tensing and your walls squeezing Rafe as you finally reached your peak and fell from it, “Fuuuck, just like that.” Rafe’s groans quickly turned into moans as he came with you, pumping you full of his cum, making sure it was buried deep within your walls.
Goddamnit, you were screwed.
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transfemarmin · 11 months
Can you do a fic where miles g aka miles 42 got mad at the black reader for ignoring him as a prank?
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˗ˏˋ ★ˎˊ˗ - BOREDOM
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pair: m.morales x black! fem! reader
summary: [name] hasn’t always been the brightest when it comes to deciding which pranks she should pull on her boyfriend, but after this.. she definitely learned.
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_________________________________________________. ˏˋ ★ˎˊ˗ [NAME] FELT THAT THE FEELING OF BOREDOM…
was similar to that of a sickness, the teenaged girl thought it might’ve a silent death as well, as boredom can kill or injure many things and many people depending on the actions you taking during those feelings.. friendships, reputation, and sometimes even relationships.. and [name] learned that the hard way..
our story takes places on a wednesday morning, [name] was sitting in her second period class, legs crossed, and her head resting on the palm of her right hand while her left hand scrolled through tiktok, where she discovered some sort of ‘ trend ‘ where you ignore your boyfriend for an entire day and then talk to him like nothing happened…
she knew deep down that this was a bad idea, but the urge for anything to entertain her was stronger than her logically side, the girl favorited the video, making a mental note as she continued to scroll down her ‘ for you page’, just as she passed the video her boyfriend, miles texted her
miles 💗: hi mi vida
miles 💗: was wondering if you wanted to go out
miles 💗: like on a date
miles 💗: if no, thats coo. ima swing by regardless
it was like this opportunity was given to her on a silver plate, egging her to do it.. like the little devil on her shoulder was whispering in her ear..
“ do it..”
“ it’s just a prank..”
“ do it.”
temptation ate away at her for five straight minutes, before she caved.. she tapped on the notification, it taking her to her messaging app, she started key smashing, to make it look like she was typing on his side of things, before she stopped, deleting it and then exiting out of the messages app.
the response came nearly as soon as she did that.
miles 💗: ???
miles 💗: girl can you answer the question?
read: 11:32am
typing . . .
miles 💗: [name] you getting me real fucked up rn.
miles was the type to get mad first before his logically side kicked in, where he’d rack his brain for everything he’d ever done that may have upset the people around him, so when the next array of messages came and he was apologizing.. [name] wasn’t surprised
miles 💗: mami what I do?
miles 💗: did I upset you?
miles 💗: im sorry if I did, ion mean to make you mad
miles 💗: r u mad cus I said your forehead was mad big?
miles 💗: mami you know I was joking
miles 💗: mami please talk to me
miles 💗: im sorry
miles 💗: I’ll leave you alone.
miles 💗: I love you <3
those set of messages made [name]’s skin crawl with guilt, but she left those messages on read as well. miles didn’t text her back again for a minute, as the hours went by she’d see tiny glimpses of him and he’d glance her way, but she’d turn around and walk the other way before he could come talk to her.
the third time she did this, miles didn’t let her go this easily, he was determined to figure out what was wrong with his girl, he needed to know. what did he do to fuck up this bad?
“ ma .” his tone was soft as he jogged to her side.. no amount of time doing missions as the prowler made it so he could have the stamina to walk by a woman who didn’t want to talk to him.. those women could win the olympics by just walking.. “ what I do? can you please tell me? ion wanna go home with you angry at me and I don’t even know what the problem was..” his voice was barely above a whisper, and he seemed genuinely upset with the fact he was getting ignored by his girlfriend
this was it.. the guilt was eating away at her, she turned to look at him, seeing his eyes were glossy, like he was about to start crying. “ c’mon… mi vida, I can’t lose you.. just speak to me, tell me what I did.” he had a harsh frown on his face as his pace slowed down once [name]’s did, she couldn’t keep up this stupid thing she saw on tiktok anymore, her boyfriend was too sweet and too much of an over thinker when it came to this.
“ nothing.”
“ mami.. don’t say that, just tell me-“
“ no, miles.. im being deadass.. I was just.. bored.”
miles’ look of worry he once had, was now placed with a look of anger and disbelief, he blinked a few times.. holding back the tears he almost let spill at the thought of losing the woman he loves
“ what you mean you was bored?”
if this was anyone else he would’ve said something a little more vulgar.. but his momma raised him better than that.
“ you mean you was playin’ in my face? making me think I did sum to you..?”
hearing her actions broken down to what they truly were made [name] wince before she nodded her head; his dark eyes looking down at her shoes, she heard her boyfriend suck his teeth and mumble about how stupid that was.
“ ‘m sorry, miles.” she gave an awkward shrug of her shoulders as she looked back at him, her eyes showing just how much guilt she had been harboring deep inside her ever since she ignored the first message
“ wow.”
that was all he had to say, as he sniffed, his soft sniff seemed to catch [name]’s attention.. god, he was about to cry? miles was always crazy about her, and always making sure they was good.. remembering all of this only made her hurt squeeze with remorse.
“ so..you was just playing with my feelings.. cause you was bored.. do you know how much that affected me? i thought you was gon’ break up wit me, [name]!” his words were like razors in her heart as she listened to him spill out his frustrations
“ …bro. that shit won’t cool, what the hell.. you had me thinking shit was bad, yo..” miles shook his head, he narrowed his eyes at his girlfriend, who had her arms around her body, who was staring down at the ground.. and who’s lashes were getting wet with tears
“ ‘m sorry.”
her voice cracked as she spoke, and she blinked.
the tear ran down her face, it was big and fat as she looked at him for a moment, their eyes meeting and his softening in nearly an instant
“ mami…” he let out a sigh, one of frustration mixed with anger
“ that prank wasn’t.. cool or nothing.. I’m mad right now. so ima chill off you for a minute, this don’t mean we breaking up.. we just…on a break.. not one of those ones which is an excuse to cheat.. im your man and you my girl, but I need like.. a break to reset, I’m mad right now.. don’t mean ima be mad forever, okay?
even though she hurt him, he was still willing to put his feelings aside.. for her..
god why did she do this stupid prank, her heart was in her stomach, and her whole body hurt.. but she nodded
“ okay..”
she owed him this little bit of space, it wasn’t gonna be forever
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flynnriderishot · 4 months
tattoo part 5?
tattoo pt.5 - m.s
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“and you don’t care?”
“i really don’t.”
“are you sure?”
“i’m sure, matthew.”
“ooh. full name.” he mocked a wince.
the two of you were currently talking about chris’ recently deleted instagram story.
it was already bad enough that fans had spotted the two of you on a date and chris’ post only added onto the situation. they may not have noticed that it was a date, but you were a girl with a guy and naturally, people assumed that’s what it was.
chris posting that picture on his story practically confirmed the two of you were talking.
and no matter how quickly matt got his brother to delete it, people still managed to get a screenshot of it.
his comments were filled with people asking if it was you he was talking about. matt, out of respect for you, ignored them.
even though he had posted a picture, tagged you and even mentioned your name in some of their car videos, fans still couldn’t seem to grasp that matt sturniolo was possibly dating tik tok’s rudest tattoo artist.
oddly enough, you thought the comments about you being rude or disrespectful were funny.
none of these people have actually met or spoken to you personally, so their opinions meant nothing.
while friends like vinnie hacker, nessa barrett and now the triplets have defended you, the fans still couldn’t look past your naturally unbothered expressions and accept that maybe you weren’t so bad.
“we’re back at the tattoo shop!” nick shouted at the camera, earning a look of annoyance from the youngest triplet.
“nick, there’s no one else in here, there’s no need to yell.”
“it’s more reason to yell.” nick scoffed, “i’m not bothering anyone.”
the triplets were doing a simple vlog for this video. with their comments being filled with questions on matt and his possible relationship, rather than video suggestions, they felt like it was better to avoid having a chance to talk about it.
kind of hard to do so when they were going to the source.
the tattoo shop you worked in.
matt knew it wasn’t the best idea to get tattooed by the girl everyone thought he was dating, but you were also the only person who did his tattoos the way he liked.
it definitely wasn’t an excuse to see you.
it was, but no one had to know that.
“you’re bothering me. stop yelling, you’re giving me a headache.” matt rolled his eyes before focusing back on his phone screen.
from the chair he sat in, chris could see his brother was texting you, wondering when you’d be coming in.
they had gotten there before you showed up for work. both a good and bad thing in chris’ eyes.
his brothers could look through the designs they wanted, making it easier for you when you got here. but he was ridiculously impatient so he had to wait until you got here.
“oh! i’m giving you a headache?” nick sat up, readying himself for an argument, “and all those times i have to listen to you whine about how much you like—“
your head snapped at the sound of your voice, smiling slightly at the sight of the triplets.
“hey, guys.” you repeated the same greeting to the camera once you realized nick was recording. in your mind, it seemed like the best idea.
maybe if you addressed the audience as you would your clients, the people behind their computer screens wouldn’t be so brash about your behavior.
out of respect for you, nick lowered the camera a bit when matt jumped up to pull you into a hug.
“you’re here early.” you mumbled into his shoulder.
his arms tighten around your waist, “we didn’t want to have you waiting.”
“he’s been talking about you all week.” chris snorted, fist bumping you as you lead them to the back.
you waved at alyssa as you responded to chris, “all good things, i hope?”
“only good things.” chris exaggerated his words, “it’s getting exhausting.”
