#the oc:s4
waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The End's Not Near, It's Here
Episode Number: #92 Original Air Date: February 22, 2007
Favorite Song:
The original score from ‘The Pilot’
“Life is a Song” by Patrick Park
Favorite Moment:
Kaitlin meeting the Bullitts and Julie telling them it’s a boy.
Bullitt: “Lucky number 13. Yes!”
The Cohens +1 trying to get the house back.
Sandy: “Is there any chance we could see the kitchen? Just to see if the ‘Seth Cohen Growth Chart’ is still notched on the wall?” Patrick: “It’s not. We thought it was termites.” Seth: “Oh. I hit three feet. I mean, it was a pretty huge accomplishment.”
Sophie Rose Cohen.
Sandy: “We’ll be outta your hair in just a sec.” Kirsten: “Sandy!?” S: “Or not.” K: “SANDY!” S: “I’m here.” K: “Oh my God.” Todd: “Okay, this isn’t the bathroom.” K: “I’m sorry. I didn’t make it. My water broke.” S: “Seth, call an ambulance!” K: “There’s no time for an ambulance.” Patrick: “This is so random but I’m actually a midwife.” K: “Good because this baby is coming now.”
Sandy: “Sophie Rose Cohen. It’s got a nice ring to it, huh?” Kirsten: “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Seth: “She really will be in two years when she doesn’t look like a squished meatball.” Ryan: “You just called your sister a squished meatball.” Sa.: “You should have seen what you looked like when you were born.” K: “Oh, he was beautiful, too.” Se.: “Yeah, I was!” Sa.: “You looked like you went 12 rounds with Joe Frazier.”
Runaway Wedding
Julie: “Let me see my flower girl.” Kirsten: “Julie?” Sandy: “Are you a runaway bride?” Todd: “More like a runaway wedding.”
Offering the house to the Cohens
Patrick: “Todd and I were talking and – Look, you had a baby here. You had a wedding.” Todd: “Christened one of our bedrooms.” P: “Clearly, you have a connection. This is your house; we’re just living in it.”
Packing up the bagel slicer!
Everyone saying goodbye to the house. One last group hug.
Ryan: “I think I’m just gonna hang out. As much as this house meant to you…” Sandy: “Take your time.”
Ryan and his flashbacks. I am weeping.
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Sandy, to Kirsten: “Hey, Momma. Have a seat.”
Sandy: “Wherever our family is, that’s home.”
Sandy: “You in?” Kirsten: “Yeah.” S: “The Cohens are moving to Berkeley! Sophie, you’re home!”
Looking through the old pictures.
Sandy and Sophie sleeping!!! The Chrismukkah Card!
Favorite Character:
Hanoi Bullitt.
Gordon Bullitt.
“No, thank you, Kirsten. I’m lactose intolerant.”
“She dropped child up in San Fran.”
“That woman is like nailing Jello to the wall.”
Julie Cooper.
I’m so proud of her staying single. Graduating!
Summer: “Don’t forget his cage. Which should not be used for cage fighting.”
Ryan Atwood.
“Hey, kid. You need help?”
And we’ve come full circle, thank you.
Favorite Actor:
Autumn Reeser.
That monologue in the airport, man.
Favorite Quote:
Ryan: “I do need your help. With a plan.” Seth: “Does it involve leaving this room?” R: “It involves leaving the city.”
Todd, to Ryan and Seth: “You’re an adorable couple but this house is not for sale.”
Kirsten: “I can’t fly. I’m 9 months pregnant.” Bullitt: “Oh, my son, Amarillo, is waiting in the plane. He’s one of those doctors for women’s private parts.”
Sandy: “Well, things have a way of coming back around.”
Julie: “Not now, Kaitlin. Mom’s trying to decide who to marry.”
Julie: “I was kind of getting used to becoming a Cohen.”
Summer: “Ew.”
Ryan, to Taylor: “You saved me.”
Favorite Relationship:
Julie and Summer.
J: “I got married so young that I never had a chance to find out who I was or what I cared about.”
J: “Here I am, twenty years later, still knocked up on my wedding day.”
J: “Summer, you’re a great girl and the world deserves to know you. You deserve it too. Don’t settle for comfortable.”
The Marissa locket Summer gives to Julie.
S: “I know she would have wanted to be here today.”
Julie and Kirsten.
Julie: “I can’t get married without Kiki. She’s my best friend. I’m sorry but I’m not doing it without her.”
My goodness, the way their friendship has evolved.
Seth and Summer.
Su.: “You’re my destiny, Cohen.” Se.: “Go save the world, Summer Roberts.”
Ryan and Seth.
 Seth: “At least I leave you funnier than when I found you.” Ryan: “I’m a lot better off than when you found me.” Seth: “Me too.”
Least Favorite Quote:
Kaitlin: “I’ll schmear it for ya.”
Sorry, Willa. Terrible Sandy Cohen.
Least Favorite Relationship:
Julie and Frank. Always Julie and Frank.
What I Would Have Done Differently:
Why didn’t we see Kirsten in the flash forward?!
Kirsten and Julie pregnant together again
An Atwood running to a lady love
Digs at Kirsten’s snoring
Sandy: “Mother and daughter are snoring soundly.”
Taylor: “Ryan Atwood, mon ami. Sounds terif.”
Patrick: “You can’t fight fate.”
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Night Moves
Episode Number: #91 Original Air Date: February 15, 2007
Favorite Song:
“I Turn My Camera On” by Rock Kills Kid
Favorite Moment:
Julie, Kaitlin, and the ice cream guy.
Kaitlin: “What the heck was the tongue for?!”
Julie: “You got a makeover under false pretenses.” Kaitlin: “You lied about having asthma.” J: “Do you even like Bob Seger?!”
The Cohens+1+another on the way
Kirsten: “Everything’s fine. The baby’s okay. She’s okay.” Seth: “She?” Sandy: “It’s a girl.”
Ratio changer!
