#the one to the right leads to the dining room which is why the hutch is against that wall
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Lord almighty I spent all day on this just to use it for one page (so far)
Architecture and furniture is so hard omg
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Chapter 3-My Life With John Steinbeck--Crying for Burgess (Gwyn’s tale of a haunted yellow house)
In December, the 50th anniversary of Steinbeck's death, his papers will be unsealed. Perhaps there will be more surprises, revelations . Here is a fun one about a haunted yellow house from Gwyn Conger Steinbeck’s journal,hidden for 50 years! 
From the outside, the house looked almost like nothing, but behind the high walls and the fence was a house that was unique. It was built like a string of freight cars, and the inside was almost all glass. It was the first house I had ever seen that was a ‘His’ and ‘Hers’ house. In the living room were two built-in desks; in the bathroom, two built-in medicine closets. In fact, there was a ‘His’ and ‘Hers’ of everything in that house. John was in the process of cleaning it up, although he was not a domestic man, not by any means.
He was intrigued by the house. He told me he had found all kinds of weird wiring and things for lighting, and concluded that the former owners, the Johansens, must have held seances. Besides, he had unearthed yards and yards of black velvet gauze in a closet.
He showed me around and begged me to stay with him and help him fix it up. ‘I am very lonesome, and I am upset. I must work, and I need you,’ he told me. John had chosen the house because of its seclusion. He always liked a secluded atmosphere. He did not like people looking in windows.
The dining room, immediately off the living room, was solid glass. It made you feel as if you were in a garden because the fernbrakes were as high as five and six feet. A door led to several steps and a fishpond. Directly to the right of the dining room was a kitchen, then a small hallway and another door leading to the first bathroom. Next came a large room with narrow windows, very high-up windows. John turned that room into his library. As well as being almost fanatical, he was an avid reader. From the library, there was another passageway, again solid glass, with window seats. It was a quick passageway and this, too, led into the garden. It led into another bedroom, a pleasant room, again with high windows and a big bay window facing the garden. John wanted to turn this room into the master bedroom, which he did. Next to that was another, with a small kitchen. It was solid cement and only had one window, again facing the garden.
The kitchen did, however, have its exit door, which led to an area where there were once rabbit hutches. Apparently, the people slaughtered their rabbits because there were hanging hooks and butchering tables. Everything had been left in a state of disrepair. Mother called this room ‘Little Siberia.’ Outside of this area was a large gate that led into a vacant lot, a lot so overgrown with mattress vine that we could barely open it. John left it that way.
We started work. We painted, and we scrubbed. We burned weeds and tore out things. John and I did most of the painting ourselves. Mother visited, and she helped a little. Then we began the task of furnishing. I handled that while John worked in the garden in the mornings. He seemed at peace with himself during this time, although I know he was very restless. He knew I loved roses, so he went down to the Cannery and ordered a whole truckload of fish guts and had them turned into soil, spread everywhere. You do that, and you don’t have to fertilize for another seven years. And he built me a rose garden outside the guest house, directly opposite the room he turned into his ‘nest.’ He hired a Japanese gardener named Frank. John had been brought up around Japanese, and he felt they were good people to have work for you, which they are.
On the gate, John installed a big Mexican bell. The only way he would let anyone in was if they pulled the cord and rang the bell. It made a big noise.
We had a great sense of accomplishment cleaning up the house and painting it. It looked stunning in yellow and white. We bought furniture from Holman’s store, and the house began to turn from an old brown shack into a lovely, warm home. As you might imagine, we were extremely proud of what we had done. We were together – but not alone. We found out that the house was haunted!
I say that because many things happened in that house at 425 Eardley Street; strange and weird happenings. John was a mystic, as I said earlier, and he was interested in the unknown, and at the same time, he liked to scare people. He would get enjoyment out of sitting in the living room with guests, and suddenly the doorknob would turn, and the door would open. Everyone would get up and pour another drink. Furthermore, you could not keep that house locked up.
John did not believe in reincarnation, but he did acknowledge ghosts, and we certainly had them on Eardley Street. At night the place groaned and creaked, and nobody wanted to remain alone in that house. John would not stay alone there, either. Toby Street, John’s lawyer, later tried to live in that house and said it drove him crazy. Lewis Milestone, the director who did the movie Of Mice and Men, and who had come up to work on the script of The Red Pony, awoke in the middle of the night. He said afterward, ‘John, I hate to say this and I know you won’t believe it, but when I got up and looked out of the windows that garden was full of people!’ John laughed and said, ‘I believe you.’
I remember the time when a friend of John’s, Ellwood Graham, had painted a very modern painting of boats in the Monterey harbor. John loved it and bought it and decided to hang it above the living room fireplace. ‘Old Johansen won’t like that,’ I said. ‘Oh yes he will,’ he answered. We were having our morning coffee. John hung a big bulldog hook over the fireplace. I watched him as I sat on the hearthstone below. He hung the painting and stepped back to admire it. ‘It looks very nice there, don’t you think?’ he said. With that, there was a loud noise, and the bulldog hook was torn out of the wall. The painting crashed down and missed my head by the umpteenth of an inch. John laughed. ‘I’ll fix that old sonofabitch,’ he said. He went to the garage and came back with a spike a good four inches long, and drove it into the wall. ‘He won’t pull that out!’ he said, and rehung the painting. We admired it again and left the room.
Moments later, as we were in the kitchen, there was a terrible screeching noise. We rushed back into the living room. The nail had come out of the wall, and the painting was on the floor, its frame smashed. Needless to say, John moved that painting to another part of the room. I simply believe the former owner did not want anything modern around.There was another time when Mother was helping to clean up the lawn in the yard, because it was so overgrown with weeds. She had gotten mud on her shoes and took them off and tapped them against the wall. The wall tapped right back at her.
That’s the way the house was: if you touched anything and rapped – it rapped right back! Despite the ghosts, the noises, there was contentment in this house. The reason for that was because John was able to write again. His energy peak was usually from daylight onwards. When he worked, he worked damn hard. John was a man of great discipline, and he let nothing, absolutely nothing, interrupt him. His power of concentration was phenomenal.
