#the one amusing thing that has been filled my sleepless nights is that I've been rewatching malpractice md
spielzeugkaiser · 10 months
Hi, Sorry to bother you, I'm just an anon who loves your art. It's just that I haven't seen you on Tumblr in the last weeks and I just hope that you're all right. I wanted to send you good vibes and wish you a good week. Also, I wanted to thank you for your incredible art and stories. I love your work and I hope and wish that you're okay. I'm looking forward to your come back but take all the time you need, absolutely no pressure. Your well-being is more important. I'll stop talking now. Bye !
Awww, thank you, that means a lot!! 🥺💖🥺
I've been ill for the couple last weeks (which is nothing new, because everyone who knows me also knows that I'm always ill) but this time nobody is sure what it actually is, so it's lots of: 'see if those meds do anything - oh no (nothing happens beside me being drowsy as fuck)' so I have been conserving my energy for the days where work is not avoidable and pured the rest into writing some papers I have a deadline for (about sepsis. yeeee)
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Mother Miranda x Lawyer!Oc ----Tilted Scales
Hello guys :) This is another commission I wrote for the amazing, wonderful @saltwatereulogies
Your support has been insane, I can't thank you enough. Hope you enjoy the story ❣
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Three days.
That is how long you've been in the village, after years of studying abroad, before everything turns to shit.
As you slowly blink focus back into your eyes, you try to clear the haze from your mind. It feels as though you've collided with a truck. Your body hurts, your wrists protest in their iron cuffs, stuck to the wall as they are, having supported your weight while you were unconscious.
Desperately, you try to recollect the events that led you here...
A grey sky. A bleak day. One moment you were making coffee for your mother, excited to be able to sit down with her in the mornings again... and the next you heard the echo of screams.
Overcome by adrenaline, you bolted out of your house, only to witness a scene straight from a nightmare; humanoid monsters ripping villagers apart, cries and blood and animalistic growls all blending together into one mad mix.
And before you could even warn your mother...
Damn it all, what the fuck happened!
You suddenly struggle against your bonds, hard enough to rattle your whole frame. Your wrists burn from the grind against metal, but you don't care–
“Stop that. It is pointless and you will only injure yourself.” A cold voice, strangely familiar, says from far to your right.
You peer deep into the shadows, searching for the only other person in the empty room... until you see her. A mask advances on you, gold and shaped like a crow's visage, then wings folded into a cloak come into view.
You would be a fool to not recognize her. The local saint. The village's prophet. The very 'saint' your mother prayed to, for your safe return, all these years. Mother Miranda.
The sound of her heels bounces off the walls until she comes to stand directly in front of you. Looking past the openings of her mask now, you realize....
This isn't possible.
She hasn't aged a day. Not a single day, since you left the village. The years should show around her deadly blue eyes, somewhere, and yet they don't.
“I see you remember me...” she says, while you're still trying to find your voice. “Miss Warren.”
“What is going on? Mother Miranda, what happened to the village?!” you demand.
Her expression shows nothing. “The village is in need of... renovation.” she speaks, even, regal. “Repopulation, even.”
You stare at her with wide eyes.
“Now, don't give me that look. You would not be here if you weren't of the ones I chose to keep.” she continues. “You see, from now on, every single person in my domain will make themselves useful in some way, or they will be replaced. And you... you have been abroad studying law for a while now, yes?”
“I... yes.” you reply, still not fully having wrapped your mind around your situation.
“Excellent. What I need from you is simple. You will make the village independent from the state’s taxes as a religious organization... and you will keep foreign investors out from that point onward.”
What... what part of that is simple?!
“Do that for me and in return I guarantee your mother and you will go back to your house safe and sound. You will have no shortage of Lei for as long as you live, Miss Warren.” Miranda promises.
But it is not the sweet part of the deal your mind stays glued to. “And if...” you gulp. “If I can't work around the law to do that...?”