“i’m sorry me being the topic of conversation is draining to your ears, chris.” you joked, earning a laugh from the three.
as you sat down in your chair, you turned to them expectantly, “so what are we doing today?”
sturniolo.triplets made a post !
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liked by nathandoe8 and 375,956 others
sturniolo.triplets NEW VIDEO OUT NOW!!!! GO WATCH!! we love you guys so much
sturnlover chris’ feet 😭😭😭
vinniesbabygirl yn and chris’ banter just 4 minutes in is so funny 😭
>>> letstripsturn banter 💀 are you british
>>> vinniesbabygirl no i watch a lot of love island 😔
nicolassturniolo 🤭😫🤌
>>> nathandoe8 hey baby 🤭
christophersturniolo LETS GOOOO 🔉🔉
>>> matthew.sturniolo 🔇🔇🔇
>>> happily sturniolo HELP 😭
vinniehackerslefttit CHRIS COMMENT
>>> babyvin what comment?!?!?
notablynick THE TATTOOOOOS
>>> bubblysturn yn ate the tattoos up ‼️‼️‼️‼️
liked by matthew.sturniolo and 32,596 others
sturniolotrip123 i’ve seen one too many vinnie accounts here. what are y’all doing ? 😭
>>> vinnieahackedme yn’s his tattoo artist 😭 where she goes, we go
>>> vinniehackerarchive so real 😫
>>> vinnieswifey we’re making sure y’all treating her right. clearly you aren’t 🙄
>>> vincentsangel you sturniolo fans don’t deserve her 😭 @/yn.ln come back bae we miss you!!
liked by vinniesphotooutlet and 72,746 others
matthew.sturniolo yn mention 🗣️
>>> christophersturniolo yn is all you mention
christophersturniolo’s comment was deleted
yn.ln 🙌
liked by matthew.sturniolo, sturniolo.triplets and 56,947 others
swiftsmidnight yn is so pretty but her attitude with chris was so uncalled for. she had no reason to give chris sass when all he did was say that matt wouldn’t stop talking about her. she’s lucky anyone’s talking about her. they’re literally giving her social media attention and she’s giving him attitude
>>> nessasbaby i ain’t reading all that 🗣️🔥
>>> chaseatlanticsgirl they were joking around???😭
>>> lovelysturn lmaoooo 😭
>>> simplyvinnie idk about yall, but i knew yn before i knew the triplets…
>>> sturnssecret same and i love them all equally
>>> gorgeoussturn @/simplyvinnie sameee i found her and vinnie first 😭 how are the triplets giving her attention ??
>>> letstriptour wym GIVING her attention 😭 the girl has over 6 mil on instagram, i don’t think she needs their help…
nicolassturniolo not yall fighting in the comments.
liked by matthew.sturniolo, yn.ln, christophersturniolo and 138,586 others
chrispepsicola are we not gonna talk about chris’ toes ?!
>>> christophersturniolo no.
tap to view more comments
“your brother is making it too obvious that we talk.”
matt looked away from the tv screen and at you, “how so?”
you showed him your phone screen, his eyes squinting at the brightness before they adjusted to see the instagram comments on their newest post.
‘yn is all you mention’
“fucking shit.” he groaned, rubbing a hand over his face, “i’m sorry.”
“it’s okay.” you reassured him, looking back at your phone.
“it’s not. i don’t want you getting unnecessary hate just because chris can’t keep his mouth shut.”
“i don’t think they’re too worried about hating on me anymore. and even then, i told you not to worry about it.”
his eyes soften, “i’m gonna worry. you don’t deserve that.”
“no one does.” you shrugged, “but are we gonna do about it?”
with that, you ended the conversation. as matt thought over your words, he couldn’t help but sigh. you were right, there wasn’t much either of you could do.
but he knew that eventually, people would either get bored when they noticed you truly didn’t care or realize that they hated for no reason.
he could only hope that realization came soon.
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deakyjoe · 6 months
Somebody’s Watching Me: Tea For Two Deleted Scene
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Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader (she/her, “Sarge”, British, backstory)
Category: coworkers to friends to lovers with grumpy x sunshine dynamic/idiots in love
Summary: Your lieutenant joins you for a cup of tea.
Warnings: tension, banter, flirting, mention of dead hamster, mask is off, domestic Ghost (he sits and has tea), Ghost doing normal things (he sits and has tea), British terminology/slang
Word count: 1.6k
A/N: HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THE FIRST CHAPTER OF SOMEBODY’S WATCHING ME!! 🥳🥳 I cannot believe I started it so long ago, it’s crazy. This is for everyone who has read, enjoyed and supported me along the way. This takes places directly after the first chapter.
Consider buying me a coffee :)
The door of your flat creaked open, accompanied by the awful sound of your keys falling out of the lock and crashing to the floor uncermoniously. You winced at the sound but said nothing, sticking your foot out to prevent the door from slamming closed again right onto your face. You didn’t need a broken nose right now. The hinges were loose but you couldn't be bothered to tell your landlord, or fix it yourself, since you weren't even living there most of the time.
You stepped into your flat quickly, ushering your lieutenant in behind you. "Welcome to my humble abode." 
Ghost went to close the door behind him but stopped when it just swung shut by its own accord.
"Very humble." You re-iterated. It wasn't the Ritz, that was for sure.
He made no comment on the state of the door, despite clearly having some thoughts if the slight frown on his face was any indication.
"You live alone?" He asked, taking a nice long look around at your flat. You wondered if he was judging the trinkets scattered all over the place and the lack of real decor.
You nodded, shrugging your coat off of your shoulders and hanging it over the back of a chair. "Yeah. Used to have a hamster but he died a few months back." 
You missed Señor Duncan.
He blinked at you slowly and said nothing so you rushed off into the kitchen with your bags clasped tightly in your hands to make the tea and avoid further awkward conversation. You tried desperately to come up with a new topic to talk about when you got back to him.
But he had other ideas. As you turned to get the milk out of the fridge, Ghost was stood in your doorway watching you.
"You can sit down, lieutenant." You assured him, not needing him hovering as you made the two cups of tea. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
He took a moment to answer. "Here to make sure you make my tea right."
You scoffed. "I know how you take it, sir."
The double meaning of that statement hung in the air between you for a few seconds.
"I've seen you make tea about a million times on base so..." The clarification probably didn't help you. In fact, it made the previous sentence even more glaring.
"Okay." He nodded. "I trust you."
The way he said it wasn't convincing.
The kettle clicked behind you but you ignored it.
"Got any biscuits?"
You shook your head. "Nothing you’ll like, no."
"Sorry." Your jaw clenched tight.
"Don't be sorry."
You broke off the staring contest that was happening between you, knowing he'd probably win in the end anyway, and turned around to actually make the two of you a drink.
The thought that this may have been a bad idea plagued you as you watched the teabags drown in the boiling water. You were just trying to be friendly. Maybe friendly with your lieutenant wasn't good. Although, he agreed to come. So some of this was on him.
Ghost was silent behind you but you assumed he was still there. You could feel his gaze burning into the back of your head, the hairs on your neck and arms standing up on end. When you were done, you turned to find him stood a lot closer to you than he had been just a minute or so prior.
His hand was stretched out ready to take the mug from you. "Thank you, sergeant."
"You're welcome, lieutenant." You croaked back at him, unprepared for how close he was. You could smell him, the distance was that small. You begrudgingly admitted to yourself internally that he smelt nice. Of course he did. You avoided looking at how his hands enveloped the cup you'd handed to him. "Umm, living room?"
“Not going to put your things away?” He lazily gestured at the bags sitting on the kitchen counter.
“Oh… it can wait a while.”
He nodded and followed you as you swerved around him, mouthing oh my god to yourself as you walked away. In the lounge, you settled on the sofa and were not surprised in the slightest when he chose to sit in the other chair, his large frame consuming the cushions almost completely. He looked comical.
There was a brief moment of tense silence between you and just as you opened your mouth to say something, say anything, he cut in.
"Want a chocolate digestive?"
Your teeth clicked shut. "Uh, sure!"
Sipping on your tea to hide your face behind the mug at the way-too-upbeat tone of your response, you burnt your tongue on the scalding liquid. Luckily, your lieutenant was too distracted by pulling the pack of biscuits out of the carrier bag at his feet that he didn't take any notice of you.
When he held out the packet to you, you tentatively took one and started nibbling on the edge. You were really unsure of what to do with yourself. Think. Just think of something to say.
"So, what does Lieutenant Simon Riley do for fun when he's on leave?"
"Not this." He grumbled.
"Not what?" Of course he didn't do this, this was the first time this had happened.
"Then why did you agree to come here?" You asked, frowning. Seemed a bit silly to you honestly.
Ghost said nothing, just stared back at you.
So you filled the silence by rambling. "You didn't have to. Just because I asked you to. Don't feel forced or anything. I mean, like, you never listen to me in the field. So why is it different out here? Don't think you have to be polite. I'm a grown woman, I can take no for an answer."
"Christ, you talk a lot."
You frowned. "Sorry."
"Between you and Johnny I don't know how I don't get more headaches."
"Charming." You snapped back despite the pull of a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.
He continued on. "Without the two of you I'd get some silence once in a while."
"How boring."
"How peaceful."
"Overrated.” You waved your hand in a dismissive motion. “I think a couple of hyper sergeants are a lot more fun."
"If you'd like." He took a mouthful of his tea and you wondered if he was hiding anything behind the cup. A smile, a smirk, just something. Probably not.
You decided to pry. "You never answered my question."