Sometimes, after a morning’s hard work, perhaps he would come in from his ‘nest,’ and decide that we would have a love scene, a little matinee. There is nothing unhealthy in that, I assure you. However, when we began to make love we often ran into a funny situation because of the folks next door. They were migrants from Texas who worked in Cannery. No sooner would we start making love when they would put on a record, full force, and we would be lying in bed naked, listening to Roll Out the Barrel. We invariably broke up, and even if we were in bed at night, there it would go again, rolling out that damned barrel! All we could do would be to roll on our backs and kill ourselves laughing! But there were of course quiet, loving times when we shared each other’s body, like any couple in love, as we were.
While we were living in the haunted house, we found our famous rat – Burgess. One day John came home with a baby white rat. ‘I thought you might like this, darling, and at least save it from the guillotine and the snake pen for twenty-four hours,’ he said. ‘A boy came running into the lab and yelled to Ed that his mother told him to sell it because it bites everyone.’ It was a beautiful little rat, three months old. I took it in my hands. ‘Why, it’s darling,’ I said, ‘and looks like Burgess.’ I meant Burgess Meredith, that actor. So we named him Burgess. I don’t think Burgess ever forgave me for that.
The weekend we acquired the rat, Eli and Mollie Kazan visited us. They also decided the rat looked like Burgess. Loving animals is part of me, and it was something that John loved about me, too. Animals are very precious to me, as all life is precious. John had a special feeling for animals, too, especially dogs, as the world found out later in his Travels with Charley: In Search of America. He doted on Burgess; that rat loved him, and he loved the rat. Whenever we took a drive Burgess would perch on John’s shoulder. In the evening we would go down to the sea and see the sundown, and little Burgess would be with us. He would scramble out of the car and run down to the sea. John would say, ‘Come here, Burgess.’ Burgess would come. It was not, as some people might think, weird having a rat as a pet. It was fascinating.
But then sometimes John would do peculiar things with Burgess. John was a sadistic man, of many emotions, but being sadistic was one of his unattractive qualities. He would let people in and set Burgess loose and gain a great sense of enjoyment, watching women scream and pull up their legs. Once, he wanted to amputate Burgess’s tail because he felt that the reason people disliked rats was because of their raw tails. But I would not allow him to experiment. That was one time he let me have my own way. When we drove down to Los Angeles to visit mother and my stepfather, Burgess would ride all the way in the ‘funny box’ as John called the glove compartment. We checked into a hotel and John would do some kookie things like deliberately return to our room and let Burgess out of his cage and then go down the hall and wait for the maid to go into the room and listen to her scream. I, I might add, would run and hide!
The story of our pet rat Burgess does not end there. Months later, after we had been to New York, we returned to California. My mother and stepfather had taken care of Burgess while we were gone. One day they went fishing in Malibu to get John some fresh herring for breakfast. That day it rained, but Burgess remained on the porch in his cage. He was about four years old then, which is old for a rat, yet he was healthy as hell. But he caught pneumonia and the next day he began coughing blood, so Mother called a vet. ‘Lady,’ the vet said, ‘you’ve gotta be drunk. Your rat has pneumonia?’ ‘But it’s John Steinbeck’s rat,’ she persisted… ‘Yeah, yeah, goodbye lady.’
Mother called us at two in the morning and informed us, ‘I think Burgess is dying, and it’s our fault. We can’t get a vet.’ We got up and went to look at Burgess. John looked at our pet and said, ‘You poor little shit, I loved you so.’ He took Burgess and put it in Mother’s oven and put it to sleep. Then he sat there and cried. ‘There goes the last pure thing I ever loved,’ he said.
That was the only time in my life I ever saw John Steinbeck cry. He never cried for me. He never cried for his sons. He never cried for anybody. But he cried for a rat called Burgess. He came home, and he wept, and he wept, and he said again, ‘That poor little shit, that poor little shit.’ He was a brilliant man, but a strange man. Then there was the incident of the bird, which happened while we were living in the haunted house.
We had cleaned the house up, and the birds were coming into the garden to nest. One day, out of the blue, a mangy old cat appeared – an aged black cat with an ulcer on the side of its face. It began to kill the birds (animal instinct), and John became angry. He decided to trap the cat and give it to Ed Ricketts for the laboratory. I found him in the garden whittling away on several sticks of wood. ‘What are you doing?’ ‘Haven’t you ever seen a figure-four trap, you old nature lover?’ he snapped back. ‘Yes, I have.’ ‘Well, that’s how I’m going to catch that damned cat.’ ‘What will you use for bait?’ ‘I’m going to the Cannery for a big fish head.’ He did. He came back with a fish head a good eight inches or more, and solid meat, too. He laid the trap on the lawn. It held up a galvanized tub. When he had it fixed, he tried it; it was a like a hair trigger. It was tough balancing the fish head, but he did it.
Just before daylight, I awoke with John shaking me. ‘Call Ed and tell him to get here fast with the burlap sack.’ I did. Ed staggered out of bed and came to the house. The three of us stood by the tub listening to a helluva lot of noise and scratching.
‘Now Ed, you know how to catch him,’ said John. ‘You hold the sack, and I’ll lift from this side. Gwyn, you stand on the other side.’ It was quite a production, an MGM job. Next step, John raised the tub, and nothing happened. He lifted it a little further. Ed stood ready with the gunny sack open, and I crouched on the other side. One of us had to get him. Then, from out under the rise of about two and a half inches off the ground, popped a baby robin, all of two and a half inches, not even a fledgling. ‘Cheep! Cheep!’ It went, madder than hell. Ed and I began to laugh. Ed fell over on the lawn with the empty sack, and he and I convulsed in laughter. John’s reaction was different.
‘I don’t think it’s funny,’ he said, and stomped into the house. He was mad as hell, too, and when John was angry, he was angry. He did not speak to either Ed or me for a few days. Still, he did catch the cat. It was a battle, and in the process he was thoroughly scratched up. At the height of his successful cat-catching escapade, he pointed at me in one of his rages and said, ‘I told you! I told you I would catch that cat! I did!’
That was the way it always was with John. If something funny happened to him, or perhaps he had been the cause of it, or it was against him, he did not like it. If his friends or I fell, he became hysterical. Life with John was never dull.
