#the one between cal and sofia was already a bit iffy af
teecupangel · 1 year
Here for the same every week.
Pd: I was scared for the look in the face of Noah :(
My thoughts on Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
Official English translation (the free chapters anyway) here
So, before we get to the ‘meat’ of my thoughts for this chapter, Edward is doing good on his part but the mystery is mostly contained in the modern-day part right now so that’s where I will focus on.
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I will have to ask, is this something that Edward knew on his own?
Or is this meant to be something Noa did that goes against history?
Are we saying Noa’s Animus has the ability to change the past as he sees it? (Not the real past though but the past that the Animus is loading)
My head pretty much hurt when I was reading the modern-day part because it sorta doesn’t make sense?
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This dialogue makes it seem like rejecting the memories would worsen the Bleeding Effect but that’s not what happened to Cal’s father in the film. He went blind because he refused to cooperate with the memories yet there was no mention of how he suffered from the Bleeding Effect.
I supposed the film’s side effects would have less canonical standing than ‘Shimazu’’s words in the webtoon?
Also… this part…
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Are we saying that Edward, who wanted to meet his daughter after learning about her, the same Edward who returned to London with her, the same Edward who made a name for himself as a noble and made sure to provide for both his daughter and his son…
We’re calling Edward a deadbeat dad???
Look… let’s be clear, Edward made grave mistakes. How he left Caroline is a big red flag that points at him being a deadbeat husband even if he says he’s doing it for them but the ending of Black Flag shows that he wants to be better, he wants to be a good father.
Edward: Will you stay with the Assassins? Anne: No. I haven't got that kind of conviction in my heart. You? Edward: In time, aye... when my mind is settled and my blood is cooled. Sailor: Sail ho! Coming into the cove! Anne: You're a good man, Edward. And if you learn to keep settled in one place for more than a week, you'll make a fine father too.
And Edward's part in this webtoon is set 3 years after Edward and Anne had this conversation.
Edward was a lot of things but I refuse to believe that he was a deadbeat dad to Jenny growing up.
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Dude, don't do Edward dirty like that.
I think this is Noa projecting his hatred for his father but Edward is not the right person to be used for this entire thing.
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Hey, Noa. Wanna know who fucked up the Kenway family so badly?
This motherfucker.
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The whole Kenway family drama started when he had Edward killed, Jenny sold off and indoctrinated Haytham into becoming a Templar.
For all Edward Kenway’s shortcomings and foolish decisions, I refuse to believe that he was ever anything but a good father to his children and Noa’s words, while I know came from the eyes of someone who don’t know Edward enough and someone who has a very bad relationship with his own dad, still managed to irk me.
At least Desmond had an actual bad dad to push his daddy issues to with Haytham and we can't even really call Haytham a deadbeat dad since his 'lack of contact' is because he didn't even know he had a son in the first place.
I'm just saying the Kenway men (actually, the Auditore-Kenway men) are not the right people to call 'deadbeat dads' in this scenario. An argument can be made for 'deadbeat husband' for what Edward did to Caroline but NOT deadbeat dads.
Now, for the other ‘main character’ of the modern-day era…
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This line does not bold or add single quotation marks on the Shimazu so this could mean that she does believe she’s a Shimazu but the boss lady doesn’t believe she’s a Shimazu. Of course, this could also be an indication that the boss lady calling her ‘Shimazu’ with quotation marks was meant to show that she was stressing the name instead of implying she’s not a real descendant of the Shimazu clan.
Another thing… (this is more of a personal thing than anything so you can ignore this)
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God, no. Please don’t.
I already have a low tolerance for tsunderes in general, if this webtoon makes ‘Shimazu’ a tsundere with the development being she’d become more and more ‘dere’ for Noa, I’ll probably lose any interest I have in her. Tsunderes aren’t really my thing, especially if they physically abuse their ‘dere’ target which ‘Shimazu’ kinda did using the goons she had with her.
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