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Sandy: “We should get you to the hospital.” Kirsten: “I’m fine; it’s just a bump on the head. Mine! Not his or hers.”
Sandy: “Kirsten?! Kirsten?!” Shop Owner: “Over here, Mr. Cohen.” Kirsten: “Sandy, something is not right.”
Sandy: “Excuse me, doctor. My wife would never complain. She’d never put her needs before anybody. I am not that proud, I am not that selfless. I am asking you. Please, give her and our baby priority.”
S, to doctor about test results: “Let me know first. Just so I can prepare my wife. It’s kind of crazy in that we have two other boys that are going off to college so we were expecting to have an empty nest. Then, all of a sudden, this unplanned miraculous event. The fact of the matter is I can’t think of anything worse than an empty nest. Anything you can do for that little baby, please do it.”
Sandy, taking charge, dropping panties.
Kirsten: “This is like Berkeley, 1989.” Sandy: “You say that so warmly.” K: “Not that I’m fond of natural disasters. But there’s nothing sexier than your husband calming an angry mob.”
Sandy’s face when he sees the baby on the monitor for the first time!!! Squee!
Favorite Character:
“Grace under fire is a very important quality. I don’t want you to think that I’m lacking in it.”
“Oh my God, is that blood? I faint at the sight of blood. Oh, no, it’s glitter.”
Favorite Actor:
The pelican
Favorite Quote:
Taylor: “Don’t you think the boys are acting weird.” Summer: “The shifty looks, finishing each other’s sentences like they’re composing a lie on the spot?” Taylor: “Yeah.” Summer: “Totally normal for them.”
Summer: “If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s you make your own family.”
Summer: “Ew, I am not touching your pistol!”
Favorite Relationship:
Ryan and Seth.
Turned tables: Seth has to save Ryan!
Seth’s methods of distractions.
Seth: “We could start with a list of everyone you hit in the face since moving to Newport.”
Seth: “What about Holly’s dad at cotillion?” Ryan: “That was more of a tackle.”
Seth: “I guess this is the point where I tell you that you gave us all quite a scare. Except I was never scared.”
Seth: “You’re going to have to wrap your head around the fact that we’re really brothers now. We’re blood brothers.” Ryan: “You donated blood?” S: “I had an extra few pints flowing through my veins. It was no big deal.” R: “You’re not a big fan of needles.” S: “Nor of fainting, it turns out. But the bank was a little low, and us O-negative guys have to stay together.” R: “That’s weird because all of a sudden I have this urge to listen to Death Cab and read comic books.”
R: “I don’t know if I said this at all today but-“ S: “You did. After all the times you saved me, I was up.”
What The F@&#?!:
WHY, WHY, WHY can this hospital show priority for a BUNNY but not a PREGNANT KIRSTEN?!
Summer: “Go 187 on that zombie ass.”
Kelly was in the movie, 187, with Samuel L. Jackson.
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Shake Up
Episode Number: #90 Original Air Date: February 8, 2007
Favorite Moment:
The Six-Pack Pack
Holly: “I have worked too hard for this body to let it become some dumpy baby factory. Who says I can’t have a baby and a six-pack?”
Holly: “So should we let her in?” Pack Member: “Totally. She’s ripped.” H: “We formed a club. Promised ourselves we wouldn’t turn out like Molly the Mammoth over there.”
H: “Do you want in? We call ourselves the Six-Pack Pack. Isn’t that, like, so cute? Don’t you just wanna barf?” K: “All the time.”
Kirsten telling a Newpsie she’s an alcoholic.
Carrie: “Tell me you’re not bailing because you’re pregnant. That’s so lame.” K: “Actually, I’m an alcoholic.” C: “Oh. God. Me too!”
It’s such a good moment because it’s such an accurate depiction of Newport. It takes a lot for Kirsten to say those words but not a thing for Carrie to say them.
Frank going to Ryan for advice.
I enjoy their relationship taking baby steps. I just don’t like the Julie/Frank arc.
All the men protecting their women during the earthquake
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Kirsten: “People in Newport are awful.” Sandy: “Honey, you’re a little late to the party. I’ve been saying that for 20 years.”
Sandy: “More importantly, do you think they’ll let me join the Six-Pack Pack? I’ve been doing my sit-ups. Hit me with your best shot. C’mon, wind up.”
Kirsten: “You know, Sandy, I’m suddenly not feeling so well.” Sandy: “I better get you home.”
Favorite Quote:
Ryan: “Honestly, I’m scared.” Sandy: “Good, you should be.” R: “That’s reassuring?” S: “It might be the most powerful thing you can say to another person. It changes everything.”
Ryan: “It’s the Atwood genes. We’re built to withstand massive amounts of alcohol.”
Seth: “Tell me, Ryan. What’s it like having Dean Hess’ sloppy seconds?”
Taylor: “I suggested a drinking game. I called it ‘Drink’. When I said ‘drink’, we drank.” Summer: “Simply but effective.”
Taylor: “I ended up standing on the coffee table, singing ‘Part of Your World’ and telling him he was my Prince Eric.”
Everyone: “Happy birthday!” Taylor: “Oh my God, what a surprise.” Sandy: “Oh, I didn’t know it was a surprise party.” Summer: “Just go with it. It’s Taylor.”
About his gift, Kirsten: “Ryan’s embarrassed.” Ryan: “No, it’s just… it’s personal.” Sandy: “Well, I hope so.” Taylor: “Oh my God. It’s… a dictionary?” Kirsten: “That is practical?” Ryan: “Yeah, the guy said it had more words than others.” Sandy: “That’s good. Being that it is a dictionary.”
Kaitlin, to Julie: “He is not family. You and I are.”
Favorite Relationship:
Kaitlin and Ryan.
K: “I really didn’t wanna rush into an insta-family again. I mean, how long would this one last? Like a month.” R: “You never know. When I moved in with the Cohens, I gave it a week. Here I am.” K: “I wish there was a way to tell if it was going to work out.” R: “But there isn’t. But I promise you I will always be your brother. In a completely non-creepy way.”