We lived in the haunted house four months, and then John’s usual restlessness came back to life. He wanted me to go back east, to New York. He did not tell me, but he had found out – also unbeknown to me – that his old friends, except Ed Ricketts, were not his friends anymore; they resented his success. They should have welcomed it, been happy for him. Such is jealousy. I did not know this until many years later.
He also found out that Carol was moving back to the west coast, so we packed up and went to New York. John directed my mother and stepfather to sell the haunted house in Pacific Grove. Mother did, although John’s lawyers said it would not sell because it was too haunted. My mother did not care. She finally swelled enough courage and, standing in the house alone, said out loud, ‘Now listen here, Johansen, if you don’t behave I am going to burn your house down!’ From that time on there was no trouble, and the house was sold in seventy-two hours to an army captain.
John and I flew to New York, and we moved into a double suite at the Bedford Hotel. It faced the river. John liked that because he could stare at the river and it reminded him of the ocean at Monterey. Mother did not exactly approve of my going to New York with John, but she knew how much I was in love. And I was. She loved me, and whatever I wanted, she wanted.
We had not been in New York long when, one morning over breakfast, the news came over the radio: Pearl Harbor was under attack. John shot out of his chair. He was in complete horror. He wanted to go to war right then. ‘I told you we would have to get in it sometime. I told you!’ he blurted.
By this time, John had finished Sea of Cortez with Ed. Ed was a great influence on John until World War II ended. As I said earlier, they had this unique bond of friendship and respect between each other. And before Pearl Harbor, John had been living out the war in Europe. He ate, slept and dreamed it. The radio was never turned off. The idea of The Moon Is Down had been forming in his mind all during this period. So life at the Bedford went on as we were at war with Japan. But there were moments when the war did not exist. One of those involved our dear, dear friend Burgess Meredith, the actor. Burgess was a lieutenant, a liaison officer, and had a terrible crush on a young, beautiful singer at the St. Regis, where he billeted.
John and Burgess decided they would have a night on the town, which was alright with me because I never stopped John from having his night out with the boys before or while we were married. Men had to do that at times, even though they loved their wife, girlfriend or mistress madly. No woman should stop her man from having a night out with the boys. I never knew about John’s nights out with the girls. And he had them. But what I didn’t know, I didn’t have to worry about.
Burgess wanted to see his friend when she finished work, about one in the morning. He took John to her dressing room, and they invited her out to Reuben’s Restaurant for a sandwich. John, of course, was taking a back seat. After they had eaten, she said, ‘Let’s go to my apartment,’ which they did. She made them drinks, and Burgess naturally tried to make points with the Junoesque girl, who was somewhat on the tall side. She enjoyed the attention Burgess gave her, and besides, she was damned good looking.
Suddenly, the key turned in the lock and in walked a portly gentleman. As John explained to me later, it was clear that the singer was kept. Burgess’s mouth fell. After all, any man who has a crush on a girl thinks he’s the only one – and he is not. ‘I think we should leave,’ John said. ‘No, no, don’t go, finish your drink,’ implored the man. They told me they had another scotch and soda, which the man made while they sat looking on, saying nothing. They finished their drink and thanked the man. John said he was pleasant, but his face was cold, like ice. John and Burgess left but began to feel ill. They brushed it off as having too much to drink, so they started walking back to the Bedford. Just before daylight, I was met with two of the sickest-looking men you have ever seen. The ‘gentleman’ had given each a Mickey Finn!
All I could think of was Mutt and Jeff. John, six foot tall, and Burgess a foot smaller, looking smaller than ever. In they came and it was a fight to get to the bathroom. Of course, I had to mop up. I ran out to a nearby drugstore to get baking soda. Now how do you go to a drugstore first thing in the morning and say, ‘I’d like something to counteract a Mickey Finn?’ A Mickey makes you vomit, and you have diarrhea. The only thing I could also think of was to get a hen and boil it, and I made some strong chicken broth. Burgess was laid out on the couch, and John lay groaning in bed. Burgess had ruined the front of his uniform. I sponged it down and even washed their underwear. It was quite a scene.
John admired Burgess for he had a great sense of humor, and held his liquor well – which John could too – and the two of them raised hell together. Life with John Steinbeck was quite a combination of heaven and hell – I never knew where one started and the other left off.
I was never, ever bored with John; angry, yes, but how could you be bored with a man who always, always had something exciting to say, even if he made it up with his immense imagination – and often he did.
After the Mickey Finn episode with Burgess, John once again began to grow restless and moody, but I was used to that by now. I did not mind his moods; our lovemaking was passionate, morning, afternoon or night; John was a man of much strength, not only in his mind, but in his body. He decided we ought to rent a house at Snedens Landing, overlooking the Hudson River. It was an upscale area, and one of our neighbors was Burl Ives. It was twelve miles from Manhattan and ‘the action,’ as he said.
We moved into our retreat, as John liked to think of it. With us was our Willie, our sheepdog, who was just a puppy. Once more he had moved, and like everywhere else we lived, John had to have his personal ‘nest,’ and it had to be away from the house and the telephone. He did not like his nest to have a beautiful view. Many times John wrote in articles that he hated the idea, because he found himself staring out of the window and not concentrating on his work. His nest at Snedens Landing was in the woodshed.
‘I’m going to clean it out and move in,’ he said. He got a chair and a writing board, a place for his coffee cups, his pipes and his ashtrays. John always used an outsized writing board as his desk. He also liked directors’ chairs, camp chairs. He bought one from the army and navy store, and then he was ready to go to work. Usually, he had six or eight pipes, which he took good care of; he preferred one as a change from cigarettes. Whenever he bought anything, it was always the finest. He also bought a new record player and beautiful records. He loved classical music. His favorite composers were Beethoven, Bach, Monteverdi, some Ravel and quite a lot of Debussy and Stravinsky. Oddly enough, he also liked Prokofiev and Schoenberg. Sometimes, during a work week, he would listen to a symphony, stretch out, close his eyes and that would refresh him.