He sighed. "What question?"
"What do you do when you're on leave?"
"What do you imagine I do when I'm on leave, hm?" He evaded the question by shooting back one of his own. Tricky bastard.
You shrugged. "Mope at home all day probably." 
"Mope." He repeated back to you.
"You seem like a moper."
He didn't reply.
"I think it's a fair assessment."
"Based on what?"
You barked out a short laugh. "Based on everything!"
"For all you know I could be the life of the party when on leave." He drained the rest of the tea from his mug in a few steady gulps, adam's apple bobbing in his throat. Your mouth hung open for a second as you watched.
"You just admitted you don't like to socialise. Or like how loud me and Soap can be. I seriously doubt you're the life of any party." You deadpanned, noticing how your cup was still mostly full.
"Should I take offence to that, sergeant?" He asked, resting his own cup between his knees.
Your eyes flickered down towards it. "Didn't say it was a bad thing necessarily."
"But it can be?"
"If you're boring in general, I guess."
"I see."
Your back straightened in defence. "I'm not calling you boring, sir! In fact, I think you're rather interesting. I was just saying it can be bad if you are always boring. Which you are not."
"This might be my cue to leave, you don't seem so sure." His head tilted to the side. "Very enthusiastic to prove you don't think I'm boring. Too enthusiastic."
"That's just my general demeanour." 
He nodded. "I'm aware."
"Now I feel like I should be insulted."
"And why's that?"
"You seem disgusted."
He repeated your words back to you. "That's just my general demeanour."
So you did the same. "I'm aware."
"Hm, clever." He grunted, glancing down at the empty mug. "I should probably go."
"If you want." You watched him shift in his seat.
His eyes shot back up to meet yours. "Kicking me out, sergeant?"
"No. Just not going to insist that you stay if you want to leave."
He nodded and looked around the room. "You should get another hamster."
What an odd thing to say.
"Why?" You questioned, putting your cup down on the coffee table and gesturing for him to do the same.
"You're a social creature. Could probably use the company."
"A social creature. Gee, thanks." You rolled your eyes at him. "I have friends, y'know?"
"Seen 'em since you've been home?"
"Haven't had the opportunity yet." You mumbled, avoiding his eyes.
"Mhm." He hummed, not needing to say anything to get his point across.
You didn't even bother responding, what good would it do? You just watched him rise from the seat and pick up his plastic bag of stuff, following him when he started towards the front door.
Neither of you exchanched pleasantries as you opened the door and held it open with your foot, you didn't need to pretend that this was anything less than awkward and slightly odd altogether. There was no oh this was nice we should it again sometime. The exchange was very short.
"Do you want me to drive you home?"
"No, I don't live too far."
Tense silence.
"Goodbye, lieutenant."
"Goodbye, sergeant."
And then he was gone.
A/N: thanks for reading!!
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misc-obeyme · 11 months
I love the fat MC headcanons!! 😭😭 Could I request the other brothers as well if this hasn't already been asked?
Wellll okay, I'll do it just for you, anon. <3
Here is part two of the fat MC headcanons featuring the younger brothers. They turned out just as long as the ones featuring the older brothers, but really what did I expect lol. Honestly, I'm really glad you enjoyed the first part, I was pretty nervous about posting it. I miiight be persuaded to do a part three with the dateables...
Anyway, thank you for the request!
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younger brothers x fat GN!MC - NSFW MDNI
Warnings: discussion of weight and body image, suggestive content
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He suspects you may have some insecurities, but he doesn't truly understand until you go with him to a few cat cafes. He notices when you won't eat more than one dessert item with your coffee. He also hears you talking to some of the cats, saying things about how they all seem to like you no matter what, how the cats don't judge you because of your weight. He has to fight with himself to stay calm. The idea that anyone has ever made you feel like you were somehow lesser due to your body size enrages him. Starts insisting you have a second pastry any time you're at a cafe, even if you genuinely don't want one. You might have to take a bite just to appease him.
Satan can't help but confront you about it. Did you think he wouldn't notice, MC? He gets that you try to act like it's no big deal, but he's not oblivious. You don't have to hide your true feelings from him. Tell him if you're feeling insecure. Especially tell him if he's somehow contributing to that feeling. He would do anything to make you understand that you're perfect just the way you are.
You'll really see him get angry if you tell him that being in a relationship with him makes it worse. Explain that you worry about what people think when they see you with him. He's so handsome, you're sure people have a lot to say about the fact that he's dating a fat human. He starts to see it everywhere. If a demon so much as looks at the two of you together, he flies into a rage. He won't do anything if you ask him not to, but he will glare down anyone that he thinks is looking at you weird. If he hears a rumor or anyone making fun of you, those demons just disappear one day.
Might lend you spicy books just to see what you think of them, but if you happen to mention that you're too fat to do something that happens in the book, you can be sure it'll be happening to you that very night. Oh do you think you're too fat for him to fuck you against a wall while you wrap your legs around him and hold on tight? Because he's more than happy to prove to you that he can hold you up just fine. You learn to be careful about what you say. He'll know if you do it on purpose, too, but he'll pretend he doesn't.
He's aware of your insecurities immediately, but it really becomes apparent whenever he takes pictures of you. Whether they're pictures of just you or selfies you take together, you're very particular about the angle he uses. You always want to see the pictures before he does anything with them. You might delete them if you don't like them. When he asks, you say something about how you just think your body looks weird in them. He really starts to get how bad it is when you refuse to model for anything that he's doing in a professional capacity. If you change your mind, he knows you're only doing it to make him happy.
He actually spends some time thinking about how to help you. He doesn't want you to feel so insecure about your size that you let it stop you from doing things. Of course, Asmo decides to make you an entire clothing line. The whole point is to make clothing for larger bodies. He wants it to be a surprise, but he realizes he has to consult you on this. Starts out by showing you his sketches for designs. He loves the way your eyes light up, how excited you get. You tell him all about how hard it is for you to find clothes that fit you. The two of you create a great clothing line and put on a fashion show featuring plus sized models.
Even though you start to feel like he understands, you might still be insecure in a relationship with him. He doesn't really get that at all. He loves you, end of story. He can tell that it's bothering you, even if you don't say anything. Constantly compliments your body as a result, telling you how hot you are all the time. If anyone dares to say anything to you, he immediately eviscerates them with the best insults you've ever heard in your life.
You know this guy is gonna make you have sex in front of a mirror. You can protest all you like, but you have to trust him on this, MC. He wants you to see just how amazing your body looks when you're losing your mind on his cock. The expression on your face, the way your body quivers, he wants you to see it the way he does. You won't feel the same way about yourself when you see how absolutely stunning you are when you're crying out his name.
He is completely unaware of your body insecurities. In fact, someone else has to tell him about it, since you probably won't do it yourself. One of his other brothers mentions it in passing and now he's thinking about it. He's going to ask you because he doesn't understand. Do you have a problem with your body, MC? Do you have some kind of injury or something? It's almost endearing that he doesn't get that it's a body image issue and genuinely just thinks you're dealing with something physically painful. You are going to have to explain it to him, though.
Your explanation may only baffle him further. Take the time to really tell him why you feel the way you do and he'll begin to understand. Tell him everything because he will patiently listen to all the times you were bullied as a kid, all the times you had to leave a store empty handed because they didn't have your size, the way people don't take you seriously or think you're lazy. Beel just listens and somehow, that alone makes you feel better. He might ask you some questions about food and exercise and how it relates. He's not going to suggest you go on a diet or start an exercise program or anything. He just wants to know if he's doing anything that contributes to your negative body image.
In a relationship, he's direct about the fact that he wants you to love your body. He picks you up all the time. He's more than strong enough to carry you around and he does it constantly, but especially if you say something about being too heavy. He likes to have you sit on his lap, too. He'll pull you into it in the middle of class, he doesn't care what other people think. He likes to feel the weight of you on him. He isn't a demon of many words, but he always takes the opportunity to whisper in your ear about how much he loves your body.
Let's be real, his favorite place to be is between your thighs. And there's no question that this makes you nervous. Not only because you don't want to squash his head, but because he's just so close to them and they're so big. It's one of the things you can't help but be self conscious about. People say thick thighs save lives, but you're pretty sure yours might take his if you squeeze too hard. He does not care at all. He's completely unconcerned. You might protest at first, but once he gets started, you won't be able to actually string together a coherent sentence anyway.
He doesn't realize your struggle at first, but he figures it out on his own after a little bit. He mostly notices little things, like the way you carefully move between the desks at RAD to avoid bumping your hips into them or the way you never wear shorts. After a little while, he understands what the issue is. Starts doing small things like making sure you always have a chair without arms so that you'll fit in it comfortably. Insists on sitting next to you in small seats so that you can share part of his. He's just going to nap on your shoulder anyway.
Eventually, though, he's going to call you out on it. It bothers him and he has no problem letting you know this. If you do something or say something that somehow indicates you're feeling insecure about your body size, he will ask you about it directly. He listens to everything you have to say about it, but it irritates him. He's not fully angry about it like Satan, but he does get a little peeved. If you say anything negative about yourself, he will simply tell you to stop. He'll tell you that you're wrong. Please don't talk about yourself like that, MC. He doesn't like to hear it.
Relationship or not, you are his favorite pillow and he's going to make sure you know this. You're so soft all over, all he ever wants to do is cuddle with you. His head is always in your lap or leaning against your arm. If he can settle his body between your legs and rest his head on your chest while snuggling with your large soft tummy, you can bet he is going to do that. You won't be able to dislodge him any time soon. If you are in a relationship with him, he'll mumble to you constantly about how much he loves you. It's not just your body, though that is certainly a plus to him. It's everything, every part of you is his favorite part of you.