Foreshadowing/Recurring Themes:
Sandy/Kirsten + Disastrous Double Dates
Sandy: “Thank you both for an unforgettable evening.”
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Case of the Franks
Episode Number: #89 Original Air Date: February 1, 2007
Favorite Moment:
All the flashbacks.
The mermaid poem.
Kirsten: “Jimmy, on paper, that makes sense. But in my heart, it just doesn’t feel right.”
When Sandy and Kirsten become the romantic analogy for the episode.
Summer: “What if we’re each other’s Sandy Cohen?” Seth: “What?” Summer: “You know, the one before the one. The one you think is right before you meet your Sandy Cohen?” Seth: “Wait, are we saying that because Taylor wrote the poem, she’s my Sandy Cohen? As delicious of a twist as that would be, it’s not going to happen.”
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Sandy: “I’m having flashbacks to when you were pregnant with Seth.” Kirsten: “I know, and all I did was eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.” S: “I made some of my finest sandwiches in that era.” K: “And I haven’t had peanut butter and jelly since.”
K: “So, famous couples through time?” Summer: “Yeah. You know, Romeo and Juliet. Fred and Wilma. Sandy and Kirsten Cohen. Do you think it’s a good idea for a collage?” K: “Seth’s gonna love it. And I am very flattered that Sandy and I made the cut.”
Summer: “When you met Sandy, how did you know he was the one?” Kirsten: “I had never imagined myself with someone like Sandy. But it just felt right.”
Sandy: “Why didn’t you ever say anything?” Kirsten: “Part of it was timing. It had only been a month. But then, the greatest thing in the world happened to me.”
Young Sandy: “If you’re not a pamphlet reader, I could take you to coffee. Tell you all about why Mondale and Ferraro are going to lose.” Young Kirsten: “So sure they are going to lose, why bother?” YS: “I don’t know. It just feels right.”
Sandy: “My lucky day.” Kirsten: “My lucky day.”
These two, man!
Favorite Actor:
Ellen Hollman and Max Greenfield as young Kirsten and Sandy
They played the characters so well. I wonder how they prepared to portray four-season-old characters in their twenties.
For instance, did Ellen know that Kirsten always puts her arms around Sandy’s neck and crosses her wrists? Maybe it’s a coincidence but it’s interesting.
And, oh my God, how charming is young Sandy Cohen?
Favorite Quote:
About Taylor, Frank: “She gets her way, doesn’t she?” Ryan: “The women is a bulldozer.”
Bullitt: “Here comes the little lady. Every 10 seconds, she’s in the john painting her face. Not that I’m complaining. A number that hot? I don’t ask questions.”
Julie: “I don’t think Ryan would approve. God knows I’ve put that kid through enough.”
Seth: “I know that psychic has a lot of credibility. She works at a kiosk and she doesn’t appear to charge for her services.”
Favorite Relationship:
Summer and Kirsten. This is such an interesting episode for their relationship. It’s nice that the writers gave us a look at Kirsten as a mother-in-law figure. I mean, Summer even asks her about her relationship with Jimmy. Kirsten’s not the most open individual but she lets Summer in and the result is a very heart-felt moment.
As they look through old photos, S: “Gosh, check out that permage.” K: “Top Gun had just come out. I wasn’t thinking clearly.” S: “I guess not. … Is that you and Jimmy Cooper? Holy guac.”
S: “Did you ever think that Jimmy was the one?” K: “…. We planned our lives together. He was going to work for my father and I was going to through fabulous dinner parties. We even had names for our kids.” S: “Then you broke up…” K: “We grew up. … I loved Jimmy a lot when I was your age. But I changed. So will you.”
K: “Summer, if you’re meant to be with Seth, it’ll happen. You just have to be patient.” S: “I’m not very good at that.” K: “No one is.”
Seth and Summer.
Seth: “Okay, I admit it. I put way to much stock into that poem.” Summer: “But I’m not the girl you thought I was.” Se.: “You’re not. You, Summer, are better.”
Seth: “And over the last 950 days that we’ve been dating- Yes, I counted. And yes, I counted the Zach era because, really, who are we kidding? I’ve watched you grow into this incredible woman. And that is who I love.”
Summer: “I picked couples through time.” Seth: “Ah, and where are we?” Summer: “I was hoping that someday we could go in the middle.”
Least Favorite Quote:
Frank: “We’re just from the same world.”
Incestuous, inappropriate?
Least Favorite Relationship:
Julie and Frank.
I’m with Ryan.
Taylor: “I mean, your dad and Julie Cooper. It’s just so—“ Ryan: “Incestuous, inappropriate?”
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Groudhog Day
Episode Number: #88 Original Air Date: January 25, 2007
Favorite Song: “The House We Live In” by The Stills
Favorite Moment:
Cohens+1 learning about the baby
Seth: “Oh my God.” Ryan: “Oh my God.” Sandy: “That’s what I said.”
Sandy: "It's family. There's nothing more important than that."
Seth: “It’s great. Especially since it makes me getting arrested seem trivial now.” Kirsten: “You got what?” Seth: “Thanks for prepping her, Dad.”
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Sandy: “You’re more beautiful now than the day we met. Soon Seth and Ryan will be gone. We’ll be able to do whatever we want. We’ll be like kids again.” Kirsten: “And live in the back of a mail truck?” S: “Why not? Maybe we’ll throw in a pillow top mattress. My back’s not what it used to be.”
Sandy driving the mailtruck to Kirsten
Sandy: “Around the world first class air tickets. Just you and me. … That’s not too bad, is it?” Kirsten: “Uh, I think I can top it.”
Kirsten: “I’m pregnant.” Sandy: “Wait, one more time.” K: “Sandy, we’re having a baby.” S: “We’re having a baby?!” K: “Everything’s going to change.” S: “You’re not kidding. … I love you.” K: “Well, that’s good, because there’s going to be a lot more of me to love.”
K: “And suddenly we’re alone again.” S: “Not for long.”
