#when will I continue with art?? who knows
interstellarrisa · 3 days
𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ Quotes to keep in mind 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋
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a/n: these are just things that i like to keep in mind whilst manifesting/shifting and is not something you must do! also if you recognize your or someone else's quote/saying, pls dm or comment so that i can give credits!!! (i'm sleepy so sorry for any mistakes or if things don't rlly make sense -o-)
# Nothing needs to be harder than it sounds
It's just as you read. You don't need to make it any harder by adding complicating methods or trying to reprogram your subconscious. Decide, imagine and persist is all there is. You can decide how you'll do the "imagine" part. You can affirm, visualize, script or listen to subliminal. Do whatever you want, it's you manifesting it but I don't really recommend adding in unnecessary things as things can get tangled up and make you feel like you're doing anything except "getting" your manifestation.
# Imagination is the true reality
You've probably heard this like a thousand times but if you just think about it, if imagination is the true reality then why try to get it in the physical one? Since I can just imagine it and have it there and eventually it'll materialize. Also why struggle with it inside your imagination? Just as when some people when they were younger used to have imaginary friends. Just because they didn't see their friends body in the physical reality or that others couldn't see them did not mean they never existed. They did, just in that child's imagination and that's what matters. Having it in your mind and believing in yourself. Affirming this helps me with feeling fulfilled internally.
# Observe don't absorb
I really like this one cause like this is how I usually manifest away bad circumstances. Even if the 3D is right up in my face and is unavoidable I'll keep a idgaf mindset and continue on not taking it in as final or that it can't be changed. Nothing's set in stone, not even reality. If you don't like it just change it. There's no need to take the bad things as final. Know who you are and do your thing! At nighttime sometimes when we fall asleep random thoughts will pop up and pass us by, do you pay attention to every single thought? Do you react to every single one of those or think more deeply about them? Just as we observe those thoughts passing us by we should also observe reality. As a movie we're watching on our TV and if we don't like it we just switch to another one. Not get up and start screaming about how it's bad and that it's not the one we want to watch. Just switch movie.
Thank you for reading, good luck with your manifesting/shifting and bye!!<3
art cred @ CHIARA63710634 @ mors_gn @ riiein (all on twt)
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earthnashes · 2 days
Heyooooo ya'll! Figured it'd be a good idea to give a quick lil update on what I'm up to since it's been a while since I just talked on here.
If you don't wanna read here's the TL;DR:
-Fanart and headcanon AU projects in indefinite hiatus. This tumblr will host my commissioned art, original art/OC projects, and occasional tomfoolery of my thoughts, interests, and updates on my Powerlifting venture.
The full update under the break! :)
---- I'm doing relatively good! Cool news: I will be competing in my first powerlifting meet this year! It's been made official as of two months ago, and I've been hard at work with training and prep for the meet. I have my eye on making the state record for the Benchpress in my weightclass and I think I have real shot at it, so I'm gonna make the attempt. Wish me luck! ;w;
Not so good news: Rent's going up. Who's isn't, right? Gonna be putting a serious effort on looking for a new place (I'm reeaaallly gunning for a house) because SHEEEEEEEEEEEESH that spike in price for the exact same shit? Nah man. Likely will get rough a few times over the next few months but I'm confident I'll figure things out!
Now, the crux of why the update: I figured it was probably high time to mention the complete lack of fanart and headcanons 'round here, especially because that's what helped me find all of you and vice versa.
I'll be honest; I am no longer burnt out on creating art, but I've found the interest to continue any of my AU fanprojects is still missing, so as of right now they are on an indefinite hiatus. I apologize to everyone who followed me for the Super Mario, the LoZ stuff, anything and everything I was working on before the burnout! ;w;
I'm still working on projects, they're just completely original ones! I've been having so much fun with them and I'm pretty happy with them; here's a quick preview of each:
One is a slowburn fantasy where a god becomes trapped in the mortal realm while on a mission, but ends up compromising said mission when she begins to believe everything she knew about mortals is a lie.
The second project is an anthro mystery/thriller about a doe who knows her husband was murdered, but no one else believes her. As she works to find his killer herself, the last thing she expects is falling in love.
The third is the only fanproject I have going and ya'll know of it: Melon's Adventure! Follow Melon as he faces dangers and villains on his quest to return baby Mario to his family. A retelling of Yoshi's Island with twists and a personal flair!
