#the oklahoma girl scout murders (part 2)
aestheticsyoutubers · 2 years
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alaina urquhart, morbid: a true crime podcast ↳ episode 198: the oklahoma girl scout murders (part 2)
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axelandnyx-blog · 5 years
Camp Scott
This story is not safe for anyone under the age of 13 so please be advised and read on at your risk. I will put trigger warnings in for the rape. 
This crime story has baffled many of detectives from the local authorities to the FBI. This is the story about the Girl Scout Murders, it happened in 1977 on June 13. Three girls were killed the youngest was Lorie Lee Farmer age 8, Michelle Heather Guse age 9, and Doris Denise Milner age 10. These three girls shared tent 8 as everyone calls it when at the camp it was referred as tent 7, since the consulars tent had no number. 
Before these girls were murdered though two months before this the consulars were at Camp Scott for training. During this time they found one of their tents ransacked some money stolen, donuts eaten, and a note was left behind in the empty box of donuts. No one really can recall what the note says fully. Since the counselor who found it thought it was just a morib prank and threw it away. They believe it said something along the lines of "We are here on a mission to kill three girls in tent one." 
Over the next few months more and more things went missing, and  Saturday the 11, at camp the camp caretaker saw a strange man on camp. A few consulars saw strange men. Then the camp caretaker found a big piece of a tent missing the day of camp, it was about the size of  4 inches by 5 inches. He patched it up with cloth for the day but would have to repatch it later on. This was enough to close the camp you think? Weird people wondering camp, things going missing, a slash in a tent. No it wasn't camp went on this was a tragic mistake. 
Though even before this year they had traffic of random people in and out of camp, peeping Tom's and such. None of these weird people and hunters did anything to the girls, luckily. But in 1977 all that changed, was it for better or for worse we shall never know. 
Denise was a lovely girl this was her first year at camp, she was excited to go till she found out her friends weren't coming. Then she didn't want to go, and asked her mother if she could stay home. Though her loving mother told her not to worry and she could call home if she wanted to come home and go have fun. She was looking after her mother and sister since her mother and father divorced she would help her mother out however she could by making breakfast to watching her sister. She was also very active she sang in the church choir, did tap dance, was going to go to a prestigious middle school next year, and in gymnastics. Her father was a cop her mother a teacher but went back to school and worked at the hospital sometime after Denise died. She was a fun loving child and sold so many cookies so she could afford camp that summer, she didn't know anyone since her friends didn't come she shared a tent with Michele and Lori.
After she was away at camp her little sister Kathy was with their mother and asked what if everyone dies? Her mother did her best to explain people die daily and people are born daily into this world, so it evened out, even though it is sad for the families who lost members. Her mother thought she was doing this for attention since Denise was getting so much lately. But she wasn't Kathy then said "Mama tomorrow everyone is going to die." The next day the three girls were found dead at Camp Scott. 
Michelle was a Girl Scout since 1974 and had been to camp one time before at the age of 7. She was active in sports and part of her local soccer team. Michelle was murdered the day before her parents anniversary, may that day forever be a reminder off their happy girl. Before she left, she left a detailed note for her mother how to take care of her African Violets. Her parents had to find out from the news how she actually died they knew she was dead just didn't know how she died. It took a few days before they turned on the tv during those days her father would try and get out of the house and would be harassed by the papers about his little girl. He was getting so fed up he was about to punch them before he turned and back inside. He just happened to have the news on when he turned the tv on and finally saw how his little girl died after so many trying days with the media.
Lori was only 8 and most sources say the youngest camper at Camp Scott. She was advanced a grade with an IQ of 130, a smart cookie. To put it in perspective 10 IQ points higher already than a college graduate. Saturday would of been her 9th birthday, her parents were going to come to camp to celebrate it with her there. Her father was the third person the camp director called you think the other two parents first right? No she called the insurance company then their auntory office, then him. Why do you ask, to cover the camp's ass so they couldn't get sued, which the parents did try and didn't succeed. Her mother had a hard time not blaming herself for Lori's death since Lori wanted to go to camp and she picked Camp Scott or White Hand. Lori's mother chose Camp Scott and the two weeks she went and she knows it has nothing to do with it but she deals with the guilt since she picked it. Her father was on duty when Lori was brought into the morgue, he brought a co-worker home to tell his wife the bad news. He told her to sit and refused so he just told her, her little girl who once was so full of life was now dead and molested. After the news she could barely hold herself up on her own two feet. 