Favorite Quote:
Kirsten: “Watching a movie about a guy eating a live octopus? I think I’ll pass.”
Ryan: “You don’t think she knows about the party?” Sandy: “No. Are you kidding me? Nobody plans a surprise party like Sandy Cohen. I could have been with the CIA.” Seth: “I hear they’re known for their surprise parties.”
Taylor, about Ryan: “He’s a very generous tipper. You wouldn’t know to look at him.”
Bullit, to Kaitlin: “Quit hiding in the shadows like some Al Qaeda wacko.”
Seth, being released from jail: “Hi, Dad. Hope I didn’t miss Mom’s party.”
Ryan: “Sandy didn’t seem too upset.” Seth: “Are you kidding? He’s waited 18 years for me to be arrested for political activism. It’s probably the proudest moment of his life.”
Kirsten: “I hope your father didn’t do anything too extravagant.” Seth laughs. Ryan: “Might be a little late for that.”
After seeing the mailtruck, Kirsten: “Oh my God.” Ryan: “Yeah, that was my first thought too.”
Least Favorite Quote:
Sandy: “Are you sick?” Kirsten: “Yes……………………………………………………………. But only in the mornings.”
Sandy’s poor face, so concerned. Kirsten, that was just cruel.
Least Favorite Relationship:
Julie and Frank.
Foreshadowing/Recurring Themes:
Sandy: “No. Are you kidding me? Nobody plans a surprise party like Sandy Cohen. I could have been with the CIA.”
Funny because Peter now plays a director of the CIA in “Covert Affairs”.
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The French Connection
Favorite Moment:
Ryan’s poem.
A sonnet, I don’t know how to write. A haiku, Five seven five, Seems too tight. Then there are three little words I’m not able to say But, Taylor, this is what I can tell you today, Though I can’t say those words To you tonight, Please stick with me ‘Cause I feel someday I might.
Favorite Shipper Moment:
The fact that there is no shipper moment is a travesty!!!
Favorite Character:
Julie: “Did you get my cookie bouquet?” Kirsten: “I’m allergic to chocolate.” Julie: “No, you’re not.” Kirsten: “Then I’m allergic to you.”
Kirsten, to Julie: “It seems that one of your whores, Chaz, has Chlamydia.”
J: “I’ll do the talking, you drive.” K: “And how come you can’t drive?” J: “Oh, I’m sorry. Do you want to do the talking?”
HM: “Ah, Ryan. You are here to beat me up. I warn you, my family is hemophilic. I will bleed.”
HM: “It’s not stupid, it is a teddy bear! And what is in his mug?”
HM: “I feel a poem coming.”
Favorite Quote:
Henri-Michel: “A life without cheese, well…”
Ryan: “Being with Taylor is like being on a roller coaster.” Sandy: “And that’s, what, unsettling?” R: “Well, for a guy who’s afraid of heights it’s not exactly the best fit…”
Ryan: “Wait. I have a poem too.” Bookstore Owner: “Young man, this is not karaoke. You don’t get a turn.”
Lucy: “I have loved Will since he transferred him. I lent him a pen!”
Favorite Relationship:
Kirsten and Julie.
K: “You told those women they have Chlamydia when they don’t.” J: “They might! They did have sex with male hookers. Plus, I picked the five meanest women in Newport.” K: “What is wrong with you?!” J: “I was desperate. I missed you. I hate not having you in my life, Kirsten. I can live without you as my business partner, but not my friend.” K: “You are going to call those women tomorrow and tell them the truth.” J: “Okay. But not Linda. Please let Linda think she has an STD.” K: “That is not only unethical, it is just plain mean.” J: “I disagree. Do you want to debate about it over dinner? C’mon, you know you miss me. Kirsten…”
So 2007:
These cell phones, man!
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The French Connection
Episode Number: #86 Original Air Date: January 11, 2007
Favorite Song:
“West Coast” by Jason Schwartzman
Favorite Moment:
Kirsten vs. Julie
Oh my God. Kelly knocked this out of the park. After a season and a half of nothing, she proves once again that anything you give her, she can deliver. Oh man. Watching this scene takes me back to season one.
Kirsten: “I’ve known you a long time, Julie. This isn’t just a matter of cloudy judgment and questionable morals. It’s breaking federal law.”
Kirsten: “I’m going to do you one more favor. I’m not going to call the police and I’m not going to tell Sandy. You’re on your own.”
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Ryan: “I think maybe we’re just too different.” Sandy: “You say that like it’s a bad thing. Look at Kirsten and me.” R: “You huys have your own rhythm.” S: “Yeah but that took years to figure out. I love Kirsten dearly, and still it gets complicated.”
Favorite Character:
Ryan’s black tees
K : “Would you excuse me? I… I left some toys in the car.”
KRow’s Canadian accent
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Jacobsen.”
Summer: “I just kind of got engaged.” Che: “That’s amazing. I’ll weave you guys something ASAP.”
Favorite Actor:
Henri-Michel: “Who should I make it out to? A girlfriend, perhaps? What is her name?” Ryan: “… Taylor.”
That eyebrow raise when Henri-Michel looks at him. Amazing.
Favorite Quote:
Ryan: “Good luck getting rejected.” Seth: “Fortunately, it’s something I excel at.”
Ryan: “I’ve never read a romance novel.” Taylor: “Shocker.” R: “And I’m not going to start now.”
Julie: “He [Spencer] was just helping me move the furniture.” Kirsten: “Everything looks the same.” J: “Yeah, it looked terrible. I had him move it back.”
Julie: “My cell phone wasn’t at the office.” Kaitlin: “So you think it’s in the frying pans?” J: “I’ve checked everywhere else!” *checks the toaster*
Ken: “Step one: You put the money on the nightstand. Step two: We get nasty… or nice, depending on your preference.”
Ryan: “How do you tell? Whether you’re good different…” Sandy: “Or from opposite planets? … You know, at the end of the day, you either focuses on what separates you or you focus on what holds you together. And it’s up to you.”