Belphie will often insist on being underneath you. Whether you're inside him or he's inside you, he wants you in control and he wants to feel the weight of you on top of him. He doesn't care if you're worried about crushing him. That's not even something that could actually happen. He likes watching you - your expression and the way your body moves - he likes reaching out to grab hold of any part of you that's nearby. Probably leaves little bruises in your flesh where he was gripping you too tightly. There's just so much of you he wants to touch, to hold, to cling to.
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part one with the older brothers | part three with the dateables
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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agirlwithglam · 2 months
Hi!! I hope I'm not disturbing you but I wanted to ask how do I work hard. Because when I was younger I got really good marks without trying and now the subjects are hard and social media is distracting but I can't seem to delete it. This is also why my grades are even low then before and I'm really afraid to disappoint my parents (being the eldest daughter doesn't help). So can you please just give me some pointers on how can I actually study and not just cry because I don't know how to. Have a great day!! <3
literally omg. is this past me asking me a question?? like actually u have no idea how much i relate and understand this. the "gifted child" who always got good grades without needing to study now finds things more difficult. i know many people have said this, but i actually have been through this not too long ago. i hope these tips help <3
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how to work hard + actually study (realistic)
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forget hard work. at least do the work! (its so funny because i literally had a post about this all ready in my drafts about to get posted, so i'll keep this short and link the post.) stop focussing on doing hard work like studying 24/7. just put in the basic necessities you need to get a better grade. hard work post link
use the disappointment and embarrassment as fuel. (basically find a very strong why) (mini story-ish thing coming up, skip to the blue text for the actual advice) i still remember the day i got such a bad score on my math and science test, i was FURIOUS at myself and i cried about it! telling it to my parents was one of the hardest things i had to do and feeling their disappointment was even worse. but that became my turning point. i was so ashamed of myself and i resented me so much that i basically just told myself "i dont freaking care what you feel *with distaste*. you brought this on yourself you failure" (a bit very harsh, yes i know) but the way i studied that week- i studied more than i every had before! also doing this doesnt really lower my self esteem a whole lot, but if it does with you, please be gentle with yourself. : so what i'm trying to say it; use that feeling of shame and disapointment as a fuel, a motivation. The big “why”.
ALTER EGOOOSSSS. this helps SOOOO MUCH its so underrated. embody the energy of your fav people who are the academic inspiration you wanna be! example: rory gilmore, paris geller, elle woods, blair waldorf, etc etc! not only is this so helpful but it also makes it so much more fun and easier!!
parent yourself. i used to tell myself to do stuff like "go study now!" or "get up lazy-butt" but in my mind. but what if you tried to say those stuff out loud to yourself? it just creates a whole new level of real. So start telling yourself to do stuff out loud.
honestly just start. stop letting yourself think about how "uncomfortable" and how "annoying" it will be. All you need to know is that you need to get it done. Right? Ok. So now what’s the next smallest step you can take to getting to do the unwanted task? It may be taking out your material, opening your book, etc.
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( !! tough love, but very important rant coming up)
You privileged brat. Your parents gave up EVERYTHING so you could have the education that you are having. They worked so so hard for YOU. So YOU can have the life you want. And all for what? Just for you to throw it all away and say “oh im lazy”. HELL NAH.
And also, do you realise how fortunate you are to be even living in such a time/ era where you have access to basically EVERYTHING? You’re stuck on something? You could easily search it up!! And whats more is that you can further learn. You can search up and find out more about the thing that you’re studying, become the smartest person in your class, get so ahead in life. I hope you realise that if you do use all the resources and materials and help that’s been given to you, just imagine how far you could go! Further than Albert Einstine, Elon Musk, etc. you may be like “what! No that’s gonna be too hard!” But did they have the tools that you have right at your hand? No! They made it all the way with just simple stuff and having to work super hard. But you live in a time where you can do TWICE as much without working as hard!!
And one more thing, QUIT WHINING. “Oh school is so hard!” “Oh school is so boring!” Like whattt???? You are so FORTUNATE and LUCKY to be even getting access to such education! MILLIONS of kids out there would kill to be able to learn what you are so easily dismissing right now. So TAKE ADVANTAGE OF WHAT YOU HAVE. Put your ALL, your very BEST into studying and getting good grades because THAT is whats gonna take you so SO far in life.
Thank you very much, *mic drop*. (i still ly pookie)
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dealing with social media:
put the screen time widget on your phone home screen. i did this, and i became so embarrassed by the amount of screen time i had in one day (*cough* 12 hours *cough*) that i made certain to stop using it as much.
screen time limits. this may or may not help you, bc i know that when i knew the screen time password, it didn't do a lot of help but when someone else did (like parents or someone you trust), then it definitely worked. this is probably only best if you're a child around under 14 ish bc thats around the age when most parents put screen time limits + after that age you're gonna be a lot more independent.
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more *extremely* helpful resourses:
tips to decrease your phone screen time by @imbusystudying
how to reduce your screen time in the digital age? (an article)
studying tips from a straight-A student by @universalitgirlsblog2
how to study like paris geller by @4theitgirls
more blogs i recomend:
@elonomhblog @mindfulstudyquest @study-diaries @thatbitchery
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xoxo, vanilla
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daemour · 4 months
Promise - Hongjoong
Part of Anthology
Every two weeks, I will post a drabble (and sometimes longer) alongside a prompt that went with it. The prompts may be songs, scenarios, or more.
M: Hongjoong
Wc: 1874
Warnings: Cursing, arguments
Genre: angst, some fluff, hurt/minimal comfort, e for everyone, established relationship
Summary: An argument with your boyfriend turns into something worse, and you're not sure how to come back from it
Hongjoong works hard, it’s not hard to see. He spends all his time in the studio whenever there’s a comeback, a tour, or an event. It’s commendable, and you love him for it, but it also wears down on your relationship. It’s the fifth time he’s come home late this week, and the other two days he just didn’t show up, sleeping on the work couch. You tried to bring up your worries as peacefully as possible, honest you did. But sleep-deprived and stressed-out Hongjoongs are not known for their patience.
“Hongjoong, I’m just trying to make sure you take care of yourself.” You’re done with this argument, but it appears your boyfriend is not.
“I don’t need you to do that, (Y/N),” Hongjoong bites back. “I’m a grown adult and I can make my own decisions.”
You shake your head, exasperated. “I didn’t imply you were anything else, but why don’t you try acting like a grown adult then?” You’re definitely not helping the argument end, but at this point, you’re quite annoyed at him. “You can’t not take care of yourself and then get mad at me for worrying. I’m not your parent, so stop making me baby you.”
“Then fucking leave,” Hongjoong’s voice comes out cold and you recoil. The two of you have had your fair share of fights, as all couples do, but never before had Hongjoong used that tone on you. No matter how angry he was at you, he wouldn’t ever speak to you like a pest in his life, nor has he ever cursed at you in a serious manner.
“Fine. Fuck you too, then,” you hiss, tears filling your eyes. Without another word, you spin on your heel and leave him standing in the middle of the living room by himself.
As you head down the street with nothing but your phone, you start to regret your decision. It would’ve been more safe and just as impactful if you locked yourself in the bedroom for a few hours. It’s windy and the fall air has a chill to it, and as if to prove your point, you feel drops of rain on the top of your head. As soon as you duck under the roof of a nearby convenience store, it starts to pour and you roll your eyes angrily, the bad weather not helping your anger at all.
After letting the anger stew in your gut for a minute, you pull out your phone with a sigh. You debate calling Hongjoong, but you’re still sore from the fight and would much rather eat grated cardboard than be stuck in a car with him. Your friends are not an option because they’d immediately notice your anger and you can’t tell them about your relationship with Hongjoong, nor do they know you’re even in a relationship in general. So you call the next best option.
“(Y/N)?” What’s up?” Understandably, Wooyoung's voice is full of confusion. You have all of the Ateez members’ numbers in case of emergency, but you’ve never needed to call them aside from Seonghwa once. “Is everything okay?”
“I’m sorry to call you out of the blue, but I got caught in the rain after an argument with Hongjoong and I don’t really want to be in a car with him right now.”
Wooyoung sighs. “I told Seonghwa it was a bad idea to let Hongjoong go home all pissed,” he mutters to himself or another member, you don’t know. “I’ll be right there, okay? Send me your location.”
“Yeah. Thank you,” you sniff and end the call, not wanting to seem even more pitiful than you already feel. One text from Hongjoong glares at your face. ‘This is Yunho. Come back when the storm ends.’ With a scoff, you delete the notification and huffily enter the convenience store.
One iced tea later, Wooyoung walks in, San tagging behind him to no one's surprise. “(Y/N),” San greets you with a smile and it hits you that Hongjoong hadn’t smiled once at you the entire time he was home that day. “Are you doing all right?”
At the kindness you miss seeing from Hongjoong, you break down. San and Wooyoung immediately surround you, wrapping you in their arms and ushering you to the car where you can cry in peace. Once you’ve calmed down enough, you explain everything with the occasional hiccup and sniffle. “I shouldn’t have pushed him, but he’s never said that to me before,” you end with a groan and let your head fall on the back of the passenger seat.
“No, yeah, that was out of line for him to say,” Wooyoung says and San makes a noise of agreement. “I get being tired, we all are and he has worked extra hard, but he shouldn’t take it out on you. He knew he was frustrated, and he should’ve taken some space or even asked you for some space more politely.”