Each parent or sets of parents are somehow now involved with victim rights and such today. They wanted to not have this happen to another family again down the road. Lori’s mother decided to take up cases of victims rights for thousands of people or Parents of Murdered Children. The Guse’s work on Victims Compensation Law, Oklahoma Crime Victims Compensation Board, Oklahoma Victims Bills of Rights. Calar one of the camp counselors became a police officer, and 22 OSBI resigned, Camp Scott closed and is now used for hunting grounds. 
Since it is a Girl Scout camp, they brought their children to the Tulsa headquarters, and made sure all the girls were on the busses and had all their luggage before they watched them depart in the Greyhound busses. This was the last time any of the kids parents saw them alive. The busses were pulling away from the Girl Scout headquarters in Tulsa Oklahoma as they waved goodbye. What no one knew this would be their last goodbye. 
Lotus Grove was a 40 miles from Tulsa so the consulars on the bus led them in song to pass time till they got to camp only two miles from Locust Grove, is Camp Scott Soon enough at camp they started heading down the Cookie trail and kids started chatting the camp units named one after another. Osage, Chickasaw, Creek, Seminole, Choctaw, Comanche, Cherokee, Quapaw, Arapahoe, Kiowa. Kiowa is the farthest away from the other camp units, closest to the woods. In the units there would be 28 girls and 4 consulars, but Kiowa was short a camper so in tent 8 they had 3 campers only. Each unit is shaped in half a circle around the kitchen area and meeting area. The problem was because of that you couldn't see tent 8 from the counselors tent it was blocked off, though it was the closest to the bathroom. From counselor's tent you could only see two tents at most along with the meeting area and the kitchen area.
These tents were on platforms 2 feet off the ground and are 12 feet by 14 feet. What also made this tent not so great beside being secluded is it was 75 feet away from any other tent. Another problem was this was the 1970s the campsites were nearly pitch black after dark besides the lights outside the bathroom. Make sure to pack extra batteries and use the buddy system always otherwise you could be the next lost camper five air horn blast for you! Which if you never went to Girl Scout Camp it means lost camper. Now that we know the girls and the basic campsite let's get into the story. 
The camp has 400 to 410 acres. The buses brought 140 kids to camp and if they were divided as they were supposed to be they would only need 5 campsites, not all 10, if each site held 28 kids. They divide the campers into groups of 28 per unit so of course some sites would be short kids. Camp Scott was partially gated at night, but it couldn’t keep no one in or out. They were there for looks and aesthetics. Plus if anyone did get in from the lack of security the counselors were told to just tell them “this is private land please leave.” Most of the time it worked! Yay right well we know now what they didn’t then, that if your luck for 50 years it doesn't matter step up your security measures Girl Scouts and report things to the counsual.
There is always problems with camp we learn from them, this one we learned big time though. May we never need this lesson taught to us again, the monster who killed the girls was truly that a monster and twisted in the brain. Who knows maybe the killer just did this for fun or to find a new thrill since nothing else in my mind makes since. When does killing a person make sense though? Please comment below besides if they threaten a cop and stuff, give me a better reason than that, my spooky readers.
The busses arrived at 3pm and dropped them off everyone was checked into the camp and was sent to find a tent or in our victims case were put together since they were the odd girls out with no one else to tent with. They got along and became friends quickly as they unpacked placing their extra bags on the spare cot. Eventually all the girls where all gathered at the main hall and led in song before dinner. Then around 5:30pm they had dinner, after dinner they were sent back to camp sites, if it was like my camp they would of had opening campfire if it didn't storm because it stormed everyone was soaked. 
Once back at the tents they changed and wrote letters home, even though it was the first day it was mostly how much fun it was besides for Denise she still wanted to come home and wanted to call home. Well in there tents they played games and bonded. Some of the games they could of played are stella ella ola, cards, rock rock, and other camp games, if brave enough flashlight tag, or things they brought. Later on they were called out to the meeting area. In the meeting area they got cookies and a story of Winnie the Pooh read to them before sent back to the tents around 9pm they were told lights out, if you were in the older campsites it was 10:30pm. 
Read the rest by clicking the link.
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Podcasts are one of my favourite forms of entertainment and in my opinion they are grossly under appreciated by the masses. Whatever your interests are you will more than likely be able to find a podcast discussing topics related to what you like, you’d also be surprised to find that a lot of celebrities have their own podcasts as well. 