There is a particular story attached to the nest at Snedens Landing – skunks. A family of skunks moved in on John. One morning he came flying out of his nest yelling, ‘MY GOD! WHERE IS THE SKUNK?’ His face was an indescribable blue.Our house was then more or less in the woods. I didn’t know where the hell the skunk was until one morning when up at dawn. I looked out of the kitchen window, and there they were, Momma and Poppa Skunk with five baby skunks out for an early morning walk. When they finished, they went right back under the woodshed. I called John but he didn’t believe me. ‘Alright, let’s set the alarm for five-thirty tomorrow, you’ll see.’ We did. Out trotted the skunk family. He killed himself laughing. John thought he had an answer to that problem. He built a feed pen hoping the skunks would stay out while he worked. They did not. When the baby skunks were old enough they left, but by that time the heat and humidity rising from the Hudson River was too much, and John moved his nest into the guest room. He wasn’t mad about that situation; he wouldn’t have harmed the skunks for anything, and neither would I.
That period of my life with John was a pleasant one, the only way to describe it. During the shad season, we would take an afternoon walk and watch the fishermen on the shad run. John would wave at them with a handkerchief, and they would stop, and he would get his shad, so he could have his shad roe, which he adored. John’s friends then became my friends. There were wonderful people living nearby. They included Maxwell Anderson, the playwright, and his wife, Marg, and Burgess, who by then was wooing Paulette Goddard, the actress. Also close by were Henry Varnum Poor, the ceramicist and painter, and Kurt Weill, the songwriter, and wife, Lenya. Other neighbors we had then were Sally Lorentz, Pare’s wife, and Jack Radcliffe, who wrote for Readers Digest. Living next door to the Weills was another great actress, Helen Hayes.
There were plenty of dinner parties and barbeques, and show business and literary talk, and talk of the war in Europe and the Pacific. But John became restless and discontented as the summer progressed, and the humidity increased. John felt that the war would end before he had a chance to get in it.
After dinner together, when we figured it had digested, we used to walk down the stone steps into our octagon-shaped pool, and we would sit there until we were chilled to the bone and then run like hell for bed before we started to sweat again. John never thrived well in humidity. Does anyone?
Every evening, he sat and removed the mildew from his beautiful handmade Mexican boots, cursing the summer weather. By August he had become angry at Snedens Landing. ‘I want to go back to California,’ he said one day, without warning. When John made up his mind, that was it, believe me. It was packing time again.
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365daysofj2 · 8 years
Of Blizzards and Blow Jobs (Wheelchair!Jared 'verse, NC-17, 6/?)
When the doorbell rings on Monday night, both Jared and Gen are shocked. Gen jumps up from the couch and answers the door. “Oh, hey, Jensen.” Jared wheels out from the kitchen to see Jensen standing in the doorway with a suitcase and a laptop bag. He’s got snowflakes all over his wool peacoat and in his hair, which glistens under the glow of the overhead light. “Hey! What are you doing here?” Jensen grins. “I figured if I’m gonna get snowed in anyway, I’d much rather be snowed in with you than at home.” His grin falters. “I hope that’s okay.” “It’s fantastic,” Jared assures him. “You can put your stuff in my room.” He wheels towards his bedroom with Sadie leading the way. He stops outside the door to let her open it. She turns on the light, and Jared moves out of the way to let Jensen through. Jensen sets his laptop bag down on Jared’s desk and stashes his suitcase underneath it. “Is Gen going to be okay with this?” he asks, frowning. Jared nods. “She’ll be fine. We’re all adults. I know the place is a little small for three people, but we’ve got plenty of food and hot water, so it should be a relaxing few days.” Jensen kicks off his shoes and opens Jared’s blinds. It’s not snowing that hard yet, but the full-on blizzard is coming. “You got any hot cocoa?” “Yeah, we’ve got K-cups in the kitchen.” Jared and Sadie lead Jensen to the kitchen. The Keurig and the carousel of K-cups are on the corner of the counter, and Jensen twirls the carousel until he finds two cups of salted caramel hot cocoa. He grabs two mugs from a mug tree on the other counter and grins when he sees the Shakespearean insults on the side of the blue Etown mug. “I remember these. Good times.” He sets the mug underneath the spout and turns on the machine. “You sold these at Homecoming?” Jared shakes his head. “No, we made them for the English department banquet. I was in the English honor society—the unfortunately named STD.” Jensen laughs. “STD? Really?” “Sigma Tau Delta,” replies Jared. “That’s why we mostly just called it the English honor society. People teased us enough for just being English majors in the first place.” Jensen hands Jared the mug of hot cocoa and Jared takes a tentative sip. It’s really good, and perfect for a snowy night. Jensen uses Jared’s Scrabble mug to make a cup for himself, and Jared wheels over to the dining room table. He opens a drawer in the hutch and pulls out one of Jensen’s homemade dog biscuits. Sadie sits perfectly at attention as Jared breaks it in half. He feeds the halves to her one at a time, and she crunches through them happily, licking crumbs from her muzzle after she’s done. Jared smiles at Jensen. “She really likes those.” Jensen smiles back. “I’m glad. She’s a special girl, she deserves a special treat.” He sits down at the table next to Jared and sips his hot cocoa. He glances out the back door. “Hey, look, it’s really snowing now.” Jared looks up at the streetlight at the top of the hill. He can see a torrent of big, fat snowflakes falling sideways past it in the pool of warm yellow light. He smiles. “I’m so glad you came over.” “Me, too.” Jensen leans over and kisses Jared’s cheek. “It’s gonna be a good night.” The three of them retire to Jared’s bedroom, where Jared turns on some music and for awhile they just gaze out the window and watch the snow piling up on the cars and the street. The wind is blowing the snow off of the hoods and windshields of the cars and piling it on the driver’s sides. Gen’s car, parked in the handicapped spot at the end of the ramp, is sitting in a drift of snow that’s piled up to the top of the driver’s side tires already. “Wow,” murmurs Jared. “This is gonna be something.” “Were you here for the Blizzard of ‘93?” asks Jensen. “No, I still lived in Texas then,” answers Jared. “And I was only four, so I probably wouldn’t remember anyway.” “I was nine. We didn’t go to school for almost three weeks,” recalls Jensen. “We had to make up so much time that they added a half an hour onto the school day because we would have had to go to school until July otherwise.” “Wow. How much snow was it?” “It was about 10 inches on the first day, and it