But ye! I wanna say thank you all so much for your interest and engagement with my fanart work; regardless of everything I had an absolute great time working on them, and you all made them all the more enjoyable. It may take a little bit before I start posting them, but I hope you stick around for the original/OC stuff and enjoy what I've got in store! ;w;
Feel free to ask questions or make comments, I'll be around to respond starting today. Until then keep them peepers open for more art! :)
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ihopesocomic · 2 days
I really do respect y’all’s outlook on and attitude towards your fans… You’re a little curt sometimes, but in a world where everyone feels entitled to art being a certain way, it is incredibly refreshing to find more people who are willing to firmly but gently say “no, this is OUR THING, and if you don’t like what we do with OUR THING, please find someplace else”. /gen
Thank you so much, anon!
And yeah, some of our 'curtness' (see: intolerance lol) stems from the fact that we've been at this game for a long time and we've seen many content creators kinda buckle under the weight of their own fandom and its demands because the fandom mutates and no longer sees them as a regular person but a content farm and it's sad/infuriating to see. Your favourite content creators are people and have feelings too.
It's also why - on the flip side of the coin of not tolerating bullshit - we also don't tolerate people worshipping us and putting us on a pedestal. Mainly because parasocial relationships are incredibly unhealthy but also because neither of us are perfect. We're flawed individuals and we mess up and we'll continue to mess up and we want our fandom to call us and this story out when we do.
So, we do this just for the sake of our fans as well as ourselves. We can't cultivate a healthy fandom as well as cultivate a healthy working environment for ourselves without being firm and on top of things. That may rub some off the wrong way and be seen as 'chronically online behaviour' but, like you've pointed out, anon, those folks know where the door is if they feel that way. They won't be missed. - RJ
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Swallowed Whole by The Flame (Messmer the Impaler x Tarnished! Reader) 9
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Summary: The two of you find a common ground in family feuds.
A/N: The chapter at the end may include some sexual undertones that's the only warning for this chapter.
A03 link
Chapter 9: Unwinding Past
Messmer is a man of his word, for he's there waiting for you the next day at the doorway to the storehouse. It was as if he always had a constant radar on your whereabouts.
Interacting with him for the first time without being at each other's throats was one you didn't realise would be so awkward: neither of you speaks as you walk around, trying to train your gaze on the many artefacts surrounding you. You would pause and observe, whilst Messmer would give one line of the history of how he got it, and then move on, continuing around the storehouse until you found the books you wished to survey.
"May I asketh how didst thee learneth how to readeth?" Messmer finally asked, breaking the silence. Though he tried to seem approachable in his question, his words tumbled out rather clumsily, "T'is something all Tarnished art taught?"
"I don't know, I just... knew?" You didn't buy into your answer, and you knew Messmer didn't either, thanks to the way his eyebrow raised quizzically. "I think... I just remembered how to, it automatically came to me, like I already knew."
Messmer hums, "From the deaths thee experienced, I'm surprised thee remember thy name," he pauses mid-sentence, his eye wide as if something dawns on him. He turns to face you, "What is thy name?"
It dawns on you too that you never told him, for all he called you and those of his knights and staff called you "Tarnished" or "My Lady" or a mixture of the two. It was as if spilling the biggest part of your identity: a part of you that so few knew of, not even fellow Tarnished cared to ask for your name, or rather, you didn't give it to them, to begin with. Coyly, you eyed him carefully, "Promise me you will not tell a soul?"
It was he who rolled his golden eye, yet despite his body language, he leaned in close to you and surprised you by the way his voice was a hushed tone that eased your worries. "Who am I to tell?"
You sigh deeply, uttering it to him as quickly as you can, and wishing he had heard it the first time. It felt foreign to say it aloud as if your name had died a long time ago with you the first time. It had been the first thing you recalled when you had awoken the first time after experiencing your first death, with nothing but rags and a rusty dagger to your person, you carried the title of Tarnished wherever you went, for it was easier to be addressed as one than not at all.
You were thankful Messmer didn't go further into it, simply nodding as he took in your name and didn't ask further. "You're one of the few who has ever asked of my name."
Messmer hums, eyeing the toms of books as if he's through mid-thought, but you know deep down, there must be some ulterior motive as to why he wished for your name only now.
You can distract yourself momentarily as you continue your search, using a small step ladder to help you reach the taller shelves despite Messmer constantly asking if you wished for him to reach for them. Maybe it was stubbornness that was wielded in you, but you stuck to defiance only you could be proud of.