In this post I’m going to give you a list of my all time favourite podcasts separated into categories so you can skip to the topics that interest you. 
All of the podcasts I’m mentioning in this post can be found in the iTunes podcast app. 
Not Your Milk - This podcast is hosted by a vegan friend of mine, Jamie, where he dedicates each episode to different vegan activists and speaks to them about certain topics relating to veganism and their activism. He’s had people like Earthling Ed, Sorsha Morava, James Aspey, Henya Mania and Bite Sized Vegan feature on his show. 
Vegan Warrior Princesses Attack - This podcast is hosted by two friends Callie (who’s been vegan since 2009) and Nichole (who’s been vegan since 2013). They pitch their podcast as being for vegans, not people who are looking to become vegan and they discuss really important topics within the movement such as single issue campaigns, whether or not vegans should have compassion for non-vegans, ally theatre and activism. They have over 100 episodes so there’s loads to choose from. 
Call Your Girlfriend - This is one of the first podcasts I ever listened to and it’s still one of my all time favourites. This podcast is hosted by Ann Friedman and Aminatou Sow, two friends that live on opposite ends of America from one another that come together once a week to have a phone call like conversation about popular culture, self care and politics. I would thoroughly recommend this, if not for anything else then at least for the theme song at the beginning alone.
Another Round - This is a Buzzfeed podcast hosted by two women of colour named Heben and Tracy, this is quite similar to Call Your Girlfriend in tone where the hosts discuss topics of pop culture etc but they will also discuss issues affecting women of colour and how to be a better ally to minority groups. This show is really entertaining and educational, it has opened my eyes so much to the daily struggles that people of colour face that I might not have even thought of or appreciated before. 
Guys We F****d - This podcast is hosted by two female comedians, Corinne and Krystyna, where they essentially interview men that they have slept with about a whole manner of different topics from their home lives to the jobs that they do and life experiences, but they have recently branched out to giving listeners advice in response to emails they get sent in and they have also started inviting other female comedians on the show to discuss important feminist topics. This show is really hilarious and interesting to listen to, I definitely don’t listen to every episode, but the ones I do listen to are extremely entertaining, this is a show you can definitely pick and choose with.
I have left the best ‘til last. I LOVE true crime podcasts, it combines my two main passions into the one thing. Below I have listed all of the best true crime podcasts I have ever listened to. 
The Generation Why - This is the first ever true crime podcast I ever fully listened to and I began with the Oklahoma Girl Scouts Murders episode. The podcast is hosted by Aaron and Justin where they cover a mix of unsolved mysteries, serial killers and conspiracy theories. My all time favourite episodes would have to be The Original Night Stalker Case (not to be confused with Richard Romirez - I genuinely couldn’t sleep after hearing about this serial killer), JonBenet Ramsay, Charlie Brandt, Dennis Rader, Scott Peterson and the Lulu Lemon Murder. 
True Crime Garage - I only recently started getting into this podcast but it is honestly amazing, I love how thorough they are about cases and the way they edit their episodes is really good. It’s hosted by Nick and The Captain, they don’t have all of their episodes on the podcast app anymore but from the ones available the ones I’d recommend include Ed Gein, West Memphis 3 (a 3 part series), Emma Fillipoff, Aurora Theatre Shooter and the Jacob Wetterling 2 part case.
Thinking Sideways - This podcast is hosted by Devin, Joe and Steve. It deals entirely with unsolved cases but there are so many episodes I can’t think back to all of the really interesting ones that I’ve heard but some of the best cases I’ve learned about come from this podcast so I recommend just going through and reading the descriptions and choosing whatever you think sounds interesting. 
Last Podcast on the Left - Again, really similar to Thinking Sideways where this podcast deals with numerous different topics but mainly true crime, conspiracy theories and paranormal activity. Hosted by Ben, Henry and Marcus they definitely put a dark twist of humour onto these different cases. Their 9/11 episode was particularly interesting and the JonBenet Ramsay episodes also gave a different spin on what I thought about the case previously from other podcasts and information I’d seen.
They Walk Among Us - This is a relatively new podcast with only 9 episodes published so far, this podcast deals entirely with UK based true crime stories. I’d recommend episodes 6, 8 and 9. 
