#the nursery nurse fanart
vampstaubrey · 3 months
love me for never posting (i forgot tumblr existed) anywho, here's aut <3
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marjorie-88 · 7 months
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elslittlestories · 1 month
Star Wars Fanart Masterlist
(The Bad Batch & Fives)
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Photoshoot on Pabu's pier
Individual pieces : Wrecker - Tech - Echo - Hunter - Crosshair - Fives
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All-in-one post
Individual pieces : Fives & Echo - Wrecker - Crosshair - Hunter - Tech (+ bonus) - Wrecker #2 - Tech #2 (sketch)
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Nursery AU and other Baby Batch art
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Playtime at the nursery
Tech spinning
Tech & Wrecker watching sex ed (totally SFW, no worries)
Tech & Wrecker cuddling with nurse Dita
Jango and baby Boba
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The boys together :
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The elevator (Fives, Hunter & Tech)
Smoke bomb in the barracks (Tech, Echo & Wrecker)
Make them kiss (silly comics with Fennec)
The boys through the years (full squad)
Summer time on Pabu (Tech & Hunter)
Tech & Hunter, realistic portraits
Modern AU (Full squad)
Shenanigans with Fives
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Tech's guard (OG squad, cadets)
They needed a nap (OG squad)
Riding Cody's Speeder (OG squad, WIP)
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Tech :
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Tech tinkering on his helmet
Selfie with Phee
Kissing Phee
Portrait of Tech (color pencils)
Lay with me
Tech with bushy hair
Tech dyed his hair 🌈
Hunter :
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Portrait of Hunter without his bandana (pencil art)
Hunter & Omega (post season 3)
Hunter's eyes (pencil art)
Hunter with bushy hair
Fancy knife throw
Crosshair :
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Crosshair taking aim Olympics style
Hemlock tells Crosshair about Tech...
Eminem fan
Crosshair & Omega as Wirth & Greg
Wrecker :
Smiling Wrecker (realistic portrait)
Fives :
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Fives sends his love
Drummer Fives 🤘
Quick Fives with a wink
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For NSFW art, see the dedicated masterlist here
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jbarkerstargazer · 1 year
14, 15, and 16 for the artist ask meme please!
Right lets try this again @test465. (I answered this last night and my internet decided it wasn’t good enough to exist.)
14. How has your art changed over the years?
I’m not sure it has in style or desire to create what I do create. There has always been a fair amount of pop culture reference in my art even if it isn’t fanart. I will say it has gotten better with practice you should see the first Pikachu I did, it was on my parents wheelie bin and still is after almost 30 years and my parents been moved out of that house for 10 of those. I do now feel better about putting out pieces that I don’t deem ‘perfect’ and that has come from doing things like Inktober here on Tumblr. Me of even 3 years ago would not have dared put an unfinished piece out but the 1 drawing a day challenges don’t give you that option and it has helped me a lot.
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15.Biggest artist pet peeve?
Under appreciation of artwork in any form and made by anyone. Art isn’t about that level of skill the finished piece shows its about doing art. Art is fundamental to being human, we have cave art that proves that. This view affects how I practice as a nursery nurse. Children in my setting give me their pictures more then any other member of staff as I have a board just for those pictures. We also have The Big Picture. This is a large board that the children help me create whether that be by creating images to go on it or climbing ladders to paint it themselves.
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16.What’s the most daunting part of your process?
Reference images. I hate trying to find them it takes me forever and slows my progress, but its all my evil brains fault. I find an image that’s close enough and instead of working from it my brain ‘says no we can find something better lets spend the rest of the evening not finding it instead of starting this art piece you have been looking forward to doing all day.’ Evil brain.
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glowstiickss · 6 years
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derek nurse and ricky montgomery are the loves of my life
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Characters from Worm and Ward as @dril_gpt2 tweets
Wildbow: i wrote the post. sorry everyone.
Emma:  You fucking worm. Youre a foul, stinking rat. Fanart is pure garbage.
Skitter, pre-Leviathan:  my followers are wasting my time by asking me stupid shit like "where is my worm hole" and "where is my piss hole"
Tattletale:  13 Reasons Why Sasquatch Is Real
Bitch:  you know society is ASS-FUCKED when people spend tens of millions of dollars to maim and disfigure their dogs in an effort to appear more "INTP"
Panacea: im going to dress up like a nurse and perform emergency C-sections on the street to build self respect
Coil, on Dinah: Everything you say is true and good. no exceptions
Miss Militia: the idea that i would ever lose my shit on the computer board game "minesweeper" is one of the most despicable maladies ive ever suffered
Skitter, post-Leviathan: to the guy who paid me to distribute free toilet paper to the homeless in my hometown: thanks for 00000000000 \000 \000 .