What They Did Perfectly:
Holly: “We call ourselves the Newpsieweds.”
I love how a woman must have heard Sandy use the term ‘Newpsie’, didn’t know it was derogatory and started using it to refer to her friends. Oh, Sandy. You always get the last laugh, you sly devil.
Kaitlin: “I just can’t believe this winter clothing drive is salting my game.”
Summer: “I don’t think you can be with someone until you can be with yourself.”
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The My Two Dads
Episode Number: #85 Original Air Date: January 4, 2007
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Kirsten: “I knew you’d be in court all day and doing all that good can work up an appetite.”
K: “Sometimes we’re just not gonna see eye to eye.” Sandy: “No and our yin and yang style of parenting has produced two pretty good kids so why stop now?”
Sandy: “I called Dr. Alesi at the prison. I asked him to look into Frank’s medical records.” Kirsten: “Sandy, that’s an invasion of privacy.” S: “Yin and yang, baby. If I’m wrong, I’ll eat my words. But if I’m right, the sooner we know the better.” K: … “Does that mean I’m the yang?” S: “Maybe.”
K: “I should make some coffee.” S: “Sorry. I had a call.” K: “Decaf, hon?” S: “No, thanks. I’m good. Frank, can I talk to you?”
Good try, Kirsten.
Kirsten’s look of concern when Sandy and Frank are about to get into it. I always read so much into it! Bronx!Sandy coming out. Kirsten thinking back to how he was when they first met in Berkeley. Not wanting him to get hurt or into trouble.
K: “Sandy, what on earth?” S: “Well, the good news is Frank Atwood will outlive us all. The bad news… my hand is killing me.”
Favorite Quote:
Ryan: “Let’s call Sandy and Kirsten. They might think you’re too young. But I’m sure after we tell them about the pregnancy scare, they’ll totally get behind it.”
Seth: “I feel good about this. I think a little long-term lifelong commitment is just what I needed.”
Seth, to Pancakes: “We sort of had a dog once.”
Taylor: “It’s just really easy to ignore your kids. The hard part is trying to have a relationship.” Ryan: “Everything you’re saying might be right. But you don’t know my father.” T: “You haven’t seen him since you were a kid. No offense but you don’t really know him either.”
Summer: “Manipulating the opposite sex. God, Julie, why didn’t I come to you earlier?” Julie: “Thank you, Summer. Look, if you wanna take him down, you have to kick it up a notch. It’s called chutzpah.”
Ryan, to Seth: “You can stop this crazy train anytime, you know.”
Seth, to Pancakes: “Don’t listen to Uncle Ryan. It’s the ‘roids talking.”
Seth: “I can’t do that to your dad, Summer. We watched too much golf together. I love that man.”
Frank: “You don’t want to hit me.” Sandy punches him. Sandy: “Oh, yes, I do.”
Frank: “Of all the bad things I’ve done, this doesn’t even make the top 10.” Ryan: “That’s a hell of a point.”
Favorite Relationship:
Sandy and Ryan.
Ryan: “No speech about the importance of family?” Sandy: “You’re my family. What’s important to me is you.”
Kirsten, to Sandy: “Your relationship with Ryan is your relationship. Nothing is going to change that.”
Sandy: “This is my house.” Frank: “He’s my son.” Sandy: “Not anymore.”
Ryan: “You okay?” Sandy: “I’m from the Bronx. I used to hit people all the time. Key term: ‘used to’.”
Sandy: “I’m sorry things didn’t work out with your dad.” Ryan: “Hey, my dad is right here.”
Kirsten and Taylor.
Taylor: “What if Ryan’s dad was a fisherman? On choppy seas? And the smell of fish brings back bad memories?” Kirsten: “Chino is inland and Frank was a mechanic. Cars, not boats.” T: “What is the FDA’s official position on the spinach recall?” K: “Spinach has a clean bill of health.”
The Cohens + 1
Seth: “It’s family time?! What are we watching?” Sandy: “It’s about meerkats.” Seth: “Why are we watching it?” Kirsten: “Because I wanted to.” Sa.: “And we don’t want to get your mother angry. You haven’t seen her right cross.” Ryan: “Dad’s is pretty good though.” Se.: “Makes sense. He was in a gang.” K: “Please don’t remind me that he was in a gang.” Se: “How many people would you say you stabbed?”
Least Favorite Actor:
Oh, man. Chris Brown just got here.
Least Favorite Relationship:
Frank and Julie.
Kirsten: “So you think he’s really changed?” Julie: “Yeah, I do.”
Why is Julie on Team Frank? She’s never been welcoming to Atwood men before. I mean, sure, after Marissa’s death, Julie sees the world a bit differently. But she’s still Julie Cooper, she’s running a male prostitution ring for God’s sake! Why
Also, why does Julie’s opinion on Frank Atwood matter to Sandy and Kirsten? Julie doesn’t really know Ryan and have any idea on how this will affect him. She didn’t know Frank before he was ‘reformed’ so how could she judge whether or not he has ‘really changed’?
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Earth Girls are Easy
Episode Number: #84 Original Air Date: December 21, 2006
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Kirsten: “If I’m a little tense, I apologize.” Sandy: “C’mon. Let’s work it out on the dance floor.”
Favorite Character:
Summer Roberts.
“How did I get here? How did I go from being an Ivy League Al Gore in the making to a knocked up college drop out with a boyfriend that forgets to pack toothpaste when he travels?”
Favorite Quote:
Julie: “I’m not questioning the fantasy, Spencer. We’ve all imagined doing it with the delivery boy. I am questioning whether we should be paying for the pizza.”
Seth: “Cohens are natural sandwich artists.” Sandy: “It’s like our very own superpower.”
Spencer: “You don’t think Kirsten’s going to smell something fishy, do you?” Julie: “No, I think we’re taking the fish and slapping her in the face with it. She knows these women are our clients.” Spencer: “Maybe she won’t notice. Isn’t she an alcoholic?” Julie: “Recovering, unfortunately.”