Miranda blinks slowly at you, like you shouldn't even ask such a basic question. Like the answer is obvious.
“Well. Then I have no further use for either of you.”
It is in this moment that it dawns on you.
This woman is no angel and no saint.
She is a devil.
You spend countless sleepless nights pouring over every single paragraph, every little opening or ambiguity in the law you can use to free the village of taxes.
To keep your mother in the dark about this, you work in the office Mother Miranda has provided for you, in her very stronghold.
Although technically it's her home, you don't see her nearly as much as you initially thought. She is gone throughout the day and returns late at night, not even sparing you a glance before heading for her chambers, at the upper sections of the building.
The days she does come into your office to inquire on your progress are few and far-between, your conversations always short and cold.
This evening is different.
“How is your work coming along, Miss Warren?” the prophetess asks with her aggravatingly nice accent, seating herself like a queen on the chair in front of your desk.
Your eyes are tired, but you force them on hers, through the mask obscuring her face. “I think I've got it. I'll be sending the necessary papers tomorrow and the answer shouldn't take longer than a month.”
“Very good.” she nods, a miniscule curve to her lips.
Icy eyes then drop to the wine in the whiskey glass at the corner of the desk. You think she will make a comment about drinking at work, but instead she says;
“Pour me a glass, will you?”
You will your hands steady as you comply, then carefully slide her drink over.
Miranda takes her mask with claw-shrouded fingers... and soundnessly sets it on the wooden surface. Then she pushes the veil at her hair back, shaking long, platinum locks free.
You do a double take you hope she doesn't notice. Because what the actual fuck.
You didn't think her hair was that long, or that straight, or that it would fall over her shoulders like she's staring in a shampoo ad. You didn't think her lips were shaped like a cupid's bow or that her skin was this flawless and radiant.
The helplessly lesbian part of you could begrudgingly admit she was beautiful before... but now you arrive to the painful realization she's drop-dead gorgeous.
“So. I've heard you won cases others would describe as impossible.” she begins.
“Nothing's impossible. You just need to know where to look.” you reply. Law is your comfort zone and she is not that far above you here. “But how do you know that?”
“I have my sources.”
"Nobody truly leaves this village, huh.”
“Not without my consent, no. But I knew you'd come back.” At your slight frown, she elaborates, “You would never leave your mother behind.”
She's right. There was a whole world of opportunities waiting for you out there and yet... here you are.
“Good work, so far. You can take the next two days off. Your eyes could use the rest, Miss Warren.” Miranda speaks, finishing her wine.
“Sarah.” you say. 'Miss Warren' is for clients and she is your boss.
Miranda's lips give a slight quirk that may or may not be a trick of the light.
“I know.” she replies and exits the room, long hair billowing behind her back.
The taxes were only the first challenge. Now that the village is free of them, investors are flying in circles around it like vultures over meat.
In the meantime, Miranda comes to talk to you more frequently.
Lately, it seems she has more free time. You wish that was a good thing, but...
“So... are you like... going to stay here?” You ask after reading the same sentence five times to make sense of it, because her gaze on you is distracting as fuck.
“I'm not getting in the way of your work.” she says. You want to argue she is, but can't quite do that in a way that won't get you killed.
“I'm simply not used to working with company. Isn't this boring for you?”
“No, actually. I find it interesting, even though science is my field of expertise.” she answers. “And the way you take notes is… amusing.”
You try not to blush as you look down at your notebook, filled with different colored markers and post-it squares with tiny stick figures pointing to the more important paragraphs. You have been doing this for so long to sort out information you didn't even realize you were keeping it up in her presence.
“What is this supposed to be?” she asks with a small smile, the first of its kind you've seen.
To your horror, her clawed pointer aims at a particularly silly doodle, barely the size of a pencil's eraser.
“A... bird.” you grimace like you've been stabbed.
“Ah, of course.” Miranda holds back a chuckle but you can tell she's dying to make a comment.