“It wasn’t your fault, (Y/N). You weren’t looking to argue, it only escalated because he snapped,” San reassures you.
You sigh, nodding miserably when your phone dings. This time, Yunho texts you from his own phone. ‘Come back soon…he’s worried and so he’s angrier’ and it’s followed by a couple of emojis. You frown. “Should I go back? Yunho is with him and says he’s angrier cus he’s worried.”
San and Wooyoung exchange a look before Wooyoung speaks up, turning the key in the ignition. “Tell you what, we’ll go with you and if Hongjoong acts out of pocket again, we’ll bring him back to the dorm and get a manager noona to stay the night with you.” And as much as you don’t want to inconvenience one of their staff, you also don’t want to be left alone in the apartment and you begrudgingly agree.
When you walk back in the door, you see Hongjoong pacing the floor with Yunho on the couch attempting to placate him. “Hey guys,” he waves and you smile back and mouth a ‘thank you’ just as Hongjoong registers Yunho’s words.
“Where were you?” Hongjoong whirls around and glares.
“I left, just like you told me to, Joong. Are you ready to to talk like adults now?”
“Don’t lecture me when you went gallivanting into the rain with your holier-than-thou attitude,” Hongjoong starts to argue again but San’s low, dangerous voice interrupts.
“Finish that thought and you’ll have more pressing things to worry about, hyung. You’re coming back to the dorm. Now.”
Hongjoong scoffs. “You can’t kick me out of my own apartment,” he glowers, crossing his arms.
You’ve had quite enough. “They can’t but I can. Get out, Hongjoong. You’ve relentlessly insulted me and I do not deserve the attitude you think I do. Go to the dorms and cool down and don’t come back until you’re ready to act your age. The lease is in my name, I can and will kick you out right now, Kim Hongjoong.”
You’re tired, and you exit the room without another word, slamming the bedroom door behind you. You hear murmurs in the hallway and the faint noise of footsteps fades. A knock sounds on your door and you recognise Yunho’s voice. “I’m sorry about him, (Y/N). He’s been testy for the past few weeks. I called our manager to come and I’ll leave once she gets here. Take care of yourself and I beg of you, please don’t hate him.”
His voice fades and you can’t bring yourself to say anything. Your thoughts swirl in your head, confusion, hurt, all of the above. And once you hear the quiet mumblings of Yunho and the manager silence, you let the tears spill out of your eyes and you fall asleep soon after.
When you awaken the sun is up and you can hear the manager talking with someone in quiet tones. You’re somewhat sure of who it is, but you’re not sure you want to deal with that. It appears you’re going to have to, however, as the door closes and you hear familiar footsteps walking down the hall. Grumpily, you cover yourself with the blanket and do your best to pretend to sleep.
“(Y/N)? Can we talk?” You don’t grace him with a response but he’s known you for too long to fall for your acting. “I know you’re awake.”
“There’s not much to talk about,” you mumble under your breath but he hears you anyway and the bed dips as he sits beside your body.
"There's a lot to talk about, (Y/N)," Hongjoong's voice is quiet. "Let me lead with this—I'm sorry."
You tighten your grip on the covers. "Are you sorry or are you just trying to suck up to me? This isn't something we can just gloss over."
Hongjoong laughs sullenly. "Yes, Seonghwa made sure I understood that clearly," he sighs and you can't help but smile to yourself at the thought of Seonghwa reprimanding his leader. "You know, Jongho threatened me?"
You manage a chuckle. "That I can believe."
A hand rests on where he guessed your head to be and you don't shake off the touch. "But aside from that, I really am sorry. I had no right to take my anger out on you or lash out, especially like that. You didn't deserve that." Hongjoong still speaks softly, solemnly. "I know I hurt you and I promise to do all I can to remedy that."
You pull the covers down a little to peek at him. "My anger waned a while ago, Joong. I'm more hurt than anything and I hope for your sake and mine that you never do it again."
Hongjoong nods and you can see the sincerity in his eyes. "I promise you, I'll hold you tight always."
"Hongjoong, I hope you know how immensely disappointed I am in you. " Seonghwa's glare and his crossed arms are what greet Hongjoong at the entrance into the dorm. Hongjoong groans but Seonghwa just shakes his head and the leader silences. "For someone chosen to be a leader, you do a shit job under stress."
"I know you're mad, but you will give me respect," Hongjoong hisses at the sound of Seonghwa cursing, but the oldest member tsks.
"Well, now you know exactly what you put poor (Y/N) through, and she handled it a hell of a lot better than you did." The rest of the members' heads peek around the corner to stare at the rare sight of Hongjoong getting scolded and the leader has half a mind to tell them off but Seonghwa's having none of that. "I want you to ruminate on the damage you caused to your relationship, and apologise first thing in the morning. (Y/N) loves you, Hongjoong, and you better work hard to prove you deserve it."
At Seonghwa's tone, Hongjoong finally slips out of the daze he's been in all day and his eyes widen. "I fucked up, didn't I?"
Seonghwa nods. "You did. Fix it the best you can and I'm sure she will forgive you."
"I peomise I will," Hongjoong declares and Seonghwa smiles but his arms remain crossed.
"You tell her that. I don't need to hear it."
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oletus-writer · 10 months
Pinhead NSFW Alphabet
Warnings: nsfw, heavy bdsm themes
Authors note: this got deleted once, and I’m really tired, so it may be bad. sorry about that
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A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
Mortal, what is that? Why is that required? Many of those the cenobite has tortured did not require nor ask for aftercare, to be pampered after experiencing such pain and pleasure. The most you’ll get from them would be them taking care of your wounds and getting you a drink. Perhaps with time they’ll get better at it.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
They like your entire body, how it can fit so much pleasure on every inch of it, how they can rake knives through your back and run their cold tongue against your chest, the pins in their head running grooves into your skin. They do not understand the concept of vanity, and do not have a favourite part of themselves, but they do like how their hands are able to inflict such feelings…
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Their cum is a bit sticky and strange-tasting, a bit bitter. Today I found out about slugging in a sexual way, and, though they are rather open with regards to paraphilias, I don’t believe they see the pleasure in slugging.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
There’s not many secrets that Pinhead keeps, in regards to sex, but they will keep in mind what your boundaries are, and will not mention the kinks they think you won’t like.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
If you’re talking about experience in regards to inflicting pain, then yes, they are rather experienced, but when it comes to sex? They don’t remember the last time they thought of having sex.
F = Favourite position (this goes without saying)
I doubt suspension sex counts as a sex position, but regardless, it’s their favourite way to subject you to the ideas in their mind. However, if you want vanilla sex, missionary works just fine.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
There are no jokes in Pinhead’s bedroom, as you may need to explain the jokes to them, which would ruin the mood.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes?)
There is no hair to see whether or not the carpet matches the drapes, but their pubic hair is black, slightly thinner, and not groomed at all. Naturally, they don’t mind if you trim yours, as they do not understand why mortals are so hung up about it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? are they romantic?)
If you count intimacy as stroking your face while crying from pain, then sure, there’s a bit of intimacy, but there’s no kisses, no words of comfort, no candles (unless they want to burn you).
J = Jack off (masturbation headcannon)
As I’ve said before, they’re not too focused on sex, and would rather take out their frustrations by torturing people. They don’t masturbate often, unless it’s to snuff films.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
It would be easier to list the things they won’t do, which is not much, but if you want to see some of the stuff they might be into, so here’s a wikipedia link to a list of paraphilias.
L = Location (favourite places to have sex)
Whatever realm of hell they can send you to that is private and gives them free rein of their powers is a good location to have sex. They’re also not opposed to fucking you in the mortal realm, but they feel a bit more comfortable in hell.
M = Motivation (what turns them on?)
There’s not much you could do to turn them on, outside of torture, and their libido is less of a libido and more of a carnal desire to injure someone until every inch of their skin has been occupied with wounds. At first, flashy and revealing clothing may not do much for them, but if you introduce the concept of dressing up during sex, then they may get horny when they see you wearing such outfits. (Pavlov’s dog them)
N = No (what turns them off?)
It is rather hard to say that something turns them off, as they are very open minded when it comes to kinks and fetishes, to the point where it becomes a flaw. Don’t intraduce them to things that you yourself don’t want to try, as they’d definitely want to see what it’s all about. Why do mortals aroused by sunlight (actirasty)? Why do they like trees in a sexual way (dendrophilia)? Assisting people with automobiles particularly those stuck in the mud, snow, etc (pedal pumping)?? (I could go on) How creative your species are.
O = Oral (do they prefer giving or receiving? how skilled are they?)
Unless you really like pain, it is I’ll advised to have Pinhead give you oral, and for that exact reason, they are not too skilled at it. When it comes to this, they would be rather awkward, and it may take a while for them to get the hang of it.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
They are ruthless when it comes to inflicting pain, only pausing a few times to admire their work, or for you to savour the feelings of pleasure and pain. In regards to penetrative sex, they set a fast pace, as they would not like to be bored during sex.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies)
It seems to be a waste of time, as they are unable to show the full extent of the ideas they have planned, and it is more likely that quickies with them becomes full-blown sessions.
R = Risk (are they experimental? do they take risks?)
As stated before, they are willing to do about anything, regardless of whether or not they understand why you mortals enjoy such thing.
S = Stamina (how long do they last?)