just kept snowing. We ended up with about two feet total, and we had to get a crew to come take snow off our garage roof because it was damaged. We had a pile of snow in the corner of our yard next to the driveway that was well over six feet tall. We had a bi-level house, and the snow pile came up to the bay window on the top level.” “Holy shit.” Jared leans back into Jensen’s embrace. “I hope this one isn’t that bad.” “Well, if it is, I’ll help Gen dig out her car and your ramp.” “There’s a crew that’s supposed to do that,” grumbles Jared. “I mean, we pay them to do it, but most of the time they don’t and we have to email the homeowner’s association and bitch.” Jared sits up straight and looks Jensen right in the eye. “I don’t want you doing it.” Jensen nods. “I will if it’s an emergency. Otherwise, hands off.” He finishes off his hot cocoa and sets the mug on the nightstand. He gets a wicked grin on his face. “You know, we’re in your bedroom, and there’s a love song playing, and we’re in the process of getting snowed in together, meaning we won’t be able to leave this place for days, and both of us still have our clothes on.” Jensen unzips his hoodie and throws it on the floor. “That’s just wrong.” Jared returns Jensen’s wicked grin. “There are some candles on top of the bookshelf. Sadie, go turn off the light.” Jensen gets up to light the candles while Sadie trots over to the light switch and turns it off. “Go lie down, girl. You’re off duty.” Sadie makes her way to the fleece-lined denim bed in the corner, turns around a few times, and settles down. Jensen finishes lighting the candles and joins Jared in bed. “You’re a little overdressed.” “Maybe you should take care of that, since my specially trained dog isn’t going to,” teases Jared. Jensen frowns. “I don’t want to hurt you.” Jared shakes his head. “You won’t. Just be gentle and go slow.” Jensen pulls Jared’s henley and undershirt off with the utmost care and flings them in the direction of the laundry hamper. He removes Jared’s slippers and jeans and tosses them in the same pile. Then he sheds his own t-shirt and track pants and stretches out on the bed next to Jared. He traces a fingertip down Jared’s sternum to his navel and then replaces it with his mouth. “Wait,” whispers Jared. “I need pillows.” Jensen sits up. “Okay, what should I do?” Jared gestures at the closet, where he stores both his extra pillows and his sex ramp. “Grab two of the fluffy pillows and put one under my knees and the other under my ankles.” Jensen jumps up and does as he’s told, lifting Jared’s limbs with the lightest and gentlest of touches. Jared settles back against his backrest and nest of bed pillows and curls a hand around the back of Jensen’s neck. “Now, where were we?” Jensen brings his lips to meet Jared’s. They’re warm and tinged with sweetness from the cocoa they had, and they’re softer than they have any right to be. Jared brushes his tongue at the seam of Jensen’s lips, erasing all traces of chocolate that linger there. Jensen parts his lips and lets Jared’s tongue sweep the last hints of sugary sweetness out of his mouth. Jensen’s tongue brushes shyly against Jared’s, as though he’s seeking permission to come inside, and Jared responds by breaking the kiss and nudging Jensen’s explorations a little further south. Jensen flutters little feathery kisses all down Jared’s neck to his chest, making him shiver slightly. Jensen makes his way down to one of Jared’s nipples and takes the sensitized bud between his lips, flicking his tongue over the tip and drawing it into full hardness in an instant. He lavishes more attention on it until Jared cries out with need and frustration. Jensen then kisses his way over to the other nipple and repeats the sequence of touches and teases. Jared drops his head back on the pillow and moans, the warring sensations nearly driving him out of his mind. He tangles his fingers in Jensen’s hair and guides Jensen’s head down to his cock, which is fully hard and flushed a deep crimson red. Jensen flicks his tongue over the slit to remove a bead of precome, and Jared’s hips and knees are starting to ache from the tension he’s carrying in his lower body. “Come on,” he urges Jensen in a strained whisper. Jensen straddles Jared’s legs and takes Jared’s substantial cock all the way into his mouth. The tip of his tongue caresses the underside of the head so tenderly that it raises goosebumps on Jared’s skin. Jensen the flattens his tongue and laves the whole shaft bottom to top, slicking it up in preparation for the main event. Jared’s not sure how much more of this he can take, especially if they’re gonna keep doing this for the next two or three days. “Faster. Please,” he gasps. Jensen hollows his cheeks and starts to bob up and down, and Jared has to admit that Jensen is really, really damn good at this. His tongue flutters along the underside of the shaft with each pass in a way that would make Jared’s knees go weak if he were supporting any of his weight on them. As it is, they just hurt, but that’s nothing new. Jared has to force himself not to buck his hips and thrust the way he instinctually wants to, because that’ll just damage his hips and knees further. Instead, he just tries to relax the tension in his lower body so the pain will level off. Jensen seems to take the hint, because he increases the intensity until Jared can barely breathe. Finally, he comes with a long drawn-out moan and spills his seed into Jensen’s mouth. Jensen swallows it all and releases Jared’s cock when he’s done. He crawls up to the head of the bed and flops down beside Jared. “You okay?” Jared nods and reassures him with a quick kiss. “Yeah, I’m good. Just tired and a little sore.” Jensen frowns. “Did I hurt you?” “No, it wasn’t anything you did,” Jared replies immediately. “Just the position. Next time I’ll have you get out the full wedge and we’ll do this right.” Jensen grins at the mention of next time. “You’re gonna keep me on my toes, huh?” “That’s the plan.” Jared pulls Jensen’s head down on his chest and cards his fingers through Jensen’s damp, spiky hair. “Did I tell you how glad I am that you decided to come over?” “Not yet.” Jensen presses a kiss to the hollow of Jared’s throat. “Well, I am,” says Jared, kissing the top of Jensen’s head. “I really, really am.”
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samuelmmarcus · 4 years
Black Modern Farmhouse Tour
  Are you ready to see one of the most extraordinary homes? I would like to call it “the house of trends” and you will soon see why. If trendy interiors and architecture appeals to you, this transitional Black Modern Farmhouse will certainly make your day and inspire you with your projects.
Located in the prestigious town of Alpine, Utah, and built by Raykon Construction and interiors by Teresa Adams Designs, this home is nestled against a beautiful mountain range boasting a secluded setting which only adds to the beauty of this home.
This is not a home with a subtle approach. This home isn’t shy and it’s quite showy, if you ask me. It’s definitely a Kardashian-type of home… it hides nothing and it isn’t afraid to show its assets.