My Favourite Murder - This is probably my favourite true crime podcast, it’s hosted by Georgia and Karen and is absolutely hilarious and relatable, the reason why I’ve left it at the bottom of the list is because you need to have previous knowledge of true crime before listening to it, they’re not exactly thorough with their details and it’s more about their own reactions to cases rather than actual facts. Every week they talk about a case each that they deem as one of their favourite murders and they also release a mini episode every week which is dedicated to the home town murders of listeners (where listeners will send in their own accounts of murders that have happened in their home towns). 
Hopefully this article has given you some inspiration to listen to podcasts more often, they’re great especially for long commutes or when you need to give your room a deep clean and don’t have the concentration to have the TV on at the same time.
Any and all recommendations for more podcasts are encouraged, I want more listening material ASAP.
Where to find me:
Instagram: c.estlavegan 
Twitter: veganprincess0 
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newyorktheater · 5 years
Broadway is always big on Thanksgiving. If Olaf the snowman isn’t on stage in ��Frozen” at the St. James on Thanksgiving Day, he IS in the air as a balloon in the Thanksgiving Day parade, AND “Frozen” has TWO performances both the day before and the day after Thanksgiving Day.
Below is the Broadway schedule for Thanksgiving Week, with links to my reviews, followed by five of these I most recommend, and another five that are especially suitable for young children.
Five Broadway shows are scheduled to perform on Thanksgiving Day — Chicago, Jagged Little Pill (which hasn’t opened yet), The Lightning Thief, Phantom of the Opera, Torch and Waitress. All the others are dark that day, but most have added matinees on Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, and 15 have even added performances on the Monday, before Thanksgiving.
And, let’s not forget the Broadway shows performing at the 93rd Annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, kicking off at 9 AM (and broadcast on NBC): Ain’t Too Proud, Beetlejuice, Hadestown, Tina…and, as usual, the Radio City Rockettes. (All performances are early in the broadcast.)  Also glimpse Broadway veterans Billy Porter, atop Rexy in the City float from COACH, Idina Menzel on the Deck the Halls float from Balsam Hill, and Lea Michele on the Central Park float from Macy’s.
  Show Run Time Theatre Mon 11/25 Tue 11/26 Wed 11/27 Thu 11/28 Fri 11/29 Sat 11/30 Sun 12/01 Ain’t Too Proud -The Life and Times of The Temptations 2h 30min Imperial 7:00 2:00 & 7:30 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Aladdin 2h 30min New Amsterdam 7:00 2:00 & 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 American Utopia 100min Hudson 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 5:30 & 9:00 3:00 Beetlejuice 2h 30min Winter Garden 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Betrayal 90min Jacobs 7:00 2:00 & 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 The Book of Mormon 2h 30min Eugene O’Neill 7:00 2:00 & 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 Chicago 2h 30min Ambassador 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 2:30 & 8:00 2:30 &8:00 A Christmas Carol 2h 15min Lyceum 7:00 7:00 2:00 & 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Come From Away 100min Schoenfeld 7:00 2:00 & 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Dear Evan Hansen 2h 25min Music Box 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Derren Brown: Secret 2h 30min Cort 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Freestyle Love Supreme 80min Booth 7:00 & 10:00 7:00 8:00 7:00 & 10:00 7:00 & 10:00 Frozen 2h 15min St. James 7:00 1:00 & 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 The Great Society 2h 40min Vivian Beaumont 7:00 7:00 1:00 & 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 Hadestown 2h 25min Walter Kerr 7:00 7:00 2:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Hamilton 2h 40min Richard Rodgers 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two 2h 40min Lyric 2:00 Pt 1 & 7:30 Pt 2 2:00 Pt 1 & 7:30 Pt 2 2:00 Pt 1 & 7:30 Pt 2 2:00 Pt 1 & 7:30 Pt 2 The Illusionists – Magic of the Holidays Neil Simon 3:00 & 8:00 11:00 3:00 & 8:00 1:00 & 6:30 The Inheritance 6h 25min Barrymore 7:00 Pt1 1:00 Pt1 & 7:00 Pt2 7:00 Pt1 1:00 Pt1 & 7:00 Pt2 1:00 Pt1 & 7:00 Pt2 Jagged Little Pill 2h 30min Broadhurst 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical 2h 5min Longacre 7:00 2:00 7:30 2:00 & 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 1:00 The Lion King 2h 30min Minskoff 7:00 2:00 & 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Mean Girls 2h 30min August Wilson 7:00 2:00 & 7:30 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 Moulin Rouge! 