They are a cenobite, and therefore does not have any concept of fatigue, but that doesn’t mean they want to last forever. After ten rounds or so, they’d start to get bored of it, but most likely, you won’t last that long to see them decide they’ve had enough.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them?)
If you count the strange contraptions they are able to summon as toys, then yes, they do own quite a few, which are often put to use. However, they have not known of the more common sex toys, such as vibrators, and, once introduced to them, may use them occasionally, although perhaps not in places where they were made to be used.
U = Unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
They don’t like teasing too much, as they would rather get to the meat of it, but will edge you and deny orgasms in the name of pleasure and pain. Pinhead themselves does not particularly enjoy being tortured, but things such as whipping, cutting, and breaking bones are not completely off the table.
V = Volume (how loud are they?)
Unless you top them, they’re going to be quiet. Even if you do take the role of dominant, there’s going to be a few grunts and heavy breathing, unless you do something game changing. Then they’re going to release a suppressed moan, and tilt their head away in embarrassment.
W = Wild card (a random headcannon for the character)
If you ever tell them about the kink forniphilia, or turning humans into furniture, they thought you meant skinning them, tanning them, and all the other processes that turns them into leather, which is then used for, say, a chair.
X = X-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
Pinhead was originally played by a man, and, according to Hellbound: Hellraiser II, was originally a man before they became a cenobite, so they do indeed have a penis. It is of average length, around 5.8 inches (14.7 cm) and a bit thinner than average.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
If by sex drive you mean the desire to experience new forms of pleasure and pain, then yes, they have a high sex drive. In terms of applying that to sex, they did not know of the concept of bdsm before, but after finding out about it, they were eager to partake in it.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Cenobites don’t fall asleep, so don’t expect to see them with their guard lowered, looking so peaceful in their sleep. The closest you’ll get is when they close their eyes for a while, a wave of bliss on their face as they’re imagining torture.
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Hello hello! I’m on my obey me shit again thanks to Nightbringer so please enjoy this self indulgent fic. If I was in MC’s place I def would have a breakdown so you will too <3 also I may have sprinkled some itsy bits Solomon x reader
Word count: 800+
Warnings: nightbringer spoilers (just like the main idea, nothing too bad), mental break, hurt/comfort ish, breaking shit, crying, Solomon being soft for reader, gn!reader
- Outlet -
You sat on your new bed in an unfamiliar house in a place that should feel like home. After Solomon dropped the bomb that without reforging the pacts you would essentially be stuck in the past forever, you excused yourself to take a shower to clear your head.
The shower, unfortunately, was counterproductive and actually just made your thoughts more jumbled. You didn’t know if you wanted to scream or cry or both or neither. Everything looked the same but nothing was the same. Except for Solomon, but that wasn’t really helping you right now. He couldn’t help you, not really.
You were in the past. You hadn’t even been born yet. Hell, your great grandparents hadn’t even been born yet. You couldn’t go to anyone for comfort. Solomon, bless his heart, doesn’t know how to comfort someone to save his life. Or theirs, considering he always offers to make them food. You didn’t have any family or friends here. Your best friends had no clue who you were, didn’t trust you enough to stay close. You were completely alone.
You had tried to scroll through the old messages between you and your boys, but it’s as if they had been deleted, or never happened. Technically they hadn’t yet. Everything was adding up and you weren’t sure how to let it out. You didn’t like to yell, you weren’t the type, but that’s all you wanted to do. Just scream and curse at whoever or whatever had done this to you. Had taken away everything and everyone you had ever loved and then dangled it in front of you, close enough to see, not to touch.
You stood up and walked over to a desk that sat in your room. On it was an antique lamp, some ceramic statue, and other stuff that really just looked breakable.
So that’s what you did.
You shoved everything off of the desk. The lamp clattering and the statue shattering. With a racing heart, you walked over to the bookshelf just a few paces away and starting demolishing it. Books, heavy and light, were thrown every which way. You went around the room, ripping open drawers and cupboards and just absolutely tearing everything up. Papers, clothes, pens, curtains. Anything and everything that wasn’t bolted down was a victim of your vengeful hands. You threw the covers off of the bed, the pillows following not long after.
Finally, there was nothing left to destroy. But your anger had subsided and this the waterworks began. Tears, hot and fat and unrelenting rolled down your cheeks as you sobbed. Curled up on the bed, hands covering your ears and pulling at your hair as your legs were splayed limp in front of you.
You were unsure how long you grieved for the life taken from you, but sobs had turned into soft sniffles and whimpers. A gentle knock on the door and a soft call of your name brought you back to yourself. You quickly wiped away the tears and snot that dribbled down your chin, carefully stepping over your mess to open the door for Solomon.
His eyes glanced at the room for just a moment before meeting your tired and puffy eyes. With a gentle touch, he guided you out and pulled you to another room, presumable another guest bedroom. You were numb, could barely process the soft words he was whispering as he helped you under the covers. When he turned to leave, you panicked, grabbing his wrist tightly to stop him.
“Please,” you whimpered, eyes welling up again. His gaze softened, “Don’t leave me alone.”
He hesitated, but when you uttered his name so softly, voice wavering with fear and grief, he couldn’t find it in himself to deny you. Then again, he never really could to begin with. Solomon gently lifted the covers, sliding in next to you as you made room for him.
He didn’t protest as you laid your head on his chest, hand tightly gripping his shirt as if he would disappear at any second. His arm draped around your shoulders, holding you against him while his other hand rested on top of your fist that gripped his shirt. The exhaustion caught up to you pretty quickly and he decided to quietly utter a spell that would ensure you a dreamless sleep.
Solomon didn’t fall asleep right away. He stayed up, thinking about you. How could he help you? If you thought it was hard to forge pacts with the brothers in the future, the past will be damn near impossible. They didn’t trust anyone except each other. But Solomon had faith, you had a history of doing the impossible.
He looked down at your resting figure, still holding tightly to him even in your sleep. You huffed, nuzzling your face into his shirt . He smiled, color rushing to his cheeks and he placed a gentle kiss to the top of your head. You settled and he finally allowed his eyes to close, vowing with the last bit of consciousness he had that he would help you get back, no matter the cost.
- Fin-
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swan2swan · 24 days
Let's talk about what happened with Brookenji.
And no, I don't mean the fallout in Chaos Theory. I mean what happened in the original show. At least, what I believe happened. This is--mind you--total Conspiracy Board style speculation based on little pieces of evidence collected and gathered throughout my years looking into behind-the-scenes stuff and following social media. It would really help if I could find one particularly tweet, but I think it was deleted either in anticipation of spoilers or just because he regularly deletes them.
But...here's the one responsible for that:
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Xi was the Original Ben, as you can see. Young and nervous. While Ben was...
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Well. Ben. Big Ben. But obviously the jock character. The tall, smarmy, rich white guy.
You may be able to see where this is going, but I submit this evidence to you from my memory, and you'll just have to trust me:
One of the showrunners of Camp Cretaceous tweeted ages ago (Season 1-2, well before Season 4 and the Nonsense), tweeted about how there's a disappointing lack of Asian romantic leads in media.
And you know what? He's right. Very much so! Think of ten major tentpole movies from the past thirty years and pull a Japanese, Korean, Chinese, or Vietnamese romantic lead. No, no, no, not the women! The men. An Asian man.
"Oh, well, Shang Chi--" no. Don't get cute.
The fact is, it's just...not a thing that happens. And I think one of the goals with Camp Cretaceous was to change that. Just like they struck ground with Yaz and Sammy being an interracial wlw romance in a children's cartoon, they were gonna put an Asian dude in the romantic partner position.
By now, you obviously see where this is going...and what happened:
If Xi had remained the scared kid, he would have fallen from the train. He would have grown in the jungle and emerged as a wild child. He would have an mmensely different feel in Season 3 where he was breaking away from the group and determining to stay on the island...until the end, when he bonded with the group.
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And that is when Brooklynn--or Jules, rather--would have suddenly taken interest in him. Xi and Jules, the wild kid and the rich girl. It would be cute!
But they changed things and took them in a different direction--possibly pretty close to the time the show started. Which meant that the whole first half of the show barely had any setup planned for Kenji and Brooklynn, as they were now known...and they didn't really want to go with Ben and Brooklynn. Especially with how strong the dynamics between Ben and Bumpy and Ben and Darius became.
But they still had to set up the Brookenji romance, and the plans for OG Ben and his Rich Dad to shatter the group dynamic suddenly had to adjust...and you know what? Throwing the romantic strain into it was a pretty good idea! Not bad! But...with the timing of his arrival, the writers only had one season left to them. So they had to jam it all into one season, because there was a little race-swapping done at the last minute that wound up being super-crucial to the endgame.
And personally?
As messy as Brookenji was, I think it was better for them not to remain rigidly focused Xi-Jules and turn it into Ben-Brooklynn. While it would have neatly paired off everyone for the final seasons--Ben and Brooklynn having their Rich Girl/Wild Child romance, Kenji and Darius having their Friends-to-Brothers arc as Kenji betrays the group for his dad (SEE HOW SMOOTHLY THAT WORKS, TOO?), and Yaz and Sammy...well, you know...I think I like what we got with Ben a lot more.
But you can see how the original plan of broad strokes would have been a lot smoother. Turned out that the characters evolved more than planned. And obviously they could have stuck with the Kenji/Darius focus being the main fallout of the group...but that also sort of leaves Brooklynn high and dry with regards to the plot. What's she got left? Though, also...looking back on those seasons...even her romance with Kenji didn't do much for her. Probably because it wasn't really supposed to be a thing. We don't know what the plans for Jules were in the original script, but when those got ditched (PRESUMABLY. THIS IS ALL ME SPECULATING!!!), they had to scramble with her. Maybe she was supposed to have more parental issues. I dunno.