Favorite Relationship:
Seth and Summer. You got to see their relationship develop as they went through this tough problem.
Summer: “Jamaican me crazy?” Seth: “It’s funny because it’s not.”
Summer: “Are you asking me for a high-five?”
Ryan: “You can start by telling her how you feel.” Seth: “Well, it kind of depends on what’s in the purse?” Ryan: “Does it? Is it gonna change whether or not you wanna be with her?” Seth: “No, of course not.” Ryan: “Can you imagine ever not wanting to be with her?” Seth: “No.” Ryan: “That’s your answer.”
Kirsten and Julie.
K: “Julie, I appreciate you handling the bookkeeping but honestly, I probably have more experience.” J: “Well, you know, all the more reason for me to learn. I mean, what if you get hit by a bus or something? … God forbid.”
J: “Ah, Kiki. Do you ever feel invincible?” K: “Why?” J: “No reason. Happy New Year, sweetie.”
Summer and Taylor.
Friendship is being in the stall while your friend takes a life-altering pregnancy test.
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
TheOCRewatch : The Chrismukk-huh?
Episode Number: #83 Original Air Date: December 14, 2006
Favorite Song:
“California” by Mates of State
When I first watched this episode and heard this new theme song, I freaked out! I didn’t know it was only for this episode; I thought they were replacing it forever. Freaked out!
Favorite Moment:
Taylor: “Are you going to the airport? Ryan, she won’t even know you.” Ryan: “It doesn’t matter.”
Sandy and Seth funny time in the kitchen.
Sandy: “You had me until vegetable despot.”
Taylor as a boy in alt. world
Taylor: “Oh, my God, in alt. world, I’m a boy. … And my mom is still a bitch.”
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Sandy considering Kirsten his family even when they’re divorced.
Kirsten: “You work for the mayor (Sandy). How- Well, what’s that like?”
I love how Taylor knows about the mail truck.
Taylor: “Mail truck. From the old days at Berkeley when you guys first fell in love. She won’t shut up about it. Mail truck. Mail truck. Mail truck. Crazy, huh? …. Bye.”
Their chemistry, even when they are divorced!
Sandy: “In the same way that everyone knows you go on and on about… *whispering* the mail truck?” Kirsten *whispering*: “I never told anybody about the mail truck.”
Taylor to Kirsten (in the real world): “You need to be with Sandy Cohen.”
Ryan: “What you two are best at is being married to each other.”
Favorite Actor:
Kelly Rowan being a bitch! Killin’ it!
Kirsten, to Ryan: “Now shoo. I don’t want you wandering around my house.”
Melinda Clarke. She just hits everything they give her out of the park!
Reporter: “You’re quite the philanthropist.” Julie: “Yes. And I help people.”
Julie: “THONG is an acronym. The Homeless Of Newport… Go, or something.”
Favorite Quote:
Kirsten: “Oh, you think if you invite her, she’s your girlfriend. Boys. So predictable.”
Taylor: “Poor Ryan. All of his muscles are so developed except for the ones in his mouth.”
Taylor: “The receipt’s inside. I hope you grill your face.”
Taylor: “Triple hajoinks!”
Taylor: “You’ve done so much for everyone.” Ryan: “Yeah? Like what?” Taylor: “Ryan, haven’t you been paying attention? You saved the Cohens. Without you, Seth is the next Unabomber, Sandy is married to Slutty McSlutterman and Kirsten probably hasn’t had an orgasm in over a year.”
Julie: “If you get on that plane right now, I’ll tell security you have a bomb.”
Ryan: “Kirsten, you may like your Chardonnay but I’ve got news for you. It doesn’t like you back.”
Favorite Relationship:
Kirsten + her Virginia Ham
K: “Are you sure this is a Virginia ham?”
K, to Sandy: “And you, be careful with my ham!”
Julie and Sandy.
Julie: “Are you coming home before the party? You know how you sweat through your shirt.”
Least Favorite Moment:
It’s unbelievably unfair that we get to see Julie and Sandy’s wedding picture but not Kirsten and Sandy’s!
Least Favorite Quote:
Kirsten: “This is a friend of Seth’s. I know, it must be a Christmas miracle.”
Kaitlin: “We’re having a very Britney Christmas.”
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch: The Summer Bummer
Episode Number: #82 Original Air Date: December 7, 2006
Favorite Song:
“Inside your head” by Eberg
Favorite Moment:
Kirsten and Sandy auditioning for the Seth position
Kirsten: “How does it work? Do I ask you what’s on your mind?” Ryan: “Usually you talk about yourself and I solve my problems on my own.”
Kirsten: “That’s so cute.” Ryan: “Okay. Seth never does that.”
Kirsten: “So do I get the job?” Ryan: “You’re on the short list.”
Sandy as Seth: “So if you need me, I’ll be upstairs in my room reading comic books and listening to Indie Rock.”
When Seth calls Che ‘Sandals’
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Julie: “I’m going away for the weekend. With Kirsten and Sandy. To the Montage. It’s their anniversary.” Bullitt: “You’re celebrating their anniversary?” J: “They’re having a recommitment ceremony and I am their witness.” B: “Well, that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard of. See you there.”
J: “I’m going to the Montage with Sandy and Kirsten. It’s just for the weekend.” Kaitlin: “Going to a hotel with Sandy and Kirsten. They’re not spicing their relationship up, are they?” J: “Please. Sandy and Kirsten?” K: “Yeah, they don’t exactly scream ‘threesome’.” J: “Just how old are you?”
Sandy: “A weekend away at The Montage? Honey, you’ve outdone yourself.” Kirsten: “I don’t know about that.” S: “I’m going to be paying you back tonight. Guess who packed Scrabble?” K: “There’s just one small wrinkle in this otherwise charming and romantic holiday I forgot to share.” S: “Not to worry. I TiVoed the Australian Open. Tiger’s gonna take it anyway.” K: “Well, just one more thing.” Sandy sees the Bullitt. S: “Tell me at least he has a separate room.”