2h 35min Hirschfeld 7:00 7:00 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 7:00 Oklahoma! 2h 45min Circle in the Square 7:00 1:00 & 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 The Phantom of the Opera 2h 30min Majestic 8:00 7:00 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 The Rose Tattoo 2h 15min American Airlines 7:00 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Slava’s Snowshow 100min Stephen Sondheim 7:00 2:00 & 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Slave Play 2h 0min Golden 7:00 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 The Sound Inside 90min Studio 54 7:00 7:00 2:00 & 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Tina – The Tina Turner Musical 2h 45min Lunt-Fontanne 8:00 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 To Kill a Mockingbird 2h 50min Shubert 7:00 7:00 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 Tootsie 2h 35min Marquis 7:30 2:00 & 7:30 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Waitress 2h 30min Brooks Atkinson 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 Wicked 2h 45min Gershwin 7:00 2:00 & 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00
Broadway Recommended
Here are four shows that have opened this year, and one that’s a must-see if you can afford it (or win the lottery), listed  in alphabetical order. Many of these are difficult to get last-minute tickets to at the box office  — check there first (or the show’s website)  —   or, if you’re open to risk, try the lower-priced lotteries and/or rush tickets (which are available the day of the show.)  I also link below to a secondary market ticket seller.
AIN’T TOO PROUD: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE TEMPTATIONS Imperial Theater (249 West 45th St. NYC) Opened: Mar 21, 2019 Twitter: @AintTooProud
My review
Fans of 1960’s Motown are in for a treat in this musical whose performers can sing and dance as well as the Temptations — and act too.
$42 digital lottery
Tickets to Ain’t Too Proud
Andre De Shields
HADESTOWN Walter Kerr (219 W 48th Street, New York, NY 10036) Opened: April 17, 2019 Twitter: @hadestown
My review
This sung-through musical taking place in Hell adapts the Greek myth of retrieving his wife Eurydice from the Underworld. Anaïs Mitchell’s score features sweet and sexy folk music, rocking jazz, and down-home blues.
Digital lottery: $42.50
Hadestown also has $39 standing room when the show is sold out.
Tickets to Hadestown
James Monroe Iglehart as Thomas Jefferson
HAMILTON Richard Rodgers (226 W. 46th St., New York, NY) Opened: August 6, 2015 @HamiltonMusical
I loved this hip hop musical about American founding father Alexander Hamilton,  Off-Broadway ,  on Broadway  and now with the new cast , finding it ground-breaking and breathtaking.
There IS a daily lottery online  where you can try your luck at snagging one of the tickets for only  $10 (because Hamilton’s face is on the ten-dollar bill.)
Tickets to Hamilton
Samuel H. Levine, Kyle Soller and Andrew Burnap in The Inheritance
THE INHERITANCE Ethel Barrymore Opened: November 17, 2019 Twitter:@Inheritanceplay
My review
This is a long, ambitious play in nearly seven hours over two parts about three generations of gay men in New York. It is worth your time for the astonishing performances, including that of Lois Smith.
$40 General Rush
Tickets to The Inheritance
TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD Shubert Theater (225 W 44th Street, New York, NY 10036) Opened: December 13, 2018 Twitter: @mockingbirdbway
My review (with the old cast)
Aaron Sorkin has adapted Harper Lee’s beloved novel to focus more on the murder trial of an unjustly accused black man who is defended by Atticus Finch. But Scout, her brother Jem and her friend Dill  still feature in the show, all played by adults. A largely new cast led by Ed Harris and Nina Grollman has just taken over,
General rush: $29 to $49
Tickets to To Kill A Mockingbird
Broadway shows for young children
Major Attaway as the Genie
The genie ( now Major Attaway)  is the one who provides the bulk of the entertainment, morphing from showbiz master of ceremonies to carnival barker to infomercial huckster to game show host to Cab Calloway-like zoot-suiter to disco dj to hip-hopper in a Hawaiian shirt, to yes, a sparkling-suited magical genie who emerges amid smoke from a little lamp. Every number over which he presides – nearly every moment he is on stage –  answers the question that fans of the 1992 film Aladdin might have wondered about: How would Disney be able to translate to the stage the protean cartoon character of genie voiced by Robin Williams at his peak?  Also new to the cast: Telly Leung as Aladdin!