Yet, as you gather the book you wish to present to Messmer, you turn too clumsily, your foot not staying on the step as you suddenly find your body being propelled forward into the air, the book still in hand. 
You think you're quick to gather yourself and stop your fall, but Messmer is quicker.
With a speed you've only seen once in your fight against him, Messmer managed to use his body as a cushion, blocking yourself from the cold ground and a book being dropped. He had wrapped his arms securely around your waist in time, not expecting your momentum to bring you crashing almost face-first into him. The sound he let out was similar to a grunt, his eye wandering over your face as he assessed you. 
"Bid not me thee didst wend looking in mine own wine cellar last night of all?"
His humour is not enough to make you realise your situation: your body snugly resting in the arms of Messmer. He's always warm, that's no surprise, but now, you feel as if you're sweating profusely, your body melting the way candles melt under the heat of flame. You scramble back to the floor on your feet again, stepping back from him as if he may catch some disease from you. He doesn't seem as embarrassed as you do, more so, he's taking it a bit better than you are.
He smells nice today... like oranges? You curse yourself for making a mess out of yourself, apologising until the word seems to lose its meaning. Messmer is silent once more beside you, though you can feel his golden eye on you. "T'is a shame you didn't lose thy manners." He jests and you feel suddenly less warm, your head doesn't feel as if you're swimming underwater, and you're thankful he's making light of it all.
It takes you some time to sort yourself out, to control your heartbeat, unsure why it was beating so fast. You're certain the redhead is aware of your risen heartbeat but continues with looking around the books as if they hold some mild interest to him. It's when you finally present the book you meant to show him. Messmer peers over the book to look at the title. "Art thee one for the histories of the Golden Order?"
"It may hide some answers I've been looking for." You open to random pages, flicking through them until one of the pages catches your attention. Blond hair, golden warm eyes. He's dressed in the colours of the sky, trimmed in gold armour. 
You can feel Messmer's presence behind you, close but not enough to frighten you into believing he's lingering too close into your space. "Here, we can start here," you point to the portrait, of a man who was long dead before everything went wrong, "what do you know of Prince Godwyn?" Your question is genuine.
"He was mine own brother as well as mine own dearest friend," Messmer answers earnestly, though there is a pain to his voice that he does not try to hide from you. "I didst not receiveth much of a time with him before mother did place me here."
"You were familiar with him? In the Lands Between?"
"I knew of Queen Rennala's kin too, the young lion idolised Commander Gaius and me."
Radahn. It didn't make sense as to how he had been around for that long that he was familiar to the demigod children, but his name had never appeared in any of the histories in the Lands Between.
Your silence didn't seem to go down well with Messmer, for you noticed the way the serpents circled him in concern, his fist clenching and unclenching. "Is something the matter?" Did you hurt a soft spot by bringing up his family?
"T'is nothing." Messmer's voice strains, continuing you despite the obvious way he looks uncomfortable. "Mine own mother was greatly inconsolable by Godwyn's death." 
"It was the beginning of the demigods," you muttered more to yourself, but your words did catch Messmer off guard. You didn't know whether he knew of how he died, or who killed him. It had been a painstaking struggle, no doubt one no drama with siblings and kin could compare. "He must've been a good man for a fate so harsh."
"Yes, a valorous man, one did admire by all." Messmer sighs, "he may has't did ceased this family feud."
 It's only when Messmer is abrupt as if he's ready to leave the room the second you have your back to him. He seems rigid, stressed even. "Forgive me, I has't dealings I might not but attendeth to."
"Of course." you don't think a second as to why he's being so cold, since it's been in his nature to be so. He dismisses himself quite quickly, his long legs striding out as he rounds the corner, out of sight.
You watch as he disappears before turning back to the pages, unaware that Messmer is, around the corner, one hand holding his head, the other trying to stop the ache in his chest. He's thankful there's none of his knights around to see him like this, as he tries to calm the ache in between his legs. He huffs, storming off as he tries to think nothing less of you being in his arms and the feeling of your skin against his, burning him, smouldering him with this unknown, intense heat that he wishes to be rid of.