K: “Dinner was delicious.” B: “Like you ate. I know what they say, ‘Eat light on Saturday night.’ Less food in the stomach for the booze.” J: “Bullittt, Kirsten doesn’t drink.” K: “Time for bed, I have a headache.” B: “Uh-oh, guess she doesn’t do that either.”
The way Kirsten looks at Sandy when he opens the door for the Justice of the Peace
The Vow Renewal.
Justice of the Peace: “I was told you two are renewing your vows. I’m a justice of the peace to preside over the ceremony.” Kirsten: “I’m sorry. That was an excuse.” Sandy: “Yeah, we didn’t call for anyone.” JotP: “I was hired by a Gordon Bullitt.”
Favorite Character:
Favorite Quote:
Bullitt: “Dinner’s planned. I’d invite Blondie but she don’t look much like an eater.” Kirsten; “Oh, that’s a shame.”
Taylor: “Ryan. Boo! You didn’t run that time, you must not be that scared of me.”
Taylor: “What if I did? What if I did rent a homosexual for the evening? And pay him with rare collectibles from Asian cinema?”
What I Would Have Done Differently:
Shown more of Sandy’s reaction to the way Bullitt treats Kirsten.
Foreshadowing/Recurring Themes:
Taylor: “Ryan Atwood, mon ami. Sounds terrif.”
Sandy and Kirsten + Disastrous Double Dates
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Sleeping Beauty
Episode Number: #81 Original Air Date: November 30, 2006
Favorite Song:
“Gubbish” by Chad VanGaalen
Favorite Moment:
Opening scene.
Ryan: “Seth, go to bed.” Seth: “No can do. If you’re awake, I’m awake.”
Kirsten: “C’mon. Love is…?” Seth: “…Nice.” K: “Thank you. You know you’d be a lot sharper if you didn’t sleep on the couch.” S: “You know, maybe you should invest in some less comfortable furniture. Why don’t you chew on that for a while?”
The Cohen’s watching Taylor come in from Ryan’s room.
Taylor: “I never appreciated how funny Ryan was. Life, such a journey!” … Sandy: “She said Ryan was funny.”
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Kirsten: “You are amazing.” Sandy: “Uh-huh. Whadaya need?” K: “I just need a slogan for NewMatch. So far, your son has come up with ‘Love is Nice’ and ‘Love Shmove’.”
When Sandy gives Kirsten a Wonder Woman paperweight.
Favorite Character:
Gordon Bullitt.
Bullitt: “I’m sorry. Madeline Albright? Not hot.” Sandy: “Call me crazy but maybe Madeline Albright  doesn’t need to be hot.”
Bullitt: “I was in bed with those Arab fellows. – That’s a metaphor.”
B: “Bang!”
B: “I wheel around like Dick Cheney and go, BANG!”
Kirsten, reacting to Bullitt
B: “Sandy, mind if I borrow your wife for a second?” Sandy shrugs and Kirsten glares. B: “C’mon, Blondie. I won’t bite.”
Favorite Quote:
Julie: “So Sandy just offered me up like a piece of meat? … How rich is he?...  Five o’clock would be fine.”
Julie: “I’m going to Sandy’s delinquent benefit with a man called the Bullitt. Apparently, he owns Texas.”
Favorite Relationship:
Julie and Kaitlin.
They are so similar; it’s hilarious.
Julie: “You flirt with everyone!” Kaitlin: “So do you.”
What I Would Have Done Differently:
I would have let Sandy answer Bullitt’s question about Julie being hot. What a reaction that would have been!
Foreshadowing/Recurring Themes:
“Easy, girl.”
“Kaitlin can be quite persuasive.”
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch: The Metamorphosis
Episode Number: #80 Original Air Date: November 16, 2006
Favorite Song:
“Hello Sunshine” by Syd Matters
“Love You Till the End” by the Pogues
Favorite Moment:
Ryan and Taylor sharing a torte.
Favorite Shipper Moment:
K: “I could rack a few balls with you.” S: “You are so smart. And sexy. And gorgeous.”
K: “Since when is Sandy Cohen afraid of acting weird?”
Strip Scrabble. …. Bow chicka bow wow!!!
Favorite Character:
Taryn. Always Taryn!
“There’s one man who can always get me out on the dance floor. His name is Jose. Jose Cuervo.”
“Have you met my friend? Julie Cooper, Urban Cougar.”
Favorite Actor:
Kelly’s accent when she says ‘takeOUT menus’
Favorite Quote:
Summer: “I have rage issues.”
Seth: “Hey, you punched me! My baby’s back!”
Taylor: “Ryan! You’re working at El Pavo Guapo? You know that means ‘the handsome turkey’, right?” Ryan: “That’s why I took the job.”
Taylor: “Ryan Atwood with a side of sauce! I like it.”
Taylor: “Despite being agnostic in most things, I do believe in true love.”
Che: “The only thing not powered by the sun is our passion!”
Favorite Relationship:
Kirsten and Julie.
J: “Men are to me what chardonnay is to you. One sip and I’m upside down on a chandelier. Not that you’ve ever done that.”
Sandy and Ryan.
S: “One day at a time, one foot in front of the other. Eventually, it’ll start to get easier.” R: “Why? Because I’ll start to forget about her?” S: “No, no, you’re never gonna forget about her. But life goes on.” R: “Not the same way.”
Seth and Summer.
Seth accepting Summer for who she is becoming is so perfect. People change and some couples can handle that and some can’t. Seth is so mature with the situation.
Seth: “If you don’t hear from me for a while, it’s not because I don’t love you. It’s because I do.”
Least Favorite Quote:
Sandy: “I knew I should have divorced that dame.”
Never okay.
Older Women + Younger Men
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Cold Turkey
Episode Number: #79 Original Air Date: November 9, 2006
Favorite Song: "All of My Days" by Alexi Murdoch
Favorite Moment:
Julie: “Your parents have been mad at me before.”
I love that she says ‘your parents’ not ‘Sandy and Kirsten’.