But whatever the truth is, I do still maintain that Kenji was written to be a romantic guy with that in mind. Listening to Brooklynn's color preferences, feeling awkward, being protective...eck, he even kept that rizz through to the new series:
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But the bottom line is that Kenji isn't Xi. He didn't have the growth that was planned for Xi, which would have tsngentially influenced Brooklynn/Jules's sudden interest in him.
This is also one of the consequences that comes with having shows compressed and rushed so much in the modern era. If we'd been getting filler episodes over the seasons, they might have been able to start building Kenji and Brooklynn up during the E750 arc, if not sooner.
NOTE: I'm not sure what the scripting and planning timetables were with this show. But from what I've gathered, the characters were swapped well after the conceptual stages. And they made it work! There's still a coherent story! I think the sloppiness just came because they had to hurriedly change tracks on some parts, and we noticed.
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theroundbartable · 23 days
What are your merthur fav moments? And what are your fav personal headcanons about them? Also, do you have any fav ships (from any fandom) that the dynamics remind you of merthur?
You know it's bad when I can actually quote them without looking them up:
My absolute favorite scene is the one in "The Changeling" when Merlin holds his marriage speech. I LOVE that one. "I think you're mad. I think you're all mad, people should marry for love. Not convenience. And if Uther thinks an unhappy King makes for a better Kingdom, then he is wrong. You may be destined to rule Camelot, but you have a choice. As to how you do it!"
2. My second favorite is the one with the disir, when Arthur asks Merlin how he knew the place was sacred. It's the first time Merlin dares to open up about himself and it breaks my heart how it ends. "It's obvious." "Pretend it isn't." "Everything here ... is so full of life. Like everything is so much more than itself."
3. DIamond of the day part 2. Just - the entire episode. I love how heartbreaking it is (and I keep rewatching it so many bloody times, aaargh!). But I especially love the honesty and well... I love that Merlin got to choose when and how to tell Arthur about his magic. "I was born to be your servant, Arthur. And I am proud of that."
4. BOGMAN! The HUG! Arthur's desperation when Merlin is gone! Just - URGH! They are killing me.
5. The deleted scenes. First and foremost the Sigil scene! Everything is gayer in the deleted scenes. "Just ... take it." Personal Merthur headcanons?
I very much like the idea that Arthur believes that Merlin is in love with him. Like, from the very first time he saw Merlin steal a dress to the final episode, Arthur is convinced that that's Merlin's secret. I also like the idea that Arthur believes what they have is enough because Merlin never asked for more and Arthur is too afraid to lose Merlin to imply anything more. I also love the idea that at some point in their 10 years of friendship, Arthur CONSIDERED that Merlin may have magic. But that Merlin's constant choices against magic lead him to believe that it's just his imagination.
Arthur needs glasses. Short sighted, probably something like -3 and worse dioptrin. That's why he doesn't notice Merlin's eyes glowing golden when he's right in front of him. Arthur assumes it's candlelight or something.
Arthur keeps trying to show off in front of Merlin to earn his approval. (This one is canon, actually, what am I talking about?)
The servants in Camelot have their own Merlin fanclub and many of them are trying to set Merlin and Arthur up. Some of the knights like to help out.
Everyone thinks Merlin is the jealous one. However, turns out, whenever Merlin suspects a foreign prince/knight/bandit of doing something evil, or attacking Arthur, he is always right. Merlin is sensible and he trusts in Arthur, so he would never truly get jealous when there is no reason to be. When there IS a reason, he turns absolutely murderous though. In fact, Arthur is the jealous one. Only his jealousy is slow cooking. But it's less rational and when he is convinced Merlin has something with someone else, he goes absolutely feral. He avoids Merlin for days until he realises that Merlin doesn't care, then he makes a 180 and pretty much begs on his knees for Merlin to come back. At the same time, Arthur punishes whoever lord seems to have been too close to Merlin. Arthur was also, once, jealous of a horse.
They drink wine in the evening. And sometimes Merlin stays so late, that he has no choice but to stay over. And then, uuups - he shagged the prince. It's okay, it surely won't happen again tonight, will it? *cough cough*
Merlin's magic is very attached to Arthur... and Arthur will deny it, but he really, REALLY likes Merlin's magic. *wink wink*.
Arthur has rewritten at least 10 laws for Merlin before the magic ban is repealed.
... I can't give you all my headcanons, I need them for my fics, lmao XD
Ships from other fandoms that remind me of Merthur, you ask?
Banana fish: Ash x Eiji - Because ... the ending
Heartstopper: Nick x Charlie - When I found those books, I thought it was a BBC Merlin doujinshi. I love you ,Alice Oseman <3
Red, white and royal blue: Alex x Henry - I always felt that the book would work better as a series and I stand corrected. A gay prince dating the bi son of the female president of America? Hell yeah, consider me hooked.
Thank you for the question, anon! I hope you liked your answers!
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wrestlingisfake · 2 months
A brief history of CM Punk-AEW drama
Saw someone ask for a full recap of the Punk/AEW drama. So I spent an hour writing a decent summary, and by the time I finished they deleted the post I was trying to reblog. That's okay, I get it. But since I put in the work I'm just gonna make my own post, in case anyone else has questions.
I have tried to keep this as unbiased as possible, with a summary of the discourse at the end. If anybody needs more clarification on anything you can send me an ask.
CM Punk signed with AEW in 2021. Right away a big issue that came up was his ex-friend Colt Cabana. (Long story.) By early 2022, rumors began to swirl among the wrestlers that Punk was using his star power to get Cabana pushed out of the company. Cabana's friends in the company assumed the rumors were true and resented Punk. This came to a head in May 2022, when Adam Page referenced the rumors on live TV, in a segment with Punk. By this point Punk's relationship with Page and the Young Bucks was damaged beyond repair.
On September 4, 2022, during the post-show scrum for All Out, Punk aired his grievances with the Young Bucks (always referring to them as "the EVPs") and Adam Page. Punk clearly believed the Bucks manufactured the "Punk is trying to force Cabana out" story and leaked it to wrestling news sites to turn the locker room against Punk. Punk closed by saying that if anybody had a problem with him, he had an "open door" policy, and he'd be in his dressing room. The Bucks and fellow EVP Kenny Omega went to see him. A fight broke out. Everyone involved--even people who just tried to break it up--was suspended for a while (except Punk, who was going to be sidelined for months for a torn triceps either way).
We don't have much solid information about the September 2022 fight. Most reports I read suggest Punk and his friend Ace Steel made it physical, with Punk punching one of the Bucks (maybe both, I can't remember) and Steel throwing a chair and biting Omega. One account said the Bucks kicked the door open, unwittingly hitting Punk's dog in the face and knocking several teeth loose, which would have provoked Punk's side. It's also been suggested that since Steel's wife was in the room and in no condition to flee a potential three-on-two ambush, this could have made Steel and Punk feel they had to come out swinging. There is no footage of the fight, but there were neutral parties who witnessed it (notably including AEW's chief legal officer, Megha Parekh). Everyone involved signed NDAs and can't/won't talk about it on the record.
For the next nine months, it wasn't clear if Punk wanted to come back to AEW, or if AEW wanted to bring him back. Lots of people suggested that Punk and the three EVPs could talk it out and then make a lot of money turning it into a fake wrestling feud. But Omega and the Bucks showed no interest in talking to Punk or working with him. Ultimately Punk returned in June 2023 on a new show, Collision. The idea was that the EVPs (and anyone else who couldn't co-exist with Punk) would stay on Dynamite, and Punk would have carte blanche on Collision.
Within a couple of months, reports emerged about backstage issues involving Punk. The main one that blew up involved Jack Perry, who was always tight with the Bucks, and was typically on Dynamite, and not on Collision. Perry had vacation time scheduled and wanted to shoot an angle to explain his absence, in which HOOK would throw him into a car windshield. For some reason it didn't get done on a Dynamite taping, so arrangements were made to shoot it at a Collision taping. Everybody who thought the windshield spot with real glass was a bad idea asked Punk to talk Perry out of it. It's not clear whether Tony Khan approved the spot for Dynamite, or rescheduling it for Collision, or allowing Punk to have the last word. Ultimately the windshield spot was canceled.
On August 31, 2023, Perry wrestled Hook at All In, and they finally did the windshield spot that Punk previously nixed. Perry went out of his way to reference the earlier story, saying "You know what this is? Real glass! Go cry me a river," as if daring Punk to do something about it. After the match, Perry went behind the curtain just as Punk and Samoa Joe were getting ready for their match. By all accounts, Punk complained to Perry, Perry was like "what are you going to do about it?" and Punk decided that justified starting a fight. It was broken up very quickly, and then Punk got all hostile with Tony Khan, saying "this place is a joke and you're a clown." Punk was asked to leave, and within a week he had been terminated with cause.
The "CM Punk did nothing wrong" position, generally speaking, is that AEW is severely mismanaged, with Tony Khan allowing the Young Bucks and their friends to do a lot of dumb bullshit, leaving Punk no choice but to take matters into his own hands. Punk's enemies within AEW conspired to turn the locker room against him, and used wrestling news outlets to spread anti-Punk stories to turn the fandom against him. In any case, Punk is the biggest star AEW has ever signed (if not the biggest star AEW will ever sign), and it was bad for business to let him get so discouraged.