A/N: So… Messmer is feeling like some horn dog, but let's be impressed that he did manage to keep it together for that long!😉 Gosh, this honestly took longer to write only because sickness came over me and left me not wishing to do anything for a whole week. I started writing this before getting sick and then by the time I came back around to it, I had lost all motivation and knowledge of how I wanted it to go. So hopefully it doesn't feel jumbled or clumsy in writing. I will try to get back to it in the next chapter.✨
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pichiru · 2 days
The Sun Also Smiles - Chapter 3
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Chapters - [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Summary - With Mabel and Dipper's 16th birthday party on the horizon, Grunkle Stan takes to online dating to find a date for the party. Things start to get real weird real fast.
Word Count - 3,251
Pairing(s) - Stan Pines x OC
Genre(s): Romance, Comedy, Mystery
Solana said:
Good morning, Stanley Pines 🖤
Stanley 🖤🖤🖤 said:
Mornin toots
Solana said:
Did you sleep well?
Stanley 🖤🖤🖤 said:
Like a damn rock. What about you?
Solana said:
I slept wonderfully. Had a hot date with a nice and shy old guy and my favorite tv show last night
Stanley 🖤🖤🖤 said:
Oh yeah? Hope he was handsome
Solana said:
He is. Sexy even.
Stanley 🖤🖤🖤 said:
Damn. You think I’m sexy? Wish I could give you a compliment too but I have no idea what you look like, toots
Solana said:
Soon, soon. Very soon. I promise. I wanna make sure that you’re not gonna up and run away the moment you see me.
Stanley 🖤🖤🖤 said:
Why would I book it?
Solana said:
Iunno. It happens all the time.
Stanley 🖤🖤🖤 said:
Even for me, that’s rude as hell. I’m sorry
Solana said:
Why are YOU sorry? You didn’t do it. I appreciate the kindness though.
Stanley 🖤🖤🖤 said:
Lemme meet you at your job some time?
Solana said:
Maybe. Let me get through the day today and I’ll give you an answer to that. I’m in a rush right now. Boss is on my ass about being present and punctual.
Stanley 🖤🖤🖤 said:
Yeah I gotcha. I’ll be waiting for that answer, babe
Solana said:
“Grunkle Stan, are you ready yet?” Mabel called from up the stairs.
“Did you sleep in your chair again? That’s not good for your back, you know,” Dipper said with playful disappointment in his voice.
Stan smiled to himself at the kids looking out for him despite the fact that he was a grown man and could take care of himself. It was just nice to know that people other than Ford cared for once.
He dropped the leg rest on the recliner then pulled himself to the edge of the seat. With a large and very much audible grunt, Stan pushed himself onto his feet. He knew Dipper was right but sometimes forcing himself to lay in an empty bed was tough. A loud crack was heard when he stretched out his back, immediately creating relief.
“Yeah, yeah, kids. I got it,” he yelled up at them, knowing they were standing at the top of the stairs listening to his morning routine.
“Lemme take a shower and snag breakfast on the way there,” Stan offered as he continued to stretch and crack bones in his rickety old body.
“No chance Grunkle Stan! It’s almost noon and I’ve been waiting alllllll morning for you to wake up and take me and Dipper-“
“I told you, it’s Maze now. Short for Mason,” Dipper murmured to Mabel, hitting her arm. Not hard though.
Mabel rolled her eyes in an exaggerated manner. “I’ve been waiting alllllll morning for you to wake up and take me and MAZE to that massive art store that just opened up recently.”
“Maze?” Stan asked under his breath to himself in confusion. “I’m sorry, kid. I stayed up a little later than usual to watch the rerun of The Duchess Approves. I’ll make it up to ya. I promise.”
Mabel peeked down the stairs to see Stan standing at the bottom, looking as if he was deep in thought. “Okay. As long as you keep that promise.”
“I’m a man of my word! I’ve never made a promise I couldn’t keep. Ask Sixer.” Stan yawned as he stretched one last time to get the residual tiredness out of his body.
“Shower then store!” Mabel said with a nodding huff.
“You got it, kid,” Stan chuckled. He turned the tv off and tossed the remote back into the recliner. He trudged up the stairs and past the kids at the top, immediately making his way into the bathroom. He shut the door quickly and sighed heavily.
Why was Solana being so avoidant about being seen? Was she actually a catfish or even a modicum of who she said she is? It was hard to tell through just a screen or a phone call. Stan was used to being scammed and the scammer but this one…this one felt like the worst kind of scam and that’s saying a lot considering he was actually a criminal.