Seth confronting Summer + Neil confronting Julie
Ryan beating up Volchok.
R: “You drove away! Just left her there!”
R: “So it was all an accident? A mistake?”
Favorite Quote:
Sandy: “Well, when you send our kids on a murder mission, you get knocked off the guest list. House rules.”
Ryan: “No, I’m not angry. I just wish he was dead, that’s all.”
Seth: “I wanted to thank you for that travel tip. Ensenada turned out to be the perfect vacation spot for the Cohens. We may get a time share.”
Sandy: “That’s guilt for ya. Follows you around.”
Summer: “We’re gonna feed the homeless.” Seth: “Do we have to? We’re already feeding Ryan and he was homeless once.”
After Summer’s rant about the poverty level, Sandy: “Who knew out of all you kids, she’d turn out to be the next Sandy Cohen.” Seth: “Had to rub off on somebody.”
Favorite Relationship:
Julie and Ryan.
J: “Tell me about her.” R: “What?” J: “Anything. Just tell me about her.” R: “I remember the first time I saw her. She was wearing this white top thing and I think she had jeans on. She was standing at the bottom of the driveway. And I thought… well, I thought she was hot. Really hot. She gave this smile.” J: “It was a beautiful smile.”
Julie and Summer.
J : “We can’t go on like this anymore, can we?” S: “No.”
Julie and Sandy.
J: “I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry.” S: “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say that before.” J: “I’m not sure I’ve ever meant it.”
Least Favorite Quote:
Kirsten: “Volchok Volchok?”
How many Volchok’s do you know, Kirsten?!
Kirsten + Fragments
“You two. Grocery store. Together.”
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Gringos
Episode Number: #78 Original Air Date: November 8, 2006
Favorite Moment:
Sandy and Kirsten trying to figure out the coded message.
Sandy: “Where are ya?” Kirsten: “Please say Newport.” Seth: “Mexico.” K: “He didn’t say Newport, did he?”
Julie vs. Sandy
J: “It’s late and I’m not in the mood for threats.” S: “Sit down. After everything our families have been through, you would put our kids in danger.” J: “At least you still have all your kids.”
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Sandy: “I love wearing this jacket.” Kirsten: “That’s the problem.”
S: “I’m going to Mexico.” K: “I’m going with you.”
Also, why is their bed so tiny?
K: “Are we crazy coming here?” S: “Driving all night into a foreign country where neither of us speak the language. And we only have a vague notion of where they are. Yeah, it’s a little crazy.” K: “How long do we keep doing this? Rescuing them when they are in trouble?” S: “I don’t know. But for now, I think that’s our job.” K: “I want you to know you I took two semesters of Spanish.” S: “Well, then you get to be our tour guide.”
+ Sunglass Love
Favorite Quote:
Julie: “He doesn’t seem like Mr. Donkey Show. Not that they’re at a donkey show. Or even know what a donkey show- Have you seen how great these clothes are?” *Walks away* Kaitlin: “What’s a donkey show?” Kirsten: “That’s a question for your mother.”
Seth: “I’ve got a tattoo, pal! A tattoo!”
Summer: “I still love you, Seth. I really, really still love you. I just can’t… I just can’t.”
Favorite Relationship:
Seth and Ryan.
Ryan: “I’m going to tell the cops. I just need to see him first.” Seth: “No offense but, like, nobody believes that.”
Seth ratting Ryan out to Sandy and Kirsten was the best move even though Ryan can’t see it.
Seth, to Kirsten: “Did he say anything about me? Maybe in a rant about Judas.”
Kirsten and Ryan.
K: “This was my worst nightmare. When you first came to live with us, that Seth would follow you somewhere and get hurt.” R: “Yeah, I know. I shouldn’t have taken him. I’m sorry.” K: “I was going to say that all that’s changed is that now I have two children to worry about.”
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Avengers
Episode Number: #77 Original Air Date: November 2, 2006
Favorite Song: “Running Up that Hill” by Placebo
“Bad Dream” by Keane
Favorite Moment:
Seth hanging out with everybody in Newport. Especially the Newpsie luncheon.
Seth: “And Taryn? One of the great dry wits.”
The Cohens (-1) in the kitchen.
Kirsten: “Taste this and tell me if it’s ready.” Sandy: “It’s hot. It is so hot.” K: “Did I overcook it?” S: “It is definitely not undercooked.”
Seth: “No zippy one liners?” Kirsten: “Not a lot of smiles.” Sandy: “A few grunts, an occasional shrug.” Seth: “It’ll be just like old times.” Sandy: “I’m looking forward to it.”
Ryan’s comic book intervention.
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Seth: “That’s what he said. What are you looking for?” Sandy: “Reading between the lines.” Kirsten: “Subtext?”
They are so in sync with each other. I love it.
Favorite Character:
Brad and Eric Ward.
Seth: “They seem to be a chip right off of Luke’s block.”
About Kirsten, Brad: “Oh, man, is she hot?” Eric: “Smokin.”
Favorite Quote:
Seth: “Did you seriously just ask if there was a comic book based on the X-Men movie?”
Seth: “If you think you can ply me with food. You’re right. This bacon is delicious.”
Ryan: “I don’t care about any of it. And I don’t want to start.” Julie: “That’s a lie. I know you. Even if you didn’t come to her funeral or never visit her grave, you still care.”
Summer, to Ryan: “I really like what you’ve done with your whole face.”
Sandy: “You’re never going to get over it. But you’ll get used to it. Just let yourself feel what you need to feel, even if it hurts.”
Favorite Relationship:
Seth and Ryan.
Ryan: “I bring trouble. Trey, Volchok. You and your family, you’re better off without me.” Seth: “It’s not true. It’s not your fault. Any of it.”
Least Favorite Actor:
Ben. Just in one instance though!
Ryan: “I just realized……………… I have to do this.”
The delivery is just not good.
What They Did Perfectly:
I love that they had Julie throw herself into a bunch of activities. People grieve in such different ways and I think this way definitely suited Julie.
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