I hope you have a great time seeing this Black Modern Farmhouse tour!
  Black Modern Farmhouse Tour
Located in the prestigious town of Alpine, Utah, this home is nested against a beautiful mountain range boasting a secluded setting which only adds to the beauty of this home.
Windows: Anderson A Series.
Corner Lot
This gorgeous home is located on a corner lot.
Garage Doors
Garage Doors: DS 300 Steel Back Insulated Door, 13 R-Value, DS300 Window Section.
Siding Paint Color
Black Siding Paint Color: Sherwin Williams Iron Ore.
Siding: Boral, Tongue and Groove Siding.
Pavers: Concrete.
This home stands out among the neighborhood as it basques in black exterior and stone.
Roof: Shingles Presidio Slate in Charcoal.
Exterior Stone
Stone: Fossil Grey – Merrill Stone Midnight Castle – Beeches.
Grout: 20H Dark Buff.
Soffit and Fascia: Dark Bronze.
Home Size: 11,161 Sft.
Front Door
A black metal and glass double front door with transom windows add to the curb-appeal of this Modern Farmhouse home.
Exterior Lighting: Sconces & Pendant.
Foyer Chandelier: Arteriors.
Brimming with marble, the kitchen boasts gold lighting and accents.
Counterstools: Available through the designer – Other Beautiful Options: here, here, here, here & here.
Dining Room Chandelier: Arteriors Chandelier – similar here.
Inspired by this Style:
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Both islands feature geometric pendants and plenty of workspace and storage.
Kitchen Islands Dimension: 10×4
Layout: The left side of the range wall leads into a walk-in pantry and a built-in desk can be found on the right side.
Kitchen Desk
Isn’t this built-in desk a dream? It’s tucked away between the kitchen and the formal living room.
Beautiful Chairs: here, here, here & here.
Countertop: Marble Calcutta Bella.
Backsplash is Calcutta Mezza Honed slab, Italia.
Range: La Cornue Duel Fuel Range, Shiny Black w Brushed Brass & Stainless Steel Trim.
Hood is custom.
Floating Shelves: Custom – Others: here, here & here.
The kitchen features a combination of Butler’s Pantry and Walk-in Pantry. The Walk-in Pantry is located on the far right, behind the range wall – not seen from this angle.
Cabinet Hardware: Rocky Mtn Hardware – Tab Cabinet Pull, Flute Tapered Knobs (similar here) in Bronze Lite.
Faucet: Brizo.
Cabinet Paint Color
Kitchen Cabinet Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Simply White – 2143-70, Eggshell.
Appliance: – similar here – Others: here & here.
Fridge is a Sub-Zero BI-42U French Door.
Countertop & Kitchen Sink: Calcutta Mezza Honed, Italia.
Recommended Faucets: here, here, here, here & here.
Hardwood Flooring
Wood Floor: Founders Reserve – 5” wide American White Oak, Malibu Sands – Other Great Options: here, here & here.
White Kitchen Island
You will find lots of storage space on this side of the kitchen island. Paint color is Benjamin Moore Simply White – 2143-70, Eggshell.
Cabinet Hardware: Sun Valley Bronze – Cabinet Latch and Hinges light bronze.
Oak Kitchen Island
Cabinetry: Custom Color on Rift Sawn White Oak.
Hardware: Rocky Mtn Hardware – Tab Cabinet Pull, Flute Tapered Knobs. Bronze Lite.
Hutch Cabinet
The kitchen also features a custom Rift Sawn White Oak Hutch cabinet with the same marble countertop.
Kitchen Lighting
Lighting: Visual Comfort 1 Light – similar here (larger) – Others: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Great Room
Walls & Ceiling Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Simply White, Eggshell.
Trim Paint Color Throughout the House: Dunn Edwards White in Semi-gloss.
Rug: here.
Beautiful Living Room Decor:
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Folding Patio Doors
Folding patio doors open to a large back porch with outdoor fireplace.
Fireplace Cabinet: Custom Color on Rift Sawn White Oak.
Hardware: Rocky Mtn Hardware Catch Cabinet Pull.
Powder Room
This beautiful Powder Room features a custom vanity with chunky mitered countertop in Calcutta Mezza Honed, Italia.
Cabinet Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Simply White, Eggshell.
Wallpaper: Lee Jofa Ming Honeycombe Collection – gilt, by Baker Lifestyle – Others: here, here & here.
Hardware is Anthropologie.
Mirror: here & here – similar.
Faucet: Delta.
Home Office
This transitional Home Office is located just off the Foyer.
Beautiful Desks: here, here, here, here & here.
Desk Chair: here – similar here.
Paint Color
Cabinet paint color is Serena & Lily Jute.
Hardware: Bar cabinet pull, black.
Flooring: DalTile Siberian Tundra 12×12 gray, First Snow 12×24 White, Absolute Black 12×24.
Lighting: Visual Comfort.
Kids Bathroom
Vanity: Custom Color on Rift Sawn White Oak.
Hardware by RH – similar here & here.
Countertop: Marble Bianco Carrera Honed.
Faucets: Kohler.
Floor Tile: Nero Marquita Penny Round Tile – Others: here & here.
Bathroom also features custom White Oak floating shelves in a niche. Brilliant idea.
Wallpaper: Animals by Beware of the Moon – Others: here & here.
Floating Shelves: White Oak, custom.
Daughter’s Bathroom
Vanity is custom, in Benjamin Moore Simply White.
Countertop: Brilliant White Quartz, Cosmos.
Hardware: 3/4” recessed Pull in brass Matte.
Floor Tile: Calcutta Gold 12×12 Tile.
Shower Tile: Glazed Porcelain Round Penny Tile.
Dressing Room
Custom dressing room with window-seat in Benjamin Moore Simply White.
Carpet Flooring: Exotic Touch Persian, Beige, by Milliken Carpet Mills.
Master Bathroom
The Master Bathroom features two types of flooring – a wood-looking tile and an unique Marble slab.
Tub & Shower
 I am not sure how slippery the slab shower and tub surround flooring is, but it sure looks very luxurious.
Great Side Tables: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Flooring is Emser 6×24 Tile set in Chevron pattern.
Rug: Vintage – similar here & here – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Cabinetry is definitely unique… All cabinetry is by Designs by Craig Veenker.