He shook his head to try and shake the feeling off. Today was about Mabel and starting up her weird earring business. This wouldn’t even be a thing he’d consider if she wasn’t looking to be a business owner like her good old Grunkle Stan. It lit up the darkest corners of his heart to know that fact.
As he went through the motions of taking a shower and getting dressed, Mabel was sitting with Dipper in the living room. She was sitting in the seat of the recliner and Dipper on the arm with his leg up. They were barely watching some old cowboy flick that had a lot of staring and not a lot of action. It could almost be classified as media's longest staring contest if one to be honest.
Dipper had on a black denim vest with distress on the sleeves, (what he thought was) an obscure band t-shirt, ripped jeans, and combat boots. Even though it was the beginning of summer, he chose fashion over comfort. He even started donning "guy-liner" which everyone knew was just eyeliner he tried to masculinize. Mabel did it for him every morning without complaint because she wanted her brother to look pretty.
Mabel however barely changed her fashion sense in the years since they were last in the mystery shack. Except she upgraded to overall dresses over her sweaters instead of regular skirts and wore high top converse instead of regular black flats. Sometimes she would steal Dipper's band t-shirts if they had a weird enough logo.
"Dip-" Mabel started before she got a death glare from her brother. "Maaazzzeeeeeee," she said in a drawn out way to try and get the name on her tongue. "Maze, did you hear any of what Grunkle Stan was saying on the phone last night?"
"No, I was _actually_ sleeping."
"Hey! I was too excited to sleep because we're starting up my business soon! And going material shopping today. I had to make sure I had everything written down and designed so the art store people could help me," she explained before puffing out her cheeks at the end.
"ANYWAY!" she continued. "He was talking to a mystery woman and watching The Duchess Approves. It had a crazy plot twist at the end. I won't spoil it for you though," she rambled.
"Mabel, you're getting off track again," Maze said as he flicked the shoelaces on his combat boots.
"Oh! Right! Well anyway, I think he asked her on a date," she whispered to him.
"A date? Grunkle Stan? Yeah okay. Funny joke Mabel," Maze said as he rolled his eyes. "Grunkle Stan doesn't have it in him to even talk to a woman let alone ask her on a date."
"I dunnoooooo! He got pretty far on courting Lazy Susan before things went downhill. I just think they thought they were better as friends. But this woman...She's different. I think he really likes her."
"How could you know that from one conversation on the phone?" Maze asked.
"I can tell by the tone of his voice when he was talking to her. Grunkle Stan never talks to anyone like that. Not even us! And you know he loves us to death."
"He'd never admit it though," Maze added.
"Of course not. But we will always know his truth," Mabel sighed gently as she sat back into the chair.
"Kids? Ya ready to hit the road?" Stan's voice suddenly called from up the stairs.
Mabel and Maze sat up straight when they heard his voice. They looked at each other, scared that he might have heard their conversation. They gulped in unison.
"Y-Yeah! I got everything in my bag and Di...Maze is ready too!" Mabel called back with a nervous laugh, grabbing her tote bag and standing up straight.
"Nice," Maze said sarcastically with no real bite to it. But he's glad she said something because he knows they would have both been sitting there in stunned silence until Stan came down to see if they were even still alive.
"Shhhhhh!" Mabel covered his face with one of her hands. Maze didn't move in the slightest. He was used to Mabel doing that at this point.
They could hear footsteps descending down the first half of the steps then onto the landing. Stan was standing there in his mystery shack suit with his red fez, a sleek gold chain with his stylish, totally for show, cane in his right hand. Which meant...he was ready to haggle the art store workers at any cost. He only wore that suit when he wanted to scam during daylight hours.
"Grunkle Stan, you better be nice! I know what that suit means," Mabel warned, putting her hands on her hips and puffing her cheeks out.
"Hey, don't ya want the best materials at half the cost? Which means ya can get even more!" Stan retorted with his signature, boastful grin plastered on his face.
Mabel sighed loudly while leaning her head back. "Yeessssss," groaned playfully.
"Exactly. Let's get going." Stan looked at Maze and gave him a thumbs up. "I had a goth phase too, kid. Just want you to know that," he said as he finished coming down the stairs. He patted both of their heads with heavy hands and smiled even more. Nothing made him happier in this moment than seeing his niece and nephew continue growing into their own person. He just wanted them to be happy and he'd do anything to make that happen.
"Grunkle Staaannnnnn," Maze groaned, shaking his head from under Stan's hand and fixing his hair.