Jack Slash: the human mind... is a funny little thing... called A Mind
Crawler: my ass has become highly immunized against fungal infections, by ingesting fantastic amounts of kfc
Cherish: sending my most powerful kiss to any image of blue jeans because i just want to die by suicide because my brain and body are FUCKED
Dragon: ...the US Navy's newest computer chip can now program itself to 'Play Pokemon' and evolve into a Pokemon with it ....
Simurgh: saddened to see that people woud gravitate towards gaming as a career path, rather than exclusively gravitate towards gaming during a time of crisis
Perdition: *does the dishes in reverse for shock value*
Watchdog:  INTRODUCTION TO THE GUILD OF THINKERS 1. who are these people whose opinions are worth less than mine to keep me away from the toilet 2. how do i add 3D effects to my hair 3. WHO CARES I DIDNT ADD 3D SHADES TO MY JUGGLY
Greg: well gotta go with the old adage "Dont forget to feed the trolls"
Valefor: causing your dick to hurt because you have too much respect for the Virgin Mary to engrave "666" onto the back of your dick
Weaver: I will do the right thing, and delete all my posts about eating maggots
Behemoth:  *glances towards the camera slowly becoming more and more skeletal*
Tecton: Geology is Theory. Geology is not Fact.
Heartbreaker:  me fucking ruining another wedding by asking the bride to marry me for $6. its just too hard
Glenn Chambers: the most important part of being a content producer is being able to mentally picture the Brands' Emblems on your fridge and never missing a Brand Point Update
Glenn Chambers, on Skitter: "i firmly believe that bugs should be banned," i continue, letting the video conclude. "But…" i pause to collect myself, "but…" i increase the volume
Riley: im sorry but how can i reconcile my increasingly loathsome behaviors with the cheerful, bubbly manner in which i am marketed
Clockblocker: according to wikipedia, the bed bugs and human fly larvae that burrow into my skin and organs are my soul mate
Andrew Richter: i am truly devastated to announce that the y2k bug is now officially classified as a feature
Scion:  1) Kill all the people 2)
The Elite:  to the distrusted: To the disappointed: Towards the hungry: I will not trade places with you. Good bye.
Eden:  As an evolved being I want to fuck Humankind
Khepri:  my followers are nothing but worms, trying to devour me alive , my only value is that i make people mad
Pandora:  i've been itching to get online for a while now, and i finally did it. this is the ultimate sacrifice
Bitch, with Biter:  i have the brain of a small dog and the asshole of a college educated adult
Valkyrie, on Clockblocker, Kid Win, and Grue: The "Boys" are back! They're back from the dead
Victoria Dallon, looking for work: After finding out that my followers believed that doctors should be allowed to force me to eat grass, i vowed never to read any posts from you all again
Seir: the "minor girls" jokes is one of the few parts of the Alabama Republican Platform That I actually respect, and wouldn't change a word
Mama Mathers:  god grant me th e ability to send very strong, very small particles of information through the air into the eyeballs of <- targeted <-
Tattletale, on clusters: blood transfusions vs gunshot wounds - the jury is still out on which one is "good"
Sidepiece: here comes that ass hole. here comes that spleen. here comes that gut. *spits out another mouthful of food turds* wow. im pretty good at kicking ass
Nursery: How To Make Hugs Out Of Anything - Essential book for new Mommers
Foil: You've heard of Small Arms Firepower, but did you Know Small Arms Penetration Power?
Love Lost: Fear not, a tiny speaker attached to my gas mask will allow me to better understand the emotions of my followers
Ratcatcher:  Rats Are Life Forms Too Sub-Genius
Custodian: i demand now that complete and utter silence be accorded to the hideous sonic boogie man who has inhabited my thoughts for 17 years.
Teacher: micropenis Wearing A Turtleneck Sweater
Valkyrie, on Furcate: i am fucking thrilled that my daughter is becoming ultra-sensitive to light after undergoing sex reassignment surgery. she is the most POWERFUL KISS GIRL yet
Ingenue: my nudes... have helped me tremendously in my career, and... i'm extremely Pleased...
Cradle: brain death huh. Not good. Not good at all.
Negotiator Shard:  strapped to an eyeball looking for the peak of Mt. Doom, not realizing that all the eyeballs are now gnawing
Red Queen:  I think that for every person who tells me that they like my posts i should be able to kill about 8 people
SpaceBattles:  im classified as a Mature writer, 1) I cannot handle discussion of sexual matters 2) I am unlikely to read a book of 100,000 words without destruc[ing myself physically)
Eric:  i help girls by inventing and selling "I helped a girl" tshirts. i have a very good following
Parian:  in mourning the passing of my grandmother, i will gladly accept donations to pay for her "Face lift".
Gimel Checkpoint Attendants:  #DollarsShit the US Dollar has devalued, and is the currency of scum, and shit
Antares, at the crystals:  a giant screen saver depicting my entire fucking body changing into a huge wad of spaghetti
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