Studying becomes hell for the rest of the time she's there with you, those sharp eyes picking apart every little move you make. At the same time, though, the hours you spend with her make you realize...
She's not a saint, though she may look like one. She's not completely a devil, either, even if she may act as one, at times.
She's human.
Miranda shares nothing about herself when you chat, but she seems to like it when you speak about your time abroad and all the things that left an impression on you there.
Your conversation over wine is cut short, however, when you receive a call from a number you learned means nothing but trouble, lately.
“Sorry, I have to take this.” you tell her.
The one calling you is none other than this month's rival lawyer, trying to dispute your claim over the land for his own boss. He's lost to you before, so it's also personal, but you are confident you have cornered them good with the latest papers you sent them...
And you are proven correct, when, a few seconds later, he is all faux polite on the other line, resorting to offering you money for you to withdraw your arguments.
Miranda comes to stand next to you, listening in to what he's saying.
The problem with that is, the second her arm brushes yours and you catch a whiff of her perfume –which always lingers in your office long after she's left— youare the one who stops listening to him.
Your attention flies to other things, like the inches she has on you, the exact color of her pale blonde hair, the little glint of victory in her stunning eyes.
Oh, no. God, no...
You know what this is, the feeling in the pit of your stomach. Alarm bells go off in the back of your head, as though your own mind is telling your body how foolish it's being.
There isn't a worse thing you can do to yourself than be attracted to Miranda.
Over time, familiarity with the prophetess brings higher levels of difficulty into your 'try to ignore your crush on her' game.
Miranda joins your side and leans over your shoulder, sometimes, to peer down at what you're doing. You don't move and don't breathe until she's within a safe distance again.
Then there are the wayward 'reward' touches, when you turn another investor away from the village. She may pat your back or leave her hand on your shoulder, or even scratch your nape with her claws as a job well done.
You hope your poker face hides the fact you feel her touch on you for far longer than you should, after she's gone.
Tonight, the situation is the toughest it's ever been for you.
There is a rainstorm going on outside; the waterdrops are tapping against the windows of your office as though they're trying to break it. Miranda has pulled her chair next to you so you can talk easier, without having to shout over the cacophony.
“And basically the judge's decision was that—”
You are interrupted by a blinding flash of lighting, during which your mind lets you know the stronghold is easily the tallest structure in it's vicinity—
When thunder cracks down the sky and strikes the building, you nearly scream. Your body tenses and you jump; but Miranda's hands come to your biceps and hold you steady, against herself and your desk.
Another flash comes before you really have time to think about your proximity. She covers your ears with her palms before the thunderclap can send you into overdrive again.
“You are with me and you're scared of a little thunder?” she teases when things quiet down and your heartbeat eases.
It's true; Miranda is the more terrifying force of nature. At the same time, however...
You feel oddly safe to be this close to her.
“Well... I'm not scared right now...” you quietly admit.
Her pointer comes underneath your chin and lifts it so you are looking straight into her hypnotic blue eyes. How is this color even real...
“And why is that?” Miranda asks, her wings coming around you both. They're curtains of black, cutting out some of the storm's sounds.
You want nothing more in this moment than to run your fingers through each individual feather.
You lick your lips. That's...not a question you can answer if you want the balance in your arrangement with her to remain.
Perhaps, though, the scales have tilted for you long ago. You just haven't been brave enough to admit it.
You have the courage to face it now when she leans down and covers your lips with hers, warm in a manner you never imagined she could be.
Her wings pull tighter around you and your mouths slide more firmly together. Lipbalm and creamy lipstick mix, tongues brush, tasting of wine. You are shaking so bad on the inside from how much you want this, more of this, the rumbling of the thunder be damned.
Miranda's palm cups your flaming cheek when she pulls back, perfectly composed and staring at you with a little smirk in place.
You dare to turn a little, lay a tiny kiss on the inside of her wrist, beyond her rings and accessories.
You aren't very fond of storms, but...
You willingly walk right into the eye of this one.
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