"Sorry, kid. Takes a lot of hair gel to get it like that, eh?" Stan chuckled as he walked towards the door. "Keepin it in mind for the next time."
Maze smiled at his uncle's apology. Stan was the last person he expected to understand him right now. How could Stanley Pines of all people understand what it felt like to be an outcast? It always seemed like he knew just what to do to fit in and Ford was the outcast.
"Maze?" Mabel called from the door. She was looking at him with concern at the way he spaced out suddenly. "You okay?"
"Y-Yeah! Sorry. I was just thinking about what kind of earrings I could make for myself when you get everything. Twin discount, you know," He said coolly.
Mabel grinned, clutching the strap of her tote. Her family's support meant the world to her. "It'll probably be something emmoooooo," she teased. "Shotgun!" she yelled suddenly before darting towards Stan's car.
"NOT FAIR! You got a head start!" Maze said as he ran out of the house past Stan to try and beat Mabel to the car.
Stan laughed to himself as he closed the front door and locked the door. He strolled over to the car as the twins argued over who was going to sit where in the car. "The lady of the hour should sit in the front." Mabel stuck her tongue out at Maze. "Then...Maze can sit in the front when we come home." Maze stuck his tongue out at Mabel in retaliation. Stan unlocked the car and hopped in. Right after, the twins piled into the spots in the car.
"Buckle those seatbelts up," Stan reminded as he turned the radio on a low volume so there wasn't any awkward silence.
"Grunkle Stan, you literally never put your seatbelt on," Mabel laughed as she put hers on.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm an adult. I could take a car crash to the head right now and be fiiine," Stan said smoothly but in a way that would definitely be conveyed as a joke. He admired her for calling him out on his shit. He needed to be setting a better example for them since they were much more sentient and impressionable than the last time he saw them. He popped it on, adjusted his rearview mirror and drove off towards town.
Stan and Mabel were singing along to a random pop song that they both were surprised that each other knew. Once they realized that they were karaoke buddies, they sang their hearts out to the song while Maze sat in the backseat, marveling at their ability to not care so much. Once the song was over with and they calmed down, Stan adjusted his rearview mirror so he could have a direct eye line with Maze.
"So uh, Maze. Ya wanna talk about the name change?" Stan asked as he turned down the radio so he could hear him if he decided to respond.
"Oh, uh..." Maze's cheeks flushed shyly as he sunk down into the seat. "I felt like Dipper was too little kiddish and Mason wasn't cool enough. It feels like an old man name. So I came up with Maze," he explained, feeling his ears heat up from embarrassment. "It's like a cooler and more edgy version of Mason, you know?"
Stan smiled to himself. He was proud of his nephew for taking steps to trying to find himself in this crucial stage of his development. "Yeah? It sounds badass," he admitted with a grin. "The ladies'll go crazy over Maze."
"You think so?" He asked, his cheeks fully flushed now. He had a smile on his face that was so relieved that Stan was extremely supportive without a second thought to it.
"Hell yeah! Better than borin old Stan," Stan said with a nod, smiling even more now.
"Well someone seems to like that, 'boring old Stan'," Mabel chimed in bravely with a devious grin while she wiggled her eyebrows knowingly.
The car swerved slightly after she said that. Stan was shocked that she knew _anything_. His own cheeks started turning red in response.
"Got no clue what you're on about, kid," he deflected quickly.
"Oh yeeeaaaahhhhhh? Who's Solana then?" Mabel asked, putting her head in her hands with her elbows on the arm rest between her and her uncle.
"B-Bill collector!" He stammered before turning the radio up loud enough to where he couldn't hear her if she tried to speak again.
Mabel giggled and turned to face forward in her seat again. She knew he was lying of course and it was hilarious watching him trying to explain his way out of it.
After what felt like an agonizing amount of time to Stan later, they pulled into a parking spot at the new art shop he promised he'd take Mabel to. He turned the car off then immediately pulled the keys out.
"Ready to get the ball rollin, kid?" Stan asked Mabel.
"I'm ready like Freddy!" Mabel said excitedly, practically vibrating in her seat at this point.
"Go on in. I'll meet you kids in there. Make sure you look all helpless so they'll feel bad for some kids and give even more of a discount," Stan reminded, looking between the both of them. The twins nodded and rushed out of the car to run into the store.