Hardware: Sun Valley Bronze – Contemporary Cabinet Pull, polished Brass – Others: here, here, here & here.
Countertop: Brilliant White Quartz, Cosmos.
Mirrors: here – similar – Others: here, here, here & here.
Faucets: Brizo.
Bathroom Cabinet Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Simply White, Eggshell.
Hardware: Rocky Mtn Hardware – Tab Cabinet Pull, Flute Tapered Knobs, Bronze Lite.
Tub: Oval Stand Alone Tub 10774 – Athena.
Beautiful Bath Mats: here, here, here & here.
Master Closet
The Dressing Room features custom cabinetry and a custom island with Polished Brass pulls and white marble countertop.
Carpet Flooring: Hardanger Cross Talk – Aztec, by Milliken Carpet Mills.
Countertop: Marble.
Lighting: Visual Comfort – similar here.
Basement Theatre Room
Downstairs you will find a stunning Theatre Room accentuated with White Oak and wallpaper.
Waterfall Countertop: Soapstone.
Wallpaper: Iguana bronze on black, by Timorous Beasties.
Floor Tile: Custom from Mercury Mosaic Tile.
Counterstools: Noir with custom fabric.
Cabinet paint color is Benjamin Moore Black Beauty in Eggshell.
Basement Flooring: LVP Modules Plank, Scarlet Oak 2613 – Other Options: here, here & here.
Counterstools: Noir with custom fabric.
Lighting: Visual Comfort.
Countertop & Backsplash: Soapstone.
Hardware is Buster & Punch pull bars and T-bars, brass/silver.
Guest Bathroom
This bathroom is truly stunning… It’s one of my favorites in this house. It feels balanced and elegant. Countertop is Marble Grigio Super Light, Italia.
Hardware is Buster & Punch pull bars, black finish  – similar here.
Sconces: Visual Comfort.
Floor Tile: Ivy Hill Tile.
Vanity Cabinetry: Custom Color on Rift Sawn White Oak.
I absolutely love this Mudroom. I always prefer closed cabinets. Vents on the doors allow air to flow inside of the cabinets. Cabinet paint color is Benjamin Moore Simply White – 2143-70, Eggshell.
Countertop & Bench Top: Calcutta Mezza Honed, Italia.
Flooring: DalTile Siberian Tundra 12×12 gray, First Snow 12×24 White, Absolute Black 12×24.
Hardware: here.
This home is extraordinary – inside and out!
Black Beauty
The black siding works really well with the stone and the concrete pavement.
Porch Columns
Columns are in Sherwin Williams Iron Ore.
The back porch feels completely connected to the interiors of this fabulous home. Ceiling is Knotty Pine.
Outdoor Fireplace: Castlewood Outdoor 42”.
BBQ Zone
The outdoor fireplace is flanked by a built-in BBQ and an outdoor bar area.
Patio BBQ: Wolf – OG42.
Ice Maker: Scotsman-SCN60GA-1SU.
Trendy Outdoor Furniture & Decor
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Stone continues to accentuate the exterior of this home.
It’s undeniable that this home features some impressive architectural details from every angle!
Summer Vibes
I don’t think you need go on vacations with a backyard like that!
  Many thanks to the builder & Lisa for sharing the details above.
Builder: Raykon Construction (Instagram)
Photography: Jared Medley.
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Wayfair: Up to 65% off on Living Room Furniture and Decor.
Serena & Lily: Huge Outdoor Furniture and Decor Sale.
Pottery Barn: Flash Sale Up to 70% off!
Joss & Main: Under $200: Large Area Rugs.
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“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
from Home https://www.homebunch.com/black-modern-farmhouse-tour/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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homedevises · 6 years
Five Ways On How To Prepare For Floor House Designs | floor house designs
Seven years ago, Pennsylvanians Dan and Linda Sinisi visited Palm Bank from Valley Forge — and that was it.
One Storey Dream Home, PHP-24-24S – Pinoy House Plans – floor house designs | floor house designs
“I had never been actuality before,” Linda says. “We had been attractive to move to a abode with a warmer climate. Nothing had been absolutely right, but I was bedevilled by Palm Beach. We went home, put our abode on the market, awash it and came here.”
The Sinisis adore renovating, and they best afresh put their activity into the abode they bought three years ago at the Winthrop Abode on Midtown Beach. At 100 Worth Ave., the advance of Assemblage No. 315 was the additional activity in Palm Bank agitated out by Dan, a absolute acreage agent, and wife Linda, an autogenous designer.
“The Winthrop Abode is in an amazing location — on the ocean and (at the bend of) Worth Avenue,” says Linda, whose Palm Bank architecture close is called Architecture Du Monde.
She additionally brand that the accommodation is on the third-floor basin accouter of the eight-floor, 122-unit building.
“Our address feels like our own home, attractive alfresco to our clandestine patio and our own aback yard. It is a association pool, but it feels like our clandestine oasis,” she says.
Floor Plans | RoomSketcher – floor house designs | floor house designs
Although the accommodation was in acceptable shape, Linda did accomplish some changes, rearranging the attic plan, she says, so the address lives added like a single-family home.
With the activity finished, the Sinisis are accessible to move on to their abutting venture. That bureau their three-bedroom, three-bathroom apartment — with 2,967 aboveboard anxiety of active space, central and on its terrace — has been listed for auction by Dan, as owner/agent, through the bureau breadth he works, Keller Williams Coastal Partners and Keller Williams Palm Bank Island. The Sinisis accept the accommodation priced at $4 million.
The advanced aperture opens into a antechamber that leads anon west into the active area. The adept accommodation is on the arctic side, with the kitchen and two bedchamber suites to the south. A patio borders the west ancillary of the unit, and sliding-glass doors in all the accommodation alms angle of the pool.
“From the moment I absolved in, I approved to brainstorm how I would accessible up the attic plan, and the kitchen was the aboriginal abode we renovated,” Linda says.
She created an angled opening — a architecture affection she calls her signature — amid the kitchen and active area. She additionally continued the kitchen by accumulation it with an abutting laundry allowance and closet.
House Designs Plans – Home Design Ideas – floor house designs | floor house designs
“It’s all actual anatomic and tidy, and now I can see out to the basin accouter back I’m cooking,” she says.