$30 digital lottery
Tickets to Aladdin
The Lion King
Disney celebrated The Lion King’s 20th anniversary on Broadway last year with lots of self-congratulations, but in this case it is deserved. Based on the 1994 Disney animated film about the coming-of-age of a young lion in the African jungle, this musical offers African-inflected music by Elton John, lyrics by Tim Rice and the visual magic of Julie Taymor. Taymor is the director, and a composer and lyricist for some of the songs. But above all, she is the designer of the costumes, masks, and puppets — and it is these visuals that make this show a good first theatrical experience — and worthwhile for any theatergoer no matter how experienced.
$30 digital lottery
Tickets to The Lion King
Wicked NY
The musical tells the story of “The Wizard of Oz” from the witches’ perspective, more specifically from the Wicked Witch of the West, who was not, as a child, wicked at all, but just green-tinted, taunted, and misunderstood. There is so much to like about this musical, the clever twists on the familiar tale, the spectacular set, and music that is a lot more appealing in context (such as the song “Defying Gravity”) that I will forgive the contortions necessary to tack on a happy ending.
$30 in person lottery
$49 digital lottery
Tickets to Wicked
  Also — for Harry Potter fans, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, and for Charles Dickens fans, A Christmas Carol.
  Thanksgiving Week 2019 Broadway Theater Schedule and 10 Recommendations Broadway is always big on Thanksgiving. If Olaf the snowman isn't on stage in "Frozen" at the St.
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Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders /// Part 2 /// 266   Part 2 of 3      www.TrueCrimeGarage.com     Camp Scott was a 410 acre camp operating since 1928. Located near a small town in Oklahoma the camp had facilities for up to 140 children and 30 staff. The camp was most often attended by Girl Scouts. In fact it was marketed to the Girl Scouts as “This is your camp.” After the night of June 13th, 1977 the camp closed forever. What took place that night was horrifying. Parents sent their young, happy daughters to an idyllic two-week camp and they never returned. What was done to those girls can only be described as pure evil. This week we take an in-depth look at the Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders.    Beer of the Week - Anytime Minutes by The Willows Family Ales  Garage Grade - 3 and 3 quarter bottle caps out of 5    Consider our great sponsors when holiday shopping this season! www.NewYorker.com/Garage - to get 12 issues for just $6 and a free tote bag  Don’t miss White Boy Rick - Rated R - Now on Digital and on Blu-ray December 25th  Check out the new podcast Assassinations - Visit Parcast.com/Assassinations    The full archive of True Crime Garage is available on the Stitcher listening app - for FREE. Our show “Off the Record” is only on Stitcher Premium. For a FREE month of listening go to http://stitcherpremium.com/truecrimegarage and u...
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hyaenagallery · 7 years
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The Oklahoma Girl Scout murders part 2 Tape, rope, a gag, and a flashlight were collected from the victims and the scene. On inspection of the tent, it was determined that Guse and Farmer had been struck and killed in the tent and that Milner had been taken into the woods and then killed. Blood on the wooden floor was wiped by the killer with mattress covers and towels in an unsuccessful attempt to rid the floor of it. The bloody materials were then stuffed in the sleeping bags. Camp Scott was immediately evacuated and was later shut down. During the girls’ homicide investigation, agents worked hundreds of leads, most of which led to a man named Gene Leroy Hart. Hart had been at large since 1973 after escaping from the Mayes County Jail. He had been convicted of kidnapping and raping two pregnant women as well as four counts of first degree burglary. Hart was raised about a mile from Camp Scott. Hart, a Cherokee, was arrested within a year at the home of a Cherokee medicine man. He was tried in March 1979. Although the local sheriff pronounced himself "one thousand percent" certain that Hart was guilty, a local jury acquitted him. A police report states Hart returned to prison after the trial. He still had 305 years of his previous 308-year sentence left to serve in the Oklahoma State Penitentiary. Sixty-six days, on June 4, 1979, he collapsed and died of a heart attack after about an hour of lifting weights and jogging in the prison exercise yard. #destroytheday
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aestheticsyoutubers · 3 years
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alaina urquhart, morbid: a true crime podcast ↳ episode 198: the oklahoma girl scout murders (part 2)
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aestheticsyoutubers · 3 years
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ashleigh kelley, morbid: a true crime podcast ↳ episode 198: the oklahoma girl scout murders (part 2)
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