Stan took his phone out of his pocket to see if Solana had texted him. She didn't. He figured it was because she was at work so he figured he'd hear from her later on in the day after her shift. Or maybe on her lunch break? He hoped lunch was the option.
Wait what? Stop. Full stop. Why was he acting like this about a woman he barely knew?
Get it together, Stanley, he thought to himself, shaking his head and rubbing his face in disbelief. His eyes trailed over to his reflection in the rearview mirror. He almost didn't recognize himself.
"Ya got this. You are the man. Ya'll get Mabel the best deals in the history of Gravity Falls on art supplies. Keep it together around them. Don't let them see you crack," he said to his reflection in the mirror, trying to hype himself up like usual. He always did this before every Mystery Shack tour back when he still ran it. He left that up to Soos long ago. It'd been a while. He was rusty but he hoped he still had the charm.
Before he could get inside his own head any more than what he already was, Stan got out of the car. He made sure to grab his cane just in case he had to play up the old man card. As he locked the doors, he was already walking into the store.
The doors slid open and he was hit with the crispest wall of air conditioning he'd ever felt since he moved to this, not so, sleepy town. They weren't kidding when they said this was the biggest art store this town has ever seen. It seemed locally owned. By who, he didn't know. Nor did he care. He was about to scam the fuck out of them.
There was a loud clatter heard in a nearby aisle.
"Fuck!" the voice said in a defeated tone.
Stan grew curious if the kids had anything to do with that. He went to inspect almost immediately. Once he reached the aisle where the commotion was, there was a woman bent over in a short skirt. If she didn't have her striped tights on, her ass definitely would have been showing. It was nice and round plus her thighs were the perfect size to match. When he caught himself staring, Stan screeched to a grinding halt in his tracks when he remembered that he was still very much interested in Solana.
"Excuse me, toots. Ya need a hand?" he found himself asking without even thinking a millisecond about it. He cussed himself out internally for treating this woman the way he did initially and wanted to right the wrong. Even though she had no idea.
"Ah, no. I got it," she said as she stood up straight and turned around to see Stan. She froze in her tracks when their eyes met. She stood there, statuesque.
Stan couldn't help but look over her in the few seconds he had to respond. She had a light yellow color to her hair and it was almost reminiscent of Betty Boop with all the little curls she had covering her head and part of her face. It was short too. Above her shoulders. Her skin was dewy and brown. Her eyes were a deep and chocolatey brown. Her lips. Her shirt had one of those little heart shaped keyholes. It showed every bit of her cleavage.
He snapped himself back to reality first, still finding her seemingly frozen in time.
"Hello?" Stan asked, waving a hand in her face. "Anybody home up there?"
"Hi, Stanley," she said in a very familiar voice with a smile and a tiny wave of her fingers.
Stan froze in his spot as well. His throat immediately started feeling like it was closing up and his heart started racing.
"S-Solana?" he asked in quiet shock. His entire demeanor changed almost instantly. He was looking everywhere but her, feeling the anxiety of seeing her set in quickly. This was something he hadn't accounted for. At least not today.
"Tsk, tsk, Stanley," Solana said as she did the two finger wiping motion at him. "Eye fucking me already?" she laughed. "How ungentlemanlike of you."
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spielzeugkaiser · 10 months
Hi, Sorry to bother you, I'm just an anon who loves your art. It's just that I haven't seen you on Tumblr in the last weeks and I just hope that you're all right. I wanted to send you good vibes and wish you a good week. Also, I wanted to thank you for your incredible art and stories. I love your work and I hope and wish that you're okay. I'm looking forward to your come back but take all the time you need, absolutely no pressure. Your well-being is more important. I'll stop talking now. Bye !
Awww, thank you, that means a lot!! 🥺💖🥺
I've been ill for the couple last weeks (which is nothing new, because everyone who knows me also knows that I'm always ill) but this time nobody is sure what it actually is, so it's lots of: 'see if those meds do anything - oh no (nothing happens beside me being drowsy as fuck)' so I have been conserving my energy for the days where work is not avoidable and pured the rest into writing some papers I have a deadline for (about sepsis. yeeee)
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inspisart · 1 year
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dick took the news that a strange thirteen year old broke into his apartment while he was away at the circus pretty well, I gotta say
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Teehee! (Spritesheets your Wangxian)
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wigglebox · 4 months
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Destiel Pride - Day 5; Cursed or not
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spaceistheplaceart · 5 months
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found an old ekurei comic rotting in my files, decided to finish it. upon my rewatch of mp100 i kept noticing how many times dimple was referred to as a pet- but he's not ! ! ! he's a friend :)
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chocodile · 18 days
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She's either going to Seoul or Rainbow Road, getting slightly mixed signals here.
