#the only blackgaze I like is alcest and. omg i do love oathbreaker. and the screamo/blackgaze thing can work bc i feel it
sendmyresignation · 5 months
Sorry this is coming a bit late but I really wanted to know what you didn’t like in blackgaze? I just gave Sunbather a listen and I also disliked some elements but I’m having a hard time verbalising which and you’re usually very good at describing sounds imo
sorry i just saw this anon! ofc i can share :)
in general, a lot of the current blackgaze just uses less black metal than it is using specific elements of the genre to elevate the "wall of noise" of shoegaze (particular scream quality and blast-beats) and build out the soundscape more. i personally am uninterested in the attempt itself and find the result starts encroaching on that post-rock uniformity i feel loses a lot of variety. black metal and shoegaze are both "samey" genres too but there's a particular abrasiveness in both i feel gets lost in sunbather and other contemporary projects influenced by it? it might honestly be a production thing too- I find sunbather really "unheavy" bc occupies this uncanny valley of replicating lofi bm techniques (buried vocals, for instance) in a very polished, shimmery, technical sound. in general, genre crossovers have a greater propensity for falling flat because it often seems like they leave behind the wrong elements from one or both genres and i really think blackgaze doesnt "get" black metal or what is interesting about it imo
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concordewillfly · 2 months
heard u’d be open to recs & well. i slipped & fell face first into my album list to see what i could do for u. i feel so close to u in terms of bands/genres we tend to gravitate towards, so i find it a tad bit difficult to pick, but well. i made a List
blackgaze recs: agriculture, trautonist (crazy about their self titled. literally insane about it), au clair de lune (similar vibes to alcest’s ecailles de lune, love it sooo much), heretoir, harakiri for the sky, heaven in her arms, unreqvited, suffocated by misery, to be gentle, wounds of recollection (theyve been hitting so hard lately, love them Bad style), dreamshift, corroding soul, møl, oathbreaker, sugar wounds, vjuga, so hideous, asunojokei, sylvaine, dystopia na!, show me a dinosaur (fond of their self titled album)
also!!! neige’s side projects (since he literally pioneered blackgaze as a genre): lantlos (ante 2013 albums), old silver key (my favorite forever!!!! his voice is so soft SIGH), amesoeurs
general recs, just random stuff i think u’d like: thrown, year of the knife, portrayal of guilt, drive your plough over the bones of the dead, one step closer, as everything unfolds, pupil slicer (sooo fun!!!! been listening to them Heavy style since summer started), the oklahoma kid, harms way, vexed, left behind, wristmeetrazor, waste, dealer (i’d suggest u stick to ep’s only, their debut album wasn’t exactly what i expected it to be, but idk maybe u’ll feel better about it. their ep’s are amazing though), contention, bacchae, yours truly, boundaries (they might be my most played band of the year. if u even care.), the callous daoboys (im sure u’ve heard of them but well. added them anyway), kaonashi, reflections, vein.fm, distinguisher, weeping wound, gouge away!!!!!
sorry if this is too much nerd shit i’ll go back into my cave now. thank u for all the beautiful words & know ur very special to me 🫂
- 💿
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OMG LITERALLY SMACKING A BIG KISS ON YOUR CHEEK THANK U SM DARLING. it will never be enough nerd shit are u kidding u are a lifesaver (ive been in a rut music wise and only listening to my comfort albums </3) so this is literally everythingggg ok so first of all i listened to holy fawn from your earlier rec and i loooove them so thank u for that + i literally dont know anyoneeee in ur blackgaze recs so i have my homework ready to go im so excited :3 + its sooo real that we are so close in genres i love meeting people that tend to gravitate towards the same stuff i do so ur presence here is always a joy <3 + in terms of ur general recs i know and love love love most bands on there so that makes me feel better (i always feel like i have my finger on the pulse of the scene and i know all the new heavy bands and then its like nope!! which makes me happy in a way because theres always new stuff to find) but again the ones i dont know are more on the metal side and omg i looove how many girls are fronting metal days nowadays it really makes me sooo <333 + im listening to the ones i dont know as im typing and im in looove thank u for igniting my love for metal after only dabbling in it when i was like 15 fr <3
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