Kitchen capacity accommodate a pearl-tile backsplash, granite countertops and matte-white abreast cabinetry that incorporates a best hutch.
“We accept a Thermador oven and microwave, and we accept two SubZero refrigerators and freezers because I like symmetry,” she says. “And we accept a Wolf consecration cooktop.”
Instead of applicant closets, Linda prefers wall-length closets with congenital fittings, which she describes as a added able and able use of the space. To that end, she alone a applicant closet in the bath off the adept accommodation and installed a bank of closets. As result, the bath doubles as an all-embracing bathrobe room. Counters and added surfaces in all the bathrooms are marble.
Underfoot are marble floors in the capital area, white-matte asphalt floors in the adept bath and kitchen, and carpeting in the bedrooms. In accession to the master, one of the added bedrooms is ample abundant to serve as a additional master, according to the Sinisis.
Ranch House Plans – Elk Lake 30-849 – Associated Designs – floor house designs | floor house designs
A back-lighted bank is featured in the capital active area, breadth Linda abiding two basement areas. One of those occupies the above dining area, because the brace prefers to accept commons at the kitchen bar or on the patio. But the accessory sitting breadth could calmly be reconverted into a dining space, Linda says.
The pet-friendly Winthrop House, meanwhile, has a club room, 24-hour aperture agents and an onsite accepted administrator amid its amenities. The Sinisis’ accommodation will be awash with two barn parking spaces.
The building’s basin breadth was afresh adapted with a new basin and a adapted sun-deck. The Winthrop Abode additionally has a clandestine adit to the beach.
“I adulation that anniversary allowance has a appearance of the alfresco mural and basin with gardenias forth our absolute patio,” Linda says. “They are adorable flowers that blossom appropriate at our doorstep, which is wonderful.
“Also, we accept nice lighting alfresco so all the copse are up-lit at night. It looks like a close wonderland.”
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samuelmmarcus · 5 years
Reinvented Traditional Kitchen Design Ideas
  If you’ve read the blog for a while you will have noticed that I do my best to feature the most talented professionals in this field and again, if you’ve visited HomeBunch before, chances are that you know that I have a few favorites and Edward Deegan Architects and Interiors is certainly one of them. Why, you might ask? You don’t need to ask, just take a good look at their meticulous work and you will immediately know why.
I hope this kitchen post inspires your own interior design ideas. Thank you so much for being here today, my friends, now go enjoy this beauty! 🙂
See other projects by Edward Deegan Architects on Home Bunch:
Classic Chicago Home Reno.
Black and White Modern Farmhouse.
Empty-Nester Modern Farmhouse.
Traditional Home with Classic Design Ideas.
Winnetka Residence House Tour.
White Kitchen Renovation.
  Reinvented Traditional Kitchen Design Ideas
“One of the key items on this client’s wish list was to make their kitchen more spacious and functional for their family of 7.”
Kitchen Island
We opened the kitchen up to the family room to make it feel bigger and included a 13 foot long island. With the addition of 2 more stools at the ends, that’s big enough for their entire family to sit together.”
Counterstools: – Woven Leather Counterstool – Other Popular Counterstools: here, here, here, here & here.
Island Paint Color
The island paint color is Sherwin Williams Needlepoint Navy SW 0032 in Satin finish.
Spice Nook
“The details in the hood, spice nook, cabinets and continuous backsplash makes this kitchen so luxurious!”
Slab Countertop: Calacatta Extra Polished.
Range: Wolf.
Sink, Faucet & Countertop
Faucet: Waterworks Henry Gooseneck Kitchen Faucet – Other Recommended Faucets: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Sink: Julien SmartStation 31-1/2″ Kitchen Sink – similar here.
Kitchen Countertop: 3cm Calacatta Extra Polished.
Perimeter Cabinet Paint Color
The perimeter cabinets are Sherwin Williams Alabaster White SW 7008 in Satin finish.
Kitchen Hardware: Armac Martin – Other Classic Hardware Ideas: Cup Pulls, Pulls, Knobs & Appliance Pulls.
Pantry Door
“Other unique elements of this kitchen are the hidden door to the pantry (one of our favorite elements to include in a kitchen design) and the two blue and Walnut cabinets.”
Pantry Inspiration
The custom pantry door opens to reveal a well-designed space.
Cabinets are Sherwin Williams Alabaster SW 7008.
Backsplash: here – Other Great Tiles: here (best seller), here, here, here, here, here & here.
Shelving: Palmer industries.
Prep Sink: Native Trails.
“At first glance, the pantry may seem to be lacking in storage, but we made sure to include a full height cabinet of shelving and pull outs hidden behind the pantry door This way we could incorporate the glass and brass shelving that our clients wanted, but still give them plenty of storage space.“
Hidden Treasures
This is a great spot to store kitchen appliances and other essentials that aren’t used on a daily basis but you still need them to be close by.
Kitchen Lighting
Kitchen Pendants: Urban Electric Chisholm Clean – similar here – Other Beautiful Pendants: here, here, here, here & here.
Paneled refrigerators flank the range.
“These cabinets were designed to stand out from the rest of the kitchen and look more like pieces of furniture, while creating a nice little nook for a breakfast table and bench. We incorporated metal details and cremone bolt hardware to make them stand out even more, which tie in with other metal elements in the kitchen and pantry.”
Hardwood Flooring: Selected by homeowner – similar here – Others: here, here, here & here.
Wallcovering: Thibaut Coastal Sisal – similar here.
Inspired by this Home:
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A pair of custom cabinets with cremone bolts flank the Breakfast Room window. This is an idea you must pin!!! 🙂
Dining Table: Julien Oval Dining Table.
Bench: CB2 (Discontinued) – similar here – Other Dining Benches: here, here, here & here.
Paint Color
Jaw-dropping design! Paint color is Sherwin Williams Needlepoint Navy SW 0032. Interior of the hutches are Walnut with polished nickel metal lip.
Hardware: Westminster Cremone Bolt.
Have a wonderful day, my dear friends and stay safe and healthy.
  Many thanks to the architect & designers for sharing the details above.
Architect: Edward Deegan Architects and Interiors (Instagram – Facebook)
Photography: @karenloffing.
  Best Sales of the Month:
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“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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