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swagveryswagamazinf · 2 months
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gyus i forogt I had a tumblri think I never posted tjis here hai hello
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meamiiikiii · 4 months
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5% of a color headcanon.... two versions since b&w emphasizes the dagger more i think but i still like the warm tones ASFSADA
i am not biased towards rainbow daggers whatsoever i promise (lie)
((also friend is streaming now and im there too!! bit more info linked here, its rated mature tho))
#in stars and time#isat#isat siffrin#i think tumblr is chewing on this ah well#its more of a weapon color headcanon than anything else tbh SAFASDA#but its very funny in my mind to refer to this as#insert percent amount of color headcanon here ASDASFA#i do not have many color headcanons tbh???#overall i would say i have like 1.15(ish) color headcanons that are solid in my brain across the cast???#the rainbow dagger has been in my minds eye for a long time#um SPOILERISH talk ahead in tag talk so be warned#i am serious!! turn back now if u dont want SPOILERS!!!#can u imagine if siffrins parents had lovingly crafted that white cloak and helped him pick out the pure black fit when younger#so they could be fashionably black and white like if things were in color or something#but then the first thing siffrin picks out on their own terms is literally the most colorful thing imaginable for the dagger#i do not know if that makes much sense but yeah#it is fun in my minds eye ASDAFA#actually is it ever mentioned where siffrin got the dagger??#was it also passed down????#ik the cloak was for sure from his family#and the pure black fit underneath is up in the air i think#tho if it was a first pass pick from parents#and he continued to pick it again and again after they got older subconsciously or not might be fun to think about#also do not mind the art style shift it might happen again LMAO#probably sparingly tho? who knows!!!#should i link stream in this post??? i dont know???#i feel a lil bad if it isnt related?????#oh well im doing it anyway because friendship :]#honestly did not think i would also have anything to post today but uh oops sorta just happened and it lined up so ASFASDA#anyway tag talk over stream time WOOO and i think i hit tag limit LMAO
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kagoutiss · 10 days
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green beetle black beetle
#star wars#the original trilogy#boba fett#darth vader#hi. sorry for star war jumpscare. genuinely#i feel like ive kinda been on an art hiatus lately due to health stuff#i got diagnosed with a parathyroid disease recently (wahoo) so now i know why i have been feeling so bad! need more tests though#anyway. in the mean time most of the entertainment my brain can handle has been like. youtube clip compilations of shows and movies#not even the actual shows or movies. literally just sections of them on youtube#i wish i was joking#the only reason i know what happens in succession is because i have watched it in disjointed order in youtube compilations. not joking#anyway so ive learned a lot more about star wars than i ever. thought i would#mostly just the original trilogy and prequels. some of the old comics & books are interesting too#(sick to my stomach) i like darth vader he has like the same personality as ganondorf except he had no good reason for doing anything#when vader/anakin does literally anything weird or unacceptable it like. makes me laugh so hard its like jerma when he sees a car accident#boba fett’s costume design has been rotating in my head a lot too it’s very good#he’s very colorful and like. matte/unpolished compared to vader and it makes them a cool duo visually#those 2 are my favorites. vader why is the space cowboy the only person aside from sidious or tarkin who is allowed to get mad at you#sidious is my 3rd favorite. he sucks so bad as like a person that you just. you have no expectations of him except just being evil#so its just really funny like everything he does is horrible and he’s so happy all the time like good for him#i’m making it sound like ive never seen star wars before. i have i just never really cared about it until i got an endocrine disorder lmao#but yeah idk art may continue to be slow while im figuring out treatment stuff#if anyone reading this also has or has had hyperparathyroidism im wishing the strength & radiance of 1000 beautiful horses upon you
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cfeather · 2 years
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yjh’s birthdays in different world lines
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alicenpai · 1 year
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2021 re2 and re4 doodles i unearthed, 2020-2021 were the years of art block for me - i drew a lot, but not too many of my drawings felt quite right. anyways... sherry finally got that puppy (big puppy...) and parrot she always wanted! im a big fan of taking a single obscure piece of dialogue/game mechanic/inventory item etc and then drawing it
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