The "Punk screwed Punk" position, generally speaking, is that his grievances with AEW management stopped mattering whenever he resorted to physical force. His Bruiser Brody approach to throwing his weight around is backward and outdated in the 2020s (and didn't even end well for Brody in the 1980s). His assumption that the Bucks planted anti-Punk stories in the media is unfounded, and rather paranoid. He resents the EVPs for lawyering up instead of burying the hatchet, even though he feels totally justified taking the same approach with Colt Cabana. Basically, Punk thinks he can do what he likes, and anyone else who does the same against Punk's wishes is a snake, a clown, or soft.
Splitting the difference between these takes: Everybody should have talked this out by early 2022, before it got out of hand. Tony Khan should have gotten out in front of the the "Punk is trying to get rid of Cabana" rumors before they got online. Punk and Cabana should have come to terms on how they would co-exist as soon as Punk joined the company. Adam Page should not have bottled up his grievances until he was on live TV, and Punk should not have bottled up his resentment about that until a media scrum. Once it got past that point, and the first fight happened, Khan needed to take charge and settle it, immediately. He needed to choose, in September 2022, between keeping Punk aboard at all costs, or showing Punk who's boss at all costs. Instead, he tried to have it both ways for a year, until Punk made that impossible.
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arlertdarling · 3 months
tldr: i’m cancelling my follower event and moving blogs to @junovie. i’m officially back from my ‘break’ but i can’t promise i’ll be frequently active (at least not as much as i used to be), much less that i’ll be writing/posting new works regularly.
i look forward to catching up with you all !! thank you for your support and understanding <3
full original post under the cut
you may or may not have noticed that i’ve been quite inactive for the last few months or so.
i’m sorry to everyone who has reached out to me in that time — i’m not ignoring you, i’ve just been logged out of this account and staying away from tumblr in general. i plan on getting back to you all privately and individually, but if you could read this post, just so you have an idea of what’s going on, i would really appreciate it! :)
anyway, i have two announcements to make regarding my blog — not bad, but definitely important changes! i’ve been meaning to make them for a while, but only just found the time and courage to go through with them.
there’s also a more in-depth (albeit rambly) explanation to why and where i’ve been gone after the announcements. it’s a little long, so there’s no pressure to read it all if you don’t want to.
my first announcement is that i’m cancelling my 100+ follower event.
...but you probably all saw that one coming lol
i absolutely intended to complete all the requests regardless of how long it took, but it’s been over 7 months now and i no longer see myself ever getting around to them at this point. i feel awful about it, especially because i was so excited about the event and milestone itself, but i just don’t have the motivation to write the rest anymore.
to be transparent, the main thing that affected and eventually halted my work flow entirely is this weird subconscious self-disciplinary rule i had where i was ‘not allowed’ to write anything until i’d finished my old projects. this isn’t an actual rule obviously, but it prevented me from writing new ideas or enjoying writing on this blog/for tumblr as a whole for months. every time i got inspired to write something, i’d remember that i have these obligatory requests to complete first, that it would be selfish and unfair to ‘ignore’ or not prioritise them, that people will be mad at me for not doing so etc, etc.
i’ve luckily stopped thinking this way now, but that’s why i’ve made this decision. i should write for myself and my enjoyment, first and foremost. it shouldn’t be an obligation. it’s not a commission or contractual assignment, it’s a silly online milestone event that i made and can just as easily discontinue should i want to — so that’s what i’ve chosen to do.
thank you to everyone who participated and/or supported the event, it means a lot to me still, and i’m sorry to those whose requests i didn’t manage to write. even with how much time has passed, i still feel shame and embarrassment about how this all turned out, so your acceptance and understanding would be really appreciated.
my next announcement is that i’m moving blogs.
i’m moving to a new account where i have an interaction/personal main blog (@junovie) and my current nsfw writing sideblog. i might make a new sfw one for my other writing shenanigans, but i haven’t made up my mind about that one yet.
it’s nothing serious, i mostly just want a fresh start. this blog has gotten disorganised and messy, and while some people don’t mind or even like it that way, personally i need structure and organisation in order to stay sane, so my plan is to move to a new blog. as for this blog — i might delete it permanently in the future, but for now, i just intend to archive it.
with the announcements out of the way, i just have a few more things i want to talk about.
i’m currently writing this part of the post in march of 2024, but i’ve been considering these changes since around december of 2023, and started drafting this post in january.
in that time, i’ve been mostly logged out of this account (aside from when i would come to add to this post) and keeping tumblr at arm’s length in general for... no reason in particular really? i know many people have had at least one bad experience or two during their time on tumblr, which may have led to them needing a break, but i’ve honestly been lucky enough to never have encountered anything severe personally.
for the most part, i’ve just been focused on my education. i’m at a stage in my life where i have important decisions to be making, paths and passions i want to be pursuing, responsibilities i need to be taking care of... and in comparison, my time for writing on tumblr has dwindled.
on the other hand, this ‘break’ of sorts, away from tumblr, has helped me realise just how much of my time i had been spending on what is really just another silly little social media app on my silly little phone. that’s not to say the people i’ve met and the feelings i’ve experienced aren’t good, valuable or a part of my life, or that the support i’ve received and joy i’ve shared don’t have worth in the bigger picture, because they are, they do, and i’m grateful for them all!! but in retrospect, there were, and are, more important things in my life that require my time, energy and attention [over writing] and that i should have been prioritising sooner. that’s on me for getting essentially addicted and becoming neglectful, and that’s why i needed to step back like i have.
in some ways, i feel a little guilty, because i feel like, i don’t know... like my sudden ‘hiatus’ should have been as a result of some big, crazy life event, or depression or something. and it kind of was [the latter], at the start, but the truth is it’s the opposite now? like, i’ve just been happier these days... but i don’t think it has anything to do with my break from tumblr, at least not in the sense that it makes me unhappy, or the absence of it improves my mental health or whatever. just in the sense that the time i would have spent scrolling or writing, i’ve now been spending doing other hobbies that make me happy, making connections with real life people, reflecting on and learning to love life and myself. i’m far from being where i want to be and i’m definitely still figuring things out, but i feel like i’m better at dividing my time now, and more capable of being on tumblr without it consuming my life force and every waking thought.
so, i’m going to come back, but i’m making no promises that i’ll be frequently active (at least not as much as i used to be), much less that i’ll be writing/posting new works regularly, especially not requests. i’m here just to have fun, be silly, bond with people over stories and fictional characters — and whatever else i may want in the future — but i never want it to feel like a chore or burden again.
even though i feel bad for basically ghosting everyone in my inbox and being inexplicably MIA for like, 3 months, i don’t regret taking this break. i just hope everyone will understand and respect my decisions and the changes to come.
friends/mutuals are welcome to message me if you’re curious about details or concerned or whatever else, but i’ve probably said enough here to answer any questions lol. i look forward to coming back and catching up with you all.
see you guys soon <3
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AITA (M, 20) for not supporting my best friend and roommate's (M, 21) new relationship?
-> Day 3: Fake Dating. I know that robin is a lesbian okay
I and my best friend have known each other since forever. Our relationship had a bit of a rocky start (he used to bully me, then he started dating this girl (20, F), then I punched him in the face, me and his girlfriend started getting closer and we ended up kinda cheating while on a roadtrip together (though their relationship was already falling apart anyway), she broke up with him and we got together, the three of us spent lots of time together because we had no one else, and a whole bunch of more stuff. But we worked through it.)
We both were raised in a small conservative town - which, as two bi people, was not exactly fun. He didn't even know that you could like more than one gender, and I denied this part of myself for the longest time due to being in a m/f relationship.
My (or I guess our?) ex is super smart and got into a great university far away. The plan had been for me to go with her, but I was rejected and also didn't want to live so far away from my siblings (M, 16 & F, 15). So me, my best friend, and his other best friend (F, 19) moved in together to go to another uni. Well my best friend started dating his other best friend. Like, they already used to be extremely close, but now they are touching ALL THE TIME. And she keeps whispering stuff into his ear. And they only have eyes for each other. And are all giggly the whole time. And I feel...bad. I really though I was over the internalized biphobia. Just because he is in a m/f relationship doesn't mean he is any less queer or betraying me or anything. And now I feel doubly bad because even though I know that, it doesn't stop me from feeling this way. It is just a really fucking bad situation overall. Can anyone please help me?
Can you please elaborate on the whole ex-girlfriend thing?? Wtf??!?!
I don't think that that particular aspect is needed to better understand my current situation. Although I must commend you for your rather accurate username.
Hey. Not to be that guy. But like....did you ever consider that maybe there is another reason why you may be upset about your bf being in a relationship?
omg u/greathairington u/greathairington u/greathairington I TOLD YOU IT WOULD FUCKING WORK GAY FANFICTION HAS NEVER LET ME DOWN
what the fuck jon robin is literally a lesbian?!?!?!
UPDATE: My best friend (now boyfriend!!) (M, 21) and HIS best friend (F, 19) were faking a relatonship. As it turns out, he had been into me the whole time and was by now desperate enough to agree when she had the grandiose idea to pretend to be together in order to make me jealous. This is the reason I never caught them kissing: she is a lesbian. I can't believe I didn't know that. I can't believe it actually worked. I can't believe that me punching him in the face was his bi awakening. At least this whole thing had a happy ending. I will now bury myself into a hole.
Don't let that mf fool you they are literally so disgusting rn
(this message was deleted due to multiple infringements of our guidelines)
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